265127 WH17E — CITV CLERK � ^ ^��_^� � � PINK — FINANCE COIIACll ��`• 6� CAN'.a�RV—DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. '�� V BLUE — MAY�OR ' A i � � y� � � O/ in�nce Ordinance N�. 1� ? y 8" Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordinance approving the terms and " conditions of the Memorandum of Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the Locals of various trades. WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of the Saint Paul City Cliarter and the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, recognizes that for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment, the following described Locals are the exclusive representatives for City employees falling within the units as certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under the corre- sponding described case numbers: Boilermakers Lodge 647 - Case No. 74-PR-60-A August 8, 1973 Bricklayers Local 1 - Case No. 73-PR-537=A June 4, 1973 Carpenters Twin City District Council - Case No. 73-PR_478-A April 16, 1973 Cement Masons Local 560 - Case No. 73-PR-525-A May 22, 1973 Glaziers Local 1324 - Case No. 73-PR-510-A May 11, 1973 Lathers Local 483 - Case No. 73-PR-502-A May 1, 1973 Painters Local 61 - Case No. 73-PR-479-A April 17, 1973 Plasterers Local 20 - Case No. 73-PR-476-A April 13, 1973 Roofers Local 96 - Case No. 73-PR-511-A May 11, 1973 and WHEREAS, the City through de signated repre sentative s and exclusive � representatives have met in good faith, negotiated conditions and terms of employment for the year through April 30, 1975, for such personnel as are set forth in the agreement between the City and the exclusive representatives, now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - 1 - I COUI�ICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt � Adopted by Council: Date Form �{'ipprov d b Cit Atto ey v � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by M bmission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK ����_�� PINK� - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council CANA'RY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - �YOR ' � w Ordin�cnce Ordinance N�. ���� / � . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section l. That the agreements created as of the effective date of � this ordinance between the City of Saint Paul and the various above-described representatives on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized i and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City. Section 2. That the wage schedules indicated in the various agree- ments with the above-described representatives shall take force and effect retroactively to the dates set forth in each of the individual contracts and in accordance with the expressed intent of the agreement of this Council contained in Council File Numbers 262768 and 262851. Section 3. That any other ordinance, rule or regulation in force when said agreements take effect inconsistent with any provisions of the terms or conditions of said agreement is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: � Ch irman Civil Service Commission COULVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against By Sylvester �edesr.o President Hunt MAk 2 � i975 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified s by C unci retary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date $ �j Approved b ayo Submission to Council B By eusHt� APR 5 ;975 �,x � } . � � _ ' --- � j _ 1 i A'� --� � . . � . .�"; " ' � � � � ��3���� � � ��� �i M�NiIORANDUM OF AGREEMENT I This Memorandum of �4greement by and between the City of Saint Paul and the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers, Lodge 647. "�', In full settlement of 1974 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows. ; (1) Except as herein modified, the Agreement between the parties, entered into October 30, 1973, shall be the basis of the forthcoming Labor Agreement. (2) Appendi.x C of said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendix C which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. (3) Appendix D of said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendix D which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. (4) The 1974 Agreement shall become effective May 1, 1974, except that the wage rates set forth in Appendix C a.nd the contributions set forth in Appendix 1� shall be effective July 19, 1974. (5) It is also agreed that the duration of the 1974 Agreement shall be through July 18, 1975, and that said termination date shall be set forth in Section 28. 