01-815.�, RESOLUTION Green Sheet# OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date , RESOLVED, that the proper City o�cials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a hazardous materials z emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety as provided by Saint s Paui's Department of Fire & Safety Services; a copy of said agreement is to be kept on fle and of record in the a O�ce of Financial Services. io 11 12 13 14 75 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adopted by Council: Date � a o Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: � � �� . -• . . . �. - ? � ii I�F�i� � � a\-8'1 103171 Council File # Requested by Department of: Fire & Safe Services BY� ✓!/l /l Appro commended y Director of Financiai Services: By: Fo p rov by City Attorney: By: Approve ayor for Submi ion to Council: By: By: � �� - �° , ✓ DEPARTMENIIOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INffIATED v I ���� Fire and Safety Services 8/3/01 GREEN SHEET No 103171 COMACT PERSON & PHONE iNrrwvD 7E INRIAL/DAiE Fire Chief Tim Fuller 228-6250 1 oFn�roe�cro 4 arr�our+cd MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � �LftYATfORNE'I (� ❑p!1'CLFFK �FNONCWLSERVICESOR �/ • ❑FNNlLWLSFRVIACCiG �NATOR(OR0.55bTAH11_ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED pproval of the attached Councii Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire & Safety Services to enter into a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of R2j2Cf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this person/firtn ever vrorked under a conVact for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a aty employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curterR city employee� YES NO 4 Is this persoNfrtn a targeted vendon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, W HAT, WHEN, W HERE, WHY) The Minnesota Legislature has determined the need exists for a system of regionally located Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Teams to assist local authorities in protection the public from the efFects of a hazardous materials release. The Saint Paul Fire Department is qualified and is willing to pertorm these needed services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Additional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Fire Department. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of potential revenue for the City. TOTALAMOUNTOPTRANSAC710N '$�ZO,OOO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE GeneralFund AC71VI7YNUMBER GL-001-05122-4301 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 6���15 STATEOFMIlVNESOTA CONTRAGTUAL (non-state employee) SERVICES - AMENDMENT Accounting Information: State Authorized Incidenu set up in a separate allotrnent. Agenty: P07 Total Amount of ContracC $�2{}A84.( Commodity Code: O50 O] Object Code: 2D90 Amount: $�B;B0�99 $240,000.00 Accounting Distribution 1: SFY01 Fund: 100 Appr. 200 Org/Sub: 2211 Rept Ca[g: Amount $120,OOO.W (enc) Fiscal Yeaz: 2002 Commodiry Code: ObjectCode: Amount: � / 134269004 00 Amount of Contract Fint FY: $120,000.00 (enc) Commodiry Code: AccountingDisffibution2: SFY02 Appr: 200 Amount $120,000.00 (increase amendment #1 Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: Number/Date/Enhy Initials Conu�act: A08370 Number/Date/Entry Initials State of Minnesota Department ofPublic Safety Conu�actor Name and Address: City of St. Paul Department of F've and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Sffeet St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 AMENDMENTNO.1 TO CONTRACTNUMBERA08370 /\�� ��� �� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Deparhnent of Public Safety (STATE) has a conuact identified as Contract No. A08370 with City of St. Pau Department of Fire and Safety Services (CONTRACTOR), to provide services as a Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Team, including Hazardous Materials Chemical Assessment Team and WHEREAS, the STATE and the CONTRACTOR also agree that there is a need to continue the services provided by the CONTRACTOR for a additional twelve (12) month period; and NOW THE'REFORE IT ISAGREED BYAND BETWEEN TI-IE PARTIES HERETO: Accounting Distriburion 3: Fund: APP �. Org/Sub: ReptCa[g: Amount: Solicitation: Numb ate I 'Ei 1 A08370 Amendment 1 Order: A083700rig.5/19/0 3 01 ber/Date/Signatures /Individual signing cert:fies that funds have been encumbered as required 6y Minn. Stat 16A.I5 and 16C.OSJ (St. Paul Emergency Response Teai Page � i -��s THAT, Clause II, Section A, Items 1. and 2. of the contract shall be amended to read: CONTRACTOR's Compensation. CONTRACTOR shall be paid by the STAT'E for the following cosu associated a Capital equipment - cost of capital equipment including vehicles; Not to exceed $12,SOOAO beginning Jaly I, 2000 through Jvne 3Q 2002, and will not exceed $12.500.00 beg_wnine Julv 1. 2001 throuth June 30, 2002. b. Training - Annual cost of training team personnel (excluding exercise training); Notto exceed $57,983.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $57.983.00 beg�uu�inp Julv 1. 2001 tluoueh June 30, 2002. Training - Annual cost of exercise training; Not to exceed $6,000.00 beginning July 1, 2000 ttuough June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $6,000.00 beg_umin Jutv 1, 2001 throu¢h June 30, 2002. c. Medical Examinarions - Cost of annval medica] examinations for team personnel; Notto exceed $4,000.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $4.000.00 bginnina Julv 1. 2001 throuah June 30, 2002. d. Consumable Supplies - Initial cost of consumable supplies; Not to exceed $5,000,00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $5.000.00 beeinnineJu1v1,2001t1uouehJune30,2002. e. Administration - Progam administration costs; Not to exceed $32,517.