01-806ORIGINAL �� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PA�L,, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 WBEREAS, the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services has awarded a$107,724 grant to 2 the Saint Paul Police Depariment for the period beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2UO2; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHERF.AS, the purpose of this grant is to establish a Family Violence Unit to eliminate domestic violence and eapand/enhance the legal acfion and standard of protection in domesric assault cases; and WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services on June 6, 2001 (Council File # O1-54�; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2001 financing and spending plan for this grant; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of �86,100 in escess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2001 budget: 436-Police Special Projects Fund FINANCING PLAN: 34120-Sp ecial Investigations 9830-Use of Fund Balance 34071-Family Violence Unit Grant 3199-Other Federal Direct Grants-State 7499-Transfer In-Intrafund Total Changesto Financing SPENDING PLAN: 436-Police Special Projects Fund 34120-Sp ecial Investigatio ns 0799-Transfer Out-Intrafund 34071-Family Violence Unit Grant 011l-Full-Time Salaries 0439-Fringe Bene£ts Total Changes to Spending to the 2001 CURI2ENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 109,524 160,270 c� Council File # � � � ��` Green Sheet# 111808 Committee:Date: 15,500 55,100 15,500 �,IiTO 15,500 55,100 15,500 86,100 125,024 55,100 15,500 175,770 55,100 15,500 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award and approves these changes Adopted by Council:Date: � Adoption Certified by Council Se retary: BY� � _ a-. �� r.-r�� Approved by Mayor:Date: /�f/Gf /Q �� By: 34071 Family�olenceUnitGrant.cr.01 Requested by e By: Approval ' ' By: � For � sy: Appro b By: of: Services Director: by City Attomey: to Council: �EPARTMENT/OFPICEfCOUNqL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepattment �i�9ior GREEN SHEET No. 111808 C NTAC PER N&PH NE INRWJDATE INITIAUDA7E ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 ere`nxexroirsECroa_ 5 mcounca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ^, ' '� O\'p O 6 PleaseprocessASAP , .s W�YAROfdIEY �c�ac u ^ 1 " YwwCULLSFRNCE5U1Ro �1xaxCW.SERVIACCrG � �r piwTOR(ORASSISTANi)_ �UYANfLGHf$ V�i TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CS10N REQL3ESlED Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a$107,724 grant from the Ivfinnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and establishing a 2001 financing and spending plan for ffie grant. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) O� RejeGt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS Ml1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has ihis person/firtn everworlced under a confract for this deAaRmenY2 PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfi�m possess a skill not normally possessed by arry w�rer�t city employee> YES NO � 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoi'? YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Centex for �izime Victim Services has awarded a$107,724 grant to the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent for the period begiuuiug July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002. The putpose of this grant is to establish a Family Violence Unit to eliminate domestic violence and elcpand/enl�ance the legal acrion and standard of protecrion in domestic assault cases. The City Council authorized the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services on June 6, 2001 (Council File # O1-545). (Attached is a copy of CouncIl File # O1-545 and the gant ageement.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Ability to use gcant received to help establish a Family Violence Unit in the Saint Paul Police Deparnnent. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None P fl � e � (�ggg24C� "� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ��� � � 1 Inability to use grant funds available. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACSION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGE7ED ICIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Federal grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34071 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 34071 FaznilyV io]enceUnitGrantbudget.gs.01 3 Return CopyTo: Police Dept. Accounting Lov�ia�% ORIGI�IAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet � Committee:Date: �6 1 Z BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul is authorized to enter into a grant agXeement with the 3 Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and, Chief �Villiam K. Finney is author[zed to implement 4 the project and/or program designated in the grant agreement. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 ZS 26 27 23 29 30 31 - 32 33 34 35 36 37 Nays Requested by Department of: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Coc BY � ���� Approved by Mayor:Date; BY� 4. � o►-roc ot— 5�5 111749 a�.8�oc Minnesota Department of Public Safety Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services FY 2002 Grant Agreement DOCUMENT ID#: PO 9900- ya j FUND: 300 300 300 VENDOR NUMBER: 200359656-00 ORG / APPR / Reporting Category: U203 — CW 9 — LE99 U203 — C W 0— LE00 U204 — CWO — PR00 Processinglnformation: (Someentriesmaynotappiy) Requisition: 9900 �/�S� 7�.5 Number/Date/Entry Initia(s Contract: 9s0o y� 4 7'�S�/�/ � Number/DatelEntry Initials FY: 02 LINE: 01 02 03 AGENCY #: P07 AMOUNT: 5,800 52,200 49.724 OBJECT CODE: :�� Order: 9900- N u mber/D atelS ig natu res (Individual signing cerfifies that funds have been encum6ered as required by Minn. Stat. § i6A.15 and 16C.05.] a d ne o a t�a Ndentificationrnumbeeayo d business w'��th h S at I of M nnesota SThis nformation be used inYthe�enfoecelmenit of federal and s tate tax laws. Supplying these numbers could resu4t in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. This arant aqreement will not be aporoved unless these numbers are provided. These numbers will be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in approving the grant agreement and the payment of state obligations. Grantee Name and Address: City of St. Paul Police Department Famiiy VioVence Unit 100 East 11` Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Soc. Sec. or Federal Emplo�er I.D. No. 41-6005521 Minnesota Tax I.D. No. (if applicable) 0080250 THIS PAGE OF THE GRANT CONTRACT CONTAINS PRNATE INFORMATION. EXCcPT AS EXTERNALLY�WITHOUT EXPRESS WRIT EN PERMISSION OF GRANTEE If you circulate this grant contract internally, only o�ces thai require access to the tax idenfification number AND all individuals/offices signing this grant agreement should have access to fhis page. C��32-06 a�•w� THIS g�nt agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Minnesota Department of Minn otae name and dd ess{C ty of St Paul Pol e Deparrtment,rFamAly Vi 1 nce llnit,'i 0 East11`" Street, St Paul!�Minne ota 55101 (hereinafter "GRANTEE"), witnesseth that grantsforshe opment and ope ation oftemergency shelteAand s pport ervices or6atter e a a�an iechild enh commun ty based domestic abuse advocacy and support services programs; a communiTy-based statewide program Yo aid victims of sexuaf assault, and victim crisis centers and the Minnesota Legislature has empowered STATE to disburse state appropriated funds for this purpose, and/or WFIEREAS, the STATE has been approved t Se o�� d�ng uppiemen a4 funding to aid in h p o on of s rv� s�to prevenf am?iy Sole ce 10401 et. seq. (CFDA #93.671) for the purp P to provide immediate shelter and related assistance for victims of family violence and their dependents, andlor MDH) (C DA#93.991) foa the purQose paovding supp emental f�u deng to a d in�th eprov s on of e t rape and fo ar pe prevent o and the Minnesota Department of Health has stipulated per Memorandum of Agreementthat the STATE disburse this funding in the framework of the existing state program, and/or WHEREAS, the STATE has been approvedieme a fu d ng to aid in the�phov s on of d ect serv ces t v ct m�s of cr�me, and ��601 et. seq. (CFDA #16.575) for the purpose of providing supp U.SEDepartment of Justicz, P.Le103-322 (CFDA 161585) for the purpose of developing a d ng effecti pro ecution strategies and victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women, and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: GRANTEE'S DUTIES q. GRANTEE sha �lioat o�n For Continued ctims Serv ces Prog ams which s o file with he STATE and loc ed aN245 E. Sixth etr 2002 Grant App � lication wiil be sent with the grant agreement at the time GRANTEE is required Suite 705, St. Paul, Minnesota. Approved grant app � to sign grant agreement. GRANTEE shali also comply with aIl program standards which are hereby incorporated by reference an made a part of this grant agreement. B by the sole discr t'on its ied and in a cordance weth ali app cable Fede S fand o lawssord n n i� d rules, and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive compensation for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of Federal, State, or loca� law, ordinance, rule, regulations or STATE poiicy. 01.�'O v ��, CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Consideration for all services perfortned by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shatl be paid by the STATE as foilows: For State fiscai year 2002 the STATE shall award GRANTEE the total sum of 5107,724. This sum shall consist of: ■ 5107,724 is for a VAWA special project fo� Iaw enforcement and prosecution — domestic violence, which consists of the following funds: $58,000 [$5,800 +�52,200] in VAWA law enforcement [with $14,500 in law enforcement match]; and $49,724 in VAWA prosecution [with $12,431 in prosecution match]. ThOS s u�ms s aae less tha this sum, the amou of f� ds provided the S shall be9 educed acco d ngiy.ual costs of the grant P 9 �) Granl Agreement Mmnesota Center for Crime VCim Services CD00032-06 (04-22-96) inm�M �O41n\ o�-ro� B. Tertns of Pavment STATE payment schedule for grant funds is detertnined by source of funds and will generally follow the schedules listed below. STATE reserves the right to adjust payment schedules, if needed, to ensure GRANTEE fiscal accountability and compliance with terms of this grant or to allow e�cient administration of time-fimiled awatds. 1. State aopropriated funds shall 6e disbursed by STATE to GRANTEE according to the following schedule: a. One-tourth (1(4) aF the grant award arnount shall be advanced upon STATE's receipt of the executed grant. b. On a quarterly basis thereafter, the GRANTEE may submit requests for reimbursement of ac[ual expenditures in an amount not to exceed the total sum awarded from State funds on the State Financial Status RepoR and Request for Payment Forzn. The final invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. 2. Preventative Health and Health Services Block Funds (MDH) appropriated funds shail be disbursed by STATE to GR4NTEE according to the following schedule: . a. Twenty-five percent (25%) of t;ie MDH grant award amount shall be advanced upon STATE`s receipt of the executed grant. . b. Subsequent grant payments shall be paid as reimbursements for actual expenditures incurred, paid and reported on the , Financial Status Reports. The final invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE. This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. 3. Familv Violence Prevention Services Act, (FVPSA), Victims of Crime Act, (VOCA), and Violence A ainst Women Act, (VAWA) federal appropriated funds shall be disbursed by STATE to GRANTEE according to the foilowing schedule: a. Ten percent (10%) of the VOCA, VAWA and FVPSA grant award amount shatl be advanced upo� STATE's receipt of the executed grant. b. Subsequent grant payments shall be paid as reimbursements for actual expenditures incurred, paid and reported on the Financial Status Reports. c. GRANTEE will request reimbursement monthly (or quarterly with STATE's approval). The f nal invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE. This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. d Family Violence Prevention Services Act Funds: GRANTEE must meet matching requirements of not less than twenty percent (20%) of the total funds provided for a project under this title with respect to an existing program, and with respect to an entity intending to operate a new program under this title, not less than thirty-five percent (35°/a). Not less than hventy- five percent (25%) of the locai matching share must come from private, nongovernmental sources. The local share may be in cash or inkind, and may not include any other federal funds. e. Victims of Crime Act Funds: GRANTEES that are nonprofit organizations or local units of government must meet matching requirements of 20% of the total VOCA project (VOCA grant plus match). Match must be in the form of non-federal cash or in-kind contributions. Funds graated to an Indian tribe or Native American organization or Indian reservations will require a five percent (5%) match (cash or inkind) to be used to cover the total costs of the VOCA supported victim assistance program or project. f. Violence Against Act Funds: A twenty-five percent (25%) cash or in-kind match is required for g�vernmental organizations and Indian tribal governments. Maiching Eunds cannot be derived from Federal funds. Indian tribal governments may use as match funds appropriated by Congress for the activities of any agency of an Indian tribal government or for the adivities of the Bureau oi Indian Affairs performing law enforcement functions on an Indian Iands. Nonproft victim services programs are exempt from this matching requirement. 