264920 WHI7E - CITY � ERK 2s4g20 PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL F le ci1N0. BLL1.E - MAYOR � ncil Resolution Presented By Ref To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Counc il of the City of Saint Pau 1 hereby approves : "A bill for an act relating to the sale of property by a port authority; amending Minnesota Statutes 1974, Section 458. 196. �� and recommends the same to the Ramsey County 5enate and House delegations . :a COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen Hozza � In Favor Levine Rcedler B Sylvester Against Y Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date `�N ? 8 ��J Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie y Council Secretary� BY By Appro b Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By -$y � �� V � � ' ' ; . 1-21--75 City of S�t. Pau1 Bill No . � A b i 11 f o r an a c t ����,2� � relating to the sale of property by a port authority; and amending Minnesota Statutes 1971� , Section 458. 196 . i BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESQTA: Section l . Minnesota Statutes , 19?4, Sec�ion 458 . 196 is amended to read: 458. 196 (SALE OF PROPERTY) Subdivision l. When a port authority deems it for the best interests of the district and the people thereof and in furtherance of its general plan . of port improvement , or industrial development , or both, it , may sell and convey any property or part thereof owned by it . • wiLhin u port or industrial district . This section shall not be limited by other laws pertaining to powers of port au�horities . Subd. 2 . When selling and conveying real property the �}�e port authority shall give notice o�f the proposed sale by a er ublished and of general circulation publication in a newsp p p in the county and port district at least ten days before the date fixed for the hearing thereon. The notice shall describe the real property to be sold and state that the terms and conditions of the sale are available for public inspection at the office of . . the port authority and that at the time and place specified in the e au�horit will mee� to hear and determine the advis- notice th Y ability of the sale . Th�e hearing shall be held not more than 20 days from the publication of notice. At the hearing the authority shall hear the reasons of any taxpayer in the port � district for or against the sale . � . 2s4920 Subd. 3 • Within 30 days after the hearing, the authority . shall make its findings and determination on the advisability of making the sale of real property and enter its determination on its records . Any taxpayer may appeal the determination of the authority by filing a notice of appeal with the district court of the county in which the district is located, and serving the same upon the secretary of the port authority, within 20 days of the entry of the determination but no appeal shall be allowed except on the grounds that the action of the authority was : . • arbitrary, capricious , or contrary to law. ' bd. 4 . The terms and conditions of sale of any real Su property shall include the use which the bidder will be permitted to make of it . The authority may require the purchaser to file security as assurance that the property will be used for that purpose. In determining the sale terms and conditions the port • authority may consider the nature of the proposed use and the relation thereof to the improvement of the harbor, the riverfront and the city of the first class and the business and the facilities of the port authority in general. All sales of real or personal . �roperty shall be made upon such terms and conditions as the port authority may prescribe . In any case the port authority ma�y place I real or personal property on the market for sale upon advertisement for bids published in the same manner as and simultaneously with the notice of hearing required in this section for real property and award the sale in accordance with the bid deemed by it to be . most favorable having regard to the price and the intended . -2- - . � 264920 use specified, but the port authority shall have the power to - sell $a�� such properties at private sale at a negotiated price if such sale is deemed in the public interest by the port authority and in furtherance of the aims and purposes of sections 458 . 09 to 458. 1991, and in the case of real property � after hearing as herein required. Subd. 5. ��e-���e�ase�-s�a��-w�����-e�e-�ea�-��e�-��e-�a�e e€-��e-���e�a�e;-�e�a�e-��e-g�a�e���-�e-��s-���e��e�-��e;-e�-��a?� ee�e�ee-�e��-e�-��e-����e�e�e��a-��e�ee�-�e-�e�e�.e-��-�e-��e� � �se;-���-��-�e-€a}�s-�e-�e-se;-��e-�a��-a���e����-�a�-ea�ee�-��e � sa�e-a��-����e-�e-��e-gne�e���-s�a��-�e�e��-�e-�� . The port authority may provide that if the purchaser of real property shall, within one year from the date of the purchase , fail to devote the real property to its intended use, or shall fail to commence work on the improvements thereon to devote it to � such use, the port authority may cancel the sale in which ev�nt title to the real property shall revert to it . Extension of � . . time to comply ���ith such condition may be granted by the port authority on good cause shown by the purchaser. The terms of � sale may contain any other provision by the port authority which it deems necessary and proper to protect the public interes�. No purchaser shall transfer title to such real property within one year without the consent of the port authority. Subd. 6 . ���-6a�es-�a�e-��-aeea��a�ee-w���-��e-��a��s�e�� o€-��}s-see��e�-s�a��-�a�e The port authority may incorporate� in the instrument of conveyance of title of real property sold in _3_ . � .. . . . � 264920 :�ccordance with the provisions of this section the conditions of sections �{58 . 09 to 458 . 1991 relating to the use of the land as a covenant running with the lands . Any violation of such covenant shall result in a right by the authority to declare a breach of the covenant running with the land and seek a judicial decree from the district court declaring a forfeiture and a cancellation of any deed sa given. ' Subd. 7 . No conveyance of real property shall be made • until the purchaser shall have submitted to the port authority . ��a�s-a��-s�ee��}ea��e�s-�e�-��e-�e�e�e�r�e��-e�-��ie-��e�e���-s6?�, � a written statement of intended use and development of the real property sold, and said g�a�s-a��-s�ee���ea��s�s written statement shall be approved in writing by the port authority . �ewe�e�; �e�����-l�e�e}�-s�a��-�e����e=�ke-��ega�a��e�-a�-���a�-��a�s-a�d sgee�€�ea��e�s-bete�e-�l�e-l�ea���g-e�-��e-sa�e;-�t��ess-se-���ee�e� �3�-��e-a�t��e����. �. . , ( -�+-