265216 WH17E - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 �65/�/�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANpRY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR • Flle NO. � � - � uncil Resolution � Presented By ,� / R erred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : . "A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul ; providing for and authorizing said city to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and r�habilitation loan and grant programs ; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4. �� and recommends the same to the Ramsey Count� Senate and House delegations . COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler _ ''� Against BY Sylvester Tsdeeeo•. President Hunt � 2 O �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P by Coun cr ry BY gy �/ �3 �� Appro by Mayo : Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By puB�tsHEo MA 2 9 i97� . �' � �� 1 � City of St. Pau 1 Bi��PPt�: A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul; providing for and authorizing said city to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and rehabilitation loan and grant programs ; amending La.ws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. �SSUANCE OF BONDS�7 To finance the programs authorized in sections 2 and 3 of this act, the council of the city of Saint Paul, by resolution or resolutions, ma.y from time to time authorize, issue and sell general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Paul, withou� a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other provision of law or of the city charter or ordinance . The total amount of bonds authorized to be issued for the purposes described in this act shall not exceed �he aggregate of $3;AA8;AA8- $5,000, 000. The amount of bonds issued pursua.nt to this authority sha.11 be excluded in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by statute or charter. The council of the city of Saint Faul is authorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, and this authority is not subject to any tax or appropriation or expenditure limit otherwise imposed by any law or charter provision. J y� • � .- � � �65�1s A � • Sec. 2 . �FFECTIVE DATE.7 This act sha.11 become effective on.ly after its approval by a majority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the proviszons of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021 . � � � � �s��s ' City of St. Paul Bill No. A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul; providing for and authorizing said city to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and rehabilitatzon loan and grant programs; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESQTA: Section 1. Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. �SSUANCE OF BONDS .7 To finance the programs authorized in sections 2 and 3 of this act, the council of the city of Saint Paul, by resolution or resolutions, may from time to time authorize, issue and se11 general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Paul, without a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other provision of law or of the city charter or ordina.nce . The total amount of bonds authorized to be issued for the purposes described in this act shall not exceed the aggregate of $3;A88;899- $51 000,000. The amount of bonds issued pursuant to this authority shall be excluded in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by statute or charter. The council of the city of Saint Paul is authorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, and this authority is not subject to any tax or appropriation or expenditure limit otherwise imposed by any law or charter provision. , r • , • . . 2�5�1s 2 . Sec . 2 . �FFECTIVE DATE .� This act shall become effective only after its approval by a majority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021 . ' � City of St. Paul �3i1���� A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul; providing for and authorizing said city to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and � reha.bilitation loan and grant programs ; am�nding Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. �SSUANCE OF BONDS_7 To finance the programs authorized in sections 2 and 3 of this act, the council of the city of Saint Paul, by resolution or resolutions, may from time to time authorize, issue and sell general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Pau1, without a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other provision of law or of the city charter or ordina.nce . The total amount of bonds authorized to be issued for the purposes described in this act shall not exceed the aggregate of $3;988;AAA- $5,000? 