265040 WH17E - CITY CLERK �C�n�o PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �� �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT , BLUE - A�AYOR File NO. ; r cil Resolution , Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the Matter of �" Case 1-75-B, 1463 Case Avenue , owned by Gunnard Felberg, and described as;'Ames Out Lots , beginning on southerly line of railway right-of-way seventy (70) ft. at right angle from east lot line of Lot 1 ; thence south to south line of and sixty (60) ft. west from southeast corner of said lot ; thence west to southwest corner of said lot; thence north to said right-of-way line ; thence easterly to beginning, being part of ; Lot 1 , Block 7 ," RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review at its meeting of January 14 , 1975, granting a garage variance from the Saint Paul Legi�lative Code, Section 40 .00 (c) , so as to permit Appellant to keep two deta�ched structures on single lot: his old wooden garage for storage , in addition to �his new garage . COUNCII,��� Yeas ��ys Requested by Department of: unt n atz�Z�vi� In Favor Le ne +��� M ith gylvester �/ Against BY S ra a � Mme. esaden�����t�"P.QG7G` +l,O •� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie as ed Coun il Secretary � BY BY Approved Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY I�tl6��SHE� MAR 1 ;�;� . 1/1�/75-rleeting No. 107 y Cassette Tape #119 CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT ������ 1- 75-B 1463 Case Ave . Gunnard Felberg 40 . 00 (c) Rec{uest for garage variance from St . Paul Legislative Building Code,Sec. / so as to permit appellant to keep two detached structures on single lot : his old wooden garage for storage , in addition to his new garage . APPEARANCE : Gunnard Felberg PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Felberg described the layout of his property, stating that the neighbors living on either side did not object to the appearance of the two garages and that the second garage could not be seen from the street in front of his home . He asked to keep his old garage as a storage area and for use as a workshop when he retired in a few years . 1�1r. Jerry Kern of the City Building Department explained that when Mr. Felberg applied for a new garage permit , the office employee who took his application had failed to inform him of the rec{uirement that the old garage would have to be removed when the new one was completed. Chairman 1Jozniak asked about the condition of the older structure , and NIr. Felberg said the building inspectar h�.d assured him it was struct- urally sound and that he would not object to it. Mr. Felberg said he kept it painted and in good condition. BOARD ACTION : NIr. Voigt moved that the variance be granted. Mr. Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - 2- WH17E — CITV CLEHK � � � � PINK — FINANCEk'� �� � � � COUfl�II � ������ CqNARY — OEPARTMENT � GITY O� SAINT � P1�UL � BL.UE —MAYOR� . . � � I . � � , F11C NO. .�. . . �. �, � .. > . � I - . '. . .';._ � . , . �-� � ... A ..� . ' ..,•..'� .,.� .�. . . . h �,.C.o....�ncil Resolution � s .� ���� ,�{ � �f,- . � � . Presented Byr 'r.:* .,�..! � '�. -; .�..:�., � ' ,� ,:;, �,�,� Referred To � ' Committee: - Date � .. , '��` Out of Committee By ' ' Date " .,� _ , - . . . � . , , . .. >, , � . .. .. . : . : - , . ; . .,� . . : , - _ �a �� , � � ,��t , In the tter �of � f '_� . . ^�.. ` ' ' • �. t° �' �.i . .� . - . . . : - .. , � , . . ,. � - Case 1-75-B, .1463 Case"._Avenue, owned by . �,� , ; Gunnard Felberg, and desciibed as;`Ames � " ;. � � Out Lots , beginning on southerly line of . , � railway right-of-way seventy (70�� ft. at . ; '.C'^' , . ` right angle from east lot. line. o£ Lot 1; : ^ � ; :. -. thence� south to svuth line of and sixty (60) " ': j � - ^ � . �� _ ft. west from southeast corner of 'said Iot; , . � ` � �`'� -. . . . � �thence west to southwest� carner :of, said �ot; ' "�� -� . _ thence north to said ri�ht-of-way: line; °. . � ': � , thence e�sterly to beginning, _�eing part of . }m�_ �, �;, , F= ' Lot 1, Block 7,�, � ' � . . . :'`i .k. .. , . .. . , �°c• _ �� , ,, .. , . :.. . � . RESOLYED, that the Council of the City� of Saint Paul'�_ . ' ` hereby ratifies and` approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of , Appeals and Review at its raeeting of January 14-, I975, granting a ,. ` ` �garage variance fro� the SainL Paul Legislative Code, Section 40.00(c) ,- _ so as to permit Appeliant to keep two detached structures on single�. � Iot: his old wooden garage; for storage, in addition to his new garage: ° . . : s . ,. . .I: � . ' - � . " . - ` '�. , - . . � _ COUNCILMF�N . . ; Yeas '���� . Requested by Department of: unt �' � � , ' t.' � n patzki Levine • ` In Favor_ � . L v ne ��� . . ' . - . ' � - Me dith gy�ester_ Q.� Against BY �- i:� �- Sp a a � Tde co .,,,,....�,-•;*� , s�.y.� .; .. , : Mme.Pr side t Bu�e,.�",Y,'C"�i.Tti�`tl� ` dtc: . . , ' • ��-�,.��� f'+� e� 2 O � Form Approved by City Attorney �4dopted by Coun a e • " - Certified Passed by Council Secretary � . BY ��� j . _ . sy -'� . . ,.. �; . • . . . _ , � ��Eg Z 4 9�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date . . By ' BY— � . � � D � '� � � '` . r � o � � � �, � � o � , '� ,. ��� o- � � �� v�� � r^ . ,.,, '.0 �' � °' �,. o'� O O � � I�I1 ° o � o -n i A � A � � � � :":'^r.� ' � (�/1 -t (D � m 0 � �� � � � � z_. ^-� l�D ""I Z O � �`� f�i� � ,•Zr� O s � ^�''� ��"I cn'D O � �, � �G O / --�� � Q, � � � p D l,� \, O +n � � N cD � � �W � � � � a`/� , �.� . "`� °���.."'- .a, ,��.; N (D 7 N N ' .,��� ., aJ ! 1 � y Z � � � �• (/} .�� � ��. 47 o a � -�i � a c c r. • � � � ro `� ,� = � �� ��