265111 ' ������ City of St.Paul C IL ILE.N PRELIMINARY ORDER By % File Na 1'�gZ�S ,..... �...._. .,_, ��....�, ,.c . , _ . .... ._. . . ._-:— ----� .....urr i . ...., ...__.._.. . . . .:._ . � � a�qui�e perr,�nent eas�ents for street and highway purposes on, over and across that part oT Lot 9, Block 54, R1ce and Ir-v�nes Addition, lytng �vit�tjn the fo I 1 oti;1 ng desc r i bed 1 i nes and as sf�own on -the Depa rt�ent� o,f pub 1 i c Works. op�n I ng Or4wing F�o. 22°1�, Drawer 4: �. . _, f . . � Co�-,rrencing at t;�e noriheasi corner of Lot 1 , �aid 81ock 54; thence south�)y aTan R the easterly linc or Sa;d �ots ) and 9 (westeriy line of Aiain StreeL) a dtstanc� of 152.30 feet to the point af beginning of the land ta be describe�; then�e southcrty a1on� t:ze afore.�entioned e3sterly 1 ine o` said Lots 1 and �9 (westerly I in� of Ftairt : Siree;} a dist�nce of $$.37 feeL to its intersection wJtS t�'�e nortneast��ly � ��� -"�� � of Kei )ogg �Jvd. , as wi�ened; thence nort#�west2rly aiong the said northeasteriy 11ne of Ketiogg B1vd. as wi�ened a distance of %�" def]ecttng 1310 4] ' to tl�e right a distance of ��'37 �eeL; thenc� northeasLerly deflecttng 4�io 19` ta the Iefi a dTstance of b7.003feeitto thece northeasterty poinL of heginning. Also, acquire easerients in the Iands as necessa ry for slo�es, cuts and fills, including the right of re�T�oval of IaLeral sup�ort fron suE�ject lands or re.^atnder thereof, occasione� by excavatfons Lhereofi or consLrvction o` slopes in the above � � referenced project. -- � under Administratiye Order D-178U --- - approved ��'�s7 i°� s"� � The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and a having considered said report, hereby resolves: � 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ . � I R 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ��tYfifth day of MaYCh, 1975 , at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of ihe City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said pubiic hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the � time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. s I COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date ��R L ��_ � Yeas �hristerls�}YS � HoZZs'� Certifie ssed Council Secretary M f� �� ° Hunt LevinB �In Favor B Roedler � � Sylvester Against �p Mayor PUBLISHED MAR 8 1975 