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WHI7E - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ����-�� CANARY -DEPARTM€NT COU11C11 � BLUE - ATqYOR File NO. ! • �n�nce Ordinance N�. � � / "7� � Presented By ��/ � �� f Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordi.nance fixi.ng the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That Ordinance No, 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the speci.fications for the titles of Buyer I and Buyer II a.nd by substituting in lieu thereof the following new specifications for - BUYER I BUYER II �: - 1 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form A�ro ed by C' y orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve ayor bmission to Council By By � y . � Orr�. �o . ►��3 ������� '�itle af cl.�.ss: ,�U�,i,�'.� i Duties ai�d re�}�onsil-,ili.ties: Uizder supervision, �;o clari.sy requirei�ents, creZte i�ic3 documeizts, e�ral�ate �ecoi�ainend�.tions anci �:�lace :�'urcl�ase rJ�•ders for toods 211C� SCi s/1CL'S 111 cLCCO"1:4c`1b.C� 'v'Jiti? C.'��15�122b 13'•TJS a.11C' �e.,�L112.t1011S� and ;.o perforrl� relat�c] wo�?: as �.ssignec;. �xamples of worlc �e�.£ormecl: To revie�N s3�eci�i_caiions on r:c�uisitions and ruvi.se as izec�ssa.ry to perrr;it com��eti.tive �ia•�1ii;.�;. To seelc �.nd maint�i�l cu��-re�1i� ':,�o��:�lecl�;e o:E con�mvciti�s, market colzclitibns, �.u.c? soui ces. `TO �.ssisi in tii.� sc��ec�uJ.ixlr; of oNc;�r�s an� t'ne �-�;a�za�cr,5ent of i.i�veii�o�y. To comn7t�.�zicate �1��^cizic��ciot�s to }a�os,oer,ti.ve 11i�1�"zers ii� �ropez ior�:, To �.i�aly�-� bid ;�espo�lscs, y;�r�p��•� ta',.>>.�l.a.tians, o}- rors�.mei�.ts to ai:i I z11 evalu�tin� az��� �:�:=�a.��c�i.���, ' `r0 pl�:.!' O��a�.£.'1 S �OI' �?pOC�S �?'s1C� ^C'Z VlCCS, To initi�te co�3�i�li�x�cn veri�ic^tio�z; :,:'urcr.iase �zc:e��s, .:'�dn��uisl:z•a�i.ve i, QY'�iGl."S, �'Et�1Z�^,StS =�0-t' CO�I'E1'<1.C��� c^ci�C� 2�;J%1�'P� J.�'��;E'.i�'. �O �1.C1" �l.S 112,Z5011 ��^l;�;'CC3I7 U:�'.I 3.11Cy 51.�1��Z1Ci.' Z12 SL',CL?:'L11�, �OO�S 2,11C� ' Se"t'�T1C^S �Y1C� 3.'CSUi.Vli1� ��'k"OfJ�,^'C:3S. TO l:ee�� TGCOL��:S O'� �:'2"1CC 5 2.7.1C1 SOL?i'Cc^�.�' O� 3L1�3F]�y, h�itzimun. ��z:?1_ificatioz�s; �o1_lege �;rad�z�.tioxz i�� �usin��::s ad���i�iistrati.oiz or � relatec3 fielcl; ox hi<T�� �cho�l grauu�tiol� ��-�t'n t���-�.: ���a�•sF e����e:��iencc zZ� a C?�rk I�:I or �L�uivalent o�� t�-�o ye:�rs o�f �>uzc?i�.�.sii��; �.�?lvric��c�, ec1ais^le��t to F�u�,°e�- I. Personat c�ual�fi.c�tioi��;: �li�ility to effectiv�l_J cor��n_,u�Z�c7te vli_td� o�;iae~�� 1�'aill��'' LU E'.}:LICLSC.' COLlT'tCSjT, 'i:�:.'�� �i�Ci t�i1^C?'E'C1.011 LI1 :?l,. CUt?.t�C�S. ��1T1�� 3'O Qi.�TG'�Oi� 2.1.C� I'�').211Z�3�i� �1U�'L'GLTd�' 'v`i0:'?:1.11� 1`�.'j2.{i-/,)115�Z�5 VJ1t.L1 c��•�,lo���:ers, v�z�clo���� �zic+ a11 lc�f^1^ o� z��,�.zz�i�e_x.e;.�t-, � .-. 1'� _, " � �65��3 �r�o. r�o . i 57�13 Title a� class: P,7J`%E^ JI �uties arid res��ilsibili.tie^: IJnncr directio:l, to be respo�zsiUle ��r 1�er:forn�ii�.� di.i:fi.cu.lt .and complex p�crchasiiz� �;zzzctions requi.ring kno�,x�led�e, skill. anr3 ex}�eriei�.ce i�� purci�aGiiig; znc7 to �erinrm re1<zt�eu wo�ic a.s c1S51�21E'.t3� Exatnples af work perforrrice�: To �n�lyze reqL�irements and recommendatzons aizd prepare standard specifica�ions for materi�.l atir! servi.ces. Ta cl.arify and coznmu.i�icate exi�iit�.a purchasin�; la,x�s �iid a�lministra�iv� c3zrecti�res. To a�sis�� and gijre ciire:cti�n i-�i re:qltisi�ion�rs in ��e preparatiot�. of requisitions, specifications, a�zc1 �;eiiezal purci�asiz�z� ��lai�n.zng< To invii:e vendo�• particip�.tion a��.d ;,rac�: orders, i o mal:� ptrrchases of th� mor� co�}�lex coi��modities. lo as�,i.st ��r�icip�.nts in ovea•comi:z, speei:£�c difiicult.ies rclati.ng ta : t�;stiti;, z•ecciving, r�r use or g�ocls and .service.;, 7'o recornmeizd in�prov�mc��ts or r��iision:; in �urch�^ing p��actices arzd pr�cedureG� :�o de-f.