265378 WHITE �-�- CITVyCLERK � � • l �����.-
�t °�� •
O�WZ/`�/`CG '�.nance NO. �����
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending the Zoning Code,
" _ - � Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint
, Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use
' Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of
certain properties in the City of Saint Paul,
as amended.
Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclsuvie, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertain�ng to
Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain prop-
erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amendeds� as to rezone the following des-
cribed property from "B" Residential District to Commercial
District, to-wit:
� Lots 4 and 5, Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision
of Lot l, Block 8, Homecroft, an Addition
to the City of St. Paul, and that part of
Lot 3, Block 8, Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision
of Lot l, Block 8, Homecroft, an Addition to I�
the City of St. Paul, and that part of Lot 2,
Block S, Homecroft, an Addition to the City i
of St. Paul, and that part of Lots 1 and 2,
O. C. Burgner's Rearrangement, described as
follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner
of Lot 1 of Thomas E. Sime's Subdivisi�n of
� I
' i
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Christensen I
Hozza In Favor
Levine �
Rcedier Against BY '
Tedesco .I
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
By ,
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
WH17E ��- CITV`�CLERK • '
PINK - FINANCE COIIIICll K/'/'/'���jjj�•.y/
� BLUE � - MAY062 File �O. � �v�+ • v
+ � Ordin�nce Ordinance N O. i s8a.�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft, an Addition
to the City of St. Paul, thence Westerly
along the Southerly lire of said Lot 60
feet, thence Southwesterly along a line
parallel to and 100 feet Southerly of the
Southerly line of West Seventh Street
approximately 276.8 feet, to a point where
said line intersects the Southerly line of
Lot 2, O. C. Burgner's Rearrangement, thence
Easterly along the Northerly line of Munster
Avenue approximately 292.6 feet, thence
Northerly along the Easterly line of Davern
Avenue approximately 150 feet to the point of
situate on property located on the northwest corner of Davern
and Munster in th� City Qf Saint Paul.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, �proval
and publication.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza .�_ In Favor
�°�� � Against By
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date � � � �� Form App v b�y City Attom
Certifie ed b unc' Secretary. BY
Appro by May . Da s Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
�'b��:.;;���.�' JUN 1 4 t9lS
� • p�. � . i58a5'
f �
March 24, 1975
Mrs. Rose Ann Mix
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Madam:
This is written in response to the petition of Glen Triviski and Mary
Casey Realty to rezone, from "B" Residential to Commercial, property
located on the northwest corner of Davern and Munster. This property
` is fu rther described by the legal description on file.
This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on February 20, 1975,
at which time staff reported the proposed use to be a parking lot.
Staff recommended approval of the rezoning.
Mr. Gerald Frisch, attorney for the applicant, explained briefly the
history for the parking lot. There was a short discussion of the
proposed zoning of this site and about parking on the lot before a
permit is issued.
A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey was read which expressed opposition
to the rezoning because it was felt this would devalue their property.
A motion to recommend approval of the rezoning carried unanimously.
Secretary, Board of Zoning
Zoning File 7752
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151
_ �, �• '��
1 t.)
Note: The signer should apprise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification
before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of �roperty,
call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151.
c/o �tie� City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesota Statute 462.357(5), we, the
undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within
100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owner of the real
estate to be rezoned or by any party who has purchased or is purchasing any such contiguous
property within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition, such property including
the property to be rezoned, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the
frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described
property: (legal description and street address)
Lots 4 and 5, Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft,
an Addition to the City of St. Paul, and that part of Lot 3, Block 8,
Thamas E. Sime's Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft, an Addition
to the City of St. Paul, and that part of Lot 2, Block 8, Homecroft, an
Addition to the City of St. Paul, and that part of Lots 1 and 2, 0. C.
Burgner's Rearrangement, described as follows: Cornmencing at the Southeast
corner of Lot l of Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision of Lot l, Block 8, Homecroft,
an Addition to the City of St. Paul, thence Westerly along the Southerly line
of said Lot 60 feet, thence Southwesterly along a line parallel to and 100
feet Southerly of the Southerly line of West Seventh Street approximately 276.8
feet, to a point where said line intersects the Southerly line of Lot 2, 0. C.
Burgner's Rearrangement, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Munster
Avenue approximately 292.6 feet, thence Northerly along the Easterly line of
Davern Avenue approximately 150 feet to the point of beginning.
(See Preznises as shown in red on attached Exhibit "A") .
Common Address: Triangular parcel bounded by West Seventh Street, Munster
Avenue and Davern, being approximately 2550 West Seventh
Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota,
from Residential � . District to Commercial District, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the "proposed facility) Parking lot for adjacent commercial
establishment and addition for connnercial establishment.
' m�,.�;;Williams,raExecuto�B�lC Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, Homecrof � �. .�s .
in the Estate of William A. Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey Co. J s ams;'Executors
Copeland, Deceased, and Philli�,s „Minn. e Estate of
Petroleum Company, Lessee in ,,, ,, � 7.,;rE_ William A. Copeland,
possession. ���``�� ��� `+-��-b��� ;� .; L` Deceased.
. . .. Q� nO ' f���r
� ��� �
ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1975, AT 3:00 P.M. �� l
PRESENT: Mme. Showalter, Messrs. Bryan, Humcner, Willits and Rupp of
the Board; Mr. Iannacane, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. McGuire
and Mrs. Besema.n of the Planning Department Staff.
GLEN TRIVISKI AND MARY CASEY REALTY (7752) : A petition to rezone, from
"B" Residential to Commercial, property located on the northwest corner
of Davern and Munster.
Mr. McGuire gave the statf report and showed slides of the site. He reported
that it would be appropriate if a parking lot permit was applied for in
conjunction with the approval of the rezoning. If the zoning district
would be changed to Commercial, upon the passage of the new Code, this
facility would be included in a B-3 District. Staff's recommendation was for
Gerald Frisch, attorney for the applicant, stated he had nothing to add
at this time, but asked about the parking lot application.
