265106 WHI7E - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FiINANCE CO1111C11 CANAR`- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL File NO. BLUE - MAYOR � cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and authorize execution of agreement whereby the City will obtain the services of The Towle Company in assisting the City in the operation and main— tenance of the Lowry Annex, as more particularly set forth in the said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, the eosts of such service to be eharged to Fund 3 O �/4 O Approved as to funding: �� ' X Rog Matt o Director Dept. of Finance and Management Services COUIVCILMEN Requeste artment of: �it dministrator Yeas Nays Christensen ' Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against By Thomas J. Kelle,y Sylvester T-�C'7C4" President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date M� 4 �� Form Approve y ity ttorney Certifie Council Secretar�, BY By Appro d by Mayor: Date M s �� Approved Mayor b is ' to cil By By PUBLISHED MAR A 1975 Ir r '� - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��51_�6 ♦ ��T Y �P ' , ��4� .y' Rose Mix � •i2,�s;%�::• � Albert B. Olson City Clerk a»d � �-�."'-•�" ~ Co�c�tcil Rccorder �. - 1 Cou�icil Secretary ��, �e ..... 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City flall St. Paz�l,161innesota 5510°l �' Pho�ie 293-l�.^�31 � � ? fieb�c�aa-ry i�+, 1975 E i i � Counci7l::an Robert Sylvester Cliairr�,an, Fiiiunce Co��;r;�ittee 7th Fl�or, City 3�a,11 I'iea-r Sir: il?e City Co��r_cil re_^erl�ed to f,he l�'3_r��nce Cor�2iiittee for cansidc;�a,;'.on �.ild recc,;i:�.,e�idatio?i f;ne rol_�o�r�ng r�-.�olu�?ens Fx.1d Ui'c;?Y)t'ilce: �r .l. ^eso�i��-ion t_��:nsfe-r?•�_»�; �,�jj,00C from Contin�;ent � Rese-r��e -- Specifl_ed �.nd :;209,250 f_olil Contingent Rese�:ve -- r�eclica�ed �o a new ac�iv�t� in General Go�ern_ment Accoun�s �or T:c;�rry �r_i:ex - �ccuisi�ion ; a?�d Rerr�ociela.ng. [ ?_. F��solution w�»�oyino execution of �i ag-reer.?ent � w�i�:re�y tne City wi11 o��ain sei�vices of tiie �Gi4T1e ~o;��rp2_ny -n <:.ss�si�ing the Cit�y in ±he op�ration ' ��n_d r:���i7i�c:��.nce oi t_?e To;4iy An?�ex. i T. �t L• k • i• L 3. _,c:o.�u"io�l �:.�,.�l�orizin� execu�.,_on of an a�-z�e�.r�.en� �lli.h I�oi72'y I�;cd_ic31 Ct'i?i:�'i .t"-_:S�)�:?-'lii.�s p:COV7_dl.rig ° i. �or tr�e lcase of t�ie I,c;vey l.n.��x �*i'.;h option to � p�_zrch�se. �+. Cly' 2050?0 - An o-rdinance �,.rnc��dirl� 1�75 bu�et to �rovide for supplelr�eri�;al uppY�opriatior�s in the amoant of �250,OOU ior Lozti-ry r:nnex - Acquisi�ion 2nd Rev�odeling. ; Ve- truly yours, I' I . y � � �� ;� / 1� City C1e-rk , ABO:sm C�� .�,�.�. � . , ......r.._...._..,.�.,..,.,.. _ _ .. _ . . , . ' . ���� • CTTY IIi1LI., t�?�'NEX - PROPERTY M�NAGEM�NT AGRE�M�NT . THIS AGR�EMENT, Made and entered into this day of March, 19?5, `by and bet�veen the CITY �I' SAINT PAUL, hereinaiter re�errecl to as "City", and L-he TOtaLE R�AL ESTATE COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, hereinaF�er designated as "Manager" ; WITNESSETH: W€i�REAS, The City has �eased �aith an option ta purchase the City Hall Annex (Lowry Medical Arts Annex) , located at Fourth Street bet�aeen Wabasha arid St. Peter Streets in th�e City o� Saizzt Paul, Minnesota. This- building was formerly used for m�dical and dental office purposes, and the City wili be converting the build-- ing from its present us� to i�hat of governmental office purpos�s . The City requires the servic�s of a manager i�o manage the property for the p�urpose of colZecting rent from the present medical and ' dental tenants, pravide security services and other services , necessary for an .office building, and to assist the City in the conv�rsio�.z and remodeling of the exisi:ing build�ng to City-Gov- ernmental office Purposes; and WHEREAS, The Manager has the professianal and techna.cal exper- tise and capab�lii�y of assisting the City in the above endeavor and has agreed to do sa in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth belo�a; NOW, TIILI2�I'OItE, TO Cf112P.Y OUT TI-iE AIiOVE PURPOS�S, Thc� Ci ty and Mana�cr, for the considerations hereinafi:er set �orth below, do . her.eby muCually agree as follows : � � _.._,. . . � ._ . .. . _ . ', •, ' � . ������ x. . . TERM � � The City herc�by employs Manager �or the purpose of managing . the �roperty known as the C�_ty Hall An�ex (formerly the Lo�ary Medical Annex Building) , to perform those duties and f_unctions set forth below, far the consicleration set forth below, f_or a period of t�hree years �eginning on the __ day of � 1975, ar�d terminating on �he day af � 1978, and co�.ztinuing thereafter from year to year un.less �ither • City or Manager elects to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other party sixty (60) days prior to the end of any surh yearly period. . II . � � � i COMPENSATION � In consideration for the services to be provided hereunder, the Cii�y agrees to pay Manager the sum of iwenty-Five Thousand , ($25,000.04) Dollars for the first year of this contraci� and the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20, 000.00) Dollars for each of .the second and i:hird years of this Agreement and for any year follo�,�ing the end of the third year. The annual compensation shall be paid by the Cii:y to Mariager prorated over a twelve (12) month period, and shall Ue paid by Cii�y at i�he same time that City remits monthly payments to Manager for services set forth below and in accordance with the approveci Uucige� and itemized statement submitl:ecl by Manager. 2- a .. . -°... .�..._ ....._..._.__.+._.._ .. . . .. .,. ..., .. ..._._ ._ _,... _._. _M�_ _.,.. ..,...�._. __.._..._ . .__. _,....�_.._. ..,,_ . . .,. ._ IIT. - MANAGERIAL DUTIES AND AUTH�RITY The City hereby grants to the Manager the following authority, and the Mai�ger does hereby agree L-o perform the following services: A. Fu11 and complete management and control o� the City Hall Annex with authority to collect all rents and other moneys and securities from tenants in the property and issue receipts therefor. B. Under the supervision ot the City' s Direc�or of' Fina.nce and Ma.nagement Services, to negotiate new leases and renewals of existing leases in accordance with schedules approved by the City, which new leases and renewals shall be approved and executed by the , proper officers ot the City. " . C. To maintain the premises in a manner sai:isfactory to the City, to have minor repairs made, to purchas� necessary supplies, to pay all bills on behalf of the building ogerations and on behalf of the City; provided, �ZOwever, that the City' s accoun� shal•1 be � credited with all discounts given by suppliers and cont.ractors on the cost of all repairs or operational expenses incurred by the Manager. The City' s approval sha11 first be obtained on any repairs that may exceed the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars in cost. City shall be obligated to pay the actual cost of all such repairs and supplies, and Ma.nager shall not be entitled to receive any fee, cotrnnission, percentage, Urokerage fee, or any other consideration contingen� upon or resulL-ing from the award or malcing of the -� purchase of such rePairs or supplies . � 3- YW�:�:.T,.;hI..Lsh.Arhr�.w1 - ••-" ' -_ -. . • . - _ _' '....il - +��,M+�..�.�,...u....�......M.r.♦ ,....w..��. . --...�.-. ...�"._� . .. . . . • .� ������ �, • . � D. To propose and upon approval of the City, to execute a . : calendar-year budget for the operations, maintenance and repair of the building. This budget is to be prepared on forms provided by the City and submitted to the City on the schedule established by it. ; E. To serve vacate notices on tenants and with the. assistance of the City' s Attorney bring legal aetions to evict tenants and re- cover rents . . . , F. To hire, discharge, and employ, as its employees, persons . necessary for the maintenance and operation of the building, the � said employ�es to be the Manager' s