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $32,517.00 bezinnineJu1v1.2001throuehJune30.2002. f. Maintenance - Equipment maintenance costs; Notto exceed $2,000.00 beginning 7uly 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $2.000.00 beginnin J�1,2001throuehJune30.2002. 2 CONTRACTOR may deviate from purposed budget stated in Clause II., Section A., Item # 1 of this contracY increasir and decreasing amounts between approved categories listed as needed and justified with the exception of category Category e., pertains to administration costs and may not be increased more Yhan 20% without prior written approv from the STAT'E's Authorized Agent. The total amount for Clause II., Section A., Item #1 may not exceed $120,OOO.f throueh June 30, 2001 and $120,000.00 from Julv I. 2001 throue� June 30. 2002. THAT, Clause II., Section A., Items 3., g., of the contract shall be amended to read: g. Administrative Costs D'uectly Resulting from the Emergency Response; For July 1, 2000 throueh June 30, 2001: Up to $300,00 per State authorized emergency respon=_ CONTIZACTOR may request additionai adminis[rative cost compensation, based on an itemized invoice E actual costs incurred, when eauaordinary circumstances resulting from a specific State authorized emergea response are documenfed. For Julv 1 2001 throue�i June 30 2002� Up to $400 00 oer STATE authorized emereencv resuon- CONTRACTOR may reauest additional administrative cost comuensation based on an itemized invoice f (SG Paul Emergency Response ie� Page o����S actual costs incurred when exAraordinarv circumstances resultin2 from a specific STATE authorized emergencv resnonse are documented and aonroved bv the STATE. THAT, Clause II., Section A., Item 5. of the contract shall be amended to read: 5. The total obligation ofthe STATE for all compensation to CONTRACTOR incurred under Clause II, Section A, Item i, ofthis Agreement, shallnot exceed One Hundred Twenty Thousand dollazs ($120,000.00) &om July 1, 2000 tivough June 3Q2001 andanadditionalOneHundredTwenriThousanddollars($120000.001fromJulv1,2001throushJune30,200 THAT, Clause II., Section B., Item 1., Second Paragraph of the contract shall be amended to read: CONTRACTOR's Compensation. CONTRACTOR shall submit a completed CONTRACTOR's Compensatior Reimbursement Packet at least annuailv but not more frectuent than monthly e�eF}y for reimbursement of cost identified in Clause II, Section A, Items 1 and 2 ofthis Agreement, and fmal invoices must be received by the STATE nc later than T••'� '�' ,�"�' July 31, 2002. The STATE will process completed Reimbursement Packets for compensarioi within thirty (30) days ofreceipt. The total amount ofreimbursement pertaining to Clause II, Section A, Items 1 and 2 0 this Agreement shall not exceed the limits of this contract. THAT, Clause IV., ofthe contract shall be amended to read: N. T'ERMSOFCONTRACT.ThiscontractshallbeeffectiveonJuty1,2000,oruponthedatethatthelastsignatureisobtainedbytheSTATE pursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesl6C.O5,Subd.2,whicheveroccurslatar,andshallremaininefi'ectuntil '��' June30 2002,orunti all obligations set forth in this contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs First. CONTRACTORLIND$RSTANDS THA"1 NO WORK SHOULD BEGIN UNDER THIS CONTRACT UNTIL ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES HAVE BEEN OBTAINED, ANI CONTRACTORISNOTIFIED TOBEGIN WORKBYTHE STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENTS. THAT, Clause XVI., Section A. of the contract shall be amended to read: A. Primary Response Area Boundaries: For pvrposes of Clause I., CONTRACTOR's primary response azea boundazies ar established in Revised Appendix A. which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a aart of this Aeseement. THAT, Clause XVI., Section B., of the contract shall be amended to read: B. Secondary Response Area Boundazies: For purposes of Clause I, CONTRACTOR's secondary response area boundaries ar established as described in Revised Appendix B which is herebv incomorated bv reference and made a part of this AQreemec THAT, Clause XVI, Section E., Second Pazagraph ofthe contract shall be amended to read: Not later than �o,=oo=- Januarv 30. 2002 CONTRACTOR agrees to submit an annual report to the STATE which, at minimum, contains the following information for the preceding calendaz yeaz: THAT, Clause XVI., Section G., ofthe contract shall be amended to read: C� For purposes of this Agreement, the designees of the STATE'S Authorized Agents aze included as Revised Appendix F of th Agreement which is herebv incorporated bv reference artd made a part of this A�eement. THAT, Clause XVI., Section H., of the contract shall be amended to read: H For purposes of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR's primary and altemate representative(s) to the Hazardous Materiais Region� Response Team Program Team Advisory Committee are included as Revised Appendix G of the Agreement which is hereE incorporated bv reference and made a part of this A¢reement. (St. Paul Emergency Response Tea� Page REVISEDAPPENDIXA Description of CON'I'RACTOR'S Primary Response Area CONTRACTOR'S Primary Response Area is described as follows: 6 l -�LS As an Emergency Response Team throueh June 30, 2001 the entire Minnesota counties ofAnoka, Benton, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker, Ramsey, Renville, Scott, Sherbume, Sibley, Steams, Washington, and Wright. In Mille Lacs County, that azea south of State Highway 23 and United States Highway 169 (inclusive) west. As an Emer�encv Response Team beeinninQ Juiv 1 2001 throue�i June 30, 2002. Yhe entire state of Minnesota. As a Chemical Assessment Team throueh June 30. 