265247 41by `t J � � �....
WHITFy� - CITY CL K • ��
BLU�', -MAYOR . File N O.
. � ou il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby
ratifies and approves the action of the City of St. Paul Board of
Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and
as shown by the MINUTES of said BOARD OF APPFALS AND RE�TZEW, dated
July 9, 1974, and marked as EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made
a part hereof by reference:
7/9/74 36-74-H 845 Juno Ave. William Gaiovnik
BOARD ACTION: Case dismissed and Refund granted of $5 filing fee
since case was withdrawn by appellant. Refund to
be payable to Frank Geehan, 250 Nugent Street, St.
� Paul, Mn. 55102, per request of appellant.
7/9/74 37-74-B 21 E. Elizabeth St. Willard C. Fiodge
BOAA,D ACTION: Garage Variance granted fro�n Chapter 40.00 (i) of
- the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to require-
ment that "any garage to rear of residence shall not
be closer than 2 ft. to the side lot line."
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Wl/3 Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block
114, West St. Paul Proper
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler Against BY
. Sylvester
President Hunt
Form Appr d by City At ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
` � ����',4'7
7/9/74 38-74-F 203 N. Howell The Children' s
Merriam-Lexington Center, Inc. by
Presbyterian Joan Swanson
BOARD ACTION: Tenancy Variance granted from Fire Prevention Code,
SFM 9-3111, so as to permit enrollment of 29
children, provided that "the space used was to be
limited to the large room south of the stage only. "
7/9/74 40-74-B 714 E. Hawthor�e Eugenia E. Soder
St. by Joseph LaPointe
HRA Rehab Advisor
BOARD ReTION: Lifetime of Occupancy Variance granted from St. Paul
Legislative Code regarding certain structural re-
quirements under 8-07, and plumbing requirements
under P-O-1, pertaining to the four survey items of
Inspection taken 6/20/74 and listed on appeal
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 6, Block 10, Oakville
Park Addition.
7/9/74 41-74-B 931 Albemarle Mrs. Hazel Long by
St. James Tietz
BOARD ACTION: Garage variance for a detached structure granted
from St. Paul Legi�lative Code, Chapter 40.00 (c)
regarding garage on vacant lot, because the two
lots are in single ownership.
WHI7E - CITV CLERK �65�4'7
• File N .
�� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
FURTf�R RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to tranmit a copy of this resolution to the Register of
Dee�s of Ramsey County.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Levine J
Rcedler Against BY
Tedesco � 2,7 1���'
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified sed Coun ' Secretary � BY
Appr by Mayor: ate �8 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
'�rett�e APR 5 '�'�
3 . � . . . .. . . .... .... . . ....... .. ... . ...._._.._:._..._.,..
,, , 7/Si 74 - :�Ieeting i:o. IO2
EXHIBIT A Cassette Tape L`•124
Tuesday, July 9, 1974
City Council Conu-nittee Room
?�7 C�tv t�atl and C�urt i�ouse
1:30 p.m.
r�t�ERS PRESENT: D. Donald L�Ioznia'.�, Chair�an -
rlrs. Estyr Bradley Pear.e
rirs. Pdor�a So<<mVrdorf
Gale R�hnberg
1���FRS ABSENT: Arthur ri. Tieso
James D. Voigt
Raymond R. Grove �
AGE�;CIES PP.ESENT: Departznant of Comsnunity S°rvices
Division of Housino & Building Code Enforcenent
Dan J. Person
� Sam Blue
Frank Staffenso_:
Fir� Department
Dan iVorr�ran
R. Su�ton
Housing & Redevzlopn�ni. A�thority
Joseph La Pointe, Rehabilitation .A3viso�
_ _
0'1�.ERS PRESENT: 3a?r,�s Tietz, Appellar_t �
Willard C. HodUe, �ppellan� . -
S. B. Scallen, af Ini.erfunc� Services, Inc; , Ap�s�lant '
���illiam S. Rosen, Attorney far �-Ir.. Scall��
Elain� RaZ��macher, of tne Cnildr.ea's Cente� ' .
Francis R. Hughes, Appe�lant .
Richarcl Gill, Attorr_ey for Mr. Hugh�s
Paul A, Harfield, Appellant . -
STAFF PP.ESENT: Doris Getsug, E�;ecutive Secr�tary, App��ls Board
Patricia lloxness, Recordina Secretary, A�p�31s Poarc:
Th� .-teetizig of the City of St. Paul Boar.d oi Appeals znd Revie*.,� was cal7.ed to order
at 2:10 p.m. by Chairman Wozniak. (Meeting d�layed 'aecause of lack of quoruni.)