000. The amount of bonds issued pursuant to this authority sha.11 be excluded in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by statute or charter. The council of the city of Saint Paul is authorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, and this authority is not subject to any tax or appropriation or expenditure limit otherwise imposed by any law or charter provision. . . � �s5��s Sec. 2 . �FFECTIVE DATE .7 This act sha11 become effective only after its approval by a majority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021. ' City of St. Paul �3i1��:''a�� A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Pau1; providing for and authorizing said city to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and rehabilitation loan and grant programs ; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section l. La.ws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. �SSUANCE OF BONDS .7 To fin.ance the programs authorized in sections 2 and 3 of this act, the council of the city of Saint Paul, by resolution or resolutions, may from time to time authorize, issue and se11 general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Paul, without a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other provision of law or of the city charter or ordinance . The total amount of bonds authorized to be issued for the purposes described in this act shall not exceed the aggregate of $3;9A9;988: $5,000,000. The amount of bonds issued pursuant to this authority sha11 be excluded in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by statute or charter. The council of the city of Saint Paul is authorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, and this authority ia not subject to any tax or appropriation. or expenditure limit otherwise imposed by any law or charter provision. � 265��6 Sec. 2 . �FFECTIVE DATE� This act shall become effective orily after its approval by a majority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021. , 265�1� . .R • � . ` � City of St. Paul Bill No. A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul; providing for and authorizing said city to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and rehabilitation loan and grant programs ; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 35I, Section 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section l. Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. �SSUANCE OF BONDS .7 To finance the programs authorized in sections 2 and 3 of this act, the council of the city of Saint Paul, by resolution or resolutions, ma.y from time to time authorize, issue and sell general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Paul, without a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other provision of law or of the city charter or ordina.nce . The total amount of bonds authorized to be issued for the purposes described in this act sha11 not exceed the aggregate of $3;9A9;AAA- $5,000,000. The amount of bonds issued pursuant to this authority sha11 be excluded in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by statute or charter. The council of the city of Saint Paul is authorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, and this authority is not subject to any tax or appropriation or expenditure limit otherwise imposed by any law or charter provision. . � . y ������ 2 . Sec. 2 . �FFECTI.VE DATE� This act sha11 become effective only after its approval by a majority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021. . �_ � . ��5�6 � City of' St. P�.ul I3ill No. A bi 11 f or an act ' relating to the city of Saint Paul; providing for and authorizing said ci_ty to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and rehabilitation loan and grant programs; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. �SSUANCE OF BONDS .7 To finance the programs authorized in sections 2 and 3 of this act, the council of the city of Saint Paul, by resolution or resolution.s, may from time to time authorize, issue and sell general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Paul, without a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other provision of 1aw or of the city charter or ordinance . The total amount of bonds authorized to be issued for the purposes described in this act shall not exceed the aggregate of $3;AA9;A98- $5,000,000. The amount of bonds issued pursua.nt to this authority sha11 be excluded in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by statute or charter. The council of the city of Saint Paul is a�uthorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, and this authority is not subject to any tax or appropriation. or expenditure limit otherwise imposed by any law or charter provision. .. ' f � 2s5�1s 2 . Sec. 2 . jFFECTIVE DATE .7 This act shall become effective only after its approval by a ma.jority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021 . ' � City of St. Paul Bill No� A bi 11 f or an act relating to the city of Saint Paul; provi�ing for and authorizing said city to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and rehabilitation loan and grant programs ; amending Laws 1974, Cha.pter 351, Section 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. La.ws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. �SSUANCE OF BONDS.7 To finance the programs authorized in sections 2 and 3 of this act, the council of the city of Saint Paul, by resolution or resolutions, may from time to tzme authorize, issue and se11 