Mr. McGuire said the parking should not take place before the permit is
applied for and approved.
Mr. Rupp asked if the parking would cease until approval.
Gerald Frisch stated that as a result of his investigation on the rezoning
for the southwest corner of Davern and Munster, he found this was not zoned
properly. Mr. Triviski was under the impression that this was zoned properly
for parking. They do need off-street parking for employees, and he could
not assure the Board that the parking would be stopped at this time.
Mr. Rupp said they are compelled to do so under the City Code.
Gerald Frisch stated that to the best of their ability they will trg ta sto�
the parking, but it was not practical.
Mr. Hummer asked if this was approved for parking if some restrictions could
be placed on it. When the new Zoning Code is adopted, he thought this
should be designated P-1.
Mr. McGuire reported that this matter was discussed with the staff, and it
was decided that it would be more appropriate for this parcel to be designated
B-3. It would be more appropriate for the contiguous property to be designated
P-1. He sai� once the new Zonin� Ordinance is enacted the parking spaces
existing at tr�at time can not be used for building area unless replacement
spaces are provided on a 1 to 1 basis elsewhere.
Mr. Willits asked what amount of expansion could be done under the present
Zoning Ordinance and still comply with the parking requirements.
Glen Triviski and Mary Casey Realty -2- February 20, 1975
Mr. McGuire stated they could expand to the limit of the block. There are
no requirements for parking facilities for commercial use under the present
Code. He said he could not see how they could continue to operate without
providing parking.
Mrs. Showalter read a letter from the Department of Highways stating they
have no objection to this petition; however, the ingress and egress should
be limited to Davern or Munster. She also read a letter from John and Clare
Dempsey, 1726 Graham, stating they strongly object to this rezoning because
it would devalue their property.
Gerald Frisch said he personally circulated the petition and they have two
more additional signatures since that time.
Mr. Willits asked about the number of signatures on the petition and was
told there were 18 out of the 26, plus 2 additional signatures.
Mrs. Showalter asked if the property would be changed in any way.
Mr. Rupp said they have to have a parking lot permit and with that there
will be some up-grading at that time.
Mr. Hummer asked about the status of the permit.
Mr. McGuire reported there was no status for the permit. The Special Use
Permit would require an additional hearing. Once that property has been
designated for that purpose, a hearing must be held under the present Code
fcr the permit to be issued.
Mr. Willits ma.de a motion to recoimnend approval of the rezoning. Mrs.
Showalter seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Submitted by: Approved by:
Charles L. McG�iire William H. Rupp, Jr.
. o,� no . �-���
M�arch 14, 1975
�'il� R1602, Pag� .
l�ile X�603, Paga
You ar• her�by notified that a public hearing �rill be held ia th� Council
Chaab�rs of the Cit� Rsll and Court Rouse at 10:00 a.�. on March 27, 1975
oa the pmtition of Glen Q. Tri�iski, Sr. and oth�ra to r�sone fros
Reaid�ntial to Coararcial for the purpose of in�tallin�, comatructina
and/or opsrating a parkina lot for adjacsnt co�arcial establish�ent on
th� property described ss follvas:
Bsst 1/2 of �iorth 1/2 of Lot 2 and tiorth 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 9,
Ac�ecroft, an Addition to the City of St. Paul.
The prmperty ia located an tht soutl�est �ora�r of Davern Awnue and l+M�aster
Lot• 4, and 5, Thooaa B. Si�e'e Subdivi�ion of Lot 1. Block 8,
flc�ecroft, an Addition to the City of St. Paal� and that part o!
Lot 3, Block S, Tho�as B. Sims'• �ubdiviaioa of Lot 1, Block 8,
8osecroft, an Addition to the Citr oi St. Panl, and that part of
Lot 2, Block S. 8orcroft, an Addition to th� City of St. Psul, and
that part of Lots l and 2� O.C. Burgnsr's R�arranae�est, dascribed
as follara: Cooreacing at the Southeast cern�r of Lot 1 of Thosas
8. Sir'a Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 8, Sarcroft, an Addition to the
City of St. Pael, thence W�sterly along the Southerly line of said I.ot
60 fest, thence Soutlnnstarly along a line parallel to aad 100 feet
Sonthasl� of tha South�rly line ot iie�t Seve�h Street ap�roximat�ly
276.8 feet, t• a poiat Where said line intersects the Sattherl� line
of Lot 2, O.C. Bnrgner's R�arrang�neat, th��c� Basterly alous the
Iiortberly line of l+t�nster Avamse approxisatal� 292.6 feet, thsrice Northerly
along the aasterly line of Davaru ,v�nas approxi.sately 1S0 feet to th�
poiat of b�ginsing.
The propsrty ia locat�d on tha liorthv�et cors►ar of D4vern A�s�ue a�d l#�astsr
•2• Fila R1602� ,��'����
l�ila X1603
!'or lurthar infor�ation, coatact tbe Platmiu� B�a�cd. 421 Wati�sha Stre�t,
or t�lapha►a 298•4151.
To CO�p131 M�CtI tM� City Chart�r, tha Daparts�nt ot l�inanca is cbarsed aith
iwfor�iu� rou of this pnblic luariag.
I� you bltw any questiosa, it is r�eara�d�d tYat �oei att��d t6is public
h�aria` to attord yera tlu opportunity to �ake y�our vieas. both pro and Qon,
kao+ra to tb� City Cwaail.
��� A. l+lk'1T8011
.. . �rt� � � � !SBav'
) ss.
Glen R. Triviski, Sr. , being first
duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property to be
rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be
rezoned, which is described as follows:
LotB 4 and 5, Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft, an
AAAi ti nn tn tha Ri t�� of S� Pa�il � anc� that !art �f T.ot 3� R1 nck_ R� Th�maG F._
Sime's Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft, an Addition to the City of St.
