Triemert, Sandy (2) R�CEIVED To: 816512668574 JUl �3 2�14 Company: Fax: 816512668574 �ITY �LERK Phone: From: sandy.triemert C3350_T4520C sa Fax: Phone: 651 .431 .3196 E-mail: Sandy.Triemert@state.mn.us NOTES: Send data from C3350-T4520C 07/23/2014 09:08 Date and time of tfansmission: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:09:14 AM Number of pages including this cover sheet:07 NOTIC� OF CLAIM I+'�RM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Minr►rs�,�a Srrr►e Srcuutr 466.05 s�ates lhn� ° ...every��r�snn...whn clnim,e darn��ger.j'roui nny+nwiicrpality...�hull crru.re to br prrsrntrd ru ihe gnvernirr,�Gody of lhe numicipality H�i►hi�e ItiO duy,s afler�he uNrgrd lass nr rnjnry is discovered n nutice sta�iieg!he ti�nr,pluce,ci��d circinnslnrfces/hereo%rrn�(rhe nmou+it of cornpensntio�t or nlher re(ief deinr�ndecl" Ples►se complete this turm in its entirety by clrarly typin�or printin�yuur answer tu each ryuestion. It'more space is needrd,�ttach additional sheels. Please note th:�t you will nut be cuntacted by felephone tu clarify Answers,so provide as much infurmation.0 nrcrssury to explain your claim,and the amount of compensation Lein�requested. Yuu wi0 receive a written ackne►wledRement once your f'orm is recrived. The prucess can t�ke up to ten weelcs or loager cleprndinb on the nature of your claim. This Corm must be signed,and both pages completed. If sumrthing does not apply,write`lY/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUM�NTS TO: CITY CLERK, l.S WF,ST KT:f.LnCC BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 � � RECEIVED First Name �..a.p.� Middle Initial�Last Name �� «y��'�- Company or Business Name��; (�r�t� Qo��.�c �,,���_� -���► 2 3 2014 Are You an Insurance Company? Yes No If Yes,Claim Number? +^�T�' �LERK Street Address ��o� I�) �P n,�a�.�- ����4. City c�1- Pei.V� State_Ttv�,c� Zip Code ���i9 Daytime Phone (��-a�t°R Cell Phone(��Z-)Z30-vb�4 Evening Telephone( ) Date of Accidend Injury or Date Discovered ��2��L3 Time 1 a�D m pm Please state,in detail, what occurred(happened),and why you are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsible for your damages. ol�r�1.�Cl..,� �,?��°—�—Q�(�_��,GYh� rr�.� �.�.a�� �r� Q rn,f�P � ►.t � l S ' '� � - - -- - � �v,1L1 orr�' -��� ��C••4�—,�o b..,.�►.e� ��Pal- Please check the box(es)that most closely represent the reason for completing this form� � My vehicle was damaged in an accident ❑ My vehicle was da�naged dw'ing a row ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a po[hole or condition of the street � My vehicle was damaged by a plow ^F��ly vehicle was wrongftilly towed and/or ticketed � I w�s injured on City property � Other type of property damage-please specify ❑ Other type of injury-please specify In order to process your claim�ou neec� to include copies of all apnlicable documents. — For the claims types listed below,please be sure to incl�ide the documentc indicated or it will delay the handling of' your claim. Documents WILL NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a vehicle: two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds $500.00;or[he actut�l bills and/or receipts for the repairs fa Towing claims: legible copies of amy ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other property damage claims: two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00;or thc netual bills und/or receipts for the repairs; detliled list of dam�iged items O Injury claims: medical bills,receipts O Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be returned. Page 1 of 2-Please complete anrd return both pages of Claim Form I'ailure to complete and return bolh pages will result in delay in the handling of yuur claim. All Claims—�lease comnlete this section Were there wimesses to the incident? Yes No u►�rear� (circle) i Provide their n;�mes,addresses and telephone numbers: � � i Were the police or law enforcement called'? Yes � Unknown (circle) ' If yes,what department or agency? Case#or report# I Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street, intersection, name of park or facility, � cl�sest landmark,etc. Ylease be as detailed as possible. If necessary,attach�diagram. 