265186 ..-... � CITY OF ST.PAUL 4�LINCfL FILL N . � � � � FI NAL ORDER � �"',,�,�.�r'--`� `'�' � By � � � . `4r 4� r' f 17�4b File No: In the Matter of ���t �� �� �� ��+�►ah� �wf. tQ S� Av!•� �f ty T�ro��t tto. !-O+t►9A�,, as foilaw t Be�ad� �d anr� GALY sT. frow kir�rt�aha Av�. to Si+AOa Aw. bY �eida�i� eb� roadb�d, ea�stsvat c+o�ssytta� �urb su�d Ratt.�r, driwwps +���es� a�ssu�r a� otn+�+�stai li�htir� t3^�rt�w s�o�na s�wr dx+tias�� la�ili.tib. rtcaemeta�ett �a�r�t� wlka, rsca�str+n�t s t�rat�i+� ac�wtxol sy�t�. 1�saaNr bo�l+�v�vlis a�d do aii ath�r wa�ck oaa�eir�r +u�i ia�ai.d�tal to s�id ia�p�rov�t . under Administrative Order ���� approved ���� �• 1474 FEe � f �s under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. �, 3//� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date � � A � Yeas Nays Chri�tetlfWa � Certifie sed by ounc' cretary H Q:� � !��tf�t In Favor B �evine RoedleR � Against �ylveste!' Mayor � � � � p� . ,� P1�8t1S�U k1AR �� N�5 . J. WJLLtAM DONQVAN 2�-5317 ,Va{uaeion Enyineer i2�Y E. BREDAHL, Jr. C 1 T Y O F 5 A I �i �' P�, �1 �. �5��S�; ` Asa't Valuat�on Eng�nser BUREAU OF VALUAT10N5 206 Cify H.II � � � S�Jaf hul. M1aMw+s Si102 .'.,, O�� '4��J d P� ',... t � T October 25, �-97�+ Mr. Claude Thonpson Design Engineer Department of Public Works IAWRY . Dear Mr. Tho�mpson: Pursuant to yo•ar request, I have set forth herein information pertinent to the property assessaent for the proposed improvement described as: E DALE STREET f�om Minneh,aha. Avenue to Simon Avenue The total estimated a.mount recoverable by assessment is $26,835•00, based on the following: _ - Ornamental Lighting: A & B Residential - $2.00 per assessable foot "C" Residential, Co�ercial & - $6.oo t' �� �t Industrial - Dixect benefit improvements would be f�.illY assessed at the following estimated assessment rates: Sidewa.lks: � A & B Residential - $4.00 per Li.neal foot "C" Residentia.l, Comanercial & - $1.3� " square " Industrial Concrete Driveways: 6" Thick - $11.00 per square ya.rd 7Tt �t - $12.00 " " '� Please incorpora�e the following additional costs in the total project cost: . - .00 � Valuation an3 Assessment Services $535 Miscella.neous Costs - $195•�fl � The pa.ving of Dale Street from Minnehaha to Front was assessed in 1959 and the paving of Dale Street from Frnnt to I,arpenteur was assessed in 1961. For the � � . � • . , � � ` �}G�tJ�VV -2- reaso� that Dale S�reet within the limits of the subject project has been assessed for pa.ving within the last 15 yea.rs, ard since the roadwa.y is in rea.sonably good shape, and due to the fact that the widening of Dale Street is to accomsnoda.te the �hrough traffic, it is the opinion of this office that , �he paving, curb and gutter for the subject project should not be assessed. ; If you have ar�y questions, please call. Ver-,� truly yours,- - , �; r ( ; � l , 'J�^ �--_ 1 �,' --� �� L k`:.C%G v� ��'=�,,�.—___.- i . � J. William Donova.n `" Valuation Engineer �� J`�rJD:F'�r�:dm cc: Pa.u1 Desch Janes Schwartz . r� � . � � • � - � �� ' . ur�ir acT�o�v � �vi-ri�� ��-r� a� - ''a6 c'�;�`��� ?�-�2� ,•l` `�_,.. .��"� 1 !/'n I��7: a` = t. �'_ 4 • �o�`..�.L'7�� ✓i'•/i�iCi: � � J , +7 �. ^ /�, j , :� , j, ,���.., �/ tt �,�,�. �:;;. _ �/�.,� /3 C ! 1 1 � � J t'� � 1�1 T P �'1 V L�;r^ctc;� , -� .�;:r ��-C:if!;� ` . ?�1 Capital of Minnesota ��ericai �� ���� ' � D�PARTM�NT �F PLt��.lC 1YO�K5 � 234 City Hall � Court House 55102 �[���p6 DAPI I EL J. DL'NFORD ��� �� D i rector Novenber 12, 1974 ihe �onorable Lawre�ce D. Cohen Mayor oL the City of St. °aul . �oor 347, City Nall . BUILCi";G s Re: P-0490A DALE STREET Minnehaha Ave. to Simon Ave. Dea r Mayor Cotien: _ - ihis letter corstitutes the Report and Recommendations of the Department c� Pub; ic Works concerning an investigation for the proposed alidening. and paving of D,�LE STREET from Minrehaha Avenue to Simon Avenue. �ttached for execution by your office is an Administrative Order approving t!-�is report and the scheduling of a Council Hearing. 1 . ESTIMr.TE OF COST ( fncluding Engineering, Inspection, etc.) Widening and Paving ( Inc.luding Lighting) $528,680.00 � Piote: The futl construction will not go ali the way to Minnehaha � Avenue because R.O.W. is not available south of Minnehaha Avenue for a taper. The taper to match the existing section wiil be irtroduced south of the bridge. 