265179 WHI7E - CITV CLERK ��r�'_„^ PINK - FINANCE �1 r7t■ CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council � iv BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ♦ . un il Resolution Presented By � Re ed To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul, providing for maximum sum of death benefits to be paid surviving spouse of eity employee ; amending Laws 1g67 , Chapter 529, Section 1. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations . COUI�TCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Ise�e- � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date � � � �75 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified ss Council Secretary BY Appr ed by Ma or: Da � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �sH�o R a� w✓� � •� � � ��r��� Rev. 3/12/75 City of S�. Paul Bill No . A bill for ari act relating to the city of Saint Paul , providing for maximum sum of death benefits to be paid surviving spouse of city employee; amending Laws 1967, Chapter 529, Section 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1967 , Chapter 529, Section 1, is amended to rea,d; Section 1. �T. PAUL, CITY OF; DEATH BENEFIT5_7 Subdivision 1. In addition to any power or authority now granted by the charter of the city of Saint Paul or any existing law, if at the time of death o� any employee of the city of Saint Paul the city is indebted to him for work, labor, or services performed, for accumulated but unused vacation or overtime under a plan or system established by the city, or for accumulated severance pay due to such employee , and no executor or administrator of his estate has been appointed, the city may, upon request of the surviving spouse , forthwith pay the indebtedness due in such amount as may be due , not exceeding the sum of �3,000, to the surviving spouse� excludin� severance pav; and if severance pay is due such employee . the sum to be paid such survivin� spouse shall not e�ceed �the maximum amount of severance �a.y due such emploYee up to a ma�imiam amount not to exceed an amoun�t_ equal to 100 days ' pay or �4, 000�, whichever is �reater� plus �ther indebtedness . The c'ity shall require proof of claimant ' s relationship to the decedent by affidavit and require claimant to acknowledge receipt of such payment in writing. 1 l ( �'-�1-���'�-�- C i _.y� �3 i 11 I�'o. � .. � - =>/�.2/75 ' � ����� Sizl�d. 2. Any su ch p�lylller�t i�iad e Uy tlie c i�L�T �ursuan�t to t,he pr'OV1S10I1S of 1;tiis section sha:l:L opera�te as a flill axic� faithfiul discliarge of ttie indeb�Ledness due tYte dececlerit to i:he e��tent of the payiueiit , and neither tYie city nor its oFficers nor employees shall thereafter be liable therefor to tiie deceden-t T s estate nor to �he decedent ' s executor or admi.nistrator thereafter appointed, nor to any other persoii. The city shall p�.y to �the surviving spouse upon reques�t, as aForesaic�, �r;�n�edia-f;ely such a;�ount as may be due and o�vizig by the city u� to �1,000. r���-�c�r����e�.�� The remainder of the amount due and ocving ��-9���-�3;988 pursuant to SL1�CZ1 Vl S lOrl 1 shall no�t be pa id by the city un�til �the expiration of a period of 180 days after the clate of death of any sucti city employee . Upon pZyrr►ent of any a�nount pursuant to the provi.siozis of �this ac�t , tlie city shall be required to no�tify the probate court of �the county in which decedent ' s residence was located, of such payment . Sec. 2. This act s�iall become effective anly after its approval by a majority of �ttie governzng body of �Lhe city of Saint Paul and upon corapliance ZJl.ttl the provisions of A�Iinneso�ta Statutes, Section 645. 021. - 2