general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Paul, without a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other provision of law or of the city charter or ordinance . The total amount of bonds authorized to be issued for the purposes described in this act shall not exceed the aggregate of $3;A88;888- $5,000,000. The amount of bonds issued pursuant to this authority sha11 be excluded in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by statute or charter. The council of the city of Saint Paul is authorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, and this authority is not subject to any tax or appropriation or expenditure limit otherwise imposed by any law or charter provision. , . � � 265�16 2 . Sec. 2 . �FFECTIVE DATE .7 This act sha11 become effective only after its approval by a ma.jority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021. . . , : . � • � � . '" � City of St. Paul. Bill No . 2s521 s A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul; providing for and authorizing said city to issue its general obligation bonds for housing and rehabilitation loan and grant programs ; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1974, Chapter 351, Section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. �SSUANCE OF BONDS .7 To fin.ance the programs authorized in sections 2 and 3 of this act, the council of the city of Saint Paul, by resolution or resolutions, may from time to time authorize, issue and sell general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Pau1, without a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other provision of 1aw or of the city charter or ordinance . The total amount of bonds authorized to be issued for the purposes described in this act shall not exceed the aggregate of $3;8A8;898- $5,000,000. The amount of bonds issued pursuant to this authority shall be excluded in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by statute or charter . The council of the city of Saint Pau1 is authorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, and this authority is not subject to any tax or �appropriation or expenditure limit otherwise imposed by any law or charter provision. .. +� . . r �� ` � � 26521� 2 . Sec. 2 . �FFECTIVE DATE .7 This act shall become effective only after its approval by a ma.jority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021 . , 3 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TFIE GITY GOIINCIL .�.... ��5�'�.6 s��� JOHN E. CHRISTENSEN CARL E. NORBERG Councilman Legislative Aide March 5, 1975 Mrs. Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mrs. Mix: The Legislation Committee has considered the enclosed resolution approving a bi11 for an act providing for and authorizing the City to issue general obligation bonds for housing and rehabilitation laan and grant programs and refers it to the Council with the recomnendation that it be approved. Very truly yours � JQHN E. CHRISTENSEN, Chairman Legislation Committee JEC:mI Enclosure CI'TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 O Y • . . . `I� ����/ �� � � _� � � . 3/11/75 STATEMENT TO CITY COUNCIL REGARDING REHABIISTATION PLAN I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving your consideration to the Rehabilitation Plan that has been prepared for Saint Paul's City�Jide Rehabilitation Pragram. As a designated spokesman for the Rehabilitation Task Group that has worked to put this plan together and pursuant to a motion passed at the group's March 5 meetiag, � I would like to inform you that the group is in unanimous accord with the plan as approved by the City Planning Commission on January 31, 1975. All of the people who worked on the preparation of both the Program Concept and Guide- � lines, previously approved by you, and the Rehabilitati on Plan being considered tonight, are most anxious for the program to be implemented immediately. Thc process has been a very long and open one and we are now hopeful that you will give your approval to this document so that we all may proceed. Fo� your information, I am presentiag tonight a copy of the mailing list that we are cu�rently using for our Rehabilitation Task Group to demonstrate that a significant cross section of people in this City have been included in the process. Although not everyone on the mailing list has participated in all of the meetings, we have usually had a minimum of 15 to 20 people at each meeting. I t is my understanding that as a result of your contacts with members of the City Planning Commissioa, the Mayor, and the various Ci�ty Council Aides, you already have a good understanding of the Rehabilitation Plan being considered in the public hearing this evening. However, I would like to point out a few highlights of the Rehabilitation Plan; 1. This plan is being submitted for your approval as required by Appendix I of the Program Concept and Guidelines, which requires ' the yearly submission of such plans. - 2 - - 2. Consistent with the Program Concept and Guidelines, the plaa calls for a program for "concentrated rehabilitation" by � establishing si:x initial priority rehabilitation areas in