Tuzzolino, Lisa � f�i_��� �I�� � . JUL 2 2 20i4 NOTICE OF C�..A,� FORM to the City of Sa�x�t Paul, Minneso���� �L��K Mrnncsola Stulr Slatute 4GG.OS.�rare.s that"...rvery persan...who claims ria»uiges jrom any municipality...,rhalt caus�tu be pr�senfed m die governing 6oriy of the►nuntclprxdity wilkin It30 d�eys after the alleged lorr or injeiry is discovered a rrnrice.statinR tht tlme,,�fQre,and r�•ree�mslance�lhereof,uRC1 rhe amnunt of cumpensutian or oflie.r retief�icmanded." PleeHe cr>mplete this form in�ts eniirety by clearly typing or.ptfating your answcr to cach qucstion. If more spacc is nccded,attac}►additioasil shccts. �'1�:nulx that you w71 not be cantacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much in�onmut�on as ncccssary ta explain your claim,and the amacnt ot compcnsation bcing requested. Yau wilt recelve� wnitten acknowledgement once your form fs recefved. Thz process can t�kc up to tcn wecks or tongcr depcnding on thc nature of yuur claim. This form must be sianeda and hoth pages compicted. If somcthing da�s not�pplq,writc°N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER AOCUN�N'TS TO: CX�"X' CLERK, �5 WEST KEX.,LdGG BLVD,310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 Firs[Name ��-- Middle initial � Last Na,me ��.?D�l �1� Comnary er T3t�siness Nan•e_ d'�. _� _____ _�� _. Are You an Insuzanee Compuay? XES/ o if Yes,Cl�.im Nuxc�ber? Streec Address lll � � �l � `� � r�s Cily V��i .1�'�'�l�l Slt�te Q✓ Zip Ccxle S Sd `� Daytime Phone(� - Cell Phone(�-j���Z vening Telephone(_� - Date c�f A�cident/Ynjury vr bxte niscoverc;d „ ._....._.__. Timc; arr�/pm Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened),tind why you are submitling a ctaizrt. Pleatse indicate why or ow you eel l e �ly uf Sain��'aul or i s em loyees are' vCr vzd a d/or r nsible for,ygur dfun es. f a . yT � • , Plcase check the box(es)that most closely represent the reason fer complEting this farm� ❑My vehicle was dfunaged in an accident ❑N�y v�hicle was damaged during a tow ❑My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or, condition of�he street ❑My velticle was damaged by a plow �ty vehicle was wrongfull tr�ow_ed tutd/or ticketed � ❑I was injured on Ci[y property �7 Other type of nreperCy dannage—please specify ❑Other type of injury—please speci�y ln arder to process�our claim vou need to include cooies of all aaa�icable documents. For the elaims ty�;s listed below,ptease be sure to include the docum�ez�t3 xndieaced or i�will delay the handling of your claim. Docaments WILL 1�OT b�relurned anil he.`cnmc lhe proper[y of[he Cicy. You are encouraged Co kECp a cupy for yourself before submitking your claim form. O prvpc�ly damage clainis to a vehicle:two estimates for the repttirs lo your vehiC.fe if Ihe damage exceeds $5�0,00;or ct�e actual bills andfor reeeipts for the repair� , d Towing claims:legible copies of any tick�t issued and a copy of the impound lol r�ctipt �Other praperty damage claims:twp repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs;dett�il�d list of damaged items O Injury claims'medical bills,receipts Q�horographs are always welcome to docum�nt and suppnrt you�claim bat wii]not be retumed. page X of 2—Please complete and returo bath pages of Claim Fortt� �ailure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handling 4f your ciaim. All Claims—olease comolete this section �—'�-, Were rhere wicnesses to the xncident? Yes No� Unknowc� (circl�) Provide their�ames,ad�dr��ses and telephone numbers: .w `�-�' Were the police or law enforcement called7 Ye,q N'o ��own� (circle) If yes,what department or agency7 Case#or report# Where did the aceident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,nazne of p k or facility, ciosest l ark ete. Pl�be as� "led as possible. If necessary,a[tach a diagram_Sp�� �a5.