265223 WHI7E - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COl1RC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ������ � BLUE - MAVOR � ► ' ou cil Resolution � Presented By � Re er d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an act reiating to the eity of Saint Paul; providing for the abolition of the power of the cityto levy and raise taxes for the payment of severance pay obligations of the board of education of said city; amending certain proviaions pertaining to the method of computing seuerance pay for city of Saint Paul employees ; increasing the mill rate levy for payment of severance pay obligations of the city; providing for death benefits to be paid to surviving spouse of eity employee ; amending Laws 1959, Chapter 690, as amended; and re pealing Laws 1967, Chapter 529. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations . COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza �_ In Favor Levine Rcedler V Against By Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt � � � 19�J Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified ed by Co '1 S t BY " � By Approved Ma Date 19�J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �susHFU �IqR 2 y ��/� �b���� ���9�75 City of St. Paul Bill No. A bill f or an act relating to the city of Saint Paul; providing for the abolition of the power of the city to levy and raise taxes for the payment of severance pay obligations of the board of educat ion of said city; amending certain provisions pertaining to the method of computing severance pay for ci�ty of Saint Paul employees ; increasing the mill rate levy for paymen� of severance pay obligations of the city; providing for death benefits to be paid ta surviving spouse of city employee ; ame�ding Laws 1959, Chapter 690, as amended; and � repealing Laws 1967, Chapter 529. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1959, Chapter 690, as amended by La�as 1961, Chapter 549, Laws 1963 , Chapter 72q, La�as 1965 , Chapter 659, Laws 1967 , Chapter 488, an.d Laws 1971, Chapter 599, is amended to read: Section 1. �T. PAUL, EMPLOYEES' SEVERANCE PAY_7 �Votwithstanding any contrary provision of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul or that of any prior Statute of the State of Minnesota and additional to all other authority and powers conferred upon said City by said Charter or any prior Statute of' the State of Minnesota, said Ci�ty hereby is authorized and empowered, by ordinance to be enacted by its Council , to f establish, prescribe and promulgate provisions , rules and f re:;u).ations therefor and to �rovide for its payment or se�-erance pay to its employees designated in Sect-ion 2 Yie re o:f;-���e�-se�e�r��ee-�t��-s�t���-�e-�e�s��e�-��-���-�e� � ��se�-��s�-r�ee��n��e�e�-s�-���se�#-a�e�-}ea�e-e�-��e���a� �e�.�e-e�-t�-eer��t���b�e�-e�-��e-s�me . . �65�23 Sec. 2. �T. P�IUL, CITY OF; SEVERANCE YAY_7 Subdivision 1. The provisions , rules and regulations under any such ordinance for such payment of severarice pay by said city, authorized under the fore going provisions of section 1 hereof, shall be applicable to all employees of said city other than its elected city of�icials . Such severance pav shall be excluded from retirement deductions and from anY calculations in retirement benefits , and shall be paid over a period not to exceed five years from termination of emplo.yment. ��ere���e�;-�re�#s�e�s-s�a��-�e-r��de-�er-t�e-eem��x�a���e� e�€-s�e�i--se�e�rx�ee-�s�-�e�-�e�e����-se��a�ee-e�-�����.