which 60% of the loan and grant resources available will be concentrated. These areas were selected, by the individuals participating in the Tasic Group. The selections were� made by � applying the criteria set forth in the Program Concept and Guidelines to the pertiaent data supplied by the City Planniag Department staff. � 3. The balance of the resources, or 40%, will be made available on a city-wide basis. • 4. The plan calls for the administering agency, the Housing and ' Redevelopment Authority, to contact citizen organizations in each of the identified neighbo�hoods and to co-operate with these organizations in order to reach agreement concerning the representative group, method and details of the�program in their neighborhood. Additionally, this process w�ll result . � in the designation of a Concentrated Rehabilitation Project of , perhaps six to eight blocks within each of the Priority Rehabilitation Areas. After such agreement is reached these Concentrated Rehabilitation Projects will be brought to this body for final approval. 5. The program further calls for any necessary public street impruvements to be constructed in each of the six to eight . block Concentrated Rehabilitation Projects. The funds for these improvements have already been approved as an item in � � the Community Development Revenue Sharing Program. . - 3 - 6. Fiaally, the plan calls for the implementation of certain adminis- � trative policies and functions, iacluding the formation of an Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee, which wi1Z be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Couacil, would continue to provide the broad base of community support for the program which up to this point has been provided by the City�nlide Rehabilitation Task Group. I want to thank you again for the opportunity to present this plan to the City Council . and to again urge you to give it approval this evening. . J . , . � �' ��• - � � � . � . . : � .- , , . .. _....._ . . . _ - �` ;i , . : .... _. � ._ ' M� � .. . �:�� � �f . .. . .�.�.. .. . . ... ... ... h . . � . . . . •� T. �dith Lallier � 12. Dru-Osterud Ramsey Act ion Programs, Inc. LWV -.... -. . .-. _...__ 509 Sibley Street 2087 Bayard Saint Paul, Minnesota . - �• Saiat Paul, Minnesota 55116 2. Dixie Aartman ' 13. Sherman Eagles Daytoa's Bluff Housing Committee South St. Anthony 374 Maria • 2380 Hampden Saint Paul, Minnesota Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114 3. Tom Haugen 14. Mary Tingerthal 9 Nord Circle Road - Ramsey Action Program, Inc. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55110 115 Litchfield � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 . 4. Allan Block _ .._ . . ._�.. , ---- , Housing & Redevelopment Authority 15. Sister Vivian Kovar, O.S.B. 55 East Fifth Street North End Community Organization Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 194 W. Rose � .- - .- - . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 5. Anne Conley � �- _ - . Lexington Hamline Community Council 16 Paul Gilliland 1185 Ashland � RAP-Dayton's Bluff . - - . Saint Paul, Minnesota SSI04 374 Maria - Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 6. Gene Ranieri . - - � . .- Grants-in-Aid Office 17. Glen Hanggi 421 Wabasha Phalen Area Planning Commission Saint Patil, Minnesota 55101 I115 Greenbrier . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 7. Ron Hick ' . � Lexington Hamline Community Council 18. Warren Frost � 1165 Selby � . Housing & Redevelopment Authority Saint Paul, Minnesota � 55 E. Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 8. Barbara Boulger . Lexington Hamiline Community Council 19. Larry Soderholm 1189 Ashland Avenue City Planning Saint Paul, Minnesota 421 Wabasha ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 9. Joseph L. Easley Community Housing Corporation 20. Ken Ford 290 Metro Square City Planning Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 421 Wabasha . Saint paul, Minnesota 10. Joseph H. DuBord Housing � Redevelopment Authority 21. Grant West 55 �. Fifth Street Urban League . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 401 Selby Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 11. Bruce A. Beneke � LARC 22. Larry Mazzitello S00 Laurel Avenue Capitol Community - Saint Paul, Minnesota 1060 Park Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 . . • • ►. . ., � .� , . .. .__ _ _ .. ��. � - 2 - . - � I . .��r--. . . . . -. . . ._ _._.. ' . _ _.. . ._ ... _.... __....._ 23. �Tames Shelton 34. Vern Hoffman North End -. : Housing & Redevelopment Authority ' S17 Carroll Avenue � 643 N. Kent . � • Saint Paul, Minnesota �-� Saint Paul, Minnesota 24. John Bischoff - 35. Madeline Harris ' �� . - --- --�- Summit-University - 500 Laurel Avenue 785 Dayton Avenue � Saint Paul, Minnesota . • Saint Paul, Minnesota SS104 25. Connie Marker � 36. Tom Sanchez . City planning West Seventh _ _ . .. 