265105 WHI7E - CITY CLERK ^���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council �y CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. w i � ' ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolved, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07J+ of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, there is hereby transferred the sum of $75,000.00 from the Contingent Reserve-Specified (09061) and $209,250.00 from Contingent Reserve-Dedicated (09062) to a new Activity 09096 in the General Government Accounts to�allocated as follows: General Government Accounts Activity 09096 Lowry Annex - Acquisition and Remodeling 460-000 Reimburse P.I.R. Capital Project $284,250 `;'<. Approved as to Funding / Roger A. Ma.ttson Approved ` � -�� Director .of Fina.nce and RiChard E. Schroeder Ma.nagement Services udg t Dire r � By COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen De artment Finance and Mana ement Services Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY ' Sylvester Tw'� President Hunt M� � � Form Approved b ity tto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certifie ss d b uncil retary � BY By Approv by Mayor: Date 6 �� Approved Mayo o n t uncil By By 1�susyfo MAR 8 1975 . q � .�";"' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _� .? '� (� OFFICE OF THF. CITY COIII\TCIL �_"'"�,.. , 5 � � + e�. 1 �, � .s dY � � �F�s�1.- � %�_ Date ; Feb. 25, 1975 ',.�- � COMMITTEE REPORT TO : Soint Paul City Councii FROM � Committee on FINaNCE Robert syivestgnchaiFinan, makes the fol lowing . report on C. F. [� Ordinance [� Resolution ❑ Other TITLE : ' Four resolutions were referred by the Council to the Finance Committee relating to the proposed acquisition of the Lowry Medical Annex building. Copies of these four resolutions are , attached. . I The Council Finance Committee has recommended these resolutions I for approval by the City Council and hereby refers them to the Council for its action. ' Votes in Committee on all four resolutions was 6-0. � i � ; CITY HALL SEVENTH FL�OR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ; � . `v;���°?J � . . � , I .� ,TY CLERK . � f�N4NCE ■�—t T V !� .�Ei.aARTMENT \}1 � 1 �J��, V.i� 1 i�Y l� 1,.C�jJ 1.i C011llCll _.�1 / � „� ^.. / � ' �M,roR - � � File �1�._ 7�'f��J_'+-- � . . , ' � � .�-������ ���o�'��`���z ; � ;� ��� „ ^�� .�'res�,:ted By ���`%� � _C'(��i�7 _ J , Referred To / _ _____�_—_ Committee: Date ___ __.__ __� � O��t of Cornmiftee BY------ _.— -- ---- --- Date ----- --- P.esolved, that upon reconu.:F_ndation of. the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, there is h�reby transferred the sum of y75,000.00 from the Gontingent Reserve-Spec�fied (G9061) and $209,250,00 from Contingent Reserve-Dedicated (09062) to a new A_ctiv�_ty 090°6 in the General Go�,>ernment Accounts to allocated as follows: General Government Acceunts Activity OS0�;6 I.owry Annex - Acquisition and Re�nodeling - 460--G00 Reir�bt�rse P,I.R, Capital Project $?_34,250 � , , , � , .1 � 1 1 I , i I A�proved as to Funding � / 1 t^�r�.i�t����;.