1 of the new collective bargaining Agreement. ' It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Nego- tiator, but is subject to approval by the City A.dministration and adoption by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 31 st day of January, 1975. CITY OF SAINT PAUL - INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF � BOILERMAKERS, IRON SHIPBUI LDERS, " BLACKSMITHS, FORGERS AND HELPERS, ` G� " LODGE 64? City Ne tiator � �. E _ _ __ _-- _ % � ' � ._-.�-.�....,... , �:�-.r..wsoe.e:�,,.�_ �_ ApPENDIX D ������ Effective thirty-one (31) calendar days following the signing of this AGREEMENT, the EMPLOYER shall: - (1) contribute $. 70 per hour for all hours worked by employees covered by this AGREEMENT, except those who have individually elected to , be "grandfathered" as provided by 12, 2, to a Health and Welfare Fund. �2) contribute $1. 00 per hour for all hours worked by employees covered by this AGREEMENT, except those who have individually elected to be "grandfathered" as provided by 12. 2, to a Pension Fund. (3) contribute $. 02 per hour for all hours worked by employees covered by this AGREEMENT, except those who have individually elected to be "grandfathered" as provided by 12. 2, to a Journeyman and Apprentice- ship Trainin� Fund. AlI contributions made in accordance with this Appendix shall be forwarded to depositories as directed by the UNION, The EMPLOYER shall establish Workmants Compensation and Unemploy- ment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota 5tatutes. Employees covered by this AGREEMENT, except those who have individually elected to be "grandfathered" as provided by 12. 2, shall not be eligible for, governed by, or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral leave, jury duty, or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Civil Service Rules, Council Ordinance, or Council Resolutions. The EMPLOYER tS fringe benefit obligation, except to those employees who have individually elected to be "grandfathered" as provided by 12. 2, is limited to the contributions and/or deductions established by this AGREEMENT, The actual level of benefits provided to employees shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the EMPLOYER has forwarded contributions and/or deductions. ' � � ' MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ��,��,��' ' This Memor�ndum of Agreement by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Wood, Wire and Meta1 Lathers International Union, Local Union #483, Saint Paul, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the above Labor Organization has been certified as the representative of; "All regular, probationary, and provisional lathing maintenance and construction " personnel employed by the City of St. Paul or who have their tterms and conditions of employmentt established by the governing body of the City of St. Paul, excluding supervisory, confidential, and employees exclusively represented by other labor or employee orga.nizations. " in CASE NO. 73-PR-502-A, by the Bureau of Mediation Services, State of Minnesota, anc WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached a full settlement of 1974 negotiations, the parties have agreed as follows: (1) The rates for employees in the Bargaining Unit shall be as follows: Rate Effective 5-15-74 Rate Eff�ctive 9-1-?4 Re�ular, Probationary & Pro�ri.sional _ I.athe r 7. 3 7 7. 61 Temporary & Emer�ency Lathe r 7. ?1 7. 96 (2j It 's agreed that the following coixtributions shall be made, ef�ective June 1, 1974: fa) Contribute 81� per hotir, from vvhich payroll d°ductior.s '�a.ve beer� made, for 311 hours worked by er_zpluyees wh� ?