01-827ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To coun�,l File # o � — �fa 7 Green Sheet # 62994 Committee Date as 1 An Admuustrarive Resolution establishing the 2 Rate of Pay for the new class titled 3 "Deputy Director of Public Works for Admuristration" 4 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 6 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Deputy Director of Public Works for Adurinistration be established at the rate set forth in Grade 28, Section I D 4 of the Professional 10 11 12 Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adopted by Council: Date y � � c"s � � Adoption Cemfied by CouncIl Secretary By: � �� 1� 1�-- ApprovedbyMayor: Date /`f'w/ Z� �d�'� By: <_�GI/'Ki1" Human Resources Office By: I\ \� . Form App ve City Attomey gy . c��J�� � � � �'i \, (� \ Approved by Ma or for Sub � sion to Council By: -- I V O t -Yd-2 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INiTIATF.D Gg�EN SHEET No.• 106809 Human Resources July 29, `Ol ' CONTACf PERSON & YHONE: � INTTU'iIDATE IN1TT`1LD`�TE Michael Foley (266-6484y� �IGN 1_D�ra�z Dg����b� s_ crrr co�cu. 7ohn Shockley (266-6482) Nur�Ex 2_CITY ATTORNEY v_ crrr cr� gpg 3_ BUDGET DII2. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIlL MI7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROD'TING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST.) CIVII. SERViCE CAMMISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncr�ox �QUesi�n: Approve the attached resolution e�stablishing the rate of pay for the new class tifled, "Deputy D'uector of Public Works for Administration." RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THG FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CNII, SERVICE COMMLSSION 1, Has this person/Sxm ever worked under a conVact for this department? CIB COMMIITEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has flvs person/fimi ever been a city employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCI[. OBJECTNE? 3. Dces this person(firm possess a ski]] not normally possessed by any cuxrent ciry employee? Yes No � Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sLeet INITIAT'DVG PROBLEM, LSSIIE, OPPORTUNII'P (Who, wbar, wneo, wne��, wn Public Works is in process of reorganization due to unpending retiremants at the senior management level. This resolution will establish the salary for the new title of "Deputy Director of Public Works - Administration" which is part of this reorganization. nnva.n rncES � nrrxovEV: The position will be appropriately compensated in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. v�snnv.�*racES � arrxovEn: None. Funds for this position aze aiready budgeted. (`,p�p,l'1C� � " M L � LG 6 7 20D n�sanva�TncES � xor nrrxovEn: The position will not be appropriately compensated. . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS. - FUNDING SOURCE: Pub Wks Admin F�nd (255) ACTIVITY NUMBER: 255 -12300 FINANCIAL INFORMATIdN: (EXPLAIl� �� ���.,;��� � � JU� � F ,,.�,�z �1T1� A 3 �°���EY Akand�GREINPAM p � .�A'�''� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCLJMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: Program Adnuuistrator Robert Sandquist Michael F. Foley June 5, 2001 Robert Sandquist, incumbent Thomas Egguin, Director of Public Works and supervisor APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT G� � ,r,C�G�i�`"� v Background The incumbent believes that the position has been assigned significant new responsibilities over the years. The incumbent contends that now he has significantly greater responsibilities for both technical and managerial work. The job profile has been submitted with the approval of deparlmental management and support from the City Vehicle Fleet Management Board. Studv Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Recommendation Position Descri�tion The position in quesfion has been assigned duties and responsibilifies as the City Vehicle Fleet Coordinator for the past several years and has effeeted a nuxnber of significant reforms that have resulted in improved service, moze efficient operarion and cost containment. These responsibilities have involved all departments that have vehicles and heauy powered equipment o � - Fa� including Public Works, Fire, Police, Pazks, and Water. The position has been responsible for maintenance, coordination of resources, procedures improvement, and general upgrade of the vehicle fleet. However, the position has changed and is now assigned high level administrative responsibiliries in Public Works. The incumbent of the posirion is now transitioning into a position in Public Works that will have significant management administrative responsibilities. (Please see attached class specificarion.) Comparisons The position was compared to the Municipal Garage Coordinator class and found that this class was limited to Public Works and did not address the level of responsibility assigned by making the position responsible for the vehicle functions in other departments. The position was also compared with the Civil Engineer series which does assume that positions assigned to the series will be assigied duties involving management issues, contracts, budgeting, etc. - in other words with many of the problems that do concern the position in question. However, all of the class specifications in the series and all of the positions actually