Chairman ;�Tozniak riOVED to amend the Minutes of JcRe 11, 1974, in regard to �aard
ac�io� on. Caa� No, 35-74-B, 24 S. Ohford. .ize lif��im� varia�ce applies to the
existino structure rathe-r than the o�•mer.ship. Except for this correcti,on, he, mov°d
tL:z �:inutes be accepte3 as submicted. rtr.. Relznberg seconde3. r;0`.CIO"1 CARRIED A.��iD
� 7/9/74 - rleetinj �;o. IO2
• ` Cassette Tape ��114
. Page 2
29-74-B 1171 S�lby A-ve. Tnterfund Sarvices, Inc.
Frior :.eariiig b/11/74; tele�honed request by app°11.an�'s atcorney �aas made for
contir_uance because no one was able to appear. Appeal was for an ext2nsion of
tim� to nake necessary repairs to comply for C2rtificate uf Occupancy.
Board action was ta's:en for continuance until next Board tileetino. E:cecutive Szcretary
was to send letter to a.ppellant's attorney regarding continuance and also duty af
disciosure of code violatinns if prop�rty is to be sold. . _
Steven B, Scallen, OfEicer of Corporation .
��Tilliam S. Rosen, Appellant's Attorney �
�Ir. P.osen, representina Interfund Services, Inc. , said the o�mers are acva�e of thz
many repairs needed on t�� building and have hired a caretaker who is capable of _
r.ta':ing many of those repairs. Ho�tiever, it t�rill take considera�Ie ti�e for one man.
The alterna.tive of hiring contraci.ors on a contract basis, is not econo�ically feas-
`ible at toda�'s costs, a3tnougn this ti�rould speed up the work. Th�re is no cash -
flow on the building, rather, a negative cash floia.
Chairmaa �lozniak as'�ed for a report on possi��le health safety fac�ors from '.°fr. Dan
Person. _
;:r. Person said that tha electrical service carried the �ost dang�r because of ove:-
h�ating. It is jus� 60 a�ps servinb 16 units. Eldaquate wiri�ig is the rnost �.rgent
_ nead nare and should not be dLlayed, - -
Cnairzlan �Jozniak asked r[r. Rosen for som2 tygz oi plan to up3ate the tairing as soon �
as possible and for an expression as to how 1on� it would ta'�ce to brir.g _he other
ite�s up to code.
rfr. Scallen.. said he felt most of the -ite�ns could be talcen care of in a thre� to
six montn periad, including plunbing items and the minor electrical �-repairs i.n the. .
units. On the major. electrical �aork, wn.ich would require an elec�rical contractor,
he taouoht there was a possibilit}T of gettino it done within 30 days, depen�ing on
the availa�ility of the contractor. �
tfr. Person said there are some plumbing probler:s, the most urgent one in need of .
ir.�-�ediate repair being an inch and one-half trap in the laundry roo� w'nich has an
opea joint an� is receiving discharge from s�cond floor fixtuxes.
rir. Rosen agreed this wou.ld be ta:�.en care of ia�m�diately.
BO�T_tD A�TIO�I: _
C�!airnan �Jozniak P40VrD that a letter be sub:niC�ed bq Interfuad Services, I��c. , by
i�ir. Scallen t�rithin a �0-day p�riod, confirming the closing o� a cont..act to per.ror�
the electrical service worlc as r�quired, aiid that at that time a Ietter also b�
, 1�71 Selby Ave. 7/9/74 - Meetino 1�'0. 102
Cassette Tape �rZI4
Page 3
F OA�.D ACTIOid: (con tinued;
, submitted as to .�ow many of th� items have be2n completed, as Iisted on the April �
12tR survey letter. . And furth��, that over-all, a �ix months� e�;tension be granted
�o c�ri�lz�_ all o= t.�� icens to thz sat�s�actior of ti?e c�de di�,�isio�z, Fursu.anc t�
tre above items. .Mrs. Somrierdorf seconded. AZOTIOV C�t2IED A:_'�TD SO OiL�LItF.D. `
Ay2s: 4 Nayes: 0 Abstentions: 0 .
3b-74-H 845 Juno Ave. ' Llilliam Gaiovni�:
Re�uast variance from City of St. Paul Legislative Cod�, Chapter 54.11, requiring
sinic to be'installed in bathroom.
No one. _
Chairr,ian L,Tozniak said that r;r. Gehan of the HRA had contac*ed him to 1et him kno�r '
a si.n:� was being �nstalled in t'ne bathroom, as required,. and requesting the case
be withdra*an and tne $5 fee refunded.
