265064 a t1 ,� WHITE - GTV CL�RK 4 ' PINK • - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council �65��� '� CANARV - DEP4RTMENT ,B``.E �_"'�R File N 0. O/ ' �nce Ordinance N 0. 'J �''7� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to investigative subpoena powers of the Director of the Department of Human Rights. T� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORUAIN: 5ection 1. That Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul '�egislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting Section 74.10, paragraph D, and su}�stituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: D. To receive complaints of violations of the � provisions of this chapter, and investigate the merits thereof by interviewing, to the extent possible, all parties and witnesses in a particu�.ar matter and considering all other evidence that is authorized to be obtained by this subsection, and, in furtherance of such investigation, require the production for examina- tion of any books, papers or documents relative to the matter under investigation (including writings, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, phonograph records and other materials from which information can be obtained) and, upon decision of necessity, obtain subpoenas by order from the District Court in order to effectuate any pro- vision of this subsection, and, upon complaint or motion COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By �, Approved by Mayor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � WHITE �- CITY CLERK � ����� PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANqRY - DEP-�RTMENT �L� � ��Y� File NO. / O rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. �.y�'? �q� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 of the Director, commence enforcement action as provided herein where the Director finds that reasonable grounds exist to believe a violatio n has occurred. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days fram and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza �_ In Favor �_ �"�,_J� Levine � y%- Roedler Against Y Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt � ' � �� Form proved it tor y Adopted by Council: Date � Certifie sed by Co '1 S e ry BY By Approv by Ma . Date Appro Mayor f Sub is cil BY BY �e�su�o MaR �� ,��s— ! '� . ` ^ '' �' , � . .. , a ��, l. • ' � � ��,, �I�.`Y �F ��1INT P..t1UL � -• -� � ;,y. � ��., �-�%�� � ` �/ _��� * ar��zcr o�� �rrr�. cz-rY couti czz f` �` -- �r � � �� .��� �b � I -' i;;� :�., � �a:�r;` � '�� ��`�, f 1 Do t e , February 14, 1975 , t---.�.:,� , ,. � _ � i k �.J dO �� ��V 1 I 6'.,.� t.� 6-�. � � 1 0 1 \ I !( 1 y � �f 0 : :��aii1� �'aul Cifi� C�uncil � �� t� 0 �� � Car� r;�i��t�� on Utilities � �� � R�aby Hunt; ~h�irman, makes the foliowing . � rc; port on C. F. [� Ordinance � � [� Resoiution � i � Other �l� (��' t �_ : l . T'��� C�->>���i;iitt.e�� t:ook act�ion ��n Frhruary 13, 1975 recon�inending for appr�oval � tl�,e att:acht�d resolut�ioi� rt��questiny -���e Minnesota Public Service Commission � o i��clucie as {�art uf its rf.�gula�.ion pr��ccdu� e PSC 503 Party Conduct (e) E:��ri �ining to aclver,tising by p��blic utilities as a means to justify tfieir rf�quest for an in�r��ase in rat�s. �• �rhe Cn� ,mit�.��e furth���r took action ����app��ovii��y the attached resolution r��{uesting i:he Mir�,��es��ta Public Service Conanission to require full justi- � fication for �; iy iri�:rease in r�venuf�s permitted Northern States PoG��er Co�np<zny, that rate differences within and without St. Paul be retained, and �:��pects of dF.cl ining blo�;k rates be examined. - l � CITY I3ALL SEVEN'I�H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESUTA 55i02 ��.� �� ' . � lst , c7 'oZ� 2nd 3 ^�p 3rd _3 � J � Adopted � - �� . Yeas Nays �rZ yS 1r'r,i1�SEN HOZZA I�EV .�iiE � ROEDLER ������� SYLVLS�� � 1LT�ESCO ' ��C,S�L:�iYl �ii�Jl�t''1'