-e members of trris Barbairxing Ura.it, to a Vacation Fund. (b) Contribute 50� per hour for all hours worked by employees who are members of this Bargaining Unit, to a Health and Welfare Fund, (c) Contribute 40� per hour for all hours worked by employees who are mem- � bers of this Bargaining Unit, to a Pension Fund. (d) Contribute 1� per hour for all hours worked by employees who are membera of this Bargaining Unit, to a national Apprenticeship Fund. (3) This Memorandum of Agreement shall be effective through April 30, I975. _ 1 _ .ti r:. , .. M .. .. , . , �:65:��'7 (4) The parties shall adopt a contract based on contract language in effect between the City and other Building Trades organizations, running from May 15, 1974, through April 30, 1975, , It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotiator, � but is subject to approval by the City Administration a.nd adoption by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. I1V WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this tenth day of February, 1975. CI'I'Y (3F SAINT PAUL TNOOD, WIRE ANI� METAL LAT�iERS INTERNATtL UNION, �LOCAL UNION #483 SAINT PAUL, MINN:E50TA C' ide otiator �. . . MEMORANDU?4 OF AG�'��.iT � �65��'� Thi.s MemoranduLn o�' Agreemer:t b�- and between thP City of Saint Pat,l ar.d the QpERATIyE PI,AS7'Ei3ERS sr�d CEMENT MA;�C*13 IN`!'ERNATIONAL ti,SSOCIATION� LOCAL 20, Ir, f'�;�_1 �-Nttler�ent of 1974 negotiatior s, tl�e p��rti�s hereto have agreed as follo.:s: (] ) �ccept as herein modified, tl�e Agre�.m�nt between the parties, entered � into October 30, 1973, shall be the basi:; of the forthcoming Labor Agreement. (2� Appendix C of yaid Agreement sh�ll be �epl�ced with Appendix C which is atta^hed hereto and made a part hereof. (3) The 19'j1+ Agre^ment shall become effective Ma;; 1, 19'7�+, and the wage I rates �et forth in Appendix C shall be effective May l, 197k. (�+) It :s also agreed that the dura�ion o° the 19?4 Agreement shall be thiough � April ,;0, 1975, and that said terminati�n date shall be set forth in Section ?8.1 of the new collective bargaining AgreemAnt. (i) It :is un.derst���d that thi� l2emorand�rn of Agreement shall not co�✓er rates fv_r, Inspectors in this bar;;aining unit, it being flu�ther understocd t.hat �:he parties sh�l1 attempt to resolve said rates and other related ��ssues 3 atPr. It i•� unde.rst.oad t;:s�t th� above settlement shal� be r��co�mended by the City Negotia�or, but i� subject to approval by the City Administration and adopt�ion by the City Council and +he Civil Service Comnission. ' IN '�TIZ'NL.�S WHEREQF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this tenth d.ay cf February, 1975, CITY OF SAINT PAUI, OPERATIVE PLASTERERS and CF;MENT MASONS i INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION, IACAL 20 , , _ � ty Negotia r _ : _ , , MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ����,�� This Memora.ndum of Agreement by and between the City of Saint Paul a.nd the BRICK- LAYER�S and STONE MASONS UNION, LOCAL #1. In full settlement of 1974 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: (1) Except as herein modified, the Agreement between the parties, entered into October 30, 1973, shall be the basis of the forthcoming Labor Agreement. : (2) Appendix C of said Agreement shall be replaced with App�endix C which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, (3) The 1974 Agreement shall become effective May 1, 1974, and the wage rates set forth in Appendix C shall be effective May 1, 1974. (4) It is also agreed that the duration of the 1974 Agreement shall be through April 30, 1975, and that said termination date shall be set forth in Section 28. 1 of the new collective bargaining Agreement. (5) It is understood that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not cover rates for Inspectors in this bar€aining unit, i* being further understood that the parties shall attempt to resolve said rates and other related issues later. It is underst ood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the City Administration and adoption by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this tenth day of February, 1975. CITY OF SAINT PAUL BRICKLAYERS AND STONE MASONS UNION, LOCAL NO. 1 � � � � � ` ity N gotiato - _ � � i � � . . . • t . � i.wtA[;C.3^ � ����_�� � � ApPENDIX C � , _ The basic hourly wage rates for employees covered by this AGREEMENT shall be as follows: ' Rate Effective Rate Effective May 1, 1974 September 1, 1974 Re�ular, Probationary & �P rovi sional Bricklayer ?. 