_ _ _ _
- BO�p.D ACTIOV: . _ ; , ' :
CY:airrian tJoznia'�c NiOVED that the case be dis�:issed an3 the -$5 fee refunded.� .Mrs. ___ _ _...�
So�erdorf seconded. MOTIO�,' CARRIED E1Iv'D SO O�ERED. _ _ - � _.
i-IE V01E:
Aqes: 4 Nayes: 0 Abstentions: 0
37-74-B 21 E. Elizabeth Willard C. Hod�e
P.equest for garage variance from City of St. Pau1 Legislative Code, C?�apter 40.00 (i)
pertaining to "�ny garage to relr of resiclence shall not be closer th�.n 2 ft. to
th2 side lot line."
., 21 E. E1;za�veth 7/9/;4 - Aieeting :`�o. 102
Cassette Tape ��1I4
• , Page 4 .. . .
tJillard c. xoa�e
PR�C�.�.DINGS: '
Gnairrian LJozniak said that the Board had rec�ived the drawing rlr. Hodge had sent,
and asl:ed c�rhat he� proposed to do. rir. Hodge respanded tnat he caas requesting a
variance a:�d had the acquiescence of his t�vo neighbors.
� Chairman [v'oznian I�:OVED �that the variance-from Leg�islative Code, Chapter 40.�0 {i}
be granted. Mrs. Somm�rdorf seconded. ri0TI0N C�RRIED Aiti'D 50 OR�ERED, .
THE VOT�,: .
Ayes: 4 Nayes: 0 Abstentions: 0
38-74-r 203 N. _Howell The C�ildren's Center, Inc.
- rlerriam_-Lexington by Joa:� Swanso�, ,
Presbyterian Ctiurch
Raques� for waiver_ limiting studert capacity to 20 c�ildren so as to geriait en�roll- -
nen� of 29 children in Day Care School. - _ _
APPEA.�'1:_VCE: -, ' . :_ - _
Elaine Rad�nacher, �temoer of Faculty _
PROCEEDI�;GS: .. .. _ . -- . .
At the request of Chairman �dozniak, Dan Norrgran described the building's co;�str�c-
----tion- and other features relating to• its safety fro� firs ha�ards. _---The �ire Yreve�- -
tion Bureau'_s_evaluation concluded they wozlc� not object to 29 clxiidren, provided " - . �
� thzy were housed ir. the south half of the building. -
. tis. Rade,.iacher distributed a drawing of the room used as a classroom, iZlustrating
exits. She also distributed an outl.a.n� describing Fir� and emergency procedu'res.
An especially favorable factor ri.entioned by T�s. Raa°macher taas the staff ratio of �
7-to-1, higher 'fIZ3Ti fl'12 reco�uneaded 10-to-1.
Mrs., Pea'_�ce riQVED that the variance from S�i 9-31I1 so as to permit enroll�2nt of -
29. children be granted: Chairman Wozniak rIOVED tU.- amend. the motion to .stipulate
that thz space be I,imited_ ta the. large room south of th? staoe only. tiirs. Sora.*�.er-
dorf seconde�. i�tOTIU� CARP�IED APdD SO OP.DEFL':D.
203 t�i. ,Ho�aell . _ . 7/�/74 - Meeting No. 102- - -
, , CaSSette Tape �F114
Pag� 5
�:-IE �,'OTE:
Ayes: 4 r.'ayes: 0 Abstentions: 0 .
C_1S'_? ',;n P�OPEiTY .�'\PPLL?.�d'T
39-7��-N b84 E. Jessar.iine Paul A. Harfield
P.equest for waiver of condemnation order of 6/19/74 and extension of time for code
conpliance because oi financial hardship. � �
APPE�RA:�i CL: -
Paul A. Harfield -
Chair�an Zr'ozniak asked Mr. Harfield if he had been in contact with rlr. Tooin of the
HP.A. tir. harfield said he had and that he had been advised to requ�st a 30-day
extension of th2 appeal. , .
BOQ?'� A�1�ON: __ : - .
Chairnan [dozniak Z�IOVED to extend the appeal for 30 days. Airs. Sommerdorf seconded.
THE VOTE: _ . -
- -_ _ . .
-_ Ayes: 4 ' Nayes: 0 Abstentions: 0 :
40-74-8 714 E. Hatvthorne Eugan�a E. Soder
by J�seph La Pointe,
HRA Ret�ab Advisor
ReqLest ior waiver oi certain buildi.n� coda items and extension of tirse for code
co�pliar�ce because of financial l:ardship.
Josepn La Pointe .
