265334 ��� ;
City of St.Paul CIL FILE
� ,
By �
File No. 17750
In the Matter of improving the Rice St. Bridge over the Burlington Northern,
Inc. tracks and changing the grade of Rice St. fran Lafond to Sycamore St.
Also, open, widen and extend Rice St. by condemnictg and taking an easement
for highway and bridge purposes to the extent shown on Pablic Works Opening
and Bridge Easement Drawing No. 2297, Drawing 4, dated March 6, 1975, on
file in the Department of Peiblic Works on the following described lands
�..The west 58 ft. of Lots 5, 6 and 7, 81ock 2, and also a triangular ,
part of the northwest corner of Lot 4, said Block 2, measuring 18 ft.
�,a� the �orth side and 18 ft. on the west side of said Lot 4, all lo-
cated i� Fletche�'s Subdivision of 8rewster's Addition;
�and. all that part of the NE4 of the NE4s of Sectton 36, T. 29 N.,
' R. 23 W. lying -southwesterly of the southwesterly right-af-way line
having of the 8url ington Northern Ra i l road, westeriy of Ri ce �Street as lt, and
wtdened, and easterly of the following described �1 ine:� Cortunencing hereof
at the �o�theast corne� of the NE� of� Sect ion 36, T. 29 N:, R.23 W. ;
thence S. 00° 3$' W., a distance of 72g.5$ ft., (as measured along
the east line of said section); thence S. 89 22� W.� a distance day of
of the
of �0 ft. to the point of beginning of the line to be described;
thence N. 08° 59� 21��� w�� a distance of 178,g0 ft.; thence N. 320
30' OS" W., a distance of 159.85 ft.; thence N. 13° �5� �p�� w.� a :�ng the
-distance of 205.98 ft.; thence N. 00° 46� .13" W., a dDstance of 94.3 ft. ,s
�o more or less to the southwesterly right-of-way line of the 8urlington
lJorthern Railroad and there terminating, Z 19�
.and. all Lhat pa rt of the SE4 of the SE� of Section 2�, T. 29 N.,
, ; or
R• 23 W. lying southerly of Sycamore .Street, westerly of Rice Street, '
. ., . :._ __
and-northerly and_easterly of the following described line:
Commencing at the southeast corner of the SE� of Section 25� T. 29 N.,
R. 23 W.: thence N. 00 55' W.. a dJstance of 308.23 ft.; thence 5. 89� OS'
W., a dtstance of 30 ft. to the point of beginning of the line to be described;
thence S. 89° 57� W., a distance of 93,58 ft. ; thence N. 23° 13' �+�►" E., a
distance of 155.40 ft.; thence NE' ly a distance of 176.9 ft. more or less to
a point on the southeriy li�e of Sycamore St�eet, said point bei�g a dis-
tance of 42 ft. west of the east line of said Sectton 25, and there te nrii�at+ng.
' and�. ali that part of the SEz of the SE� of Section 25, T. 29 N., R. 23 w.;
lying wtthin the following desc�ibed lines: Commencing at the southeast
corner of the SEy� of Section 25. .T. 29 N., R. 23 W..; thence N:.�00° 55' W.. � •
a distance of 97.45 ft.; thence S. 89° OS' �W., a di�stance of 30 ft.� to the •
potnt of beginning of the line to be described; thence 5. 89°. OS' W., a. dis-
, tance of 147 ft.; thence N. 00� 55' W., a distance of 93 ft.; thence N. 230
t3' 1+4" E., a dfstance of .130.62 ft.; thence N. 89° 57`� E., a distance of
93.5$ ft.; thence south along the west ltne of Rirp c*.ee« «.. .�_ __ . _
_ __ �� �.. v�.��.� IYCU�
thence N. 08° 59' 24" W., a distance of 178.90 ft.; thence N. 320
ZO' OS" W., a distance of 159.8� ft.; thence N. 13° �5� �p�� W.� a ing the
-distance of 205.98 ft.; thence N. 00° 46� .13" W., a dista�ce of 94.3 ft.�s
CO more or less to the southwesterly right-of-way line of the Burlington
Northe rn Railroad and there terminating, � 19�
and. all that pa�t of the SE'-4 of the SE4 of Section 2�, T. 29 N.,
. �• 23 W. lying southerly of Sycamore .Street, westerly of Rice Street,
and northerly and easte�ly of the following described line:
Commencing at the southeast corne� of the SE� of Section 25, T. 29 N.,
R. 23 W.; thence N. 00 55' W.. a distance of 308.23 ft.; thence 5. 89° 05�
W., a distance of 30 ft. to the point of beginning of the line to be described;
thence 5. 89° 57' W.� a distance of 93,58 ft. ; thence N. 23° 13� 44'� E., a
distance of i55.40 ft.; thence NE' ly a distance of 176.9 ft. more or less to
e point on the southerly llne of Sycamore Street, said point being a dis-
tance of 42 ft. west of the easL line of said Sectio� 25, and there terminat+ng.
and,. all that pa�t of the SE� of the SE� of Section 25� T. 29 N., R. 23 W,;
lying within the following described lines: Commencing at the southeast
corner of the SE� of Section 25� .T. 29 N., R. 23 W.; thence N..�00° 55' W.. .
a distance of 97.45 ft.; thence S. 89° 05� � W., a distance o.f 30 ft. to the �
potnt of beginni�g of the line to be described; thence 5. 89�. 05� W., a. dis-
tance of 147 ft.; thence N. 00 55' W., a dtsta�ce of 93 ft.; thence N. 230
t3' k4" E.� a distance of 130.62 ft.; thence N. 89° 57`� E., a dist�nce of
93.58 ft.; thence south along the west line of Rice Street to the poi�t of
and, ali that part of the NE4 of the NE4 of Section 36, T. 29 N., R. �3 W.
and ail that part of the SE4 of the SE4 of Section 25, T, 2g N�� R� 23 W.
iying within the following described iines: Canmencing at the NE corne� of
Section 36, T. 29 N. � R. 23 W. ; thence N. 88�59' E., a distance of 30 ft. .,
to the '
point of beginning of the line to be described; thence S. 00° 3$' E. , �
a distance of 193.32 ft. along the west line of Rice Street; thence N. 68° �
�k' W., a distance of 117.91 ft. along the SW' ly R/W line of the Burlington
Northern RR; thence N. O1° O1 ' W. � a distance of 24 0 �
5.35 ft. ; thence N. 89
�5' E.. a dlstance of 110. 17 ft. ; thence S. 00° 55' E. , a disLance of 97.50 ft. �
along the west line of Rice Street to the polnt of beginning.
. �
. v