96 8. 20 Stone Mason 7• 96 8• 20 Temporary & Emer�ency Bricklayer 8. 31 8. 56 Stone Mason 8. 31 - 8. 56 � Regular and Probationary Bricklayers . and 5tone Masons who have been "grandfathered" Bricklayer 8• �5 g• 27 Stone Masc�n 8. 05 8. 2? Masonry Inspector � -: _ _ - � ,� ��' . _ F AGF�1Pr ����_;�� ' � MEMORANDUM 0 This l+l�o�orsndum of Agreement by and between the City oP Saint Paul and the r : Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association, Local �60. In tlill settlpnent of 19'�4 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: - (1) Sxcept as herein modified, the Agree�ment bet�een the parties, entered _ into October 30, 1973, shall be the basis of the fortr.co�ing Labor ; Agreement. , (2) Appendia C of said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendix C ° � �hich is attached hereto and made a part hereof. � (3) Appendix D of said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendi.x D which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. (4) �Tlie 1974 Agreement shall become effective May 1, 1974, except that the wage rates set forth in Appendix C shall be effective May 4, 1974, and the contributions set forth in Appendix D shall be effective September 1, 197�+. - (5� It is slso agreed that the duration of the 1974 Agreement shall be through April 30, 1975, and that said termir.ation date sYlall be set � forth in Section 28.1 of the new collective bargaiuing Agreemeut. � 4 � . . . . . . . . It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Nego- � '-a. tiator, but is subject to approval by the City Administration and adoption by the City Council and the Civil Service Com�ission. IN WIT1QE33 WHEREOF, the parties hereto bave affixed their signetures this 31st day of January, 1975. OPERATIVE P7.A,STERERS' A11ID CII�IENT MASOI�S' CITY OF PAUL INTE TIO A:S4CIATION, LOCAL 560 �-�, '�-�/a��`--� � _ . _ : - , : � . .,.: ._ _ _ . _ ��'�;;,,.,,,,.,,-•"d,,,�..., ._�._._ , __ . _ ,. __ _, _ - -�_'.. _..T_.._..,r_..�.,.e -, y�„a�;� ' � `:"� � _-� �.__. -._ .^- _._..._-- � .. — _'- _ . _ _ . � _.. �.':��, J ... �- { �.."`�,�r„a}� - �. - -- .. . - ,s_...r� 'N+�,.��w Y. L'<S ..� +y'� . � . . . . " : . . . . . ._, ..', �.. , t.�.. . . � . ... , .: '.... � F.,-;:.�-.��'. ... - . . � � . . . . . . . . � . � . . . � . . . - .��.... _� . . �. � .. . .. � . ., . - a. . ,... �� , � .. . - � . � . . , � . .. - t, �..�- ..' � � .. .. . . . .. � . � . . . � . .. . . ,, te :. . APP�DIJC C . The bssic hourly xage rates for employ+ees�covered by this �lGR�I�UT shall be as folloXS: - . . �.; .-� Rate Effective Rate Effectiv+e �- May 4, 1gT4 September 1, 1974 Re ar and Probstionsry -# Cement Finishers 8.25 8.25 ` Proviaionel, Temporary + _ Dnergency Cement l�inishers 8.58 8.58 Reg�vlar and Probationary CerRent Finishers Who have - been gran fs exed - cement Finishers 7.'S7 7.78 ;� . . . . . . . . � . . .. .,•�: e . ._ . . . . . . . .. . ,�T ' � � . . . . . . . . -,t-' . . . . � .. � .� � �.� ' �� � ' . . . . , � � . . . . , . . �' :�. � .�. ;. / `•�. ... .. � . .. .. , . . y.:' �?'� �. � .... - . .�..� . . _. - •. . �.. .. � . . � . . ' _..,..t.. . . . ... �.� . -. �. - � -. . � � � � - . . . . � . � . . .. ,. +'�yEl...,:_ . -� � ;1` _.;,�. `.._.:..�-�.�._..._��. .� . �� .-. __ . . , .._ � �. . � . .. . . .._.._,-. . .s�: �-� � ' �• :... - � � ; � -:_ .::.. . _...._. __ . .. a. �. : . , . . , _. '_.- . . �. �. . .:�. , . .._... _:!►:� r��:...��_y .• „� :S� `.�-.s; .- ... . � . . . . . bc ..,,�, �� '-_^ "_. ��:: . . . . . _ . . .. ' . . � _ . ' c,��i . . . � . ... �. . - _. . . . . .. . .. . . _. . , . . . . . . ... . .::�y ������ :. ; _-� _ . . . . . . . . . � . . . . .... :.�' .. :.�.,, at ..