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265283 WHI7E - CITY CLERK A�I-� _ _ PINK - FINANCE �� IC��� CANqRY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL CO11IlC1I /� '�"i BLUE �-MAYOR File N 0. ` r � , • � � O/ �n�nce Ordinance N�. '��I'7 Presented By /l Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ari Aaministrative 0.rdinance �pprnving the ter��s and conditions o� a "�randum of Tlnderstanding" applyiag tr� c�rta3n "Confidential H�ployees" of the City of 3aint Paul. WI�A�� The Couacil� pur�uant to thc prcvisions of �ecti�n 12.09 of the 3aint P�ul City Charter a�d the "Public �ployees I,abcr R�latic�s Act", recognizes the e�pl.oyees in the confidential group �2�a11 be those eanployees d,efined as "Confidential �ployees" in 3ectian 179.63� �ubdiv-ision 8, of the Minnesota 8tatutes; and W�, The f�ity thrcugM its d.esignated repreaentatives has met and conPerred in order to establish the eco�a.ic terms and conditions of e�mployment for the calendar year of 1g75 for such p�rsonnel� as are set forth in the "I�ora�dum of �Tnderstandirig"; now, therefore � O�GIL QF Tfi� CITY �F �AI�1T PAUL D�� t3��IN= Section l. That the "Itmnorandum of �nderstand3ng" dated as of the efPectiv�e date ef this prdinance, on file in the office :of the City Clerk, is hereby* apprev�ed aad the a�thorized administrative officials of the G'i.ty art hereby autharized and directed to execute said "Mem�randum of Understanding" on beha].f of the City. �lection 2. Tbat all of the terms and conditions set forth in said Dfemorand�m of shall take force �nd effect retroactively to danuary 4, lg'(5, except for the mi.leage allawance provision c�ta3.ned in said Memorandum of �nderstaa�ding ar�d this shall becc�ne efYective upon the effective date of this �rdinaace, in accordaace with the expr�ssed interit and agreemeat of the Council contained in Council �'ile Ro. 264748. � - 1 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gai ns t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form A ove y City At or e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date • Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Councii 265�83 CANqRY - DE'PARTMENT File NO. BLUE . -MAYOR I • . � � 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. ���/� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. T'hat any ather prdinance, rule or reg�lation in force when said agreemer�t takes effect, inconsistent with any prc�vision of the terms and conditions of said agreement, is hereby repealed. 8ection �. That this prd;inance shall take ef�f'ect aud be in force thrity (30� days after its passage, approval and p�blicatic�n. Approved: irman Civil Service Comm�ission COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza � In Favor Levine Rcedler O Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt � 2 � �� Form Ap r ved y City tt r ey Adopted by Council: Date Certifie sse y Cou il Secre�ary BY Approv Mayor: ate � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By pueus��o A R � 6 i97� _ M � � �, no . �5�14. _ __ � � . �c65�8�3 . ., MEMORAI+IDUM OF UNDERSTAI�IDING This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply to certain Confidential Employees of the City of Saint Paul holding classified titles. The employees in the Confidential group shall bs those employees defined as Confidential E�uployees in Section 179.63, Subdivision 8, of the Minnesota Statutes, and as listed hereinafter. Ac c ountant I Civil Service Transactions Clerk I Civil Service Transactions Clerk II Orientation Coordinator Personnel Assistant I Personnel Assistant II Personnel Assistant III Personnel Assistant IV t'ersonnel Technician I Personnel Technician II Personnel Technici�n JII Classified Employees of the Personnel Office in the "Clerical" Group Classified Eynployees of the City Attorney's Office in the"Clerical" Grou� Classified �nployees of the Mayor's Administrator's Office in the "Clerical" Group Classified F�nployees of the Personnel Office in the "Technical" Group Classified Employees of the City Administrator's Office in the "Clerical" and "Technical" Groups l. Employees employed in the aforementioned titles and positions shall receive a salary increase of 10°,(, (ten per cent) for the year 1975. 