D00897White - City Clerk Pink - Finance Dept. Canazy - Dept. Accounting Blue - Engineec Green - Contractor � • No. � 1.1� � 1 Date '�l �' � - � �Q CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYO& ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for GONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Wheceas, additious which pcoved to be necessaiy to the Impcovement described as Remodeling of floors 4 F� S in the City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota known as Contract X.-15002 , City Project No. 9536.00 , Nordline Construction , Co¢tracta, is composed of the following: l. Fzzr out wall to install frame in Room S10 ..........$ 193,20 2, No ceiling tile needed patching in Room 513 . .......$ (46.00) 3, Installed access door for plwnbing in Room S15 ,......$ 77.67 4, Bring Exit Lights up to code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 326,02 S, Install water cooler outlet.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 108.67 6, Reconnect Fire A1arm on Sth floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 81.50 7. Add Wiring for card reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 103.24 8. -Add 3-way switch in Room 501 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 217.35 9. Install 4000 wire mold in lieu of 2" conduit ........" � Q.dO 10, Install carpet in Room 410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 351.52 11. Deduct for hardware installation by CHA . . . . . . . . . . . $ (413.00) 12, ➢educt for trash removal by CHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ (433,00) 13. Tnstall 4000 wire mold £or telecoimnunications . . . . . . . . $ 4,973,43 TOTAE.. $ 5,540.40 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of � 5, 540,40 , Said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as contract L�- 15002 , and which amount is to be financed from: S�: Contract Amaunt $107,747.00 This Change Order $ 5,540.40 $113,287.40 � • � 1 ?is-� 19 3s? is�e� � 19 _�f�L Administrative Assistant to the Mayor " ' �t��� AI DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJGOUNCIL DATEINITIATED ,V� 2 9 814 LIEP/Design Services 2/7J96 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAV�ATE INITAVDATE O DEPMTMENTDIRE O CITYCOUNCIL BaTbSrB A",o1'in 266-9095 ass�cx �mnnoaNEr �cmc�AK 5T BE ON CQUNCIL 0.GENDA 8Y (OATE) NpU0U71NGFOR ��� DIRECTOR � FIN. S MGT. SERVICES D ORDEB OMAVOR(ORASSISTANn � H, L, Holz 11uu1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 300 Lowry Pro£. Bldg ACTION REQUESTEO: Required signatUres for Change Order #1 for Phase I Remodeling on 4th and Sth floors of the City Hall Annex; 25 West 4th Street, Saint Paul. RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (q) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEF THE FOLLOWINO �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEHVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personHirm evar worketl untler a contract for this departmeM? _ CiB COMMIiTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/fittn ever been a city empbyee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DIS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IEC7IVE� YES NO Expfain all yes answars on aeparate sheet antl attach to green sheet iNITIMMG PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFYiUN1iY (Who, W�al. When, Where, Items discovered in process of completing the project that were not in the original contract. VANTAGES fF APPRWED: ;Nould enable proper completion of work, �ISADVANTAGES iF APPROVED � None. DISADVANTAGES 1F NOT APPROVED: Work would need to be done at a later date and would cost more and work sche3ule would not be adhered to. TOTAL AMOUN7 OF 7RANSACTION $ Ss 54 `� • Y � COSi/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIflCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE ACTIVITYNUMBER 160-11050-0898 FINANCIAL INFOAMATION' (EXPLAIN) ..I� � � r � ��V � �� �� � PHONE 7773958 Fax777-6856 • j�jORDLING CDNSTRUCTION CD. INC. 2562 EAST SEVENTH AVE.. SUITE 11 t NO. ST. PAUL, MINN. 55109 January 9, 1996 City of St. Paul LIEP Design Group 35Q St. Peter Street Ste 320 St. Paul, Mn. 55120 Re: 4th & Sth Floors o£ City Hall Annex � Attn: Barbara Morin Dear Barbara: We are requesting a change order for the following: 1. Door & Frame# 510. When we were cutting in wall opening to receive