265328 5�28
City of St.Paul CIL FIL�
File No. 17731-3
In the Matter of opening, �idening and extending DARL$biE ST. creating a cul-
de-sac for st. purposes by taking,and condemning the folloi+ing described
parcel of laad:
Tha.t part of the SE4-of T1F1,�-, of Sec. 2, 1'2$, R_22 �ying Kithin t�� � of s cirele
• ba�:ing a 60' radius, the cen;,er of said circle being lk6' south ot the narth Xfne -`�
of the south 780' of the iV;,lu of �ec. 2, T28, R-22 and L2g� W. of the W1y 13�e'pf '
Darlene Street as platted in middle Battle Creek Addition.
- Also, a 30' strip of Ia.nd in SE4 of NI•]u of Sec. 2, T28, R-22 lying wester�}r an$
adjacent to the existing Darlene Street as platted in middle Battle Creek Addition
r �'on Upper Afton �oad to a point 176' sauth of the north line of the srn:th 780'
o: the I�7t9,�-� of Sec 2� T28� R-22. . �
. Also, the south 60' of the north 176' of the south 780� of the N;,iu of Sec. 2, �2$,
R-22 frota the ;�Tly line of Darlene Street as pla,tted in middle Battle Creek Addition
to the abave described cul-de-sac.
�Ot�lemnln3 and �.asing a 20 foot wide storm sewer easement on, over and across that gart of the
... S. 780 fi, oP t3e S•7. 3,03,60 ft, oP the SE,�-� of the n^.•T� of Section 2, T. 2827., R. 22W..� the
cestter line of sa.id easement being described as follaws:
_ Beginning at the intersection of a line 1�6 f`t, south of and garall,el to the north
line of the sa.id S. 780 ft, and a line 125 ft, west oY and parall.el to the aest li�
Q2' Mi.ddle Ba.ttle Creek Addition; thence NW��jr to a pti�nt on the t,rest line oP said
� SE4, �8p �t, north of the sauth line of sa.id S�-,�,-� a,ad there termimting.
un- �� a 20 foot wide ut3lity easeaent on, auer and across that �-
� �• 303•G�•f't. oP the SE�, of the N:•74 oP Sectioa 2, T. 28 N., R�2 Wf,tthe�cen8er�ine o�e �
�1z3 �,sement being .described as follows:
BeB�niag at the intersection of a line 1�+6 ft. south of and {ent, and
line oP the sa,id g, 7$p �. �,�, a 3ine 125 Pt. west of and �'ra].lel to the north
ha� of biidcLe Battle Creek Addit3on• thence SI� Para11e1 to the west lfne
line 10 1't. east of and ' `13' to the point of intersection of a tthereof
• north of and �'rauel to'the west line of said SE,i-, and a line 510 ft.
parallel to the south line of said SEu; thence south clong sa,id �.p �,
�Zrallel line 100 ft, more or less to the I+��7�y R�FI line of Upaer Afton Raad, e.ad
• there terminating. .
Also condemnirig and taking an easement ia the lattd necessary for slopes, cuts aad fi13s, in-
cluding right o£ reaova.l of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereoP, occasioned
, by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the g:ading and surfhcing vith bitumi;tous _ day of
mterial AARLENE STREET :`rom Upper A�ton Road to the cui-de-sac.
' 1'he Estireated Cost for this 9.m�rovement amounts to `rs of the
oa�iaated assess�ent rate amoturts to $9,500, to be fina.nced by assessment. The
�.00 per essessable foot.
Administretive Orc3er �2379 approved Jtuie 2'v� 197�, as aaaended -.
Counci.l Public Ilorks Commi�tee report of Februa� �g 1 ' P�'SUa'nt t° Cfty
3. Tfiat nbi��e cn aa,u Y�,,.,.. ______. „ _ �' � ��� tating the
time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvemenfand�tre zarai cvst inereui as esiima�eu. �'
APR 1 7 1975
COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Christenset�Ys Certified d by Council Secretary � Z�2 ��
H ozza .
Hunt �In Favor
Levine J
RoedleG Against
Syivester Mayor
-tedesc� PUB�ISNED APR 2 6 i�i�'S