employees or employees of the Manager' s affiliate, the Towle Ma.nagement Company. G. For �the purposes of this Agreement, the Ma.nager shall be � deemed to be an independent contractor, and not an employee of tYie w . City. Any and all employees of the Manager or other persons, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required by the � Ma.nager under this Agreement, shall not be considered employees of the City, and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workmen's Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the Manager' s employees, or other persons while so engaged on � ', any of the work or services to be rendered, shall in na way be the obligation or responsibility of the City. The Ma.na.ger shall pay, as they become due, all just claims for work, tools , machinery, ' . . � / _ � � • �I', . . ' � " y _ - ..c.........,.�.. .. ..._...� ......r.._� .,....._..�........s..,...u..u...*::r..�.1..:.,._.,,,....._......... �..1'.._.....�..t.a.•:,......:.+.+.:�...........t ti......:L.:i...�A:.::...�.�:. . . . . . � _ ! skills, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies furnished, rendered or performed in the execution of this Agreement. . IV. S�RVICES TO BUILDING The Ma.nager will manage, supervise, and provide either by its � own employees or under contract to the Manager or to the City, the following services and levels of service: A. Cleaning of all occupied offices, corridors and common areas on a daily basis including; but not limited to, dustin�; of furniture, cleaning ash trays and emptying waste baskets . B. Repair of elevators including parts, oil and �rease. � C. Window washing on the interior and exterior on a bi-monthl.y ` schedule . �,- ' D. Operation, maintenance, repair and metering of all util- ities for which the City is responsible under its lease with ogtion , agreement and to other building owners on the same block on which , the City Hall Annex is located. . . E. Maintenance of the two wells servicing the building. F. Preventive rnaintenance on a schedule previously agreed to by the City. G. Operation and ma.intenance of the power steam plant includ- '; ing the purchase of fuel or the purcha.se of fuel under the City' s contract at the City' s discretion. H. Provide physical security appropriate to the City Hall Annex building use and operation. � S- ...: .1♦ •_.,.�.:._._�.�.i.� +a..x - . .�.... ....... � ..�......... ...�»..f... ......_........x��.i:,�:J+a:Su...:e�.w:t��.a� �.A�thi...L_..�:.�.a`:.-.y1.uJ.��.�+c.'a-.�++=:.n:�..:sis'v::;L�:�,=�", L- - - - - - - -�-`i..�._.... . � . . . 7lf����� . I. Manager' s employees' expense and contract service ex- • penses shall be enumerated in the budget set forth in Article II above. � . . . . V. . RE�TENUES AND EXPENSES; FIDELITY BONDS Ma.nager shall eollect all rent due to the City. Ma.na.ger does not guarantee the payment of rentals by the tenants, but will make every reasonable effort to collect the same when and as they become . due. Ma.na.ger shall remit net revenue to City together with item- ized statement in duplicate of receipts and expenditures, on or bef ore the 15th day of the next succeeding month. Such statement ' shall be accompanied by invoices showing location and detailed • description of work and services performed supporting al1 disburse- ; ments, and the amounts se�t forth sha.11 stand as approved by City unless exceptions are ma.de thereto prior to the rendering of the next succeeding month' s statement. . Should expenditures exceed re- i � ceipts, City will promptly reimburse Ma.nager upon receipt ot written � � demand. All collections ma.de by the Ma.nager shall be deposited in '� its Trust checking account, and the Ma.nager sha.11 ma.intain separate ledgers in its books or records for all income expenses and reve� nues . Records of the Manager' s expenses incurred for the purposes of this Agreement sha.11 be kept on a generally recognized account- ing basis and shall be available to the City at mutually