Paul, and that uart of Lot 2, Block 8, Homecroft, an Addition to the City of St.
Paul, and that part of Lots 1 and 2, 0. C. Burgner's Rearrangement, described as
follows: Coc�encing at the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision
of Lot 1, Block 8, Hamecroft, an Addition to the City of St. Paul, thence Westerly
along the Southerlv line of said Lot 60 feet, thence Southwesterly along a line
parallel to and 100 feet Southerly of the Southerly line of West Seventh Street
approximately 276.8 feet, to a point where said line intersects the Southerly line
of Lot 2, 0. C. Burgner s Rearrangement, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of
Munster Avenue approximately 292.6 feet, thence Northerly along the Easterly lin� of
Davern l�venue approxtimiately 150 feet to the point of beginning.
that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the
act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) year preceding
the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought
to be rezoned as described above, except �!N� (SEE ATTACHED) ; that affiant
understands the word �contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property
sharing a cornmon boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public
E'� of N'� of Lot 2, NZ of Lot 1, Block 9, Homecroft an
Addition to the City of St. Paul.
The Petitioner also owns, directly or indirectly, the entire parcel bounded by
Davern Avenue, Munster Avenue and West Seventh Street, (which includes the property
to be rezoned) and which parcel is legally described as follows:
(Continued on attached Rider)
A , .
. r' � . �
Lots 1-5, inclusive, 0. C. Burgner's Rearrangement,
Lot 2, Block 8, Homecroft, an t�ddition to the City
of St. Paul.
Lots 1-5, inclusive, Thomas E. Sime's SubdivisionaE
Lot l, Block 8, Homecroft, an Addition to the City of
St. Paul.
!�� �
L%� /
.,•c�� � -
Glen R. Triviski, Sr.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this�d of�� 19 .
� �
M�►Oo�wn�ioa Eiq4a tAW.7.1981
, . � �, 1
Q� , n.("� .. l L.J�.
� � �� �,�: �
, �.���.. . �r ��x.
.�, �
�; �sutnwase��kra +�ot�t
tc!��� R`.�9�����:
'�i_ .>,y�. .
L _
17. Rose M. Dempsey Affidavit of Survivorship
to Dated Apr 4 1963
The Public Filed Apr 21 Zg64
1900 RCR 131
Re �st : Rose Gertrude Dempsey, dec 'd
That he is the surviving �joint tenant-remainderman of the dectd
named herein. That Rose Gertrude Dempsey died Jan 20 1.963, age 85,
17�42 Munster Ave.
Survivor: Rose M. Dempsey, 50, daughter, 17�2 Munster.
Joint tenancy and remainderman were created by instrument of con-
veyance dated Nov 1 1960 filed Nov 22 lg6o in 1171 RCR 685 in the
f ollowing described property :
The W2 of the N2 of Lot �, Block 9, Homecroft, an addition to the
City of St. Paul - homestead.
Certificate of Payment of Inheritance tax dated Apr 6 1g64.
18. John P. Plocinsky and ��Jarranty Deed
Gladys M. Ploncinsky, Dated Mar 20 1962
husband and wife Filed Mar 23 1962
to 1782 RCR 120
Eugene B. McDonough 1, �155�95�
' '� �1.00 etc rv st $27,50
`� ', II� st tx 27.50
,�r��i�j�i'I i�l ��'�1�!�
Lot 5, except the S 1�'�' _� 7�f, Block 9, Homecroft, an
Addition to the City qf-� �;� �I' �� .l
iik il ���
�" �� i � I II����I,��� r'?�`�
19. Ida M. Deeg, widow ,��`�ti�.',."�.� �^��'�� � ���'����� Quit Claim Deed
i?`=�;:T .���y� �
to 1 Dated June 15 1973
Kenneth C. Rehling anc� "�-.�+�`r'� �=� Filed Aug 1 1973
Barbara J'. Farrand 2�17 RCR 875
$1,00 etc st tx $2.20
The S �9.7�+5 ft of Lot 1, Block 9, Homecroft, an Addition to the
City of St. Paul.
This deed is given to correct the description in that certain
deed of conveyance from Ida P�. Deeg to John S. Blasko and Mabel
H. Blasko.
20. Robert T. Carr and �Jdarranty Deed
Florence H. Carr, his wife Dated Feb 3 1960
to Filed Feb 5 1g60
Fred Vavra, Jr, and 166g RCR 225
Patricia R. Vavra, his wife �1504000
as joint tenants $6000.00 rv st $6.60
st tx 6.60
The N 80 ft of the S2 of Lot 1, Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to
the City of St. Paul.
E�,r.r, ,�uc-t�„o
. .. _ V
21. Archie J. Mahan and ti�darranty Deed
Margaret H. Mahan, Dated Dec 29 195�+
husband and wife Filed Dec 31 195�
to 1471 Deeds 513
Raymond LeClaire and #135�+822
Agnes A. LeClaire, husband �1.00 etc rv st ---
and wife as �joint tenants
E2 of S2 of Lot 2, Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of
St. Paul.
This deed is given to correct the spelling that certain deed
dated aug 3 1954 and filed Aug 3 195� in 1�+56 Deeds 149.
22. State of Minnesota Death Certificate
to Dated July 26 1972
The Public Filed Sept 12 1972
2362 RcR 605
That Martin Schell, age 68, of 1721 Graham Ave, married to
Mrs. Nora E. Schell, died Jul 20 1972.
� i ''�
23, Nora ��,�. Schell �` j�� ��,:� �����Il_ Affidavit of Survivorship
� I��� I i ��q� i���F!p 1 r
to �/ , ��, �,, �,xempt Homestead Property
The Public _ ,���� ,� ���f� � Dated Sept 5 1972
Mr �
Fi led Sept 12 1972
� � I�p�ul�l��� '����j�,"i�H �, � 2362 RCR 605
: �����, �
�, ��' � „ ���� ,t1836411
Re �,st : P�Iartin Schell}�' �._�,_ r '' ����������'�
That Martin Schell di , ? - _ , age 69, 1721 Graha, St. Paul.
