265360 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council ^ CANARV�- DEPARTMENT •/■ ■n■ BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �++���.�■• ■ P� � C ncil e lution � Presented By CE SE COI�ILTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVIDs That Application N 3342 for Tavern License, applied for by Maneini Bar� Inc. (Mancini's Chax House) at 531 W. Seventh Street� be and the same is hereby granted. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza _� [n Favor Levine Rcedler , Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date � 2� �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie se y Coun il Secreta�y BY Approv Mayor: Dat �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �uettSNf� Y 3 �975 � : �� C' � � �5��3 60 � ' Clfl( OF ST. PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL 5T.PAUI,MINNESOTA 55702 M�arch 14, 1975 File X1616, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearins aill be held in �ooa 707 of th� Cit� Hall and Coart 8ouae at 9:00 a.s. on April 16, 1975 oe th� applfcation ot Maacini Bar, Inc. for a Tavera License at 531 Weat 7th Street aad the proparty ia describad as !°o11eNS: Part NorthMaat ot Weat 7th Strs�t of Lot• 3 and 7; also (�xcept street) Lot 4, Bloek 7, Winslvr+'s Additioa to St. Paul. The prop�rt� ia located o�a the aonthvest cozaer of Ba�fil Streat and West 7th Streat. For farther inforeation, contact t6e Division of License aud Pernit Registration, 202 Public Safety Building, or talephone 224-1896. To co�ly aith the City Charter, the Departsant oi linauce i• chsrged with iafora�ing you o� this public heariag. If you have an� qu�stiona, it is recao�aaded that you attead this p�blic h�ari� to afford you tbe opportunity to sake yonr visMa, both pro and con, kaoMn to the Licoaas Coereittee. ROGER A. 1+IATTSON DIR�CTO