assigned to the series have responsibilities for managing projects that also involve Civil Engineering problems and issues. The position in question does manage services that support civil engineering funcrions but does not deal with civil engineering problems per se. This series is not appropriate for the position in question. Comparison to the class of Project Manager IV - Public Works revealed that it does not accurately describe the on-going programmatic/administrative responsibilities of the position such as overseeing budget and accounting, overseeing the Public Works IS support function, and intra and interdepartmental coordination. This class is not appropriate. The Administrative Manager - Public Works describes responsibilities that aze close to those of the position in question. But it does not accurately describe the duties and responsibilities of the position because it does not describe program management nor does the class spec accurately describe information technology nor the impact that it has had on Public Works administrafion. Nor does it deal with the effect new engineering technology and new resource limitations have had on the department. This class is not appropriate. O. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in the Non-Represented Managers unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the class titled, "Deputy Director of Public Works for Administration". � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCFS 0 l �Fa? - Tohn Hmnilton, D'uector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tom Eggtws, Director Department of Public Works Michael F. Foley /�j,/� [/ Human Resozsces '/'� � 7uly 25, 2001 400 Ciry HaAAnnex 25 WetCFovrth S[reet Saint PauZ, Minnrsata 55101-1531 TeZephone: 651-266-6500 ZDDl1TY.• 65Id66-6501 Jobline: 65I-266-6502 Facsimile: 651-292-7655 Twenty Day Notice - Deputy Director of Public Works for Administration It has been detecviined that the class specification of Deputy Director of Public Works for Adminis�arion should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your information. I wiil be processing a resolufion to establish the rate of pay for this position at grade 28 in the Non-Represented Managers unit. � fJ"� cc: Bob Iiorrisberger �� . i �� ; ��� l � �� � �� �v�j � �� W PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 211B �' `�. �� DEPI7TY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BU: 17 FOR ADNIII�iISTRATION Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Staeement of Duties: Perfom�s professional and managerial work in plamvng, directing, implementing, and evaluating the administrative activities of the Department of Public Works; coordinates Public Works projects with other deparhnents and agencies; and perfroms other duties as assigned. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Department D'uector. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general and technical supervision obver assigned staff; acts as team leader or project manager as required or assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duries performed by all positions in this class. Plans, directs, implements, and evaluates the acriviries of the administration of assigned umts of the depar(ment including budget and accounting, information systems, other support functions and may assist with the management of a major division. Establishes divisional and departmental goals, objectives, and work programs within the limits of assigned responsibility including including most departmental administrarive/support functions and manages non- engineering projects that require inter-divisional coordination and/or projects that require considerable coordination outside of the Department. Assists the Director and Senior Department staff in developing and defending the annual deparhnental budget. Coordinates projects with other municipaliries and with public, private, and community organizations and oversees contractual arrangements with other jurisdictions. Assists Iabor Relations and senior departznental staff with a variety of labar-management issues including overseeing complex or di�cult grievances, contract negotiations, and labor cost issues. Evaluates Departmental and divisionaUfunctional perfomiance in relation to approved goals. Directs the prepararion of reports or prepazes reports and makes recommendarions on City-wide or Deparhnent-wide issues and oversees implementation of approved recommendations. Represents the Department at the City Council, the State legislature, state and federal organizarions, the Plamiing Commission, business councils, and other groups and agencies. (DEPUTY DIItECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR ADMINISTRATIOIVI l Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 211B �' ��',� DEPTJTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BU: 17 FOR ADMLNiSTRATION Effecrive: Studies the feasibility of new management and adnvnisirafive methods, new technology, etc. and implements changes to improve operations and customer service and to lower costs. Liaisons with the Mayor's Office, the Cotmcil, and occasionally with the media on complex and sensirive issues. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough lrnowledge of cisrent theories and practices of general management as applied to Public Works prograans, projects, and operafions. Thorough lrnowledge of Departmental management, administrative functions, practices, and procedures. Considerable lrnowledge of labor-management relations. Considerable ability to plan, organize, direct, and evaluate the work of managerial, professional, and technical staff. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effecrively with City officials, employees, managers, representatives of public and private organizations, and the general public. Considerable ability to coordinate projects and the use of resources effecfively with other depariments, agencies, and organizations. Coinsiderable ability to assess and evaluate the legitimate interests of a number of groupsin the City and to develop innovative solutions to resolve conflicts. Considerable ability to deal with labor oissues effecrively. Considerable ability to manage assigned staff and assigned units or funcfions. Considerable ability to provide management leadership in difficult sihaations, large projects, etc. Considezable ability to evaluate risks associated with the work and to seek technical advice and legal counsel as appropriate. Considerable ability to manage a number of programs and/or proj ects, balancing resources, deadlines, etc. MINIMUM QUALIFIC�TIONS College graduation in public administration, business management, civil engineering, or a closely related field and at least eight years of increasingly responsible management and administrative work in a major urban jurisdiction, at least four years of such experience must have been related to Public Works management activities and at least five years must have been in a responsible management capacity, including managing effectively in a union environment. (DEPUTY DII2ECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR ADMINIST'RATION� Page 2 of 2 ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To coun�,l File # o � — �fa 7 Green Sheet # 62994 Committee Date as 1 An Admuustrarive Resolution establishing the 2 Rate of Pay for the new class titled 3 "Deputy Director of Public Works for Admuristration" 4 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 6 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Deputy Director of Public Works for Adurinistration be established at the rate set forth in Grade 28, Section I D 4 of the Professional 10 11 12 Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adopted by Council: Date y � � c"s � � Adoption Cemfied by CouncIl Secretary By: � �� 1� 1�-- ApprovedbyMayor: Date /`f'w/ Z� �d�'� By: <_�GI/'Ki1" Human Resources Office By: I\ \� . Form App ve City Attomey gy . c��J�� � � � �'i \, (� \ Approved by Ma or for Sub � sion to Council By: -- I V O t -Yd-2 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INiTIATF.D Gg�EN SHEET No.• 106809 Human Resources July 29, `Ol ' CONTACf PERSON & YHONE: � INTTU'iIDATE IN1TT`1LD`�TE Michael Foley (266-6484y� �IGN 1_D�ra�z Dg����b� s_ crrr co�cu. 7ohn Shockley (266-6482) Nur�Ex 2_CITY ATTORNEY v_ crrr cr� gpg 3_ BUDGET DII2. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIlL MI7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROD'TING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST.) CIVII. SERViCE CAMMISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncr�ox �QUesi�n: Approve the attached resolution e�stablishing the rate of pay for the new class tifled, "Deputy D'uector of Public Works for Administration." RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THG FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CNII, SERVICE COMMLSSION 1, Has this person/Sxm ever worked under a conVact for this department? CIB COMMIITEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has flvs person/fimi ever been a city employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCI[. OBJECTNE? 3. Dces this person(firm possess a ski]] not normally possessed by any cuxrent ciry employee? Yes No � Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sLeet INITIAT'DVG PROBLEM, LSSIIE, OPPORTUNII'P (Who, wbar, wneo, wne��, wn Public Works is in process of reorganization due to unpending retiremants at the senior management level. This resolution will establish the salary for the new title of "Deputy Director of Public Works - Administration" which is part of this reorganization. nnva.n rncES � nrrxovEV: The position will be appropriately compensated in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. v�snnv.�*racES � arrxovEn: None. Funds for this position aze aiready budgeted. (`,p�p,l'1C� � " M L � LG 6 7 20D n�sanva�TncES � xor nrrxovEn: The position will not be appropriately compensated. . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS. - FUNDING SOURCE: Pub Wks Admin F�nd (255) ACTIVITY NUMBER: 255 -12300 FINANCIAL INFORMATIdN: (EXPLAIl� �� ���.,;��� � � JU� � F ,,.�,�z �1T1� A 3 �°���EY Akand�GREINPAM p � .