That she is the spous� - �joint tenant of dec 'd at date
of death.
Joint tenancy created by instrument of conveyance dated May 6 1953
filed May l� 1953 in 1419 Deeds 319 int�e following property:
The ��!2 of the S2 of Lot 2, Block 9, Homecroft, an addition to the
City of St. Paul.
2�. City Bank of Saint Paul, Warranty Deed
Minn corp by Vice Pres Dated Mar 4 Zg�6
and Cashier, CS Filed P�ay 27 Zg�6
to 120g Deeds 49
Robert J. Reidell and �,�-1112307
Henrietta M. Reidell, �1.00 etc rv st $2.20
husband and wife, �jt tens
Si4 of Lot 3, �lock 9, Homecroft, an addition to the City of
St . Paul.
25. Registered Property Certificate ;F,155987, dated Sept 17 1954 in
Book 359 Page 85 in the Cffice of the Registrar of Titles.
Issued to: A. Jerome Otteson.
Covering : �ot 1, �lock 5, Homecroft an addition to the City of
St . Paul.
E_�r�„ auc-i�r,n
. . v• .
26. T��alter G. Andrews and �darranty Deed
Louise S. Andrews, Dated Oct 15 1g68
husband and wife Filed Oct 15 Zg68
to 2150 �c� 66
Harold L. Rutchick �1735663
�1.00 st tx $79.20
Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, Homecroft an addition to the city of
St. Paul.
27. Mary Fluegel, widow ���arranty Deed
to Dated Oct 18 1960
Bert J. Friedmann Filed Oct 19 1960
1706 r�cR 666
$1.00 etc rv st �27.50
st tx 27.50
Lot 4, Block 5, Homecroft, an Addition to the City of St. Paul.
28. Melvin G. Plum and irYarranty Deed
Dorothy �;. Plum, �? � ��''� Dated July 1 1960
husband and vaife ,r� ,�� '��,��'�"',�� Filed July 6 1960
to ��� ';��i�j�i i���� i��l �� 1589 RcR 907
}3ert J. Friedmann i �, �, �� � ���� � �1513975
� �r ��' , ��� �1.00 etc rv st $36,30
{I M i .\tl
� I � .1 I
i� I�I�II�I I III.�II I(, I
Lot 5, Block 5, Homec�c� �i� on to the City of St. Paul.
� � ��
,R�11. ;� � G��Ipi;Iq � �q�1:9':�
'-T`i � �--a�-{ `.'�-_-=-__
29. In re Lst : f �" � Final Decree
Estella I. Copeland, dec 'd Prob Ct Ram Co
Dated reb 7 Zg62
(Testate Nov 25 1960) Filed Feb 19 1962
1778 �cR 216
That the residue consists of Lot 8, B1ock 5, Homecroft Addition to
St . Paul, Ram Co Minn and Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, Homecroft Addition
to St. Paul, Ram Co Minn and of personal property (see record ) .
Al1 the rest and residue of the estate to William A. Copeland and
Floyd �. Copeland as trustees pursuant to terms of will which is
hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Heirs : �Jilliam A.
Copeland, son; Floyd E. Copeland, son.
Court decrees that above described real and personal estate is
hereby assigned to and vested inthe f ollowing named persons in the
f ollowing proportions or parts ;
Al1 miscellaneous household goods etc ( see record ) to William A.
Copeland. All the rest and residue of her estate ot ��lilliam A.
Copeland and Floyd �. Copeland, as trustees, pursuant to the terms
of the will which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof.
[��,,r,., atiGinoo
', " ,,. ,�� , , •
30. Max A. Stacker, unmarried Quit Claim Deed
to Dated Aug 11 1959
Eva Launer and Robert Filed Aug 12 1959
J. Launer 1642 RCR 563
$1.00 etc rv st �----
st tx 1.10
An undivided 1�2 interest in and to Lot 20 except the West 40 ft
thereof and all of Lot 21, Block �+, Homecroft, an Addition to the
City of St. Paul.
31. Max A. Stacker, unmarried Quit Claim Deed
to Dated Aug 11 lg�j9
Herman J. Birnberg 16�2dRCRg565 1959
$1.00 etc rv st $----
st tx 1.10
An undivided 1�2 in terest in and to Lot 20 except the ti^7est 40 ft
thereof and all of Lot 21 , ck �, Homecroft, an Addition to
the City of St. Paul. � ' '',!
,i ,��� �����
�I'u � � i� ii �
,�rl i 'r, ��i�,j�
32. In re Lst ; �_�I!���'I �������i�a��' `� Letters
Marucie J. Birnberg al�a--, ���,, '��;� �'�' 1 Prob Ct Ram Co
� , � � � �� �r�( �� � Dat ed Feb 27 1963
M. J Birnberg aka Ma�ar,�
� � Birnberg, dec 'd '�', ,�� �, � '� ���� ��� �r���� Filed Apr 26 1967
,A���.� � ���'!' � ������!,�;�� 2068 RcR 964
(Intestate Sept g 196 -'��'��� f #1697260
r � �
Eva B. Launer and Herman J. Birnberg hereby appointed general
33. In re Est: Final Decree
Maurice J. Birnberg aka Prob Ct Ram Co
Dated Apr 2� 1g67
(Intestai� Sept 9 Zg62 ) Filed Apr 26 Zg67
2068 RCR 964
Residue consists of Lot 22 and Lot 23, Block �4, Homecroft Addition
and other property.
Assigned to Fannie Birnberg, Lva B. Launer and Herman J. Birnberg
in equal shares.
Cert of Clerk dated Apr 25 1g67 that above letters have never been
revoked or discharged.
