265181 WHI7E - CITY CLERK ������
ncil Resolution �
Presented By •
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on November
15, 1974, by its Resolution, Council File No. 264588, created
a Neighborhood Assistance Officers Committee and requested �he
Mayor' s appointments to such committee, now, therefore , be� it
RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the following persons as the membership of the Neighborhood
Assistance Officers Committee :
Austin Sherwood, 1395 White Bear Ave. , St. Paul 55106
Sharon Garcia� 643 Virginia, St. Paul 55�03
Dave Engstrom, 1741 Blair, 55104
Will Young, 1288 Dayton, St. Paul 55104
H. Jannabelle Taylor, 270 Kent, St. Paul 55103
PL" �Sgt. William Konopataki, St. Paul Poliee Department
Sgt. Ted Brown, St. Paul Police Department
Deputy Chief William MeCutcheon, St. Paul Police Departme nt
Eleanor Weber, 365 City Iiall
Councilman David Hozza
Councilman Jack C�riatensen
Penny Chally, 2218 West Hoyt, St. Paul 55108
James Simmons , St. Paul Jaycees
Wayne Burlingame , St. Anthony Park State Bank
Bob Hilton, 1824 Grant, St. Paul 55105
Douglas Rowley, 1780 Hartford� St. Paul 55116
and be it
FURTHER RSSOLVED� that the membership is requested to submit
its report and recommendations to the Mayor and Council on or
before September 1, 1975.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
� �
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt '
Adopted by Council: Date � 1 3 �� F m Approved by ce
Certified sse by Council Secretary B
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Appr d by Ma r: Date � � 4 Approv ayor for Submi sion to C ncil
By By
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The resolution which unanimously passed the City Council o�_ `;�venber 15, 1974
asked tnat the Neighborhood Assistance Officers task force inclta� representatives
of senior citizens, youth groups, neighborhood associations, the ?.�iice Federation,
the Police Department Administration, the city administrator's o==_��e, the City
Council and other interested groups.
Soae background information on the 16 persons selected by P�;�= Cohen to sit
on the task force is as follows:
Austin Sherwood------member of the board of the St. Paul Senior C_�izea`s
Coalition, member of the Coalition's Legisl=.=_:e Task
Force, member of Arlington-Lockwood Senior C�=izens
Group and Planning Commission .fember,
Sharon Garcia----=--works with the �v'eighborhood Justice Center �s = co�-
munity worker with the American Indian Move-�.�_, works
with the West Seventh Youth Service Bureau`s ':�ath
Alternatives Program and works at the Aneric�_ Indian
Center with juveniles.
Dave Engstrom--------student at the University of :Iinnesota, wor:�s �s a
staff-intern with the Hamline-Midway Associ�_��±z,
former president of the City-Wide Youth Coa�_�ion. �'� I �
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Williara D. Young--- Go uni C plain for t St. P i Area Co_�_?1 of "��`���V`�'"'
ure s, air 'of e St. aul Hu�nan 'g=:_; rl -t� ��,�j,'
o ss' n, pr iden of th St. Paul rban i �-�ue ���'� � .�•,n
Bo d Dir tors nd rman of e ci�t --.��_-"�-"a�i `�:►1!l
c mmi tee the odel Neighborhood Plannin� C�finci '
H. Janabelle Taylor--program director at the Hallie Q. Bro�an Com*-�-__�y L` i
Center on Rent Ave. , member of the St. Pau1 =��era- �
tion of Settlements, and board memb er of bot�_ :`ton �� �-
Center and Liberty Plaza Housing Complex.
Williar� nonopatzki (or his designee) �'�'1 "" � �
supervisory sergeant for the St. Paul Police �=_�art-
ment's Patrol Division in the first platoon �_•�_presi-
dent of the St. Paul Police Federation, for��� �t,
Paul City Councilman.
Willia�a :�cCutcheon---deputy chief of the Administrative Divisian e= �ze
St. Paul Police Department and state senator r���e-
senting District 67 in St. Paul.
Ted �ro;,.z------------St. Paul Police Department sergeant in charg� �� re-
search and development.
- 1 -
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Eleanor Weber-----administrative aide in the office of the city administrator,
member of the St. Paul Board of Education, member of St.
Paul Leagne of Women Voters and chairman of the Minnesota
League of Women Voter's Corrections Co�nittee.
Penny Chally------member of the Board of Directors of League of Women Voters
of St. Paul, corrections chairman for St. Paul League of
Women Voters, member of Junior League and its task force
on criminal justice.
James Simmons-----market research analyst with Minnesota Mining and Manufactur-
ing Company, chairman of criminal justice co�ittee of St.
Paul Junior Chamber of Commerce, subcommittee chairma�-� for
the Ramsey County Corrections Advisory Board.
Wayne Burlingane--vice president of the St. Anthony Park State Bank, member
of Midway Civic Club, �ember of the St. Anthony Park Associa-
tion and chairman of its commercial committee.
Robert Hilton-----owner of Macalester Picture Framing, chairman of the crine
committee of the Association of Commercial Clubs, for�er
president of the Grand Ave. Businessmen's Association.
Douolas Rowley----chief engineer for accoustic products for the Donaldson
Company, Inc. , member of the Highland-Groveland Recreation
Jack Christensen and David Hozza--representing the St. Paul City Council.