2002, the entire Minnesota counties of Dakota and Washington. In Ramsey Counry, all azeas except the City of Mounds View. (St. Paul Emergency Response T� Pa� REVISEDAPPINDIXB Description of CONTRACTOR'S Secondary Response Area CONTRACTOR'S Secondary Response Area is described as follows: o�..��s The eniire state of Minnesota not idenrified as the CONTRACTOR'S Primary Response Area in Revised Appendix A. (St. Paul Emergency Response T� Pa� REVISEDAPPENDIXF List of Designees of the STA1'E' S Authorized Agenu STATE'S Authorized Agenis: Thotnas R. Brace Kevin C. Leuer Designees of STATE'S Authorized Agents: Paul Ahles � Robert Dahm � Edward I.eier ��F� Kristin Rollwagen Rodney Shobere Authoriry of Designees; Clause II, Section A, Item 2 Clause II, Section A, Item 4 Clause II, Section B, Item 1 Clause XI, Section A and B State Fire Mazshal D'uector - Division of Emergency Management MN Division of Emereenc�ManaQement MN State Fire Mazshal Division MN Division of Emergency Management MN State Fire Marshal Division MN State Fire Marshal Division � l-g �S Authorization to approve Contractor's Compensation budget deviations of more than 20� pertaining to category e., "adminisuative cosu". Authorization to approve Emergency Response Compensation in excess of $5,000.00. Authorization to approve invoices for Contractor's Compensation and Emergency Response Compensation. Authorization to approve publicity or publications prepared by or for the CONTRACTO- and authorization to give instruc6ons to the CONTRACTOR concerning the release of data to a requesting party before the data is released. The undersigned hereby delegate the authorities listed above to those persons tisted as Designees of STATE'S Authorized Agents These authorities aze delegated until revoked in writing. z a/ Date � � �� - Kevin C. Leuer Director - Minnesota Division of Emergency Management �-� r Date (St. Paui Emergency Response "� Pag� Minnesota State Fire Mazshal 0 � �� � �5' Itsvis�Arr�IX G List of CONTRACTOR'S Primary and Alternate Respresentatives to the Hazardous Materials Regional Response Team Progrant TeamAdvisory Committee CONTRACTOR'S primary and alternate respresentatives to the Hazardous Materials Regional Response Team Program Team Advisory Commit- tee are as follows: Primary Representative Robert Morrison, Disffict Chief St. Paul Depamnern of Fire and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Street St.Paul,Minnesota 55101 Il. Alternate Representative(s) Floyd I.eCuyer, Captain St. Paul Deparpnent of Fire and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota SS I01 Christopher Cook, Captain St. Paul Depariment of Fire and Safery Services 100 East Eleventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (St. Paul Emergency Respons� By execution ofthis amendment, the temts and conditions of the original contrnct aze expressly reaffumed. Except as hereia amended, the provisions of the originai Contract remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused tltis amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: ay r `�` Assistant City Attorney Dare By Title Mayor Daze By 'Citle Human Riqhts Date By Title Financial Services Director Date As to form and execurion by the � �� _�' ►� Distribuuon: Agency - Original {fuIly executed) contract Department of AdminisIlation Contractor Shate Authorized Representative (St. Paul 6mergency Resp� 2.STATEAGENCY 1. CONTRACTOR: CONTRACTOA certifies that the appropriate person(s} have executed the contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR as required by applicable articles, by-laws, resolutions, or ordinances. 3. ATTORNEYGENERAL: 4. CONID�SSIONEROFADNllNLSTRATION: .�, RESOLUTION Green Sheet# OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date , RESOLVED, that the proper City o�cials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a hazardous materials z emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety as provided by Saint s Paui's Department of Fire & Safety Services; a copy of said agreement is to be kept on fle and of record in the a O�ce of Financial Services. io 11 12 13 14 75 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adopted by Council: Date � a o Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: � � �� . -• . . . �. - ? � ii I�F�i� � � a\-8'1 103171 Council File # Requested by Department of: Fire & Safe Services BY� ✓!/l /l Appro commended y Director of Financiai Services: By: Fo p rov by City Attorney: By: Approve ayor for Submi ion to Council: By: By: � \ �� _'� , ✓ DEPARTMENIIOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INffIATED v I ���� Fire and Safety Services 8/3/01 GREEN SHEET No 103171 COMACT PERSON & PHONE iNrrwvD 7E INRIAL/DAiE Fire Chief Tim Fuller 228-6250 1 oFn�roe�cro 4 arr�our+cd MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � �LftYATfORNE'I (� ❑p!1'CLFFK �FNONCWLSERVICESOR �/ • ❑FNNlLWLSFRVIACCiG �NATOR(OR0.55bTAH11_ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED pproval of the attached Councii Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire & Safety Services to enter into a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of R2j2Cf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this person/firtn ever vrorked under a conVact for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a aty employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curterR city employee� YES NO 4 Is this persoNfrtn a targeted vendon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, W HAT, WHEN, W HERE, WHY) The Minnesota Legislature has determined the need exists for a system of regionally located Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Teams to assist local authorities in protection the public from the efFects of a hazardous materials release. The Saint Paul Fire Department is qualified and is willing to pertorm these needed services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Additional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Fire Department. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of potential revenue for the City. TOTALAMOUNTOPTRANSAC710N '$�ZO,OOO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE GeneralFund AC71VI7YNUMBER GL-001-05122-4301 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 6���15 STATEOFMIlVNESOTA CONTRAGTUAL (non-state employee) SERVICES - AMENDMENT Accounting Information: State Authorized Incidenu set up in a separate allotrnent. Agenty: P07 Total Amount of ContracC $�2{}A84.( Commodity Code: O50 O] Object Code: 2D90 Amount: $�B;B0�99 $240,000.00 Accounting Distribution 1: SFY01 Fund: 100 Appr. 200 Org/Sub: 2211 Rept Ca[g: Amount $120,OOO.W (enc) Fiscal Yeaz: 2002 Commodiry Code: ObjectCode: Amount: � / 134269004 00 Amount of Contract Fint FY: $120,000.00 (enc) Commodiry Code: AccountingDisffibution2: SFY02 Appr: 200 Amount $120,000.00 (increase amendment #1 Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: Number/Date/Enhy Initials Conu�act: A08370 Number/Date/Entry Initials State of Minnesota Department ofPublic Safety Conu�actor Name and Address: City of St. Paul Department of F've and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Sffeet St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 AMENDMENTNO.1 TO CONTRACTNUMBERA08370 /\�� ��� �� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Deparhnent of Public Safety (STATE) has a conuact identified as Contract No. A08370 with City of St. Pau Department of Fire and Safety Services (CONTRACTOR), to provide services as a Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Team, including Hazardous Materials Chemical Assessment Team and WHEREAS, the STATE and the CONTRACTOR also agree that there is a need to continue the services provided by the CONTRACTOR for a additional twelve (12) month period; and NOW THE'REFORE IT ISAGREED BYAND BETWEEN TI-IE PARTIES HERETO: Accounting Distriburion 3: Fund: APP �. Org/Sub: ReptCa[g: Amount: Solicitation: Numb ate I 'Ei 1 A08370 Amendment 1 Order: A083700rig.5/19/0 3 01 ber/Date/Signatures /Individual signing cert:fies that funds have been encumbered as required 6y Minn. Stat 16A.I5 and 16C.OSJ (St. Paul Emergency Response Teai Page � i -��s THAT, Clause II, Section A, Items 1. and 2. of the contract shall be amended to read: CONTRACTOR's Compensation. CONTRACTOR shall be paid by the STAT'E for the following cosu associated a Capital equipment - cost of capital equipment including vehicles; Not to exceed $12,SOOAO beginning Jaly I, 2000 through Jvne 3Q 2002, and will not exceed $12.500.00 beg_wnine Julv 1. 2001 throuth June 30, 2002. b. Training - Annual cost of training team personnel (excluding exercise training); Notto exceed $57,983.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $57.983.00 beg�uu�inp Julv 1. 2001 tluoueh June 30, 2002. Training - Annual cost of exercise training; Not to exceed $6,000.00 beginning July 1, 2000 ttuough June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $6,000.00 beg_umin Jutv 1, 2001 throu¢h June 30, 2002. c. Medical Examinarions - Cost of annval medica] examinations for team personnel; Notto exceed $4,000.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $4.000.00 bginnina Julv 1. 2001 throuah June 30, 2002. d. Consumable Supplies - Initial cost of consumable supplies; Not to exceed $5,000,00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $5.000.00 beeinnineJu1v1,2001t1uouehJune30,2002. e. Administration - Progam administration costs; Not to exceed $32,517.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $32,517.00 bezinnineJu1v1.2001throuehJune30.2002. f. Maintenance - Equipment maintenance costs; Notto exceed $2,000.00 beginning 7uly 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $2.000.00 beginnin J�1,2001throuehJune30.2002. 2 CONTRACTOR may deviate from purposed budget stated in Clause II., Section A., Item # 1 of this contracY increasir and decreasing amounts between approved categories listed as needed and justified with the exception of category Category e., pertains to administration costs and may not be increased more Yhan 20% without prior written approv from the STAT'E's Authorized Agent. The total amount for Clause II., Section A., Item #1 may not exceed $120,OOO.f throueh June 30, 2001 and $120,000.00 from Julv I. 2001 throue� June 30. 2002. THAT, Clause II., Section A., Items 3., g., of the contract shall be amended to read: g. Administrative Costs D'uectly Resulting from the Emergency Response; For July 1, 2000 throueh June 30, 2001: Up to $300,00 per State authorized emergency respon=_ CONTIZACTOR may request additionai adminis[rative cost compensation, based on an itemized invoice E actual costs incurred, when eauaordinary circumstances resulting from a specific State authorized emergea response are documenfed. For Julv 1 2001 throue�i June 30 2002� Up to $400 00 oer STATE authorized emereencv resuon- CONTRACTOR may reauest additional administrative cost comuensation based on an itemized invoice f (SG Paul Emergency Response ie� Page o����S actual costs incurred when exAraordinarv circumstances resultin2 from a specific STATE authorized emergencv resnonse are documented and aonroved bv the STATE. THAT, Clause II., Section A., Item 5. of the contract shall be amended to read: 5. The total obligation ofthe STATE for all