01-781�> C� Council File # p \ � �g � Green Sheet # 111801 Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA a� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with Williams Communications, which includes an indemnification clause, to provide remote 3 monitoring and onsite service for the Police and Fire department telephone system. A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on £ile and on record in the Of�ce of FSnancial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Adopted by Council: Date: Adoptio Certified by Council Secl�tary: By: Approved by Ma oy r Date: �' �y � By: Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council: sy. � Requested by Department of: �y����:j TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7/9101 1 GREEN SHEET wrtwwaTe � c �aixAITORNEY �• L.�� ❑FINANCIAL SERVIGES DIR _ �NAYOftN�EAS5�5T^n�Y •- No. 111801 INITIAVDATE - i ����� ❑Cf(YCLERI( �CWLSERVIACCI'G �nureAn W(SM6 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) mres iequested on the attached council resolution authorizing the St. Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into a three yeaz maintenance nent renewal, wlrich iacludes an indemnificaYion clanse, with Williams Communications. The original agreement is being routed gxeen sheet#1I1800. .I IUIV APPtOVE (A) Of K¢J2Gt (K) PERSONAL SERVIGE GONTRAGTS MUST AHSWER THE FOLW WiNG qUEJ�IONJ: 1 HasthispersonlfimieverworkedunderaconVadforthisdepaM1ment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO , CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a atyemployee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfi,m possess a skill I»t normalty possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet iaxns Conummicarions has provided system mzintenance and repau for the Police and Fire telephone system since installation in 1997. agceement would continue the delivery of these crirical services for the next tkuee years. (Tlus ageement contains an nnification clause). 24/7 remote system monitoring and onsite service as required for the telephone system and assceiated IF NOT APPROVED �/ af 24 hour system monitoring and an uncertam response ta service autages. � •� ��� � °� ZYit/ TRANSACTION $ see attaChed Copy of agteetn COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Special Fund (436) ACTIVIN NUMBER 436-34911-0219 INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) �� Cammun 1cat;on; Solvtiuns This Order k��zzmznt ("Agreement') is eR�zctiae tnis �,1 \ICATIO�S SOLUTIO\S L a�-��1 ORDER AGR�G:lI�1T Li , day of February� , 2001. (thz "Effecti�'e Datz') b}' and bencezn �1'ILLIAA7S CO\f: U: - . ., � 2500 Post Oak Boulecard, Howcon, Tesas 770�6, z D:Iau'arz limited liability / a compeny, {"1�'illianu''�) a�d Sc Pud Police ar'-.�.:F��x / '�fi 73'r:'/% - (indicate ���he��Poration, iimited liabilic}' cortipan}�, putn�rship, or solr propneror>hip). �vith iii prin.ipal pf=ce of business locztzd ze o, under the la��s of . (°Customcr"). Through tnis 100 L-ast I lt`, St2zc St. Paul \t\ SjIUI A<,rccm�nt, Custonier tnar place a sin,le order or nul[iple ordea for telecommunicatio�s, internchcorkine, and'or com�zrged equipmznt (••Equipmerit ') aitd�or installation and maintenanez sec.'ices for a sin�le lo.aeion or mulciple locations and \\'illiams ma}• at its option accept such ordzr(s) znd ins[all and /or maintain the equip�irent. 1) AGRLG�II:\T. R'illiams znd Cu;tomer expressl}• a�rze that the tzrms and conditions contained in ihis Agrerniznt shall go�•em all aspzcu of a Customer's ordzr For Equipment and a>sociated soft�varz (to�ether, `Systeni') andlor main[znance Sercices describzd in Section t-0 herein (' i�laintenance"). The spzcific> of a Cusromer's order shall be listed on the applicable �'oice Ordzr Form or Data Otder Form (hereinaftz� collecti��ely rePerred to 1s "Ordr Form"). All Order Forms sfiall be sub>tantially in the fo; m of thz attzch:d sample Order i'ormi: L�hibit A-\'oice Ord�r Form and Eshibit B- D: ta Order Porm. For orde:rs im'oh'ing midtiple loc2tioni and'or multiple S��stems, the partie;' ri�=ht; and obli�atio�u hercin shall apply to each indiridual locztion aiid�or S}�stzm independrntl�' 2nd the obli�ation to pa}' shall not be contingtnt upon the acceptance of all locahons or 111 Systzms. 1'his A�rzzment allocates the risk o( the S�'stzm's operation bet�cecn \l'illiam> a+id th: C'�utomec, an allocation thatasreca nized by Uodi parties and is rzFlected in thz Cash Pricz and Szn�ice Fee. ?) AGR1iG\1r�1' T62\l. The term of this A�rezment (the "A�rezmznt Terni') shall be fa �}�ea:{s) from the date fir>t ���ritten abo��e. \l'�th resPcct ro the sale, deli�'ery, instaflation, and maintenanez of any S}�stem desccibed on an O;der Form, for �ihich 11'illiams' obii�atirntt u'il� caceed thz tzrni of this Agrzemznt, boeh «'illiams' and CuStomu's obli4aeions and rights regardin� such Systzm shali continue and surcice the e�piration of this A�rezment, procided that thz tzrms and conditions of this A�reement shzll contm« z to deFne the rights and obli�ations of the partie> «•ith rzspzct to such Systzm. ;) PR�CG A�D 2'aY�IEM1T TGR_IIS. (a) The price of a System, induding price of Ec�uipment, soft�aare licznsin� fzz, instaltation (when ordered by Customer) and �rarrantq, but e.�dudin_ .��)• applicablz Nfaintcnance, shipping. or ta�es, (the "Cash Pric�') and ihe applicable p�ymrnt tzrm> shall bz set forth on thz applicable Order Form. The price of any applicable btaintznance shall be szt forth o� thz applicable O:der Fornt ('`Service Fez"). Any Ser�•ice Fee i; duz annually in advanez. Shipping char�es, if any, are due ufien im�oiced. Customer shall br rzsponsible for payina all applicable tn�e, on all ctizrgz��fzes on the milestone date> set fo,th on the applicable Order Form. \\'hen applicablz. the do�on yayntent 1nd z $12112CI OR ier Form nmst be retumed to thz R'illiams account managzr. "D:liver�" occurs ��'hen \�'illiams tender> equipment for delicery to the Cuitoiner site (the "Premises"). "Cidovcr' occurs ��'hen the equipmzn: is connected to Uie nehcork, aeQ��atzd 2nd functioning to provide blsic sercice, e�ecptin� minor ��ariance; in performancz of the Sysrem «�hich do not materially impair ba>ic ser�'icz. Thz xnticipated mileston� dates, if any, ��'il1 bz cet fortn on the applicable Ordzr Form. (b) Al! chargz>, ocher than the C'ash Price; authorizzd by this p�reement or the applicable Order I�orm or sub=equent authorization of Cu�tomzr including applicable tares, «'ill be incoiczd accordin� lo R'ilfiam;' standa:d practice �chen incurrod and uilf be due and pa7'ablz thirt}' (?U) ��3}'s Erom in�'oice date. AII pa}'ments of Caih Price or any� otner charaes i�'ill bz subject to a I�tr pa}'mznt sen ice chsrgc of one . nd one h�lf pere;it ( I'i �-o) Pcr tct�nth (or a: liniire� b}' applicablr la�c) on pa}'mcnti in 2rrears for mo, [han thirty (=0) da}'s after the milc>!one d�tc a in��oicz datz. as requirzd. Cusro;re� shall idencify ics salz: and ui: ta� sta[iu in du . pplica ``i�� `bil lalid i2 ��1uir; e�empt status, it shall, upon tne e�ecutior of this Agreentent and on an xnnual ba>ii thereafter. Er e�cmp:ion cer[ilicatei for ecer}' sta!e in ��hich it clainu sucf� statiu. F2iL•irz ro procid: such certifiratei ��i11 ca�.isz \�'illiams ro im'oicz Custo:nei as ta�a5lz. ❑ TAl-E�F>IP7� � TA\A8L[ _+j : �CCt:Pl:4\CE. »'hen the installation o.`a Spsezm has bezn per�o;mzd and co;npl;red by \1'iilia�n>. «'iL'iam> ��ill te;t t4r S}stem accordim� to the msnufacnve;'s diagnostic a�d rzr.diness t,st specifi:ztiors in preparation for Cutocer. 11'hz�� chz S}'?te�n i> curover and hss opzraezd in accordsnce «�itn manufacturer's speci��ca.iom ar,d a�reed upoa configuration for a p:nod of fou"�een ( l�) cal:adar days, it ���iIL E�2 Cl22R12i acezp[ed b}� Ciu'.omer ("�lccep:ance") unless Ceestomer h.=.s proi�ided 1\'illiam� «�i:n r: rit[en notice «�i!hir. ehat timz period szttin� fo;tn dzficizncizs in op�ration. It" Cectumer has p:o�'ided sucn nocicz. \\'illi�m; «'ill correct the liited dzFici:aties zc �chich tim: Ctutontz� shali pro;nptl}� certify in v.riting it> zcezptancz oPtne S} `z�Certifwa�!e o° D i�zr e�dtA:czpsanezP«iil be e, \;,ed epc r pccep 2 ,. ef D of eacl and Arceptaace. For toSs ���i!h mulcip!z ph�sa> a sep P^��� Pd�`2 I P� � Ordar Agrzemen! - IO'1?l� � .5) OF2DL321\G Pk 7he purchase and sale of 2ny Lquipment or the pro��ision of Maintenance s;n•ices shall be subject to the folio�cin� orderin� procedures: (a) �\'hene��er Customer desires to place a new ordzr for a System or Maintenance, Customer and t\'illiam; «�ii( each sign 2n app�icable Order Form and include anq relevant information with the necessary attachmenG such as System configuration znd applicab]e pricino. Each properl�• ezecuted Ordzr Form and iG attachnient(s) shall become a part of this Agrezment and be incorporated hzrein as if attached hereto. (b) O;der Fo, n�i11 bz used b}� 1Pilliami to procide pricr and Equipment and'or Maintenance information. Customer m¢st indicxtz bzlo�c tichethcr a Custome; gcnerated purehase order is required for a(! tran;action> �cith 11'illiams. Custome, und:ntands 2nd zgrces that by indieatin� "}'e;' beioic, Ciuromer is obli�ated to issue a purchase order autherizine the execueion of thz appli,�b�� O;dz; Form or other orderia� dxument a; de;cribzd in Sections 6 and I G belou�, � yE$ o.o ��) �� ithin ihirty (30) da��s of CustomePs receipe of thz Order Form, Customzr shal! notifj• 11'illia:ns u�hethzr Cttitomer accepts A'illiam;' o(fer to seil Customer the applicable Systzm or htaintenance by si�ning the Ordzr Form tcidi its applfcabiz attachmenU and returning it to 11'illiams. If the Order Form is not si�ned and retumed u�ithin thirty (30) da}•s of its receipt b}� Cu>tomer, 1�'(�Iiams' offcr autom3tical(}� expire;. (�1) It� Ciuromzr i;sues z purchase order or'similar �tocuenent to tViiliams in accordance u•it}� Section 4(b) zbo�•e, 11'j��i��»� may acczpt the purcha;e ordzr from Cu�tomer, fiotce��er, IT IS E3:PR6SSLY AGREED THAT AK1' TER�SS AnD CO\ll1TI0\S O\' SUCH A FORM �YHICH ARL CO\TRARl' TO THE TER\tS OF THIS AGREE�IE\'T, OR R'H(CH ADD 7'FR\4$ OR COVDITIO\`S BE}'p\*n THOSE CO\TE!�1PLAT�D I\ THIS AGRLEAIEKT OR ITS ATI'ACH\1E\TS, R'ILL BE \ULL,. \'OID, �\D OF KO EFFECT. FURTF(ER\tORL, AN ORDFR FOR\4 �CILL ACCO\iPANI' ORDE-RS PL.ACED UNDER A PURCILASE ORDER A\D ALL TERY(S A\D COXD[1f0\S CO\'TAI\Ep 0\ TFIE ORDER I'OR\4 SHALL BE DEEt�16D INCORPORATED I\TO A�1' PUP�CEiASE ORDER 1SSUED B}' CUS7'O\tER. (e) If thz S}•stzm bein� purcha;ed on a\'oice O, Form constitutes an up�rad: (•'Up�rzde') to an existin� s}•s[em ("Esi;tin� S}•stem"), tnen the approPriaiz boa in Szctioti F3 of the \'oice prder Form shall b; marked. {t) For nz��� Spstem and IJpgrade purchases, a scope of �rork shall be atta:hed to the applica6le Ordzr Fo:m se[tinR forth the specific tzchnical require¢ients, and �rhen lpplicahtz, in� ma�ufacturar's specifications ("Scopz of R'ork'). 