264918 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 ^yy `q�� PINK - FINANCE COUIIClI M1 1t��7 . CANqRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. " BLt�E. - MAYOR � � uncil Resolution Presented By �� Refe ed To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Gouncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an act relating to securities ; governing registration of certain securities of port authorities for cities of the first class ; amending Minnesota Statutes 1974, Section 80A. 15, Subdivision 1. " • and recommends the same to the Ramse y County Senate and House delegations. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine � ._ •� Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt �� 2 8 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified d by Council Secretary � BY By Approv by Mayor: Da �'` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ BY PUBLISMED �� 91�5 • . t-- � � • ^ , , � ; . . . �64918 � , 1-21-75 Ci-ty of St. Paul Bi�l � . A bill for an act relating to securities ; governin� registration of certain securities of port authorities for cities of the first class ; amending Minnesota StaLutes 1974 , Section 80A. 15 , Subdivision l . 0 BE I�' ENACTFD BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF i�lINNESOTA : Section l . P�Iinrlesota Statutes 197�4 , Section 80A . 15 , Subdivision l, is amended to read : 80A. 15 [Exemptions� • Sub�ivision l . The follocvin� securities are exempted from sections �30A. OB and 80A. 16 : (a) Any secura_ty , including a revenue obliga.tzon, issue : or guaranteed by the United St;ates , any state , any political subdivision of a state oz� any cor�orate or� other insLrurnentality of one or mare of the fore�oing; but this exemption shall not include any industrial z°evenue bond. (b) Any security :i_ssued or guaranteed by Canada, any CaMadian province , any political subdivision of any such province , any agency or corporate or ot;her instrumentalit,y of one or more of the foregoi.n�, if the security is recognized as a valid ob- li�ati.on by Lhe issuer. or �uarantor; but this exemption shall not include any rever�ue ob.ligation payable solely from payrnents to be inade in respect of property or money usec� under a lease , sale or loan arrangement by or for a nongovernmental industrial or commercial enterprise . (c) Any security issued by. and representin� an interes� in or a debt of, or guaranteed by , any bank organized under the laias of the United States , or any bank, savings institution or trust company organized under t:he la�vs of any state and subject to regulation in respect of the issuance or guarantee of its . securities by a governmental authorit;y of thaL state . (d) Any security issued by and representing an interes� in or a debt of, or �uar°anteed by , any federal savings and loan association, or any build:ing and loan or silnilar associatilon or�;anized under the la��rs of any state and authorized to da busi- ness in this state . � (e) Any securiLy 1SSUECI OT� guaranteed b5� any federal credif, union or any credit un�.on, or similar assoc.i.ation ar�;c'IlZlze: and supervised under the lat�rs of f,his sLate . _ _.•-1�• ' I ' - . � . . '' , __. + . .:. ; - . . � 264918 � . ., (f) Any security listed or approved for listing upon notiice of issuance on the New York Stock Exchange , the American Stock Exchange , the I�tidwest Stock Exchange, or the Pacifie Coast Stock Exchan�e ; any other security of the same issuer which is of senior or substantially equal rank; any security called for by subscription rights or v�arrants so listed or approved; or any warranty or right to purchase or subscribe to any of the foregoin�. (g) Any commercial paper which arises out of a current transaction or the proceeds of which have been or are to be used for current transactions , and which evidences an obligation to pay cash tiaitYiin the nine months of the date of issuance , exclusive of days of grace, or any renewal of such paper �ahich is likevrise limited, or any guarantee of' such paper or of any such renetival which are not adver�ised f'or sale to the general public in neti•as- papers or other publi.cat 'ions of generaT circalation or �otherwise , or by radio, television or direct mailing. . (h) Any interest in any employee ' s savings , stock purchase , pension, profit sharing or simil_ar benefit plan, or a self-employed person' s retirement plan. (i) Any security issued or guarante�d by any rai7_road, ��ther common carrier or public utility which is subject �o regu- lation in respect to the ZJJuance or guarantee of iLs securities by a governmental authority of Lhe United States . . (j ) Any in�erest in a common trust fund or sim:ilar � fund mainta�_ned by a state bank or trust company organized and operating under the la�as of Minnesota, or a national ban)c where- ever locaLed, for the collective investment and reinvestment of funds contributed thereto by such bank or trust cornpany in its capacity as trustee ,. executor, administrator, or guardzan; and any interest in a collective investment fund or sirnilar fund maintained by such ban�c or trust company , or in a separate account maintained by an insurance company , for the collective investment and reinvestment of funds contributed thereto by such bank , trust cornpany or insurance company in its capacity as trustee or �gent , which interest is issued. in connect;ion taith an employee ' s savino; , pension, profit sharing or similar benefit plan, or a self-employe� person' s retirement plan. . (k) Any industrial development revenue bond issuedby a port authority of a city of' th� first class and guarariteed by a pled�e of revenues rom three or more ease a�reemen s a� nc3—such other revenues as the port aut ority eems appro��ri.a e . (1) Any_ industrial deve_lopment__rev_enue_bond__issue - - - -� -- in .:�n amount of $1,000,000_ or _less_ issued_pursuant to Chapte�s _ ___.___.---------- �47�'+ or u5� of the Laws of the State of Minnesota as amended, the issuance of�wfiich bonds has been approved- by the �a�e of Minne- �sota Departmen�--o�`-Economic�eveTopmen�. -2- .. �