compensation to CONTRACTOR incurred under Clause II, Section A, Item i, ofthis Agreement, shallnot exceed One Hundred Twenty Thousand dollazs ($120,000.00) &om July 1, 2000 tivough June 3Q2001 andanadditionalOneHundredTwenriThousanddollars($120000.001fromJulv1,2001throushJune30,200 THAT, Clause II., Section B., Item 1., Second Paragraph of the contract shall be amended to read: CONTRACTOR's Compensation. CONTRACTOR shall submit a completed CONTRACTOR's Compensatior Reimbursement Packet at least annuailv but not more frectuent than monthly e�eF}y for reimbursement of cost identified in Clause II, Section A, Items 1 and 2 ofthis Agreement, and fmal invoices must be received by the STATE nc later than T••'� '�' ,�"�' July 31, 2002. The STATE will process completed Reimbursement Packets for compensarioi within thirty (30) days ofreceipt. The total amount ofreimbursement pertaining to Clause II, Section A, Items 1 and 2 0 this Agreement shall not exceed the limits of this contract. THAT, Clause IV., ofthe contract shall be amended to read: N. T'ERMSOFCONTRACT.ThiscontractshallbeeffectiveonJuty1,2000,oruponthedatethatthelastsignatureisobtainedbytheSTATE pursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesl6C.O5,Subd.2,whicheveroccurslatar,andshallremaininefi'ectuntil '��' June30 2002,orunti all obligations set forth in this contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs First. CONTRACTORLIND$RSTANDS THA"1 NO WORK SHOULD BEGIN UNDER THIS CONTRACT UNTIL ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES HAVE BEEN OBTAINED, ANI CONTRACTORISNOTIFIED TOBEGIN WORKBYTHE STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENTS. THAT, Clause XVI., Section A. of the contract shall be amended to read: A. Primary Response Area Boundaries: For pvrposes of Clause I., CONTRACTOR's primary response azea boundazies ar established in Revised Appendix A. which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a aart of this Aeseement. THAT, Clause XVI., Section B., of the contract shall be amended to read: B. Secondary Response Area Boundazies: For purposes of Clause I, CONTRACTOR's secondary response area boundaries ar established as described in Revised Appendix B which is herebv incomorated bv reference and made a part of this AQreemec THAT, Clause XVI, Section E., Second Pazagraph ofthe contract shall be amended to read: Not later than �o,=oo=- Januarv 30. 2002 CONTRACTOR agrees to submit an annual report to the STATE which, at minimum, contains the following information for the preceding calendaz yeaz: THAT, Clause XVI., Section G., ofthe contract shall be amended to read: C� For purposes of this Agreement, the designees of the STATE'S Authorized Agents aze included as Revised Appendix F of th Agreement which is herebv incorporated bv reference artd made a part of this A�eement. THAT, Clause XVI., Section H., of the contract shall be amended to read: H For purposes of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR's primary and altemate representative(s) to the Hazardous Materiais Region� Response Team Program Team Advisory Committee are included as Revised Appendix G of the Agreement which is hereE incorporated bv reference and made a part of this A¢reement. (St. Paul Emergency Response Tea� Page REVISEDAPPENDIXA Description of CON'I'RACTOR'S Primary Response Area CONTRACTOR'S Primary Response Area is described as follows: 6 l -�LS As an Emergency Response Team throueh June 30, 2001 the entire Minnesota counties ofAnoka, Benton, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker, Ramsey, Renville, Scott, Sherbume, Sibley, Steams, Washington, and Wright. In Mille Lacs County, that azea south of State Highway 23 and United States Highway 169 (inclusive) west. As an Emer�encv Response Team beeinninQ Juiv 1 2001 throue�i June 30, 2002. Yhe entire state of Minnesota. As a Chemical Assessment Team throueh June 30. 2002, the entire Minnesota counties of Dakota and Washington. In Ramsey Counry, all azeas except the City of Mounds View. (St. Paul Emergency Response T� Pa� REVISEDAPPINDIXB Description of CONTRACTOR'S Secondary Response Area CONTRACTOR'S Secondary Response Area is described as follows: o�..��s The eniire state of Minnesota not idenrified as the CONTRACTOR'S Primary Response Area in Revised Appendix A. (St. Paul Emergency Response T� Pa� REVISEDAPPENDIXF List of Designees of the STA1'E' S Authorized Agenu STATE'S Authorized Agenis: Thotnas R. Brace Kevin C. Leuer Designees of STATE'S Authorized Agents: Paul Ahles � Robert Dahm � Edward I.eier ��F� Kristin Rollwagen Rodney Shobere Authoriry of Designees; Clause II, Section A, Item 2 Clause II, Section A, Item 4 Clause II, Section B, Item 1 Clause XI, Section A and B State Fire Mazshal D'uector - Division of Emergency Management MN Division of Emereenc�ManaQement MN State Fire Mazshal Division MN Division of Emergency Management MN State Fire Marshal Division MN State Fire Marshal Division � l-g �S Authorization to approve Contractor's Compensation budget deviations of more than 20� pertaining to category e., "adminisuative cosu". Authorization to approve Emergency Response Compensation in excess of $5,000.00. Authorization to approve invoices for Contractor's Compensation and Emergency Response Compensation. Authorization to approve publicity or publications prepared by or for the CONTRACTO- and authorization to give instruc6ons to the CONTRACTOR concerning the release of data to a requesting party before the data is released. The undersigned hereby delegate the authorities listed above to those persons tisted as Designees of STATE'S Authorized Agents These authorities aze delegated until revoked in writing. z a/ Date � � �� - Kevin