[�.,r:,� auc-iroo
. . • � , . • .
L. GLen R. Triviski, aka Glen Quit Claim Deed
Robert Triviski, unmarried Dated Sept 2L 1959
to FiLed Dec 30 L959
Mary Casey Realty Corp, Minn corp 1664 RCR 684
$1. e�c rev st $24.75
St. $24.75 pd
The ��2 of Lot 2, Thornas E. Sime 's Subdivision of Lot 1, B1ock 8,
Homecroft, an Addition to the City of St. Pau1 ; and
The E2 of Lot 2, Block 8, Homecroft, an Addition to the City of St. Pau]
being that part of said Lot 2 Lying ELy of a line drawn f rom the NWIy
Line of said Lot to the S Line thereof and equal distance between the
E and tJ Lines of said Lot.
2. HeLen Schuhwerck as General Guardian's Deed
Guardian of the Estate of Dated May 19 1960
Mary Sulek, Ward, unmarried FiLed Jun 15 1960
to 1686 RCR 764
Mary Casey ReaLty Corp, iKin corp $2, 540.16 rev st $3.30
r wi� �+'�� St. $3.30 pd
'a �� �� ��!,l
ALL of the right, titL�'!�i� , !���rest of Ward as Life tenant in her
homestead, described �s �����i�� � �:�
The E% of Lot 2, T�i,�t� ��'' �ime 's Subdivision of Lot L,
Block 8, Homecro�t,�;��� ��d�,��<�t�on to St. PauL.
' Cites court action. ' ��+r, ,�� , �
4�1����,,.�,;�..�a���� �a �1
�`` ' �=�=—a�..,f � -"=_
3. � Registered Property C, � �,8709, dated Dec 18 LR61,
in Book 444 Page 209 in the Office of the Registrar of TitLes.
Issued to : Mary Casey ReaLty Corp.
Covering: Lot 1, Thornas E. Sime 's Subdivision of Lot L, BLock 8,
Homecroft, an Addition to St. Pau1.
4. Registered Property Certificate #236482, dated Sept 8 1969,
in Book 519 Page 482 in the Office of the Registrar of TitLes,
' Issued to : Mary Casey ReaLty Corp.
Covering : Lots 3, 4 and 5, Thomas E. Sime 's Subdivision of Lot L,
BLock 8, Homecrof t, an Addition to St. Pau1.
5. Registered Property Certificate #243066, dated Mar 24 1971,
in Book 533 Page 66 in the Office of the Registrar of TitLes.
Issued to : GLen Triviski
Covering: Lots 2 to 5, incLusive, 0. C. Burgner's Re.
Form �ABC-1E00
6. Registered Property Certificate #188694, dated Dec 30 1959,
in Book 424 Page 194 in the Office of the Registrar of TitLes.
Issued to : Mary Casey ReaLty Corp.
Covering: Lot L, 0. C. Burgner's Re. , and the L�z of Lot 2, Block 8,
Homecroft, as Addition to the City of St. Paul, except
that part described as foLLows : Commencing at a point
on the N[.JLy line of said Lot 2 , which point is equal dis-
tance f rom the NE corner and the NW corner of said lot;
thence running SWLy aLong the N�,TY.y Line of said Lot a dis-
tance of 15 ft; thence SELy at ri�ht angles witY► the NWly
Line of said Lot 2 to a point on a Line drawn N and S
through said Lot; thence N to the pLace of beginning.
7. Registered Property Certificate #188652, dated Dec 30 1959,
in Book 424 Page 192 in the Office of the Registrar of Titles.
Issued to : i�iary Casey ReaLty Corp.
Covering: That part of the �i of Lot 2, BLock 8, Homecroft, an
Addition to the City of St. Paul, described as foLLows :
Commencing at a point on the NWly Line of said Lot 2
which point is e . a1 distance f rom the NE corner and the
NW corner of u'�ot ; thence running S�J.y along the NWly
line of said �, , ,' '���!,distance of 15 ft; thence SEly at right
� angles with ��'i,�, , , �; Line of said Lot 2 to a point on a
` Line drawty �1 ��h; ; �'��ough said Lot; thence N to the place
� of beginnin�,,;��! � '
i ������ � �
f � , �� �
i � ' ', ��� � � ' ����
i i lil�� �r...,
8. � � Michael J. Sauntry, A�i- �, ��� ��`�a`� Pxobate Deed
CTA Est of Bessie �`�" •� ' --aka Dated Jul 6 1973
f Bessie Briget Egan, ;,�;; �, FiLed JuL 6 L973
Bridget B. Egan 2413 RCR 36
to #1859555
i GLen R. Triviski, Sr. $L. etc St. Tax $33.00
Ez of N? of Lot 2, N2 of Lot 1, BLock 9, Homecroft Addition.
9. John A�Lan Fisher and Janice Warranty Deed
Kay Fisher, husband and wife Dated Sept 5 L972
to FiLed Sept 13 L972
John WilLiam Louck and Marion D. 2363 RCR 92
Louck, husband and wife, #1836573
� joint tenants $L. etc St. Tax $77.00
W� of the N2 of Lot 2, B1ock 9, Homecrof t Addition.
f���r:,, at;c;-i,;oo
L0. [,1iLbert C. Hu1L and Dorothy Warranty Deed
Hull, his wif e; Ruth ToL1as and Dated Jun 25 1954
Raymond TolLas, her husband ; and Filed Ju1 15 1954
Elsie Bittner, widow 1454 Deeds 187
to #1339021
Kenneth D. Voight and Joyce $L. etc rev st $4.40
C. Voight, husband and wife,
joint tenants
The Nlz of Lot 3, except the W 45 f t thereof , BLock 9, Homecrof t,
an Addition to the City of St. Pau1.