�����e� etn�fe��eH�-}�e�se��e�;-e�ke�-��r�n-e�ee�e�-e���-e���e�a�s; t��e��-e��e�-�l���gs;-��-��e-a.�-��ei�me��-�a-��ie-se�e��� e���e��e��s;-�k�e���a��-�i�e-�e��er�s-e�-��ze-s�r�e a-s�e� �es�es-t���-��es��s�.-fe��es-,-as-s�a��-�e-a}�}���ea��e �em��rs��e-��t-sine���-�e-��es�e-�vk�ek-�,re���-�ae�e-a��rae�e� ��e�e�e-ke�-�ke-ss�e-�ee�-ef�a��-se���ee-e�-e��ss���ec� er���e�me��s;-�l�e�e���e�-�i�-�����e-e�-��re-e����-�e���ee ���es-end-�e�t�����e�s-s�-ea�c�-e���;-a�a��e�;-��e�e���iec� ���-�i�e�t�����ec�-��rke�-�xt�r�-���s�en�-�a-t�s-s�.��-eka��e�; t�nc�-�����e�-�-�e��r�t�ee�s-s�c���-�ie-���e-�e�-=�ke-eer����a��e� a�-s�e�-se�*e�t��ee-�a�--€a�-e����-se�-��ee-s�-e�ass���e� e���e�me��-�e�;�e��e�;-��e��-e�i�e�-�k���;s;-��-�ke-t����e��ne�#� �a-��e-se�e�t��-e���e��e��e-���a��ketz�-�ke-�e��sc�s-e€-�He 2 � ������ ss�e;-s�e�-}e��es-�n�-��e���e�-}en�es;-�s-sh���-�e �����e���e;-���e�-s��-��-�����e-s�-s�ek-e����-se���ee ���es-���-�eg��a��s�s.---��e�e���e�,--�����e�-��e�t��e�� � s����-�e-�s�e-�e�-��e-�e�e����a��a�;-��-�es�ee�-a�-��e se�e�a�-e���e�e��9-a��ee�e�;-s�-s�e�-aee������e�-��� ���se�-s�e�-�ea�es-s��-��ea�fe�-�es�es-sn�-��e-a�e���g e�-�ke-sa�e;-��-�ease����e-e��-��ae��ea��e-�e��e�s-��e�e�e� �a-�e-��eee���e�-��-��e-ee��e��-e�-ss}�-e���:--����e���e�; The amount of sueh severance pay allowable or to become payable in respect of any such employment or to any such employee shall not �e-��-e�eess-a�-�3;699-,-�e�e��-es�s����ke� �s-�ke-�a�����-a���e��ge�-se�e����e-���-��a��s�e�-e�-����e�� ��-a��-s�e�-se�a�a�e-eese exceed 100 days ' pay or �4, 00�, whichever is �reater. ���s-see��e�-s����-�e-�e��s�e���e �e-Beeem�e�-3�;-�9��.- Subd. 2. This section �hall be�_ retroactive to � � January 1, 1�74. � Sec . 3. �T. PAUL, CITY OF; ENIPLOYEES' SEVERANCE � PAY_7 Subdivision 1. The said city, for the purpose of providing moneys for the payment of its severance pay obligations under any such ordinance , hereby is authorized ' and empowered, by resolution of its couiicil , in addition to all other powers possessed by said city and in addition to and in excess of ��,ny esistin� limitation upon the amount it is other�vise au�thorized by Iaw to ].evy as taxes , to levy tales annually riot e�ceedi_ng in any one year an 3 � 265223 amount equal to �8��9H one-third of one m:i_] 1. upon each clollars oF the assessed valuation -tYiereof, fo.r city services other than public schools , upon all taYable property in said city, exclusive of moneys and credits , �ahich taYes as levied shall be spreacl upon the tax rolls, and all collections thereof shall be paid into the treasury of said city, ttierein to be alloc�,ted there#or and to be disbursed and expendecl by said city in payment of any such city services other than public schools severanee pay obligations and for no other purpose . ����.--£.---��e-s���-e���;-�e�-�i�e-����e�e-e�-��e�a��l��� �e�e�s-�a�-�k�-�a�rxe�#�-a�-��4-ee�e�t��ee-}���-a��3����a�� ���e�-s��-s�e�-e����s�ee;-�e�e��-��-s�=��a���e�-�.�c�-e��e�ve�e�; ��-�ese����e�-e�-��s-ee��e�f;-��-s�����e�-#�e-a��-e�ket�-�a�ve�s �essesse�-��-�a��-e���-t���-��-���-���e�-�s-�n�.-��-e�ee:�s-a� a��-��������e�-��e�-��e-e�a���-��-�s-e�i�e��a�se-����e���e� ��-�a�v-�a-�e��-��-#��es,--�e-�e��-���es-a��.�a���-�e�-e�eeer3��7 ��-a��-e�.e-�e��-a�.