264985 WHIYE� - CITY CLERK • ���(�[>c r �� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council r� ��l�J CANqRY-yDEPARTMENT �- BLUE - I�AYOR File NO. � ,� Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. � 'J��S� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending �rdinance No.64�+6, entitled: �An administrative ordinanee f'�� the cc�rpensation rates af certain city positior�s and employments," appr0ved «Tanuaz`Y' 23, 1925, as aaQended. � E�tJ�TCIL �F � GZTY BF �A�NT PA�1L T�S �: 33�cti�n l. That Brdi.nance No. 64�+b, approved Jauuary 23, 1925, ' a� �mended, be and the same is hereby fl:irther amended by strikir�g out of �ectio� II �nd�r "Special �playments�, the folle�r�ing: "Beach P�1 lla�ager $3•'S 8n ��' I�i.fe G�ard $3.�0 an haur Life 6�ard (Iatdo�r P�l� �2.5U an hour Park Aide I $2.�0 an hot�r Park Ai.de II $2.?5 an hour xecreation Aide 2.E� an hour Recreatic�r► I,eader I 2.75 an heur Refeetmry Attendant 2.75 a� heur 8efec�ory Helper 2.U� a� hour Refectory l�ager 3.5� an hour SWi�ing Supervisor �3.50 an hc�ur W�ter Safety Instrtictc�r $3.W an ha�r - 1 - COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco Pi!eside�rt-I�Qiit Form Appr v y City At orney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified P Cou il ecret�ry BY B Approved by Mayor: Date Appr d by Ma S sion o ouncil - By BY , WH17E - CITY CLERK ����QL� PINK - FINA�NCE (1� ■ CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COl1AC11 4 tJV BLUE =MAYOR � _ File N 0. . . Ordin�nce Ordinance NO. i 5�8► Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date and b� substituting in lieu thereof the follnwi�g: Beach �l l�axager $3.5p an h�ur �,i.fe f�iarct �3.25 an haur bife Guard (Indoer Pcol) $3.25 an Y�ur park Aide I 2.25 a� hot�r Park Aide II 3.� aa h�ur $eereaticin Aide $2.25 an hour Recreatian beader I $3.t� an heur $efectory �ttendant 3.IX� an hour $efectory 13elper 2.25 an hour �eefect�ry Hanager 3.75 an hour �3wi�3ag Supervisor 3.75 an �iar water Safety Instr�c�r $3.25 an hourp Section 2. That said ordinance� as a�ended, be and the s�,me is hereby flarther amended by striking 0u� ot' it�etian II �der "�pecial �►pl,�y�ents" the follc�wixg: ��,x "Locksr li��mt Attendant $1.65 a� �yuc and by substituting i� Lieu thereof the follawin�: "�ffective l�ay l, lqj4 Loeker R,o� Atte�sd.ant $1.9E) a,n hour „EPfeetive January 1, 1975 Locker Rpv� Attendaxit $2.�0 an hour "Sffective J�nuary 1, lgj6 Locker Rpe� Attendant �2.20 an haur Seetion 3. �e a�endments establi�hed by 3eetian 2 of this ardinance shaal talte ePfect and be in force retroaetively to May l, 1971+, in c�pliaace _ 2 _ COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form App ed y City tt ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve ay sion Council BY BY WHITE - CITY CLERK COUIIClI �����. ■ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY �DEPARTMENT BLUE - �AYOR �JVV _ . File N 0. . . O� �n�cnce Ordinance N 0. � �7 t�� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date with the 1974 amend�ts t� tYie Fair �,abor 8tandards Act as they app�y tc> �ini*�m wages. �ecti�xi 4. Th3.s ordi�anee sha11 take ef't'ect sad be in foree thirty (3�� days aFter its pa�sage, approval� and ptiblicati�. - 3 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza � In Favor Levine Roedler O Against BY Sylvester �a�`tm�►v� Adopfed y� ouncil: ��Date � 2 7 � Form App ved City At r Certi ' by Co ' Secretary BY � B Approv y Mayor: Da Approve ay r f on to ncil - By By PUBLISII�D � Q 197�'S _ . ,� �.. ; , : : ; , - e. , �. , , � � ��� � � - � � , . t3o not_ deta�h this memor�ndum fram �khe ��►;��� - � p� y�,�;� �,� ' ntdlnan�e so fhat this ir�forrr��ton w{II be �. �� ��c��t/ ; �g �, �. -ava�tab{e to the Cfty'_Councll. � _ � cr��r �� sA�r�� ���� . .,,, M � + �Q . ! : ' _ ^ � � ,��♦ . : -: � OFF#CE !