P�r. La Poix�te said that a $3,SOQ orant had be�n arranged to take care of all zteazs
ri�cessary to bring tfie .building up to code, except for th� ite;us on c�hich he was
requesting waiver for the lifetime of occupancy of the house by Mrs. So�er.
, _
�� 714 E. Hacvthorne . 7/9/74 - rleeting P1o. IO2
. ,, Cassette Tape �rll4
Page 6
PFOCEEDINGS: (continu2d) .
'.•�r. Person questioned waather some of tha electrical ��ork that will ba done with
part of the $3,500 grant might not be better spent on some of th2 structural items
orLtanich wai�er is being asked.
rir. La Pointe replied that it was required by the City of St. Paul as a sa_fety zter�,
Cn.airman Wozniak suggested that th2 t�,�o a�encies, the Division of Housing and
Building Code Enforcem�nt of the��City of St. Paul and the•Honsing and Redevelopnent
�lutaority, meet and detercnine the best way to spend tY:a $3,500 for• e;rentuaX total
reha'�ilitation of the house, considering the age of the person and subsequent
- transfer of title after her death. • � - .
Mr. La Pointe said his agency had considerec� relocation of Mrs. Soder, but it would
have resulted, in such a large drop in her small income that she could no� manage. --
�As she is now 80 years old, and has lived in the housa for 50 years, h� felt the
. house; although deficient structurally but not danaerously so, would stand up for
the remainder of her occupancy. He said all items listed as needing correctzon are
going to be taken care of, �aith the exception of those on tahich he �vas requ�sting
waiver, but tha �vo-rl:, could not be started ur_less and until tne �aaiver was granted.
Tfie grant of $3,500 would cover tha electrical tvor'�c and plu�ahing repairs, ca�ich
nuat be done if she is to continue to occugy the house, and that is her wish.
Chairman Wozniak PSOVED that a variarce for the lifetime of tr.e occupancy of the '
house by Mrs. Soder bz granted on the four survzy ite�.s on LJi11C'CZ �aaiver is requested.
. plr. Rehnberg seconded. r10�I0N CAP.P.IED A�ti'D SO ORDLRiD. .
1riE VOTE: . : :
`_. Ayes: 4 Nayes: 0 Abstentions: 0 _ . _
. . 41-74-B . 931 Albemarle St. rlrs. Hazel Long -
� by Jam�s Tietz� '
Request for variance from City of St. Paul Legislatiye Code, Chapter 40.0� (c) regard-
ing garage on vacant lot, because of financial har3ship.
Jam�s Tietz
__ .. _ . �Ir. Ti�tz. showed .a� dra=,aino of_ the prap_erty, .illustrating the posit.ion of the house
and garaoe in relation to the property line. The property is in the name of his
wife's mother's nane, so that all would be considered one piece of property. He
' 93I Alber.marle St. � 7/9/74 -.rl�eting No. IO2 ___ .
' Cassette Ta�e �r114
' � . Page 7
PROCE�DIti'GS: (continued)
wished to �1ace a �arage on the recently acquired lot to use as a storage area and
wori:snop. The neighbors on either side of tne property have no objecti.ons. . He
_ ._ .had�talked .to the .B�uilding :Per�.ifi Departme�t of the City of St. _Paul, anc�_thay____ ___ __ __
told him �he only �aay he could do so was to attach on to h:i_s present garage,-and'
t�� coulcl have no r.ior2 than 750 s�. .ft. ir_ �otal gara;e s�ac°. He is cons�.�e.ri�g
buyizg an already-built garage ar_d rsoving it onto the proper�y, but th� additional
$400 it would cost to join it to his present gar�ge �aould be out of his financial
reach. - .
Chairman Wozniak asked if tii.le caas all in one name, and l�ir. Tietz replied that it
- � was, bu't tt�at'he is currently -clearing •up -tax �u-�a�te�s and gettirio the abstra�t � �- y � `-��
broug'nt up to date. _ _ - • _ -.�._ . . - - -
� �- - Mr. .Person asked ii there was.an al�ey along the prop�erty line, �and Mr. T?etz said � -'
trere is an alley, but it is also a street. He had been told over the phona by sorae-
• one in tha Building Permit � Depart�ent that he had to stay three feet off the
.property.:],in�. . Mr.. P�rson said .tha�.if .this is an alley or a.s�tr.eet, there is_ no -
" � restriction: The onTy problem was ttiat �a garaJa cannot be �tiuilt on a vacant Iot. . �
Chair:nan Woznia?c. said it is no longer a vacant �ot if titZ� is in one nama for both -
pieces oi property, but Mr. Tietz ti�onld have to get a variance for two separate
buildings, as �aell as for an ov�r-size garage, since tn�-already=built garaoe.hz . .