door frame #510, we discovered the existing wall was not as wide as needed for new £rame. We had to re�ve additional metal studs and drywall, installed new studs and drywall materials Labor 2 hrs @ $40.00 Additional taping 15% profit and overhead $ 48.00 80.00 40.00 $168.00 25.20 $193.20 $193.20 d�. � 2. Fifth floor: At door #513 we moved wall towards elevator lobby. We did not have to build wall up to underside of deck but we added above 2" wide wall. This is a wash � about same square footage. We did not have to patch � ceiling tile in this area Deduct ($46.00) ($46.OQ) 3. Door #502 does not call for to be removed & relocated closer to electric panel roam. we did this and removed sidelight Demolition door and frame installed 15� overhead and profit $40.00 80.00 $120.00 15.00 $138.00 f' �'•� C� ���� C� n U L� Page -2- 4th & 5th Floors of City Hall Annex 4. We installed an access door for plumbing valve in room #515 Ibor $27.53 labor �0.00 $67.53 15$ overhead and profit 10.13 $77.67 $795.00 27.83 $822.83 41,14 $863.97 5. Smoke and fire damper will not be used The difference between smoke & fire damper in lieu of just fire damper is a deduct of ( 0�'41�� 6. Electrical items: A. REmoved and aaded 4 LED exic. Iighc.s 4th and Sth floor insurance and bond 3.5$ 5� overhead and profit B. Capped and removed main lighting switches insurance and bonds 3.5� Sg overhead and profit C. Installed water cooler outlet 3.5g insurance and bond 5� overhead and profit D. Removed emergency fixtures & wired to nornx�l fixtures 3.5� insurance and bond 5� overhead and profit E. Removed spot lights 4th & 5th floor 3.5� insurance and bond 5� overhead and profit F. Reconnected to fire alarm 5th 3.5� insurance and bond 5� overhead and profit G Added wiring for extra door card reader 3.5� insurance and bond 5� overhead and pro£it $77.67 p�- "'-" � � �� �k.N` $195.00 6.83 $201.83 10.10 • � 1 T $195.00 6.83 S2 1o. 8 0 �'IOS•b7 sui.92 �rr� v� � $495.00 17.33 $512.33 25.62 C �` L CG7^I_!�C . TAS�►�^��� $295.00 10.33 $305.33 15.27 • � $75.00 � 2.63 $77.63 3.88 y,.,,, $81.50 $81.50 a� T�"1 $95.00 3.33 $98.33 4.92 $103.24 103.24 �� ��q r � Page -3- 4th and 5th floors of City Hall Anneic A. Added 3 way switching 5th floor cronference room 3.5� insurance and bond 5$ overhead and profit qc�t�w�'[Ot4A� i I. Extra cost forw40�0 wiremold ae�npeacd �,i rh �A �-_�.__ ��;W Cp�l�� 3.5$ insurance and bo�xi 5$ overhead and profit $295.00 10.33 $305.33 15.27 $320.59 2�900.00 101.50 $3,001.50 150.08 $3�15.58 Respectfully� �yi1.3►�' ow-p�u� c.��_59 '����3.�� . ` ' • � �� ���� ��� No in L. Nordling, V. Pres. ��,jZ � NLN: drn Enc. C.C. & S . ;�n��q� t. PrioNe 777-3958 Fau777-6856 • (VORDLING CON5TRUCTION CO. INC. 2562 EAS7 SEVENTH AVE, SUITE 11t NO. ST. PAUL, MINN, SSt09 January 23, 1996 City of St. Paul LIEP Design Group 350 St. Peter Street Ste 320 st. Paul, Mn. 55120 Re: 4th & 5th Floors of City Hall Annex Attn: Barbara Morin Please send a change order for the following: • Extra carpet in roan 410 as per request of Mark Galloway $323.46 Insurance and bond 3.5� 11.32 $334.78 5� overhead and profit 16.74 $351.52 —D�, �j� Respectfully, . Io �'i ���������' U- 1Vorvin L. Nordling, V. Pres. �� '' � 'C.` NLN:drn C J • 1-31-9b TO: BARB MORIN DAVE NELSON FROM MARK UALLOWAY RE CQNSTRUCTIn�.r Rerc 1} RECONi�rECT STH. FLOOR FIRE AL AR,tif �CCCS). $81.50 REPAIR STH. FLOOR FIRE ALARM (PEOPLES) $81.54 (NOTE THESE SHOLD BF, BILLED TO WATER) `C���'"[ NQ• '?) CLEAN t#3AND 4 LLEVATORS AFTLR NORDLING REMOV�D CONSREUCTION MATERIALS IN Tf fE IvIIDDLE OF THE NIGF[T. $55 00 �� 3) I-I8-94 ('ONVI:RT 6 I,O('KS PROfvi I<'VORS'('O HANDLES A) REMOVE MORTISES 2 MAN 1IRS AT � 55 00 PERIHR B) CONVER'C MORTISES 2 MAN f{!ZS A'T 55S OQ PERIHR C) REINS7 ALL MORTISGS 1 U2 MAi� FIfZS A7' $>5.00 PER/�iit D) INSTALL NEW DOOR LEVERS ON KEYED DOOf�S 2 MAN HR5 AT $55 00 PER/HR $I 1000 $l1000 $83 00 fJ $1100(? • 4) 1-19-96 REMOVE SEVERAL BAGS OF TRASH LEFT IN TI3� STAIRWELL AND SWEEP UP THE CONSTRUCTION MESS IN THE STAIRWELL. 4 MAN HRS AT $25.00 PER/HR $100 00 �/ , DISPOSAL OF BAGS OF TRASH (60 GALLONS ) $ 48.00 �' 5) 1-25-96 REMOVE EX'I'ItA INSULAT[ON, CEIL[NG PANELS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FROM THE STH. FLOOR COPY ROOM. � I MAN HR AT $55.00 P�'R/FIR $1 ]0.00 � !�', �-��ti� , �1��.�� Si� s;,�k �c'r�...�.� .� �t °�-"�^ � �°:� � s � rk,�,� �� �� �� �, .o � C