¢ f-�l.e--� � __�-�� � �:� � _ �. - - Please indicate the amount you are seeking in com nsation or what you would]ike the City to do to re�colve this claim to your sausfacuon. �' �� �� �� Vehicle C'�aimis—please co�plete this sect�on �check box i�this�ectian daes noc avolv Your Vehicle: Year�LrJf)C� Make vl Model License Plate Number G S�D Statel�� olor Registered Owner Dtiver oC Vchicle �-- Area Damaged Ciey Vehicle: Year Mnlce Model � License Plate Number 3tate Color Driver of Vehicle(City Empl�yee's Name) .._........... ._.— Area Damaged lniurv Ctainas p�ease eomulete this secti�n �(check box if chis secdon does ao�annlv How were yau injured? — � What pun(s)of your body w�re injured? Have you sought medical vea[menc? Yes No Planning to Seck Treatment(circte) When did you receive treaunenc? (provide d�te(s)) Name of Medical Provider(3): Address Telephone Did you miss work t�,s a resulc of your injury? Yes Nu When did you miss work7 (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Tcicphoue Check here if you are attaclt�ng ntno�re pages to this claim form. Nu�uber of additional pages�.. _ � � By sigRing this form,you are stating that all infornaalion you have provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Unsigreed forms will not be processed. ,��bmi,tting a faLse claim cacr�result in prosecution. Uate form was completed �� / Print the Name af the Y'erson who Completed thi orm: � � U` � _Y)� 5ignature ef Person Making the Claim: Revised Febtuary 2011 � Page 1 of 1 Skip to Main Content Loqout My Account Search Menu New Criminal/TraffiGPettV Search Refine Location:All MNCIS Sites-Case Search Imaqes Help Search Back REGISTER OF ACTIONS C4sE No.62-VB-14-281 State of Minnesota vs LISA MARIE TU2ZOLINO § Case Type: Crim/Traf Non-Mand § Date Filed: 0113112014 § Location: Ramsey Criminal/Tratfic/Petty § Downtown § PARTY INFORMATION Lead Attomeys Defendant TUZZOLINO,LISA MARIE 657 CASE AVENUE#1 DOB:08/11/1980 ST PAUL,MN 55106 �(�i�_, / �� Jurisdiction State of Minnesota ���5� NONE CHARGEINFORMATION Charges:TUZZOLINO,LISA MARIE Statute Level Date 1. Snow emergency parkirg restrictions '69.Q3 Petty Misdemeanor 12/25/20� EVENTS&ORDERS OF THE COURT D[SPOSITIONS 01/31/2014 Plea(Judicial Officer:Archer,Pete) 1.Snow emergency parking restrictions Not guilty 06I30/2014 Disposition(Judicial Officer:Bryan,Jeffrey M.,) 1.Snow emergency parking restrictions Dismissed OTHER EVENTS AND HEARINGS Ot/31/2014 Citation E•Filed 01131/2014 Office�Notes N(GHT PLOW,'PLOWED IN 01/31/2014 Notice and Order to Appear 01/31/2014 Summoned-Own Recognizance 01/31/2014 Interim Conditio�for TUZZOLINO,LISA MARIE -Summoned 01131/2014 Hearing (8:15AM)(Judicial OfficerArcher,Pete) Result:Held 06/30/2014 Hearing (1:00 PM)(Judicial Officer Bryan,Jeffrey M.,) deft request Result:Held https://mpa.courts.state.mn.us/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=1616682369 6/30/2014 � � o v o a � _. ' n��i � �' 3 3 3 �•,� �• � m n�i c� � � (A � � cQ y cQ � c� c a�i � � m �' �. m � � � "' �D � < �- � u' ;�' y � � �. m � n� ° rvc_ m � � a n � Q � a _o o � N. � n a. � � � -� � ° �• ° �• � �c� `•� (n � m W c � ° � � �D � ma � O � � � � .� � �o � g c�' n�i O m c n. �o m v �, 3� ? cu � °- c� � • M 1 � = IN ap, �• � � (D O f�D N � � cp "a � �. Q O � N p � m °_ .. � 3m N O c � I 3� 3sv ?� Q � � m � �n o ci � r, w � 'D r � � c° o � � ° � o � O -�I � Q � � a�i � � N v�i � N f/� z c� � 3� �� ° � � o -< -a m �- � m � Z � — m � Q � � � � � c� � � 7� � 00 o � ov' � � � V � m `° � N � � � � � � '"' o � su D - � � ¢« m � � � .». . Z � a z ,� � � � n N � � � � � Q x °- o � � p�o. 5 � � �7 � s m � v � co C� o T � �y n .. � n cc � � � � � cNn w � � 3 m v, � o ce sv m n m � `r � � cD < .. � �, � � � m Z N � � � cD N p� � O 1 � � j � '^ � � � O � � O O �.7.� Q `V 1T7 � O � O � tD n 'n CTi fD r � O -I N � � � c,� �, � co N O O