265042 WHITE - CITV CLERK . COU11C11 (r/LJ�O��
f � cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
In the Matter of
Case 7-75-B, 535 Asbury Avenue, owned by
Eugene D. Morrison, and described as "Lot 1 ,
Block 3, Lyman D. Baird' s Addition,"
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of
Appeals and Review at its meeting of January 14 , 1975 , granting a
basement occupancy waiver from the Saint Paul Legislative Code,
Section 54. 14(a) , pertaining to window area and light and ventilation
requirements , providing that repairs are completed according to Work
Schedule of 12/11/74 , including to provide for exhaust fan in kitchen.
COUIVCILM�;�Vi��` Requested by Department of:
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K o tzki LevMw � In Favor
Le �fle�
Mer 'th S�hl�� ;� Against BY
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Mme.P e dent � �����
� �e �t�,�"�'r�'�� =;Q � Form Appro d by City Attorn
Adopted by Council: Date ' •
Certifie s ed Cou il Secretary BY
Y -- _
Appro y Mayor: Da e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
PtiB�ist�ED MpR 1 i9I�
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, • i 1/14/75 - Meeting 1 �,
_ "—'— Cassette Tape #ll�����b�
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7-75-B 535 Asbury Eugene D. Morrison
Request for waiver from St . Paul Legislative Building Code requirement
w�iereby enough window area must be provided to equal 10 sq. ft. ,
designated as B-0-8 on Survey list dated 12/11/74 , and whereby kitchen
in Apt. #1 does not have l00 light and ventialation, because of financial
hardship .
Eugene D. Morrison
h7r . Morrison described the basement-level caretaker's apartment where
the window area was cited as inadequate . He said it would be castly
and difficult to enlarge the window space because of the concrete and
brick construction of the wall .
I�ir. Staffenson suggested the installation of an exhaust f an in the
kitchen to vent through the windoti+r area to avoid tearing up the wall .
Mr . Roy pointed out this would not resolve the light problem, but would
provide adequate ventilation.
Mr. Glassman asked if the other items on the list had been corrected.
i�tr . Niorrison said they had not . The list included complete tuckpointing ,
new electrical service and new wiring in all the apartments . To do
all this work would reQuire an expenditure of between $15 ,000 and
$20 ,000 . He said he recognized the need, but doubted he could complete
the work in the time specified. He said he would do as much as possible ,
- Mr. Schwab asked if the broken pipes had been plugged to keep out sewer
gas , a matter Mr. Schwab and Mr . Nlorrison had discussed on December 26 .
Mr. Morrison replied that he had a man hired to do the work, although
it was not completed as yet , but there are no leaks.
Mr . Schwab pointed out the underlined items on the list , which involved
health and safety hazards and were to be corrected before March 4 , 1975 ,
with the balance of the items on the list to be completed by December 4 ,
1975 . He told NIr. Morrison that an inspector would be out about March 3
535 Asbux�y' 1/14/75 - Meeting No. 107
' , - � Cassette Tape #119
PROCEEDINGS : (continued)
to see if the underlined items were done .
Chairman Wozniak moved that the variance on window area be granted
for the basement apartment , provided an exhaust fan was installed, and
provided the schedule under the timetable of the December 11 , 1974 ,
letter from the Department of Community Services is met . Mr. Glassman
Mr. Roy asked for clarification of the motion- -would the variance be
cancelled if P�Ir. Morrison did not keep up with the schedule?
Chairman Wozniak said that in that case Mr. Morrison would have to appear
again before the Board.
Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0
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