7hz Scope of ll'ork sha(I noc act as an �mendmznt ro tne tzmti and conditions contemplatzd in this A�reement or the applicable Ordzr Fortn. In the e��ent of 2 conflict b:ncezn the Scope of R'ork and this A�reemznt, this A�rzeneznt shall control. GJ CFI.4\GES. (1) Any mo��e;, adds, changes, or deietions that adjust [he stadon, port or router count as �cell as upo� R211. e�i��r���ent, and nz�e peripheral de�•iczs ("i\lodifications") to [hz Sys!em shall bz madc b}� a�critten agreement of the parties on thz applicable \l'illiam>' form. Such form t�iay incli�de: �1'iliiam;' Job Chan�e Ordzr ("JCO") befo�z Cute��er znd ll'ili(ams' Cus[omer Sercice O:dzr ("CSO") zf[er Cutover. 'fhe tzrms oP thii A�rzement, including �n}• limited Sysrem �carrant}- as stated on the applicablz Order Fo;m, �c(�� 2PP�y to an}� such �critten ' a;rezmznt for an addition or delzcion and eqtiipmznt purciiased or softo�are licensed tfiereunder. Such uarrant}' v: i11 tarminate not later (han tfie 11'arrann- pr; io� szt forti� in this Anrzentzat fu: the ori�inal Syster� o: the tncn current 2nnual term for \qain:enance of tha; $vstem, q❑ 2uthorized rzprz>entati��e of eacfi party mirct si�n z JCO or CSO 6:fure �Villiams �ci3l schzdule any addition:.l u�erk or ordrr additional equipment or sofnca; z. A restockin�� fze R731' I7 char�zd for an}� retumed componznt that has been deii�•ered to the Premues; su:h ke �vi11 be im�oiced as an addi�ional charge. In the e��ent Cwtomer cancels or terminatu an Ordzr Form or any art the � rcco� er aIi rea,onablz costs incurred b� 1Ciqiams in the re z' �' � z to' the S strm (inrL��;,. « per ormance under the Order Form. '(he Czs#� Pricz oF �L- - �-�+le�torm'dsCp'pro�ress pay�ment�), Deliccry and Cuto�-er ma}� be subject tu adjustment in the e��ent of an�� mutually . erecablz addition or dzle[ion. (b) If \1'illianu c(eli� additional EquipmenC softn�arr or \laintznanez. or procide: [ime and nuterials tn2intenauz er other incid<ntal c;; ��icz; relatinq to thz S}'stznt, die tzrmi of this Agreement u�ill �ocem. �) CL:11?IS, QL'I�12Il:S :1\"D RlTC12NS. R'ith te�p:ct ro purch=se< on zn O:der Fo;m fo: Eq�:ipn::n; v.i,hout i;:>:=_lla;ien. no claimi tcitn rega;d to shortaezs. discrepancie:. or dama� tu componenti of' Equipment « bz acezpted b� R�IIII3R75 llRI2Si Cu;tomzr notitizs R'illi��tu ii aritm� ���i.niu ten ({U) ��orking days oF Deli�'en. R'tlli?nu sh111 hace no liabilit} u�ith re;?:ct to dam. ec er sho;ta�e; caused b} the z;u or omissioni o` [n: Ca>tornec or oFa pa, ochzr tnan t�'iltiam;. Ir a daim is �alidly mad: ur.der tni; S:ctiu� uhich niay en[ide tne Ruto; ie, to re[urn 2n Equipmen[ component, R'illiam; shz,i not be bo:tnd W accept such rzturn or e�cn=_ngz cu�ipor,e, ; unle;; the Cui[om;r coatpli:s ctricdy� r:1th \Cillizrtt�' rrturn procedurzs a; sz[ for�h ir this S;ction. «�hich mao bz moditi,c by� 1l'illiams f:em tin:z to timz on ��ritr.:n r,.:i,e. I�i order ro re;u, a co a Retu:n b1z, :1!i8ioriza,ion ( numoe; r.nu[ firs, be eb:_ir,e ��'illi:nu z-d m�s: z� ��ea; or. z'f '� ' o r ' d frem 2e _ s�.iap;�;_ IaScl; o� componencc to be rztt:rned. Componz«U miut be rtca;ae,'�. in trte sa:ne ca;di[ion 2s o: iein�ll� del;cered. ocdinzrp uea: an: t: �r e•.cep:cd, zad in ori�in�! bo::'ezrtor. �) LDSITaT10\ OF I.IABILIT]'. �) I\ \O E\"E\T SHALL �l'ILLLa\IS A\D ITS SliPPL[ERS OR S(.BCO\TRACTORS BE LIr1E3LE FOR: (i) A\Y I\DIRECT, \CiDE\TAL SPrCIAL, OR E\E\tPL•\Rl' D:�\(AGES; (ii) CO\S@QUE\TIAL D.4�fAGES; I\CLUDIXG. BUT \OT LU[ITED 70, )cdar A�lrtzmen[ - 10' l2; 00 P'igt 2 oF 7 . � o�-�r� C0�1�tERC1AL LOSS OF A�1' I�l\D \VHICH I\CLUDES LOSS OF BUSI\'ESS, PROFITS, RLVE�UE OR SA\'1\GS, AND LOSS OF D:'1TA OR ME-SS9GES, OR (iii) A?�T DAVIAGES OF A�l' Ki\'D RESULTI\G FROyi t1�AUTHORIZ£D USE OF OR ]1TRUSIO\ I\TO THE S1 STE�4, I\CLUDI\G "I OLL FRAUD. TIiIS PROVISIO\ APPLIES 7O ALL CLAI\1S �t'f{L-THER B.4SED UPOV BREACH OF \�'ARRA�TY, BRL-ACH OF CO\TRACT, I�EGLlGF\CE, STR[CT LIAB[LiTY I\ TORT OR A\Y OTHER LEGAL THEOR�', A�D �1'HETHER ��7LLIA\1S OR ITS SUPPL[ERS OR 11'S SUBCO\TRACTORS HA\'E BEEti ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILiTY OF SUCH D.4DIAGE OR LOSS. (b) If d�e S}•�tzm or zny componznt tnzreof seeppxts �'oice o�'er IP protocol (telephom• oeer tran>missioi control prorocol'intzrnet protocol), the Customer may e�perience certain compromises in perPormancz, reliability and security, ecen ���hen the Sys[em performs as �aarrantzd. Thzse cortp:omisz> nta)' become more 2cu[e if Customzr fails to follo�c \\'illiam>' or the manufacturer's recommzndations for confi�ura�ion, opzracion and use o( the S)�stem. CUSTO\tER ACK\0\1ZEDGES 7 IT IS A�l'ARL OF THESE R1SI:S AKD THAT I'( }{ DcTLR�7i\ED THEI" r\RE ACCEPT.ABLE FOR ITS APPLICA"([0\ OF TfiE S1"STE�d A\D CUST011ER 1\'ILL lOT ASSLRT A\1" CLAIV AGAIXST \\'[LLI:1\1S FOR SUCkI CO\IPRO\IISLS. CUSTO�IER ALSO ACK\O��'LEDGES TH.AT CUSTO\1ER IS SOLELI" RESPOISIBLE FOR (1) E\SURI\G THAT ITS n671�'ORF:S A\D SI"STE�4S ARE AUEQUATELY SECURL� AG:11\S7 U\AU7HORiZED I\TRUSIO\, A�D (2) BACKI\G UP ITS DATA AND F1LI:S. (c) \\'illSams shalf be liable for any ph}'sical damage it cawes ro the System. "this fiabilit}' is limitzd to repair of the Spstem or coenponznt thereof, or if che System or component cannot bz repaired, replacement �cith a comparable S}'stem or component, arid is othzncise limitzd a> set forth in Section S(a) and (b) aboce, )) SOP7'll'ARI�LICI:\SL. (a) Cectain manu(ac_turen require that their o«�n sofe�care licenie(s) be attached m tt�is A�recment, the 2ppliczble Order Forni or incliided �rith Ihe equipnie�it. To the eatent such licen�z is attached or induded �cith tne eqwpment, it shafl bz attaciied to the applicable Ordzr Form and incorpu�ated therein or gi�'en to Customzr upon ins[alln[ion oP the System. lt no such licensz is attached or procidtd, then \1'illiams grant> Ciutomer a nun-esdusire license tor thr weful ]ife oP tne S}'stem to uiz thz softo•aro (includino rzlated documcntation) solzly to maintain and o, erate the S}s[em, pro��idzd Custocnzr: (i) <loes not allo�s an}• aspect of the soft�care to be di>closed to a third party �eithout \\'illianu'' ��'ritten consenc and make; rea>onable efforti to eniurc thst iti ei�iployee> arc a��'a;e oP this obli�atio�; (ii) usz> ihz S��stem solzl}' fx Cusromer's internal biuiness purposes; (iii} does no[ copy an}� part of tiie so(n��are u�ithout 1Villiams' consent znd does no[ attempt to derelop any source code from the sofncarz; and (i�') returns to 1Nilliams or era>zs oc des!roys an�� softi+'are on any medi2 bein� r��cycied or discnrded �nd so certitie> to �ti'iltiam>. Ciuto;ner ntay only transfer the ri�ht to usc thz sofnr.^.re to any� end ucer avho subsequendy aequires Ute ri_ht to iue the Systzm, a��ze> to be boimd by the tzrnti of diis license and agrecs to pay an�� applicabl; fezs plas applicable taxe;. (b) All title to, oicnzrship of and a',l prnp�iztary• richts (includine, but not limited to, p3rent rights, copyri�hts, trade secrzts or other intzliectuai propertq ri�hts) in arzd to the sofn�are, other than die limired rights e�pressly gcanrd to Cuitomer herein, shafl remain �'z>tzd in 1\illi�ms or it> third party supplie�s. (c) \on�'ith;t2ndin_ an}' o[her p:u�'ision oCthis A^rezment, failure by Customer, its xgetiti or cantra:rors to comply ��'ith Ihe tzrms of t}�„ Sectio� 9 shall be cleenu T It11C2f18I �fY0CI1 Of fI11$ A �rezment, entidin� �t'dliams to immediately terminate diis Agrzement and all of Ciutomer's rights and p:i��ilzgzs �cith re>pect to the licz�uzd soth��are �td t0 obttin injuncli�'e and other rrlizf neccssap• to pro[ect \\'illixm� from am' p�tc�IIial danta_e re�ulting from such breach. 10) RISIC Ol' LOSS, 7'I'ILL A\ll SECl1R17'1' T\1'rI2LS7'. Cusromer tisumzs tiiz risk of los> to the System from the date o� Deli�'e�y�, lintil the Cash Price is p�id'in full Cusmmer ��ill maintain zdequate insurance again>t tire, theft or other lo>s For the Sy�stem's ful i�uurable � aluc �vith A'illiartu named ai loss payee in an 2ntount equal to the unpaid bolante oF thz C�sh Pricz. Title in the Equipnrent �ci�— pa;s o� ftdf pa}'menc of die Cash Price plus all ta�es. Cu>!omer �cill be responsibte for an;' pervnal propert� ta�ei asizssei on a�ic po; cion � ihe S��stzm. R`illiami rc>:nes and Cusrortic�' grartU 11'illiams a s:curity interest in thz S��item in thz amount of the �mpaid balance e` tn C'ash Price. A copy of thic Agrezmen[ may be filzd on \1'illia�ns' bzhalf at aap tim: after signaturc by Cus!omer zs 1 financing s;ntemen[ t perte:t \\'illiims' seturit}' in[erc>!. It requesctd b} �1'illi�ms, Cu>romer u�ill e�ecute a standard form finz�cin;,_* statement (L:CC-1). Up� pa�ment in fui�. \Cilliam; �� ill p;omp:lc file to rcmo��e sucrt intzrest. 1f an Order Form 5pzcitie5 zn Lpgrede Io an E�istin� S}'s:em. title 2� o��.nership te am eqiiipn��ent roplacei d�.inne irstalia,ion e`the Upgrade shall bz t�an:F�rred to 2nd lest i�t \1'tlliam; I f) I\STAI,L.A7'70� ��D SER\'ICES. (aj Cusroa�er a_+'ze> to pennit and arran�e full 2cceis to tiie Premises n:ce;sary fo: �\"d(ianu to pertorm the srr��iczs s_; forth in t! Acreemen[ and « make a��ailable 2 rea<onable �muunt of se.u;z spxe �ciif� loc�> for so;a�e b� 1\'illiam; ol'tBz S�'stem o: repair paru n;czscsrti�. {h) Cw:omz; «iIl pro�ide: (i) zecrss, z=.;:mea,� a�d consznn r.eczss�n� ro i�stall o: se;ciee th: 5};:em; (ii) �zce>s�r} flopr plz sp�ce for the S}s[e; � aa: 8CC25<iL�I2 «irin� (oca;iom f2� of n,he;ro, a�c'. ocn,; zm�i�oam:r.:a; haza:d� pe; gocrnment rcgula:ions; � dec!icat:d elzctric s��:::a. circui�s, po«er 2nd ii.la:zd ��round: (ic) c,itable opt;atin�� e��iroar:<nt (inciudin_ iso!a.ed �round. conditio:Zing, humidit}. h.:: t 2nd _e:i:rh}") p�� r,iwuf2cR�rzr's spzcifica:ions u�hi:�^ 5 �7.�IhC.^.i1J;i5 t': (I) f12 �t:pCIQ:'(I !O CIlil0:112f bV `� III1— upon reques:; . nd (��) r.=.:e�ca}'. condui[. holes zr.d u irz��a�'s. Customer shall hold «�i(liam> harmless fron: 2np and al! liabili:; for injur` �cirts, cunduiis. pipes, maia,. se���ers or Mi�er similar propzrc}' tna[ i< not accura:el�' dttailzd o; a.coun[zd f��r in Cuitomer supplied ptinti conditions ac ehe Premisr> alter routine installacion and \Cdliams �cas not a��arz of such conditions at the timr an Order Forni ua> eteci� Pe�_e : of 7 OrSar Agreeinznc - (0'1? CO ` Customer shafl bz billed for any additional expense relzted thereto at �l'iifiams' then current time and materiat charge>. �4'ipiams �ril{ remove all litter generared durin� the u•ork and �ci11 ensure thaz the installation area is restored to the condition that existed prior to instal{ation but �s'ill not be responsible for remo�•ing oid phones or cabling. (c) Customer rzpresents and t��arrants that the Premises and conditions to be encountered by �Yilliams at thz Premise> znd in arza; ���herz u�ork is to 6e pzrfornied sha[I; (i) bz in comp]iance �cith al1 ypp�fcable federal, state and local la���s, rule; and re�ulations; (ii) be safe and non-hazudow; and (iii) not contain, przsent, o, e.