� �aas cor.siderino �aould .bring: the .total garage area to some l.,122 sq. ft. The variance
n�aded, then, would be for a second detached building on the property.
Chairman tJozniak-asked Mr. �ezson the pro-ced�-re -to be €ollowed �ahen- a building is
to be moved fron one place to anothar. Mr. Person said that as soon as one gets •
the pernit, the City inspects the building for saundness and must a�p;.ove it before
it can be moved.
BOARD ACTION: - � _ � _ - ,
. .
Chairman Zdozniak r;O�D that the vari.ance be granted for a detachsd strv.cture,
assuming that the two lots are in single ownership. rFrs.. P�a';ce. seconded... M4TI0N
T'rIE VOTE: - . .
• Ayes: .4_ _ _ .Nayes: 0 _ . Abstentions: 0 _ . _.___ , : .... �� .:.._ .
2-.74-H 286, 290, 294 Dayton Ave. Francis R. Hu�hes _ -
. Prior Hearing .4/�/74; -continuance of appeal of 3/26/74 and 1/S/74; appeal ai co:�- - _'
demnation placards, .order to vacate premises, etc. - , .__. . _ ,... _ . _ ,
286, 2�fl, 294 Dayton Ave.�" : _ _ 7/9/74 - l�teetinj No, 1�2� , -.
Cassztte Tape �r'l14
Page 8 � ,.
SU3JECT: (continued)
On �/9/7�, Board action taas to accept Hughes' Proposal for Re:�ab�Iitation, including
. Dzco�version Plans .and Bathroom .variance. Howeuer, Office of--the City Attox:►ey -- - - _ � - _-
� - r�jected th�� pro�osal as �drafted,� -requiring further clarification of Board actian � �`.�_, �;"
1"��L�L.,1L�+-'1:.`i VL� . � . . . .. . . .. .. .
Francis P.. Hughes .
-. - --- ..Ri,.cnard Gill, Appellant T s AttorneY _ -- . - - ---- _ __- --- -- -..____. ._
BOARD ACTIOiV: . , . .. . .. ._,; ,,
. Cnairman �dozniak MOVED to rescind all actions taken on. the property at the Board
... _.,_,...,�ru.eetin;, of....4/9�7.4. ..,Mr...,Rennberg.se.conded. ..MOTION_C.�T�..TtIED ?,.�vD-S�--ORDEILT�D. • � .-----.�:- --.•_ -. -
T",3E VOTE: _ . . :
Ayes: 4 Nayes: 0 Abstentiozs: 0
PROCFEDINGS: _ - . . ,
Chairmar. tdozniak said the City Attorney's office had asked for a- proposal �7ith more.-� -- --
_ -:sp�cificity. _.T'nere.fo.re, .dr. Gill and tiir. Paul McCloskey.had �rorKed together=to - - - -
-'revise Proposal No. II, zntitled,` "Before the St. Paul �Iousino Code Bo�rd �of�A�peals," `
_ and a copy. o£ .th� revision had been distributed to Board nembers for today's rsee�ing.
._ ._ . . _ . .This would be.used :as:a.base for additzons an�..corrections. '. -. � . . _. -.,_ ;� .
, Chairman Wazniak asked ii there �aere any additions, corrections or a,�nenctments the - -
- Board would like tn make an Part No: I�, Deconv�rsion, or. on Part 1`io. II, Bathroom
Variance. , ` - _ _ _
, . - :- ._ - .
_ .
- �ir. Staffenson asked for the leaal meaning of the �aords, "if ever," in sentence �6 _
- - on page 2, -concerriing the bathroom variance. . - �- - - -
. : �Ir, .Gill.; said this nsant that deconversion woulcL have to be co�plete :on the.. entire .• :
�,-_.�.:=bui�.d.ing.�=:;��:it •is-.:never� dane; :�his would �not ta�:e-;�ffect. It�means that 'cotltp_1��e.�.�'_._ �,-
- = -decon-version°is not a foregone conclusion, althoug� every effort Gri11 be ma3e by _
- the oti,rner to do so.
