265069 WH17E - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 �`����� PINK - FINANCE BLUERY-. MqypRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. ����v �� RE"I'URN COPY TO VALUATION BIkiF'AU ncil Resolution �_ ! Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�RF.AS, The City of St. Paut, acting thrau�h its Ya1.ua.tion En�ineer, ha.s secured an agreement for the purchase of that certain property described as follahrs: Lots 3�+, 35, & 36, Block 4, I�yd.en Heights WI�RF•AS� The property desqcibed herein is neeessary fa� the I�ayde� Heights Libraxy Site acqu3.sition as approved by Administrative Order No. D-1129 and Final Order, C. F. 2635�+5, approved. May 22, 197�+, and th� price at which the praperty m�y be purchased is at the amount of $�+0�300� being a i'�ir and ree�sonable price according to the appra,isal obtained by the City Valuation Engineer; and WI�RF.�1S, The City Valuation Engineer has rec�nended the purchase of said property at the price stated. above; naFr� therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of St. PauZ does hereby authorize the purcY�se of the above described l.and, and be it FURTF�t RESOLVED, That the groper City officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pay to Frances M. Sehuldt� record fee a�wner, the swn of $40�300. Sa.id �um to be paid from PIR F�.ind Code 60000-501-�0 (L-7652)� to be reimbursed f'rom C� F'und 93�73-�64-052• The payment to be made upon the City being flarnished evidence of good. marketable title in the aforesaid vend�s� and the total pQyment to b� mad,e upon ternler by said parties of appropriate deeds conveyin� title to said prvperty to the City of St. Paul. Appro s to funding � - Direct , �partme of Finance and Management Services COUNCI C�� Requested by Department of: Yeas � Fir�nce I� e�nt Services � no atziyj�y�p [n Favor Le ' e ��� Me ith� _� Against BY ireCtor S a C_ de . i •R,d��, Form Approved y Ci Atto ey Adopted by unci : a e / Certified P Council Secretary BY ( By App by Maxor: Date Approved Mayor Submis ion ouncil B BY FUBUSHE� MAR 8 .i J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ��'t'sw��.7��,1`�-53]-'T Valuation Engineer �OY, E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L As's't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ' 286 Cify Hall Saint Paul, Minn�sota 55102 To: Roger A. l�ttson Jerome J. Segal Phil Lee Fram: J. William Donavan Date: February 5, 1975 Sub�ect: I�.yden Heights I,ibrary Site Pursuant to Final Ord.er, C. F. 2635�+5, aPProved l�y 22, 197�, authorizing and directing this office to acquire property necessary For the sub3ect pro�ect, I have sec�ed an asgreem�nt with Frances M. Schuldt, vwner of the property described on the attached resolution. The price at which said property may be purchased is at the amount of $40,344, which in �r opinion is a fair and reasonable price. I reca�end. approval of the authori2ation of the purchase of' said property� in lieu of coademnation, at the price of $40,300, and submit here�wi.th a resolution authorizing said purchase. Plea,se approve said resolution arxl. foa�ward it for appropri.ate action. Tha.nk you for yaur coopera.tion in this matter. , JWD:PW:dm Attach.