265232 WN17E - CITV CLERK �65232 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council - CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pledging support of the City of St. Paul in the United States 3aviAgs Bond Progsam and urging participation by City e�loyees in the Automatic Payroll Saviags Plan. i�]BRBAS, the United States Savinga Bond Program eoatinues to plaq an important role in the finaacing of our government and in the sound �anagement of the public debt; aad i�RBA3, by promoting thrift the Savings Bond Program cos►tributes to the economic security of individual familiea and helps to control inflatfonary pressures; Nai1, T�RBFOxE, B8 IT RESOLVI�D by the Citq Council of the City of St. Paul: That it reaffirms its continuons support of the Uaited States Savings Boad Program in general and of the Auto�atic Payroll Savings Plan ia apecific and urges all City employeea to participaCe in this thriffFOriented program. BB IT FURTI�x RBSOLVED that the Mayor and all departuent heads be urged to asause a role of leadership during the Third Aanual United States Savings Bond ca�aiga for Citq e�loqees in April, so the eaployees may be made sware of this opportuaity to join the plan. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Finan and Maaage�nt Services Hozza In Favor �,_,� Levine � x��!��'+ Roedler Against BY Sylvester Teck�a�e� �' President Hunt M�' 2 � 19� Form Ap�prov d by Ci orney Adopted by Council: Date J r Certified a d by Coun ' ecr ry BY � `'�'' BY �f>sc�,��1� � Approv y Mayor: ate Approv�l by ayor f ou By By NIBUS�ED APR 5 1Q75