C. Leuer Director - Minnesota Division of Emergency Management �-� r Date (St. Paui Emergency Response "� Pag� Minnesota State Fire Mazshal 0 � �� � �5' Itsvis�Arr�IX G List of CONTRACTOR'S Primary and Alternate Respresentatives to the Hazardous Materials Regional Response Team Progrant TeamAdvisory Committee CONTRACTOR'S primary and alternate respresentatives to the Hazardous Materials Regional Response Team Program Team Advisory Commit- tee are as follows: Primary Representative Robert Morrison, Disffict Chief St. Paul Depamnern of Fire and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Street St.Paul,Minnesota 55101 Il. Alternate Representative(s) Floyd I.eCuyer, Captain St. Paul Deparpnent of Fire and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota SS I01 Christopher Cook, Captain St. Paul Depariment of Fire and Safery Services 100 East Eleventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (St. Paul Emergency Respons� By execution ofthis amendment, the temts and conditions of the original contrnct aze expressly reaffumed. Except as hereia amended, the provisions of the originai Contract remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused tltis amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: ay r `�` Assistant City Attorney Dare By Title Mayor Daze By 'Citle Human Riqhts Date By Title Financial Services Director Date As to form and execurion by the � �� _�' ►� Distribuuon: Agency - Original {fuIly executed) contract Department of AdminisIlation Contractor Shate Authorized Representative (St. Paul 6mergency Resp� 2.STATEAGENCY 1. CONTRACTOR: CONTRACTOA certifies that the appropriate person(s} have executed the contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR as required by applicable articles, by-laws, resolutions, or ordinances. 3. ATTORNEYGENERAL: 4. CONID�SSIONEROFADNllNLSTRATION: .�, RESOLUTION Green Sheet# OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date , RESOLVED, that the proper City o�cials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a hazardous materials z emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety as provided by Saint s Paui's Department of Fire & Safety Services; a copy of said agreement is to be kept on fle and of record in the a O�ce of Financial Services. io 11 12 13 14 75 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adopted by Council: Date � a o Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: � � �� . -• . . . �. - ? � ii I�F�i� � � a\-8'1 103171 Council File # Requested by Department of: Fire & Safe Services BY� ✓!/l /l Appro commended y Director of Financiai Services: By: Fo p rov by City Attorney: By: Approve ayor for Submi ion to Council: By: By: � \ �� _'� , ✓ DEPARTMENIIOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INffIATED v I ���� Fire and Safety Services 8/3/01 GREEN SHEET No 103171 COMACT PERSON & PHONE iNrrwvD 7E INRIAL/DAiE Fire Chief Tim Fuller 228-6250 1 oFn�roe�cro 4 arr�our+cd MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � �LftYATfORNE'I (� ❑p!1'CLFFK �FNONCWLSERVICESOR �/ • ❑FNNlLWLSFRVIACCiG �NATOR(OR0.55bTAH11_ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED pproval of the attached Councii Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire & Safety Services to enter into a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of R2j2Cf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this person/firtn ever vrorked under a conVact for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a aty employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curterR city employee� YES NO 4 Is this persoNfrtn a targeted vendon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, W HAT, WHEN, W HERE, WHY) The Minnesota Legislature has determined the need exists for a system of regionally located Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Teams to assist local authorities in protection the public from the efFects of a hazardous materials release. The Saint Paul Fire Department is qualified and is willing to pertorm these needed services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Additional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Fire Department. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of potential revenue for the City. TOTALAMOUNTOPTRANSAC710N '$�ZO,OOO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE GeneralFund AC71VI7YNUMBER GL-001-05122-4301 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 6���15 STATEOFMIlVNESOTA CONTRAGTUAL (non-state employee) SERVICES - AMENDMENT Accounting Information: State Authorized Incidenu set up in a separate allotrnent. Agenty: P07 Total Amount of ContracC $�2{}A84.( Commodity Code: O50 O] Object Code: 2D90 Amount: $�B;B0�99 $240,000.00 Accounting Distribution 1: SFY01 Fund: 100 Appr. 200 Org/Sub: 2211 Rept Ca[g: Amount $120,OOO.W (enc) Fiscal Yeaz: 2002 Commodiry Code: ObjectCode: Amount: � / 134269004 00 Amount of Contract Fint FY: $120,000.00 (enc) Commodiry Code: AccountingDisffibution2: SFY02 Appr: 200 Amount $120,000.00 (increase amendment #1 Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: Number/Date/Enhy Initials Conu�act: A08370 Number/Date/Entry Initials State of Minnesota Department ofPublic Safety Conu�actor Name and Address: City of St. Paul Department of F've and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Sffeet St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 AMENDMENTNO.1 TO CONTRACTNUMBERA08370 /\�� ��� �� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Deparhnent of Public Safety (STATE) has a conuact identified as Contract No. A08370 with City of St. Pau Department of Fire and Safety Services (CONTRACTOR), to provide services as a Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Team, including Hazardous Materials Chemical Assessment Team and WHEREAS, the STATE and the CONTRACTOR also agree that there is a need to continue the services provided by the CONTRACTOR for a additional twelve (12) month period; and NOW THE'REFORE IT ISAGREED BYAND BETWEEN TI-IE PARTIES HERETO: Accounting Distriburion 3: Fund: APP �. Org/Sub: ReptCa[g: Amount: Solicitation: Numb ate I 'Ei 1 A08370 Amendment 1 Order: A083700rig.5/19/0 3 01 ber/Date/Signatures /Individual signing cert:fies that funds have been encumbered as required 6y Minn. Stat 16A.I5 and 16C.OSJ (St. Paul Emergency Response Teai Page � i -��s THAT, Clause II, Section A, Items 1. and 2. of the contract shall be amended to read: CONTRACTOR's Compensation. CONTRACTOR shall be paid by the STAT'E for the following cosu associated a Capital equipment - cost of capital equipment including vehicles; Not to exceed $12,SOOAO beginning Jaly I, 2000 through Jvne 3Q 2002, and will not exceed $12.500.00 beg_wnine Julv 1. 2001 throuth June 30, 2002. b. Training - Annual cost of training team personnel (excluding exercise training); Notto exceed $57,983.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $57.983.00 beg�uu�inp Julv 1. 2001 tluoueh June 30, 2002. Training - Annual cost of exercise training; Not to exceed $6,000.00 beginning July 1, 2000 ttuough June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $6,000.00 beg_umin Jutv 1, 2001 throu¢h June 30, 2002. c. Medical Examinarions - Cost of annval medica] examinations for team personnel; Notto exceed $4,000.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $4.000.00 bginnina Julv 1. 2001 throuah June 30, 2002. d. Consumable Supplies - Initial cost of consumable supplies; Not to exceed $5,000,00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $5.000.00 beeinnineJu1v1,2001t1uouehJune30,2002. e. Administration - Progam administration costs; Not to exceed $32,517.00 beginning July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $32,517.00 bezinnineJu1v1.2001throuehJune30.2002. f. Maintenance - Equipment maintenance costs; Notto exceed $2,000.00 beginning 7uly 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, and will not exceed $2.000.00 beginnin J�1,2001throuehJune30.2002. 2 CONTRACTOR may deviate from purposed budget stated in Clause II., Section A., Item # 1 of this contracY increasir and decreasing amounts between approved categories listed as needed and justified with the exception of category Category e., pertains to administration costs and may not be increased more Yhan 20% without prior written approv from the STAT'E's Authorized Agent. The total amount for Clause II., Section A., Item #1 may not exceed $120,OOO.f throueh June 30, 2001 and $120,000.00 from Julv I. 2001 throue� June 30. 2002. THAT, Clause II., Section A., Items 3., g., of the contract shall be amended to read: g. Administrative Costs D'uectly Resulting from the Emergency Response; For July 1, 2000 throueh June 30, 2001: Up to $300,00 per State authorized emergency respon=_ CONTIZACTOR may request additionai adminis[rative cost compensation, based on an itemized invoice E actual costs incurred, when eauaordinary circumstances resulting from a specific State authorized emergea response are documenfed. For Julv 1 2001 throue�i June 30 2002� Up to $400 00 oer STATE authorized emereencv resuon- CONTRACTOR may reauest additional administrative cost comuensation based on an itemized invoice f (SG Paul Emergency Response ie� Page o����S actual costs incurred when exAraordinarv circumstances resultin2 from a specific STATE authorized emergencv resnonse are documented and aonroved bv the STATE. THAT, Clause II., Section A., Item 5. of the contract shall be amended to read: 5. The total obligation ofthe STATE for all compensation to CONTRACTOR incurred under Clause II, Section A, Item i, ofthis Agreement, shallnot exceed One Hundred Twenty Thousand dollazs ($120,000.00) &om July 1, 2000 tivough June 3Q2001 andanadditionalOneHundredTwenriThousanddollars($120000.001fromJulv1,2001throushJune30,200 THAT, Clause II., Section B., Item 1., Second Paragraph of the contract shall be amended to read: CONTRACTOR's Compensation. CONTRACTOR shall submit a completed CONTRACTOR's Compensatior Reimbursement Packet at least annuailv but not more frectuent than monthly e�eF}y for reimbursement of cost identified in Clause II, Section A, Items 1 and 2 ofthis Agreement, and fmal invoices must be received by the STATE nc later than T••'� '�' ,�"�' July 31, 2002. The STATE will process completed Reimbursement Packets for compensarioi within thirty (30) days ofreceipt. The total amount ofreimbursement pertaining to Clause II, Section A, Items 1 and 2 0 this Agreement shall not exceed the limits of this contract. THAT, Clause IV., ofthe contract shall be amended to read: N. T'ERMSOFCONTRACT.ThiscontractshallbeeffectiveonJuty1,2000,oruponthedatethatthelastsignatureisobtainedbytheSTATE pursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesl6C.O5,Subd.2,whicheveroccurslatar,andshallremaininefi'ectuntil '��' June30 2002,orunti all obligations set forth in this contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs First. CONTRACTORLIND$RSTANDS THA"1 NO WORK SHOULD BEGIN UNDER THIS CONTRACT UNTIL ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES HAVE BEEN OBTAINED, ANI CONTRACTORISNOTIFIED TOBEGIN WORKBYTHE STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENTS. THAT, Clause XVI., Section A. of the contract shall be amended to read: A. Primary Response Area Boundaries: For pvrposes of Clause I., CONTRACTOR's primary response azea boundazies ar established in Revised Appendix A. which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a aart of this Aeseement. THAT, Clause XVI., Section B., of the contract shall be amended to read: B. Secondary Response Area Boundazies: For purposes of Clause I, CONTRACTOR's secondary response area boundaries ar established as described in Revised Appendix B which is herebv incomorated bv reference and made a part of this AQreemec THAT, Clause XVI, Section E., Second Pazagraph ofthe contract shall be amended to read: Not later than �o,=oo=- Januarv 30. 