264991 ������ City of St.Paul IL ILE N ^ PRELIMINARY ORDER � By File No. 177�+� In the , - 'i�... _._.___ ____.. ___�--. __. _ _. __... . _____ ... __ . ._,._ _ _..:.�.._-_ �.. . ._w __.........�.__ � ; At,�:�1r� �et�.-±r:�nt eas�^�nts for sts��� and E�3g3zway purpases to open. Wi�n and ex- . 4�nd ��L;: S7^��t fr�n ;tirnehaha Mva;��se to Si�ar► Aver:ue �, o+�r ar�cf across the ' gclic::ing r:�scrib�d lands: . - . Tha.t paxt of the sout�aesL- qus.rter of Section 25, Tawnship 29 North, Ran�e ?3 West, bounded on the south by �, lin� 33 � feet nor�;h of �.nd g�raZlel to the south line of said Section 25; oa� t�r ���est by a la.ne 33 feet e�.st of a p�,ral.lel to the west I:ine o�' s�.i� ��c�aon 25; on th� north by a I.ine 728.73 _ feet north oP an�. pa,�a�el to the south line of s�id Se�tion ` 25; and on the ea.st by a line ciescrib�d as follows: Beginning a,t e point on the last described � para,.l.Iel line; C0.62 f�et eaat of -the we�� _ line vf said Section 25; i;hence southerl�y to s. t�oint bb.00 �'eet east of th� wzst 1.ine of smid -- �eci:ion 25 and 137.00 feet north of the south _ line of sa,id �ection 25; thence southerly to a ,point on a li.n� 33 feet north oP and ' under Adrr- ti� the south line of sa,id Section 2S, g�Qe.�el , _ e�.�f,�r],y� of �he west I.ine oP said Section 25, a��1 Ll�ere ter�ti.�atiTlg. The c �,tso �ots 1$, l5, to, I7 0� �lodc 7, �o�dry's Addigi�. having con:— 1. T1L w.3scr ��e ►rysterly 5$ fe�2 0� Lots 23 thr�rgh �� it�c�usfive of,=�lock 3, is S L'�ns3c�rs f�c�i�ic� Lo t�;P Ci�> of S�. Pasl . R�asey Cou�ty. � Also a! 1 of Lots i and 2 a�d Lhase pafts of Lots 3, �, 35 a�d 3�,and tfis� vacated a� 1ey tn Slock 3 of �.�sl��s Addit�en Lo the CIty of St. Paui` lyi�g w��terly of a t �ne parailel to and 58 feet east of the east right- 2. Tha °¢-way l ine of Oai� Str�eL. V . . . �'� 5•��, �'L . .. . �.. city��S° that part of tt�s nartM•r�st 1/� of SeztTon 25, Tchmshtp 29, NortFr;;, � Ran;� 23 �,'est, in Blocic 1'�, Ca�o ProsDe�L Addtticn, lytng w�s.`t�riy of . a lFne paral �el to and 35 fe�t east ot the east rignt-o�'-rr�y �ina of Da1� Stre�t. 3. That ltvu�.c vi omu t........, ..�^'-'-a -- o- C:. . �� � �_:_.� time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date FE8 1 1 �_ Yeas Nays Christertseti Certifie by Council S�cretary F�8 � 2 � Hozza � � Hunt In Favor y Levine � ��" Against Syivestet r �� �ueustiEO FE8 ! 51q75