264922 WHI'rE - CITY CLERK �64922 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANqRY - DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE � - MAYOR Flle NO. ' un il Resolution Presented By �. Refe To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an act relating to elections ; removing a provision for special hours during which registration locations must be open; amending Minnesota Statutes 1974� Section 201.091� Subdivision 6. '� and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations . COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine /}i Rcedler, �� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt '� �8 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie s by Counc'1 Secretary � BY By � Appro Ma o • ate 3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council w By By PtlBLISHED � � 197'� � - 2649�2 �-`-'1-75 City o.f St. Paul Bill No. A bill for an act rel��ting to el.ecti�ris ; removirig a piovision for special hou:rs cluring �vhich registration � loc���tioris must be open; aT�iendin� Minnesota Stai;utes 1974, Se_�-ti_on 201. Oy1, Subdivision 6 . }3E IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOT�1: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1974, Section . 201. 091, Subdivision 6, is amended to read: Subd. 6. �LECTIONS; REGISTRA'PION YLACES,_7 Each county audi�tor sliall determine a number of public buildings located within the county, anci not less tYian oiie location per 30, 000 resiclenLs , wliere eligible voters may register by com��leting a re�istra�tion card a,nd leavin� it with an official �tiittiin the bui.:l.dine; whose dut,y it shall. be to transmit the carcis to tlie appropria�te county audi�tor, fl��-s�ek-�eea�;�s�s s����-�em�f�-e�e�-�t����-y:98-�'.-A�1:-e�-��e-��ts=�-��g�s�����re� �t��-�ne�-�e�°-��-�et�s�-��9-�s�s-�s�-��e�����b-�t����c�a�s;-��nc�s�s; ��±�-�e���-�ef����s-�r��ed�t��e��-��eee��ny-�He-�as�-�e��s�����e� c���;-a.nc�-skt��f-r���a-�en�t��n-e�en-��a�n-�8-H8-�l.-?�1.---�a-��;98-�.-A�: e�--t'�e-���t���l��-�t��e��a-�e��-}��eee�t��-�ke-����-�eg����t��ten c�t�� .- An adequate supply o1' reg-ist,ration cards shall be ma:i_ntained a-t the locations determitied.. 1