265171 WN17E - CITY CLERK ���� �> P�NK + - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY -DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File N . w � un i Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� That the Counc il of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an aet relating to the planting, eare , main.tenance, spraying , trimming, protection, replanting, and removal of trees in the city of St. Paul ; providing for a special tax levy exempt from all limitations of municipal tax levies. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler � Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date � � � �� Fotm Approved by City Attorney Certified o cil Secretary � BY By Approved . D e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �l.fSt1ED MAR� 1 � 147�', -. � I�r�J�.7�� 1-21-='7j Ci�ty of St. Prlttl 13i11 No . A bill for an act relating to the pla.nting, care, mainten- ance, spraying, trimming, protection, replant ing, and remova I. of trees in the city of St. Paul; providing for a. specia.l tax levy exempt from all limitations of munic ipal ta.x levies. BF. IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNE$OTA: Section l . LPLAN FOR SHADE �ND ORI�AMENTAL TREE�, SHRUBBERY AND HERBAGE� Notwithstanding a.ny provision of the charter of the city of. St. Paul or any other , •statu:te, the city of • Saint Pa.ul sha11. be_ authorized to control, plan, and regula.te the planting, ca.re, main- tenance, spraying, trimming, protection, replanting and removal of shade and orna.mental trees, shrubbery and herbage on the streets, avenues, a.11eys a.nd public grounds of the city of St. Pa.ul. Section 2. �COST TO BE COLLECTED BY SPECIAL LEVY1 Notwithstanding any provision of the cha.rter af the city of St. Pa.ul or any other statute, the city council of the city of St. Paul shall be authorized and empowered, in addition to all other city powers by it now possessed, to establish a fund to be known a.nd designated as the "Tree Preservation and Reforestation Fund" which sha.11 be kept distinct from a11 other funds of the city. Said fund shall be in lieu of all existing tax levies and assessments for the pla.nning, care, maintenance, spraying, .� . � . ` � � , ' ���� trimming, protection and repla.nting a.nd removal of trees and shrubbery and shall be used far the accomplishment of the purposes enumerated in Section 1 hereof. On or before October 25, 1975, and annua.11y thereafter, the city council of the city of St. Paul may levy on the real a.nd personal property of the city a tax not exceeding � mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the city. All monies so raised by the city of St. Paul sha11 be deposited in the "Tree Preservation and Reforestation Fund." The levy for the "Tree Preservation a.nd Reforesta.tion Fund" shall be exempt from any restriction or limitation contained in Minnesota. Sta.tutes Sections 275.50 to 275.56. Section 3. �EFFECTIVE DATE OF ACT_/ The act shall become effective on a.pprova.l by a ma.jority of the city council of the city of St. Pa.ul, and upon complia.nce with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021.. -2- � I I ������ CITY OP` SAINT PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL ....... .... JOHN E. CHRISTENSEN CARL E. NORBERG Councilman Legislative Aide February 20, 1975 Mrs. Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mrs. Mix: The enclosed resolution in support of a bill for an act relating to the planting, care, maintenance, spraying, trimming, protection, replanting, and removal of trees in the City of Saint Paul has been considered by the Legislation Committee and is referred to the Council . Very truly yours, � JOHN E. CHRISTENSEN, Chairman Legislation Corr�nittee JEC:mI Enclosure CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 O Y' . � 4 ���/��� R MY NAME IS ALLEN 0. ASHLEY OF 968 WEST IDAHO AVENUE MY FIRST COMMENT IS THAT WE ARE NOT AGAINST PROGRESS AS SUCH, PROVIDED THAT THE FUNDS REQUESTED ARE REASONABLE, OF REAL NECESSITY, AND AT A TIME WHEN THE ECONOMY IS NOT AT SUCH A LOW EBB. YES, IT IS TRUE YOUR POSITION AS COUNCILMEN IS NOT THE EASIEST ONE. - IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE, YOU WILL FIND PROBLEMS T00. WE ALL KNOW THAT OUR REAL ESTATE TAXES ARE AT ITS LIMIT - BEYOND A CERTAIN LEVEL SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN, I THINK IT BEHOOVES EACH ONE OF YOU COUNCILMEN TO TAKE A SECOND LOOK AT THE BONDING OR LEVYING AUTHORITY BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR REQUEST TO THE LEGISLATURE. TONIGHT, I AM REQUESTING OF THE PROPER AUTHORITY WHETHER IT IS THE COUNCILMEN OR THE MAYOR TO REINSTATE THE OILING AND SANDING OF THE STREETS IN ST. PAUL, IF THAT PROGRAM HAD NOT BEEN DROPPED BY THE MAYOR TWO YEARS AGO, THE HOLES IN THE STREETS WOULD NOT HAVE OCCURRED BECAUSE OILING AND SANDING DID A GOOD JOB IN KEEPING THE STREETS SEALED,