�►� TWE CtTX ��fl�t'�`r�''�i��+1�"1''1'�[ ': � � , 'f��._�: -1�Ll.�fif , . •.,- -.� ° �F�QRT �'�,THE H�. L_.1�RE1��D� S(#�N, MAYOR ; ;. - . � i�ATE,:. Jani�atry �9, i 9?5 , ,._:.;. , - - :�; RE.G�RpI.�.G: Ord�aaace adj�el�g;tl�e���ge -�atea for'certair� ` ,`. ,�pec%al Emplciy�Eat t4tlew�. �(see cfther sid'e} ._ *: . : ,� , ( - . - : � ; � t • ; , , ; �. _ _ ` $ : .; -;; ^t : � , . . �. �. � � . . . . . . � . � . . .. � � � . . � ' . � . �:F: , , . . . . . . . . . ,. � . . _ . . . - .. . � .. �'} . . . . ' . . � :i _ . . . . .. .. . . . � ' -. .. . .. . - � � � . . . � , . � � � . ' . .. . . . . .. . . .�_ �. _ �... „� < S+ot�xCE:s Ci�tril Service Office . � . : �, . �� . ;�: _": , ,, : ,,. Ac�zot� ��tE�u�ST�D: r recc�mx�sn�d your�appraval,aad� subrrif��t�oa af this Qrdinaace to the Gity �ot�ieccil. .; " . ; ' A7�TAC8t�EN��: Ordit�asc�, co�y for City Clerk. � < � -�. ,A�'. �� � ' . ' . � . .. _. . . . . . . . . . .. .� . . . � �� . � . : .. . .. . .. . - - � " .. . � . . � ��:ti � ' . . . . . . . .. �� .. .. � � �� ' � ''� ,.1 � . �� . . ' . . � . . � . � � � .. w., ,:��:.��i . . . � . . .� � . � . . .� . ' . . ' . � � � . � � . . . Ffi � . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . .. '�� . . . - � . . . . � . .. . . . . � - � . . ,�';d �. � . , . �.. . . . . . . .. . . . . ' . . . . . . ... .. . . . ... . . . . . y . . � . ' . . . . . . .. . . . .. . n: 3-.. . . - .. . . .. � � . � . . . .. � I. ". .. . � . . . .. - .. � � . � � . � � ' 2�'. e. . � . . . � � � . . �� . . . .. . � .. �', � . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . �.. . . . . . ... . . � � - _ . . . . . . . . . . . .,9 . , ,. ±. ;p �— . , . � .... �.. .. � � . ..� . . . . � . .. . � . .. . . '� � . ' .... .r .! �ity Nati, 5�t �'a�rt# Mir�t�st�t�t ����� �.! � _ � _ . : ,_: .. ,,..�..�t.� ,- .: ,.� .. . . .j . . . . . � . .. .z.,'.r . 7 . . .-�. • . � . � y ' . � ;:k . ._ . . ,. ` e _ . � Y�, - . `� . � j . :A . : ... . . .' r R i..;`�a '�,. _ �`+�+�. i. - . . . a .� . . � . . .. . . . .. . � , . .. . .. . . . � . . �'itle f Ct�:rrem�t l�at� Prc�ra�d�:ate � �, Beach Pool 1Vtaxr�ger . `� $�. 25 an hc�r �►�. 5fl aa #�o�r Life Gt�a,rd ? 3. 00 _ �. 25 Life Guard (I�td���Poal) � 2.50 3. 25 Park A,'sde I - 2. 00 �.25 Park Aide I� 2. '75 3. OV Recrea:tion a�.ide 2. U0 �t �5 ` R�cre�t�on Lea�r I �.75 3. l�0 R ef ect�r�r A�te►�t�t 2. 7 5 3. QO R�fectmry He�ar 2. 00 2. 25 �te�ectory Msri,ager 3. 50 �.�� .: 6�ri�miag.�ape�riaor ` , �. 5 0 . . �� ;, 3.75 u � , Water Saife��y �strrotctor 3. 00 � 3, �5 1 • r� - - ,>' ' La►ck�� Ro�om,.l�teadaQnt �� _ � , :•'1.:65'aa,hour . . � C��� �ayr �., 1974) i, 40 � l�oet� c�'t+�� ���. �, �975) �. ao (��tiva �'a�. 1, 19'�6j 2. �f� : � . . ��?.;: „ � _ . . _ _ . „_. . . � ,,- -, � _ ; lst _Z�(/ 2nd Z 3rd ?•0 aaopted v?�o'?'� Yeas Iv'ays Ck�IS.�vSuiV :�ZZ,� ������ L.�,ViV-E ROEDLER SY't,VES�,R '�a�r. vi.e re••+� TE�DESCO �F��..lc���`')