convenient times. The City reserves to itself the right of audit of all ' financial transactions that the Manager ma,kes under this Agreement, 6- . � � � ������ . ' � to be made during usual office hours. Manager shall provide the . City, in form approved by the City' s Attorney, a fidelity or-� surety bond in the amount of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars, ' which bond shall be in force during the full term of this Agreement together with �any extensions thereof. � . VI. � ; INSURANCE - CITY � City agrees to adequa.tely insure the building against ha.zards and pa.y all premiums thereon f or its own account. . City agrees to hold Mana.ger harmless for all damage suits or claims for injuries to persons or property sustained by any person arising out of the City' s negligence or alleged negligent acts or acts of the City' s employees . City shall ma.intain, at its expense, elevator and steam boiler insurance together with such other insurance that the City ; deems necessary. At the present time the City is self-insured for tort liability; however, the City does have the right and option to purchase public liability insurance in such amounts as it deems . necessary. - VII. . � • MANAGER - INDEMNITY TO CITY The Mana.ger shall indemnify, hold harmless and protect the ' City from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought for or account of injuries or damages received by any person or property, including the City, resulting from any error or negligent act of the Manager or any persons employed by the Manager in . � 7- . , .. , ,, �- . ' . f._�._. __..._......._.�...ti.. �.._.,.__..:..:...� ,....�3::.�_._. - - - - .:.�.»....:._.... �..... - - ..:c 1..�...... .....,,....�-..i.........._.,.�.�...r..�.,i�......_.. . . , __... . ._. . ._ . a....� � � . �'��� �� carrying out the terms of this Agreement. Manager shall ma.intain, ' , at its own expense, such insurance' as the Mana.ger deems necessary so as to adequa.tely protect itself and the City from any such negligent acts of the Manager or its employees. . . VIII. ' NONPISCRIMTNATION - The Manager shall be deemed a contractor for the application of all provisions hereto and laws against unlawful discrimznation , on account of race, creed, religion, color, sex, na.tiona.l origin, ancestry, affectianal or sexual preference, age, or disability. The Manager agrees that in accordance with Chapter 238, Laws of Minnesota for 1941, and in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, that in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under this Agreement, it sha.11 not, by reason of race, creed, religion, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, affectiona.l or sexual preference, age, or •dis- ability, discriminate against any person who is qualified aud , . available to perform the work to which such employment relates; that no contractor, material supplier or vendor under this Agreement, shall in any ma.nner discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any person for the performance of work under ' this Agreement on account of race, creed, religion, color, sex, �. national origin, ancestry, affectional or sexual preference, age, or disability; �nd that tnis Agreement ma.y be canceled or terminated by the City and all money due or to become due hereunder shall be c forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or � ,...:+F.e..-.�r...,..+.aa.LLr..r.�:�.J:a.�..�.--.........s.:a�...a.�.n....ea.lrtwm^,d-[.:._:�a..,..::i.�....i.L;..._... �..i..�..+.e.r•..:..::..i_..•.,_u.rN.,.�.....v�. ...-.�� � . .. � � ' � � • . + . ' ,. � • . � .����� . � �. . . . � � conditions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The City and Manager have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. Approved as to Form: C�TY OF SAINT PAUL .. _ ��� .�. .•,.�h� !;` i?. �+�/� . ' Assistant City Attorney �Yor , � � ' � � � Director, Department of Finance and Management Services , TOWLE REAL ESTATE C�MPANY Its • __ Its � , � 9-