264882 WM17E' �TV OyERK � • ♦ �/�-
B``-� ' ''�'y°R ' ' File N�. V�
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� � Z � Or 'nance N 0. �� �
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Presented By � � ,� �a �� t,��'' , �
Referred To � �� Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Chapter 425 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertain-
ing to selling, giving, owning, possess-
ing and carrying weapons.
That Section 425.03-1 (C) (1) (b) of the Legislative
Code be amended to read as follows:
"That tl�e applicant is at least 21 years of age."
That Section 425.03-1(C) �l) (d) of the Legislative � J
- Code be amended by adding the following thereto:
"In li�u thereof, the applicant may submit a
deseription prepared by his employer of each
and every firearm including caliber, make,
model and serial number which would be used -
by, or made available to, the applicant in
the course of his employment." ` '
Yeas COUNCILME Nays Requested by Department of: �U � l � ��
Hozza In Favor
Levine � . ¢�
Rcedler Against By �I ' �`�'`�
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
Approved by Mayor: Date Approv Mayo r to C ncil
By By ---
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S�CTION:. 3; : ::. . : ,
` That Sectiori 425.0�-1�E� of the Leqisla��..�e�� Cod� . _��. �
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. ig amended b� a dd��g: the follovuing there�o: ` - � .: . '
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- � carry the identification �a:�d _spee�.fied in: ' . .
�� . � , �pa.ra.gra.ph G ;hereof on tl�eir person �t :�i1'. � . ,: -
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, times when ca��.�ing a. fs.reartan. Any; vi�lation :
` ' - of this pa,ra.gra.p� 8�3z+�:11 :be;3 misdElme�;Iid�,.": . " ' �
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< That Sec�it�x� 425:0�-1(�) o£' �he Leg3�1a��;ve Cv'c�a , ,
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� }ee �mend�d by �.r�di�.g ;t.;hhe' f�llowing thereto: - z-� .,.; ,
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;' °33�.331 to ,3,39" . _-, `' , ; -- .:�.; .
. `and sub�tituting� in lieu thereo� the f�7.�wing.:, :'' -
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That Sect3on 425* 03�1(D) of the Legislative Code
�s amended to read as follows:
"Upon rece�pt o� the application, the Chief
of Police shall conduct a background investi�
ga,t�on of the applicant. The ' Chief of Police
then shall either issue or deny the permit.
Any person who is denied a permit hereunder
or whose permit has been revoked, shall be
noti�ied in writing of the reasons therefor
and �ay� within ten (10) days of said notice,
file a written request for review of the '
action of the Chief of Police with the Mayor,
who may order the Chief of Police to issue or
reinstate the permit under such terms and �
conditi,ons as the Ntayor deems reasonable.
The Mayor shall advise the applicant-permittee
in writing of his action and, the applicant-
permittee may within ten (10) days of the
notice from the Mayor, file a written request
for review of the action of the Mayor with
�_ ti�e City elerk who s�iail �ransmit said request
-to the C3ty Counci�. for Pevi�w by the City
�- Counc�l or' SUbcomm�ttee. thereof, which shall
have authority to ,order the Chief of Police
to �,ssue or ���.i�state =su�Yi pEYmit under such
terims and conditions �as the council or sub--
, committee thereof in its discretion find
� reasonable, " � 4 � '
That Section 425. 03-1(C) (2) (a) be amended to read
as follows:
(a) The filing with the Chief of Police of a
Certa.ficate of Insurance or a copy of
the policy in a form to be approved by'
the city attorney�, naming the permittee
and the City of Saint Paul as joint
insureds and using a Cross Liability
Endorsement, protect the permittee and
the City of Saint Paul from claims for
damages and personal injuries, including
death, and property damage arising from
any act or omission involving the use,
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. �_ �os��s��on, ti�ari�r��ti.on� storage� or ' :
_ d�scharge af any weapQ�.: As used in the
. . - '�
- _ preced�.ng sente�ce, the Cit� of Saint Paul
f:ne],ude� t�ie' Ci�y of Saint Paul, a �t�nici-
- pa1 corporati,on, aknd �ti�: ac�ent�, officers, -. -
e�plo�rees, ser�tants, successors, and , _
_ as�tqns. The mi.n�m �notint d€ �uch =
� �.nsu��nce sfia11= �e as fol.laws: Bodily "
' �`' ` ;�n�n�y insu�ance, including death, `
$300'000. 0Q, P�operty Dama�e insurarice,
� $300,000.00, or single limi;t Badil� Znjury
�,nclud�;ng death, and��property damaqe
- ,�nsu�eance in the_aumount of $300,000.00. � _
,�., _� - ,;Sa�:d Ce�tif�.cate of Tnsur-a�tce or cop� ,of
., `' the Po].icy shall be ���ompariied hy the`
' "Sa�:n�t Pgul Un�:form Endorsem�nt" as
, prescr�bed by S�ction g;�.03 of the� Saint
- Pau1 L�gislative Code,'- When the applicant
is atn- employee of peraon. �irm, or corpo-
� ration duly licensed pursuant to Minnesota-
� Sta�utes, Sec�ions 326;331 to .33� as :
� specified in paragraph B hereof, the-
-: ; insu�ance requi.ted hereunde� .shali be
. - deeme+�:.;,i:�. acunpliance if,: the person, �irm,
' . x_.; or corpi�rat.�on emp�c�y�.�ig the applicant
: : � - sha]:l have fi�ed with the Chief of Fo�ice -�
�-- a cert`if-icate of insurance or copy t�� t2�e -�
: • �,, :, pol�.cy. whic�i �.nsures the person, fi:�n., vr
� ' ' corpora�ion and i,ts agents�, officers, `and �
� : � eanplQyees as well as the `City of Saint_ Paui.�;
._ �n add�tion, the applicant sha�l pre�e�t _to _;.