>.,: APPEIQDIX D _ Effective thirty-one (31) calende�r dsys following the sigaing of . „ the AGRE�IT, 'the �'LOYER she11: (1) contribnte $.40 per hour for all hours �rorked by eapl,ey+ees conered by this AGREI�iEtIT, eacept those vho hav�e individue�lly elected to be "gre�ndfsthered" ss provided by 12.2, to a Health .�_ . , and Welfare F1ind. �_ (2) contribute $.40 per hour for atl hours �norked by m�.loyeea _ comered by this AGREg�lIT, ezcept those who ha�re i.ndividnally elected to be "grandfatherer" as provided by 12.2, to a Pension _.._.__ F1tnd. Al1 con�ributions made in sccordance �rith this Appendix she�tl be forwarded to depositories as directed by the UPI01�. 3'he &KPLE)YER sh'tll establish Wori�n*s C'ompensstion and Unem�ployment Comg�ensation programs ss required by Minn�sota Statutes. . Smpl�yees oo•;ared b� this A�G�II+I�T, �zc�pt those Nho have indiv��t�a,Lly +.l�1cted �t.o `�e "grandfathered" s$ pr��►ided by 12.2, shall not be e�.i.gible lor, go�v�er�d by, or accum�uulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, tl�neral leav�e, 3ury duty, or iasurance fringe benefits that are or nsy be established by Civil Service Rules, Council Ordinsaee, or Council Resolutions. � , The �'l+OYIIt'S f�inge benefit obligation, except those eaployees M1to have iadividu811y elected to be "grandfethered" as provided by 12.2, ia liu�.ted to the contributions and�or deductiona established by this p4gg�]�T� i�he actual level of benefits provided to eaployees shall be the respoaaibilitr of the Trustees of the verious il�ads to xhich the H�'LpyER �ss forwarded contri-' bntiona and�or deductions; � . , ,r, .: d` -r � . _ , .. �. ,_ , r - ` `l' ' .. t . _. . ' _ _ _ . ► , •� ...,.�.._..v..�_.::}... ���_---: ;.. . ._ : _ _ _ ---- -- -._:�._._:___ �..___ �__ .. ��----. .. ___..��...._, ..�. _ -- .;°a _ .. � _ . .. .. : . _ . . _ . . _. : `. ,, . . : , ,+ : ��..^��.�a�� � ,. I�.'MORANDOM OF AG�MEAT , : . This Memoraadum of Agreement by and between the City of Sairt Paul and the Glaziers and Glass�+orkers Union, T,ocal 132k. � In f�ll settlement of 197�+ negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: ` (1� Except as herein modified, the Agreement between the parties, entered into October 30, 1973, shall be the basis of the forthcoming Lnbor Agreement. (2� Appendix C of said �greement shall be replaced with Appendix C ' �rhich is attached hereto nnd made a part hereoP. (3� The 1974 Agreement shall become ePfective 1�lay l, 197�� ezcept that the �age rates set forth in Appendix C shall be_ effective �y 4, 1974. �4� It is also agreed that the duratian of t'�e 1974 Agreement shall be through April 30, 19?5, snd that said termination date ehall b� set forth in Section 28.1 of the new �ollective bargaini�g Agreement. It is understood that the aboye se�t��.�men�� xhaJ.l be recoa�ended by the Cit� Aego- tiator, mut is sub�ect to approval by the City Administr�tion and adoption by the ° City Council and the' Civ�i�l 3ervice Commai.ssion. IN iiITl'�8S W�REOF, the parties hereto have aftixed their siBnatures this lst day of JanuarYs 1975. CITY (,�' PAxTL G IF83 AIiD'GI�183W0� OZROA i324 . y gotietor .�..�� ._ : ' �' • _ ,,... .. ;.:° ;' ,. � _ . :+.��,4.;��- �--— ..�.�._..__�:.. _ . � :�.._ .. •w ._ . : - -- -: ._�:__. _ _. �..��- , _ _ ,.: ..�� . , _-:_..,�:�: --- ��_�.�._ ;. .. . . _ ,,��, ., . . . ., . . : . , . . .. . . _ . .� -�- � ;.�. ���r��� APPENDIX C The basic hourly wage rates for employees covered by this AGREEMENT _ � shall be as follows: _ , . Rate Effective Rate Effective May 4, 1974 September 1, 1474 ; ��. Regular and Probationary : Glaziers'� 7. 46 7. 70 Provisional, Temporary & Emergency Glaziers 7. 79 8. 04 � .. Regular and Probationary . Glaziers who have been "grandfathered" ?. 49 ?. 