4 document 6onf om GRANTEE the payment schedule wouid cause ie fiow prob ems for the RA TEE P 5. Payment of compensation for program activities and services shall be consistent with line items in the GRANTEE's budget which was approved by STATE and {s hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant. 6. GRANTEE shall not seek, nor shall STATE pay any federal compensation to GRANTEE for any overhead or adminisVative costs otherrdise portrayed as direct expenses with the GRANTEE budget Iine items. 7. GRANTEE shall expend grant funds allocated for these programs accordin9 to the GRANTEE'S "Fiscal Year 2002 Grant Application For Continued Victims Services Programs" which is on file with the STATE and located at 245 E. Sixth SVeet, Suite 705, St. Paui, Minnesota. Minnesola Center Por Cnme V¢hm Services ot-ro� {ff. COND{TIONS OF PAYMENT A. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shall be perfortned to the satisfaction of the STATE, as detemined at the sole discretion of its Authorized Representative, and in accord with ail applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, GRANTEE shall not receive payment for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or perforzned in violation of federal, state or Iocal law, ordinance, rule or regulation. B. If at any time such funds become unavailable, the grant shall be terminated immediately upon written nofice of such fad by the STATE to the GRANTEE. - C. If at any time it is detertnined that grant funds are being significantly undenrtilized, the STATE may reduce the amount of the grant and reailocate the funds to ensure that all available funds are fuliy utilized for the intended purposes: IV. TERM OF GRANT This grant agreement shall be effective on ,luly'I, 200'i, or upon the date thatthe final required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, Subd. 2., whichever occurs later, and shail remain in effect until June 30, 2002, or until all ' obligations set forth in this grant agreement have been satisfactorily fuifilled, whichever occurs first. Once this grant agreement is fully executed, the GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for e�enditures incurred pursuant to Cfause II., of this grant agreement on or after July 1, 2001, and such reimbursement shall be governed by the terms of this grant agreement. Funding made available pursuant to this grant shall be used oniy for actua� expenses incurred in performing and accomplishing the purposes and activities described herein between the above effective dates. No costs incurred prior to or after the end of the grant period will be compensated by the STATE. Requests for an extension of the grant period in order to complete program activities and expend remaining funds must be made in writing by the GRANTEE and be received by STATE no later than 30 days before the ending date of the grant. If approved, extensions are generaily limited to a period of 30 to 90 days beyond the original ending date o( the grant, resulting in an amendment to this grant agreement. State funds cannot be extended. Requests for extensions pertaining to Federal funds may be made only when it is anticipated that there will be an unexpended balance of at least $500.00. V. FISCAL REQUIREMENTS A. GRAN7EE may not use funds received under this grant agreement to supplant or substitute for other sources of support. B. No funds will be disbursed for ac11vi6es not identified in the goals and objectives submitted on the grant application forms prescribed by the STATE. No funds from a specific funding source will be disbursed for activities that do not meet the requirements of that funding source. C. GRANTEE shall comply with all policies, procedures, and provisio�s applicabie to each source of funding received. GRANTEE shail compiy with the current Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Financial Guidelines Manual for Recipients of State and Federat Funding, Eleventh Edition, August 2000. , D. GRANTEE shali have fotty-five (45) days immediately following the expiration of the grant period to liquidate all unpaid obligations related to the program which were incurred on or before the last day of the grant period, and to submit a report of a0 funds received and disbursed. If a repoR is not submitted within this time period, expenses claimed on the report may be disaliowed and the STATE may request a refund of those monies from the GRANTEE. E. GRANTEE agrees to return to the STATE ali funds received under this grant which are not obligated as of the last day of the grant period for allowable program costs and expended within forty five (45) days following the end of the grant period. Any sc�ch payment for GRANTEE to STATE shall be by check made payable to "Minnesota Department of Public Safety." F. GRANTEE shall retain all financial records for a minimum of six (6) years after the date of submission of the final financial staius report, �ecommenda from dit(s) have be n v ed the GRANTEE and STA7Er hi hever is later.dit findings and/or G. GRANTEE agrees to comply with the Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502) and OMB Circular A-�33, as appticable, which provide for the audit of subrecipients who expend total direct and indirect federal assistance of $300,000 or more during a fiscal year. V1. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS � A. All requests for funding by GRANTEE shall be submitted to STATE utilizing the format identified within 30 days after the end of the reporting period. The necessary reporting forms will be sent to GRANTEE with the fully executed grant. B. Using forms prescribed by STATE, GRANTEE shall submit a semiannual narrative of the progress achieved towards the accomplishment of the goals and objectives within 30 days after the end of each six-month period. C. GRANTEE shall also submit a Quarterly Statistical Report of services provided in the format prescribed by STATE within 30 days after the end of each quarter. 4 Grent qqraement Minnesola �epartment of Publie Safaly, CD00032-0fi (04-22-96) Minnesola Cenlartor Cnma VcUm Servtces o�-ro` D. GRANTEE shall submit such other repor5 and attend meetings and Vaining as STATE shali reasonabiy request. E. STATE shali have the authority, during the course of this grant period, to conduct an evaluation of the performance of the GRANTEE. F. All reporting forms may be modified or changed at the discretion of the STATE during the grant period. VII. CANCELLATION This grant agreement may be cancelled by the STATE or GRANTEE at any time, with orwithout cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation, GRANTEE shall be enGtled to payment, detertnined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. � The STATE may cancel this gra�t agreement immediately if the STATE finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this grant agreement, tha[ reasonable progress has not been made, or that the purposes for which the funds were granted have not been orwiil not be fulfifled, the STATE may take ac8on to protect the interests of the State of Minnesota, including the refusai to disburse additional funds and requiring the retum of aii or part of the funds already disbursed. VIII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The STATE'S Authorized RepreSentative for the purposes of administralion of this grant agreement is the GR,4NTEE'S assigned grants analyst. Such representative shall have final authority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S services and if such services are accepted as satisfactory, shall so certiry on each Financial Status Report submitted pursuant to C4ause 14, paragcaph B. The GRANTEE'S Authorized Representative, Mike Toronto, or designee and/or successor in office shall have full authoriry to represent GRANTEE in its fulfillment of the tertns, conditions and requirements of this grant agreement. IX. ASS�GtJMENT GRANTEE shatl neither assign nor trensfer any rights or obligations under this grant agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. X. AMENDMENTS My amendments to this grant agreement shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the originzl grant agreement, or their successors in office. XI. LIABILITY GRANTEE shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, its representatives and employees harmless from any and ail claims or causes of action, including all attomey's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this grant agreement by GR4NTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfi�l its obtigaGons pursuant to this grant agreement. XII. STATE AUDITS Under Minn. Stat § 16C.05, subd 5, the GRANTEE's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this grant agreement are subject to examination by the STATE and/or State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this grant agreement. XIII. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT The GRANTEE must compiy with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Sfatute, Chapter 13, as it appiies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this grant agreement and as it applies to ali data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained or disseminated by the GR4NTEE in accordance with this grant agreement. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the GRANTEE or the STATE. In the event the GRANTEE receives a request to release the data referred to in this clause, the GRANTEE must immediately notify the STATE. The STATE wiil give the GRANTEE instructions concerning the reiease of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. GRANTEE is afso required to wmply with Minnesota Statute 611A.32 Subd. 5. XIV. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPER7Y RIGHTS A. The STATE shall own all rigfits, ti[le and interest in all of the materials co�ceived or created by the GRANTEE, or its employees or subgrantees, either individually orjointly with others and which arise out of the perionnance of this grant agreement, inciuding any invenGons, reports, siudies, designs, drawings, specifications, notes, documents, software and documentation, computer based traininy modules, electronicaily, magnetically or digitally recorded material, and other work in whatever form ("MATERIALS"). The GRANTEE hereby assigns to the STATE all rights, title and interest to the MATERIALS. GRANTEE shall, upon request of the STATE, execute all papers and perfortn aii other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register copyrights, patents or other iorms of protection provided by law for the MATERIALS. The MATERIALS created under this grant agreement by the GRANTEE, its employees or subgrantees, individually or jointly with others, shall be considered "works made for hire" as defined by the United States Copyright Act. Ail of the MATERlALS, whether in paper, electronic, or other form, shal{ be remitted fa the STATE by the GRANTEE, its employees and any subgrantees, shall not copy, reproduce, allow or cause to have the MATERIALS copied, reproduced or used for any purpose other than performance of the GRANTEE'S obligations under this grant agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE'S Authorized Representative. B. GRANTEE represents and warrants that MATERIALS produced or used under this grant agreement do not and will not infringe upon any inteltectual property rights of another, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, and service marks and names. GRANTEE shail indemnify and defend the STATE, at GRANTEE'S expense, from any action or claim brought against the STATE to the extent that it is based on a claim that aIl or part of the MATERIALS infringe upon the intellectuai property rights of another. 5 C000032-06 (0422-96) 6rantAgreemenl MinneSOtaCenterforCn euVictimSern<es (AOMIN. 