°Iop anct rx�aii�tni.n sources o1' supply� To assi�.t: in �t�.e traii�zing of �tiyer I's .-zzic; cl�rical �ersorine].� To act iiz a st?.pervisor��r capaci�iy as assi�;ned. i�%tinimum qtx�lific�zti.ons: College �;raduation iia busiu�ss aciYrziiii:�trat±on or a relatid :�ielcl anc3 fhrec years� �urcha;in� experi.e�-�ce� ar high school graduaYion ai�ci three pears' e..geriei�ce as a �uyer I or ea��ivalent, Per:;onal qualil'ccati_o�zso Z�i�owJ.ec3ge a� soand rurchasii.�; pi�ctices �zicl p�ii�ciples�. AhilitS- �t� �:f.�E[;Cti.V�Z1T cc.�E��r��xr�.ieafe ,.vi�;h oE?ze�-s. Abil.ity fa �xcrcise coux•�F�syy �tact, �.�s.cl disc7•etioi�. in all contac��s, =�i�i.licy to de��elop an�l ��n�itltaii�. �oGif:ive tvori:in� rel�ti.oilships wifil� co•-�vori:ers, �et�dars aF�cl al.l le��re�s of n�a�l�gement,. �, 3 .. WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ��C�� (j� CANARV - D'EPM(TMENT v �' BLUE �MAYOR File NO. • 0rdin�nce Ordinance N�. ��7� t Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � Section 2. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force � thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. �: � t � _ � � E R � �; � ; � - 4 - � COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler � 1 Against BY Sylvester � �edee�ae. President Hunt � 2 O �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s by Courl�rl�cret BY �S Approved by or: e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ' �IMR �91�7� . ' . � . � � . E���� t � . .���j_,�i ��� �...� � . . �� . � i�!'�������+��;' c� �,. � na� �cet�c#t t�rt� , # �d�m �ror� #� ' �. .��. ,'�,, erdinar�ce so th� �Eh� ���i �Fr�atlon vV�il.�; �' P. � - ava�Fab�e� �o �tn� r��ty Gcwr��i, `���`'���t� ����'������. , - � ,, � , �� � � - . ,. , _ ; . � .. , - 4 - : . : �..._ C?����� �F tM�.�'�'t'Y �E3�Mfl�i���a�3`�� _ .,�� . , .. . .. . . ����V ��A�...�T��� �S . . .. . . , . . . ,, d'.r ': . . . . . , � . .. . .. - � . . .. . . . ".... .� . : . .. . .. , � . . . '. . .�.. ' �; �'O�.�T� �.�N�����"� �.�H�;��. : . - . . � .� . .. , _ _.� DATE: _.�' � . Fabraary 13� �97� : �� � . : , : , . � `t� �tE�A�tn�H�s Thia or�di�a�ice �3,aes the class specificatfa�s tbr.;: . . : , :> tt� ti��Gles �„y�e�C ,� ax�d: B�yer II. ��e rev3.#ica� �rar�� �ecurately &tsc�ibe �d re�.ect th� d�'E�.es �td ze�p¢nt�ib#litia� o� t!� B�rer'p0�it�.�ast�. '�b# �tie�s `` , , auad res�s31�i1��Gie�� v�' theae p�siti�ag s�ei��e3a� , .: , :. charkgeci 'I�a�atue= 4f the Pnrchas�ng 1#�,��ic►�;'s � , . _ : ` adc�pticr� aY the tea� apgroa� �eat�����' mpera�'t��. ,,. , ', '9� �ivil Servi�e C�wisai.�u_i�as re�i.+e�►ed tbr�e�'� . revisad speeiiieatii�aa �sd :r#��*�de; �i�.a apla�tl-. ; , : � . . . . <. _,, �;.- , -'.� , SOURCE s �x�l $erviC� D�fice , :t . ., ,� . „ � � � � � � �� � � � �: � ��� � ,�_ � : �< .., .:::�. ,���:�,,� . .w . � - . _. .... . .� . : � � � . � . .� . .. . , . . .��. . � ,.� . . . ._ . ,; . .. . .-. ,h .;. ACTIOI+t i�FQUESTED: I �t�d y+�t811" �p�tx'01►�1 �•,s���� C�f � th�a orditaance-ta th�r City Cc�a�f.l, . - -:', _ � , .; � ATTACI�MR�i�3 s �rd�a�'e and r�evise�i �speeificatians: ,> . � ,, �' ;' �. , � �. �� : °:� :�� � ... � ,;� � ,.� _ . _ . ,. , ., ,; ;.. ., ' '.. . , . __ .. .. i ..� .. . . . : �' '; . • ._ . .: :; , C�t�y W��L;�i�.����fi�te��t�-���i�: _ �, a: , ,.. .., ,.. : : lst �3 � 4 2nd 3� � � 3rd �l �3 Adopted 3/aQ . Yeas Nays C�i,S i.�,tYSEN HOZZA � I�EVTiTE ����_�.1^J ROEDLER c,� SYLVESTER �DESCO ' PRESI�ENT �h'UDTT)