�pose 11'illiams repre>entaticzs to hazardow materials o; hazardou; sub;tance;, In the e��ent of brzach of the foregoing, in addition to aIl otfier remedie;, R'(�1(ams may immediatet}� suspend u�o;k until Custome; hzs p;o� corrzazd such condition(s) a, Customzr's expense, in the ecent Customer cannot or doe; no: corrzet such condition{s), ic �c��� bz 2� 1�'illiams' option as to u�hether to recommence perEormance or terminate the Ordcr Form uith respect to such Premise;. Any tzrn�ina?io by \1'illizms b;�awe of its opinion dist an unsafe encironinental condition e�ist, u�ill not bz dezmcd a breadi o( this ARrezmznt o, a dzFault «nder it and no liability fo; such dzcision �ei{{ attach. . _ ��1 linleis otherts'ise statrd or tfte Order Porm or an attachmznt thzreto, 1Yi({(�nls chall pr, form t6e installation of the in accordaacz �cith the manufacture specifications 2nd the cost for such installation shall be includzd in thz Caih Pricz of the S}stcm. Inual{a,ion of the Spstzm �cili be perFormzd durin� the normal ���orkin� houcs o(5:00 a.m: $:00 p.m., \9onda}� throu�h Frida}•, site ]ocal time, czc{uding 11`iliiams' holidays, eacep, u•�ien otfiertvise mutuatly a�reed b�• the parties in writin�. Anl' delzy�nr dou�ntidie rzsulcin� from Cusromer act or omission s}�ali be the re>ponsibilih• oFCiistomer and shall be bilfed at \Villiams' then currznCcharzes, - ` ��) If an Order Form specifz� an Up�rade to an Existin, Sy;tem �chicli i; not [hen 6eing maintained b}' R'iSli2mg under a current ��rzemea[. �1"illiams ma}• re<�uir: tha! thz Esistin� SL•>r�, b� b:uu,�ht inro coiupliance t��itl; tf:z manufacturer's spzciFication, bc;ore installin� the Up�rade. .�us[aner �ciN pay �1'iiliami 2t 1Villiam5' then current char�e for anq �4 perfurmed or ma[zri=.is pro�iAed in bringing thz Ezi>tin� System into compliance. 1?) LI�1iTED�I'ARR:1\T]', (?) FOR SYSTEDIS I\STALLED Bl' �NILLIA!�{S, FOR THE 7LR\f, IP AN1", AS SFT FORTH O\ THE APPLICABLE ORDER FO;t\t (T}i[ '�1t'ARRA\TI" PERIOD"), THE R'ARI:A\7}• AS SET FORl'II IN THF. ORDER FORi\9 SH:1LL AppL1•. SO\4E D PRO\%fDL LI:�fITED \\�pRRA\"I'I[S DIRcCT[,1' ?O THE CUSTO\4ER. 11'ILLi.q�1S SHALI_ Ii:�\'E iC0 I_IABII_iT}' OY RFSPOVSIBILITY FOR A?�1' R':�3�RAKT1' PRO�'1DED BI' Tf{E D1qNUFACTIIRER D1REC7Ll" TO THE CUSTO>1LR. (b) For Sqstzms installed bv �Z'9��hms, Customcr's SOLL A\D ElCLUSl�'E P.E!�TED1' {or breach of anp u�yrr2nq• providzd by 1l'illianu on titz applicabie Ordzr Form is limited to R`illiam;' performancr as s:t forth in Sec[ion 13(a) znd (b) belou and p;rformancz o( a�arranty service durin� the \�'arranty Period ��•ill not estend or restart the �Yarranty Period. If, hotvecer, it is dztermined that such remedv Cails of its e;s'rntial purposz, thzn 1l'illiam;' entire liabilit�� for such breach i; 1'rmited to payment bq R']�liams of Customer's actual dama�z; in nn amount not to excacd; (() fo, i;ems co�•ered bp 13(z) 6elo«�, the pitrchase price for th; Equiptnent rel�tzd to tnz claim o, u fo, items co� ered b} 13(b) belo�r, the price paid fo: thz serricz> related to the claim. �� (�) POR S1'Sf[�1S rOT I\STALLED f3}� ��'fLL1AA4S, FOR 7HE 7F:RAI, IF A\}', AS SET FORTH O� THE APPI_iC:�BLE ORDER FOiZ\t ("DEi.I�'�ILEU \t'ARF:A\T}' PLRIpiJ"�, �y)LLG1\q5 11'ARRA\'TS 7H.4T THE S\'STE;,1 l�'[LL BE FRE[ FR0�1 DEF7=C7'S I\ hLATL'R(ALS. ��'ILLI:��(S DOES \OT E\7'END A�}� ���ARRA\TT 70 DC OR LRRORS i1 I\STALLA'IIO\ I31' CUSTO]tER OR A THIRD PARTY. IF �VARRr1\7}' R�ORK IS t�'ECESSARI', lt'(L[.[AA1S �VILL ACCEPT RETUR\ ib(ALFU\CTfO\[NG CO�IPO\E\TS OF 7HG Sl'STE:11 FOR REPAIR OR R n PROCEDGRES S51' FOR7'H 3\ SEC7t0\ � �� - A\CE A'[TH_THE CUSTO� =, 1LL(A�IS R'ILL REPAiR THE S1'S7E�f I\ PLACE AT - "ILLIA�(S' CURRG�T CHARGES. (d) For S}stems not installcd b}� R'illiams. C�c:o�rer's SOLE A\p I:\CI.1�St�'L RL:�II;UY for b;each o(any� u�a, p,ocidzd b} 11'illia�;�s on the applicable Orcler Pornt is limited to \1'i1{iam;' perfo;mnncr a> set forth in S^ction; 12(c) �id 13(c). \Ci(Ifams' IiaSili.c shall reasz a, the end oFdie Deli��ercd \1'nrrznt}� Pcriod inciudine liabifit}' for mamifacturin� de(ects not discocerzd u�ithin [he D:Iti�'ered �C2rr2nh� 'rriod � >) 1'fll; �1':�I:R_�\7 }� y}Zpti�IDEll P>} rj�IS SLC770\ I? IS I\' (.IEC OI' :�tL OTSIEI2 EXPRESS �l:qRR4\T1tiS. TIIIS GR[:L�IE\T S=\CL(.DIiS :�I,L I�IPLIID �1'_�RR:1\'17ES, I�'CL['QI\G, UBT 10T L1:lIITLD 7p, 7fIE A':1Rf2:1\T1rS OF ILKCFI:1\L-�B1I.IT}' _��D PITNESS S'OK :� p,�I2TICULA2 PL: RPOSL�,_R"ILLI:L�IS-DI5CL:tiSIS A\'1" �1'ARR:1\71' TO RF1'E\T ti\:1L'TIIORI%ED L OF OR I\TRLSdO\ I\TO TfI� 51`S"fEpl i\CLi'DI\G TOLL FRAL�D. � I� th: S}s!em does not opzracz in accordanrt �citl� tfie ���arrann�. �(a�c. ,; s;, fo; ti: e� t'ie tiP�� R'il!iam;. Order Fcnt. Custemzr ntust immedi2:eh` i R:4RP..4\11'PERIODSER�'ICG. D�.irins th: �1'arrant�� Period, if �carranty u'o, j; necessan� oa a Spse:m in;tallzd b}� R"iliiams undrr z�'oice Ordzr Form, 1l'illiam> �, at its option: (i) repair tne Sysrert� in placz or (ii) accept re[um of componrnU for rzpair or repl�cem;at. S«cfi repair o: rzplacemeat, udin� both parU and labor. u ill b: a[ �Cilliams' expea;e. Repair and repiacement p_rts ma}' bz nzu or te.�nditioned to br tne fur.ccional 'C A� f2201?!1t - I O� I�i W Pa�;r S of 7 ' o�-'�� equivalent of ne«t Any part> replaced b}' ��'illiams �ril! become the �ropert}� of �Villiams. \\'illiams �cill re>pond rzmotely or on-site 2> necessarq to requests to perfo;m ser.�ice for a sen�ice affectin� oatagr of the S}'stzm resulein� in the faiture of hvenry percent (20%0) or more of all stations and�or trunks or thz faihire of the attendant console ("Emer�enty Sen�ice") ���ichin t���o (2) hours of receipt of notice from Cusromx requestin� such senice without re�ard to time of day or day of the �ceek. Alt otber outages are dassified as non-emeroency. \\"illiams ���ill respond to requesU to per(orm non-emergzncy sen�ice �citnin t«�enty-fou, (24) houn of the receipt of t6e rzquest, except �chen thz request for such szrcice is made on or the da}• bzfore a�eeekend da}� or a R'il(iams holida}', in �cfiicn case ��'illiams n'iil rz;pond by the nest bu;iness da�. \1'i(liams «�ill perform Sercice call> mad� bz}�ond t\"illi�ms' normal u'orkin� iiours tor nomemergencp sercice upon CUS[Ofitc'C Cc` quz>t at tt'illiams' then current charet. (b) During thc \1'arranq' Period, for ��rork performed pursua�t to a Dztz Ord:r Fomt, 1\'illiam> «ill rz>pond remotel}' o; on-siee a; dzemzd nzer>i�ry b}' 1Yilliarns ro Customer rz.�ue>t> to correet 2 dzftee in R'illiami' v.orkman>hip for tiie D�ta S}'stem �ci[hin t«�znp'-four (2-}) hour, of ehe rcceip[ of the rqucst, e�cept �chzn thz rzquesc for such s:;cice i> made on or t}�� �;y'.�:fore a���ezkend or a\Cilliam> holida�', in �chich cas� \1`illixms tcill respond b}' thz nest buiiness day. (c) During tne Delicered \Van�anty Period, if uarranty .vork is neczssa:�' for a Syscem orderzd i�ndr a t'aice Order Form but not in>talled by \1'illiams, R'illiams �eill pro�•ide � depot parti re.urn Sen�icz for th: componenis of ttie Sy�ste�rt cocered bt• ihe manuCactv�er's �ca�rant;• indudin� shipping. receicin�� and trackin; of orders. Custome� ackno�cizdges that ih; en:tallztion, rep3ir, or modification of the S�srem b}• penon$ �vho zrz not manufacturer certified technicians may �'oid ine manufacturzr'S �rarrant}• of the parU�and ma}• rzsult in a dtnial of so£n�'are support serrices from the manufacturer. The espre;> ��'ai�•er of \Yiliiams' labor �earrant}� i> at the reque;t of C!rstomer. \\'illisms ��91! pr6�•idz labor as neeAzc] at 11'illiami' thzn currnt thar�e> for szrcice and \laintenance of the System at Customzr's request. (d) Lipon the espiration of the \Carrant�• Period, R'ilfiams shall provide \faintenance on Syitemc in.talled by 11'illiam> in accordance �ci[h ihe follo�cin,� Sections 1'�-17 at \\'illianu' then current charoe> tinle,s either Cu�eomer or «'i�liams no[ifiz; tne othzr in ��'ritin� at least fort}'-fi�'e (4�) days be(orc Ihe end of the Narrantp I'eriod tha[ it dec(incs such renz�eal for the follo�cing }�ear. (e) If an O:dzr Porm sp:cifizi an lipgra, e to an E�istia� System, thzn for p!z+poses of Sectiuns S(c), li(d), 14, 1>, 1G, and 17 of this A�,reement, ` is interpreted to ntean `the L.�istin� Systrm as up�raded by the S}•stzm' ]4) \IAI\1'L\ANCE013T,7GA1'10\S. (1) Upon the espiracion ot' ihz �1'arnnp� Period on . partiailar S}'s:em in zccord2nez �cith Section 13(d) abo�'z, or upon the e�ecution of an Orde� Torm For b�taintenance, Nilliams �cill pro��ide A�Iai�tznance in acco;d3ncz �cith if�e terms and contiitions of tfii> Section and the applicable s:n�icz plan attzchment oudinin� the maintenance obii�ations o` t1'illiams znd Custome� ('`Ser��ice Plaa") (�o_zthzr, "\laintenance"j. Punuant ro this A<,recmznt, tVilliams sh�ll respond to Sy�stern fzilure;, eiehzr ort-site or rentote!)', a; necr;�ar}'. per the conditions 5�2CI(12C{ under thz Seraice Pla�i chosen. n4aintenance sercice fo: Equipment shall consist of fumi>hin� all parts end labor necessarq to maintain the S}stem in good op:ratir�� condition in accordance �cich thz manufacturer's specifica[ions. Repair and rzplaczment parts may bz ne�v or reconditioned ro bz the fui�ctia�al equi��alent oP ne'�v. Tta;ntrnance sercice for soft�varz v:iU includz pro�•ision of all msintenance rzlzases and patchz; ���hich are is>ued at no cost by the manufachirer to correct problzms ��'hich Customzr ha> encoimtzrtd in the performance oF the sofn��arc. S:n'ice c211s msd° be�'ond the hour;�set fo;ti� in ihe Sercice Plan shall he p:�formed bq R'i(liams upon {'ustwner's reques! at �\'illiami' then current cnarges. (b) If \1'illiams i; rzquestcd ro oftcr \faineznanct at sitz> �vhere th: S}�iecrti u�a> not sold and i�utallcd bp R"illiams, \Cillianu ma} requir� chai the S}'stem be brought up [o manid:3cturr's specifications beforz p:tfonning �ny �iaintznance undr this A�rezmznt. Cuitomer �cill p�q 11'illiams at �t'illiam:' thzn curreat ch�rce.i for an}' �l'ork p:rformzd or ma[crial> ptus procided in brineine the Syscem into conforrnance.� In the interim. �1'iUiains i�'ill procide maintenance sen'iczi a[ such sitc on a time and matzrial baiis at �\'illiams' then current, char��e;. ' f j) 11:11XTF\:\\CL "1'I:R\I; SEK\'ICF r1:L'. Unles, statzd other��i:: on thz Order Form. R'i(liam> shatl p, �l�intrn�nce on ti�c System: in;talled b; \\"illiam; fo; a terri oF one (I) �'ea� (thc "Iniiia� Trnn") from tne d�;e on v:hi:h s«ch serrice b:,�an (the .. Commencement D: te") At tliz end ol tfie ini:ial Term, tiie 2grtem_i! fo:� \t^i'tcna:�ee sh�ll be a�itvmatically rrneticed in succr;,i�e annual rer�c«21 perieds at \i"illiam:' [n:� cwran. cha�'�,e. «�le;s eithar Cv;tome� o: \�'dL+^m; notitici tnz o;he� pa;[}' in ��.riting at Izasc fore.�-fi��� (��) d1��; be`ore tne end of the rrr,e�.�: al temz thae i[ de.line; such rcne�ral fur ne foll. u ing yea.. At am' tim;. �h: par:ics mzp mutu111}� agree to t:; m+nat� �taint�•na�ce uitn re>pect to a particolv cumponen� �; pareicula� gzos=.�hic lo.ations of a S}see;n co�zred under a p:,reicula� Ordzr Fotm. 16) SLR�'ICE I'I:L' :1UJi'ST�IE\TS. �todifications n;a}� bz adder. to D[�intenancz by �vri�cen a�rzement o,` [he parti:s; suc}� a,rzemzn'. s'�alf .et fortn t}�: additionzl i!e,-,�3 ef Equipmrn: 2nd coft�c�re. c��::vity. dzscrip;ion, seria! n:mther ard yart numyer znd tn� n:rz;sar.� zdustm;nt to tne S:��i=e Fee. ba>e: on R'illiam;' t^en curran: c8ar__•::. ll"illia�rs u�il! i^c l::(I: \IJC�i�iC.'