265268 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council GANqf2Y - DEPARTMENT . BLUE 1- MAYOR . File N 0. � uncil solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the sa.me are hereby granted. DeLaria's Kitchen, Inc. 2123 Ford Pkwy Rest C-2 App.13732Renswal Jack Wong 367 Selby Rest C-2 �� 15550" n �� Cj g n rr n Phillips Petroleum, Inc. 1102 Jackson Gas Sta-8P �� 00170�� Russell A. Miller 471 St. Peter Rest C-2 �� 00901�� " " On Sale rfalt " �� �' �� �� Off Sale Ma.lt " �� {� ir r� Cig n n n Carl Seebeck 62 W. dVinifred Gas Sta-4P �� 00918�� '► " �en Rep Gar u �i �i People, Inc. 565 Dayton Brd� Fise �� 01117�� Eugene W. Burth 484 S. Wabasha Cen Rep Gar �t 01120" hiichael J. Smith 1625 W. Minnehaha Yeh Ped " 01527�� " " Grocery �� 01528�� n n FY'oz FdS r� �i �r u u Cj,� �r n n Cold Medal Beverage Co. 553 N. Fairview Fd Ve�s-5 :' 01554" Johnson Bros. Wholesale Liquor, Inc. 2341 University Bev A1, Non-A1 �� 01638'� ri �r 5 Vg� �i n i� �old Medal Beverage Co. 553 N. Fairview Bev A1, Non-A1 �� 01646" �� n 5 Veh n n n " �� Priv Gas Pump �� �� �� n u Ci� �� tr �� Superamerica, Divn of 1Vorthwestern Refining Co. 395 N. Lexington " " Gas Sta-8P �� 01660" ir rr Grocery A-1 �' �� �� " " Hardware �' " �� " " Firearms �� " �� n �r Cig �r ►� tt Richard Dudley 485 Selby Ave. Rest �� 01852" r► n On Sale Malt �� �� �' " " Off Sale Malt " �� �� ►� r� n i� n COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmeat of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E — CITY CLERK PINK � — FINANCE TT A A , BLUERY= MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI,} L COI111C11 -)C�-f� File N 0. %V f4s � C cil R ' ol tion . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Pa�e 2 Sol Fox 564 University Ldy/DC �Plt App.01987Renewal Robt E. Jensen & Allen D. Doriott 584-6 Rice Bowling-SA s 02057" �► �� Rest C-1 �� 02058�� " �� Off Sale' Malt �� �' �� n n C1� n n n Caramel Crisp, Inc. 5 E. 7th St. Confect-B " 02099'� Wolter Drug Co. , Inc. 436-8 University Confect-B " 02307�� �� �� Off Sale 1�1a1t ti tr �� �� �� Ci$ _ n r� n Robert Jack, Inc. 1964 University Rest C-2 " 02383" r� r� Tavern �� �� " �' " Off Sale Malt �' �� �► n �� Ci� _ u n u Miller Coaches, Inc, 289 Como R�st C-1 �� 02413" n n Cig n �a n Liquor iVarehouse, Inc. 1110 �a�. Larpenteur Orig Cont_, �� 02437" n �' Cig n n n Awac:a, Inc. 199 E. Plato Blvd. Rest C-2 �' 02472�� n n Ci� n n i� Gallivans Restaurant, Inc. 354 Wabasha Rest C-2 " 02489�� " " Tavern �� �� " ir �� Clg ri i� �i rr n Cig V1�1 Oper n n n Connelys, Inc. 991 N. Lexington R.�st C-2 " 0249?�� u n Ci� n n i� �� �� Cig VM pper �� rr i� St. Francis DeSales Church 426 S. Osceola On Sale-Nialt �� 02G47�� �� �' Bowling-6A �� �' �� R.H.S. , Inc. (New Corp) 368 Jackson Rest C-2 �� 02702�� �� " Tavern '� " �� n n Cig n tt r� I�argaret J. LaMotte St. Lawrence St., r9un. Airport Cater-B " 02732�� Union Oil Co. of Calif. 235 S. Cleveland �as Sta-4� " 02745" tr n n n n COUIV��ILMEN " Cig " « " �� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1flC11 ' CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �� BLUE r- MAVOR �, Co nci R olution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Travelodge Corp. 149 E. University Hotel-�lrms App.02750Renewa] Ricom, Inc. 574 Rice Rest C-1 " 02870" �� �' Off Sale �ialt �� �� �� �+ t� Ci.