1051g) Ot-d'oc GRANTEE shall be responsible for payment of any and ali such claims, demands, obligations, liabilities, costs, and damages including, but not fimited to, reasonabie attorney fees arising out of this grant agreement, amendments and supplements thereto, which are attributable to such claims or actions. If such a claim or action arises, or in GRANTEE'S or the STATE'S opinion is likely to arise, GR4NTEE shall at the STATE'S discretion either procure for the STATE the right or license to continue using the MATERIALS at issue or reotace or modify the allegedly infringing MATERIALS. This remedy shall 6e in addition to and shall not be exclusive to other remedies provided by law. XV. PUBLICITY A. Any publicity given to the program, publiczfions, or services provided resulting from this grant agreement, including, but not limited to, notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, researoh, reports, signs, and similar pubiic notices prepared by or for the GRANTEE or its employees individually orjointly with others, or any su6grantees shall identify the STATE as the sponsoring agency and shall not be released, untess such telease is a specific paR of an appcoved work plan iacfuded in this grant agreement prior to its approval by the S7ATE'S Authorized Representative. � B. GRANTEE agrees when issuing statements, press releases, bids, solicitation, or other documents describing the project, to provide informalion on the amount and propo�tion of federal funds supporting the total cost of the project or program. C. GRANTEE agrees that any educational materials produced with state or federal funds must be available upon request to the STATE for distribution. All educational materials, data or other written materials developed by GRANTEE in the performance of duties under this grant may be reproduced and disVibuted by STATE with the exception of information which couid lead to the identification of a service recipient of the GRANTEE. XVI. WORKERS' COMPENSATION The GRANTEE certifles that it is in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 176.181, subd. 2, pertaining to workers' wmpensation insurance coverage. The GRANTEE's employees and agents will not be considered STATE employees. Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Act on behaif of these employees and any claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees are in no way the STATE's obligation or responsibility. XVII. ANTITRUST GRAN7EE hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/or services provided in connection with this grant agreement resulting from antiVUSt violations which arise under ihe an[itrust laws of the United States and the antitrust Iaw,s of the State of Minnesota. XVIII. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This grant agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out ot ihis grant agreement, or breach thereof, sha41 be in the state or federal court with competentjurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. XIX. FEDERAL ASSURANCES GRANTEE agrees to complywith the following federel statutes and regulations: 1. Druq-free Workplace: If this grant agreement invoives an award of $25,000.00 or more, GRANTEE certifies that it has complied with the provisions of the Drug Free Workplace Ad of 1988, P.L. 100-169. 2. Executive Order 12549 on Debarment and Suspension, and ihe implementing regulation, requires that the GR.4NTEE certify it has not been debarred or otherwise excluded from participating in any other transaction with a federal department or agency. 3. Fedefal Restrictions on Lobbvinq: imposed by 31 U.S.C. Section 1352, requires that any organization receiving federal funds certify that no federa{ly appropriated Sunds will be used to pay anyorte for the purpose of influencing agency employees or members of Congress. � 4. Victim Comoensation Claims: If receiving VOCA funds, GRANTEE agrees to assist crime victims in filing claims for compensation. 5. GRANTEE must comply with Public Law 103-227, Part C- Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (Act). This Act requires that smoking not be permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted by an entity and used routinely or regularly for the provision of heaith, day care, education, or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded by Federal Programs either directly or through the State or local governments. Federal programs inciude grents, cooperative agreements, loans or loan guarantees, and contracts. The law does not apply to children's services provided in private residences, facilities funded solely by Medicare or Medicaid funds, and portions of facilities used for inpatient drug and alcohol treatment. XX. OTHER PROVISIONS A. GRANTEE further agrees to maintain written policies and procedures regarding Sexual Expioitation, AIDS, Reproductive Options, Affirmative Action, and Sexual Harassment B. GRANTEE further agrees to provide STATE with current list of Board of Directors and Officers with any changes submitted immediately. C. The STATE reserves the right to include in the grant, at any time during the term of the grant, special administrative requirements deemed necessary to assure the GRANTEE'S successful implementation oi the program. The STATE wilf notify the GRANTEE in writing of any special administrative requirements. 6 G�ant qqreemeM Mmnesota Departmant ot Public Safety, C000032-06 (04-22-96) Minnesota Center for Cnme Vctim Services fADMIN_ 1051a1 01—f�� IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this grant agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APP�20VED: 1. GR.4NTEE: Gp,P,NTEE�certifies that the appropriaie person(s) have executed th�rant agreement on behaif of the GRANTEE as required by ap icable articles, by-Iaws, resolutions, or ordinances. \ By BY Director, man.RighCs By Title �HIEF OF PO CE Direc or Office of Fit Date ey Title City Attorney Date 2. STATE AGENCY: gy (authorized signature) Title Date Distributian: Agency- Origi I(fuliy executed) grant agreement Grantee State Auth ¢ed Representative , City of St. Depactment Services �,��� ar' � k c; �� r ° I �C � q re e�. S�e�'�-- ' C'i�'r e ^ J 7 Mmnesola Department o� Pubiw Safe�y. _ _.._ _._e ,.imes � `�' ::;.,;� Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Grant Application Component Special Project or Undesignated Program Ot.�ob C�int P��71 p011Ce Program and Component Name I. This component qualifies as a time-limited special project for which no minimum standazds are applicable. II. The activities submitted sufficiently outline the steps which will be taken to achieve the proposed project goals and requirements. Objectives are specific and measurable. MAY 21 'OS 02�z1PM SPPD SEX CRZMES UNITTMENT P.Z �\'��;D Form B pROAOSED BUDGET — FY92 STQP Vioience Against Wamen Aet (VAWA) Fund 12 Month PROGRAM NAME: �aint PauY Pofice Famii Violence Un'st A Tatai Proposal B�d�et Personnel 267.061 Payroii Taxes! Fringe Benefits 74.777 Contract SeNices Travel FoodlMeals Training Printing Postage Telephone Publicity/Advertising �,� RenUMortgage Utilitie5 Insuranoe Mainfenance/Repair Office Supplies Program suppli�g Supp(ies Equipment Other (SpBoify} B VAWA 105.999 2525 G (It is not neCessary fo tJthar itemize column G. At the dottom, write the totai in other funds to be used for this projecf, if any.) TQTALS 34..�'S 83� — 107�,7_2__4_� + 234,114 Note: Total of Column A= Tota{ of Columns B+C List names of additional funding sources [ast�risk(*) sources of secure8 fundsj:'; �eoartment three police 4fficers — saiary and frinqe benefits, frinpe benefits of t 7hfg does not Include administrative exnenses and overhead. � MRY z2 '01 H3�07PM SPPD SEX CP.IMES UNITTMENT P.2 �� ��Q�f Form B - Match FEpERAL IJsATCI BU[SG�T AND NARRA'fIVE – FY02 STOP Violenee Against Women Act (VAWA} Fund –12 Month RROGRAM NAME: Saint Pau1 Pt�1f Dornestic Vial nce Unii lnstructians: Non rof�t tb rams are exem t from ths match re uir m overnment v ncludl 9ov m�tlen a� battered required of state agancies. Indlan tribal governmer�ts and 14cai units o4 g �� women and ssxUSl assauit pPOgrams.) Refer to inscructlons for further inform8ti4n. DO NOT OVERMATCN. Lisi tha source of funds that pays for the match. M�t�}� parr ��ve Hudaet Cateaorx Persannel Payroll Taxes/ Fringe Benefits Volunteers Contf$Ct SeNiCeS portion ot Travel Training Printing Postage Telephane P ub licitylAd vertisi n g RentlMortgage uct�itEes pffice Supplies Program Supplies �quipment pthsr (SpeClfy}; Match Bl�daet g 26 $ $ $ _�.� � $ — � $ $— � $� � $ r.� S $ $ � TOTLIL � 26.931_ Source of Mat Furtds City of Saint Pau1 Use the spacs belowto exP�aln each lilte item. Desccibe s[aff 1 voiunteer poSiUons, rates of pzy, number of hours, mileage rate, etc. Ths department wilf add Three police officers in-kind to this initiative. This matoh amount represenfs 1,224 hours of a pniice offioers time paicf at $21,98 per hour- ORIGINAL �� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PA�L,, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 WBEREAS, the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services has awarded a$107,724 grant to 2 the Saint Paul Police Depariment for the period beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2UO2; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHERF.AS, the purpose of this grant is to establish a Family Violence Unit to eliminate domestic violence and eapand/enhance the legal acfion and standard of protection in domesric assault cases; and WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services on June 6, 2001 (Council File # O1-54�; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2001 financing and spending plan for this grant; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of �86,100 in escess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2001 budget: 436-Police Special Projects Fund FINANCING PLAN: 34120-Sp ecial Investigations 9830-Use of Fund Balance 34071-Family Violence Unit Grant 3199-Other Federal Direct Grants-State 7499-Transfer In-Intrafund Total Changesto Financing SPENDING PLAN: 436-Police Special Projects Fund 34120-Sp ecial Investigatio ns 0799-Transfer Out-Intrafund 34071-Family Violence Unit Grant 011l-Full-Time Salaries 0439-Fringe Bene£ts Total Changes to Spending to the 2001 CURI2ENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 109,524 160,270 c� Council File # � � � ��` Green Sheet# 111808 Committee:Date: 15,500 55,100 15,500 �,IiTO 15,500 55,100 15,500 86,100 125,024 55,100 15,500 175,770 55,100 15,500 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award and approves these changes Adopted by Council:Date: � Adoption Certified by Council Se retary: BY� � a-. �r.� �.-r�� Approved by Mayor:Date: /�f/Gf /Q �� By: 34071 Family�olenceUnitGrant.cr.01 Requested by e By: Approval ' ' By: � For � sy: Appro b By: of: Services Director: by City Attomey: to Council: �EPARTMENT/OFPICEfCOUNqL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepattment �i�9ior GREEN SHEET No. 111808 C NTAC PER N&PH NE INRWJDATE INITIAUDA7E ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 ere`nxexroirsECroa_ 5 mcounca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ^, ' '� O\'p O 6 PleaseprocessASAP , .s W�YAROfdIEY �c�ac u ^ 1 " YwwCULLSFRNCE5U1Ro �1xaxCW.SERVIACCrG � �r piwTOR(ORASSISTANi)_ �UYANfLGHf$ V�i TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CS10N REQL3ESlED Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a$107,724 grant from the Ivfinnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and establishing a 2001 financing and spending plan for ffie grant. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) O� RejeGt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS Ml1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has ihis person/firtn everworlced under a confract for this deAaRmenY2 PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfi�m possess a skill not normally possessed by arry w�rer�t city employee> YES NO � 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoi'? YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Centex for �izime Victim Services has awarded a$107,724 grant to the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent for the period begiuuiug July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002. The putpose of this grant is to establish a Family Violence Unit to eliminate domestic violence and elcpand/enl�ance the legal acrion and standard of protecrion in domestic assault cases. The City Council authorized the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services on June 6, 2001 (Council File # O1-545). (Attached is a copy of CouncIl File # O1-545 and the gant ageement.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Ability to use gcant received to help establish a Family Violence Unit in the Saint Paul Police Deparnnent. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None P fl � e � (�ggg24C� "� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ��� � � 1 Inability to use grant funds available. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACSION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGE7ED ICIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Federal grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34071 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 34071 FaznilyV io]enceUnitGrantbudget.gs.01 3 Return CopyTo: Police Dept. Accounting Lov�ia�% ORIGI�IAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet � Committee:Date: �6 1 Z BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul is authorized to enter into a grant agXeement with the 3 Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and, Chief �Villiam K. Finney is author[zed to implement 4 the project and/or program designated in the grant agreement. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 ZS 26 27 23 29 30 31 - 32 33 34 35 36 37 Nays Requested by Department of: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Coc BY � ���� Approved by Mayor:Date; BY� 4. � o►-roc ot— 5�5 111749 a�.8�oc Minnesota Department of Public Safety Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services FY 2002 Grant Agreement DOCUMENT ID#: PO 9900- ya j FUND: 300 300 300 VENDOR NUMBER: 200359656-00 ORG / APPR / Reporting Category: U203 — CW 9 — LE99 U203 — C W 0— LE00 U204 — CWO — PR00 Processinglnformation: (Someentriesmaynotappiy) Requisition: 9900 �/�S� 7�.5 Number/Date/Entry Initia(s Contract: 9s0o y� 4 7'�S�/�/ � Number/DatelEntry Initials FY: 02 LINE: 01 02 03 AGENCY #: P07 AMOUNT: 5,800 52,200 49.724 OBJECT CODE: :�� Order: 9900- N u mber/D atelS ig natu res (Individual signing cerfifies that funds have been encum6ered as required by Minn. Stat. § i6A.15 and 16C.05.] a d ne o a t�a Ndentificationrnumbeeayo d business w'��th h S at I of M nnesota SThis nformation be used inYthe�enfoecelmenit of federal and s tate tax laws. Supplying these numbers could resu4t in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. This arant aqreement will not be aporoved unless these numbers are provided. These numbers will be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in approving the grant agreement and the payment of state obligations. Grantee Name and Address: City of St. Paul Police Department Famiiy VioVence Unit 100 East 11` Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Soc. Sec. or Federal Emplo�er I.D. No. 41-6005521 Minnesota Tax I.D. No. (if applicable) 0080250 THIS PAGE OF THE GRANT CONTRACT CONTAINS PRNATE INFORMATION. EXCcPT AS EXTERNALLY�WITHOUT EXPRESS WRIT EN PERMISSION OF GRANTEE If you circulate this grant contract internally, only o�ces thai require access to the tax idenfification number AND all individuals/offices signing this grant agreement should have access to fhis page. C��32-06 a�•w� THIS g�nt agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Minnesota Department of Minn otae name and dd ess{C ty of St Paul Pol e Deparrtment,rFamAly Vi 1 nce llnit,'i 0 East11`" Street, St Paul!�Minne ota 55101 (hereinafter "GRANTEE"), witnesseth that grantsforshe opment and ope ation oftemergency shelteAand s pport ervices or6atter e a a�an iechild enh commun ty based domestic abuse advocacy and support services programs; a communiTy-based statewide program Yo aid victims of sexuaf assault, and victim crisis centers and the Minnesota Legislature has empowered STATE to disburse state appropriated funds for this purpose, and/or WFIEREAS, the STATE has been approved t Se o�� d�ng uppiemen a4 funding to aid in h p o on of s rv� s�to prevenf am?iy Sole ce 10401 et. seq. (CFDA #93.671) for the purp P to provide immediate shelter and related assistance for victims of family violence and their dependents, andlor MDH) (C DA#93.991) foa the purQose paovding supp emental f�u deng to a d in�th eprov s on of e t rape and fo ar pe prevent o and the Minnesota Department of Health has stipulated per Memorandum of Agreementthat the STATE disburse this funding in the framework of the existing state program, and/or WHEREAS, the STATE has been approvedieme a fu d ng to aid in the�phov s on of d ect serv ces t v ct m�s of cr�me, and ��601 et. seq. (CFDA #16.575) for the purpose of providing supp U.SEDepartment of Justicz, P.Le103-322 (CFDA 161585) for the purpose of developing a d ng effecti pro ecution strategies and victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women, and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: GRANTEE'S DUTIES q. GRANTEE sha �lioat o�n For Continued ctims Serv ces Prog ams which s o file with he STATE and loc ed aN245 E. Sixth etr 2002 Grant App � lication wiil be sent with the grant agreement at the time GRANTEE is required Suite 705, St. Paul, Minnesota. Approved grant app � to sign grant agreement. GRANTEE shali also comply with aIl program standards which are hereby incorporated by reference an made a part of this grant agreement. B by the sole discr t'on its ied and in a cordance weth ali app cable Fede S fand o lawssord n n i� d rules, and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive compensation for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of Federal, State, or loca� law, ordinance, rule, regulations or STATE poiicy. 01.�'O v ��, CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Consideration for all services perfortned by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shatl be paid by the STATE as foilows: For State fiscai year 2002 the STATE shall award GRANTEE the total sum of 5107,724. This sum shall consist of: ■ 5107,724 is for a VAWA special project fo� Iaw enforcement and prosecution — domestic violence, which consists of the following funds: $58,000 [$5,800 +�52,200] in VAWA law enforcement [with $14,500 in law enforcement match]; and $49,724 in VAWA prosecution [with $12,431 in prosecution match]. ThOS s u�ms s aae less tha this sum, the amou of f� ds provided the S shall be9 educed acco d ngiy.ual costs of the grant P 9 �) Granl Agreement Mmnesota Center for Crime VCim Services CD00032-06 (04-22-96) inm�M �O41n\ o�-ro� B. Tertns of Pavment STATE payment schedule for grant funds is detertnined by source of funds and will generally follow the schedules listed below. STATE reserves the right to adjust payment schedules, if needed, to ensure GRANTEE fiscal accountability and compliance with terms of this grant or to allow e�cient administration of time-fimiled awatds. 1. State aopropriated funds shall 6e disbursed by STATE to GRANTEE according to the following schedule: a. One-tourth (1(4) aF the grant award arnount shall be advanced upon STATE's receipt of the executed grant. b. On a quarterly basis thereafter, the GRANTEE may submit requests for reimbursement of ac[ual expenditures in an amount not to exceed the total sum awarded from State funds on the State Financial Status RepoR and Request for Payment Forzn. The final invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. 2. Preventative Health and Health Services Block Funds (MDH) appropriated funds shail be disbursed by STATE to GR4NTEE according to the following schedule: . a. Twenty-five percent (25%) of t;ie MDH grant award amount shall be advanced upon STATE`s receipt of the executed grant. . b. Subsequent grant payments shall be paid as reimbursements for actual expenditures incurred, paid and reported on the , Financial Status Reports. The final invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE. This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. 3. Familv Violence Prevention Services Act, (FVPSA), Victims of Crime Act, (VOCA), and Violence A ainst Women Act, (VAWA) federal appropriated funds shall be disbursed by STATE to GRANTEE according to the foilowing schedule: a. Ten percent (10%) of the VOCA, VAWA and FVPSA grant award amount shatl be advanced upo� STATE's receipt of the executed grant. b. Subsequent grant payments shall be paid as reimbursements for actual expenditures incurred, paid and reported on the Financial Status Reports. c. GRANTEE will request reimbursement monthly (or quarterly with STATE's approval). The f nal invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE. This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. d Family Violence Prevention Services Act Funds: GRANTEE must meet matching requirements of not less than twenty percent (20%) of the total funds provided for a project under this title with respect to an existing program, and with respect to an entity intending to operate a new program under this title, not less than thirty-five percent (35°/a). Not less than hventy- five percent (25%) of the locai matching share must come from private, nongovernmental sources. The local share may be in cash or inkind, and may not include any other federal funds. e. Victims of Crime Act Funds: GRANTEES that are nonprofit organizations or local units of government must meet matching requirements of 20% of the total VOCA project (VOCA grant plus match). Match must be in the form of non-federal cash or in-kind contributions. Funds graated to an Indian tribe or Native American organization or Indian reservations will require a five percent (5%) match (cash or inkind) to be used to cover the total costs of the VOCA supported victim assistance program or project. f. Violence Against Act Funds: A twenty-five percent (25%) cash or in-kind match is required for g�vernmental organizations and Indian tribal governments. Maiching Eunds cannot be derived from Federal funds. Indian tribal governments may use as match funds appropriated by Congress for the activities of any agency of an Indian tribal government or for the adivities of the Bureau oi Indian Affairs performing law enforcement functions on an Indian Iands. Nonproft victim services programs are exempt from this matching requirement. 4 document 6onf om GRANTEE the payment schedule wouid cause ie fiow prob ems for the RA TEE P 5. Payment of compensation for program activities and services shall be consistent with line items in the GRANTEE's budget which was approved by STATE and {s hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant. 6. GRANTEE shall not seek, nor shall STATE pay any federal compensation to GRANTEE for any overhead or adminisVative costs otherrdise portrayed as direct expenses with the GRANTEE budget Iine items. 7. GRANTEE shall expend grant funds allocated for these programs accordin9 to the GRANTEE'S "Fiscal Year 2002 Grant Application For Continued Victims Services Programs" which is on file with the STATE and located at 245 E. Sixth SVeet, Suite 705, St. Paui, Minnesota. Minnesola Center Por Cnme V¢hm Services ot-ro� {ff. COND{TIONS OF PAYMENT A. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shall be perfortned to the satisfaction of the STATE, as detemined at the sole discretion of its Authorized Representative, and in accord with ail applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, GRANTEE shall not receive payment for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or perforzned in violation of federal, state or Iocal law, ordinance, rule or regulation. B. If at any time such funds become unavailable, the grant shall be terminated immediately upon written nofice of such fad by the STATE to the GRANTEE. - C. If at any time it is detertnined that grant funds are being significantly undenrtilized, the STATE may reduce the amount of the grant and reailocate the funds to ensure that all available funds are fuliy utilized for the intended purposes: IV. TERM OF GRANT This grant agreement shall be effective on ,luly'I, 200'i, or upon the date thatthe final required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, Subd. 2., whichever occurs later, and shail remain in effect until June 30, 2002, or until all ' obligations set forth in this grant agreement have been satisfactorily fuifilled, whichever occurs first. Once this grant agreement is fully executed, the GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for e�enditures incurred pursuant to Cfause II., of this grant agreement on or after July 1, 2001, and such reimbursement shall be governed by the terms of this grant agreement. Funding made available pursuant to this grant shall be used oniy for actua� expenses incurred in performing and accomplishing the purposes and activities described herein between the above effective dates. No costs incurred prior to or after the end of the grant period will be compensated by the STATE. Requests for an extension of the grant period in order to complete program activities and expend remaining funds must be made in writing by the GRANTEE and be received by STATE no later than 30 days before the ending date of the grant. If approved, extensions are generaily limited to a period of 30 to 90 days beyond the original ending date o( the grant, resulting in an amendment to this grant agreement. State funds cannot be extended. Requests for extensions pertaining to Federal funds may be made only when it is anticipated that there will be an unexpended balance of at least $500.00. V. FISCAL REQUIREMENTS A. GRAN7EE may not use funds received under this grant agreement to supplant or substitute for other sources of support. B. No funds will be disbursed for ac11vi6es not identified in the goals and objectives submitted on the grant application forms prescribed by the STATE. No funds from a specific funding source will be disbursed for activities that do not meet the requirements of that funding source. C. GRANTEE shall comply with all policies, procedures, and provisio�s applicabie to each source of funding received. GRANTEE shail compiy with the current Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Financial Guidelines Manual for Recipients of State and Federat Funding, Eleventh Edition, August 2000. , D. GRANTEE shali have fotty-five (45) days immediately following the expiration of the grant period to liquidate all unpaid obligations related to the program which were incurred on or before the last day of the grant period, and to submit a report of a0 funds received and disbursed. If a repoR is not submitted within this time period, expenses claimed on the report may be disaliowed and the STATE may request a refund of those monies from the GRANTEE. E. GRANTEE agrees to return to the STATE ali funds received under this grant which are not obligated as of the last day of the grant period for allowable program costs and expended within forty five (45) days following the end of the grant period. Any sc�ch payment for GRANTEE to STATE shall be by check made payable to "Minnesota Department of Public Safety." F. GRANTEE shall retain all financial records for a minimum of six (6) years after the date of submission of the final financial staius report, �ecommenda from dit(s) have be n v ed the GRANTEE and STA7Er hi hever is later.dit findings and/or G. GRANTEE agrees to comply with the Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502) and OMB Circular A-�33, as appticable, which provide for the audit of subrecipients who expend total direct and indirect federal assistance of $300,000 or more during a fiscal year. V1. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS � A. All requests for funding by GRANTEE shall be submitted to STATE utilizing the format identified within 30 days after the end of the reporting period. The necessary reporting forms will be sent to GRANTEE with the fully executed grant. B. Using forms prescribed by STATE, GRANTEE shall submit a semiannual narrative of the progress achieved towards the accomplishment of the goals and objectives within 30 days after the end of each six-month period. C. GRANTEE shall also submit a Quarterly Statistical Report of services provided in the format prescribed by STATE within 30 days after the end of each quarter. 4 Grent qqraement Minnesola �epartment of Publie Safaly, CD00032-0fi (04-22-96) Minnesola Cenlartor Cnma VcUm Servtces o�-ro` D. GRANTEE shall submit such other repor5 and attend meetings and Vaining as STATE shali reasonabiy request. E. STATE shali have the authority, during the course of this grant period, to conduct an evaluation of the performance of the GRANTEE. F. All reporting forms may be modified or changed at the discretion of the STATE during the grant period. VII. CANCELLATION This grant agreement may be cancelled by the STATE or GRANTEE at any time, with orwithout cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation, GRANTEE shall be enGtled to payment, detertnined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. � The STATE may cancel this gra�t agreement immediately if the STATE finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this grant agreement, tha[ reasonable progress has not been made, or that the purposes for which the funds were granted have not been orwiil not be fulfifled, the STATE may take ac8on to protect the interests of the State of Minnesota, including the refusai to disburse additional funds and requiring the retum of aii or part of the funds already disbursed. VIII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The STATE'S Authorized RepreSentative for the purposes of administralion of this grant agreement is the GR,4NTEE'S assigned grants analyst. Such representative shall have final authority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S services and if such services are accepted as satisfactory, shall so certiry on each Financial Status Report submitted pursuant to C4ause 14, paragcaph B. The GRANTEE'S Authorized Representative, Mike Toronto, or designee and/or successor in office shall have full authoriry to represent GRANTEE in its fulfillment of the tertns, conditions and requirements of this grant agreement. IX. ASS�GtJMENT GRANTEE shatl neither assign nor trensfer any rights or obligations under this grant agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. X. AMENDMENTS My amendments to this grant agreement shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the originzl grant agreement, or their successors in office. XI. LIABILITY GRANTEE shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, its representatives and employees harmless from any and ail claims or causes of action, including all attomey's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this grant agreement by GR4NTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfi�l its obtigaGons pursuant to this grant agreement. XII. STATE AUDITS Under Minn. Stat § 16C.05, subd 5, the GRANTEE's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this grant agreement are subject to examination by the STATE and/or State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this grant agreement. XIII. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT The GRANTEE must compiy with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Sfatute, Chapter 13, as it appiies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this grant agreement and as it applies to ali data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained or disseminated by the GR4NTEE in accordance with this grant agreement. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the GRANTEE or the STATE. In the event the GRANTEE receives a request to release the data referred to in this clause, the GRANTEE must immediately notify the STATE. The STATE wiil give the GRANTEE instructions concerning the reiease of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. GRANTEE is afso required to wmply with Minnesota Statute 611A.32 Subd. 5. XIV. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPER7Y RIGHTS A. The STATE shall own all rigfits, ti[le and interest in all of the materials co�ceived or created by the GRANTEE, or its employees or subgrantees, either individually orjointly with others and which arise out of the perionnance of this grant agreement, inciuding any invenGons, reports, siudies, designs, drawings, specifications, notes, documents, software and documentation, computer based traininy modules, electronicaily, magnetically or digitally recorded material, and other work in whatever form ("MATERIALS"). The GRANTEE hereby assigns to the STATE all rights, title and interest to the MATERIALS. GRANTEE shall, upon request of the STATE, execute all papers and perfortn aii other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register copyrights, patents or other iorms of protection provided by law for the MATERIALS. The MATERIALS created under this grant agreement by the GRANTEE, its employees or subgrantees, individually or jointly with others, shall be considered "works made for hire" as defined by the United States Copyright Act. Ail of the MATERlALS, whether in paper, electronic, or other form, shal{ be remitted fa the STATE by the GRANTEE, its employees and any subgrantees, shall not copy, reproduce, allow or cause to have the MATERIALS copied, reproduced or used for any purpose other than performance of the GRANTEE'S obligations under this grant agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE'S Authorized Representative. B. GRANTEE represents and warrants that MATERIALS produced or used under this grant agreement do not and will not infringe upon any inteltectual property rights of another, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, and service marks and names. GRANTEE shail indemnify and defend the STATE, at GRANTEE'S expense, from any action or claim brought against the STATE to the extent that it is based on a claim that aIl or part of the MATERIALS infringe upon the intellectuai property rights of another. 5 C000032-06 (0422-96) 6rantAgreemenl MinneSOtaCenterforCn euVictimSern<es (AOMIN. 1051g) Ot-d'oc GRANTEE shall be responsible for payment of any and ali such claims, demands, obligations, liabilities, costs, and damages including, but not fimited to, reasonabie attorney fees arising out of this grant agreement, amendments and supplements thereto, which are attributable to such claims or actions. If such a claim or action arises, or in GRANTEE'S or the STATE'S opinion is likely to arise, GR4NTEE shall at the STATE'S discretion either procure for the STATE the right or license to continue using the MATERIALS at issue or reotace or modify the allegedly infringing MATERIALS. This remedy shall 6e in addition to and shall not be exclusive to other remedies provided by law. XV. PUBLICITY A. Any publicity given to the program, publiczfions, or services provided resulting from this grant agreement, including, but not limited to, notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, researoh, reports, signs, and similar pubiic notices prepared by or for the GRANTEE or its employees individually orjointly with others, or any su6grantees shall identify the STATE as the sponsoring agency and shall not be released, untess such telease is a specific paR of an appcoved work plan iacfuded in this grant agreement prior to its approval by the S7ATE'S Authorized Representative. � B. GRANTEE agrees when issuing statements, press releases, bids, solicitation, or other documents describing the project, to provide informalion on the amount and propo�tion of federal funds supporting the total cost of the project or program. C. GRANTEE agrees that any educational materials produced with state or federal funds must be available upon request to the STATE for distribution. All educational materials, data or other written materials developed by GRANTEE in the performance of duties under this grant may be reproduced and disVibuted by STATE with the exception of information which couid lead to the identification of a service recipient of the GRANTEE. XVI. WORKERS' COMPENSATION The GRANTEE certifles that it is in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 176.181, subd. 2, pertaining to workers' wmpensation insurance coverage. The GRANTEE's employees and agents will not be considered STATE employees. Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Act on behaif of these employees and any claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees are in no way the STATE's obligation or responsibility. XVII. ANTITRUST GRAN7EE hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/or services provided in connection with this grant agreement resulting from antiVUSt violations which arise under ihe an[itrust laws of the United States and the antitrust Iaw,s of the State of Minnesota. XVIII. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This grant agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out ot ihis grant agreement, or breach thereof, sha41 be in the state or federal court with competentjurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. XIX. FEDERAL ASSURANCES GRANTEE agrees to complywith the following federel statutes and regulations: 1. Druq-free Workplace: If this grant agreement invoives an award of $25,000.00 or more, GRANTEE certifies that it has complied with the provisions of the Drug Free Workplace Ad of 1988, P.L. 100-169. 2. Executive Order 12549 on Debarment and Suspension, and ihe implementing regulation, requires that the GR.4NTEE certify it has not been debarred or otherwise excluded from participating in any other transaction with a federal department or agency. 3. Fedefal Restrictions on Lobbvinq: imposed by 31 U.S.C. Section 1352, requires that any organization receiving federal funds certify that no federa{ly appropriated Sunds will be used to pay anyorte for the purpose of influencing agency employees or members of Congress. � 4. Victim Comoensation Claims: If receiving VOCA funds, GRANTEE agrees to assist crime victims in filing claims for compensation. 