1 I . EST I MATED F I�J�tiC 1`JG Assessren*.s $ 26,835.Qd 1975 M.S .A. Fur�s 501 ,845.00 Totat $528,680.00 �� hote: The paving of Dale Street from Minnehaha Avenue to Front Street ��las assessed in 195°, an� the paving of Dale Street from Front � Street to Larpenteu- Avenue was assessed in 1961 . For the reason tnat Dale Street �•rithin the limits of the .subject project � � � � � i " . � � � Qc I The rono rab l e La�;:rer,ce C. Cohen -2- November 12, 1974 2+651 C7V ' has been assessed for paving Hritnin the last 15 years, the opinion of the Vaivation Engineer is that t�e paving, curb and gutter should not be assessed. The ornamental lighting and direct benefit improvements will be assessed. Ili . EXISTING CONDITIONS � The existing roadway is 44 feet wide with an average claily traffic of 10,300 vehicles per day. A new bridge was constructed in 1970 over the Burlington Northern Railroad tv anticipate the future widening of Dale Street. The new bridge width is 80 feet with sidewaik on each side. In discussions tha Department of Public Works had with the Depart- ment of Finance, it was decided to present the right-of-way for this project and the improvement before the City Cou�cil for a final order at the same time. The Administrative Order and the report for the right-of-way acquisition were subnitted to your office on July 25, 1973. - � Attached is a copy of that Order and Report. The necessary PubTic • � Information Meetings have been held and after execution of this Administrative Order on the widening and paving, we will bring this matter before the City Council . Please note that the right-of-way acquisition has been updated and na� includes relocation costs. - The updated R.O.W. cost is: $818,850.OQ The new financing for the R.O.W. is: 1975 M.S.A. 318,850.00 1g76 M.S.A. 500,000.00 � Totat S�l$,�50.00 IV. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION The H�idening and upgrading from Minnehaha Avenue to Simon Aver,ue was originally part of an overall program to upgrade Dale Street � from Ashland Aver,ue to Simon Avenue, but because of cutbacks in Federa] Monies it was necessary to reprogra��n the sections from Ashland Avenue to I .S. 94 and from University Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue; the section•from I .S. 94 to University is under construction. � Even LJIt}1 rescheduling of certain section, this project witt utilize the entire bridge width, increase the traffic capacity which is projected to be 20,Od0 vehicles per day in 20 years, and make a � much needed irrprovenent at the Daie-Como-Front +ntersection. V. PROPOSED IMPRCVEMENT � The construction, which is scheduled for 1976, wili consist of re- moving the existing roadway a�d constructing a roadHray (futl depth � bituminous) with three lanes in each direction with both right and left turn slots, concrete curb and gutter, center island and an ornamental lighting system. � , 1 �65�86 � ' The Nonorable La�•�rence D. Cohen -2- November 12, 1974 V! . RfCOf"MEtdDAT I QN The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and that it should be presented at a public hearing before the City Council . Yours very truly, Daniel J. Dunford Director of Public Works CLT/AJS/ck Attachments APPROVED: cc: J. William Donovan Thomas Eggum Frank D. Marzitelli _- City Administrator � � � . �_ � v+�tie• - CH,�c�e�� .. ' CJITY OF ►�J��1IIiTT t''ALTL ` � �� ' / u PEn4 — ��renes Depc. Gns►Y•-. U,evt " , . , � OFFICE OF THE bSAYOR • � �D � . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ��� / Date: N 0 V 2 2 I y!� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, _ in the matter of tmprovtng DALE STREET from Ntnnehaha Avenue to 51mon Avenue, City Project No. P-04g0a� as foliows: Regrade and pave Or'll.E STREET from Minnehaha Avenue to Simon Avenue by wtdening the roadbed, construct concrete curb and gutter, driveways where necessary, an ornamental iighting system, sLorr.� sewer d�ainage facilities, reconstruct concrete walks, reconstruct a t�affic cantrol system, tandscape bouleva�ds and do all other w�ork necessary and� � Incidental to said improvement. . The Report of the Oepartment of Pubi Tc Works, dated �Ioveraber t�2, �1974, �s hereby approved. ' - The Departr�ent of Finance and Management 5er.vlces is authorized to ' sehsdute this praject fo� a publ�c i�ea�ing before the Ctty Cour�cil . _ , on�, ee� o.ie. �G _ • _ _ . a�n aec .- . _ _ e�w wnH - _ - _ _ _ . . � GKS JFK - ' RGP . . ... .. ,_.. , . . OEE � : , _ : , _ - ' . JFS ClT ` � � . - ..- ^ - . ,. . . _ A�Q . � � TJE V.!P , . .. . _ . . . . . . . . . DEN � . _ . _ . . - P.S.D. APPROVED AS TC�FORM " ` � � � _ , � ;� ' t �,��C�ti • . . .. � , � t. —� �istant City Attorney � %Dapartment Head � • � ; � �. DanTel J. Dunford�./ � �� ` . . . _ _ , . . � � _ . � � � - �` � - .. _ • . Date � � � , . . � . Adminlsttative AssisLant to Mayot ' � �6���� �"'�;,' ��, �;� �� �; . :. '��' ' � i6�1 ' � ��. , IIM I I ��1 � �'"`a �,, �� and D�v1� � .;�� r� ��:�i=°. .� r "coa Sr " 't,rr,� �a IT: �� � . L � "��� wi;.. � v31!{3 ¢} 'b': CR, i {�� ... ,�� :; �3 I � ' . ��,. r°H�. , I � r M:�n:�,. f�� ,