� : n ri rr HIOA� Inc. 161 St. Anthony HoteT-207 rms �� 02885�� " " Tavern " " �� t� ,: ►� Cig �r rr n Associated Hosts of Minn. , Inc. (A Minn Corp)111 E. Kellogg Re,st C-2 " 02889" " " Tavern « " �r rr tt Cig �� �� ►i J. Donald Donahue 1858 Grand 2nd Hd Dlr Gen t� 82955" Cathedral School 325 t�7. Kellogg fd Estab-L �� 02987�► Acme Oil Co. , Inc. 241 S. Cleveland Gas Sta-6P �� 03082�� Yokoso Rest. , Inc. 1648 Grand Rest C-2 �� 03289'� Irving Serlin 1124 Payne Clg �� 03300�� Winkels, Inc. 107 Concord Rest C-2 �� 03320�� �� �� Off Sale Malt �' �� �� n n Cig �i tt rt The Depot Bar, Inc. 241 E. Kellogg Bli�d. Rest C-2 �� 03338�� n n Cig �� n n �� �� Off Sale I�9sit �' �� '� �� �� Cig VM Uper-21►1 �� �� �� Loevey Med Center Assn. 349 Wabasha Gas Sta-2P " 03354�► n �' Gen Rep Gar n �� n n n Cig n : n n Skil Corporation 1950 University �Iardware �� 03409" Mickeys Diner, Inc. 511 N. Snelling Rest C-2 �� 03410�' n �t Ci� n r� r� Nativity School 1900 Stanford Fd Estab-L �� 03420�� Marvin A. Merrick ?19 Burr Butcher-B �� 03438�� Regency Manor, Inc. 449 �allier Rest-Nurs Home �� 03448�� Knowlan'x Super Mkt, Inc. 791 Grand Grocery A-2 �' 3459�� ° " Butcher � ri rr n n ti tr n COUN�ILMEN �� Cig �� �� �� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK y'��wyyy���'''���/� PINK - FINANCE COZICICII �LM�j,�yy CANqPfY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. `�, ' *i�` ` B►.UE ,- MAYOR VV V\,A � Co cil Res lution . Presented By ' Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page � Ames School 1760 Ames Fd Estab-L App.03469Renewa7 Eisenminger Learning Center 919 Lafond �t �� 03485" Jackson School 43? Edmund �' �� 03511�� Mississippi School 15?5 L'Or3ent �� �� 03522�� Roosevelt Jr. , H.S. Greenwood & E. Congress " �� A3539�� Webster School 67 N. St. Albans �� '� 03546" Wilson Jr. H.S. 631 N. Albert �� �� A3548�� H.Salt Esq Fish & Chips $60 E. A9aryland �� �� 03605" David M. Weber & Charles Weinberger 857-61 Payne 2nd Hd Dlr Gen �� 03611�' 1Veyandt Furniture Co. 900 Rice Carpet Dlr " 03619" Rice Phillips Laundry Co. 454 S. Snelling Ldy/DC PU Sta '� 03624�' Haul-A-Way Systems, Inc. 313 Front Priv Gas Pump �� 03625" Joseph A. Wieses 961 �. 7th Barber �� 03626�' National Food Stores, Inc. 30 S.FAirview Grocery A-2 �� 03629" " " Butcher �� " ►� r� u Flor/Nurs r� u r� �� " Off Sale rlalt '� �� t' n n Hardware �� �� " n i� Cig n_ n r� Alter Co. Concord & Page Cig �� 03651�� American BAkeries, Inc. 97 E. 12th St. " " 03652" United Electric Corp. 512 Sibley �� �� 03662" Helen Wesley 1137 Payne Beauty Shop �� 03698�� Er'nest Vargas 1158 Grand �� �� 03699" Minn. Lumber & Wrecking Corp. 915 N. Albert Priv Gas Paump �� 03707�� Catherine Martin 171 E. Arlington M�sseuse �� 03712�� James L. Anderson 321 W. 7th � Beauty Shop �� 03714" Patrick Barron 996 Front St. Barber w 0371�" Kello�g Med. Arts Opticians 215 Kellogg Sq. Bldg Optician. �� 03727�' Orkin Exterminating Co., Inc. 303-21st St. 8est Con�rol �� 03737�� General Electric Co. 2225 University Elec App Rep �� 0374�'� Luverne (�Vhite) Clay 47!! 8ice St. Masseuse �� Q3768" Michael E. Anderson 1258 Reaney �itr Veh Dr. �' 039Q7�� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza _� [n Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt � � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie ssed ou '1 Secretary BY . Approve b ayor• Date ��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ��� APA � ���