5. GRANTEE must comply with Public Law 103-227, Part C- Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (Act). This Act requires that smoking not be permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted by an entity and used routinely or regularly for the provision of heaith, day care, education, or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded by Federal Programs either directly or through the State or local governments. Federal programs inciude grents, cooperative agreements, loans or loan guarantees, and contracts. The law does not apply to children's services provided in private residences, facilities funded solely by Medicare or Medicaid funds, and portions of facilities used for inpatient drug and alcohol treatment. XX. OTHER PROVISIONS A. GRANTEE further agrees to maintain written policies and procedures regarding Sexual Expioitation, AIDS, Reproductive Options, Affirmative Action, and Sexual Harassment B. GRANTEE further agrees to provide STATE with current list of Board of Directors and Officers with any changes submitted immediately. C. The STATE reserves the right to include in the grant, at any time during the term of the grant, special administrative requirements deemed necessary to assure the GRANTEE'S successful implementation oi the program. The STATE wilf notify the GRANTEE in writing of any special administrative requirements. 6 G�ant qqreemeM Mmnesota Departmant ot Public Safety, C000032-06 (04-22-96) Minnesota Center for Cnme Vctim Services fADMIN_ 1051a1 01—f�� IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this grant agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APP�20VED: 1. GR.4NTEE: Gp,P,NTEE�certifies that the appropriaie person(s) have executed th�rant agreement on behaif of the GRANTEE as required by ap icable articles, by-Iaws, resolutions, or ordinances. \ By BY Director, man.RighCs By Title �HIEF OF PO CE Direc or Office of Fit Date ey Title City Attorney Date 2. STATE AGENCY: gy (authorized signature) Title Date Distributian: Agency- Origi I(fuliy executed) grant agreement Grantee State Auth ¢ed Representative , City of St. Depactment Services �,��� ar' � k c; �� r ° I �C � q re e�. S�e�'�-- ' C'i�'r e ^ J 7 Mmnesola Department o� Pubiw Safe�y. _ _.._ _._e ,.imes � `�' ::;.,;� Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Grant Application Component Special Project or Undesignated Program Ot.�ob C�int P��71 p011Ce Program and Component Name I. This component qualifies as a time-limited special project for which no minimum standazds are applicable. II. The activities submitted sufficiently outline the steps which will be taken to achieve the proposed project goals and requirements. Objectives are specific and measurable. MAY 21 'OS 02�z1PM SPPD SEX CRZMES UNITTMENT P.Z �\'��;D Form B pROAOSED BUDGET — FY92 STQP Vioience Against Wamen Aet (VAWA) Fund 12 Month PROGRAM NAME: �aint PauY Pofice Famii Violence Un'st A Tatai Proposal B�d�et Personnel 267.061 Payroii Taxes! Fringe Benefits 74.777 Contract SeNices Travel FoodlMeals Training Printing Postage Telephone Publicity/Advertising �,� RenUMortgage Utilitie5 Insuranoe Mainfenance/Repair Office Supplies Program suppli�g Supp(ies Equipment Other (SpBoify} B VAWA 105.999 2525 G (It is not neCessary fo tJthar itemize column G. At the dottom, write the totai in other funds to be used for this projecf, if any.) TQTALS 34..�'S 83� — 107�,7_2__4_� + 234,114 Note: Total of Column A= Tota{ of Columns B+C List names of additional funding sources [ast�risk(*) sources of secure8 fundsj:'; �eoartment three police 4fficers — saiary and frinqe benefits, frinpe benefits of t 7hfg does not Include administrative exnenses and overhead. � MRY z2 '01 H3�07PM SPPD SEX CP.IMES UNITTMENT P.2 �� ��Q�f Form B - Match FEpERAL IJsATCI BU[SG�T AND NARRA'fIVE – FY02 STOP Violenee Against Women Act (VAWA} Fund –12 Month RROGRAM NAME: Saint Pau1 Pt�1f Dornestic Vial nce Unii lnstructians: Non rof�t tb rams are exem t from ths match re uir m overnment v ncludl 9ov m�tlen a� battered required of state agancies. Indlan tribal governmer�ts and 14cai units o4 g �� women and ssxUSl assauit pPOgrams.) Refer to inscructlons for further inform8ti4n. DO NOT OVERMATCN. Lisi tha source of funds that pays for the match. M�t�}� parr ��ve Hudaet Cateaorx Persannel Payroll Taxes/ Fringe Benefits Volunteers Contf$Ct SeNiCeS portion ot Travel Training Printing Postage Telephane P ub licitylAd vertisi n g RentlMortgage uct�itEes pffice Supplies Program Supplies �quipment pthsr (SpeClfy}; Match Bl�daet g 26 $ $ $ _�.� � $ — � $ $— � $� � $ r.� S $ $ � TOTLIL � 26.931_ Source of Mat Furtds City of Saint Pau1 Use the spacs belowto exP�aln each lilte item. Desccibe s[aff 1 voiunteer poSiUons, rates of pzy, number of hours, mileage rate, etc. Ths department wilf add Three police officers in-kind to this initiative. This matoh amount represenfs 1,224 hours of a pniice offioers time paicf at $21,98 per hour- ORIGINAL �� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PA�L,, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 WBEREAS, the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services has awarded a$107,724 grant to 2 the Saint Paul Police Depariment for the period beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2UO2; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHERF.AS, the purpose of this grant is to establish a Family Violence Unit to eliminate domestic violence and eapand/enhance the legal acfion and standard of protection in domesric assault cases; and WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services on June 6, 2001 (Council File # O1-54�; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2001 financing and spending plan for this grant; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of �86,100 in escess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2001 budget: 436-Police Special Projects Fund FINANCING PLAN: 34120-Sp ecial Investigations 9830-Use of Fund Balance 34071-Family Violence Unit Grant 3199-Other Federal Direct Grants-State 7499-Transfer In-Intrafund Total Changesto Financing SPENDING PLAN: 436-Police Special Projects Fund 34120-Sp ecial Investigatio ns 0799-Transfer Out-Intrafund 34071-Family Violence Unit Grant 011l-Full-Time Salaries 0439-Fringe Bene£ts Total Changes to Spending to the 2001 CURI2ENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 109,524 160,270 c� Council File # � � � ��` Green Sheet# 111808 Committee:Date: 15,500 55,100 15,500 �,IiTO 15,500 55,100 15,500 86,100 125,024 55,100 15,500 175,770 55,100 15,500 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award and approves these changes Adopted by Council:Date: � Adoption Certified by Council Se retary: BY� � a-. �r.� �.-r�� Approved by Mayor:Date: /�f/Gf /Q �� By: 34071 Family�olenceUnitGrant.cr.01 Requested by e By: Approval ' ' By: � For � sy: Appro b By: of: Services Director: by City Attomey: to Council: �EPARTMENT/OFPICEfCOUNqL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepattment �i�9ior GREEN SHEET No. 111808 C NTAC PER N&PH NE INRWJDATE INITIAUDA7E ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 ere`nxexroirsECroa_ 5 mcounca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ^, ' '� O\'p O 6 PleaseprocessASAP , .s W�YAROfdIEY �c�ac u ^ 1 " YwwCULLSFRNCE5U1Ro �1xaxCW.SERVIACCrG � �r piwTOR(ORASSISTANi)_ �UYANfLGHf$ V�i TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CS10N REQL3ESlED Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a$107,724 grant from the Ivfinnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and establishing a 2001 financing and spending plan for ffie grant. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) O� RejeGt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS Ml1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has ihis person/firtn everworlced under a confract for this deAaRmenY2 PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfi�m possess a skill not normally possessed by arry w�rer�t city employee> YES NO � 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoi'? YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Centex for �izime Victim Services has awarded a$107,724 grant to the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent for the period begiuuiug July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002. The putpose of this grant is to establish a Family Violence Unit to eliminate domestic violence and elcpand/enl�ance the legal acrion and standard of protecrion in domestic assault cases. The City Council authorized the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services on June 6, 2001 (Council File # O1-545). (Attached is a copy of CouncIl File # O1-545 and the gant ageement.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Ability to use gcant received to help establish a Family Violence Unit in the Saint Paul Police Deparnnent. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None P fl � e � (�ggg24C� "� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ��� � � 1 Inability to use grant funds available. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACSION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGE7ED ICIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Federal grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34071 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 34071 FaznilyV io]enceUnitGrantbudget.gs.01 3 Return CopyTo: Police Dept. Accounting Lov�ia�% ORIGI�IAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet � Committee:Date: �6 1 Z BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul is authorized to enter into a grant agXeement with the 3 Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and, Chief �Villiam K. Finney is author[zed to implement 4 the project and/or program designated in the grant agreement. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 ZS 26 27 23 29 30 31 - 32 33 34 35 36 37 Nays Requested by Department of: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Coc BY � ���� Approved by Mayor:Date; BY� 4. � o►-roc ot— 5�5 111749 a�.8�oc Minnesota Department of Public Safety Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services FY 2002 Grant Agreement DOCUMENT ID#: PO 9900- ya j FUND: 300 300 300 VENDOR NUMBER: 200359656-00 ORG / APPR / Reporting Category: U203 — CW 9 — LE99 U203 — C W 0— LE00 U204 — CWO — PR00 Processinglnformation: (Someentriesmaynotappiy) Requisition: 9900 �/�S� 7�.5 Number/Date/Entry Initia(s Contract: 9s0o y� 4 7'�S�/�/ � Number/DatelEntry Initials FY: 02 LINE: 01 02 03 AGENCY #: P07 AMOUNT: 5,800 52,200 49.724 OBJECT CODE: :�� Order: 9900- N u mber/D atelS ig natu res (Individual signing cerfifies that funds have been encum6ered as required by Minn. Stat. § i6A.15 and 16C.05.] a d ne o a t�a Ndentificationrnumbeeayo d business w'��th h S at I of M nnesota SThis nformation be used inYthe�enfoecelmenit of federal and s tate tax laws. Supplying these numbers could resu4t in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. This arant aqreement will not be aporoved unless these numbers are provided. These numbers will be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in approving the grant agreement and the payment of state obligations. Grantee Name and Address: City of St. Paul Police Department Famiiy VioVence Unit 100 East 11` Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Soc. Sec. or Federal Emplo�er I.D. No. 41-6005521 Minnesota Tax I.D. No. (if applicable) 0080250 THIS PAGE OF THE GRANT CONTRACT CONTAINS PRNATE INFORMATION. EXCcPT AS EXTERNALLY�WITHOUT EXPRESS WRIT EN PERMISSION OF GRANTEE If you circulate this grant contract internally, only o�ces thai require access to the tax idenfification number AND all individuals/offices signing this grant agreement should have access to fhis page. C��32-06 a�•w� THIS g�nt agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Minnesota Department of Minn otae name and dd ess{C ty of St Paul Pol e Deparrtment,rFamAly Vi 1 nce llnit,'i 0 East11`" Street, St Paul!�Minne ota 55101 (hereinafter "GRANTEE"), witnesseth that grantsforshe opment and ope ation oftemergency shelteAand s pport ervices or6atter e a a�an iechild enh commun ty based domestic abuse advocacy and support services programs; a communiTy-based statewide program Yo aid victims of sexuaf assault, and victim crisis centers and the Minnesota Legislature has empowered STATE to disburse state appropriated funds for this purpose, and/or WFIEREAS, the STATE has been approved t Se o�� d�ng uppiemen a4 funding to aid in h p o on of s rv� s�to prevenf am?iy Sole ce 10401 et. seq. (CFDA #93.671) for the purp P to provide immediate shelter and related assistance for victims of family violence and their dependents, andlor MDH) (C DA#93.991) foa the purQose paovding supp emental f�u deng to a d in�th eprov s on of e t rape and fo ar pe prevent o and the Minnesota Department of Health has stipulated per Memorandum of Agreementthat the STATE disburse this funding in the framework of the existing state program, and/or WHEREAS, the STATE has been approvedieme a fu d ng to aid in the�phov s on of d ect serv ces t v ct m�s of cr�me, and ��601 et. seq. (CFDA #16.575) for the purpose of providing supp U.SEDepartment of Justicz, P.Le103-322 (CFDA 161585) for the purpose of developing a d ng effecti pro ecution strategies and victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women, and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: GRANTEE'S DUTIES q. GRANTEE sha �lioat o�n For Continued ctims Serv ces Prog ams which s o file with he STATE and loc ed aN245 E. Sixth etr 2002 Grant App � lication wiil be sent with the grant agreement at the time GRANTEE is required Suite 705, St. Paul, Minnesota. Approved grant app � to sign grant agreement. GRANTEE shali also comply with aIl program standards which are hereby incorporated by reference an made a part of this grant agreement. B by the sole discr t'on its ied and in a cordance weth ali app cable Fede S fand o lawssord n n i� d rules, and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive compensation for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of Federal, State, or loca� law, ordinance, rule, regulations or STATE poiicy. 