2. (a) 20 and 25 year longevity steps of $9.50 each for the following titles: Civil Service Transaction Clerk I Civil Service Transaction Clerk II Orientation Coordinator Classified Employees of the City Attorney's Office in the "Clerical" Group Classified F�nployees of the Personnel Office in the "Clerical" Group Classified F�ployees of the Mayor's Administrative Office in the "Clerical" Group , Classified Employees of the City Administrator's Office in the "Clerical" Group (b) 20 and 25 year longevity steps of $13.00 each for the following titles: Personnel Technician I Personnel Technician II Personnel Technician III Classified F�ployees of the Personnel Office in the "Technical" Group Classified Employees of the City Ad.ministrator's Office in the "Technical" Group . w _ �. p,�. no I�t4 _ _ �, , � 265283 3. Prnvide paid life insurance (same as for a�tive employees) for those who retire prior to age 6;, to be continued to age 65. � '+. Modify the vacation carry over policy to allow an employee to carry over into the following year up to eighty hours of vacation with the approval af the department head. (This replaces the present �+0 hour maximum.� 5. MZLEAGE ALLC/WANCE C'ity officers and employees may be reimbursed for the use of their own automobiles for official City business. To be eligible for such rei.mburse- ment all officers and employees must receive written authorization from the Mayor, and reimbursement shall be made in accordance with one of the � �'cllowing plans: Typ� 1. For those officers and employees who are required to use their own automobiles occasionally for official City business, reimbursement at the rate of $0.13 for each mile driven. Type 2. For those officers and employees who are required to use their own automobiles on a regular basis on City business, reimbursement at the rate of �2.50 for eech day of work, and in addition thereto at the rate of $O.o65 for each mile driven. Ttie Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the reouirement that recipients shall file daily reports indiceting miles driven ar�d shall file monthly affidavits stating the number of days worked and the :n::mber of miles driven, and further require that they maintain autom�obile liaY�ility insurance in amounts not less than �100,000�300,000 for personal in�ury, and $50,000 for property damage. These rules and regulations, to.gc�ther with any amendments thereto, shall be maintazned on file with the Ci_ty Clerk. _ � - _ - �. no• 15�314 . . . . . � , � , ,, - , �� ., Civil Service Commission S � i � � � pAUL Director of Personnel Mrs. Ruth D.Schwarzwalder,Chairman ' � ' � � Thomas D. Gieason Mr. Harry H.Gaston PERS � L DFF�CE Mr.A. R. (Dick)Zangs Assistant Director Bernard P.Wright t i � f ! • b t� �3 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 April 7, 1975 Mrs. Ruby Hunt President, 3t. Paul Citg Council and Honorable Members of the Council Dear Mrs. Hunt and Council Members: There is an ordinance, Conncil File l�o. 265283 which was introduced on April 3, which pertains to 1975 salary increases for certain confidential employees. This ordinance approves a Memoraadum of Understanding and is applicable to titles in the Clerical, Technical and Non-Supervisoryr bargai.ning units. It appears that the language of the Memorandum of Understanding does not include the classified e�ployees i.n the City Ac7ministrator's office who hold classified titles which s�re in the Clerical, Technical and �on-Supervisory bargaining units. 