265325 WHITE - CITY CLERK (������ PINI+� - FINANCE / CANARY .+DEPARTMENT . CITY OF SAINT PAITL � Council ',r� '� B'LUE -MAYOR . File ' r • � cil R �0 • '� � Presented By ` Referred To omm' tee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, E.D.M. , Inc. is the holder of an on-sale ' intoxicating liquor license for the premises at 1201 Payne Avenue in the City of Saint Paul, subject to six conditions as follows: l. All persons while performing and entertaining on the licensed premises shall be fully clothed so as to prevent visibility of breasts, genitalia, buttocks, and anus. 2. Any and all game rooms shall be closed at 6:30 P.M. every day. 3. There shall be no ingress to or egress from the accessory parking lot to the rear alley. 4. A six-foot high fence from the buil�ing north to Hawthorne Avenue and e�.st to Payne Avenue will be constructed and completed on or before September 30, 1974, and will be continually ma.intained in the future. 5. The licensed establishment will ma.intain kitchen facilities and will be capable of serving luncheons and evening m�als in conjunction with the sale of intoxicating liquors. 6. The licensee wi11 make a �ona �idQ attempt to increase the parking lot, by leasing a vaeated service. station adjacent to the licensed premises. � and; COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' Christensen Hozza ' [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY g' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHI7�E - CITV CLERK "��A^� PINK - FINANCE 'j 'I'1 CANXRY -�=DEPARTMEtJT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUII � h� ���5' � BCUE -MAYOR 1 e O. ' ' ` . Council e ' n - Presented By �� Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, based on further consideration and evidence received in a hearing relating to the license involved, and relating to the game room; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Condition 2 relating to closing the game room at 6:30 P.M. is hereby deleted in its entirety from the conditions imposed on the said license COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hozza [n Favor Levine p Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco x President Hunt 1�R � 7 �8��7, � ' �+ � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi a sed Co il Secretary BY � Y Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gYApproved without the signature of the Ma.Yor gy pursuant�t�o��t�Qp„6308 ,p,��the Charter. ' NIA1 ��r r � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL " < i��;'� • ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DiVIS10N 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 265`��5 Apri1 10, 1975 File X1608, Page You are hereby aotified that the Council of the City of St. Paul , will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the Citq Hall and Court Aouse at 10:00 a.m. on April 17, 1975 at which time the City Council will consider amending the On-Sale Liquor License of E.D.M. Inc. (Crusader Lounge), located at 1201 Payne Avenue. The proposed amendment to be considered ie the possibility of deleting condition number two (2) in its entirety, from said license, which states "any aad all game rooms shall be closed at 6:30 p.m. every day." For further information, contact the Division of License � permit Registration,209 City flall, or telephone 298-5056. To camply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, bpth pro and con�, knawn to the License Co�ittee. ROGER A. MATTSON DIRECrOR I � . . . . . , • CITY OF ST. PAUL ROGER A. MATTSON DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ANd MANAGEMENT SERVICES JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI Director DIVISION OF LICENSE & PERMIT REGISTRATION �icense Inspector 103 Public Safety Bldg. 101 East 10th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 ������ 224-1896 April 2, 1975 E.D.M. , Ix�c. 1201 Payne Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 ' Dear Mr. Schoenecker: The License Committee today at their meeting gave approval and sent to the City Council a resolution deleting in its entirety condition number two (2) as one of the conditions which were originally imposed by the St. Paul City Council on your On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License when approval was given of your transfer from 499 Wabasha to 1Z01 Payne Avenue. Condition number two states "any and all �ame rooms shall be closed at 6:30 P.M. every day." The License Committee has requested that a public hearing regardir:g this proposed resolution be held before the St. Paul City Cou:�cil on Thursday, April 17, 1975. This hearing will be held in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floar City Hall, at 10:00 A.r1. Very truly yours, rl,�a,�.�� ' Josep F. Carchedi License Inspector cc: Mr. Robert Schoenecker 21 Denns.s Lane Mayor Lawrence CohP^ Madam President Rub,y Hunt , Councilman Patrick Roedler, Chairman Councilman David Hozza Councilman Robert Sylvester Councilman Leonard Levine Councilman John Christensen . Councilman Victor Tedesco Mr. Phil Byrne Rose Mix, City Clerk JFC/hjm , ,r • • � 4 . ` �` ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ROGER A.'MATTSON DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ANd MANAGEMENT SERVICES JOSEPH F.CARCHEDI Director DIVISION OF LICENSE & PERMIT REGISTRATION l.icense Inspector 103 Public Safety Bldg. 101 East 10th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 224-1896 April 2, 1975 Mr. Paul Desch Finance Department 113 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Dear Mr. Desch: Th�. License Committee of the St. Paul City Council has requested that a pabli hearin� be held regarding tr�e pr�posed resolution deleting condition number two (?.) in its entirety from the On Sal� Liquor License which �s prasently held by E.D.M. , Inc. (Crusader Loun�e, President Robert Schceneck:�r) at 1201 Payne Avenue. Condition number two states "any and all game rooms shall be closed at 6:30 P.M. everyday." Please notify any and all organizations and/or persons who have registered with your office as ,having an interest in those matters. The public hearing will be held before the St. Paul City Council on Thursday, April 1'], 1975, in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall at 10:00 A.M. Very truly yours, /��� . Jose h F. Carchedi License Inspector cc: Mayor Lawrence Cohen I Maciam President Ruby xunt Councilman Patrick Roedler, Chairman ; Councilman David Hozza I . Councilman Robert Sylvester . Councilman Leonard Levine Councilman John Christensen Councilman Victor Tedesco � Mr. Phil Byrne Rose Mix, City Clerk JFC/hjm ; -