265402 WHITE - CITY CI.ERK � ����0� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY�- DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that it approves an amendment to Senate File No. 1702 presently referred to the Committee on Taxes and Tax Laws of the State Legislature of the State of Minnesota, which amendment is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is designed to clarify the intent of the bill insofar as it pertains to excluding the payment of franchise fees or taxes to a governmental subdivision from the prohibitions of the proposed law; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall forthwith cause copies of this Resolution to be forwarded to the appropriate members of the State Legislature, including but not limited to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Taxes and Tax Laws. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ,�°' r��rr G� _ Hozza ''� In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY �� Tedesco President Hunt �Y 2 fs�j Form Approvg�i by City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date / Certified Passed by Council Secretary ' BY "� `�' ��� By Approv by Mayor: D te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �e�rst+�D MNAY i 01g'� //.,- 265��J� Proposed amendment to Senate File No. 1702 : 1: �. Page 3, Line 13 (S�.ction 2, subdivision 1) add the following : �� . . . by a utility, and the payment of such fees or taxes to the qovernmental subdivision which issues the franchise or enters into other types of aqreements." . . . . . � � �6��Q� THE CITY OF SA INT PAUL SUBMITS THE ADDITION TO THE BILL AS A MATTER OF CLARIFICATION OF THE INTENT EXPRESSED IN SECTION 2 , SUBDIV IS ION 1. B�S IDES CONT INU ING THE FRANCHISE IT SHOULD BE MADE CLEAR THAT THE PAYMENT OF THE FR.ANCHISE FEE IS NOT PRECLUDED BY THE TERMS Or' THE BILL. 3 �1 ! , � i � i � LL . . ������ Proposed amendment to Senate File No. 1702z l. Page 3, Line 13 (Section 2, subdivision 1) add the following : " . . . by a utility, and the payment of such fees or taxes to the qovernmental subdivision which issues the franchise or enters into other types of agreements. " - . . . _ y � ; _ . � � � . ��5�.�:� " . � THE C ITY OF SA INT PAUL SUBM ITS THE ADD IT ION TO THE BILL AS A MATTER OF CLARIFTCATION OF THE INTENT EXPRESSED IN SECTION 2, SUBD 1�J IS ION 1. BES IDES CONT INU ING THE FRANCHI:SE IT SHOULD BE MADE CLEAR THAT THE PAYMENT OF THE FRANCHISE FEE IS NOT � PRECLUDED BY THE TERMS OF THE BILL. `; , . ' . � Y.0 322�� • , „ � . . � � /�/V'����/`. . �. ./ . . . . . / � e `�l �� / / ��� . J . . / .L'� �(i1/� (i' � � 'V J�'.[�l�..C-���� .. `� � . .i . . , . . . y' .i�y-`., Sec � 2 , Suhd�.vis!oi� l. . A t�x on �ross earnin9s � �.-:c : t. _, 1. re�eived in 1 �7c� and subse:��.;��::t ye�r� a� a r�3te as ' L�� �. � �--�� 3 d2terr:�ined b�' sundtvj sia7 2 �nJ t��yabJ.e as provided in 4 section 3 is �.mposeci an every u�i.�ity, This tax i,s in lieu 5 cf ad valoren taxPS �evied i?�on ut11�.tY pxoPe�''ty �.n 1976 and , 6 s�:�sequent years and paya�?� �n 1977 and subsequent Y�ars , - 7 t;o t?xin� dis��'�.c` sh�il levy or co7.lec� a tax on receip4s, 8 income, �4i1it�� proper�y, or the busSness of a util3.ty, 9 e�cept that nothi.ng Sn sections � to 13 shall be construed 10 to pr�hi�i.ti tre continuation ot exist�,n� or negatiat�.on of �-.- ���� � i7. np� franchiaes or o�h�r a�?ree�.2nts triat include reasonable i?,.�.< _ ; � � !2 fees or taxes �ar use of public streets oX other publf.0 vrays ', �i 13 by a u�i11.�y. .. 14 � Subd. 2 . E'or the first ye��r in wh�ch gross earnings 25 t�xes are lev�ed by sections � tio 13, the co�miss�.oner of :,, 16 revenue shall. determ�.ne the amount of ad valorem propert�* 17 taxes paYable i.n 1976 upon utilitY property� expressed as a � 18 p�rcentage of �he to�al c�ross earr►�n9s of uti�ities in 1°75. 19 The percenta�e shall. be tihe rate af t��x J,evied in 197b an � 20 the 1976 gross earnings of ut�,ll,ties � xn 1977 and each. and 21 every year thereafter� the rate o� �he gross earnings tax 22 shall be �ncreased or decreased bY a percen�.��e equal, ta the , 23 ��rcentage increase or deCXea�e �n the state«wid� averane 24 nill rate of �d va].orem �axes Iev�.ed in the �receding year - 25 in all counties �or all purposes as c.oMpared to �he � 26 state-wide averac!e mill rate of ad valorem taxes 1PVied in 27 alJ. counties for all puxposes in 1;9760 * Zg Sec , 3, �n oz be�ore i�.arc:� 15 of e�ch year� commenc�nrr 29 in 1977, each uti7.i�ty shall. file with the conr�issi4:tpr of 30 revPnue a rePoi't of its c�ross e�rnin�s for the prPc�d�nq - 31 cale^dar year and sr�all PaY one halt Qf 'tr�e �lross earnin�zs 32 tax dve ior that year . T�he sec�ncl ha1f. of the t�ix sh�l.1 he 3