264924 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE 1 CAIJARY ��EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COUI1C11 9LUE - MAYOR File �O. 64924 Co nci esolution Presented By �c r Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addreases stated be and the same are hereby granted. Jay Lund 2180 University Rest C-2 App.16183Renewal American Mineral Spirits Co. 40 E. Water Bulk Oil Stg�e. '� 00011�' George Deutsch 632 N. Prior Gas Sta-5F " 00379" �► n Gen Rep Gar n n n tr n Cj,� r� i� �� Hudson Oil Co. 597 S. Snelling Gas Sta-5P " 00414�� n �� CiS y i� n u �� Cig VM OPer-2M r� n n King Optical Co. 390 St. Peter Optician �� 00425" The Guardian Co. 302 University Carpet Dlr " 00489" Whitesell Tree Service 321-109th Ave.N.W. ,Coon Rp. Tree Trim-1Veh�� 00490�� " " 1 Add*1 Veh " �� �� Our Savior's Lutheran School 6?4 Johnson Pkwy Food Estab-L �� 00513" Arthur G. Murray 441� St. Peter Hotel-44 rme �� 00580'� Bethlehem Lutheran School 655 Forest Fbod Estab L �� 00592�� Lui�ern Goodman 2165 University Gas Sta-12P �� 0p625►' �t �� Cj,g n n A Midway Used Auto Parts, Inc. 218 N. Pascal Gen Rep Gar " 00649" Harry Nord 6� F'ront Gas Sta-6P '� 00717�� rr n Gen Rep Gar n i� ►� Eastern Hts. Lutheran School 616 Ruth Food Estab-L �� 00839" Raymond & Catherine Poole 717 Jacksan Grocery A-2 �� 00919�� " " Frozen Foods " �� �� �� �� Off Sale Malt �� �' �� �� ti Cl� �� �� i� �ins Midway Motels, A �Minn. Limited Partnership� Midway Motor Inn. 1966 University Hotel-93 Units �� 00946" lwine Midway Motels, A. Minn. Ltd. Partnership, Ztvins Motor Inn 1975 University Swimming Pool �� 0094?�� " " Hotel-126 rms �� 00948'� Ray Ellis 2144 University Hotel-38 rms �� 00967►� YMCA 475 Cedar Rest C-2 �� 01071�� ri COUI�ICILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council �+'� CANqRV -flEPARTMENT File NO. ��7i��1� BLCE s MAYOR Council Resolution �° Presented By����,�,qT�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont 'd Page 2 Rabbi Simon Benarrach 20�50 Marshall Butcher-B App,01088Renewal Brooks Superette, Inc. 2050 Marshall Grocery A-2 �' 01113�� " " Frozen Foods �� �� �� �� �� Off Sale Malt �� �' �� u n Clg n tr n Mickey's Diner, Inc. 389 Wabasha Cig YM Oper-2M " 01134" " �� 3 Add'1 M �� �� �� Bachmans c/o Applebawns 1574 University Florist/Nurs " 01142�' Totem Foods, Inc. 53 S. Cleveland Grocery A-2 �� 01143�� �► �► Frozen Foods r� �� �� �� �� Off Sale Malt �� �� �� rr �� Ci8 n n r� Shiu Kee Tong 1464� University Rest C-2 " 0127?�� Ruth Larson 900 DeSoto Ldy/DC Plt �� 01325" Ameri:can Tool Supply Co. , Inc. 596 University Hardware " 01333�' Gerald Rient2 211 W. ?th Barber �� 01363�� Fern Welsch 1001 E. Maryland Beauty Shop " 013?4" St. Luke's Hosp.-United Hosp. 300 Pleasant Beauty Shop �� 01407�' Interatate United Corp. 316 N. Robert Rest C-2 �� 01412�� Parkway Menor Nurs Hame 324 Johnson Pkwy Beauty Shop �' 01413�� Jamea F. Muellner 111 Metro Sq. 121 E. 7th Barber �� 01422�� Hazel G. Eicher ?12 N. Snelling Beauty Shop �' 01430�� I.U.C. Of Minn. 1091 Pierce Butler Rd. food Veh'e-18 �� 01469" Northern Vend Serv, Inc. 1481 Marshall:t Food V�h-K �� 01492f� Jeannie A. Kohout 1457 Sheldon Beauty Shop " 01501�� Alice Flood 1208 Jefferson �� �� 01506�� Schroeder Mil� Ca: , Inc. 2080 Rice Milk Past Plt " O1.S53�� " " 1 Veh �� �� �� n n 1 veh n �� n �� " 5 Add'1 Veh �� �� �� Paul E. Milaar 2A1 N. Cleveland Beauty Shop ��� 01570�� John A. Schneider 1769 Old Hudaon Rd. Florist/Nur� �� 01617�� �� n 3 Veh rr n n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WN17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARK-'DEPARTMENT File NO. � 2s4924 BL'DE ►'--MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By yl�,�,�E r,�grrm� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Alice Flor 5770 N. Lexington Catering-B�t App.01690Renewal u �� 1 Veh n n n Midland Coop, Inc. I-694 Main St. 1V,E. , Mp�s Liq �Uel Dlr " 01695�' nt n 3 Veh n t� i� �11 State Salvage Co. , Inc. 1354-80 Jackson 2nd Hd Dlr Gen " 01696►� Farmers Union Co-Op Oil Assn. 1180 N. Concord Liq Fuel Dlr �+t 01700�� �' f' 15 Veh rr �r n General Foods Corp. 1996 University� Cig f� O1?09M Zinsmaster Baking Co. 97 Sherburne Cig �� 01710�' Edward Paperin 628 Stryker Fbot Peddler �' 01834'� Dale H. lI Zi�merman 10844 Vincent Ave. S. , Blmgtn. Mtr Veh Dr" 01835�� Robert L. Childrey 1276 Wilson, Apt. 215 Mta Veh Dr �� 01845�� Robert D. Christensen 2208 Blake « �� 01861�� COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine ,. / Rcedler �� Against By Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date .lAN 2 8 1�TS Form Approved by City Attorney Certified by Council cretary BY By Appro Mayor Date 3 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By r�reusNEQ FE8 819?5