� .7�.__.�J.:!-� -7 5 � . � Roger A. ;lattson � i Director of Fi_nance and ''iCfluCd �. S�F;TC�2�2f � t� Planagernent Services �«r�g�t D"tf�c�`r)� ., , I � / -- Y ,!1.�-,�l� �' ��`%' l�:�;��� I / , �'� � �,�-�� '� -� ��L� �` C���✓- ��'' _.. .. - � i - _ = _ ~ — -- -------- I COUNCIL;IIEN Requested by Depactment of: Yeas Nays i Christensen � De�artment o_ Finance and Pianagement Services ', Hozza _ In Favor --- -- — -------- Levine ' - -- Roedler Ag3inst BY ---- �� : --{'� ��r�-t_� ' Syivester — _ _ --- -------- Tedesco Prr_sident Hunt ,� Form Approved b ity �tt�ey Adoyted by Council: Date _ __ � Ccrtified Passed by Council Secretary BY — - ��¢`'-- --------- �y -- ---- d ♦ Appro�•ed by ,",tayor. Dafe ____ Approved .y Atayo or . •!� � �i n t uncil By �.._ _ — BY - - -- - -------- i _ _ �_ _ ._ - --- -- _ ._ _...._ _ . . _ - . .. ' - ��K . �. ' `` (�I7CY OF �<1. I :��T �AUL Council � �:QT"•ENT File �O. — � E � . • �''�i�;��'��.. '�, ��������� / i d� d L� 1 s�ei �f u�r!✓ • u : - , �--- // .. . ' � � '�y _, ,�_\ `!���� . -� : „ ;�. _ =/.l'' , � ��-�..� ----- — _.i Sy — — . �eferred To _____ - --- Committee: Date — -- ----- Out of Comniittee 13Y------- -- -------______ -- -------------:_ Date o- ----------------------- --- -- — -- — -----__---- _--� ----------------------- -- — ------ RESOLVED, �hat t1�e Cot ��c il of tlie City of Saint Paul cloes Ilez�e��y .�p��rove and auf�iorize execution of agreeuient S�Iierel�y t�le City will obtai_n tlie services of Tlie Tow1e Cojnpany i.iz assisti�ig t�he City in tlie operation a�1d main— teilalice of the Lo;��ry A�i�lex, as �i�are particularly set forth in t�.►.ie said a�;reeT�ie�it, a eopy o�f �tihicll is a�;tached �iereto, i:,he cosi;s ar :���cli uervice to be c'��rbed to I'und ,�c% `�c%C� Approved as to funding: �� 'G-/..--—.-_ ___ _— —� '�---� . /_��.��_:�_-�� �"� Rog � rlait����.s Direc�or Dept. of Finance and ^lanagenent Services _— COUNCIL5IEN �_-- _------- ------- - - - -- Cit Administrator Reqi�ested;�y-�ej5artnent of: Yeas Nays � � Christensen . ��'j�`;N'.�!'� c __ % , --_---------- liozza __ �___ In ravor �-��_---- - Levine Roedler A�,;ainst By Thomas J. Kelle�___ -.___-___-----_--- Syivester -"--- Tedesco President Hunt Form Approve by �'ity ttorney A�opted by Councii: Date -- ------- Cerlifit�d Passed by Council Secretary By---— ��'4�� -"— — �Y - - --- �`� �' � Appro�•ed b� i�tayor• Date -- Approved y bfayor �b. is ' �z to C_ ncil By _ BY - — - - ----- � CLERK , �• � £PqRTMENT GITY O� �AJl .7� �. �LALJIi COVtIC1I ;,.+'�'�; File ��.�----- i ������� �'��: �.��������� / �✓��,,�,��/� ~ ,-,ted By✓_ -- - --�---�--� ------- — - --- Referred To �____ ____ ______ Committee: Date — _.—._—___�� 0ut of Commiftee BY-- ------------.------------ Date ' --- -- --- -- ------- - -- - --- ------ ---------- --- -- _ __. _ . _ � �----- — —---- — ------- — - ----------- ___ : ----- RESOLVED, That the proPe-r City oificers be and hereby are authorized f-o e:�ecute, on Uehalf of ttie CiLy of Saint Paul, agr.eement with Lowry .