.IiO!Ii P2f tbrmed b}' a p':`} , 1' � a ether tiizn RiI(iams onl�' if Cu:.om:r's n��o�:i�ie�. Sy>:znt is certifizd e: Ci;s:o:ner's e�p�r.se to bc i� acc,irdlr,cz �citli m=.m.itacturer'c a:anda,<Iz for <er��icz�and r�ai ;.z�;aa:e. Ary \LdiL.zdons p;, - torr:�ed b; 11'ille:+.> req�.�i;e z s:p>ra:e .�*xemenc such as tFe \\'i;lia:ns CSO Customrr herzby� a:�'noulect_rs tiiee �todificz�iors. includin� sofr«are up«, perforn•,ed or s�.ipplied bp unauchorized dis:riburon ma� resul� ii � denial oFsof[l�'a; e>upp.rt se,cicr< from tne minufacturzr of ti�z S}�s�em. Dlsintenanez sercice for \tedifications shall be subjec ro th: te;mc and condition; ot this Acroemer.[ z,d b: cu:erminow ��:i;h tne tzrn: e� \ta;n.rn�nce for thc S}item i�ielt. O;Ser Acre:menc -!0'12;00 Page � oF i 17) �YAR1L4n7'Y ANll D]A7\17>t�AhCI's I:7�CLUSIO\S. ' . (a) \1'arrant�� period Ser�•ice and DIain[enance pro�'ided under [Lis Aereemrrtt exclude repairs or repincements necessitated bti�: (i) Foree nIajeure conditions, as defined in this Aareenten[ or an�' othei cause not attribut:�ble to �l'iliiams (not includine a defect in the St'stem); (ii) Customer'S Failure_ko follotic applicable operation, maintenance, or emironmentat requirements described in any o{ the manufacturei's manunls or product bulletins, \�'iliiams manuals, and other materials pro�ided to Customer� (iii) Customer's addifions, niterations, modifications,�enLancements or repairs to, or disassembl�� of, tlte Scstent {itse(f or usfno a third parh�) vvithout ��'illiams' �sritten consent; (ir) mishandling, aUuse, minaes or damaae [o [he Spstem bp Customer or a diird psrt�; (�') relocation of the Si'stem �riHwut ��'itliams' �}�ri[ten consent (otLer tLan tdephone instruments relocated in accordance u'ith the mnnuF.icturer's specitications); (ci) failures or chanoes required resulting from tf�e loca! exchanae company, intere�chnnge c:irrier, tLe po�rer compan�� or other transmission pro��iders; (cii) failures or damage mrisine from da[e dependent oper:�tions, enlendar-related data and the processing of such data, or in connection �}itL prociding enlendar-related data to and acceptino calendar-related data from other s} (� electrica! �sork esternal to tlre S��stem; (i�) such ser��ice �i-hich is impracticnl to \l"illiams'sercice representati��es to render because of alterations to tlie equipment or its connection bp mechanic:il or elecirical meniis to other de��ices; or alterations to operatina scstems; (x) s��stems engineerine sercices, pronramnting, ancl aperations procedures of any surh, or (si) srrvice calVs �rhid� result in "no trouble } in [he S}�stem. I(�np esduded cause occurs, 11'illiams ma��, at its option: (a) perform repairs at Custorner's request at �l'iUiams' Ihen current cblroes, or (b) cancel its Dlaintenance obligxtions for the mpplicable Spstrm. (b) R"Len ��'illiams drtermines that n Sy'stem component rin no longer be effec[i}�ely� maintainrd for.ans reason, includine but not limited to, usaec, ci»�ironmrntal conditions, or lack o( readih� arlilablc pnrts, \1'illinms shall in(orm C�stomer ttia[ thc contponent must bc refm$is{�ed or replaced. TLese sctions, �rhrn required, shn11 Uc perFa'med at the option of 11'iiliarns ti,i[h the Customer's sinned approv:il, a; \1'iffinms' tlien currezrt sercice rates aad costs of parts. ShouIS1 tLe Customer elrct not to harc refurbishment �cork per nhen required, �1'illiams sh.ill immediatclt� cancel Dlaintenance coceraoe under this Aoeeemeut for tLat specific piece of equijfinent. Dlaintenance nPcer such cancellatimi sLall be pro��ided only on a tinm and material b;asis at �l'illiams' then currentcharges. � . 18) 1\Drtli\IFICAT30S. � . (a) L•ach part}• shzll indzcnnif�• thz othcr onl}' u'itn rzspzct to any tiiird party claim 211z�in� bociil}� iqi��q•; includin� dtath, or damade [o t�ngib!e pr�put�' tn the e�tznt such injucy' or dama�e i> ca���icd bc tiic neefi�ence of the indcmnif}'ine party. pro��idzd that cuch dauu is report�d prompdp in t�:ritiq� to tlie indemnifping party. � (b) Solzl�� as to Systems parchased from and installed by� 1Villiams under a�'oi;z O�dzr Form, 1�'illianu shall dz�end xnd ind:mnify Ci�>tomer a�ainst any claims or suiG broveht z�ainst Customer based upon a claim of infringemznt of any United Sta:e> cop}'righe. h�ademark or patrnt arisin� out of thz use oE the Systcai. A condition prrczdent to 11'illiams' obli�ation stated abo��e shall be tnat Cus;amer shafi ha�•e fvll}• compliztl v: idi th� requirzmenti of this Aeree;�iznt �cith rzipect to rzt�r'ion of, assi�mmznt of, and%or sublicease nE tiiz rieht to use the seft�ca;e. ll'ifliams shal! paq cucc; and damaRe, in an�� such suit, p;o.•ided \1'illianu is notified prornpdy� in uritin� of the suit, Cu>tomer gices �1'illiam> or the equipmznt suppfier tfte solz right to d:fer,<l eni seule enp s�ait and Qiito:nzr, a? l�'illiam's' requcsL ii acaS{a51z to coop_r. [z and assist in thz defen;e. This indzmnit}' does not estend to: (i) any suit o; procezding �chich is baszd upon 2. claim wcrcin� any combinatiun of equipment .^.nd�o; soFnear� in �t fiidi e�e S}ste��; i; so!cl_: , n elenunt a�d such elemznt doz; no; form a basi; fo: thz cizim; or (ii) an}� item furnishcd by Cuseomer. indudine. but no� limired to, S}�s:emi or an}� por[ions tnereof in,tnlled b;� z ��endor oti�e, ll'il(iams. Shoufd thr S}�s[rm Uecome subjzet to z claim of infri;i� ement of a Unitz<! States cop}�right, trad:mark o: patent, �Villi2nu mac, at it, e.�pznse and option: (i) procarc for Custom:r thz rig�tt [o cu:i[inue uninterrup:ed. Customer's u>e of thz affected Equipment and'or �ofn���re; or (ii) rplace or modik'y the samc so that i[ become; non-inFringim_: o: (iii) rrfund ro Cuitom:r the dzp, ��afue oPthe affecCed items as cz�rie�l on the books of Custonter for tax puq�o;es, on the date of any injue7ction, if applicable, in �ehich ca,e Cus!mier shall rzturn the affec[ed itenu to lCilliarn;. In no ecent shall 1�'illiams' liabilic}' und:r thic su6section IS{b) escceci tho - � . Thi; ind<mni[}� shall, not a� c ._ ,� a ze e� ttem; manuCactured a� Custome�'s reque>t ro Customer's proi �.�chon speciFications or out of use of the aCte:ted items in , m�nner o, for a pur��o>e no: cuntemplated b}' tnii A^ree�v,nL C'iutum:r's SOI.f. �\U t:\CLCSR'I:I:I:VI:UI" a,�ain.:t \Cillianli u'ith re�•a to such a cop}'right. vadzmark or patent inGin�entent claim> shall be a; s:. Furth abo�e. � 19} DFtAliL1'. � (2) If an}� uiatzrial brea.h of [tlii :'���C2c`IS12tl� CJR tinuzs 11ilCJCC2i(2 t� mure tEian n�enty (20) d�cs a;'ter ��ritt,�i no;ict tiom tne ,�_ �cie�ed parn� de>cribine thz b;each. thz .��,ri���ed pirt�� sha'I b; en�ided te decfa, a dzfaak undc, tiiis A°C2c`Rl2liC 2R t p:inuz zn}� aad all rernedie: z�.aifable a, la�a o: eq�iit}' z.�crp� a; specifl:alf}� Iin;itrJ ckc«here ir, dii; :1�rezir�rn!. In addieien. iF Cu>r.er.e, is thr a�grieced part}. Custome; ma}� nupencl i�s p,��ment obligatioa relatin�_ w tnr b:ea:h ur.[il \l�illiam>' b;each i> eo, and if ll'iliiami i> the z^_gri:�ed part., \Cilliams ma}� s:upend pzrFormanez ofit; obli�_ations untii Customzr's b;za�n_i;�co�rectesl._, .. .�.. � . ��- (h) If Custmner reftwe; to pem;ii \�: iVfian;: to pzrfo: m i:; oSliga:ioo; i:::c'::: �nis A_ree�:ie: � er , a: U:.'.cr Fc: r.: }::rz:��3er. cr tcrr;inate> o; ra.els ehi� Agceement o; a�}� O:der Form hzreun.:er. 1�: i0iams. i:i . iaiti�,n to t �: remci!ie3 p:acic�ed f�o: in ttui A°_reem:ili o: .^..ai{aSle a; l, «: a in e�jui,��. shali be eatitled to recsin all monie; p�id bg Ci:7co r.cr 2nc� recocr :d: i:i�::�! c�onit;. if re:es:asy�. to co��e; ali re:uena5f: cu;ts inairrzd b}• �1'illiartu in p, for and an}� a:tual pertb:r,ian,z undar ti;ii �\��rze;aent, inctuding. bat noi limiced w, cea�missions ou�ec(. labor espendzi, shippin�. handlin�. stora,r co>ts nnd rzsto:kin� f r;. � Or1tr A_retmznc -(0: l?�00 Pa��t 6 of / a�-zr� 20) 1`ORCE AIAJEUl2L. �l'illiams shall not be liable for any zdjustments or suspension oPperformance, failurz of pe�formance o: zny dama�es uiehout limitation rzsultin�_ from aa}' oF the follo�eing. strike� or labor dispute>, ��'ork stoppagcs, 5re, esplosions, oatcr, tnz ele�nenL-, 2cts of God (includin�. uithout limitation, earinquales, rains, flood� or li�hming), acts of civil or militarp autho, or p�b!ic enem}•, P:rFormanee or a}'ailabilit}' of suppliers, subwn[ractors, po�cer company, communications s°r��iezs or net�oork facilitiz> o,hzr tnan \1'illiam;, including but not limited tn ihe ]ocal e�chan�e compan}� or other carrier, imauthorized usz of the S}•stzm, or otner czuse; be��oad 1l'illiams' control �chether o, not similar to thz foreeoinR. 3!) \ItSCELL�lEOUS. (;�) 11'illiams re>cn�es the ri�ht to subcontra. an}� and zl! oPtne �cor'� ro be pzrfunned by� i! under ihi; Agreement. (I>) Thi; A�cczm;rt i; noc assig�iablz by Cu>tomer n'ithout ihz p; io; uri[ten con>ent o( \\'illiami. An}' 2ttempt to a>sign an�� of tfie rights, du.iz; or oS!i�a:ions im<!zr [itis A�reement �cithout such consent ��'ill, at \Cilliams' opcion, be deea�ed �'oid or 2 matz, de(2vlt or 2.cep;zd in tl'iNian:i' soic discreEion. TLis A�rtement shall be bindin� upon and chall inure ro thz bznefi[ of thz partie; hzrcco 2. d tneir respechce succe;sun 2nd permitted a55i�n>. (c) "the �cai�'er b}• eithz; part;' oE an}' defaule �cill no; operate ai a��aicer o` a,t; sub>equznt deC2tdt. (d) Tlie r.o:t- precailin� psrh� triA pay all oP tlie p;e�'ailing party�'s cos[i o; e�pen>es. induding re2sonable 2tromey's and colizction fzri, in:ur�ea in enl'otcino thi; A,rcemeni. (c) \\'illiams' obli�ations under this Agreemz�tt �re coniin�ent upon 1 credit repo�t satis(actory ro\l'illianu. (� ]f ara}' court Fold+an}� portion of this Fgrezment unenforczable, the remaining Izn_uage sBall not be aCfectei. (o) The ri�hG z�td obli;a[ions of the partie> a> szt forth hercin may only bc zlrered by a�i�riltzn amendment or modification executed b�• an auti�orizrd repres:nta!i��e of both psrtie>, referrncin� this Agcecment, and erpressl}• statinR the intention to modify such ri<�ht> and obli�ztions. Ko course oPdealin� o: us_�e of vade by or b:t�aern the psreies shall be deemzd to constitute any modifica!ion or amzndment of the tzrms of this A�rezm�nt. (1�) \o 2ction, reeardlzssoF form, arisin� out of this Agrezment may be brou�ht b}' either party more than hco (2) }'ezr> af[er ihe cauie oF 2etior. lias a;cnied. {i) 7his Aerecment i; decmed made and GOVER\LD F31' THL LAR' Or 7'HE Si'A"t G OF OhLAHO>9A e�cz�>: fo: i�s rule> reg�rdin� the conilict of ]a��'s. (j) Customzc's si�•nahu'e on a facsimile Vansmission of an Ordar Form or 2ny amencLncnt o, attad�inent thzrero, �chrn sent from Customer's oftice to \\'illiams, iva)' be rzlizd upon by ��'illiams in lizu of an inked signature ancf shall bc bindro� on Custome� and satisCy xnq apP�icablz Statu[c of Frauds. \\'illiams' copy ofsucR fac>imil: tran>mission shall serre <i the orioin:�l oF. n}� s��ch ducumcn:. (k) This A;;reement ma)' be e�ecutzcl contemporaneously in one or more ca�nc:rpsrt>, each oF ti:hich shzll be denned e:� origia�l, bue 111 of ��hich together shall co�utitute one ^.nd th: same i�uvument. (p Cu>tumer a�rees that ncither it nor ao}' of its zlfiliz,zs ���il! selicit � nq of the R'illiams emplo)•ees p:'o�'idin� serciczi pursuant to thi� AgrecmenC tcith oFfe�s of ectvplugment durin� ti�e term o( tiii� A�reeinent 2nd fo� a period of one (1) ycar aftei e�piration of this A_�rezmenc. (nQ tn thz c��ent of zrt}� contlic! b:.n'een the tenns . nd condition> of uiis Agreeinent, an Ord::r Fo;m, R'illiams' form attacfimenu, and an}' other actachm^nt, iridudin� Cuitome;'s request for propoial o; similzr docume7l, this Agrerinen. shall contruL (n) ?Ii1S AGI2CF:�UF:�'I SCPi�:RSt:nF.S .U.L !