-a�e���-eq��a�-�e-�t9f�89-e�-a�e-����-��e� eae�-�e�fa�-s�-�i�e-ssse�se�-�*���c���s�-�ke�ea�-�e�-�����ee se�ae�s;-��e�-a��-���s��e-��e�e���-��.-sr���-e�r��;-e�e�����e a�-�e�e�s-r��r�-e�ed���;-�a��e�-�a�e�-as-fe�a�e�-9�s�f--�e-s��ea� ��e�-�i�e-�z��-�e��s;-r���-s��-ee��ee��e�.s-�ke�ee�€-ske��f-�e ����-���e-#l�e-��es����-e�-�c���-e���;--�t�e�e��-�a-�e-�.��set��er� ��e�e�s�-a�c�-�e-�e-c��s�i��se�-�,��-e�}�e��e�-��-s��c�-e���-�� ���rne�-�-e�-�,r��-strek-���i�-�e-sel��e�-se�e���ee-�t��:-e�����.�te�s r���-�e�-�e-e#�ke�-����a:�e .- t� ' • '. � 265223 Subd. 3 `? The disbursements and etperiditures hereinbefore ��,uthorired in behalf of said city t�n�-��e-�et��d a�-e��er���a�-e�-#�e-e���-e�-�a#.--�e�� for payment of such city a��-�ea��-a��-e�t�ea��et� severance pay obligations hereunder shall not be deemed to constitute any pa rt o:f the cost of said city' s e�-�et���s� governmerit within the meaning of any statut,ory or charter limitation on said city' s ' expenditures . � Sec . 4. �T. PAUL, CITY OF; DEATH BENEFITS_7 � Subdivision 1. In addition to anv power or au�thority no�v � �ranted by the charter of the citv of Saint Paul or any � existin� law, if at the time of cleath of any em,��lovee of ' the city of Saint P�,ul �the city is inclebted to him for work, Iabor, or services performed, for accumulatFd but unused vacation or overtime under a plan or svstem established bv the citv, or for a�cumixlated severance p�.y due to such employee . and no executor or "administrator of � his estate has been appointed, the city mav, upon request of the survivin� spouse , forthwith pay the indebtedness , due in such amount as may be due . not exceedin� the sum of �3, 000, to the surviving� spouse , excludin� severance pay; and if severance p�.y i.s due such employee , the sum to be paid such survivin.� spouse shall not eYCeed th� maximum amoun�t of severance p�,y due such em,ployee up t� _a _maYimum amount not to ehceed an amount equal to 100 days ' paY or �4, 000, iv�iicYiever i.s �reater, plus 5 265223 other ind.eb-�edness . The cit,v shall require proof of claim�,r�t ' s relationsh:ip to the clecedent bv affidavit �.nd re_quire claimant -to ackno�aled�e recei,pt of such payment ; in writin�. 4 Subd. 2. Any such pay►nent nade by the city p,ursuant • to the pr�visions of thi_s section shall oUerate as a full and faithful dischar�e of the indeb-tedness due the aecedent to the eYtent of the payrnent , �nd neither the city nor its officers nor emploYees sha.l.l thereafter be liable therefor to the �ecedent ' s estate nor to the decedent ' s e<cecutor or a.dminis�trator therea.fter appointed, nor to an.y other persoxi. The city shall pa�T to the survivin� spouse . tiUon request , as aforesaic�, immedi�,tely such amoun�t ; as may be due and o�ain;_b.y the citv up to �1,000. The remainder of the amount due and owinff pursuarit to Subdivision ! 1 shall not be paid by the citv until �the expiration o� a period of 180 da.ys after the date of death of an.y such city empl.oyee . Upon pavment of an,y amount pursuant to the provisions of this act , the ci.ty shall be required to notif.y the pr•obate court of the countY in �ahich deceden-t ' s r. esidence w�.s located , of such pa.yment . - Sec . 2. Laws 1967 , Chapter �29, is repealed. 5ec , 3. This act shall become ef�ective only af ter its appro��al by a majority of the governing body of the eity of Saint Paul and t.tpon compliance with the provisions of NLiiznesota Statu-tes , Sect:ion 6!f> . 021. 6