., ,
� the Chief of Police ah affidavi� executed _ `
' by the pers.on, firm or'co�poration o�,
o�f i ce� thereof', employinc� .the_ aPPli�'3nt., ,
� ' that the applicant is �n elig�.ble employee
, _ : �or a permi.t issued �e�ennd�r as �pec�f ied ,.,,. � r''`
-- i,n paragraph B hereof.
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PINK, .� ��IN NCE • . � ' � 1
.� CA� RY�- bEP�ARTMENT COUI1C11 �r Q �
J,�;�� ; - a�a,,oR . • • , GITY OF SAINT PAUL File N0. ��"v-�
'� "� Council Resolution ��a N� �s 1� � '
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days from it passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Hozza In Favor
Levine ,l
Roed�� V A gainst BY
President Hunt
� s � Form A proved by�Cit t ey
Adopted by Council: Date � t
Certified Eessed y Council Secretary By �
Appro by Mayor• Da EB 1 0 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY By �
�E►� FE8 13 �►�"5
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January 24, 1975 PIERRE N. REGNIER
RE: Amendments to Ordinance 15723 regarding
permits to carry f irearms.
Section 1 of the amending ordinance deletes the require-
ment of the current ordinance that the applicant be a
resident of the State of Minnesota.
Section 2 of the amending ordinance adds a new paragraph
clarifying what is already current practice. That is,
that the applicant may submit a list of firearms owned by
his employer and which will be used by him if he obtains
a firearms permit.
Section 3 of the amending ordinance adds a new paragraph
requiring all those who are issued firearms permits to
carry the identification card issued by the Chief of
Police on their person when carrying a firearm.
Section 4 of the amending ordinance is a provision which
enables a permittee who has had his identification card
lost or stolen to obtain a new identification card upon
notifying the Chief of Police within the specified time
Section 5 of the amending ordinance correats what is a
typographical error in the current ordinance in that
reference is made to Minnesota Statutes, Section 336. 331
to . 339 when the correct reference should be 326.331 to
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
w � , � . '
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L .
, ,
• Memo to City Council
Page 2
January 24, 1975
Section 6 of the amending ordinance changes the current
procedure to be followed when the Chief of Police denies
an application for a firearms permit. The current
ordinance provides that a person whose application for
a firearms permit has been denied by the Chief of Police
may appeal the decision to the Mayor, who may then direct
the Chief of Police to issue a permit upon the terms and
conditions that the City Council or subcommittee thereof
finds reasonable. The amending ordinance provides that
the applicant must first take his appeal to the Mayor who
may then direct the Chief of Police to issue a firearms
permit. If the Mayor also denies the permit application,
the applicant then has a right to appeal to the City
Council or subcommittee thereof to determine if the
applicant should be issued a permit.
Section 7 of the amending ordinance changes the insurance
requirements of the current firearms permit ordinance.
This is done by inserting the following phrase into the
body of the current requirement:
Or single limit bodily injury including death,
and property damage insurance in the amount of
$300,000. 00,
The cuzrent ordinance requires that the applicant carry
insurance in the amount of $300, 000 for bodily injury,
including death, and $300,000 for property damage, or
if the applicant carries single limit insurance, this
would require $600,000 in insurance. The City of Saint
Paul has a statutory liability of $300,000 and this
amount is not broken down by property damage or personal
injury. The effect of this amendment would allow the
applicant to carry $300,000 less insurance while still
fully protecting the City of Saint Paul�s interest.
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ls����1 � 2nd I ��8
3rd I Adopted
Yeas Nays
HoZ� ����g