`h10�: O�: CO�7'eVt•OR:1>LOCS 1'ItO�'05:��5, CO�IUC>IC:\l10>S A�U �CGOI I:� I�10\S, 60'I'II OK�U. A\D R Ittl��t C\', .l�"I7 CO�SI'll L"I�F:S "I 1l1: I:� I'll:}: ACIiLF:UE�T ttl":1�� F.F:\ \1�ILIJ �>1S A�U CCS"f0>If.R \�I'I II 3iI:SCEC1 '10 Ol: urr.s ri.:�ctu G �UF.R T([(S :�GR6:C.V1:\7'. :1S)' H61'P.};St:l'T:1UO�S, \t'AP.R�\�'ilt:S OIt S'CaI t:\tF:\'IS �1.4DE 1:7', l C\II'1.01'I:C, SILESFI:I:SO\ OR AGI:�T Ot" \1�ILLL4\U :\�'D \OT F:AYKEJS2:U I�'l ll1�:�CREC�IG\'f .1FF: �O'1 131\DI�G LPO� ���ILI.i�\�15. , Cis'ro>it�e:�c�:,o���.t:ucfs�rn�rrruasr.F::�o�ru�sACet:c>�r�i,r��s�iecen•uu.t�nr.t:in:��r:u.nv.��un�.t.uocc>ir:�niaert.iar.� u i� n, ��ur:E:,in�us ri,:��n is tsoc�'u nsrrs'tt:r,>is. �\'IL1.iA\] ICA7'1 O�S SOLl''I[O\S, L 1;R: St. yaiil Policc � Fire 33�' t�`A AS[: Tll'LE: n.a�r� : � �� � d�d�� � Ordtr Aeroammt - l0' 12i00 f3l': ��n��� William K. Finne 7'1TLti: CAIEF OF POLICE D:�T'L: ,s'" Assistant City Attorney BY: Director, Office of Financial Serv3ces BY: Mayor, City of St. Paul or, Human Yae: 7 oP 7 tment a�-1�► E. Sl'S7'E\7 OI2 UYGI29DE PURCIi9SG, ��'ARIL4NTP PEI2I011 (�IarR O\i }' one /» �f thc f llo���in 1• ❑ For a pzriod of one (1) pezr from Cutover, tVilliams «�arrants thzt tfie System �ci(( be free from defects in materials xnd ��o;kmanship and �vill operzte in accordance �s�ith manufacturer's specifications. ❑ The �1Ya; Period for an Up�radz to an Existina System, shzll ertd at the expiraUOa o(the 1Yarrant}� Pzriod or annual blainteixqcz tzrm fo: [he Existin� S} or, if no such R'zaznt}• Period or A9aintenance term eaists, ninety (90) da}•s after Curo�•er. ❑(For drop ship orders only) For a pzriod oEninety� (90) days from the date of Dzli�•en, Nilliams na:ranu tn2t the S}'stem �cil! be frze from defzcts in matzrials. F. b7AI\1'E\A\CE TF_R:�I; Commencemznt Date: 7'ennination Date: (if other ihan a oae (1)}�earle;m from Co�zi�rtencz�nent Date abo��e) ❑ A marked box indicate, that a Cutorer outside �Villiams' normal �eorkin� hours, as set included in the Cash Pricz. \\'1 I,I.i 73}'; rA�1E: TITLE: DATE: IU\ICA1'IO\S SOLUTIO\S, LI.0 �� C I�A\4E: D:\7 E: ��� �� � Y '`��,�%��V �X.� �l . 5 William K. Finne CHIEF OF POLICE I 1(d) of the Order A�reemznt, is Or�et A�tzemea� - 10/12/00 pd�z p �;'2 LrJribi! A fo Uie O�dcr A SADIPLE I'DICE ORDER FORr11 FOR ORDER AGREE\1E\'T BETR'EE\ f+KD ��'lLLIA\4S CO\i>1[I�ICATIO\S SOLL7TI0\S, LLC (OR THEiR PREDECESSORS) DATGD DATE OF ORDFR FOR�1: CUSTO\.fER ORDER \U\SBER (to bz pro��idzd U} �1'illiams upon ezecution): Customer Purchaiz Order I�umber (to bz provided by Customer upon execution, if used): ' A. Ia� !� I'remises :lddress: PRICC (e�cludes applicable ta�es): Fas Billine AdcLrss: St'stem, Cash Pricc: S CASFI PRICE PA7'�\4E\T 1'EFti\qS: For the purcl�ase o; S��;tems includin� instnllation from �1'illiams diat have a Cash Price ereatzc than or equal eo 520,000, Cw�omzr sl�:tll pt}' 2?"/0 oFCastt Pricz on si"nin� of tl�e applic�b]e Oider Fo�m, GO°.b of Casl� Pri:e on Uie date of Deli��ei}• and I S olti�z Cash 1'iice on the date of Cutoczr. Ior thz purd�a>e of Systzm, includine irutallation fiont �l'iltiam; and all other parc}�ases inciuding stutal{ation from �Cilliams that ha��e a Ca;h Price of les; than S2QOOQ Customer shafl p1}• SO;o of Casl� Price on si�nins of this Order Form actid thz b�lance on tl�e datz of Qitoccr. Tor Itic parchase of S}stzms �eithout initlllation from ��'illiams Ciutomcr sl�all pav SU°io of Ca�fl Pcice on si�nino of dti; Ordzr Fornt and ihe balance on the date of Deli��ery. ❑ A tnarked bo� i:�dicates that ttte S}�sczai bziii� purchued and installed pursuant to thi; Orde, Fonn constitu[es an llp�radz to an L�istin� Systcm. ` ❑ A marked bu.� indicate; that initailstion i> KOT includ;d for the Systzm b:in� purchased pur,uant to tnis O:dz; Form. (i.e., d;op sFip) Dfaintznancc, $;n'icz Fer 5 C. AT1'ACIDII;\'TS: ,- ----- c ie u e - \'oic<) _. S}stem In(o, - m2tion - �tain(znance Only'o�dt,s (attach Schedulz 2 to thz \'oice O;dzr Form) -- Alternale S�r��ice Plan � __ Additionai Senice; __ O,h:r(Specif�: � __ Scopz of 1�'crk _ 6u�ine>sCommimication\qamezr(BCDI�:\ddendum _ \Sanufaciurer's Soft�aare Lieen>: (Sp:ciE}: -- - D. S1�STF�I OR L"PGRADL PL'RCHaSE, \]ILESTO\F D:1TI:S: Lz>t da.r to male ch�ngz; to conFgura[ioa: ' ' S,hed�.ikd D.lictn date for Equipment S.heduizd Cutocr; da:e: )rder A� rezment -! 0' 1?- 00 \ort:I, O:tel, etc.) Paez 1 of2 L.ilribit 6 to the O+'der A��+'rement SArIPL� pntn Orrler Fonrr FOR OKDER AGREE�IEIT BET�VEE\ C0�4�4�:K[CATIO\S SOLUTIO\S, LLC (OR DATE OF ORDER FOR�i: CU5T0\1ER ORDER KU�SBER (to be p;ocided b} \�'illiams upon execution): Customer Purehase O�der I�umber (ro bz pro��ided bp Cuitonxr upon execution, if ic>zd): r1. Fac Premiscs Address: 13illin� Address: Fa�: )3. ]'P.ICI_ (escludes applicaUle taaes): S}�s[cm, Cnsli Pricc: S a � -'��'1 �1'ILLtA\iS CASH PRICL FA1T1F\T TER�4S: Thz Equipment Tocal ponion of the Ca>h Pricz indicaced on the ateached Schediile 1 is due and pa}'able to R'illianu upon Deli�'ery. The remaining portion of the Cash Pricz is due nnd psyabiz to \�'illianu upon Acceptance. � A'I'1�ACI1>1F_NTS: (��'here 2pplicable) Fquipment and Sofn�are (attaeh Schedule l- Data) S?�stem Information — Dlainte��ance Onl�' orders (atta.h Schedule 2 ro th� Data Ordzr Form). Data Scr�'ice Plan Additional Servicz> Odxr(Specify: ) Scope of \\'ork D4anufneturer's SoFncare Licen>e ��'hen not procided direcd}' from Manufacturzr (Spzcif}': _(i.e. t�ortel, O�tel, ete.)) ❑ A markecf bo� indicate> thar �nstalla�ion i; \OT incl��ded for ti�e S}srem bein� purchaszd purivant to this Ordzr Form. (i.e„ drop ship) p. \\71.L1.-\\1S' Li\IIT'LD R'OI2I:�\I:1\SIIIP �ti:ARRA\7']": �l'1LLL��iS ��'ARR:1\TS THAT 11S'I ALLATIO\ OF Ti]k: S1'STE�I PGRFOR�IED U\DER TH(S AG2EE\1E\T F31' \1'II.LIA\1S SH:1LL E3E DO\G I\ A GOOD A\D 1\`ORIi�1.4\L[E�E �tA\\E[t A�D BE FREE FR0�1 \1.4TER]AL DEFEC7S FOR A PERIOD OF SUC}{ �� ARRr1\ Cl' SFp I.LD E CORR[CTIO\ OF TFIE DLFEOi 1 B1' R[L (AA%1S t�lT \i Ii. I 1\iS' LXPL\SE r0R BRLACH l. \1 \I\Ti:\:�\CIi "II'.12�I: (.-ipp(icabk (u {;'ilCarr A/ainrernncd Onir Ordtrs. Dares mr d��endrn( on srs�en: Cido�rr.) Con�ancnce�ncnt Datr. 1�ermina;icn I)a;e: (it o.hcr ❑:� n�srl.r� ho� indicatc> tha; e inductzd in thz Ca ��� Pri<e. 117LL1:1US CO>I>IC�IG�7�IO�S S g }': \:��IE: TITLE: D.aTE: ,-�'��, S.LLC I�i CCSTO>1ER: B1': \A\SF: �— T1TLE: D.�T E: William K r'�'� CHIEF OF POLICE ____.r— � Pagc t of 1 Sainpla D.iL� Oidcr Form - Gr:irr Agrremant IO I? GO ( l))'ca; term flvm Commenczmen: Da!e a5oce) o•.rt:idz l\'illi�mi norm=l ��orking hour> ti set iotth in Section I l(d) o` [he O:d�r A"reznlene i=_ � a 4 _�r� ��� SERVICE PLAN ATTACHW9ENT �omm��;��;o��so��;o�: �ERVICE OPTION: TELECOM �ERIES 2Q00 PLAN� ll'iliiams �omnnmic�tions Solutions. Lt.0 ("��'iLlianu") St. Paul Police fi Pire ("Customer") CUSTO�IL'I2 r: 10339642 �cr�i.c Yi:ia.Atiaclitnnit !o Q Sz�rricc A�rctmcn! Or�j Order l�onu (�:,« rkor„) datr[] T_cn_ua;v I?.'Oill I, 7'1:LLC0\1 S3:RIES 2000 PLA?�S (Check tlie appropriatc'I'clecom Sec�ics 2000 ]'lan). Sce bclo�.�� lor e�planatiuni of Alami Dtonitorin� �cith Remote Dia�nostic>, Adcanecd Reportin�. Traffl: Sna(y, SoureeBoo:. � 'I'elecom 2�OD Premium Plan 0 8mcr�aneyoutagc calls — 2-hour rcipunsc timc, 24 x 1, including \1'illiam>' holida}'s. a Routine cen'ice e,ill.s—?-i-tiour re;ponse tin�c, A�londa}� - frid.t��, S:GO a.m. — 5:00 p.m., siee local timz, e�dudin� \1'iiliami' holidacs. o On-sitz fia;d«arc nnc[ softu�are roptnccmcnt a Parts nnd laSor a Alarm Dionitorin, u idi Remotc Dia�no>lic> (?-F-hour co� cm� c) o Ad�'anctd Repotting a TraRic Studp (� da}'s, 12 hours study)— annunllp e Sourccl3od•: ♦ Eicalation management until problzm resolucion - 7'clecau 2000 ]'lus Plan a [mcc,enc�� outaoc calls — 2-hour responsc time, 24 a 7, includiitg «'iltiains' holid�}'s. e Routine>en�icecall;-2=4-huurresponsetimz,Dtonday- Frida}•, S:OO..m. — S:GO p.m., sitz local timc, exdudin, \1'illi�m>' holidap>. . � . O;rsitc hard�carc znd sofnrarc replatrn�cnt r Part: and I.tbo; a �Varn: \lonitorin� ��idi Remote Di:l,no;[its (2-1-huur co��cr,i��•) � _ e Ecc�dation mana�scment witil problem resolution ❑ Tclecom 2000 Pro Plan r F.r,icrgan:}outac'ccall:—?-huurre5pon:ctimt,Alond:iy I"rid,i}�, &'0�1 a.m�—?:OU p.�n., sitc locnl [intc. e�cludin� \1'illi.im>' hohdaci. 4 R011hlll' SCI'�'ICC C1II i—?�-hour respon>e tunz, Nionda}' - �riday, 5:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m., sitc bcal time, c�duding 11'itii�nu' holid.ic:. e On-site h:vd�caro. nd soCt�cnre replacement e P.vt> and labor ' n Escalation mana,cmcn� until n;oblcnt resolutioo � Norstar 2000 Pro Plan e Emcrgcn�y outao� call: — 2-huiv respon>: timc, plond��� - R�iday. S:UO a m. — S:OU p.nt, si[e facal timr, csctudm� 1l'iilianu' holida�>. 0 Routinc scn�icc calls —2d-hoiv rzspontc timc, blonday - Friday, S:00 a.nt — 5:00 p.m., site bca? tr.:e. c�c(uctine \�'i!liem:' holid.lys. t On-sitc }��rd�oare and wft��arc replaczment o Purt; �nd labor 4 Escalstiun managcinent until prohlzm resolution � I�'orstnr 2000 PIus Plnii o Entcrecncy ocrtagc coll.i —?-hour rr>ponst timq 2Y a 7, includine \l'illia;n>' holida}'S. r Rnutine scn icc c.dl> —?-4-ho�v rciponsc timc. ?1ond,ly _ frid.iq, S:00 a.m. — 5.00 p.m., site loral time. e<dudin_ 11'illian» holida�i. r On-sitc hardaaro nnd sofn�arc replaccmcnt n rarts and taboi � c E.icalation m:vtaecmcnt unti! probicm rc>olu,ion :11.vn� Jloni[orin� nit6 Remote Di��nos[ics (��here npplicnble) -��ill pro,ide taenty.four (?�) ha.0 Ala�n \tonito, ��ith Ranute D:11no>tic< pstot ntcd en �oi:c alanns. Thi< senict �cill indadt detzctin� faul;: � ia an al�mi ixcip: and reini�te dia�snosis 2nd roplir «hen no:,iM:. Adranccd Rcporting (++hv applicssblr) -��ill procidc Customcr rcal time ci�abilitc to �ic�� its dctailcd 2!ann e�en; d�ta, in.ludin� iournit r,o,:s. �i� thc \�:orld 1Cide ��'eb t::ine ctandard bronser interfaccs. Joun���l enuici nra tiic no[cs input b}� \\'illiams' xl�nn en�incen th;; t}pi:al!