01.�'O v ��, CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Consideration for all services perfortned by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shatl be paid by the STATE as foilows: For State fiscai year 2002 the STATE shall award GRANTEE the total sum of 5107,724. This sum shall consist of: ■ 5107,724 is for a VAWA special project fo� Iaw enforcement and prosecution — domestic violence, which consists of the following funds: $58,000 [$5,800 +�52,200] in VAWA law enforcement [with $14,500 in law enforcement match]; and $49,724 in VAWA prosecution [with $12,431 in prosecution match]. ThOS s u�ms s aae less tha this sum, the amou of f� ds provided the S shall be9 educed acco d ngiy.ual costs of the grant P 9 �) Granl Agreement Mmnesota Center for Crime VCim Services CD00032-06 (04-22-96) inm�M �O41n\ o�-ro� B. Tertns of Pavment STATE payment schedule for grant funds is detertnined by source of funds and will generally follow the schedules listed below. STATE reserves the right to adjust payment schedules, if needed, to ensure GRANTEE fiscal accountability and compliance with terms of this grant or to allow e�cient administration of time-fimiled awatds. 1. State aopropriated funds shall 6e disbursed by STATE to GRANTEE according to the following schedule: a. One-tourth (1(4) aF the grant award arnount shall be advanced upon STATE's receipt of the executed grant. b. On a quarterly basis thereafter, the GRANTEE may submit requests for reimbursement of ac[ual expenditures in an amount not to exceed the total sum awarded from State funds on the State Financial Status RepoR and Request for Payment Forzn. The final invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. 2. Preventative Health and Health Services Block Funds (MDH) appropriated funds shail be disbursed by STATE to GR4NTEE according to the following schedule: . a. Twenty-five percent (25%) of t;ie MDH grant award amount shall be advanced upon STATE`s receipt of the executed grant. . b. Subsequent grant payments shall be paid as reimbursements for actual expenditures incurred, paid and reported on the , Financial Status Reports. The final invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE. This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. 3. Familv Violence Prevention Services Act, (FVPSA), Victims of Crime Act, (VOCA), and Violence A ainst Women Act, (VAWA) federal appropriated funds shall be disbursed by STATE to GRANTEE according to the foilowing schedule: a. Ten percent (10%) of the VOCA, VAWA and FVPSA grant award amount shatl be advanced upo� STATE's receipt of the executed grant. b. Subsequent grant payments shall be paid as reimbursements for actual expenditures incurred, paid and reported on the Financial Status Reports. c. GRANTEE will request reimbursement monthly (or quarterly with STATE's approval). The f nal invoice amount shall be net of any and all advances received from the STATE. This final invoice pertaining to this grant agreement must be received by August 15, 2002. d Family Violence Prevention Services Act Funds: GRANTEE must meet matching requirements of not less than twenty percent (20%) of the total funds provided for a project under this title with respect to an existing program, and with respect to an entity intending to operate a new program under this title, not less than thirty-five percent (35°/a). Not less than hventy- five percent (25%) of the locai matching share must come from private, nongovernmental sources. The local share may be in cash or inkind, and may not include any other federal funds. e. Victims of Crime Act Funds: GRANTEES that are nonprofit organizations or local units of government must meet matching requirements of 20% of the total VOCA project (VOCA grant plus match). Match must be in the form of non-federal cash or in-kind contributions. Funds graated to an Indian tribe or Native American organization or Indian reservations will require a five percent (5%) match (cash or inkind) to be used to cover the total costs of the VOCA supported victim assistance program or project. f. Violence Against Act Funds: A twenty-five percent (25%) cash or in-kind match is required for g�vernmental organizations and Indian tribal governments. Maiching Eunds cannot be derived from Federal funds. Indian tribal governments may use as match funds appropriated by Congress for the activities of any agency of an Indian tribal government or for the adivities of the Bureau oi Indian Affairs performing law enforcement functions on an Indian Iands. Nonproft victim services programs are exempt from this matching requirement. 4 document 6onf om GRANTEE the payment schedule wouid cause ie fiow prob ems for the RA TEE P 5. Payment of compensation for program activities and services shall be consistent with line items in the GRANTEE's budget which was approved by STATE and {s hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant. 6. GRANTEE shall not seek, nor shall STATE pay any federal compensation to GRANTEE for any overhead or adminisVative costs otherrdise portrayed as direct expenses with the GRANTEE budget Iine items. 7. GRANTEE shall expend grant funds allocated for these programs accordin9 to the GRANTEE'S "Fiscal Year 2002 Grant Application For Continued Victims Services Programs" which is on file with the STATE and located at 245 E. Sixth SVeet, Suite 705, St. Paui, Minnesota. Minnesola Center Por Cnme V¢hm Services ot-ro� {ff. COND{TIONS OF PAYMENT A. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shall be perfortned to the satisfaction of the STATE, as detemined at the sole discretion of its Authorized Representative, and in accord with ail applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, GRANTEE shall not receive payment for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or perforzned in violation of federal, state or Iocal law, ordinance, rule or regulation. B. If at any time such funds become unavailable, the grant shall be terminated immediately upon written nofice of such fad by the STATE to the GRANTEE. - C. If at any time it is detertnined that grant funds are being significantly undenrtilized, the STATE may reduce the amount of the grant and reailocate the funds to ensure that all available funds are fuliy utilized for the intended purposes: IV. TERM OF GRANT This grant agreement shall be effective on ,luly'I, 200'i, or upon the date thatthe final required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, Subd. 2., whichever occurs later, and shail remain in effect until June 30, 2002, or until all ' obligations set forth in this grant agreement have been satisfactorily fuifilled, whichever occurs first. Once this grant agreement is fully executed, the GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for e�enditures incurred pursuant to Cfause II., of this grant agreement on or after July 1, 2001, and such reimbursement shall be governed by the terms of this grant agreement. Funding made available pursuant to this grant shall be used oniy for actua� expenses incurred in performing and accomplishing the purposes and activities described herein between the above effective dates. No costs incurred prior to or after the end of the grant period will be compensated by the STATE. Requests for an extension of the grant period in order to complete program activities and expend remaining funds must be made in writing by the GRANTEE and be received by STATE no later than 30 days before the ending date of the grant. If approved, extensions are generaily limited to a period of 30 to 90 days beyond the original ending date o( the grant, resulting in an amendment to this grant agreement. State funds cannot be extended. Requests for extensions pertaining to Federal funds may be made only when it is anticipated that there will be an unexpended balance of at least $500.00. V. FISCAL REQUIREMENTS A. GRAN7EE may not use funds received under this grant agreement to supplant or substitute for other sources of support. B. No funds will be disbursed for ac11vi6es not identified in the goals and objectives submitted on the grant application forms prescribed by the STATE. No funds from a specific funding source will be disbursed for activities that do not meet the requirements of that funding source. C. GRANTEE shall comply with all policies, procedures, and provisio�s applicabie to each source of funding received. GRANTEE shail compiy with the current Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Financial Guidelines Manual for Recipients of State and Federat Funding, Eleventh Edition, August 2000. , D. GRANTEE shali have fotty-five (45) days immediately following the expiration of the grant period to liquidate all unpaid obligations related to the program which were incurred on or before the last day of the grant period, and to submit a report of a0 funds received and disbursed. If a repoR is not submitted within this time period, expenses claimed on the report may be disaliowed and the STATE may request a refund of those monies from the GRANTEE. E. GRANTEE agrees to return to the STATE ali funds received under this grant which are not obligated as of the last day of the grant period for allowable program costs and expended within forty five (45) days following the end of the grant period. Any sc�ch payment for GRANTEE to STATE shall be by check made payable to "Minnesota Department of Public Safety." F. GRANTEE shall retain all financial records for a minimum of six (6) years after the date of submission of the final financial staius report, �ecommenda from dit(s) have be n v ed the GRANTEE and STA7Er hi hever is later.dit findings and/or G. GRANTEE agrees to comply with the Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502) and OMB Circular A-�33, as appticable, which provide for the audit of subrecipients who expend total direct and indirect federal assistance of $300,000 or more during a fiscal year. V1. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS � A. All requests for funding by GRANTEE shall be submitted to STATE utilizing the format identified within 30 days after the end of the reporting period. The necessary reporting forms will be sent to GRANTEE with the fully executed grant. B. Using forms prescribed by STATE, GRANTEE shall submit a semiannual narrative of the progress achieved towards the accomplishment of the goals and objectives within 30 days after the end of each six-month period. C. GRANTEE shall also submit a Quarterly Statistical Report of services provided in the format prescribed by STATE within 30 days after the end of each quarter. 4 Grent qqraement Minnesola �epartment of Publie Safaly, CD00032-0fi (04-22-96) Minnesola Cenlartor Cnma VcUm Servtces o�-ro` D. GRANTEE shall submit such other repor5 and attend meetings and Vaining as STATE shali reasonabiy request. E. STATE shali have the authority, during the course of this grant period, to conduct an evaluation of the performance of the GRANTEE. F. All reporting forms may be modified or changed at the discretion of the STATE during the grant period. VII. CANCELLATION This grant agreement may be cancelled by the STATE or GRANTEE at any time, with orwithout cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation, GRANTEE shall be enGtled to payment, detertnined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. � The STATE may cancel this gra�t agreement immediately if the STATE finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this grant agreement, tha[ reasonable progress has not been made, or that the purposes for which the funds were granted have not been orwiil not be fulfifled, the STATE may take ac8on to protect the interests of the State of Minnesota, including the refusai to disburse additional funds and requiring the retum of aii or part of the funds already disbursed. VIII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The STATE'S Authorized RepreSentative for the purposes of administralion of this grant agreement is the GR,4NTEE'S assigned grants analyst. Such representative shall have final authority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S services and if such services are accepted as satisfactory, shall so certiry on each Financial Status Report submitted pursuant to C4ause 14, paragcaph B. The GRANTEE'S Authorized Representative, Mike Toronto, or designee and/or successor in office shall have full authoriry to represent GRANTEE in its fulfillment of the tertns, conditions and requirements of this grant agreement. IX. ASS�GtJMENT GRANTEE shatl neither assign nor trensfer any rights or obligations under this grant agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. X. AMENDMENTS My amendments to this grant agreement shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the originzl grant agreement, or their successors in office. XI. LIABILITY GRANTEE shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, its representatives and employees harmless from any and ail claims or causes of action, including all attomey's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this grant agreement by GR4NTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfi�l its obtigaGons pursuant to this grant agreement. XII. STATE AUDITS Under Minn. Stat § 16C.05, subd 5, the GRANTEE's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this grant agreement are subject to examination by the STATE and/or State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this grant agreement. XIII. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT The GRANTEE must compiy with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Sfatute, Chapter 13, as it appiies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this grant agreement and as it applies to ali data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained or disseminated by the GR4NTEE in accordance with this grant agreement. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the GRANTEE or the STATE. In the event the GRANTEE receives a request to release the data referred to in this clause, the GRANTEE must immediately notify the STATE. The STATE wiil give the GRANTEE instructions concerning the reiease of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. GRANTEE is afso required to wmply with Minnesota Statute 611A.32 Subd. 5. XIV. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPER7Y RIGHTS A. The STATE shall own all rigfits, ti[le and interest in all of the materials co�ceived or created by the GRANTEE, or its employees or subgrantees, either individually orjointly with others and which arise out of the perionnance of this grant agreement, inciuding any invenGons, reports, siudies, designs, drawings, specifications, notes, documents, software and documentation, computer based traininy modules, electronicaily, magnetically or digitally recorded material, and other work in whatever form ("MATERIALS"). The GRANTEE hereby assigns to the STATE all rights, title and interest to the MATERIALS. GRANTEE shall, upon request of the STATE, execute all papers and perfortn aii other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register copyrights, patents or other iorms of protection provided by law for the MATERIALS. The MATERIALS created under this grant agreement by the GRANTEE, its employees or subgrantees, individually or jointly with others, shall be considered "works made for hire" as defined by the United States Copyright Act. Ail of the MATERlALS, whether in paper, electronic, or other form, shal{ be remitted fa the STATE by the GRANTEE, its employees and any subgrantees, shall not copy, reproduce, allow or cause to have the MATERIALS copied, reproduced or used for any purpose other than performance of the GRANTEE'S obligations under this grant agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE'S Authorized Representative. B. GRANTEE represents and warrants that MATERIALS produced or used under this grant agreement do not and will not infringe upon any inteltectual property rights of another, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, and service marks and names. GRANTEE shail indemnify and defend the STATE, at GRANTEE'S expense, from any action or claim brought against the STATE to the extent that it is based on a claim that aIl or part of the MATERIALS infringe upon the intellectuai property rights of another. 5 C000032-06 (0422-96) 6rantAgreemenl MinneSOtaCenterforCn euVictimSern<es (AOMIN. 1051g) Ot-d'oc GRANTEE shall be responsible for payment of any and ali such claims, demands, obligations, liabilities, costs, and damages including, but not fimited to, reasonabie attorney fees arising out of this grant agreement, amendments and supplements thereto, which are attributable to such claims or actions. If such a claim or action arises, or in GRANTEE'S or the STATE'S opinion is likely to arise, GR4NTEE shall at the STATE'S discretion either procure for the STATE the right or license to continue using the MATERIALS at issue or reotace or modify the allegedly infringing MATERIALS. This remedy shall 6e in addition to and shall not be exclusive to other remedies provided by law. XV. PUBLICITY A. Any publicity given to the program, publiczfions, or services provided resulting from this grant agreement, including, but not limited to, notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, researoh, reports, signs, and similar pubiic notices prepared by or for the GRANTEE or its employees individually orjointly with others, or any su6grantees shall identify the STATE as the sponsoring agency and shall not be released, untess such telease is a specific paR of an appcoved work plan iacfuded in this grant agreement prior to its approval by the S7ATE'S Authorized Representative. � B. GRANTEE agrees when issuing statements, press releases, bids, solicitation, or other documents describing the project, to provide informalion on the amount and propo�tion of federal funds supporting the total cost of the project or program. C. GRANTEE agrees that any educational materials produced with state or federal funds must be available upon request to the STATE for distribution. All educational materials, data or other written materials developed by GRANTEE in the performance of duties under this grant may be reproduced and disVibuted by STATE with the exception of information which couid lead to the identification of a service recipient of the GRANTEE. XVI. WORKERS' COMPENSATION The GRANTEE certifles that it is in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 176.181, subd. 2, pertaining to workers' wmpensation insurance coverage. The GRANTEE's employees and agents will not be considered STATE employees. Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Act on behaif of these employees and any claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees are in no way the STATE's obligation or responsibility. XVII. ANTITRUST GRAN7EE hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/or services provided in connection with this grant agreement resulting from antiVUSt violations which arise under ihe an[itrust laws of the United States and the antitrust Iaw,s of the State of Minnesota. XVIII. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This grant agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out ot ihis grant agreement, or breach thereof, sha41 be in the state or federal court with competentjurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. XIX. FEDERAL ASSURANCES GRANTEE agrees to complywith the following federel statutes and regulations: 1. Druq-free Workplace: If this grant agreement invoives an award of $25,000.00 or more, GRANTEE certifies that it has complied with the provisions of the Drug Free Workplace Ad of 1988, P.L. 100-169. 2. Executive Order 12549 on Debarment and Suspension, and ihe implementing regulation, requires that the GR.4NTEE certify it has not been debarred or otherwise excluded from participating in any other transaction with a federal department or agency. 3. Fedefal Restrictions on Lobbvinq: imposed by 31 U.S.C. Section 1352, requires that any organization receiving federal funds certify that no federa{ly appropriated Sunds will be used to pay anyorte for the purpose of influencing agency employees or members of Congress. � 4. Victim Comoensation Claims: If receiving VOCA funds, GRANTEE agrees to assist crime victims in filing claims for compensation. 5. GRANTEE must comply with Public Law 103-227, Part C- Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (Act). This Act requires that smoking not be permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted by an entity and used routinely or regularly for the provision of heaith, day care, education, or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded by Federal Programs either directly or through the State or local governments. Federal programs inciude grents, cooperative agreements, loans or loan guarantees, and contracts. The law does not apply to children's services provided in private residences, facilities funded solely by Medicare or Medicaid funds, and portions of facilities used for inpatient drug and alcohol treatment. XX. OTHER PROVISIONS A. GRANTEE further agrees to maintain written policies and procedures regarding Sexual Expioitation, AIDS, Reproductive Options, Affirmative Action, and Sexual Harassment B. GRANTEE further agrees to provide STATE with current list of Board of Directors and Officers with any changes submitted immediately. C. The STATE reserves the right to include in the grant, at any time during the term of the grant, special administrative requirements deemed necessary to assure the GRANTEE'S successful implementation oi the program. The STATE wilf notify the GRANTEE in writing of any special administrative requirements. 6 G�ant qqreemeM Mmnesota Departmant ot Public Safety, C000032-06 (04-22-96) Minnesota Center for Cnme Vctim Services fADMIN_ 1051a1 01—f�� IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this grant agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APP�20VED: 1. GR.4NTEE: Gp,P,NTEE�certifies that the appropriaie person(s) have executed th�rant agreement on behaif of the GRANTEE as required by ap icable articles, by-Iaws, resolutions, or ordinances. \ By BY Director, man.RighCs By Title �HIEF OF PO CE Direc or Office of Fit Date ey Title City Attorney Date 2. STATE AGENCY: gy (authorized signature) Title Date Distributian: Agency- Origi I(fuliy executed) grant agreement Grantee State Auth ¢ed Representative , City of St. Depactment Services �,��� ar' � k c; �� r ° I �C � q re e�. S�e�'�-- ' C'i�'r e ^ J 7 Mmnesola Department o� Pubiw Safe�y. _ _.._ _._e ,.imes � `�' ::;.,;� Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Grant Application Component Special Project or Undesignated Program Ot.�ob C�int P��71 p011Ce Program and Component Name I. This component qualifies as a time-limited special project for which no minimum standazds are applicable. II. The activities submitted sufficiently outline the steps which will be taken to achieve the proposed project goals and requirements. Objectives are specific and measurable. MAY 21 'OS 02�z1PM SPPD SEX CRZMES UNITTMENT P.Z �\'��;D Form B pROAOSED BUDGET — FY92 STQP Vioience Against Wamen Aet (VAWA) Fund 12 Month PROGRAM NAME: �aint PauY Pofice Famii Violence Un'st A Tatai Proposal B�d�et Personnel 267.061 Payroii Taxes! Fringe Benefits 74.777 Contract SeNices Travel FoodlMeals Training Printing Postage Telephone Publicity/Advertising �,� RenUMortgage Utilitie5 Insuranoe Mainfenance/Repair Office Supplies Program suppli�g Supp(ies Equipment Other (SpBoify} B VAWA 105.999 2525 G (It is not neCessary fo tJthar itemize column G. At the dottom, write the totai in other funds to be used for this projecf, if any.) TQTALS 34..�'S 83� — 107�,7_2__4_� + 234,114 Note: Total of Column A= Tota{ of Columns B+C List names of additional funding sources [ast�risk(*) sources of secure8 fundsj:'; �eoartment three police 4fficers — saiary and frinqe benefits, frinpe benefits of t 7hfg does not Include administrative exnenses and overhead. � MRY z2 '01 H3�07PM SPPD SEX CP.IMES UNITTMENT P.2 �� ��Q�f Form B - Match FEpERAL IJsATCI BU[SG�T AND NARRA'fIVE – FY02 STOP Violenee Against Women Act (VAWA} Fund –12 Month RROGRAM NAME: Saint Pau1 Pt�1f Dornestic Vial nce Unii lnstructians: Non rof�t tb rams are exem t from ths match re uir m overnment v ncludl 9ov m�tlen a� battered required of state agancies. Indlan tribal governmer�ts and 14cai units o4 g �� women and ssxUSl assauit pPOgrams.) Refer to inscructlons for further inform8ti4n. DO NOT OVERMATCN. Lisi tha source of funds that pays for the match. M�t�}� parr ��ve Hudaet Cateaorx Persannel Payroll Taxes/ Fringe Benefits Volunteers Contf$Ct SeNiCeS portion ot Travel Training Printing Postage Telephane P ub licitylAd vertisi n g RentlMortgage uct�itEes pffice Supplies Program Supplies �quipment pthsr (SpeClfy}; Match Bl�daet g 26 $ $ $ _�.� � $ — � $ $— � $� � $ r.� S $ $ � TOTLIL � 26.931_ Source of Mat Furtds City of Saint Pau1 Use the spacs belowto exP�aln each lilte item. Desccibe s[aff 1 voiunteer poSiUons, rates of pzy, number of hours, mileage rate, etc. Ths department wilf add Three police officers in-kind to this initiative. This matoh amount represenfs 1,224 hours of a pniice offioers time paicf at $21,98 per hour-