Chairman jdozniak then proposed �n amendment to 1'art.l�Ja. �I�,,.un�er Rel�aiz�lit��ion, . _
__ - ._. __ ._.fir.st paragr.aph, to _st�ike._.the.._geriod after `.'va.cate", a�d insert a �o�a, addi.ng- . _:,__ ._,:�_;. _
the follozaing language, "exEept innediate health hazare�s tahich must be corrected :
in ten days." _ _ : _ . _
�ir. Gill wished _to bring to the _at.tention of the Board, before a vote on the motioit,
that �Ir. Hughes felt, in regard to certain life safety defects, that it was possib3e
that. work could not physically be completed _witnin ten.days_in some instances. � Ha
was concprned about the possibility of being found in violati.on of the proposal,
. and woulc� _1ik�_some__additional language, such as, "or at _such_sQasonable time as . . - .
th.e nature of the required raork may reasoriably .entail>" �. - • - -. - . . - . . .- . . .
. _
,._ :; _ Cna:i-rraan :Wo�r��:�k.sa�d.,:that,.an .immediate health,h�zard should-be.-corrected_-withi3n�- F .�•°�� =-:--
ten days. This �aould apply to the units af.ter .all presently required c,�ork taas
235, 29�, 294 Dayton A-ve: ` . , 7/9/7�; - 24eeting A:o. 1Q2 _, ; .. : �-
- ' Cassette Tape ��114
. Pag� 9 -
Pi OC�EDILdGS: (continued)
d�n�, so it should not ri2an anything of substantial, nature if the un�ts have aZready
b.e�n brought up to requirerlents. .__
i�trs. Peak� said that an irr�ediate health hazard should be take� °care of in one or �
t�.�o days, and thac ten days seemed ample. _
$0:�:.�TJ ACTION: -.
' - - '- Chairnan Wozniak P�IO�TED an a:.mendnent to-Part No. III, under Rehab�ilitation, page 2,
-:-_=-:_=--fizst.parag�aph,.:ta cstrike__th��g.eriad_ai-ter ':.'_zzacate",:.�and..inse�:.a.�co�a,-add�in.��w ���.r..y...'�_
_ . ..,_.._..,_:�ne .fo.Zlo�,ring..la.nQ aoe,.."e,.YCep.t�immed-'tate,.health._hazards_i�rhich_,mus:t_bz.__corr�c.te�i...:�.�... __�__v..._.�
in te� days.'l--i�ir. Rehriberg s2conded. P�OTIO�i Cc�F12IED AND SO ORDERED. - _
Ay2s: 4 Nayes: 0 Abstentions: 0
Chai?-man Wozniak propo��d the following change to Part III, Rehabilitatian, at the �_
- - top of paoe._3,- first paxagraph, last line, after the word,: "conpliance," insert in _ -'--
_ . _ _ -.. _parez�hesis .the pr�ras.e, .='as deterriin�d .by. .the Division of._Code. Enforceraer_t.'.'______�_,.__.- : ___
A'r. Gill asked for clariiication. Wou1d Mr. •Hughas be able .to appeal to the Board
_____ __ _ as to wheth.ar the Division of Code_Enforcemen.t. had properly xuled. him_ out of_ __.__:�___:___. ;�.
cosp3iance? .
Ci:air�an Wozn�ak-�a3d t?1at��Lr. Hughes could not apneal to th.e Board in such case,
tna: it is the Code �nforcement Division's prerooative to maka that deterair_atio:�..
T�z�y are the enforcing arm, rio t the Board. _ __ . ` . _ _.. ._ � : � "
i•Ir. Gill requested, before a vote be taken, that there be some p-rotection for
- ___ , - _ . ,.
- _ Mr. Hughes against ari arbitrary decision. . . _ , : _
: .. -
BO"�RD ACTIO�: . _. . . - _
Chairnan �)ozniak MOVED that the following change be nade under Part No. III, Rehabi-- .
�. - -_---- -1?tation, at.-the .top _nf page .3, _.f.irst .paragrapn,....1ast. lirce, .after. the word,_._".cors-._. ... -_„�___,_.
pl�ance,'t insert in parent'nesis the phras�, "as deter*.nined by the Division of Code
- -- - - Eniozcement:" .rirs. Pealce seconded. _ MOTION C�1.�T'.RIED �1ND.:SO ORD�`RED..__. . . _ .. ------.�..�___ :�r -. :_.
�,yes: 4 - Nayesc 0 • Abstentions: 0 ' _ , � •
Chair:�an tdozniak called attention to No. IV, Ti�e Schedule. He proposed that in
t�e ne�:t to last sentence of the s�cond paragraph, after the word, "o��iner," strike _ _ _ .
the word, "shall," and insert "may".
. ° 205, 29�0, 294 Dayton Ave:� - 7/9/74 - iIaeting No. IO2 ., _ _
'. � Cassette Tape ��114 -
. Page 11 _ , .