� i�i:luda diagno>tic re;ulti nnd ticket intbmiation. This data i; fiLe;<d 2nd arr•mrzad t��: tii� Cu:to:nar to cur,�z, th: precise i;;;bnna:ion o:i thz n�ailabititc oF Cwtomer's ��etuork sen�ices. Thz joum�l n:�:e> >ho�a cri;iral a;ann hi;�on. \Cilliams � moni;o: all C u;to.nar'; sica< as idan�ified in thi> A=�reen;ent Thc alami ecene dtta inelude>. t \mabe, • Sc�crin Ic�c( by sicc �cicfi nodc numbcr. o Tl�� da�, a�;�i tinu tnc al.imi ��.0 fint rceciccd. o Alarm ccd: suuunan. etc. Tzlt�am 200f� �cn i�c> - I I%2000 Pa_c 1 of 2 Addtional A{ami Reports: �4odem i�o-Clicck-Repott, [acc;,i�r Alann Report, lnci Dctai(ed and Summary Repott>. Traffic Studc (irhere applicable) - remotely poll> the Systzm e�•ery hovr to obtain the tno>t rzcent traftic infonnation. h providz; Customer consultatice report that analyzes System perfonnance, trunkin� adequac}', and con;ole pedormance for the $y;tem. Customrr rcczicz; pe��; traflic time;, bu;;� at[zmpU, spezd of response, and nn»cers. 7hi; sen�ice pro�•ide; an o��eroiza• of the tnftic daea stor�d in the holdin� registeri: It detennines if the S}'�tem is configurzd correcd}• such a; in[rmal n�n��ork trafflc, Irunks, szn�iccs, attendant mnsole5, etc. It idantitic> potential con�cition proS!em; and off�n solution> for futur: grotcth. Cwtontcr i; al;o p, ���ith industn� sWndard reconunendation; on the gnde oFscn�iez nece;sary� accordind to the traffic processed by thc S}�stem. SourceBook (n�here npplicable) - 11'illiams' Sou, i; . mana�ement tool Ihat contains a11 tlic iafornyacien ncee;>ap� to detinz and : op�rzte Cwtumer'> convnunicxtion> s}s[em. Thi; cen�ite fomi�G the systrm da[a and tran;lztzi it into graphical and tect repoai. The gureczl cate,or�e; of du repoR; include group;, tcmpiaics, sp:ed dial, porNSCt t}pe, route;, cla>s of s�n�ice, intercom gruup>, call pickup, sta[ion, sp;tcin speed dial, eqaipmcnt map;, directo;ic; and frau<I preve�uion recommtndatinns. . TI. OTII�R TERDIS AnD CO�\'llITIOIS. 1. The mnfioii�, Iion pf the Sys!em co��cred by this Scn A�rcement is dcxribcd in Exhibit A. a[tssched hzrcto: 2. If the attach�4t [�hibie A i.; a sv:i[ch-only o; nontdr Key Sy>tem Unit; { ihen tim System co�•ercd 6}- Afaintenanee shall con;i,t of tho;� compuncnt> re;iding in tfic canmon a;td peripheral cq❑ipmcnt cabincts and a;sociaccd ���icin� fro;n tfio;c caUinzts up ro, but no; indutling. thc Atain D'u f'rame. At Cuiwmcr', rcquc;t R'illianu «�ill perfium rcpair or rapfaccmeut sen�icc� at ll'iltiam; then carccat char�_es on other pottion; oF the S}stein, such as tcicphunC instrumer,[5. �ciring ineludine distribution &ames, and other telecommunications equipment (o,ated ouGide dic common and peripheni equipment cabincU. 3. A; set fonii in the aboee mnrkcd Tzlzcom Seriec 2pi)0 Plaa, rnutine �I�intrnance shall bz perfiulned by ll'illianu bch.ecn �:00 A.Rt. aid =:OU P.At.. �tonditi• tLrou, }: Frida�•, site loca�l time, exrluding lVillimn;' hulida}s. If 1': illiam; i; imaylr to rmo[ely corrtct a nmlfunction, l\'illia�ns shall dispa,ch a tz.hnician to tii� Prcini,c. ��idiin t«�en!y-ti+erl24) houn of Cwtn;ner'; reque>t t��r btaintrnnn:e, cxczp: uhcn <ucfi ractue;t is r.;ade o:�. or thc dac be;u:e, a��eekaid da, or a hol ii�d�' pS>«l'f(I bl' ���IIII,Iitl>, Ip WIIICIi C?SC 1[CCI1pICl]❑ «�ifl be clispatclizd by W'illiain;' next business d�y�. . 4. Undzr the Telecom 20fj0 Pramium Plln, tiie Telrcuin 2000 Plus Plan, , nd the Nor>tar 200U Plu; p��o, ifan Em<rgencq outage esiici and ll'illism; is wiahla to rentutel}' corrt�;t thc ntalFunc[ion, ��'illianu shall di3purh a tc�hnicien tu th� Premisc; within t���o (2) houn of Cu>[omcr's rcquc<t fb: �]ain[en�nce t� i[hou[ rceard W Ihc time of da}� or tiie dac of [he a�eCk. Undrf Ihe Tt i���,,, z000 r« ei an and the Korst.v 2000 Pro Plan, if an Fmcrgcnc�� outa,r c�isG and ll'illiam; i; unahk tu remocdy correct thc malfunc[ion, ��'illiam; shall di>p.itrh a[rtlinieian [o tii: Premi<�s «�i!6in tv:ii (2) houn oFCtuto:ner� requci[ tor �laintanenec durin� t[te }toun of S:00 A.M1t. and ?:UO P.\1., \londa} through f'rilac. site 1ixa1 timc. eecludin, R'illianu' holid�e>. S. Cus[umer, af it> c�pan;c, shall pro� ide a modem o, o[her rea�om acce>; ck��ice. a; specihed b}' U'itlianu, to allorv 1l'illianu tu rcino[zly. l'UiftC[ It11IFUf1tU0(li Oi th� S}�;tem. Proeided tiiat Cu;romer ha; crn;iplied ���ith the requiremznt, oF dit p:eccdino sen,enec, \�'illiam> ��itl pruvid: n�cnry-four (2-{) houn perilay, x�cn (7 day�s �. . = . _�_.— nnd non-cin •r. � ) per �occ� minotc ni i' ` : ' �n i icanun aF Emcrgrncy. n ' ' �s—�---=-p^"'"�*�e����� v[onng ocs no[ npply� [o Norstar Re}' Sy,[rnt Unin,) (. 1\'illianic >1i:li p�rfi�rin prc�'rn!iic niain[cnanac �rith rc;p:c[ to titc Syscrm ii5 a.cp:d�ncc nit}i and at su�h [i�nts ai sp:citicd in thc manuf,ictur�•r'S speritications Ih:rrti+�: 7cl�ront ?000 Sm�icr: - I I/2U00 . Pa�c 2 ot'2 ��� ���� �IE�'�V��tKS � n4 .�r� SOFI'Y1'ARE LICEI�TSE I�;OP,TEL I�'ET4�'ORKS INC. {"\ORTEL") TELECOMMUIICATIO\S PRODUCTS THIS LEGAL DOCUDSENT IS A LICENSE AGREE�4ENT ("License") SETtG�£N YOU, THE END-USER ("CUSTO�'fER") A?�D I�OP.TEL. F�1' ACQUIRIIG A SYSTE\4, A?� UPGRADE TO At� EXISTIhG SYSTE\i OR SOFTLI'AP.E PRODUC'I'S FRO\1 I�ORTEL OR A I�ORTEL DISTP�IBUTOP., YOU, THE CUSTOJ4ER, AGREE TO SE BOUI�D BY THE TEP.\45 OFTHIS LICEI�SE. Sub}4t to the ternt> hereinaftcr set focth, NOP.TEL gran`s to GUSTO\tE2 and/or its rzpresenta[ires, i�•ith a "nced to ].no�.;' a personal, non-esdusice licence (1) to use L4e licensed soft�.are, p:oprietary to I�ORTGL or its suppliers and (2) to use tlie associated dcx�muntation. CU57�0\f[R is granted no tit]e or pmner5hip right5, in or tu Uic licensed soft�vare, in lvholr or in parp and CU5�01tEP. ackno«Iedoes that tiNe to and all mp}•righis, pa�ents; trade secrets and/or any' o[her intellectual pt�perty� righFs to and in all sud� ]icensed s�Et���are and assaiated dxmnentafion art and shatl remain thc property of NOP.TEI, and/or \OCiTEL's suppliers. The right lo usc licensed sofnrare nta}' be restricted b}" a nicasurc of usigc of appttca[ions b,sed upon numbcr of lines, numFrr o: ports, mintber o( [erniinal numbers assigned, number of usen, or «mc similar m���surr. Enpaiision beyond ti�e spe�ified usa��• lecel may require papenent of an increment�l tharo2 or anoUur litense fea � NOR7EL considers lhe li:ensed soft�carz to con!ain "trade secrets" of \ORTEL and/�r its suppliers. Suih "[rade setreti' indude, �cithout hmitation there[o, the specific design, struc[ur2 and logic of uidicidual licensed sofn��are programs, tiieir internctions u'ith other puctions of hce�ttied soEhcare, both imm�i9 and e>temnl, and thc progranmiin� tachniques empto}�ed lltzrein. In order to nwintain the °trada se.ref' status of the infurmnHon cnntained �citliln the licensed softnart, the licen5ei4 Sofbraie is beino dcliccmd to CUSTO>tEF in otject codc fonu oiily�. NOPTEL or anr of its suppliers hulding an}� intellatual propert� riglits io anc li:cnsed so`n�'are, and/or any� third party o«'ning an} intellectual yropect�� ri�ht> in sofucare hom �.hich th�• ticensa9 so(c�care �.as d�ci��ed, art intanded third part� bonefiiiaries o; this l.ix�tie \ll t,rant> of ri�,llts W us� in[ellectual p[operfc inte;ided [o i accomE>lishe.l by diis Li rnse n:e cxplicitl}' <tat�d. \" otl:er �r.ini> ot cuch ri�hti s1�.ill be uiftrred or shall arise b}' intpLca5on. NSlO\IER �.'arrant> to KOR�EL that CUSTO\IER is not purdwsi�i� thc ri�lib grantcd by' [his Licensc in anticipation of resclLng [hosc riglit>. CUSTO\(Ef:shail: • lii�ld [in• I�ccnsrd scf[�.arc in confidance for ih�' btnaht of \OGTEL, n�l/oc \02TE1's s�ippL�ri u�ing no I���� � denr« of care tiian i! trrs to E ib o;,n ma>; ccnfi.i_n,ial and caluohla intormation: and • KcaE+ a currcnt roiu:d o; tio-� l�tiatiun oF caci� toPF o[ Lansed .�;: h. a; e�ii :d-; bc i c, a n.i • Install and uce e.ch cepy o; licensed softv:a,e on!c on a sino e CpU ... . tin;e (t,�r tliis }�u[�+oi2, 5in�12 CPl sh.i!I indude <ccb_;ns �ci:i� r,dun�l; n' procrssinb units); aad 5oftn�are Liiense Nortel Neh.orks [nc Products Af[is to each copy' of license3 v�(h+ar made by' it, in th� same fonn and ]xatiea, a reprodut[io:i pf the coF)'righl notices, trademarks, and all o,her proprie.arp Itben3> and/or lo�os of i�OP.TEL and/or \Oi:TECs suPr ti��s• � FF�'�'ng on th�• original cop�' o= such licens^d so:twa�e deL��ered to CUSTO>18R; and rctain the Same �rithout alteration oa all otioinal topic>; and Issue instructions t. ezth of itc authorized employte+, aoents, and/or representatices w«�twm licensed softuare is <4is:lose3, ndcisino tlunt o` the confidential nature of such licensed soEhcue and to procide lhem ���ith a swnmary oE lhe requiremznts of [iiis Licersr, artd P.etian the licen>ed sofctivam and all copics Lvnu�h an Authori>a3 Di>trib;aor to nORTEL at such Nme as NSTO1fE� chex�se< to perma;untly� cease �aing i[, NSTO\lER shall not: • Usc licensed sofncare (i) for an}' purpose other fltan CU57011E2's rn�n intmia busin:ss p« rpuses v,d ( ii) other than as procide.l b�� this Licciuc; or • Aifo�c any'on, ollia than NSTO\tE2's emplo;'ecs, agents and/o: represen[aF.�'es lcith a"nezd tu }.no�c" to hace ph}'sical aceess to licensed soR«�are, or - •\taAe . ny copies of licensed softu'are eaceF�t such t�mited nwuber of object eodc t�pies in inachuie readable fomi o;d}', as riac l�� reasonably' nse>s�r�: for esecution or archical purposes on!y'; or •,\Lt,le an�' modifiiatio;u, enhar.ccments, adrtationq or ta:;s'.a:;ons lo or o; I:ic;sed sofuca;c, e�cep[ as mac rosulc front thoce CUSTO>IER in:aadiuns �•:ith 8iz licensad"sofh.are a>scxia:ad }rith r,ormal use and e>plainad in [he a55ociaNd ducumentatinn; o: • Attem}ti [u rccers�� enoineer, disasse�nble, re�'et5e Iranslate, dccompilc, or in a:ty othcr manncr deiode hcensed <oEt«are, in order to �lerice th: sn,ir.e code fo; m or fur anc other reason; o: •\falc tuH or pa; ti.:: copits of anc docun�entation nr o:h�r sinti!ar print_d o: r,i.xhint-rradible matter procided �.i;ii l�:cnvd soEhca:e unitss t2e s�mc hzy hcen supplitd in a lorm b}' \O,^,TEL in;tnd�.d for pariod:c rep:Jductioa ot parti.il copics; or • Ezport or re-e�co;t l;r��s._d s and�n: a>s�xin,ad doiva�2:;ta:iun f:o:s ti,a fiit� sta;e; o; ti�c Umted Sta;d and ti:'' D'u o; Colunibia. • \U7e: \ohci:hs:.md;;i� [i;a aboce restrtFOn>, if CC`57C»(E� It,:> Iti�n:e�} Gta lia`;ti�d cof!n'a.t u^dtr. "Site liien<2' option a> set [�:�2 ir. CCSTO`.IER's purthi�; zgrecment, Cl:STO\[E� is � .;!i�.�.',zad to ma., a I�,:ni:,d nc;nb.; oE copies ot t'�c hxnsed sJF:w�arr and dxuai�nta:ion W s•�ppurt additional ustcs as spsi5ed �iCCISTO\fE� s purchaca r.n;eer.unt. �'crsion 6.10 Septrmhrr 02,1999 Paoz 1 of 2 ClJ5T0\tER nu��, ssi�n coIlhli��tly its riyhts undrr this Licensc tp an}' subseyuent on'ner of the associated hard�.