11. Margaret G. Cory, singLe Warranty Deed
to Dated Ju1 9 1964
Agatha E. Bo�nersine, widow �1ed Ju1 LO L964
1914 RCR 351
$L. etc rev st $4.95
St. $4.95 pd
The W 45 ft of the Ni of� ���? and the E 8 ft of the Ni of Lot 4,
BLock 9, Homecrof t, an �' '' n to the City of St. Pau1.
' �� i'1i ' � ��
� ��� ' ��
12. State of Minnesota � � ����� ��� ��, ��I �� Death Certificat�e
to �� � , , �, Dated Sept 9 19 5
� The Public �;I ,,� ' ; II � _, FiLed Sept 30 1965
� F�u t��.�'���_��l.,l�.."��"°'� '���:�' ��7 L 9 8 9 RCR 7 2 3
�;�;,� .�� #1658950
- ...�"��
� That Car1 Oscar Peterson husband of Harriet Lynne, age 72, residence:
� L738 Munster died Jun 20 1965.
13. Harriet L. Peterson Affidavit of Survivorship
, to Dated Sept 23 1965
� The PubLic Filed Sept 30 1965
I 198� RCR 723
� In re Est: Carl Oscar Peterson #1658950
i dec 'd
� That she is the surviving joint tenant of the decedent named herein.
That Car1 Oscar Peterson died on Jun 20 1965, age 72, residence:
1738 Munster.
Survivor: Harriet L. Peterson, age 72, survivin� spouse, residence :
1738 Munster.
Joint tenancy created by and instrument of conveyance dated Jun 11
1958, fiLed Ju1 LS 1958 and recorded in 1583 Deeds 59 in the foLlowing
i descri.bed property :
The W 52 ft of the N2 of the Ez of Lot 4, Block 9,
Homecroft Addition to the City of St. Pau1.
(Ho�estead )
Certificate of No Inheritance Tax: Sept 30 1965.
r„��•�� a[tc-tnoo
lj�. Independent Broadcastin� Company, Warranty Deed
Minn corp, by Pres & Secy Dated Jun L 1955
to Fi1ed Jun 3 1955
BFR Broadcasting Corporation, 1484 Deeds 507
Minn corp $L0. etc rev st $46.20
ALL of Lots 4 and S, Snelling Out I.ots, Ra►nsey County, biinnesota, and
that part of Lots L, 2, 3, and 9, said SneLLing Out Lots, Lying Nly
of Stewart Ave in the City of St. Pau1 and described as fo�.Lows :
Commencing at the intersection of the E Line of Davern Street with
the N Line of Stewart Ave; thence E along the N line of Stewart Ave
275.56 f t; thence NE1y aLong the NWLy Line of Stewart Ave 550 f t;
thence NWly on a Line paraLLe1 with a SELy extension of the SWly
Line of Lot 9, said SnelLing Out Lots, and wi.th said SW1y line of
said Lot 9 to a point where said Line intersects an E1y extension
of the Nly Line of Lot 6, said Snelling Out Lots ; thence Wly along
said Ely extension of the Nly Line of said Lot 6 to the NE1y corner
of said Lot 6; thence SE1y aLong the SG11y Line of Lot 9, said SneLLing
Out Lots, to the SW corner of said Lot 9; thence W aLong the NLy Line
of Lot 3, said SneLLing Out Lots, to the E line of Davern St; thence
S aLong the E Line of Dave St to the point of beginning.
� l
�� �i i IP�` I,l`
S t a n d a r d O i 1 C o m a n �" I ' (i�'
15. � � Quit C1aim Deed
P Y� ��� ����
� ' ' � �� Dated Dec 31 1960
Corp, by V Pres & As�;� ��� �I'i �,
�' � Filed iKar 17 1961
l � � '��
to R -� ��� � ,i i , '�_1 1727 RCR 541
The At��erican Oi1 Corn ari�, �+� T �I i�, ,
� i�laryLand Corp. � �i� � ; , „ . ' #15322G7
,,���� t �„���� � ���,� � $L0. etc rev st ---
� ��=�� �-- St $L.LO paid
__ �t .'�
Lots 6 and 7 of SneLLing Out-Lots, except a11 of that part of Lot 6,
Snelling Out-Lots, according to the plat thereof recorded in Book 0
of Town P1ats, Pages LL and 20, which lies E of a line described as
beginnin� at the SE corner of Lot 7 , Snelling Out-Lots ; thence S,
�araLleL to the tJ Line of said Lot 6, to the S Line of said Lot 6.
16. State of Minnesota Death Certificate
to Dated Jan 25 1963
The Public Filed Apr 21 1g64
1900 RCR 131
That Rose Gertrude Dempsey, widowed (Christopher Dempsey) age 85,
residence 1742 Munster, died Jan 20 1g63.
For:;i AEiC-1800
• ' '• ', �• .
C�r�• rl o � 158�5
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} Glen Triviski & Mary Casey Realty 1-�G���
� APPL.tC,��dT : .
�°�° � ZO�I��G DSS i Ri�CT SOUI�DARY
� „ ►� � SU�J�CT P20P�RTY -
PU�POS� Rezone from B Residence to
, o a�� FfiNliLY
, Commercial
�1�E N4. ��52
� T1�dU FAl,�1LY
' DATE February 20, 1975 �� 0 ��''�'--���LE FaP�IL�(
— 0 6i � CUA,�91t1�RCIAL
� ��n�� : !"= 200' ��Orn-�a - ;-- __�j. ��._ Ii1tDUSTR�AL-- — ----_-
�li�3 .�i
d __ . . -
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� � �• ... , . ' ,
1� �-�a. �ry�,,:,�..
Rose M. Dempsey . The W2 of the NZ of Lot 4, Block 9,
' Homecroft, an addition to the City Rose M. Demp �rr�
of St. Paul. �/��
Eugene B. McDonough Lot 5, except the S 127 ft thereof, i `�
Block 9, Homecroft, an Addition to ne B. McDonou h
the City of St. Paul.
