265365 WH17E - CITV CL 1 2653�5 PINK - FINANC COUTIClI CANARY - DEPA MENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE - MAY R �- ' - ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Upon the petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, the Public Service Commission of the State of Minnesota issued its decision and order to abandon the highway-railroad grade crossing located at the point where Alton Street crosses the railroad company' s Ford line tracks (PSC File No. R-2527 D-4007) ; and WHEREAS, The railroad crossing at Alton Street was closed and discontinued by the City of Saint Paul in accordance with the order of the Public Service Commission and following its closing, the City of Saint Paul, its Depa.rtment of Public Works, and the City Council ha.ve received numerous complaints both from the police and fire departments and also from residents and persons visiting the area formerly served by the Alton Street intersection with West Seventh Street; and WHEREAS, The City Council' s Public Works Committee has ha.d meetings for the purpose of hearing those persons who have been inconvenienced by the closing of Alton Street, and the said Council' s Public Works Committee ha.s recommended that the City Council request that the Public Service Commission of the State of Minnesota conduct hearings for the purpose of providing an oppor- tunity for all citizens to be heard for the purpose of reconsidering the Alton Street crossing; and WHEREAS , The Council' s Public Works Committee also recommends that the Public Service Commission investigate the existing street- railroad crossings at Ma.dison, Homer and Rankin Streets for the purpose of determining whether additiona.l safety devices should be installed; and WHEREAS, The City Attorney ha.s advised that the appropriate procedure to be followed by the City in requesting that the Public COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by C�ity ttorne f Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' By � ` Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK ��r�f��+ PINK - FINANCE COU11C11 � �.'M��■ CANARY - DEPART T GITY OF SAINT PALIL V vv BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ' ' � � C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �S• � Service Commission conduct the hearings for the purposes aforesaid would be for this Council to authorize the City Attorney to file a petition on behalf of the City with the Minnesota Public Service Commission and, further, request that the Public Service Commis- sion notify all interested parties and citizens of the date, time and place of the Commission s public hearing so that all such per- sons ma.y be given an opportunity to appear and testify before the said commission; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize and direct the City Attorney to file a petition on behalf of the City of Saint Paul requesting that the Public Service Commission of the State of Minnesota conduct a public hearing for the purpose of reconsidering its previous order dir- ecting the closing of the Alton Street crossing with the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company' s Ford spur tracks, and following this hearing, to issue its or�,er opening the said crossing for the public safety, health and ��o�.venience and, further, that the petition request review by the commission of the hazardous conditions tha.t ma.y exist at the railroad crossings with Ma.dison, Homer and Rankin Streets, all located in the City of Saint Paul. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �l Hozza [n Favor Levine � Rcedler 'A gai n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date � 2 d �� Form Approved by City Attory�ey � � f Certifie ss Coun '1 Secretar�, BY � Y y �' Approve Mayor: D te 2 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �tueus�o MA1f 3 �q