•are, but not othencise, subji�t [o the pa��ment of the then current limnse fee fo: nen� taers, if an}'. t\'o su.h assignment shall be ��alid until CUSTO�[ER (1) has delegated a1I of its nbligaHo�u tm�9e� this License tu the assi�iee; and (?) has obtained from the assignee an ivu i��rit[�n assumption of al[ suih obligakio�u; and (3) has procided [�ORTEL a copy� of such ass�o�nment, de]egation and assumpti�n; and {-F) has transferzzd physicat pussession of al! Iicznsed softa and al! associated documentaBpn to thc assianze and destroy'f�i all archical copies. Ltcept as procided, neither Ihis License nur anc rights acquired bc CUSTO\[ER Nvouoh this I.icensc are assionabl,. Ant� attempted assig�vnent of rights and/or transfer oE license�9 so;hcire not sp�:ifially� altu�red shal! be �"oid and condusicel}" presumed a material breadi of this I.icensc. If I�'pRTEl, (i) daims a �naterial Ureaih of this License. �nd (ii) procides �eritten nutice of such elainud mattria] breach to CUST01fEC and (iii) obsetees that such claimed �na[erial breach mmains uncorrecte3 and/or umnitioated more than thire}• (30) da}�s folloicing CUSt�O\fEF's rteipt of mritten notiie spct;ifcino in reasonable detail the nature of the claimed material breadi, then CUSTO\fE2�ac}.e�oxied�rs that this Licen;a mac be i�ctiurdiatel�' tertninatcd by� NORTEL and CUSTO\fE2 further acknoi�1edges that any� wdz terrttinition shatl bt xithcuR prejudice to any� o:her rigiits and remedies tiia[ \OP.TEL may� hace at la�c pc u� equih'. EXPP.ESS LIptITED �4AP.RANT3E5 FOF AA*1' ITL\4 OF LICENSLD SOFTt1'r1RS, IF AA'Y, l�'ILL BE SOLELY "3'HOSE GRAN7ED DII:LC7 TO CU57'OJIER G]' DISTP.IGUI'OP.. 01�H[2 'fHAi� AS SE'I' FORTF-I THGP.Lt\, THIS LICENSE DOES KOT CO\EE[: A\7' �1'ARRA\TYTO CUSTO\IER FROJ1 OR FiYKOP.TEL. TIIL• LICENSL•D SOFS"1CAP.E IS PP.OVIDLD 13Y �ORTiL �' "AS IS" qNp �1RTHOUT Y1'ARRANIy OF AIv'Y I�r�D OR 7VATURE-, {VRITI'E\ OR ORAL, EXPRESS OR INPLIED, INCLUDING (4YIY'HOUT LIbIITATION) THE IJ'IPLIED WARRANTtES OF ME AA*D OF FITI�ESS FOR A PARTICULAP. PURPOSE. TIi15 LIbSITATfO\ OF tiYARP.AI�TIES LI'AS A D1ATE2IAL FACTOR I\' THG ESTABLISH�SEKT OF THE LICENSE F£E CHARGED FOR EACH SPECIFIC ITE�S OF SOFS'S9AP.E LICENSED. IN 7�0 EVE�T }�LL I�;ORTEL A1D/OP. 1�ORTEL'S SUPPLIEP.S AT�D THEIP, DIREC70R5, OFFICEPS, EnSPL01'EES OP. AGE\'TS BE LIABLE TO OP. THP�OUGH CUSTO\SER FOR T\CIDENTAL, TNDIRECT, SPECIAL, COISEQUEKTIAL, PUI�ITIYE, OR FXLDIPLART DAi14AGES OF ANY.IiL\D, In*CLUDING L05T PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSI\'ESS OP BUSli\ESS INFORDfATION, - SUSIn'ESS I\TERRUPTION, OR OTHER ECONOA4IC DADIAGE, AND PURTHER I\CLUD3\G IP:JUP.Y 7'O PROPERTI', AS A P.ESULT OF USE OP. I\AFiILITl' TO' USE THE LICE\SED SOFI'L�'ARE OR 13REACI-i OF AN1' ���ARP.Ai�IY OR OTHE2 TER�q OF THIS LICE\SE, REGARDLESS OF �4�'HETH[[: NORTEL A\D/OR I�ORTEL'S SUPPLIERS LI'ERL ADVJSED, HAD O7HEP. REA50\ 7'O KN01V, OI: IK FACT KNES�' OF TFiE 3'OSSIFiILi"IY THEP.EOF. THE RIGI�I'$ Ai1D OBLIGATIOVS ARISTA`G U\DEP. 7'HIS LICENSL Sf{ALL SE CO\STRUED I`d ACCORDANCF ll'I7I�1 77;F LA�I' OF THE S7'A'fE OF DELA4SARE. CUSTOMER HEREBI' AGREES TO ADHERE TO THE TERMS A2�'D CO2�'DITIO\TS OF TF SOFTL�'AP.E LICENSE AGREEMEl\TT: CUSTO\fER SIG?�ATURL: PP.I \ TED I� A&�IE: C0�4PA\T'I�AD7E: S[. Paul Policc fi pirz l�A!11E: «�illiams Conununication; Sohi DATE: FeUru. r}• li 2001 TL b51 LLC TLI2E ON FILE - iofnvare License \orEel Nehrorks Inc. Products Radford L. I:ell}- �'P, CoiiEracts and Distribution nlanagemetit Nortel i�Tetcti Inc. PaQe 2 of 2 Vcrsion 6.10 September 02,1999 �Ill/c�PrtS G�u.c,tiuraxs_ Williams Communications Solutions, LlC Customer Name: Site Address: City, State Zip Silling Address: City, State Zip Contact Name: Contact Phone Number: Customer � Project � . System Type: Contract Service Dates: Contract Term: Sales Person Name: Ports WILCARETELECOM PLUS Service Features: Emergency-2hotirs, 24X7 Routine - 24 hours, 8-5 M-F Software Maintenance Hard ware fdaintenance Alarm PAonitoring lNith Remote Diagnosfics pdiscellaneous: Williams' provided CSUs/DSUs WilCare Base System Package Price ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT T-1, PR(, DTI nn�r�d�a� rna�i o �-��') Exhibit A-Mainfenance Pricing Version: 1.0 St Paul Police & Fire 100 Easi 7 ith Street St Paul, MN 55101 100 East 11th Street St Paut, MN 55101 Noward Hormann 651-292-3599 10339642 0 Opt 61 C 3l2012001 tnrough 3 Richard Thome 652 Unit Qry Card 2 Port 28 3l26/2004 51,760.48 Extended Unit Monfhly List Price/mo Price S50.00 5100.00 5375.00 5375.00 tAodem;/SEB F,II Printers and Terminals Carrier RemotelRPE Sub "iotal: Additional Equipment Rernote Services f•11 Traf�ic Studies Sub Total: Remote Services 2/13!0 S 10.03 AM Pl�odem 1 S10.00 510.00 Each 1 510.00 590.00 Ezch 9 S20.00 520.00 S515.00 5 Days — 12 Hours Per Study 1 S29.17 S29.17 5544.17 1 of 3 :� �illiam's �—�.--�.w, WilCare Pricing Summary Description WifCare Base System Package Price Tot21 Additional Equipment' WilCare Monthly List Price: Anulti-y2ar Agre2menf Discount Executive Discount Total Discount SubTotal: Discounted Monthly WilCare Price Total WilCare Remote Services Note: non- d�scountable Total: Monthly WilCar� Price , Total: Annual Wi(Care Price Oiscount % 8.00% 9.00% 17.00% o t -'l�l Exhibit A-Maintenance Pricing Version: 1.0 Discount SubToYals -5184.12 -�207.13 7ofals 51,780.�8 S515.00 S2,301.48 -5391.25 S'1,990.23 529.17 51, 93240 523,?72.78 2/13I01 3 of 10:03 APA �> C� Council File # p \ � �g � Green Sheet # 111801 Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA a� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with Williams Communications, which includes an indemnification clause, to provide remote 3 monitoring and onsite service for the Police and Fire department telephone system. A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on £ile and on record in the Of�ce of FSnancial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Adopted by Council: Date: Adoptio�rtified by Council Secl�tary: B9� � � _ {�._ �.,__-__�-__/'� Approved by Ma oy r Date: �' �y � By: Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council: sy. � Requested by Department of: �y����:j TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7/9101 1 GREEN SHEET wrtwwaTe � c �aixAITORNEY �• L.�� ❑FINANCIAL SERVIGES DIR _ �NAYOftN�EAS5�5T^n�Y •- No. 111801 INITIAVDATE - i ����� ❑Cf(YCLERI( �CWLSERVIACCI'G �nureAn W(SM6 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) mres iequested on the attached council resolution authorizing the St. Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into a three yeaz maintenance nent renewal, wlrich iacludes an indemnificaYion clanse, with Williams Communications. The original agreement is being routed gxeen sheet#1I1800. .I IUIV APPtOVE (A) Of K¢J2Gt (K) PERSONAL SERVIGE GONTRAGTS MUST AHSWER THE FOLW WiNG qUEJ�IONJ: 1 HasthispersonlfimieverworkedunderaconVadforthisdepaM1ment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO , CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a atyemployee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfi,m possess a skill I»t normalty possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet iaxns Conummicarions has provided system mzintenance and repau for the Police and Fire telephone system since installation in 1997. agceement would continue the delivery of these crirical services for the next tkuee years. (Tlus ageement contains an nnification clause). 24/7 remote system monitoring and onsite service as required for the telephone system and assceiated IF NOT APPROVED �/ af 24 hour system monitoring and an uncertam response ta service autages. � •� ��� � °� ZYit/ TRANSACTION $ see attaChed Copy of agteetn COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Special Fund (436) ACTIVIN NUMBER 436-34911-0219 INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) �� Cammun 1cat;on; Solvtiuns This Order k��zzmznt ("Agreement') is eR�zctiae tnis �,1 \ICATIO�S SOLUTIO\S L a�-��1 ORDER AGR�G:lI�1T Li , day of February� , 2001. (thz "Effecti�'e Datz') b}' and bencezn �1'ILLIAA7S CO\f: U: - . ., � 2500 Post Oak Boulecard, Howcon, Tesas 770�6, z D:Iau'arz limited liability / a compeny, {"1�'illianu''�) a�d Sc Pud Police ar'-.�.:F��x / '�fi 73'r:'/% - (indicate ���he��Poration, iimited liabilic}' cortipan}�, putn�rship, or solr propneror>hip). �vith iii prin.ipal pf=ce of business locztzd ze o, under the la��s of . (°Customcr"). Through tnis 100 L-ast I lt`, St2zc St. Paul \t\ SjIUI A<,rccm�nt, Custonier tnar place a sin,le order or nul[iple ordea for telecommunicatio�s, internchcorkine, and'or com�zrged equipmznt (••Equipmerit ') aitd�or installation and maintenanez sec.'ices for a sin�le lo.aeion or mulciple locations and \\'illiams ma}• at its option accept such ordzr(s) znd ins[all and /or maintain the equip�irent. 1) AGRLG�II:\T. R'illiams znd Cu;tomer expressl}• a�rze that the tzrms and conditions contained in ihis Agrerniznt shall go�•em all aspzcu of a Customer's ordzr For Equipment and a>sociated soft�varz (to�ether, `Systeni') andlor main[znance Sercices describzd in Section t-0 herein (' i�laintenance"). The spzcific> of a Cusromer's order shall be listed on the applicable �'oice Ordzr Form or Data Otder Form (hereinaftz� collecti��ely rePerred to 1s "Ordr Form"). All Order Forms sfiall be sub>tantially in the fo; m of thz attzch:d sample Order i'ormi: L�hibit A-\'oice Ord�r Form and Eshibit B- D: ta Order Porm. For orde:rs im'oh'ing midtiple loc2tioni and'or multiple S��stems, the partie;' ri�=ht; and obli�atio�u hercin shall apply to each indiridual locztion aiid�or S}�stzm independrntl�' 2nd the obli�ation to pa}' shall not be contingtnt upon the acceptance of all locahons or 111 Systzms. 1'his A�rzzment allocates the risk o( the S�'stzm's operation bet�cecn \l'illiam> a+id th: C'�utomec, an allocation thatasreca nized by Uodi parties and is rzFlected in thz Cash Pricz and Szn�ice Fee. ?) AGR1iG\1r�1' T62\l. The term of this A�rezment (the "A�rezmznt Terni') shall be fa �}�ea:{s) from the date fir>t ���ritten abo��e. \l'�th resPcct ro the sale, deli�'ery, instaflation, and maintenanez of any S}�stem desccibed on an O;der Form, for �ihich 11'illiams' obii�atirntt u'il� caceed thz tzrni of this Agrzemznt, boeh «'illiams' and CuStomu's obli4aeions and rights regardin� such Systzm shali continue and surcice the e�piration of this A�rezment, procided that thz tzrms and conditions of this A�reement shzll contm« z to deFne the rights and obli�ations of the partie> «•ith rzspzct to such Systzm. ;) PR�CG A�D 2'aY�IEM1T TGR_IIS. (a) The price of a System, induding price of Ec�uipment, soft�aare licznsin� fzz, instaltation (when ordered by Customer) and �rarrantq, but e.�dudin_ .��)• applicablz Nfaintcnance, shipping. or ta�es, (the "Cash Pric�') and ihe applicable p�ymrnt tzrm> shall bz set forth on thz applicable Order Form. The price of any applicable btaintznance shall be szt forth o� thz applicable O:der Fornt ('`Service Fez"). Any Ser�•ice Fee i; duz annually in advanez. Shipping char�es, if any, are due ufien im�oiced. Customer shall br rzsponsible for payina all applicable tn�e, on all ctizrgz��fzes on the milestone date> set fo,th on the applicable Order Form. \\'hen applicablz. the do�on yayntent 1nd z $12112CI OR ier Form nmst be retumed to thz R'illiams account managzr. "D:liver�" occurs ��'hen \�'illiams tender> equipment for delicery to the Cuitoiner site (the "Premises"). "Cidovcr' occurs ��'hen the equipmzn: is connected to Uie nehcork, aeQ��atzd 2nd functioning to provide blsic sercice, e�ecptin� minor ��ariance; in performancz of the Sysrem «�hich do not materially impair ba>ic ser�'icz. Thz xnticipated mileston� dates, if any, ��'il1 bz cet fortn on the applicable Ordzr Form. (b) Al! chargz>, ocher than the C'ash Price; authorizzd by this p�reement or the applicable Order I�orm or sub=equent authorization of Cu�tomzr including applicable tares, «'ill be incoiczd accordin� lo R'ilfiam;' standa:d practice �chen incurrod and uilf be due and pa7'ablz thirt}' (?U) ��3}'s Erom in�'oice date. AII pa}'ments of Caih Price or any� otner charaes i�'ill bz subject to a I�tr pa}'mznt sen ice chsrgc of one . nd one h�lf pere;it ( I'i �-o) Pcr tct�nth (or a: liniire� b}' applicablr la�c) on pa}'mcnti in 2rrears for mo, [han thirty (=0) da}'s after the milc>!one d�tc a in��oicz datz. as requirzd. Cusro;re� shall idencify ics salz: and ui: ta� sta[iu in du . pplica ``i�� `bil lalid i2 ��1uir; e�empt status, it shall, upon tne e�ecutior of this Agreentent and on an xnnual ba>ii thereafter. Er e�cmp:ion cer[ilicatei for ecer}' sta!e in ��hich it clainu sucf� statiu. F2iL•irz ro procid: such certifiratei ��i11 ca�.isz \�'illiams ro im'oicz Custo:nei as ta�a5lz. ❑ TAl-E�F>IP7� � TA\A8L[ _+j : �CCt:Pl:4\CE. »'hen the installation o.