State of Minnesota )
) ss.
County of Ramsey )
�F 2'��-� �, ��� � C � being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the
person who circulated the within petition consisting of four (4) pages; that the parties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each
name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100
feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the
date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; th at none of the
parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to
the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this
petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this aff3:ant, and that the
signatures above are the true and correct signatures of h and a 1 0�thq pa.:=:�� so
described. � `
. ♦�r��ni �
�3so �J. �fi� S'T
Address: ['y' /�JUC /1'J i/�+
Telephone No. 6C� b )fCj�
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this ��day of l, ce ,�i�� , 197�. Approved as to form 8-27-73
Office of the City Attorney
L�� o )
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�?�� _�
Page -4- � t� �'�° '' ;�-�^ �_
�,,. -�
, Z��� ���`� �,���� �' ;`�,�
o� . no . �s�as
BOARD OF ZONING REPORT Ai�D ACTION Februar 20 1975 IPlat Map 15
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 (
passed Auoust 22, 1922, as amena`d to January 27, 1971. ;
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Glen Triviski and Mary Casey Realty
2. CLASSIFICATION . a Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3308
3. PURPOSE . Rezone from "B" Residential to Commercial.
4. LOCATION . North�aest corner Davern and Munster.
6. PRESENT ZONING: "B" Residential.
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 06 Paragraph:
8. STAFF INVESTIGATIQN & REPORT: Date: February 13, 1975 By: CLMcG �
A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated January 21, 1975, the Director, Department
of Finance and Management Services, declared the petition sufficient with
the owners of 18 out of 26 eligible parcels. having signed the petition.
B. HISTORY; Permits to extend commercial zaning to cover all of the property
involved, a permit• to establish and extend the parking lot, and a permit to
change a drive�vay in the parking lot were granted in the 1950's.
C. PROPOSED USE: The petition states the purpose of the rezoning is for the
installation of a parking lot for the adjacent commercial establishment
and an addition for the commercial establ�shment.
D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 150 feet on Davern and 282 feet
on Munster, for an area of 42,300 square feet.
E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed with a parking lot.
F. COi�iPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan for the area recommends ane, two,
three, and four family residences, town or row houses and walk up �apartment
structures with a maximum density of 25 dwelling units per net acre.
G. PROPOSED ZONING CODE: The proposed zoning of this site is B-3, General
H. AREA ZONING: West Seventh Street frontage, as well as a large parcel east
of Davern and south of West Seventh, is zoned Commercial. Munster Avenue
frontage is zoned "B" Residential. To its south, and also north of West
Seventh, "A" Residential zoning exists. South of Norfolk and Stewart it
is zoned "C" Residential and Light Industrialo
I. AREA C0�IDITIONS: The Manor Restaurant is located on the same block and
the parking lot on the subject property serves this restaurant. WLOL
property exists to the east across llat�ern. The lots south of Munster are
�redominantly developed with single and two family homes.
9. F0��2D ACTIO�: To Recomriend �� Approval � Denial Council Letter
Yeas Nays March 24 1975
Moved by . Willits X Willits '
X Showalter Date of
Seconded by: Showalter X Bryan Hearing:
X Hu.mmer
Secretary's remarks : X Rupp March 27, 1975
Council Action:
- Date:
. _ .�� . � �
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cA2L t�' , /hoon/2� ��� �`3�,��Qv�
.:I�h ^���a�nr� The S 49.745 ft of Lot 1, Block
a �. ,. T �____� g, Homecroft, an Addition to the � g
City of St. Paul. `��� �` ���~ r
� ',�, :, = � �;,_ � ti-. � I
Fred Vavra, Jr. and The N 80 ft of the S'� of Lot 1, �u�'�'� '
Patricia R. Vavra, his Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to Fred Vavra, Jr.
wife as joint tenants the City of St. Paul. � �
��,/�i���t � ��'y`t[-' .
Patricia R. Vavra '
��t�t'�' r��� r�t��,i;�:�+rn,,
Raymond LeClaire and E� of S'� of Lot 2, Block 9,
A nes A. LeClaire Homecroft an Addition to the Cit Ra ond LeClaire
g � Y Yn► �
�' husband and wife as of St. Paul. ,
joint tenants �
Agnes A. LeClaire ;
'E"�k.�, ,
�:>w�`�t•.�.. ,
Nora E. Schell The W� of the S� of Lot 2, Block �LGL.��^��
9, Homecroft, an addition to the ora E. Schell
City of St. Paul.
���-'I t�wu�o,�� I
Robert J. Reidell and SE� of Lot 3, Block 9, Aomecroft, ,
Henrietta M. Reidell, an addition to the City of St. Paul�'. Robert J. Reidell
husband .and wife, jt i
Henrietta M. Reidell i
��-,�:..��.��, . .�:�M:���� �
John William Louck and W'� of the N'� of Lot 2, Block 9,
Marion D. Louck, husband Homecroft Addition. John William Louck ,
and wife, joint tenants
Marion D. Louck_-� ,
�Z-a.?i M�i�,��x� � ' � � __�-�' � �
Kenneth D. Voight and The N� of Lot 3, except the W 45 ft y� � �. �"
Joyce C. Voight, husband thereof, Block 9, Homecroft, an enneth D. Voig � ��.. ��
and wife, Joint Tenants Addition to the City of St. Paul. a /� �
�.,.. � . L
, , oy e C. Voight �2 ��'/�y
p� .,
• {�1 43N•j i�, �'1
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Agatha E. Bomersine, The W 45 ft of the NZ of Lot 3 and , c" � � ,G� �
widow the E 8 ft of th N� of Lo 4 � J h �
e 2 t , A; at a E. Bomersine � �s l, �v
Block 9, Homecroft, an Addition to
the City of St. Paul. ,
Harriet L. Peterson, The W 52 ft of the N� of the E� of
a widowed person Lot 4, Block 9, Homecroft Addition Harriet L. Pet��o����
to the City of St. Paul. � ,
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(Continued on Page 4) � � �E`'����N��
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Note: �The signer should apprise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification
' before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property,
call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. � ,n,, �
c/o The City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesota Statute 462.357(5), we, the
undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within
100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owner of the real
estate to be rezoned or by any party who has purchased or is purchasing any such contiguous
property within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition, such property including
the property to be rezoned, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the
frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follawing described
property: (legal description and street address)
Lots 4 and 5, Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft,
an Addition to the City of St. Paul, and that part of Lot 3, Block 8,
Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft,. an Addition
to the City of St. Paul, and that part of Lot 2, Block 8, Homecroft, an
Addition to the City of St. Paul, and that part of Lots 1 and 2, 0. C.