�'edir�l Center Asseciates, providin,�, for the Ci_ty's leasing of the T,o�ary A�inex for a tez7n of 5 years, ;aith an c�p�ion to purchase the progerty exnrcisable for a te�-m of 36 ilioi�t.l�s, �.11e purch�se price to be $1,250,�00, and at an anrnsal rental of $156,000 for the fi-rst 12 ��nonths, and an ar�nual rental of $2�6,200 for the ne:it follo;aing L8 rn.onths, and providi_ng that rhe City taiil assuir,e all costs of maintenance, operation and repair of the building as �:-��ll as prcvide and sell utiliLi_es to the o�hex properties l.oca�ed on the bl.ock bounded by Couri::h and Fi_ffih Streets, St. Peter and jv'a'�asha, the severence p:�y�}lc�nt o:C $250,000 to be char,n,ed to PIR 60000 (L7814) Lo be rei-mUursed from 0�09C) •- T,U�.JYy :�rineY Acqtiisi_tio?Z & Re�aac�eling and rent payr��ezts to be charged �u �0�'-:00 - Lo��Jry �n�zex Operating. , � . � i � Apprcved as to funding: �- .. �;t_., _____.___..__.._._ � _ _✓ `��`-� l_��_�� �� �v�if Roger A, ���'ttson, Dii�e�tor Dept. of Finance and �lanagement Services COUNCILI'IENT Kequested by Department of: Yeas �ays Chrisiensen Office of_the City A<3ministrator____ ---- — -- / liozza ____ in Favor j Levine , Reedler • g •— ;�7i' � � ��f Sylvester A�a�nst Y - _ ��>,�-�Z.�-' � -�---- - /- .-`-- Tedesco / President Hunt � Form Approved by City�t�orney� Adopted by Council: Date —_ S Certilied Passed by C.ouncil Secretary �y_ __�� '"%��'�''=� _----____—___ BY -� �(! ' �� � � APproved by Alayor• Date _ _ Approved by ayor for S� r,�iss' �' our il By � h By - - ------- .��`� � � a'.� " :�_. . . - �-� �iIT`i' �1' 3��I ��J� ���.�J7. CnuncilY v`s� j � E �; Fi.e �v 0•-�.-- ^----------- ^ , �-, . .. (� �;?+.�/��;r/'��.�%b y��✓� �I d 7(i:il C C t'(Q. ------------ I � � < `-ti-..�..� . :_. r . .1 .r/, ' r ���� ��:�f ,, � ✓�._ �I ��L.�� �s_,---��-` — io ----_ - -- Committee: Dafe _ --------.------_--- Cormittee '?Y- -------------------_--�------- Date --- ----------- --...----- -- ---- --- �_-___=—--- ------ ------ -- -- _ �a 0-rdinance �_�r�c,nding ttie 1975 Budget and to Frovide io.r Suppl.rmer.f�al A�E,propr�_ations The Cour_cil of the Ci�y of Saint P�;��il �oes ozdain: Sect;_on 1. That pursu�_nt to �a�id �n ac��orda!zce ;ai�ih �he , i;ror_.�=c,>>re �et -f_cri:h in Sec�_io❑ 1.0.07�1, =�.�.�i n�,on certificai-�_on o.f t1.e ;�`ayor t:hat ac3?it?_onal rcve�:u;,s �.,e �.vr�i � ���]_e i_n �.,�:cess of i_he estinr�t',�s ��f :�evenue �dopted Ta;_th;n tne 1975 ��,�';;r�t, t:he C�uncil oi i=ne City of ' Sa1=,t p�a�il �loes t?ercby revise i-he 1'.)75 �31��t;et so ras to p,_ov}de an �c�diticnal appsopr�aL�_on �_n t:he Ger.�<_ral ('��v�^�i?;�:•�-.nt �`r.cot;r.ts in t:l-.e ���otin� of $250�OG0.(?0 �.o Ue de1.i,.���ated ;.�s �oil.o�as: (,'-2)?c Xc3�_ �QVE i t'.7lCi]t ��'.CUi;r t=S OS096 - ?,o»ry l=n.��ex - ?_cquis;.t;_on ar��d ��cmodeling 400-000 Reinburse P.T_.R. Capital Project $?50,0^O.GO �' ' and �Lrther resolvcd t}�,a_t t1,e i_i-em in �3n���c�_;.�� Su�r,,,�._�ry u�_der Miscr�ll.