3pecifically, these titles are Clerk- Ster�gr�pher III, Secretary, Planning Technician I, Public Iriformation Technic�.an and Accountant I. Therefore, we are requesting that the Memoranduffi of tkiderstanding be am ed i.n such a way as to include these employees. e suggest that the front page of the I�emorandum of Understanding be amen�ed as indicated in red on the attached copy of the front page of the Memo�andum of Understanding. r �` Thank you. . Very truly yours, �. s THOMAS D. GLF�iS01f° � � � � f �`� { ,t% .� ,; '_ G� ����'� , -�/ i'2' � By�:���'Ja�nes C. Lombardi � ,� f j,• Personnel Assistant i 4 1�R(�A71�a '�-�O � . ? ���t �� `,,� v z ' m p � i��� � '^ e y OU ti �`�A�'AGE:MEN�4`i MEMBER � .,�+,mais";..a"�• -- rsa�mu��,.._�....,.....»..._�_..._.__._ ' ____ .. .. __ - ..'.-.. - . -.- . ... _ . . . _. . /� � - . r; - ~-,� ,.i� . �" _` a :� J������ `� . . J�.` . . . .. . ' . . � . . . . . � . __�-� 7 �...r..17�.� "� � �.., �� ' .�� . _.. . ' . �++-- . �/.• �.. , , ... � . .' . .. � � � .. > . ,r - .. ;.,. '� ,� �y`.....,.. . . . .. .. . .. , _ . . . . .�:� _r� . f' . . . � . . . . . _i' _ �.... . ,. � . , . . � . . . . � � . .a�� ' . ' . � _ . . .- ' . �"' , � , . „�q.,, _.. .; .ry „ . . . . . . . . . .. . c MEMURANJUM OF UNDERSTAI�IDL'�G ' , - _ .; : ` � Thi� M�orandum of Understanding shall agply to cartain Coniidentiel Employees of - � -. _� the City af Saint Paul holding classified titles. , The employees in the Confi,dential grau_o shall be those employees defined as Confidential F�nployees in Section 1?9.63, Subdivi�ion 8, of the Minnesota Statutes, and as listed hereinai'ter. Accountant I � - -`. Civil Servi -e Transactions Clerk I _ � �. • Civil Service Transactions Clerk II Orier.tation Coordinator , Personnel Assistant I _ personnel Assistar.t ZI - � Personnel Assistant III . .� �;� Personnel Assistant N y - - personnel Technician I �` . Personnel Technician II � � - = � Personnel Technician III Classified Employees of the Personnel Office in the "Clerical" Group C;lassified �ployees of the City Attorney's Office in the"Clerical" Gr� Classified �nployees of the Mayor's Administrator's Office - in the "�lerical" Group ~ � Classified E�plo��ees of the Personnel Office in the "Technical" Group Classified Employees of the City Administrator's Office in t`�e ''Clerical" and "Technical" Grougs 1. r�.'��ployees employed in the aforementioned titles and positions shall receive a : � salaxy increase of 10°,(0 (ten per cent) for the year 1975• ,� . � 2. (a) 20 end 25 ,yeAr longevity steps of $9.j0 each for the following � ; r} � � ' ' , �:� ,-, . , Civil Service Tr€�nsacti�n Clerk I ' - " ' Civil Service Transaction Clerk II • "' Orientation Coordinator � � Classified E�nployees of the City Attorney's Office . � in the "Clerical" Group - 'T �y ' Classified Employees of the Personnel,'Office in the . _-:; "Clerical" Group - ' '` .. _. <�;� .,� � _ �. - Classified Employees of the Mayor's Administrative.Office• � � s ;, _ - in the "Cleri�al" Group �,' ;� . - Classified Employees of the City Administrator's O�fice ,iyu ...�. _ ,� the "Clerical" Group, - - �# � � {. . .�:: � ' - (b) 20 and 25 year longevity steps o.: $13.00 each for the: following ti�ties �• � , x �� �:` . ' .s w'; - Personnel Techniciar. I - - �" �:� a.�- Personnel Technicia� II . • , � �� �. * '` Personnel Technician III - ~, - a Classified E�ployees of the Personael Office in the � � f'' x =` ;i� : ��Technical" Group , � ` �? � .. . :. ;3' d . - - Classified Employees of the .City Administrator's Of"i"`ice.;i�the -� >� .�. . �: �, „;, * - - ttTechnical"' Groug . _ , - �:: � . . ' .. � � . � � ._. `r �. .. _7�a.�i i, 1st L.��'i� 2na �{ ��� - 3rd ���� Adop�ed I/�a Yeas � Nays CHr�IS 1.�.:�SEN xozzA 265�8� �� � ROE.i�i�ER � S�tI+V"r.ST�R � TEDES�O PRESIDENi (HL�YT)