2002 CONTRACTOR agrees to submit an annual report to the STATE which, at minimum, contains the following information for the preceding calendaz yeaz: THAT, Clause XVI., Section G., ofthe contract shall be amended to read: C� For purposes of this Agreement, the designees of the STATE'S Authorized Agents aze included as Revised Appendix F of th Agreement which is herebv incorporated bv reference artd made a part of this A�eement. THAT, Clause XVI., Section H., of the contract shall be amended to read: H For purposes of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR's primary and altemate representative(s) to the Hazardous Materiais Region� Response Team Program Team Advisory Committee are included as Revised Appendix G of the Agreement which is hereE incorporated bv reference and made a part of this A¢reement. (St. Paul Emergency Response Tea� Page REVISEDAPPENDIXA Description of CON'I'RACTOR'S Primary Response Area CONTRACTOR'S Primary Response Area is described as follows: 6 l -�LS As an Emergency Response Team throueh June 30, 2001 the entire Minnesota counties ofAnoka, Benton, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker, Ramsey, Renville, Scott, Sherbume, Sibley, Steams, Washington, and Wright. In Mille Lacs County, that azea south of State Highway 23 and United States Highway 169 (inclusive) west. As an Emer�encv Response Team beeinninQ Juiv 1 2001 throue�i June 30, 2002. Yhe entire state of Minnesota. As a Chemical Assessment Team throueh June 30. 2002, the entire Minnesota counties of Dakota and Washington. In Ramsey Counry, all azeas except the City of Mounds View. (St. Paul Emergency Response T� Pa� REVISEDAPPINDIXB Description of CONTRACTOR'S Secondary Response Area CONTRACTOR'S Secondary Response Area is described as follows: o�..��s The eniire state of Minnesota not idenrified as the CONTRACTOR'S Primary Response Area in Revised Appendix A. (St. Paul Emergency Response T� Pa� REVISEDAPPENDIXF List of Designees of the STA1'E' S Authorized Agenu STATE'S Authorized Agenis: Thotnas R. Brace Kevin C. Leuer Designees of STATE'S Authorized Agents: Paul Ahles � Robert Dahm � Edward I.eier ��F� Kristin Rollwagen Rodney Shobere Authoriry of Designees; Clause II, Section A, Item 2 Clause II, Section A, Item 4 Clause II, Section B, Item 1 Clause XI, Section A and B State Fire Mazshal D'uector - Division of Emergency Management MN Division of Emereenc�ManaQement MN State Fire Mazshal Division MN Division of Emergency Management MN State Fire Marshal Division MN State Fire Marshal Division � l-g �S Authorization to approve Contractor's Compensation budget deviations of more than 20� pertaining to category e., "adminisuative cosu". Authorization to approve Emergency Response Compensation in excess of $5,000.00. Authorization to approve invoices for Contractor's Compensation and Emergency Response Compensation. Authorization to approve publicity or publications prepared by or for the CONTRACTO- and authorization to give instruc6ons to the CONTRACTOR concerning the release of data to a requesting party before the data is released. The undersigned hereby delegate the authorities listed above to those persons tisted as Designees of STATE'S Authorized Agents These authorities aze delegated until revoked in writing. z a/ Date � � �� - Kevin C. Leuer Director - Minnesota Division of Emergency Management �-� r Date (St. Paui Emergency Response "� Pag� Minnesota State Fire Mazshal 0 � �� � �5' Itsvis�Arr�IX G List of CONTRACTOR'S Primary and Alternate Respresentatives to the Hazardous Materials Regional Response Team Progrant TeamAdvisory Committee CONTRACTOR'S primary and alternate respresentatives to the Hazardous Materials Regional Response Team Program Team Advisory Commit- tee are as follows: Primary Representative Robert Morrison, Disffict Chief St. Paul Depamnern of Fire and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Street St.Paul,Minnesota 55101 Il. Alternate Representative(s) Floyd I.eCuyer, Captain St. Paul Deparpnent of Fire and Safety Services 100 East Eleventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota SS I01 Christopher Cook, Captain St. Paul Depariment of Fire and Safery Services 100 East Eleventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (St. Paul Emergency Respons� By execution ofthis amendment, the temts and conditions of the original contrnct aze expressly reaffumed. Except as hereia amended, the provisions of the originai Contract remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused tltis amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: ay r `�` Assistant City Attorney Dare By Title Mayor Daze By 'Citle Human Riqhts Date By Title Financial Services Director Date As to form and execurion by the � �� _�' ►� Distribuuon: Agency - Original {fuIly executed) contract Department of AdminisIlation Contractor Shate Authorized Representative (St. Paul 6mergency Resp� 2.STATEAGENCY 1. CONTRACTOR: CONTRACTOA certifies that the appropriate person(s} have executed the contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR as required by applicable articles, by-laws, resolutions, or ordinances. 3. ATTORNEYGENERAL: 4. CONID�SSIONEROFADNllNLSTRATION: