265192 � WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK -- F NANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council �s5� 92 CANARY-D�PARTMETIT BLUE -+MA OR �r File NO. • t ." . s • `� i �nce Ordinance N�. ��.J �� Presented By � t ` Referred To 1�r' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fi.xing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the va.rious classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the following titles: City Planner I City Planner II City Planner III City Planner IV City Planning Research Analyst I City Planning Research Analyst III , City Planning Research Analyst IV Community Facilities Planner ILI Community Facilities Planner IV Deputy Coordinator for Comprehensive Policy Planning Economic �lanner LII Economic lanner IV � Entrironmental Planner III Environmental PlannerIV Housing Planner IiI Human Resources Planner I - 1 - COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Syivester Tedesco President Hunt � Form A roved y C' torne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve i unc 1 By By WM17E - CITV CLERK � PINK - FtNANCE �. GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council c CANARY - DE�PARTMENT � Q B:UE =N:YOR ti File 1��. �T�c)� .1.. F � ,� ��� 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N�. I�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Human Resources Planner III Land Use Planner III Land Use Planner IV Public Systems Planner III Public Systems Planner IV Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the titles and specifications for: CITY PLANNER I CITY PLANNER II CITY PLANNER III CITY PLANNER IV PRINCZPAL' PLANNER�' TTAI'G'�D TT a .+ tF�xe ss SENIOR PRINCIPAL PLANNER - 2 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form A prov d by C t A or ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor or Submission to Co ncil By By ' .� � iL1r Ui. Cid.�;;o O� ' �4' '�� ' � 2�5�9� , ,� ., �JTi' �'I��4::��,T�i?. Z Duties and respc,nsibiliiies: L'nder supervision, to �e3�:forr� U�.�iut�in�; l.e�i�1 routine pr�aession.al v�7ork in a timited phase ot CztSr :t??;�iinin7;and to �erfo�•m relat-ed ���drk as assinned. Examples r�f work perform��': To prepare drafts of rnaps, charfs and vth�:r gra�hic pres�n�ations i� illustrate s�udi.eG as assig�led.. To correlate anci tabulate statisCi.cal data in ��1e fr�rm of grapha, charts, a;id maps as assigned. To collect and assemblE �ata thrau�h res�arch oz field sur��ey as re- quired for ure in �;r1e dev�lop�rent of' plaixnit�� studie::. To rnake sfuclies aizd �vri,te repc�rts, �.s �ssign.ed, on tnirar elemwnfis of the plann.iug pi•ograr;:3� - To prepare r.outine ordinances ana rY�olutions concert�zng F'2anning - Commissiori ma.t.t:ers, To creck and verify le��l arad pro�erty daY,?. 'To provide fechnic�l assistatzce ir� �latii�ers, t�ther City departments and a�eneies, anci pri.v�tP �roups as assi;�?.ed. ?o make presen�ations t� �overn�r�ental off'icials and citizens as assi�;nec;. To assist p�anner� on tasks rel�i:inU t� CitSr pl.anizing. �iinimum qualiiicatioi2s° College g_raclu�.t.i.an in a �alanni�ig relai�e�3 fiel.d witlz an ux•ban emphasis, such as urbat� stucaies, urb�n ai"!'airs, urban geodraphy, archi.t�cture, engineerin�, Ltr.Lan sociolo��r and so�ial ��ori�. ��to Gu�astituii.on for educa�i.on. ) Person�.l qualif'ications: � gooe� knowled;e of �arinciples, praciices, �techniques and purposes of Cii•y planxiing� �� v�oricin� knowledge of i�l1e ��x•iriciples and techniqueG invr,lvecl in �he det.rclopmeu�: and maintena��ce n1 a ciry'^ p)_an. A u�orking Icno��l.ed��e o:E j.7rii�ciple�, tecdiuinues, ai3d sourees c�f informa- tion ap�li.cable io ti�� col).ection, to:r;pilation, analy�cis and preseni:a- tic,n of data pe�fa�nirlg i:r: Ci"r.y plan2�inr. A �ener.31 kn�«�ledge of' city charter praviGians �nd loi:al, Gtate, 1nd federal latx��• xelating ta c:ity, re�?ic�nal, �n.� poli�gT �l�nn.:n,. A �eneral kno�� led�;e of accept�d praCtices and a�plicable local �tate lavc-G relat�ing to zoni�i�;, lat�c� ^ubdivision and control, and land u�e. -A gerieral kno���ledge of cur�en.t �rends ii�. local, etata�, and federal planning and legislation aifecting Cii.y Z�lannin�. Some knowledge of CUUP'L cases �,nd legal prececlents �nc� decisions relating �o city plannii7g �?nd zonint. Some knowledge of acce�t�d stanciar�3s for locatin�; Gtreets and hi�h«ay�, recreati.o�ial, prot�r.tive an�3 other publ.ic facili.ties, and indust�ial, commercial, anc'r resic�ential areas� Some kno�vledge of the p?•i.nci.ples and practices of engineering, archiLecR:�.�:�e, landscape archi�ecture, aud m��nicipal administration applicable to City planni.ngd e3 _ . . � . no . 1��s • •, 11t1e oz c1asG° ' �• � ���.l��a� CITY �'I_,.��i1�?�:.?� �I Dui:ies and responsibilities: Under superviGion, t�s �erform mo�,erately difficult 1�<ofessional �,ork in city planning which requires origin�.li.ty and juGgment; and �;a perform related worlt as assigned, Examples af work performed° To collect and review pertin�nt data from land use maps, street and property line maps, papulati.on survey figures, ai�d field investigations. To make reports and recomm�ndations conceriiing t.he zoning and re� z�ni.ng �£ new aild existing districts. To assist in determinin� the Io�afiion anc� extent o� public buildings and facilities, suclz as schools, playgrounds, and ti.re stations, To assist in the review of propas�d l.and acqui.sitions. To make special district studi.es:. To callect anc? analSTze aata from applicable sources, and �uggest changes in accorcian�e with policies on p�iy�ical and econamic developmen't. T'o review and analyze preliminary plans taking into consideration ac�epfed cify pl�tnning principles, zoning, requiremenfs �f the surrounding neighborhoods, �he �ity`s plan, and other factars and to sugge si: change s, To provide tech nical assistance tu �lanners, other City departments, and agencies as assi�;ned.. To malce stuciies and write repoa•t-G as assi�ned, Minimum qualifications: A Nasters Degree in a planning related field wi�l� an urban emphasis, Guch as urban stuclies, urban affairs, urban geography, architecture, en�ineerin�, urban sociologlr or �ocial �-oriz; or calle�e graduation in urban �lanning; or callege grac?uation in a planning related field u-ith an urban emphasis, sttch as urban �titdies, urban aifairs, urban geograPhy, architectus-e, ei7gineerin�, urban ^ociology or social �=�orl: and one year`s prof�ssional pianning e�;perieuce. (1'7o substitution fo.� education. ; Personal e�ualif'ications: A goud l�iiowledge oi' principles, practices, techniques and purposes of cit J Planning, A warking ?cuo�.�leage of �;he principles and tecsiniques involved in the de�-elopment and mai.n*�nance oi' the CityYs �,lan. A worlcing .i.cnowledg� of rri.nci-ples, technit�ues, and saurces o1" informa�-. tir�n applicable to zhe CO��"Ct1U21� co*.��ilati�n, analysis and presenta� tion of data pe�•tai�lin� to cizy plannin�. A �-urkin� kno��vledge of Cify �harter provisions and lr�cal, state, and fe�3era1 laws relatin� to city, regir�nal, and policy pJ.annit�g, A v��orlcing lcnowledge of accepted praciices and �.�plicable local state la��s relatin�; to �onin�, l�zncl subdivisi.on and control, and land use, A �eneral knou�le��e or court cases ai�d le��.l precedents and decisians relating fo ci.ty glanning and zo�ling. A general l:na���le�ge of acceptecl Gtandards for locating streets and hig'h-- ��ays, re�rea�iona2, proi;ective 1nd other public facilities, and induGtriaP, commercial, and residential areas. A general knov��led�e of the princi.ples aizd practices of engi.neering, architecture, landscape archite�ture and municipal administration � applicable tu city planning. A general. knowledge of current trends in local, state, and federal r..,,�4,w..,,a� . . . o+�. n • ���' . , . . ���:�_9:�, ' planning and legislation affectin� city planning. A v��orking knowledge of the organization of t-he City and the functions of the various departrnentG., � 5 _ . . o� no ���s- , � �� '.rt'rl� of class� �65�9,� �L��r �J_rl�»:�i1�Td'..r'� lo_A , Duties and responsibiliti�s� Under supervision, to p�tfori� z•esponsible proiessional city plannin�; u�ork requiring i��clepenc�cnt juc�gmen� and di.scretion in ��;orking on specific phases af �lan eff.ec*ua�ion; and to perform reiated a-ork as assigned. Examples of ���ork per:fortnec;; To plan, coordinate, �nd revie�;� s�ecif�c �hases of p14n eifectuation or small seg�n�nts o� the Gi�y's nlan. 7o provi.de responsible tech�nica� and �rofeNsional results frorrz w�rk assignecJ in very �eneral ter�so To develop, prepare, ancl upc]�.te Iang, intermediate, and shart�range plans for thc phases oi city �l.annin� as assi�,med� To investigate and report on specific fi.tzdii�gs as they relate to those areas assi.�ned, To prepare reports, reco��riicx�.dations, maps and specia.l presentation� for the Planning CoLr..mis.iUn, I��are] of �oning, ftr,ayor, City Council and other �;avernmental �.nd ci.vic organxza�ions as r,eeded, To participate and represen� the Ci�c,r in conierence; and �n committee, of other planning s±af�'s and efiher groups ac�i.ve in the develo�ment of plans for which you are resp�nsible,. � To act for a Seilior Ci�y :E'lanner u-ha�n so d�signated. l�inimum qualifica�ions: A �"asters T3egree in z�rban }�lan�:ing; or a �'�'dasters Degree in a plannin; related field with an u�b�n en�pt�asis, such as urban studies, urban affairs, urhan geography, archi�ecture, engineering, urban Gociolo�y or sucial �,vurk and one year`s pr�fessional Z�la.iZning experience; or �ollege �raduati�n i.n urban plannin� and one s�ear. �s professional plannin� experience; or colle�e gracluation in a �?anning related fie1.:3 w•ith an uri�an empY:asis, �uch as ur�uan studies, urban aff�.irs, urban geograuhy, architecture; en�ineerin�;, u�dan soci.oloby or social �r�cr�; and tw� yeai sf pro;:ession�l plana�ing e��perience. !'Vo substi.tution for education. ; Perso�al qualifications: A thorough Icno«�ledge �f �rinciples, practices, ceehniques and purposes of city pla�inin�, A gc�ocl knowledge of the princi�le^ and tech.nic�ues involved in t�ze develor= ment and main��nance o.f the City�s �lan, A goc,d knowled�e of principl�s, techi�iques, and sources of information applicab�e tu the col�ec�ion, com��ilation, analysis and pres�ntation aj' dai:a pertaining to ci�y planni_n;� .� goad kno��rledge oi City Charter provisi.��ns an�i loca�, state, and federal laws relating co cit�y, re�;ional, and policy }�lanning. � good l:nowledge of accept�r3 practices axzd apgli+.able local state lavc s rela�ing to zoni.ng, lanci sub�ivisic��a and concrol, and land use. A gc,ud knowled�;e of c�.rred�t tr�nds in locai, scate, ai�d fed�ra� plannir.�; and legislation ai'fecting cii:y planninge A v��orking Icno�-ledge af court cases ancl legal prec�dents and decisions relating to city planning and zoning. (cantinued� � 6 _ � . �►�P • �O . t 5b�_ ' . , , . t� c��orking knowledge of accept;��:i ;;tanda s ds for locati.n� streets and^� highways, recreational, �rc�te�;iiv�� and �ther pul�lic i'��cilities, � �'� 9� and indusfirial, corrin�erci�,l, �nc7 i�P�sidet�tial ai easo A ��ox'king knowl�d�e of tl�e priuic�l.es and l�-rac�:icec o�� engineerin�;, architecture, l�ndsca�e archite.cture, �nd rrsur_icipal administration applicable to city plannin�. A working knowledge of thE or�a_.n.ization of fhe City anc� the functi.ons of the various depa�•tmeiits. A general knowJedge oi rnanagement and communicatio�i rkill.s. -- 7 - . �' S ( /� � • • i� � I��� V�V V' V ` . 26519? • �'I'itle o5 c la s s� CITY P-���.N�'T'�R IV �uties and responsibilities: e Undex supervisi.on, to perf�rm d'z£fi.cult an�? hi�izly res�onsible profpssi�r..a.l work in dir�:,tin� and cooz•dinatin� various worlc elemenfs �vithin a rnajor section oi the City �lar.nin� �epartme2�.L; and to perform relat�c: , wurk as assi.gne�. Examples of work performed: To sup�rvise, plan, caordinate, and review the worlt of �pecific worlc elements within fhe major sections of fihe City Pla.nning Office. T� revie�v the developrr�ent, pr�l�aration, and updating oi long, inter- mediate, and short range �lans fo-r speci.fic woriz elementa, To superv�is� inves�ig�.tions, pu}a�ic hearings, and re3�ort preparation an specific �vork ele����nts �i a major secci�n �f planni.ng. To supervise the prepar�tion oi� re�orts, re:corr,rnendatic,ns, maps, anEl special present;ations to i:he i�lannin� Commission, P,oard of Zoning, Ir/rayor, City Council, and other �overnmental ancl civic or�anizatio��s �.s needeci. To participate and repr�sent tne �ity in conferenres and on con�mittees ti�iih other planning staft"s and other groups active in the developmer.�; of plans for which you ^re res�onsible. To act lor a Principal City -�'lanne� �-hen so designatecl. Minimum qualificat-ions: t-� A.�a,�ters D�gr�e iz� urban Planning and t�ree yearsr professional planilit�g experience, or a ��asters �egr.�ce iii a planning r�lated field v�-ith an urban emp�asi.s, such as tir�an ^��adi�s, urban affairs, urban geograpiy, architecture, engineerin�, url�an �aciol.ogy or social �. ork, and four yeZrs� professional plannin; expex•ience; or col.lege �;raduation in ur��an plannin� and four years` p.rof.e�sional plannin� experience; or colle�;�� gra�ivation in a �l.�izning r�Iated £ielcl ��ittz an urban empha.sis, such aG urban STL2�1�Sr tzr�an �.ffairs, urban geo�raphy, archifiecture, engir����-cing, urban saciolo;y or social u-orit and fiv� years� professional plannin> experience. {No su�stitcztit�n f.or �ducation. ; Personal yualificatzons: A thorough knowledge o� principl�s, practices, tecliniqezes, and purpo:,ps of city planning, i.ncludi�� tlie dev�lopmeni: and maintenance of the �ity�s r�lan and its le�al eafec:ivati.on,. A r},orough knowledge of tb.e �lannin� process and how it r'its i.nto c�eciszoz�z ��aking.: A tho.rough lznowledge o� the le�al �a�izground and tuols of pl.anning. A goo�l knowledge of urban growth processes. � A good lrnowled�e of the prin�iple� of supervision and coordination as t.hey relate +�o the c�irecti.on. of a �lan�zing functior_. A worlcin� knc�vc�ledge of mai�ag�rr�exzt znd communication skiils. .A workino kn�wled�e oi �;tze pri.nciples c�f administration and organi�atior� . relafing to the direction of a ma�or plannii�g section. � ��-orking knou�ledgc of ghysical city development, including theory of city iorm, land use, utiliti.es, tr;.ilsportation and shelter, etc< A working knowledge of human problems as they relate to planning. (continued) .� g _ . , �� ►'�o • �s8os � , ., . � . � n �t�orking ktzotvleclge oi �he desi�n oi' ciiies, i.ncluding site nlamzi_rzg a�5�J,� p3•ojeci: design. A v;lorkin; �:nowlec]ge of analysi.s, t�rc�jectior., p��dicti�n, including �hysical, sacill, a;z� ecar.c���iic� con�3ition�, uti?.iza�ion ai.' rno�iels, operations resea-rcl� anci �:r�ul.aticno A �enera3. kn�wledge of state at�d ze�3cra1_ l�,�r.�� ar.d procedures as i:hey relate io city planniizg. .� geazeral knowledge af producti�n t-�chni�ues ior planr_ing presentation:. � 9 � . �� . prt� • ►'�o• 15�" � . • ' ,Title of class: ����(]� J �RTNC��A.i, T'i..l�,�lI�TFR� Duties and responsi.bilii;ies: Under directi.on, �o su�ervis�� �nd to i�e responsible f.ar the �:n�riron� menial Planning Section, ;Iutz��n Pe�ourc�s Planning Section, �and �Jse Planning Secti.on or Cur�•ent Plann.ing 5ection. o� rl�e City Planni.ng Ofiice; and to l�erfor��n related wc�rlc as assinned. Examples af worlc per�'orm�d: To plan, lay out, di-rect, revie-,r:- and coorciin2te i;he worlc of profeasional employees ii� a m�tjoi sectior� of t:he Cit;r �'lannin� C)ffice, To direct the pr.eparation and n-�ai.ntenance of a specific portion of the CityPS plan fo�- the future gs owth an� de�Telog�ment of the Ciiy, includ� ing data com�ilatioi�. an� ar�aJ.STsis and lon�, i.i�termediate and short range plans. To prepare and revie��s� r�ports and recommendations and �ubmit them For ap�rova� by �hP Plannin� �oord'znator. To aGsist in coa�•dinating �he pro�r�ms and activities oi a section v�-ith other secti�ns, city det3artments, governmental agenci.e�, civic groups, and privatE org�nizations. � ! 'Io participa�e and sometirnes �et�resent the City in conferenceswith other planning sta�fs and other graups acs.:ive in t�ie development of plans far which you are respon�it�le. To direct office ar�c7 field �vork required for the effectuation of the plans and sL-udies, To supervise inv��tigafiions, p�zblic hearinaG anc3 the �reparation of reports on speczfic planni.ng rraatters. To invesi.i.gate and ma.ke recorrlmetzc;ations on unusually complex or difficult planning matfiers. '�o direct L-he preparation of recomm�nded chang�s iu e�;isting plans, and report on er.�iergency si;uciies that �equire imme�diate action or recommEndations. Mini.mum qualiii.cations� A Masters De�ree in urban planning an� ;uu� ycars� professional planning ex�eriences ar a �,as�Eers Degree i.n a planning related field wi�h an urban emphasi.s, such as urban studies, urban affairs, urban geography, architec?-ure, en�ir.eering, urban sociology or sacial work and five years� professional plailniizb er�e?-ience; c�r college grac3uation in urban planni_n� and five years� �rofessional planning experience; or co).le�e graduatioi� in a pZanning related Field with an urban emplzasis, s�zc�i as urban stue�ies, urban affairs, uxban geography, architecture, engin�erin�, urban socialo�Sr ar social wurk and six yeaa•sE professional p?anning expc�rienc�. (l�?o substi�ution for education� } Personal qualification5: A thorough kno��ledge of piinciples, practi.ces, techniques, and purpose� of c:ity planniilg, including the develo�ment and mai.ni;enance of the City`s plan anu its legal effectuation. A thoraugh knowledge of �he planning Process and hovc, it fits into decisiun making. (continued� - 10 � . . A thorough knowledge of the leg�,l bacicgx�ound and tools of plannin • �� � A thorough knowledge of urban growth processes, �. nQ �s� � •.' • ' . A thorough lcno��vled�e of t;he principles of supervision and coordinati � as they relate �;o the direction of a planning function. ��5�9�� A good knowl�dge of m�na�;ement and communication skills, A gooc� knowledge of tli� p�•inci.ples of administration and urganization � relating to thr-: di.-rec�ion of a major planning section, A �ood kro�=.ledg�c ot physical. ci.ty develo�r�ent, including theory of city farm, lat�� use, utiliiies, f-r�x�is�ortation and shelter, etc, .E1 ��0<3 I:no�vle�l�c. of ��u.man pro�lzms as they r�1Gt� i:o �lanning, A good kr�owl�d�e: oi i1�e design oi cities, inc:l.udin� site planning. A wo�lcing I{n�wledge of ai�alysis, projeciion, prediction, including prysical, �ocial, and economir, conditions, utili::='iion of models, operations research azz�J �irnulation. A ��-or:ci:�g lcnn�led�e oF stace and f'ed.ral laws and �rocedures as they relate �;u city plannin�� A gen�ral kno��rledge af produc�:ion t�chniques for planning pres�ntations, -. 11 �- �' 11L1� Uf c�ass: . �65:�92 3-Rj�T�.�_��):..1.., i'��A�Tj�TER 1! Duties and res�onsibiliti.es: Under direction, L-o Gupeb<<ise �.n.ci io 'ae res��or_sible i� r the Deveio�arneil�' Prograr��ming eciio��, �.omn��,in.itl >e.-�•ices �'lan ing Section, or tk�e �'roject Plannzn Sectian �f t:L1e City Plannii�b C�ff ce; and to perform related u orlc as a si�;neci. Ex�mples of �.�vork p�rior ed: To plan, lay uut, direct, e�-i��z- anc? coordinate the �t.ark of professional employees in a rnajor s ciicn of the City P1 r.nin' Office. To direct the preparation a d rnainLcnance of speci.fi� po�•ti.on of the Ci�y�s plan f"or fhe future ro��Jth a?7d :�eve pment oi' the Ci�:y, inclu�l� ing dafa compilation and a alysis an�i lo�l , ini:errr�ediaie anci short razige plans , To prepare and revie�� reParf:s nd recon� endations and submi'i them for approval by the Flajznin� or�rdinat r� T'o assist in co�rdinating the pro •ams a d aciivities of a section ��•ifih other sections, City depa_•t�x�en a, �o ernmrntal agencies, civi� graups, and p�ivate oz•�;ani�afions� To part;icipate and �ometin�es repre e the �.ify in conferenc�with other p�annirig s�:aff.s and ai'ner �r ;. .,s act�ve in tlie development of plans for which yau are i es�on_^,iU±. . To direct oifice and fielc� w�r�c �•eq��ir .. �'or the eFlec�uaiion of ihe plans „ ,�;ti ;;�;j���es. To supervise investigations, pu�lic ea-r. "ngs and t�i� preparation of reports on specific planaxing ma ers., To invesYigaEe and xnake re�omme ciation on unusually compleY or difficult pllnnin� matters., To direct �he prepa,ration of reco �mended hunges i.n existing plans, and report an emer�ency st ies that re uire imm�diate action or recommen�lations, I��inimum qualificatians: A Masters Degree in u��an p annin� and �our ye .rs� profe�sional planning experience; or a s�asters �e�r�e in planning related field « ith an urban empiiasis, such as urUan siudie� ur.ban ai'iairc, urban �eograpl�zy, architec`t�re engi,�ieering, urban s ci.o3.o�y or social v��orlc and fiv° yea�s` p?