P.JC�EDI�GS: (continued)
�:r, Gill said that this change in the variance from the one agreed upon at the
April 9, 1974; Board meeting was strongly opposed by rir. Hughes.. . . Under the pri.ginal: . , :.
� �roposal, he ��*as�Z�illing to invest-large su�ns of r�aney in ordex� to improve the - --. _
propzrty. But with the propased change, he falt this taould cause a great depraciation
- -in resale value of the.property, as a prospzctive 3uyer �ight balk, at such a Iirai.ted _
� - • Mr. Gill-said that he and Mr. :iughes had coork�d out what they,regard as a good _
co��roa.ise solu.tion, that the Board grant a variance for a certain term of years,
- • - _� -`p�rtraps 30 or =35 years. ��•In this way; a prospectiu�:buye.x_would,k�ow exactly where ;,:.. _, ,;�
� ha stood. It zaould also give the City a chance to re�Tie:a thz situation over a given _ :
n�ber of years. -�
-�� l�ir. Gill also pointed out other difficulties rir. Hughes might have if the proposed
change is made. If rlr. Hughes shbuld die or become disabled, this variance migh�
conceivably cause financial hardship 'to his family if the pro;oerty,c�ould hav8 to be
sold under this restriction after he had inves�ed a substantial amount of noney in
impro�emants. Pending sale, in case of death, would the estate have to coma before
t'ne Board for a continuance of the variance? If they did not, might the estate be
found not in compliance and tne buiiding condemned, with consequent severe loss on - -
the investment? _
M�. Gill also .cited another possible �hardship to �ir. Hughes. _ If he should decide . �
to incorporate and place the property under the corporation, the restriction would '
- render such action impossible. -
Chairman Wozniak stated that the purpose of the Board is to helg ind�viduals in
hardship cases.: If rlr. Hughes felt that the action proposAd was unfair, the natter .� _
cou.ld still be appealed before tfie City Council, as they are the final authori�y
. .._
� ' Ori the �question°of grer.�ature`death; -the �Board- oi Appeals is always open, -axld :�Ir. -�-
Hughes could be assured that his famil.y's situation jaould be consider2d sympathetic-
ally. In the ma.tter of the transfer oi th� proparty to. a buyer or to a _corporation '
�over which. the Boa"rd wo'tild hav.e no_ con�xol,. such a situa�it+n "should b�� 'avoided. -
T:zere, again, --the City Council would "be the final authority if.Mr. Hugh�s wished
_ to appeal. ,. - -
. Chairra�n Wozniak_MOViD that in Part No, V, Effective Date and Scopz of Coverage,
- the second and third,paragraphs and the signature 'portions be stricken, and that . __ ..:_
_.. _-_ .< __. .
the follotiaing tti•�o paraoraphs be added:
- -"The terms_recited herein shall expire upon owner's transfer of title in any
r,ianner whatsoever,. whether legal or equitable, it being the intention of the
- - Board of Appeals to. alleviat-e-�he alleged hardship of Francis R. Huges, solely
and individually. �
"If the above terms are approved by the St. Paul City Council, said aoproval
in the form of a resolution shall b� filed taith the Register oi Deeds oi .
Ramsey County, �vit'n proper legal descriptions affi:�ed thereon.r'�
24rs. Sommerdorf seconded. MOTION CARRIED A:.�ID SO ORDERED.
� .
' 286, ' Z9J, 294 Dc1ytOI1 t\v�. 7/9/74 - Nieeting ivo. 102
" Cassette Tape ��114
• Page 12 . �
Ay:_s: 4 Nayes: 0 At�stentions: .
B�A?.D A��'14N;
Chairnan �Jozniak M�VED that Proposal "II", Before the St. Paul Nousing Code. Board
of Appeals, wnich was used as a basis for the Board's action, and as subsequently
ar.i.�nded, be adoptec� in its entirely. Mr. Rehnberg seconded.� P•'[QTIO�;° CARRI�D ANn - ' �
SO OItDEP.�'D. --
Ayes: 4 Nayes: � Abstentions: 0
In response to a request for as prompt ac�ion as .possible before �Che .Ci�y Council ,
by rir. Gill and Mr. Hughes, Chai�an �Wozniak �to�d PIr:- Gi.l1 a transcript of -ta�ay's � _
proceedings would be provided as early as possible. If the City Attorney's office
happer��d to question Frhat the Board approvec; at i.oday`s r.ieeting, Chair,nan t+Tozniak
also assured Mr. Gill that he Grould round-robin by phone to Board m�nbers as to
+� � a�y action required, in an effort to accelerate bringing l�ir. Hughes' appeal b�fore
the City Council. '
Chairman Wozniak .read a letter he had. received fro�: Board ne�ber, Mr. P.aymond
Grov�, stating .tha� he felt he �vas no longer eli�i1�le to b� .on the �Board of Appeals, -
-- • since ne is•no longe� a resident of tYre City of St. Paul. Ghairman Woznzak said .
a reading Qf the .ordinance of Board of Appeals and Revie�� does. zndicate thaL a . _
Board member nust be a resident of the City. .