3�a RVC.(1 S�- �T P.�� � 5s►.rs-�% Please indicate the�� ount you are seeking in compensation or what you would like the City to du w resulve this clai�u � to your satisfaction. �1 �, `�[7 Vehicle Claims— lease cum lete this section ❑check box if this section does not a l Your Vehicle: Year Ma License Plate Number <<► Registered Owner Driver of Vehicle Area Damaged '"� Ciry Vehicle: Year e Model License P(ate Number State Color Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name) Area Damaged Iniurv Claims �let�se comnlete this section ❑check box if this section daes not applv How were you injured? _ What part(s)of your body were injured? Huvc you sought medical[reatment? Yes No Planning ro Seek Treatment(circle) When did you receive treatment? _ _ (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): Address Telephone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss work? (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Telephone Check here if you are attaching more pages to this claim furm. Number of additional pa�es� � � 13y signing this form,you are stating that ull inf'ormation yor�l:ave provided is true ancl correct to the best of your knowledge. Unsigned forms will not be proeessed. Submitting a false claim cctn resr�lt in prosecretion. Date form was completed � ��a3"�� Print the Name oC the Prrson who Completed this Furm: C^ ^ -�n n ��,�,�M,e�- Signature of Persun Making the Claim: c l•• � e_���� Rtv�seJ Februnry 201 I _._ _---------- ---- ----------- _. . _____ _ _ . , __ _ I STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDER DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF RAMSEY SECOND JUDICIAI DISTRICT TO REPORT � ' ' � CITY OF VIOLATION FllE N0. � ST PAUL 620901390471, 6209013J0470 i ; , , DEFENDANT . DEFENDANT'S PHONE N0. I Sandra Triemert 612-730-0670 ; YOU, THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT, ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR ON: i Jul. 21, 2014 at 1:OOpm for CRT TRL before the presiding judge in room#130. � FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR A SCHEDULED COURT APPEARANCE !3 A CRIMINAL OFFENSE � ', UNLESS FAILURE TO APPEAR IS DUE TQ CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND YOUR CONTROL. ! FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR A PETTY I{AISDEMEANOi�COURT TRIAL CONSTlTUTES A PLEA OF GU�LTY UNLESS Y:U APPEAR WiTHIN 10 DAYS AND�SHOW THE FAILURE TO Ai'PEAR �`JAS DUE TO CIRCUMSTANGES BEYOND YOUR CO�JTROL. � , FAILURE TO APPEAR MAY RESULT IN A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST ! -- � St. Paul Cou�thouse......................:............................15 W. Kellogg Blvd........St. Paut.........55102.....(651)266-8180 i '. ❑ Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center................425 Grove St.................St. Paul.........55101.....(651)266-9696 i ; ❑ Mapiewood Branch ....................................................2050 White Bear Ave....Maplewood....55109.....(651)266-1999 � � � I DEFENSE ATTORNEY PIiONE N0. i DATE Januery 21,2014 JUDGE: Handed to the defendant by NX i � � i Comme�ts: SINATURE i DEFT SAID CARS GOT TOWED AND WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A CRT TRL WHILE STILL FILING FOR HER TOWING FEES BACK, R&R SHEET I HANDED TO HER ; � i i �� I ' � � � ' Pagc 1 of 1 � ' � i Skip to Mam Contenl Loqout Mv Accoum Search Menu New CriminaVTraf(iGPe1N Search Retme ��alion:All MNCIS Sites-Case Search Imaves He�o Search Back � REGISTER OF ACTIONS •, t'�se�io.62-\'13-1A-2U3 � State of Minneaota vs SANDRA KAY TRIEMERT § Case rype: CrlmlTraf Non-ManQ § Date Filed: 01/2812014 § LocaUon Ramsey Cominal/TrafFit/Petly § Downtown i 5 PAN'h'(NFONMA'fIUN � Lead Attomeys Oefendant TRIEMERT,SANDRA KAY Femele 838 E 5TH ST DOB:08/23/1867 ! ST PAUL,MN 55117 Jurisdiction State of Mlnnesota NONE (�FIARCf INFURMATIUN .._ Charges:TRIEMERT,SANDRA KAY Statute Level Date 1. Snow emergency parking restrictions 161.03 Pelty Mlsdemeanor 12/26/2013 EVkNTS&ONDF.RS OF THE CUUR'1' I DISPOSITIONS I 01/21/2014 Plee(Judiciel Oificer.Xiong,Ncng,) � 1.Snow emergency parking resbrctions Nol yuiKy I 07121/2014 Disposition(Judicial Officer.Yartish,Jo Anne M.) ; 1.Snow emergency paikhiy reslricUons Dismissed O"fHER F.VF,NTS AND NEARINGS � 01/21l2014 Hearing (8 01 AM)(Jutlicial Officer Xiong,Neng,) Result Held 07/21/2014 Notice and Order to APPear(JUtlicial Ofticer:Xiong,Neng.) 01/'181201a Citation E-Filed 01/28/2014 OHicer Notes SNOW EMFRGENCV OE'CLARED ON 12/25H3 A T 2�0o HOURS.MULTIPLE S�GNS POSTEO ANO STREET NAS NOT BEEN PLOWEO CURB TO CURB.CN 13-272-990 � 07/28/2ot4 Summoned-Own Rewgnizance 01/28/2014 Interim Conditlon for TRIEMERT,SANDRA KAY -Summoned 07/21I2014 Hea�ing (1:00 PM)(Judicial Officer Yanish,Jo Anne M) Converfed Irom Vibes;DeR states cais got towed B wou/d 6ke to have a eR Irial while sfill liling lo�her towing feas back;R d R sheet provided to deR Resull Held https://mpa.courts.state.mn.us/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=16 l 6676606 7/21/2014 II �III� I I ��III�III Page 1 of 1 IU�III� �IIII�IIIAN�II� �I� I �NCIDENT INFORMATION REPORT 1/21/2014 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY DISTRICT COURT �p�-V�'�U`a'� � INCIDENTAND CITATION INFORMATION INCIDENT ID PAYMENT PLAN CITATION NUMBER 2741353 620901390470 DEFENDANT NAMESANDRA KAY TRIEMERT ADDRESS 838 E 5TH ST ST PAUL MN 55117 DEFENDANT INFORMATION I DATE OF BIRTH 8/23/1967 GENDER FEMALE HEIGHT 5 Feet 5 Inches EYE COLOR HAZEL WEIGHT 135 lbs. DL NUMBER G517037579613 DL STATE MAf RACE HISPANIC(Y/N) OFFENSE INFORMATION ` DATE/TIME 12/26/2013 00:01 DIVISION RAMSEY COUNTY I LOCATION AVON ST N ANO CENTRAL AV COMMUNITY ST PAUL ( W AGENCY ST. PAUL POUCE DEPARTMENT METER ISSUING METHOD LEFTAT SCENE '. OFFICER 1 408505 CN OFFICER 2 NBRHOOD VEHICLE INFORMATION ; PLATE 727CXC �/IAKE CHEVROLET STATE MN MODEL PLATE YEAR COLOR TAN VEH TYPE PASSENGER VEHICLE VIN 3GNFK16R2VG108078 ' VEH YEAR RESPONSIBLE PARTY ID METHOD � NONE CHARGE INFORMATION STATUTE/ STATUS REASON JURISDICTION ORDINANCE DESCRIPTION OPEN STPAUL 161.03 Snow emergency parking restrictions ORIGINAL FEE INFORMATION AMOUNT DUE �40 FINE 40.00 $40 FINE 40.00 � LAW LIB PARKING 3.00 LAW LIB PARKIMG 3.00 ' Srchrg-2nd District 1.00 Srchrg-2nd District 1.00 SrChrg-Parking 2009 12.00 Srchrg-Parking 2009 12.00 GRAND TOTAL 56.00 GRAND TOTAL 66.00 OFFICERS COMMENTS SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARED ON 12/25/13 AT 2100 HOURS. MULTIPLE SIC3NS POSTED AND STREET HAS NOT BEEN PLOWEO CURB TO CURB. CN 13-272-990. ---� . \ � \�' S`�`�^'�; � I I ' i . I � ' , ; . � ; I � � Saint Paul Police Impound Lot, 830 Barge Char�nel Road, Vehicte Release Form Make: CHEVROLET License#:727CXC CN: 13272990 Invoice�:24374 Date/Time Released: 12/26/201311:00 ToN�Charge: -�$-123.95 Released to: TOTO O Stora9e Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by:CASH Admin Charge: $ 80.00 �� Released by: BONNIE Tax:(7.625°�6) $ 15.55 I,the undersigr�ed,have recovered the vehicle described above. Subtotaf: $ 21Q.�0 !wiil check the vehicle for damage or any other probiem�that ; may have occurred while this vehicle was in•the custody r�f the �ervice Charge: $ 0.00 � , Saint Paul�olice Department. i acknowledge I wiN report damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff Total Charges: $ 219.50 I on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. ,, i Damage and/or other probiem: __ �'� Pdice Report made:Yes_No_IF Yes,CN ,if NO,Why? j_,O PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS REPORT NY PROBLEMS/DAMA('E BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT ' Signature � �0°0 RECEIVED To: Impound JUL 23 2014 Company: Fax: 86512668574 �IT'Y �CLERK Phone: From: Fax: Phone: 651 .431 .3196 E-mail: Sandy.Triemert@state.mn.us NOTES: I am requesting a refund of towing charges for wrongfully towing my vehichle. I've attached the court order dismissing the ticket that was issued causing you to tow and was told by your company that if i get the ticket dismissed i will be refunded the towing charges. Date and time of transmission: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:07:00 AM Number of pages including this cover sheet:07 i NOTIC� OF CLAIIYI I+'(�1tM to thc City of Saint Paul,Minnesota Min�resn�n S�aiv Stnnire 4b6.0.5.rrates rl,n�"._every prrson. .whn rlai�ns elrunuge.+•f'ro�u nny murticipnlity...shull enuse�o he pre.renled u,!he govrrnirig butly q/'l/�e nuvlici/x�lity a�irhire 18U[fups aJ1r.i�6e uHegrd loss or inj�ny is tliscu��ered n nulicr s(atirrg Ihr lirnr,pince,und eircunr,f•tnitrrs fheren/and thr amou�tt of conry�ens��ti�nr nr orher re/iejdeinnndert" Please co�oplete Uiis 1'urm in its entirely by dearly lypinb ur printing yuar answer tu ench questiuu. IF mure space is needrd,attach additional sheels. Please note thnt you will not be contocted by telephone tu clarify answers,so provide as much infurmatiun as necessary tu explain your claim,and the amount of rnmpensation being requesled Ya�will rrceive a written acknowledgement unce yoi�r form is received. 'I'he prncess can t�ke up to ten weeks ur longer depending on the nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and tx�th pa�;es cumpleted. If sumelhing durs nul ep�dy,write`N/A'. � �. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 W�ST K�LLOGG BLYD,310 CITY HALL,SAINT PAUL,MN 55102 Fint Name��`�'�`,�A. Middlc Liitial�Last Name 1,{� ���yi��-_���E I VE D Company or Business Name S�. P�u�` Pd��Ge Z�r� �,o'� •••• �3 2Q�� ' Are You an Insurance Company? Yes No If Yes,Claim Numbcr? ���RK Street Address �;��� ��(+ n,�o��-Q,� �,�.q --_ - City c�1. PA.J� State M,c� Zip Code 5��l� Daytime Phone(_I�,�)_�3I-o2�{'Q�Cell Phone(�G2)Z3O_db�Evening Telephone( ) Date of Accident/Injury or Date Discovered i�2(i�� 'fime f a�D� m �m 1 Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened),and why you Are submitting n cluim.Plense indieate why or how you � feel the City of Saint Paul or its employccs are involved and/or responsible for youc damages. -�-t ..c -�--�e�n�—��� �,.�. ��.,�� Q�,,,� 7',.� � �tswu.�s � �� �.�� �t� -h.�k� ►,s -r�]{s't�n�aFiE d �'�—ts3�lrt�e�' •}cit-�����e�o-� t`g Es�vkaL-_-���. Please check�he box(es)that most closcly represent the reason for completing this form: �My vehicle was damaged in an accident O My vehicle was damaged during�tow �My vehicle was damlged by a pothole or condition of the street ❑My vehicle was damaged by:i plow ^�My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed ❑ I w�s inj�red on City property O Other type of property damage-please specify ❑ Other type of injury-please specify In order to process your claim you need to include coUies of all aAnlicable documents. - For the claims types listed below,please be sure ro include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Uocuments WILL NOT he returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep u copy for younelf before suhmitting your cl�um form. O Property damage claims to a vehicle: two estimates for the repuirs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds $500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs f�Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other property d�image cl�ims: two repair estimates if the damlge exceeds$500.00;or the actual bills . and/or receipts for the rep�irs;delailed list of dam�pcd items O Injury claims: mcdical bills,receipts O Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but witl not be returneci. Page 1 uf 2-Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form railure to complete�nd return both pa��cs will result in delay in the handling uf yuur claim. All Clnims—ple�se complete this section Were there wifnesses ro the incident7 Yes o • ow (circle) : Provide their names,acJc�fesSeS and telephone numbers: Were the police or law enforcement called? Yes � Unknuwn (circle) , If yes,what department or agency? _ _____ Case#or repc�rt fl Whene did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park or facility, closest landmark,etc. Please be as detailed as possible. If necessary,attach a diagram. 3$0`1 �V�n �- ' sT. Ari.:�, �yl� SsI.M� Please indicate the a ount yvu ure ueking in compensation or wh�t you would like the City to do to resolve this elaim to your satisfaction.� � l�, �(Z Vehicle Claims—�lease cumplete this section ❑checic box if this section does not a l � Your Vehicle: Year Ma License Plate Number ta Registered Owner , Driver of Vehicle Area Damaged �`�� � City Vehicle: Year e Model License Plate Number State Color ' Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name) ! Area Damaged ; luiurv Claims—please cmnulett this section ❑check box if this section does not�ipply IIow were you injured? i What par[(s)of'your body were injured? i Have you sought medica]treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle) ' When did you receive treatment? (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): � Address TelePhone , Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss work? (provide da[e(s)) Name of ynur Emplayer. __ Address __ _____ Telephone Check here if you�re attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of additional pages� � , � __ By signing this form,you are stating tl:at e�ll inf'ormateon you have provided is trNt and correet to the best 'i of yor�r knowledge. Unsigned forms will nat be processed. ' I Siebmitting a false clnirn can result in prosecrction. Date form was completed � 7��J"�� Print the Name of the Person who Completed this Furm: �p�n�(? �_�tg,��rT Si�nature uf Perscm Making the Claim: c l�O /�e..� Revised Febru:vy 201 I STATE OF MINNESOTA _ _ DISTRICT COURT I COUNN OF RAMSEY ORD E R SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT � TO. REPORT � ; CITY OF VIOLATIQW FILE NO. � : ST PAUL 620901390471, 620901390470 � � ; DEFEPDANT , DEFENDANT'S PHONE N0. � Sandra Triemert 612-730-0670 j i YOU, THE ABOVE NAAAED DEFENDANT,ARE ORDERED T�APPEAR ON: I i � � , � ; Jul. 21, 2014 at 1:OOpm�or CRT TR�before the presiding judge in room#130. ; i � � FAIWRE TO APPEhR FOR A SCHEDULED COURT APPEARANCE IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE � ` UNLESS FAILURE TO APPEAR IS DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYQt3D YOUR CONTROL. � FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR A PETTY MISDEMEANOt�COURT TRIAL CONSTiTUTES A PLEA OF GUILTY � IlNL:ESS YOU APPEAR WITHiN 10 DAYS AND�SHOW THE FAII,�RE TO APPFJ�R V�lAS�UE TO CIRCUMSTANGES BEYOND YOUR CONTROL. FAILURE TO APPEAR MAY RESULT IN A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST ; � _ ; � St. Paul Courthouse..................:................................15 W.Kellogg Blvd........St.Paul.........55102.....