�nccus ; Revei�ue - Tdot Dedicatc�d . Fedcral t�>>e?:�ue Shar:�ng be inc,:;-��ased by $7_50,OG0.00 � �ection 7.. This or��iizance ::":-�aJ_1 �_ake c�i fect: ar�d be in �"c��_ce th�ri:Y (�0) days fzo;n and •a:iter i_ts p,�s�;a�e �:E,p;_oval : nd p�_blication, •r PF rovcd as to Fiindi_ng / �Zo s>e r ,-'+.. i�1;�t:t;�o n i�, � � ,1,J_ ~l.� " � •`7 � � .��E �� �.i`':t��_ __ ,,_ , �;���ui_c.r of F�r�:nce and ��� ' � � ;;�,na.d �tcnt ;�ervic�g � - � � ;�+� p.�it�,.� � ` - . .(" _� -- Ic _ � . � r. ,J � •'� -.r � \ � . ._� � J:J..LVt_.t .. --i . �� �� . / ,/ / � � ` t ^� / / C'��;!— � ' !L t-'I?.�.yZ..J . Py �J.��l i?_G�f ��"�/� y��r� '- � . ) ( '—_._ .�_.__ .... _._.__. � _ . . .. . ..�._.� ._".-� • '- '--_ '._`i ._ ' COli\CIL`:tEN _ , ?'e.c;uestc:d by De,�attment of: �i[;?S ;�3�'S . � . �,`:���7 F?21i1,�.c�3.' . . . . ; , re artment of Finance and ri�na��.�ient Sc=r�,_ces _ � --�----- -- - - • • ---------- -- -- �.o.,��p�tzki _- _ In Favor �- _ T c�_:,e �___ <-� _ . �`c.red�th ���1 • ,3 t`�.� -C-;-r� >�-� �t,'?��.�VlC� A:�a�.nst � Y � . �1 -- -----�� -. __ ._.__..- ----- r— ._ _._ - --- _ _._ _ --`-- �� � � �<<:�«�o '-;c.l'reSi.'�nt ?_-�.':;�i �r.u:.Tlt For.i AppGUVed b}'tCi�:"• At�ney ! 'c�ri��d �y Cc>uncil: Date _ _ __ �9� 4 r �::ie d Pa�s�d by Council Secretar By---..,.----�__i�-��---- -----------------._-,-- Y 7 � �ri� � �Y - -------� -- �,�-� ' <d L)' 1`';:}or• Date P`PP;cved" i�irc.,��or ub����ion o ���uncil �-- � .::. '' ' ------ - . �� �'Y----- -- ------ �Y- ��-- - _ ��.i. ----- - _� _---- l h i. � ' y �������� � '� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �►TY p� �i� yi � •L Rose Mix a '� Albert 6. Olson City Clcrk a�id �� ��."-°_'�" � Cou�tcil Rccorder �,; Coiulcil Secretary ��, � �c +.r OFFICE OF ? HE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Nall St. Pa��l,hli�inesot¢ 55102 4 Phone 298-1,�^.41 C'i k' �` r ebrua-ry 1�+, 1975 =! �' r k''. �" Cou_�cilr:;a,n nobert Sylvester '' Ct�2.ir�,u�?n, F�.n,��.ce Co?,1:�ittee 'r'�h F1cor, C-ity ��11 � Dea'r Sir: ' iile rlty' �OJZ1C:�Z �'E�eI'1`�^C� t:0 the .C'J_I?F;.X!C0 Cormili�tee for co?is'�ic_�ation �.nd l�cerr,�„eric.z.t�,ion �,�ie ro]_?o-ring re:;olu�.?Oils and orc��zi�nce: 1. Resolution truns_rerri���; �7j,000 �rorn Con,i:i�.�nt � Reserve - Specified 2�id ;.?09,250 f�or:i Ccni;ir,�;eiit Rese:�ve - Dedica�ed to a ne,•r activ�ty in G::nc�:•�l Govern:nent Accoun�.s �or Lc;�+�y n.�r_ex - l-:cca�_si',ion at�d Remodeling. ?_. F�s�l_ution a�proy�ng e�ecution �f r�rz a�rec�r���n� ;,'i:�ce,�;� tne City will oi;t.«.in ;;e�~v?rc�s of �:ie ^c.:;,��.e �o,_�^riy �.n �.ss�_s�ci.lg �ne Cii,y in ihe o�ex�ation r �.nd r1?.a.i�_it�._��nce os t_�e T o�-���y Arnex. 3. Reso�.u':�o�l ?.11i;�1o:C:i'7,1Y1�; e��ecu'.;'.on ol an ��re,�ment � •:ai��i Tlo;rry ��`cd�cal C�-�rcer 1'_s:�oci��es prov;ciing i01' i-!lE' �.C'�zS� Oi f�!?E T:C;v`1'y ?'.Zi;l�'X �71t�'1 option t:0 p��rch�:se. �+. C„ 2v j0?0 - n.n ordin��ce ����e���dii�g 1975 buo�et to j rosic?e �'or suppJ_e�,,ezi�al .:ppropriations in t'ie ar:o�:�nt of ��p?_j0,00J �or Low-ry l�nnex - Acquisi�ion �_nd Re:��odel�n�. Ver truly youxs, /�� , �J l��?�! ,/ 1 ��. City Clerk , ABC:sm ��� �'fy:�:V:S.