265224 WHI7E - CITY C RK/ � � �C���� PINK - FINA E � GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council �� CANARY - DEP RTMENT BLUE - MA OR File NO. - � � - nci Resolution _ , Presented By Referre To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council , pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Adminis- trative Code, did hold a publ ic hearing on March 25, 1975, in the City Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the level of service of Street Maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul and the amount of service charges to be levied against benefitted property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the program of Street Maintenance Services to be per- formed within the Cifiy of Saint Paul shall be in the manner as set forth and described in the attached report of the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said report and shatl, in accordance with said Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, keep an accurate record of all costs attributable to the program and report such information to the Department of Finance and Management Services. bj h COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Pub 1 i c Wo rks Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylves,t�r Dan e 1 J. Du rd, i rec r J Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date �,�R 2 =� 1975 Form Approved by City tt ney Certified by C uncil ec t BY By `� � Appro Mayor: ate 8 Appr ed by M or C ncil By By � APR 5 ��� � : � . �f 5��4 ► � ` NE)TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is Hereby Given, that a Public Hearing will be held on the 25th day of March, 1975, at 10:00 a.m. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota, the purpose of the public hearing being to consider the level of service of Street Maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1975 and to consider the cost of such service to be charged against benefited property according to Ordinance No. 15311, Council File No. 260426. The particular service to be performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the , Department of Fublic Works, are as follows: CLASS I - Downtown or Loop Streets Description: � C1ass. I service will be perfarmed on all downtown or loop streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, -Eleventh Street on the north and Broadway on the east. Proposed 1975 Level af Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and. flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairin� of street surfaces will be performed on an as needed basis. � Proposed Assessment: - , A21 Class I service will be assessed at a rate of $.93 per front foot. CLASS II - Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets Description: Class II service will be performed on all outlying commercial. and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy valumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and, in most cases, have business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue, and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map 'available for viewing in the Department of Public Works, Room 234, City Hall. Proposed 1975 Level of Services: The Class II streets would be swept or cleaned once per week. All routine maintenance including patching and repairing of street surfaces will be done on an as needed basis. Proposed Assessment: ' 4 Under Class II service, there will be two assessment rates, one commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate will be $.69 per front foot and � the residential property rate wi11 be $.34 per front foot. � e . �:65�24 Notice oi Public Hearing - 2 - March 13, 1975 CLASS III - All Residential Streets Description: ' l Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, p�ived streets, and intermediate type straets. Proposed 1975 Leve1 of Services: All residential streets, including the oiled, paved, and intermediate type streets under Class III will be swept and flushed three times during the season. The spring cleaning will be completed by about June lst. The second � cleaning would be completed during the mid-sunnmer months, and the third and final cleaning would be in late fall or after the leaves have come down, com- pleting it by November lst. One-half of the total mileages of oiied streets in the Class III Level of Service categorq will receiye a�.sand seal. in 1975 and the remaining one-half will receive a sand seal in 1976. Also, one-quarter , of the paved and intermediate street mileages in the Class III category will receive a torpedo gravel seal coat in 1975. _ Proposed Assessment: _ Under Class III service to residential streets, �ae have two categories of � assessment, one being residential, and the other commercial. The residential � property rate would be $.34 per front foot and the commercial property $.51 per front foot. � ' CIASS IV - All Oiled and Paved Alleys . ' Description: . Class IV service would be �erformed on all oiled, paved, and intermediate type alleys within the City. Proposed 1975 Level of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys would be swept twice during the season. Efforts would be made to complete the first cleaning by July lst, and the second � cleaning by November lst. All routine maintenance including patching and repair- ing of the alley surfaces will be performed on an as needed basis. Also, the � oiled alleys located within the Class III street sealing program will receive a sand seal. � Proposed Assessment: Under Class IV alley service there would be one assessment whether it is oiled, � paved, or intermediate. An assessment of $.17 per front foot is proposed. CLASS V - Unimproved Streets and Alleys ' Description: Class V service will be performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By unim- � proved we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one ' � � � � �65�24 � - N�tice ,of Public Hearing - 3 - March 13, 1975 reason or another. They are platted City