69 . �= Apprenticeship rates for regul�.r Glaziers shall be determined as follows: 0 - 6 months 60% of Glazi�r rate � - � ? - 12 months 65% of Gla.zier rate - 13 - 18 months 70% �f Glazier rate 19 - 24 manths 75% of Glazier rate 25 - 30 months 80% of Gla.zier r�te 31 - 36 inonths 90% of Gla.zier xate ` � " �:f'I 1: ,• ' _ ; _Z ;, :' , ;' .. , . � � o..' ; „ :, �^pp;. �� , � _ '�` , � , . .._ � 2��'��� � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement by and between the City of Saint Paul and the International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades, Union Local No. 61. In full settlement of 1974 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: (1) Except as herein modified, the Agreement between the parties, entered into October 30, 1973, shall be the basis of the forthcoming Labor + Agreement. (2) Appendix C of said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendix C which is attached hereto a.nd made a part hereof. (3) The 1974 Agreement shall become effective May 1, 1974, and the wage rates set forth in Appendi.x C and the contributions set forth in Appendix D shall be effective May i, ��'?�`. (4) It is also agreed that th�e duration of the 1974 Agreeme-nt shall be through April 30, 1975, and that said terminatio� date shall be set forth in 5ec.tion 28. 1 of the new collective b�.rgaining Agreement. I;; i�a wide�stuc�d th�.t the above settZer.nent shall be recommer.ded by the City Nego- tiatc�r, but is subjec� t� approval �y the City Admi.ni5tration and adoption by the City Co�anc�.l and th� Ciail Servi�-;e Coi._ry.tissio�. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this �" � day of � , 1975. " . CIT Y OF SAINT PAUL INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF PAINTERS AND ALLIED TRADES, UNION LOCAL NUMBER 61. City egotiator � �L.cJf � _ ' � _ _ _ ` �f�5��,"� APPENDIX C The basic hourly wage rates for employees covered by this AGREEMENT shall be as follows: . Rate Effective Rate Effective May 1, 1974 September 1, 1974 � ,1� Re�ular and Probationary Painter-Foreman 8. 39 8. 59 Painter=� 7. 92 8. 15 Provisional, Temporary & Emer�ency Painter-Foreman 8. ?3 8. 98 Painter 8. 23 8, 48 Re�ular and Probationary Painters who have been "�randfathered" P�zcnter-Foreman ?. 74 7. 94 �''ainter 7. 32 ?. 52 ''� Ra�es for Painter Apprentices shall be determined as follows: 0 - 6 months , , . . . 5 0% of P ainte r rate 7 - 12 m�nths . . , . . 55% of Painter rate 13 - 18 months . . . . . 60%a of Pai�.ter rate 19 - 24 months . . . . . ?0% of Painter rate 25 - 30 months . . . . , 80% of Painter rate . 31 - 36 months . . . . . 90% of Painter rate s; � �. r _ . : x,�.. �.. � ... . . , ., _ _ . _w :: T ._.._ - - - -:-' ,_ _ _ y'�. J �.�..4�.-�...�..,,,.�.._�.�.�,...._ _:: �; _ ...._ u -�:1,�.�.�_ :s.�: _ . - = �. � .._____--- -s - - � ,fi„; ::. � �„� : � ' _'-� . ` �� ��. _ . ����� � � MEMO�RAIiDUM OF AiG�11T = This �[emorandv� of Agreement by and betxeen the City of Saint Paul and the` � United Slnte nnd Tile and Composition Roofers, Damp and Ti�aterproof ilorl�ers Association, Local 96. �,' In full settlement of 1974 negotiations, the parties hereto have egreed as follows: (l� Except aa herein modified, the Agr�ement between the parties, entered into October 30, 1973, shall be the basis of the forthcaming Lnbor Agreement. (2� Appendix C of said Agreement shall be replaced s,iith Appendix C t+hich is attached hereto and made a part hereof. (3) The 1974 Agreement shall become effective Mny 1, 1974, except that the wnge rates set forth in Appendix C shall be effective - 1�e�y 4, 3�974. (�}� It ia also agreed that the duratioa oP 'the 19;'4 Agreemeat shall be thro�gh April 30, 1975, an� �hat said �terminatio� date shall be set Forth in Section 28.1 of th� r�e�r collecti�re bargaining Agreemeat. It is und�rstood that the above set��lemP.n� shr�ll be reco�ended by the City �eg�- tiator, but is subject to e�pproval by t�e City Administratioa and adoption by ttie City Council and the Civil Service Com�ission. IN i�lIT1�SS �REOF, the parties hereto have affiaed their si�atures this 31st day of January, 1975. CITY OF SAIAT PAUb UAITED SIATE Al'�D TILE AUD 0O1�OBITI01� f �OOFER3, DAI� AIm �TAT�RPROOF i�10�RS /LSSOCIATIQU Ci otia or � ���� �.�� ' , .. .. .. . .. . � � .. � . . . . _ .. . . -:.�, i'�;� . . . -.... ...�: ...�. - . . . . . . . .. . . � - y'� . . . , _ , • _ - �, , s3 �`� "y: - _� . ,� _ , . . i , . . • • „ W � �� . '. . , _ , .:.�. ,. . . . � ' . ,.K � � • '.�'�� � � �'y .�In. .. . . . . . . . � .. . . � . ��� y . - ;� � - . � . . �, .. . . ._ .