(651)266-8180 ; : ❑ Ramsey County Law Enfarcement Center................425 Grove St.................St.Paul.,.......55101.....(651)266-9696 . ❑ AAaplewood Branch..............................................:....20501Nhfte Bear Ave....Maplewood....55109.....(651)266-i 999 i DEFENSE ATTORNEY PHONE N0. DATE January 21,2014 JUDGE: Handed to the defendant by NX ' i Comments:SINATURE - DEFT SAID CARS GOT TOWED AND WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A CRT TRL WHILE 3TILL FILING FOR HER TOWING FEES BACK, R8R SHEET I HANDED TO HER � ; , I i i � = i I Page 1 of 1 Skip(o Main Contenl Loaoul My Accounl Search�Aenu New Cnminal�Traflidpelty Ssarch Refine �OCa11on:All MNCIS Sites-Case SearG� Imanes Help Search Back RECISTER OF ACTIONS c:,�sF.;1io.12-1'B-l�l-zo3 State of Minnesota vs SANDRA KAY 7RIENERT § Case Type: CrimlTraf Non-IAand § Date Filed Ot/2812010 § Location: Rameay CriminallTraHielPetty � DOwntONRf � - P,\N"fY INTUN\fA'f10N � - Lead Altomeys Defentlant TRIEMERT,SANDRA KAY Female 838 E 5TH ST DUB:D8/2311967 ST PAUL,MN 55117 JurisdicUon Stete of Minnesota NONE CIIARCl:1NPORMATIQN � Chafges:TRIEMERT,SANDRA KAY Slaluto Level Date 1. Snaw emergency parking restnclions 161.07 Petty MixJemeanor 12/26;201� , EVfiNT'S C ORDfiNS OF THQ C'UI�RT � DISPOSITIONS 07/21120U Plea(Judicial Oflicer Xionq,Neny.) 1.Snav emergency parkng restrictions Not guilty 07/21201� Disposition(Judicial Officer:Yanish,Jo Mne M.) 1.Snow emergency parking restncGorn Dismissed OTHER F.YE!VTS AND HEARIN<;S 01/212014 Hearing (8 01 AMl(JudiGal Oflicer Xbng,N2ng.) ReSUtY Held 01/272G14 N�ica and Order lo Apoear(Judictial Officer Xang.Neng ) Ot/28/2CU Citatiun E•Filed 0 V2BI2L i1 01(icer Notes SNOW EMF,RGENGY DEGLAFiEO ON 12/25/13 A I 27UC HOURS.MULTIPLE S/GNS POSTED P.ND S*REc7HAS NOT BE`P1 PLpWED CURB TO CURB.CN 13-272-990 " D7/28/2011 Summoned-Own Racognizanc• : D1/29/ZC1� Interim Contllqon for TRIEMERT,SANDRA KAY -Summoned D7/21/2074 Hearing (1�OOPM!(JutlidalOflicerYanish,JOMneM.) ' Converted Irom Vibes;De/I stafes cars pot tow�a 8��oul�dke fo have a cR l�ial vih�le sfill tilmp lor.her rowing fees back;R 6 k sheef provide0 ro delf ResuN:I lekJ https://mpa.courts.state.mn.us/Caselletai l.aspx?Cas@ID=1616676606 7!21/20l 4 �� � ��_c:--.�� `�: IIII�UIU��I���HIIlII1��III�I�I�11��A11 INCIDENT INFORMATION REPORT P/2�014, STATE OF NINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY DISTRICT COURT �p1�V�'�U`� INCIDENT AND CITATION INFORMATION INCIDENT ID PAYMENT PLAN CITATION NUMBER 2741353 620901390470 ' DEFENDANT NAMESANDRA KAY TRIEMERT ' ADDRESS 838 E 5TN ST ST PAUL MN 55117 ; DEFENDANT INFORMATION ' OATE OF BIRTH 8/23/1967 GENDER FEMAIE � HEIGHT 5 Feet 5 IncheS EYE COLOR HAZEL WEIGHT 135 Lbs. DL NUMBER G517037579613 OL STATE MN RACE HISPANIC(Y1N) OFFENSE INFORMATION OATE/TIME 12/26/2013 00:01 DIVISION RAMSEYCOUNTY i LOCATION AVON ST N AND CENTRAL AV COMMUNITY ST PAUL � W AGENCY ST.PAUL POUCE DEPARTMENT ME7ER ISSUING METHOD LEFTAT SCENE � OFFICER 1 406505 �N � OFFICER 2 NBRHOOD i VEHICLE INFORMATION i PLATE 727CXC MAKE CHEVROLET STATE MN MODEL � PLATE YEAR COLOR TAN VEH TYPE PASSENGER VEHICLE VIN 3GNFK16R2VG108078 ' VEH YEAR RESPONSIBLE PARTY ID METHOD N�NE CHARGE INFORMATION BTATUTE/ STATUS REASON JURISDICTION ORDINANCE DESCRIPTION OPEN STPAUL �g1.03 Snow emergency parking restrictions ORIGINAL FEE INFORMATION AMOUNT DUE S40 FINE 40.00 $4D FINE 40.00 _. LAW UB PARKING 3.00 lAW LIB PARKING 3.00 Srchrg-2nd District 1.00 Srchrg-2nd District 1.00 Srchrt�-Parking 2009 12.00 Srchrg-Paridng 2009 12.00 GRAND TOTAL 56.00 GRAND TOTAL 56.00 OFFICERS COMMENTS SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARED ON 12125/13 AT 2100 HOl1RS. MULTIPLE SIGNS POSTED AND STREET HAS NaT BEEN PLOWED CURB TO CURB. CN 13-272-99D.