�A'�''� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCLJMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: Program Adnuuistrator Robert Sandquist Michael F. Foley June 5, 2001 Robert Sandquist, incumbent Thomas Egguin, Director of Public Works and supervisor APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT G� � ,r,C�G�i�`"� v Background The incumbent believes that the position has been assigned significant new responsibilities over the years. The incumbent contends that now he has significantly greater responsibilities for both technical and managerial work. The job profile has been submitted with the approval of deparlmental management and support from the City Vehicle Fleet Management Board. Studv Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Recommendation Position Descri�tion The position in quesfion has been assigned duties and responsibilifies as the City Vehicle Fleet Coordinator for the past several years and has effeeted a nuxnber of significant reforms that have resulted in improved service, moze efficient operarion and cost containment. These responsibilities have involved all departments that have vehicles and heauy powered equipment o � - Fa� including Public Works, Fire, Police, Pazks, and Water. The position has been responsible for maintenance, coordination of resources, procedures improvement, and general upgrade of the vehicle fleet. However, the position has changed and is now assigned high level administrative responsibiliries in Public Works. The incumbent of the posirion is now transitioning into a position in Public Works that will have significant management administrative responsibilities. (Please see attached class specificarion.) Comparisons The position was compared to the Municipal Garage Coordinator class and found that this class was limited to Public Works and did not address the level of responsibility assigned by making the position responsible for the vehicle functions in other departments. The position was also compared with the Civil Engineer series which does assume that positions assigned to the series will be assigied duties involving management issues, contracts, budgeting, etc. - in other words with many of the problems that do concern the position in question. However, all of the class specifications in the series and all of the positions actually assigned to the series have responsibilities for managing projects that also involve Civil Engineering problems and issues. The position in question does manage services that support civil engineering funcrions but does not deal with civil engineering problems per se. This series is not appropriate for the position in question. Comparison to the class of Project Manager IV - Public Works revealed that it does not accurately describe the on-going programmatic/administrative responsibilities of the position such as overseeing budget and accounting, overseeing the Public Works IS support function, and intra and interdepartmental coordination. This class is not appropriate. The Administrative Manager - Public Works describes responsibilities that aze close to those of the position in question. But it does not accurately describe the duties and responsibilities of the position because it does not describe program management nor does the class spec accurately describe information technology nor the impact that it has had on Public Works administrafion. Nor does it deal with the effect new engineering technology and new resource limitations have had on the department. This class is not appropriate. O. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in the Non-Represented Managers unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the class titled, "Deputy Director of Public Works for Administration". � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCFS 0 l �Fa? - Tohn Hmnilton, D'uector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tom Eggtws, Director Department of Public Works Michael F. Foley /�j,/� [/ Human Resozsces '/'� � 7uly 25, 2001 400 Ciry HaAAnnex 25 WetCFovrth S[reet Saint PauZ, Minnrsata 55101-1531 TeZephone: 651-266-6500 ZDDl1TY.• 65Id66-6501 Jobline: 65I-266-6502 Facsimile: 651-292-7655 Twenty Day Notice - Deputy Director of Public Works for Administration It has been detecviined that the class specification of Deputy Director of Public Works for Adminis�arion should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your information. I wiil be processing a resolufion to establish the rate of pay for this position at grade 28 in the Non-Represented Managers unit. � fJ"� cc: Bob Iiorrisberger �� . i �� ; ��� l � �� � �� �v�j � �� W PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 211B �' `�. �� DEPI7TY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BU: 17 FOR ADNIII�iISTRATION Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Staeement of Duties: Perfom�s professional and managerial work in plamvng, directing, implementing, and evaluating the administrative activities of the Department of Public Works; coordinates Public Works projects with other deparhnents and agencies; and perfroms other duties as assigned. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Department D'uector. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general and technical supervision obver assigned staff; acts as team leader or project manager as required or assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duries performed by all positions in this class. Plans, directs, implements, and evaluates the acriviries of the administration of assigned umts of the depar(ment including budget and accounting, information systems, other support functions and may assist with the management of a major division. Establishes divisional and departmental goals, objectives, and work programs within the limits of assigned responsibility including including most departmental administrarive/support functions and manages non- engineering projects that require inter-divisional coordination and/or projects that require considerable coordination outside of the Department. Assists the Director and Senior Department staff in developing and defending the annual deparhnental budget. Coordinates projects with other municipaliries and with public, private, and community organizations and oversees contractual arrangements with other jurisdictions. Assists Iabor Relations and senior departznental staff with a variety of labar-management issues including overseeing complex or di�cult grievances, contract negotiations, and labor cost issues. Evaluates Departmental and divisionaUfunctional perfomiance in relation to approved goals. Directs the prepararion of reports or prepazes reports and makes recommendarions on City-wide or Deparhnent-wide issues and oversees implementation of approved recommendations. Represents the Department at the City Council, the State legislature, state and federal organizarions, the Plamiing Commission, business councils, and other groups and agencies. (DEPUTY DIItECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR ADMINISTRATIOIVI l Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 211B �' ��',� DEPTJTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BU: 17 FOR ADMLNiSTRATION Effecrive: Studies the feasibility of new management and adnvnisirafive methods, new technology, etc. and implements changes to improve operations and customer service and to lower costs. Liaisons with the Mayor's Office, the Cotmcil, and occasionally with the media on complex and sensirive issues. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough lrnowledge of cisrent theories and practices of general management as applied to Public Works prograans, projects, and operafions. Thorough lrnowledge of Departmental management, administrative functions, practices, and procedures. Considerable lrnowledge of labor-management relations. Considerable ability to plan, organize, direct, and evaluate the work of managerial, professional, and technical staff. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effecrively with City officials, employees, managers, representatives of public and private organizations, and the general public. Considerable ability to coordinate projects and the use of resources effecfively with other depariments, agencies, and organizations. Coinsiderable ability to assess and evaluate the legitimate interests of a number of groupsin the City and to develop innovative solutions to resolve conflicts. Considerable ability to deal with labor oissues effecrively. Considerable ability to manage assigned staff and assigned units or funcfions. Considerable ability to provide management leadership in difficult sihaations, large projects, etc. Considezable ability to evaluate risks associated with the work and to seek technical advice and legal counsel as appropriate. Considerable ability to manage a number of programs and/or proj ects, balancing resources, deadlines, etc. MINIMUM QUALIFIC�TIONS College graduation in public administration, business management, civil engineering, or a closely related field and at least eight years of increasingly responsible management and administrative work in a major urban jurisdiction, at least four years of such experience must have been related to Public Works management activities and at least five years must have been in a responsible management capacity, including managing effectively in a union environment. (DEPUTY DII2ECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR ADMINIST'RATION� Page 2 of 2 ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To coun�,l File # o � — �fa 7 Green Sheet # 62994 Committee Date as 1 An Admuustrarive Resolution establishing the 2 Rate of Pay for the new class titled 3 "Deputy Director of Public Works for Admuristration" 4 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 6 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Deputy Director of Public Works for Adurinistration be established at the rate set forth in Grade 28, Section I D 4 of the Professional 10 11 12 Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adopted by Council: Date y � � c"s � � Adoption Cemfied by CouncIl Secretary By: � �� 1� 1�-- ApprovedbyMayor: Date /`f'w/ Z� �d�'� By: <_�GI/'Ki1" Human Resources Office By: I\ \� . Form App ve City Attomey gy . c��J�� � � � �'i \, (� \ Approved by Ma or for Sub � sion to Council By: -- I V O t -Yd-2 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INiTIATF.D Gg�EN SHEET No.• 106809 Human Resources July 29, `Ol ' CONTACf PERSON & YHONE: � INTTU'iIDATE IN1TT`1LD`�TE Michael Foley (266-6484y� �IGN 1_D�ra�z Dg����b� s_ crrr co�cu. 7ohn Shockley (266-6482) Nur�Ex 2_CITY ATTORNEY v_ crrr cr� gpg 3_ BUDGET DII2. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIlL MI7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROD'TING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST.) CIVII. SERViCE CAMMISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncr�ox �QUesi�n: Approve the attached resolution e�stablishing the rate of pay for the new class tifled, "Deputy D'uector of Public Works for Administration." RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THG FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CNII, SERVICE COMMLSSION 1, Has this person/Sxm ever worked under a conVact for this department? CIB COMMIITEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has flvs person/fimi ever been a city employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCI[. OBJECTNE? 3. Dces this person(firm possess a ski]] not normally possessed by any cuxrent ciry employee? Yes No � Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sLeet INITIAT'DVG PROBLEM, LSSIIE, OPPORTUNII'P (Who, wbar, wneo, wne��, wn Public Works is in process of reorganization due to unpending retiremants at the senior management level. This resolution will establish the salary for the new title of "Deputy Director of Public Works - Administration" which is part of this reorganization. nnva.n rncES � nrrxovEV: The position will be appropriately compensated in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. v�snnv.�*racES � arrxovEn: None. Funds for this position aze aiready budgeted. (`,p�p,l'1C� � " M L � LG 6 7 20D n�sanva�TncES � xor nrrxovEn: The position will not be appropriately compensated. . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS. - FUNDING SOURCE: Pub Wks Admin F�nd (255) ACTIVITY NUMBER: 255 -12300 FINANCIAL INFORMATIdN: (EXPLAIl� �� ���.,;��� � � JU� � F ,,.�,�z �1T1� A 3 �°���EY Akand�GREINPAM p � .�A'�''� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCLJMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: Program Adnuuistrator Robert Sandquist Michael F. Foley June 5, 2001 Robert Sandquist, incumbent Thomas Egguin, Director of Public Works and supervisor APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT G� � ,r,C�G�i�`"� v Background The incumbent believes that the position has been assigned significant new responsibilities over the years. The incumbent contends that now he has significantly greater responsibilities for both technical and managerial work. The job profile has been submitted with the approval of deparlmental management and support from the City Vehicle Fleet Management Board. Studv Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Recommendation Position Descri�tion The position in quesfion has been assigned duties and responsibilifies as the City Vehicle Fleet Coordinator for the past several years and has effeeted a nuxnber of significant reforms that have resulted in improved service, moze efficient operarion and cost containment. These responsibilities have involved all departments that have vehicles and heauy powered equipment o � - Fa� including Public Works, Fire, Police, Pazks, and Water. The position has been responsible for maintenance, coordination of resources, procedures improvement, and general upgrade of the vehicle fleet. However, the position has changed and is now assigned high level administrative responsibiliries in Public Works. The incumbent of the posirion is now transitioning into a position in Public Works that will have significant management administrative responsibilities. (Please see attached class specificarion.) Comparisons The position was compared to the Municipal Garage Coordinator class and found that this class was limited to Public Works and did not address the level of responsibility assigned by making the position responsible for the vehicle functions in other departments. The position was also compared with the Civil Engineer series which does assume that positions assigned to the series will be assigied duties involving management issues, contracts, budgeting, etc. - in other words with many of the problems that do concern the position in question. However, all of the class specifications in the series and all of the positions actually assigned to the series have responsibilities for managing projects that also involve Civil Engineering problems and issues. The position in question does manage services that support civil engineering funcrions but does not deal with civil engineering problems per se. This series is not appropriate for the position in question. Comparison to the class of Project Manager IV - Public Works revealed that it does not accurately describe the on-going programmatic/administrative responsibilities of the position such as overseeing budget and accounting, overseeing the Public Works IS support function, and intra and interdepartmental coordination. This class is not appropriate. The Administrative Manager - Public Works describes responsibilities that aze close to those of the position in question. But it does not accurately describe the duties and responsibilities of the position because it does not describe program management nor does the class spec accurately describe information technology nor the impact that it has had on Public Works administrafion. Nor does it deal with the effect new engineering technology and new resource limitations have had on the department. This class is not appropriate. O. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in the Non-Represented Managers unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the class titled, "Deputy Director of Public Works for Administration". � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCFS 0 l �Fa? - Tohn Hmnilton, D'uector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tom Eggtws, Director Department of Public Works Michael F. Foley /�j,/� [/ Human Resozsces '/'� � 7uly 25, 2001 400 Ciry HaAAnnex 25 WetCFovrth S[reet Saint PauZ, Minnrsata 55101-1531 TeZephone: 651-266-6500 ZDDl1TY.