� . . ... . . . . . �. . .t .F .: .. . . . . ... . . . fli�� � �. � -. .. . , ; kt` � W •�� �. 1T The basic honrly xage rates for employees covered by this AG�T ` sha71 be as follorrs: .. Rste Sftective �Y �+, 1974 _ : ,�•� Regulsr and Probationary : Roofer-Foremsn 7.86 RooPer� 7.38 _ Proviaionsl, Teoporary + _ Emergency , Roofer-Foreman 8.21 ` Roofer 7.� , . . ' Reg�lar and Provationary � _ - Roc�fers who hav� been - �r��3fstherec� Bo�P,�r-F'oreman 7.6� : , �o�fGr 7.21 * Rates for Roofer Apprentices shall be dete�nined as follo�ra: .... � . . � . . � � 5W ii���� ••���������w���o����r������.6Er� of� RooP�sr ra�a:. .. - �� ..�:. .. : .. . . � � . .. . � �. - ., � . . .,..r 50I - 1300 hours............................7t�, of 800fer rste '' • 1301 - 2100 hours. ..........................80°f, of Roorer rate ` ' =''' 2101 - 2900 hours................'...:.......8y'fi of Boofer rate ; � ,: 29Q1 - 3700 hours..................:........9E�°�r of Roofer rate ' , 37A1 - 4500 hours...........................9�, o!' $oo�er rate . .. ` . �. ..,. - �. , �_� . . . . . . . �. � . � . � . . .. .. . . . , . .. K ' � . +��'�. �._ ... . . . . . . . . . .;:_ '4 s. . . . . . . . . . . . •=�':- '�`.. p �, . . � � . � . .. . . - . . . . . . -. - , . �'u_ ` "7r . � ` `-s� , MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ��`��,�� �. : This Memorandum of Agreement by and between the City of Saint Paul a.nd the Twin City Carpenters District Council of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. . � In full settlement of 1974 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: (1) Except as he rein modi.fied, the Agreement between the parties, entered r into October 30, 1973, shall be the basis of the forthcoming Labor Agreement. (2) Appendix C of said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendix C which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. (3) The 1974 Agreement shall become effective May 1, 1974, and the wage rates set forth in Appendix C and the contributions set forth in Appendix D shall be effective May 1, 1974. ' _ (•�� It is also agreed that the duration of the 1974 Agreement shall be through April 30, 1975, and that said termination date shall be set forth i.n Section 28. 1 of the new collective bargaining Agreement.. (5) It is understood that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not cover rates for Tnspectors in tr�is l�ar�ai.ning unit, it being further understood that the parties shall atternpt to resolv� said ratPs a.nd other rsla,terl issues later. It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Nego- tiator, but is subject to approval by the City Administration a.nd adoption by the . City Council a.nd the Civil Service Commission. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 5th day of February, 1975. - CITY OF SAINT PAUL TWIN CITY CARPENTERS DISTRICT COUNCIL OF UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AN OINERS OF AMERICA. City Negotiato - � « � , � , ~ APPENDIX C ����`'�� The basic hourly wage rates for employees covered by this AGREEMENT shall be as follows: � Rate Effective Rate Effective May 1, 1974 September 1, 1974 ' Re�ular and Probationary Carpenter-Foreman 8. 33 8. 4? Carpenter 7� 75 7, gq Provisional, Temporary & Emergency Carpenter-Foreman 8. 66 8. 81 Car��nter 8, 06 8. 21 Re�ri�4�:• and Probationary Carpenters w}�o have been "�randfathered" Carpenter-Foreman 8. 14 8. 36 Cax;:��nter 7. 62 7, 84 lst ���p 2nd i�� L� 3rd 3� �S Adopted 3�p'�jr Yeas � Nays Ci��tIS�SIIV HOZZ�1 �V�� �s5�_�� � �oL�T� � s:��.:�u x TEDES�O Pi�e�',S1�F1Vi �riu:1T) MAYOR'S OFFICE - FROM: Mayor "°�--- � scher �� p ° � �1�5�_�� Other � O T0: Pres. � Council Public Works City Administrator Traffic Engineer Budget Director Community Planning Coord. Library City Clerk Park & Rec. Elections Health City• Attorney Pollution Control Consumer Affairs Housing � Bldg. Civil Service Police Manpower Administration Model Cities F3re � Safety Human Rights HRA Emergency Prepared. Port Authority Printing � Dupl. School Distriet Finance � Mgmt. Civic Center Purchasing Ramsey County Licenses Other ACTION: � 0�� u��W+--0�3 (,l'l/11�-�..L►,�.�.- �� �