right-of-ways; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. There are approximateiy 80 rniles of unimproved streets and 100 miles of unimproved alleys in the City. Because they are City right- of-ways, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and main- tenance work on them to reduce any hazards or potential hazards. Proposed 1975 Leve1 of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment: Under Class V service we propose the following two assessments.. Since there will be no sweeping and flushing involved, the assessment is based only on the patching and repair work that may be needed. For streets we propose an , assessment of $.15 per front foot. Under alleys we propose an assessment of $.0$ per front foot. These assessments will provide the bare minimum funds neeessary to take care of these unimproved streets and alleys.. � � � � 1975 PORPOSID EXPENDITURES FOR . STREET MAINTENANCE - CLEANING AND REPAIR : Administration $ 300,000.0� Downtown Cleaning and Repair 144,000.00 Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets 800,000.00 Residential Cleaning and Repair 1,860,000.00 ` Oiled and Paved Alleys � 280,000.00 Unimproved Streets and Alleys 56,000.00 Street Cleaning and Repair EquipmenC 75,000.00 � - k Totai S 3,5is,aoo.00 � � Source of Funds E Municipal State Aid $ 395,000.00 Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid 165,000.00 County Aids 225,1 000.00 Tota1 Aids $ 785,000.00 Assessments Downtown Streets $ 107,000.00 Outlying Commercial & Arterial Streets 840,000.00 Residential Streets 1,440,000.00 Oiled and Paved Alleys 313,000.00 Unimproved Streets and Alleys 30,000.00 . $ 2,730,000.00 $ 3,SIS,000.00 � � . �65��4 Notice of Public Hearing - 4 • March 13, 1975 Points of Information Residential property on corner lots will be assessed for the normal assessment for the front of the lot but only 1/2 of the assessment for the long side of the lot. Residential properties on outlying commercial aad arterial lots wi11 be assessed at the residential rate ($.34 per front foot) commercial properties on resi- dential streets would be assessed at $.S1 per front foot. Churches and church property would be assessed at the residential rate. State and Federal properties wi11 be billed far the assessment owed by them.. - Assessment will be included on your tax statement in 1976. Questions in regard to this program may be answered by calling the Department of Public Works at 298-4321. . � ' i � , � > t , . � ' ������ . ,. . ., , .. re e -in ° 5,1975) ."jw'� �`4 4. 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' . , i�n - ���.r ��.tr�n � C011l1C11 , � ` �K �FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ��v- -� N/�itY'�DEPARTM T �UE — MAVOR File NO. � . � o ncil esolution _ . •esented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date xESOtvEO, 7hat fn accordance with Ordlnance 2�. 15311, Councii � �i i e !�. �6042b. adop ted Janua ry� 2;, 1973, the Counc i 1 of the C i ty of Satnt Faut does hereby ftx the 25th day of March, 1975, at 10:00.o'clock a.w., as Lha date on whtch the Govncii wi11 hold a pubttt hearing in the Ctty Council Ghambsrs, Saint Paui, Mtnnesota. to consider the 1�ve1 of strcet matntenance to be performec! tn the City of Saint Paut in i97S and the costs to be ct�arged egalnst tt� benefitted property, and tfie Clty Clerk ts hereby directed to pubttsh �otice of this hearing ln the Legai �.edg�r twtce, Lhe last publlcattoR betng r�o iess than one we�3c prtor to the dat8 of the pu61 tc fiearing. , , COUNCILMEN l�t� '` eas Nays Requested by Department of: j ; Christensen (�t,',,"e', Ftlb1 �t WOfkS (Riv�sion of t3perattats} 1 `' . � Hozza `� In Favor Levine �y f�;` ' Y Rcedler V Against By � ` '!� �-� �� � �r r : t ; � : Sylveste� , Tedesco President Hunt ��� ' � 19� Form Approved by City Attorney dopted by Council: Date _ �rtified Passed by Council Secretary - BY �j _ %-�%'`' � Byj : . __. ,�'%� ���,.._�-"'" ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councij" '`�/� {--�� >proved by Mayor: Date --- ����-. ° � By �BY /� �r�--��` �� t � t. {. • 1 �.j Z: ?-f F'�`"� �r r - - -__ _ _ _ . .4 � � � �, ,.�°, ,_ �iITY OF ►�AII��"3' P�UL �65�24 �: , �' �((� � OFI�'ICE OF TEIE CITY COIINCZL � .�9:� �t.. . � . . i �� '�. i > !�• ���1f �,.L ,; � - . �1 7 !Y a� ` - � ',,. Do t e : March 25, 1975 '' - -�=.�� COf� i� l�'TEE � EPO �i TO : Saint Paul CiYy Council FROM � Comr�i��ee on PuBLZC woxxs navid xozza ; chairman, makes the followinq �eport on C.F. � Ordinance ❑ Resolution � Ofiher T t T L E : STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM The committee on March 21 approved and recommended that � the full Council pass the Public Works Department's proposal for a street maintenance program for the year. The proposal outlines both the level of street maintenance for city streets and the costs to be charged to property owners. � The proposal includes the oiling of streets for the first time in several years--about half the city's streets will be oiled in 1975. A public hearing on the maintenance program will be held at the Nfarch 25 Council m�eting. CITY Hr1I.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, A'iINNF.SOTA 55i42 � a.. >� , STREET ASSESSNEMT - PROGRAFI COS7 JUSTIFICATIOt� Estimated 1974 � 1.975 : Expenditures Expenditures 42310 St►-eet Repair and . Cleaning Admin. $ 285,492 $ 308,000 42311 Downtorm Streefi Repair and Cleaning �36,5i0 146,000 k2312 Outlying Comm. and Arterial 719�962 798,Q00 42313 Residentiai Street Repair and Cleaning 1 ,b1�+,228 1 ,$53,OOQ 42314 0i1ed and Paved. A11eys 245,293 279,000 42315 Unir:iproved Streets � � and Alleys 35,�45 - � 56�,000 42316 Street Repair and . . Cleaning Equipment 16,33� . 75,000 � , TOTAL PP.OGRAP•1 COSTS $ 3,053,4�8 $ 3,St S,000 1975 Program Estimate Costs $ 3,515,000 � 1974 Program Cost 3��53,468 . ' Increase i n 1975 Program (15.12q) $ 461 ,532 ���5 9� v���ts � Estinated Oiling Program Costs 200,400 Actua l I ncrease i n 1975 Program (8.5� over 1974) $ 261 ,532 d4��i �c��-c��E �.S ��',"�. co-� �cS r ���'tr� , � ,