• 65Id66-6501 Jobline: 65I-266-6502 Facsimile: 651-292-7655 Twenty Day Notice - Deputy Director of Public Works for Administration It has been detecviined that the class specification of Deputy Director of Public Works for Adminis�arion should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your information. I wiil be processing a resolufion to establish the rate of pay for this position at grade 28 in the Non-Represented Managers unit. � fJ"� cc: Bob Iiorrisberger �� . i �� ; ��� l � �� � �� �v�j � �� W PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 211B �' `�. �� DEPI7TY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BU: 17 FOR ADNIII�iISTRATION Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Staeement of Duties: Perfom�s professional and managerial work in plamvng, directing, implementing, and evaluating the administrative activities of the Department of Public Works; coordinates Public Works projects with other deparhnents and agencies; and perfroms other duties as assigned. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Department D'uector. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general and technical supervision obver assigned staff; acts as team leader or project manager as required or assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duries performed by all positions in this class. Plans, directs, implements, and evaluates the acriviries of the administration of assigned umts of the depar(ment including budget and accounting, information systems, other support functions and may assist with the management of a major division. Establishes divisional and departmental goals, objectives, and work programs within the limits of assigned responsibility including including most departmental administrarive/support functions and manages non- engineering projects that require inter-divisional coordination and/or projects that require considerable coordination outside of the Department. Assists the Director and Senior Department staff in developing and defending the annual deparhnental budget. Coordinates projects with other municipaliries and with public, private, and community organizations and oversees contractual arrangements with other jurisdictions. Assists Iabor Relations and senior departznental staff with a variety of labar-management issues including overseeing complex or di�cult grievances, contract negotiations, and labor cost issues. Evaluates Departmental and divisionaUfunctional perfomiance in relation to approved goals. Directs the prepararion of reports or prepazes reports and makes recommendarions on City-wide or Deparhnent-wide issues and oversees implementation of approved recommendations. Represents the Department at the City Council, the State legislature, state and federal organizarions, the Plamiing Commission, business councils, and other groups and agencies. (DEPUTY DIItECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR ADMINISTRATIOIVI l Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 211B �' ��',� DEPTJTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BU: 17 FOR ADMLNiSTRATION Effecrive: Studies the feasibility of new management and adnvnisirafive methods, new technology, etc. and implements changes to improve operations and customer service and to lower costs. Liaisons with the Mayor's Office, the Cotmcil, and occasionally with the media on complex and sensirive issues. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough lrnowledge of cisrent theories and practices of general management as applied to Public Works prograans, projects, and operafions. Thorough lrnowledge of Departmental management, administrative functions, practices, and procedures. Considerable lrnowledge of labor-management relations. Considerable ability to plan, organize, direct, and evaluate the work of managerial, professional, and technical staff. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effecrively with City officials, employees, managers, representatives of public and private organizations, and the general public. Considerable ability to coordinate projects and the use of resources effecfively with other depariments, agencies, and organizations. Coinsiderable ability to assess and evaluate the legitimate interests of a number of groupsin the City and to develop innovative solutions to resolve conflicts. Considerable ability to deal with labor oissues effecrively. Considerable ability to manage assigned staff and assigned units or funcfions. Considerable ability to provide management leadership in difficult sihaations, large projects, etc. Considezable ability to evaluate risks associated with the work and to seek technical advice and legal counsel as appropriate. Considerable ability to manage a number of programs and/or proj ects, balancing resources, deadlines, etc. MINIMUM QUALIFIC�TIONS College graduation in public administration, business management, civil engineering, or a closely related field and at least eight years of increasingly responsible management and administrative work in a major urban jurisdiction, at least four years of such experience must have been related to Public Works management activities and at least five years must have been in a responsible management capacity, including managing effectively in a union environment. (DEPUTY DII2ECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR ADMINIST'RATION� Page 2 of 2