Burgner's Rearrangement, described as follows: Coa¢nencing at the Southeast
corner of Lot l of Thomas E. Sime's Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft,
an Addition to the City of St. Paul, thence Westerly along the Southerly line
of said Lot 60 feet, thence Southwesterly along a line parallel to and 100
fQet Southerly of the Southerly line of West Seventh Street approxima.tely 276.8 �
feet, to a point where said line intersects the Southerly line of Lot 2, 0. C.
Burgner`s Rearrangement, thence Easterly along the Northerly line,.of Munster
Avenue approximately 292.6 feet, thence Northerly along the Easterlq line of
Davern Avenue approximately 150 feet to the point of beginning.
(See Premises as shown in red on attached Exhibit "A") .
Ca�on Address: Triangular parcel bounded by West Seventh Street, Munster Avenue
°�'�(,O +�'''l� and Davern, being approximately 2550 West Seventh Street, Saint
Q��,p�r,�,�% Paul, Minnesota,
from R�sidential District to Commercial District, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the followin�: �**
(describe briefly the proposed facility) Parking lot for adjacent couunerical establishment
and addition for comanercial establishment.
Subject Property:
a Minnesota corporation IN CAPTION ABOVE) C' t � `�/ ,�
� By: ��;/�.�!<..�..
A. 3erome Otteson Lot l, Block 5, Hamecroft an addi�tion ��i����
to the City of St. Paul. '� A: rome Otteson�
Harold L. Rutchick Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, Homecroft an � �G� . ���G{�� �
a d di tion to t he Ci ty o f S t. Pau l. Haro l d L. Rutc h ic k
Bert J. Friedma.nn Lot 4, Block 5, Homecroft, an Addition ��� .��'e'��v��ti✓V�
to the City of St. Paul. Be�f ' . ; riedmann
(Continued on Page 2) _
Page -1- , . , . �
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F� � *>f.< tj y . t�ru t) � ,a ' .
�.ul. W'V- r/ `\I 1�1 ��j`�1}.1� l� �E '-,-.m�SCd - � ` t"�t�
r�_,��_-�._��.��.��. .
� � � - C�rnQ . ►'1� l��5
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Bert J. Friedmann Zot 5, Block 5, Homecroft an Addition % " �
. to the City of St. Paul. Bert . F�r 9 ��
William A. Copeland and Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, Homecroft
Floyd E. Copeland, as t�ddition to St. Paul, Ramsey Co., William A. Copeland
Trustees in the Estate of Minn.
. Estella I. Copeland, Dec. (SEE ADDENDUM)
Floyd E. Copeland
Eva Launer and Robert Lot 21, Block 4, Ho�mecroft, an �,
�. Launer t�ddition to the City of St. Paul. � Eva Launer
�,� � �--
Robert �. Launer
Herman J. Birnberg Lot 21, Block 4, Homecroft, an � �LL�/` .,
Addition to the City of St. Paul. Herman J�` Birnberg
Fannie Birnberg, Eva Lot 22 and Lot 23, Block 4, �I�� �
B. Launer and Herman Homecroft Addition Fannie Birnberg � �
J. Birnberg
Eva B. Lau e
�.� � �
Herman J Birnberg
The American Oil Company, Lots 6 and 7 of Snelling Out-Lots, THE AMERICAN OIL COMPANY,
Maryland Corp. except all of that part of Lot 6, Maryland Corp.
Snelling Out-Lots, according to the •- �,;uf
plat thereof recorded in Book 0 of By: ;�y�I �-, Yi�'.- .�'�;it.,;f�
Town Plats, Pages 11 aa.d 20, which �'
lies E of a line described as j�-�Y� �y
beginning at the SE corner of Lot 7,
Snelling Out-Lots; thence S, parallel to
the W line of said Lot 6, to the S line of
said Lot 6. '
BFR Broadcasting Gorpora- All of Lots 4 and 5, Snelling Out BFR Broadcasting Corpora- 'i
tion, Minn corp. Lots, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and tion ,
that part of Lots 1,2,3, and 9, said • �t � _.� ,
Snelling Out Lots, lying Nly of By•. �
Stewart Ave in the C ity of St. Paul � �y��j� �
and described as follows: Coammencing at the
intersection of the E line of Davern Street with
the N Iine of Stewart Ave; thence E along the N �
line of Stewart Ave 275.56 ft; thence NEly along '
the NWly line of Stewart Ave 550 ft; thence NWly '
on a line parallel with a SEly extension of the SWly !
line of Lot 9, said Snelling Out Lots, and with said '
SW1y line of said Lot 9 to a point where said line
intersects an Ely extension of the Nly line of Lot 6,
said Snelling Out Lots; thence Wly along said Ely i
extension of the Nly line of said Lot 6 to the NEly
corner of said Lot 6; thence SEly along the SW1y line
of Lot 9, said Snelling Out Lots, to the SW corner of
said Lot 9; thence W along the Nly line of Lot 3, said
'` Snelling Out Lots, to the E line of Davern St; thence S ,
- " along the E line of Davern St to the point of beginning. ;
�Fs � (Continued on Page 3) '
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