B��1RD 'ACT ION: _ � ;
�� ` -.. Chair�an Wo�niak MOVED that rir. Raymond Grov�`s le�ter b� .sent to Tlayor GQher_, -
-�and that he appoint somi°one in I�ir. G.ro�e's p7�ace to co'mplete his tern; and',that , -
- th� rlayor send a letter of thanks to Mr. Grove for long, faithful an� haYd szrvice � -
' on �h� Board. i�irs. so�eraor� s��o�aea: - r;OTION CARP.IEJ �uVD SO ORDERED. ` ' -
1riE VOTE:
Ayzs: 4 � . Nayes: 0 Abstentions: 0 .. , - , r . ...: : . .
- The �2�e�ing adjourned at 4 p.m. � � .
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�.71117FR — CITV CL:RK I. .,�,r^- a� �t�vr_/l� �
BL - — MAVOR • � •- File �O.
� � � ou il Resolution . . .
-, .
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby
ratifies and approves the action of the City of St. Paul Board of
Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and
as shown by the MINUTES of said BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW, dated
July 9, 1974, and marked as EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made
a part hereof by reference:
7/9/74 36-74-H 845 Juno Ave. William Gaiovnik
BOARD ACTION: Case dismissed and Refund granted of $5 filing fee
since case was withdrawn by appellant. Refund to
'� be payable to Frank Geehan, 250 Nugent Street, St.
� Paul, Mn. 55102, per request of appellant.
� -------------------------------------------------------------------------
� 7/9/74 37-74-B 21 E. Elizabeth St. Willard C. Hodge
BOARD ACTION: Garage Variance granted from Chapter 40.00 (i) of
the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to require-
ment that "any garage to rear of residence shall aot
be closer than 2 ft. to the side lot line." '
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: W1/3 Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block j % I
114, West St. Paul Proper I
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Levine '`
Roedler A gains t BY
, Sylvester
President Hunt -
� Form Appr d by City At ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary • BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�a � ..-�-�...r��--_.___ _ ._ . ._ _ .
Illbr`IIAM�I� �
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A:�` �-+,om, �T1.; �
°Y���.4� n" • . .- R , �.
� : �
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7/9/74 38-74-F 203 N. Howell The Children' s
� . Merriam-Lexington Center, Inc. by
Presbyterian Joan Swanson
. Church
BOAR.D ACTION: � Tenancy Variance granted from Fire Prevention Code,
SFM 9-3111, so as to permit enrollment of 29
� children, provided that "the space used was to be
� limited to the large room south of the stage only. "
� -------------------------------------------------------------------------
� 7/9/74 40-74-B 714 E. Hawthorne Eugenia E. Soder
� St. by Joseph LaPointe
HRA Rehab Advisor
BOARD �,CTION: Lifetime of Occupancy Variance granted from St. Paul
Legislative Code regarding certain structural re-
quirements under B-07, and plumbing requirements
under P-0-1, pertaining to the four survey items of
Inspection taken 6/20/74 and listed on appeal
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 6, Block 10, Oakville
� Park Addition.
7/9/74 41-74-B 931 Albemarle Mrs. Hazel Long by
St. , James Tietz
BOARD ACTION: Garage variance for a detached structure granted
from St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 40.00 (c)
regarding garage on vacant lot, because the two
lots are in single ownership.
. V CLERK � � . . � � .
"A TMENT �• � �(�j`Iy y' OF sAINT PALTL Council ' �65�4`7
• File N 0.
-, � � Council Resolution�� � -: � .� '
resented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By � Date
.. 3 ,
FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby"authorized and
directed to tranmit a copy of this resolution .to the Register of �
Deeds of Ramsey County.
d� � . _ �
,r-? �
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' �
� a
, , �
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: .. ;
Christensen � 1j
Hozza In Favor
Levine "
Rcedler B �
Sylvester J Against Y �
� Tedesco �,�p ��'� ' '� 4� ' : � 'f
President Hunt /i+ 2'7 1� ��' �i
Form A p proved b y Cit y Attorne y � �
A dop te d by Counci l: Date � ,. i
Certified sed Coun ' Secretary � BY _
Appr by Mayor• ate 8 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�✓' i` y. 'n
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