- fessional ?�lanni.ng expe ience; or college graduafion in urban pla ini.i�g and five ye?rs' pro ssional planning ex�erience; ur ca1_lege araduation in a �lanrzin� r Iated field with an urban emphasi.u, sucl as urL�n �vuc]�es, urbar.. af� 7.T8� urban geography, archit�ct re, eng�.neeri�z�, urhan sc�ci Iagy or soci.al ��c,rk and six yea-rs' r�fessir�nal planni.nb experiei� e. (No sui�s�tituti�n for education. } Personai qualif.icatians: .� thor�ugh ?cnowl�dg oi' pri�acip'eC:, practices, t�:chniqu s, and pur� pases or city plan in�, includinn i:h� developrnei�t anc� ai.ngenance o� the City's plai� and i�s legal efi'ectu�ti.on. � A thorou�h knowled�e of the planuiz�g n��cess ancl how it �iYs i.nfo decisian makingl. .4 thr�rough knovaled�e oi the legal background and toolG of planning. A thorough knowledge af urbat� �rowtr. processeso (continuedl � 12 � . o no !s�o�' . .. , , l3 thor�ugh knowledg f the principles of supervisi�n an coordination . . ', - as t-ney relate to the ection of a planning functi . - ' .A 000d knowledge of manage ut and cnmmunicati �i SIZII.LG. � ��] r , A good lcnowledge of L-he princip af admi.nistra 'on and organizatidn`°�� P: relating to the direction of a ma� planning ection. � good knowledge of ��':rysical cicy de�r� mer�-, including theary of city rorm, latld us�, util.i�i.�s, firauspa,. - ion and shelfer, etc. A ��od lcnowledge oz hui�?an ;�roblems a.s t : relate to planning. A goc�d lciiowleu�e as tl�e ciesi�;n of ci'ties inclu ''ng si�:e planning. ^s. wc�rking �Cria��ledge r�f aizalysiG, PTG� Ct'i011, pre iction, including physical, social, and econo�z�ic c �ditions, uiili� tian of models, operati�ns re���.rch a�ci s�rnul iou. A wo.-king knocF��Ycd�� oi sta��� an federal lavvs and proc ures as they relafie io �ity ��l.ant7ing. � general icno:��ledge of �zod� tion fecliniq�es :Eox• plani�ing esentations. �- 13 - , � �,-�. I'l p. 158C�� ,, . ' y �: t�tl� o� ��.ass: ' SENI�JP.. F.I�t.�,?C.I�AI, �LArI�IER ����9:� DuL-i�s and respunsibilii-ie�: Su'�ject f� admitzistrative approval, tt� p���form hi�Izly res�onsi.ble professional and supervisoryr wark in assisting the �'lanni.ng Coordinaror in the �evel�pmerit� of City Pla7Zning progracns; and to perform relatec� �x�or�r as assinti�ed, �xamples of work periormecl. To Gerve as c'ni.ef plar�ner �o "rh� �lanning Coordii�aior and act as coordinafor on plannin� rs�att�r^ in his absence, repre�enting City �'Ianning in ��ublic or oi'i'icial contact:. To caordina��-: and sup�rsrise th� wort.c oi su'co�•dinate supervisors and act- as their technical advisur on aJ_1 studies and problems. To advise and assis+� t�� coorrlinator i.n the �`ormulation and developa ment of th� Giiy�s pl�tn and ir�n�lemeritation tt�rough the zoning ordinance, t-he ca�itaJ. i.mprovem�itt �rvg�am, le�islativ� referral, su��division cc�n.tr•al, anr� ott�er related planning prograrns. To assisi, in arxginatin€;, c3i.rec�:in�„ de✓;,lopin�, interpretinh, and coardinatin�; City t'lannin�; pol.ici�;s and rnethods. To plan, organize, supervi:�e, reviev�, and coordinate i;he K-ork of the planning