265032 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK FINANCE CANA DEPARTMENT COl1C1C11 ( s� �LUE, �- MAY R GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ����tJ� , �� g _ . o ncil esolution � _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, the Mayor has transmitted to the City Council a proposed program for the expenditure of Year I Community Development Block Grant (Revenue Sharing) funds in the amount of $18,8�5 ,000; and WHEREAS, this proposed Community Development Program has been reviewed and approved by the City Planning Commission, after extensive public meetings throughout the city; and WI�REi�S, the City Council has held a public hearing re- garding the proposed Community Development Year � I Program; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approved the attached Community Development Year I Program, Budget, and Housing Assitance Plan; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ma.yor Lawrence D. Cohen, as Chief Sxecutive Officer of the City, is hereby authorized and - directed to submit said Community Development Program to the Department of Housing and Urban Development in such form as prescribed by the regulatior�.s of saic� Department; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to provide the Department of Housing and Urban Development with such Assurances and Certifications as may be required; and be it COUI�ICILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Appr ity torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � , � . . 2f�03� � - . . � ; . � -�- - FUR� .�SOI.�ED, that :�he Council,�as a .fu,rther �-ex�tiression - of its int�nt .and-`poliey'`{with�� respe�t'' td `the Cotrt►tittunity - Developut��� Revehue Sharing Progra,m and the Hou�ing ` "=1��sis�tanc`e��=-'�ll�n, an�d.,�sY �Ondi:t'i��n�sx�nder whicl;�•: t��is Resolution - is app�QU�d resolves: . ,`., , =_ .. � f" . : : . . , . , � �: , . � � . .0 p.... � � 1. ��ha� in' t°he evfent'`that the citizen part�icipa- � t�.on maehinery -is not established for Year II , p�:anning and prQgramming, the C ity will commit � - itself- to prov�.d� equivalent planning assistance > , to all those areas of the Eity that ,do not have . PAC staff; and : 2. Tk�at the Council will review all budget items, administrative a.nd otherwise, of the Hpusing and ��develo,pment Authori�y which relate to this program; and 3. That �ol�a€ion of the Kips Glen sewer problem will :receive first priority for any funds avail- able at th8 mid year review, and if no funds are tkten available, the solution of this problem will, receive tZ��: top priartty for Community Dev�lopment Year II; and �'` = 4. Tha.t the planninq':��unetions as outlined are. consider-�d to be ar� interim arrangement with - th�e ensuing �yeat� us�d` to evaluate procedutes to best determine th� future rele and responsi- . bility of _City Planning and HRA, and their relationship to the City Council; and WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE 2s5�32 CANA DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COU11C11 �LU��-M0.V 042 �, File N 0. � � ,. Council Resolution . - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- ...�---.- 5. That the Council have submitted to it and approve all proposed expenditures of monies from contingency funds. .`__,__ _ � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: _ Yeas Nays �� t..� ��- In Favor Levine r,/ Rcedler v Sylvester A gainst BY �ed�eaero �y �..,.�::,., � 2 � 1�15 Adopte�y_�unc--iT:�" a�� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie sed Coun '1 Secretary � BY 2 4 ��j Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approve Mayor:,,- Date By By PUBUSHED � 1 