421 Wabasha � 439 St. Clair Saint Paul, Minnesota - Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 26. Anita Lambert 37. Jeanne Nelson Dayton's Bluff Thomas-Dale PAC . - 829 E. Third Street 537 North Dale Saint paul, Minnesota Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 27. �ill Patton 38. Mary Osiecki :.rants-in-Aid West Seventh Street 421 Wabasha 175 Western Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 28. Frances Bayden 39. Hardy Wright 720 City Hall Sumanit-University ' Cityhall & Courthouse 743 Selby Avenue �ainz Yaui, Minnesota 551U2 Saint Paul, Minnesota 29. Lorraine Wood 40. Mary Ann Sudieth 904 Lincoln ` St. paul Urban League Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 828 Chippewa Saint Paul,Minnesota 55107 30. Joseph A. L. "Erriggo, Jr. - . Urban Affairs Commission 41. Gary Gorman . 240 Summit Avenue West Side-RAg Saiat Paul, Minnesota 55102 179 E. Robie . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 31. Kenneth Gauthier Housing & Redevelopment Authority 42. Lou Lopez 55 E. Fifth Street West Side-RAp Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 179 E. Robie Saint paul, Minnesota 55107 32. Valerie Cummingham _ 721 City Hall & Courthouse . � 43. Alice Hagney Saint Paul, Minnesota � Roosevelt + 1575 Ames 33. Pat Evans Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 West 7th Association 175 South Western 44. Roger Hughes Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Roosevelt � 1575 Ames ' • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 , .� _.. __.... � ��.�_ _ _. _ __ _.. _ . :. _ _ _..�....__ . y_� _ .._ .... _ __ _ ___ _ . �. _ .... _ _ . r _ _...,..,. ' � l' • .� -_,\ . • • ` _ ; + , -- `;�^f . , � c - 3 - �... ..._... ._ ._ .. � ' N•�. n .. .. r.......... . 45. Ratie Barren . . 56, Joel Strangis . . McDonough OBSP " _ 1544 Timberlake-Road 1951 University ' , Saint--Paul, Minnesota - Saint Paul, Minnesota 55iO4 46. �im Whalen 57. Scot� Reed West Seventh • - 175 9. Western 175 Western " Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 • - Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � . 58. Mathew Cleveland 47. Jane Baker 553 Aurora Avenue Lexington Hamline Saint paul, Minnesota 55103 � 1120 Portland Saint Paul, Minnesota 59. Marty Gallagher Hayden Feights - 48. Mary R. Meyer 1797 Sherwood Avenue Senior Citizen Coalition Saint Paul, Minnesota �300 Wi2son Apartment 1608 � Saint Faul, Minnesota 60. Karen Jasinski 49. Helen Redelke. Phalen Area Community Council 1075' Arcade S-treet City Wide Resident Council Saint paul, Minnesota 55106 1139 - B Supernik � � Saint Paul, Minnesota 61 - Rill Kummber I�lerrick 50. Jean Salman 715 Edgerton North End Community Council , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 907 Western Avenue North Saint Paul, Minnesota 62. Jim Schieble ' . West Side 51., George Winter 179 �. Robie ' Macalester-Groveland Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 2000 Lincoln • , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 63. Katie McWatt ` 52. Marlene Krona Urban League 401 Selby Avenue . North Como Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � 1064 Mary Lane Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 64. William Young Council of Churches 53. Joyce Putnam - . 1671 Summit Merriam Park : Saint Paul, Minnesota 407 Beacon Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 65. Dennis Dorgan Human Resources Planning Council 54. Marge Roussopoulos 333 Sibley " West Side Saint Paul, Minnesota - 179 E. Robie Street ' ' � � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 66. Dave McDonald ' 2083 Marshall Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota � � • - � � r p . 6�_ . I •J /�f. . i�"'\ � .. � 1 � . �✓j , r���j ._ . . � - 4 - 67. Lorraine Subra � ��, Judy Williams _ Merriam Park • Lexington-Hamline Comcnunity Council 2000 St. Anthony 1245 Carroll Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 St. paul, Minnesota 55101� 68. Helen Richardson 7$� Mary Ellen Grika Como Area . � Citi�ens League 888 W. Ivy - 2741 Colfax Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55400 , 69. Bob Tuttle 79. Caroline Emmet , � SPARC � City Planning : 529 Jackson 421 Wabasha � Saint Paul, Minnesota � Saint Paul, Minnesota SSlp2 � �0. Toni Lippert 80. Michael Joseph - Metro Health Board 2018 Emerson North 300 Metro Square Building Minneapolis, Mianesota Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 � - 81. Ma,r•y Claire Ryan 71. Steve Kat� Merriam Park Community Center St. paul Area Program Board 2000 St. Anthony 529 Jackson Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 8�. Bill Rummer 72. Cliff Mille: . Merrick Center � Minnesota Commission For the Handicapped 715 Edgerten � � 492 Metro Square Building , Saint paul, Minnesota 55101 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 83. Maureen Bakken -73. Donald Slater 992 Margaret 1604 Burns Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Saint Paul, Minnesota • 84. Howard Kinney � 74. M�rie Denissen ,438 Johnson Parkway 633 VanBuren Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Saint Paul, Minnesota � 85. Robert Novis � 75. Steve Rlein Mayor's Office 605 North Dale City Hall and Courthouse Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 76. David Ho2za 848 Goodrich Avenue Saint paul, Minnesota 55105 . . , . .. . , , , , . . � . . , .. _ - . .