divisions in the devVlcil�ment� aud implernentation of the Cii:y�> pt�.n. To assi.st in caoperative efforts �=�ith at;h�r affected deparf�ments ar agenczes in city piannino acti.vities, To review surveys and repor"ts on social, economic, and physical data -rela�ing to the �i.ty4s pl<:n and malce recommendations thereoiz. To assisY zn the forrrlulation af the ��-ork program, r�finimum qualifications: A l�iast�rs Degree in ur�an pl.annin� an� five years` pro_fessional p).anning e:�perience; or a Masfers �egree in � planni��p� related field with art arban e�i�phasis, suc�z as urban studies, ur�ian affairs, urban geo�raphy, arclii�ecture, ei�gineerin�, LtrUan saciology ur social vc�ar� �nd six yea�s' professional planning experience; or college graduatio,i in plan�zinn and six years' professionai planning experience; oY colle�e �radu�tiun i.n a plannin� related field with an u-rban em�hasi.s, such as u�ban studies, urban affairs, urban geo�rapl�y, a-rctziiecture, ei�f�ineer`;n�, tz��ban sociology o� Cocial v��ork ancl seven yea�s'' pro.:essional �lanning �xperience, (r7�;• sub- stituti.un for educat�on, ) Personal qualifications: � cornprehenGive kn�wledge of p�~inciple�, l�ractic��, parposes, scope, and techniques ol` variaus ph�.ses of city �lanning. �. comprehen�ive l:nou.�led�;e ot �tatistical and research methods and sourcea of data rel.ati.n� to city and metropoliian growih. 4 corriprehensive l�nowledbe of subdi�-isian land use, �oning, and legal de scriptions, A comprehensive knovvl�d�� of feoeral, stat� and iocal laws as they relate to city pZanning, A comprehen�ive knowledge of the planning process and ha�x it fits into decision making� (contintxed� -� 14 m �• � �� . 4� � �' I�� '_ � �1 �� � � �65�9:2 � compr�hensive knowledge oi c'cie princi��les of st�pervision and coordination as chey relate to the c�i*�ection of the plan»in� function. A thorou�h lznowled;e ot mana�ernent and corriinunication ckills. �A. thorou�iz knr�wledgQ oi ihe ��rinciples of admi.nisiration and organiz2:, _ tion relating fio thc direct�ion oi the pl.annii7g iunction, !� th.oroug'n kn�wledge of physical. ci.ty cle�-nloprr�et�t, including theory of city iori�s�, lanci use, ufiilities, tY•ansportation, and shelzer, etc. A thorough knowZedge of huma�z proi�lems �s i;hay relate t� pl.anning. � � 15 � WHI7E - GTY CLERK PINK� � NANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANqRY- D�PARTM.ENT (� - _�('1�- BL�JE `_-MAYOR File NO. /�� f � � ^� F Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. � S� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. > - 16 - COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza � In Favor Levine Rcedler �_ qgainst BY „ Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt � � �� Form rove by C ty t rne Adopted by Council: Date Certifi asse by Cou ' Secretary By . By Approved yor: ate Approved by May • for Submission to Counc' gy gy ! , {'R 2� i9t� � , i , �� �s ���wi�r"'ti./'�� �i � � �S4 . ' r �.r�.�..L . �. �. �.. ` ,. #� � „�„� U�7 i� I�Ch �hl.� c�1et�'ar�r,n fr01� tRt� ��.���� �� ; , . ' � . : ,�;�a�'"�� �� ��., �:� , _ � otrd�r��►: !�-that t�i� tnfort'�afitt�►;wi11 be F , � �+ r .` _. �{; �k '. ' �I�I��a�C�� �Q'_�ti�' Cil�}� �i�l"1L1�. . ir��� �`�' ������`` '��'.�� � � �y : : a�' ; . �.,« ' ' . . ���1��:� �t"#E �C�"��' ��D���'�-,�'�tAY"�"�� � - . - . _ :_ . � . . � T##�RS"�. l�.�E�`. .;�� .� �� . 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