`a Spsezm has bezn per�o;mzd and co;npl;red by \1'iilia�n>. «'iL'iam> ��ill te;t t4r S}stem accordim� to the msnufacnve;'s diagnostic a�d rzr.diness t,st specifi:ztiors in preparation for Cutocer. 11'hz�� chz S}'?te�n i> curover and hss opzraezd in accordsnce «�itn manufacturer's speci��ca.iom ar,d a�reed upoa configuration for a p:nod of fou"�een ( l�) cal:adar days, it ���iIL E�2 Cl22R12i acezp[ed b}� Ciu'.omer ("�lccep:ance") unless Ceestomer h.=.s proi�ided 1\'illiam� «�i:n r: rit[en notice «�i!hir. ehat timz period szttin� fo;tn dzficizncizs in op�ration. It" Cectumer has p:o�'ided sucn nocicz. \\'illi�m; «'ill correct the liited dzFici:aties zc �chich tim: Ctutontz� shali pro;nptl}� certify in v.riting it> zcezptancz oPtne S} `z�Certifwa�!e o° D i�zr e�dtA:czpsanezP«iil be e, \;,ed epc r pccep 2 ,. ef D of eacl and Arceptaace. For toSs ���i!h mulcip!z ph�sa> a sep P^��� Pd�`2 I P� � Ordar Agrzemen! - IO'1?l� � .5) OF2DL321\G Pk 7he purchase and sale of 2ny Lquipment or the pro��ision of Maintenance s;n•ices shall be subject to the folio�cin� orderin� procedures: (a) �\'hene��er Customer desires to place a new ordzr for a System or Maintenance, Customer and t\'illiam; «�ii( each sign 2n app�icable Order Form and include anq relevant information with the necessary attachmenG such as System configuration znd applicab]e pricino. Each properl�• ezecuted Ordzr Form and iG attachnient(s) shall become a part of this Agrezment and be incorporated hzrein as if attached hereto. (b) O;der Fo, n�i11 bz used b}� 1Pilliami to procide pricr and Equipment and'or Maintenance information. Customer m¢st indicxtz bzlo�c tichethcr a Custome; gcnerated purehase order is required for a(! tran;action> �cith 11'illiams. Custome, und:ntands 2nd zgrces that by indieatin� "}'e;' beioic, Ciuromer is obli�ated to issue a purchase order autherizine the execueion of thz appli,�b�� O;dz; Form or other orderia� dxument a; de;cribzd in Sections 6 and I G belou�, � yE$ o.o ��) �� ithin ihirty (30) da��s of CustomePs receipe of thz Order Form, Customzr shal! notifj• 11'illia:ns u�hethzr Cttitomer accepts A'illiam;' o(fer to seil Customer the applicable Systzm or htaintenance by si�ning the Ordzr Form tcidi its applfcabiz attachmenU and returning it to 11'illiams. If the Order Form is not si�ned and retumed u�ithin thirty (30) da}•s of its receipt b}� Cu>tomer, 1�'(�Iiams' offcr autom3tical(}� expire;. (�1) It� Ciuromzr i;sues z purchase order or'similar �tocuenent to tViiliams in accordance u•it}� Section 4(b) zbo�•e, 11'j��i��»� may acczpt the purcha;e ordzr from Cu�tomer, fiotce��er, IT IS E3:PR6SSLY AGREED THAT AK1' TER�SS AnD CO\ll1TI0\S O\' SUCH A FORM �YHICH ARL CO\TRARl' TO THE TER\tS OF THIS AGREE�IE\'T, OR R'H(CH ADD 7'FR\4$ OR COVDITIO\`S BE}'p\*n THOSE CO\TE!�1PLAT�D I\ THIS AGRLEAIEKT OR ITS ATI'ACH\1E\TS, R'ILL BE \ULL,. \'OID, �\D OF KO EFFECT. FURTF(ER\tORL, AN ORDFR FOR\4 �CILL ACCO\iPANI' ORDE-RS PL.ACED UNDER A PURCILASE ORDER A\D ALL TERY(S A\D COXD[1f0\S CO\'TAI\Ep 0\ TFIE ORDER I'OR\4 SHALL BE DEEt�16D INCORPORATED I\TO A�1' PUP�CEiASE ORDER 1SSUED B}' CUS7'O\tER. (e) If thz S}•stzm bein� purcha;ed on a\'oice O, Form constitutes an up�rad: (•'Up�rzde') to an existin� s}•s[em ("Esi;tin� S}•stem"), tnen the approPriaiz boa in Szctioti F3 of the \'oice prder Form shall b; marked. {t) For nz��� Spstem and IJpgrade purchases, a scope of �rork shall be atta:hed to the applica6le Ordzr Fo:m se[tinR forth the specific tzchnical require¢ients, and �rhen lpplicahtz, in� ma�ufacturar's specifications ("Scopz of R'ork'). 7hz Scope of ll'ork sha(I noc act as an �mendmznt ro tne tzmti and conditions contemplatzd in this A�reement or the applicable Ordzr Fortn. In the e��ent of 2 conflict b:ncezn the Scope of R'ork and this A�reemznt, this A�rzeneznt shall control. GJ CFI.4\GES. (1) Any mo��e;, adds, changes, or deietions that adjust [he stadon, port or router count as �cell as upo� R211. e�i��r���ent, and nz�e peripheral de�•iczs ("i\lodifications") to [hz Sys!em shall bz madc b}� a�critten agreement of the parties on thz applicable \l'illiam>' form. Such form t�iay incli�de: �1'iliiam;' Job Chan�e Ordzr ("JCO") befo�z Cute��er znd ll'ili(ams' Cus[omer Sercice O:dzr ("CSO") zf[er Cutover. 'fhe tzrms oP thii A�rzement, including �n}• limited Sysrem �carrant}- as stated on the applicablz Order Fo;m, �c(�� 2PP�y to an}� such �critten ' a;rezmznt for an addition or delzcion and eqtiipmznt purciiased or softo�are licensed tfiereunder. Such uarrant}' v: i11 tarminate not later (han tfie 11'arrann- pr; io� szt forti� in this Anrzentzat fu: the ori�inal Syster� o: the tncn current 2nnual term for \qain:enance of tha; $vstem, q❑ 2uthorized rzprz>entati��e of eacfi party mirct si�n z JCO or CSO 6:fure �Villiams �ci3l schzdule any addition:.l u�erk or ordrr additional equipment or sofnca; z. A restockin�� fze R731' I7 char�zd for an}� retumed componznt that has been deii�•ered to the Premues; su:h ke �vi11 be im�oiced as an addi�ional charge. In the e��ent Cwtomer cancels or terminatu an Ordzr Form or any art the � rcco� er aIi rea,onablz costs incurred b� 1Ciqiams in the re z' �' � z to' the S strm (inrL��;,. « per ormance under the Order Form. '(he Czs#� Pricz oF �L- - �-�+le�torm'dsCp'pro�ress pay�ment�), Deliccry and Cuto�-er ma}� be subject tu adjustment in the e��ent of an�� mutually . erecablz addition or dzle[ion. (b) If \1'illianu c(eli� additional EquipmenC softn�arr or \laintznanez. or procide: [ime and nuterials tn2intenauz er other incid<ntal c;; ��icz; relatinq to thz S}'stznt, die tzrmi of this Agreement u�ill �ocem. �) CL:11?IS, QL'I�12Il:S :1\"D RlTC12NS. R'ith te�p:ct ro purch=se< on zn O:der Fo;m fo: Eq�:ipn::n; v.i,hout i;:>:=_lla;ien. no claimi tcitn rega;d to shortaezs. discrepancie:. or dama� tu componenti of' Equipment « bz acezpted b� R�IIII3R75 llRI2Si Cu;tomzr notitizs R'illi��tu ii aritm� ���i.niu ten ({U) ��orking days oF Deli�'en. R'tlli?nu sh111 hace no liabilit} u�ith re;?:ct to dam. ec er sho;ta�e; caused b} the z;u or omissioni o` [n: Ca>tornec or oFa pa, ochzr tnan t�'iltiam;. Ir a daim is �alidly mad: ur.der tni; S:ctiu� uhich niay en[ide tne Ruto; ie, to re[urn 2n Equipmen[ component, R'illiam; shz,i not be bo:tnd W accept such rzturn or e�cn=_ngz cu�ipor,e, ; unle;; the Cui[om;r coatpli:s ctricdy� r:1th \Cillizrtt�' rrturn procedurzs a; sz[ for�h ir this S;ction. «�hich mao bz moditi,c by� 1l'illiams f:em tin:z to timz on ��ritr.:n r,.:i,e. I�i order ro re;u, a co a Retu:n b1z, :1!i8ioriza,ion ( numoe; r.nu[ firs, be eb:_ir,e ��'illi:nu z-d m�s: z� ��ea; or. z'f '� ' o r ' d frem 2e _ s�.iap;�;_ IaScl; o� componencc to be rztt:rned. Componz«U miut be rtca;ae,'�. in trte sa:ne ca;di[ion 2s o: iein�ll� del;cered. ocdinzrp uea: an: t: �r e•.cep:cd, zad in ori�in�! bo::'ezrtor. �) LDSITaT10\ OF I.IABILIT]'. �) I\ \O E\"E\T SHALL �l'ILLLa\IS A\D ITS SliPPL[ERS OR S(.BCO\TRACTORS BE LIr1E3LE FOR: (i) A\Y I\DIRECT, \CiDE\TAL SPrCIAL, OR E\E\tPL•\Rl' D:�\(AGES; (ii) CO\S@QUE\TIAL D.4�fAGES; I\CLUDIXG. BUT \OT LU[ITED 70, )cdar A�lrtzmen[ - 10' l2; 00 P'igt 2 oF 7 . � o�-�r� C0�1�tERC1AL LOSS OF A�1' I�l\D \VHICH I\CLUDES LOSS OF BUSI\'ESS, PROFITS, RLVE�UE OR SA\'1\GS, AND LOSS OF D:'1TA OR ME-SS9GES, OR (iii) A?�T DAVIAGES OF A�l' Ki\'D RESULTI\G FROyi t1�AUTHORIZ£D USE OF OR ]1TRUSIO\ I\TO THE S1 STE�4, I\CLUDI\G "I OLL FRAUD. TIiIS PROVISIO\ APPLIES 7O ALL CLAI\1S �t'f{L-THER B.4SED UPOV BREACH OF \�'ARRA�TY, BRL-ACH OF CO\TRACT, I�EGLlGF\CE, STR[CT LIAB[LiTY I\ TORT OR A\Y OTHER LEGAL THEOR�', A�D �1'HETHER ��7LLIA\1S OR ITS SUPPL[ERS OR 11'S SUBCO\TRACTORS HA\'E BEEti ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILiTY OF SUCH D.4DIAGE OR LOSS. (b) If d�e S}•�tzm or zny componznt tnzreof seeppxts �'oice o�'er IP protocol (telephom• oeer tran>missioi control prorocol'intzrnet protocol), the Customer may e�perience certain compromises in perPormancz, reliability and security, ecen ���hen the Sys[em performs as �aarrantzd. Thzse cortp:omisz> nta)' become more 2cu[e if Customzr fails to follo�c \\'illiam>' or the manufacturer's recommzndations for confi�ura�ion, opzracion and use o( the S)�stem. CUSTO\tER ACK\0\1ZEDGES 7 IT IS A�l'ARL OF THESE R1SI:S AKD THAT I'( }{ DcTLR�7i\ED THEI" r\RE ACCEPT.ABLE FOR ITS APPLICA"([0\ OF TfiE S1"STE�d A\D CUST011ER 1\'ILL lOT ASSLRT A\1" CLAIV AGAIXST \\'[LLI:1\1S FOR SUCkI CO\IPRO\IISLS. CUSTO�IER ALSO ACK\O��'LEDGES TH.AT CUSTO\1ER IS SOLELI" RESPOISIBLE FOR (1) E\SURI\G THAT ITS n671�'ORF:S A\D SI"STE�4S ARE AUEQUATELY SECURL� AG:11\S7 U\AU7HORiZED I\TRUSIO\, A�D (2) BACKI\G UP ITS DATA AND F1LI:S. (c) \\'illSams shalf be liable for any ph}'sical damage it cawes ro the System. "this fiabilit}' is limitzd to repair of the Spstem or coenponznt thereof, or if che System or component cannot bz repaired, replacement �cith a comparable S}'stem or component, arid is othzncise limitzd a> set forth in Section S(a) and (b) aboce, )) SOP7'll'ARI�LICI:\SL. (a) Cectain manu(ac_turen require that their o«�n sofe�care licenie(s) be attached m tt�is A�recment, the 2ppliczble Order Forni or incliided �rith Ihe equipnie�it. To the eatent such licen�z is attached or induded �cith tne eqwpment, it shafl bz attaciied to the applicable Ordzr Form and incorpu�ated therein or gi�'en to Customzr upon ins[alln[ion oP the System. lt no such licensz is attached or procidtd, then \1'illiams grant> Ciutomer a nun-esdusire license tor thr weful ]ife oP tne S}'stem to uiz thz softo•aro (includino rzlated documcntation) solzly to maintain and o, erate the S}s[em, pro��idzd Custocnzr: (i) <loes not allo�s an}• aspect of the soft�care to be di>closed to a third party �eithout \\'illianu'' ��'ritten consenc and make; rea>onable efforti to eniurc thst iti ei�iployee> arc a��'a;e oP this obli�atio�; (ii) usz> ihz S��stem solzl}' fx Cusromer's internal biuiness purposes; (iii} does no[ copy an}� part of tiie so(n��are u�ithout 1Villiams' consent znd does no[ attempt to derelop any source code from the sofncarz; and (i�') returns to 1Nilliams or era>zs oc des!roys an�� softi+'are on any medi2 bein� r��cycied or discnrded �nd so certitie> to �ti'iltiam>. Ciuto;ner ntay only transfer the ri�ht to usc thz sofnr.^.re to any� end ucer avho subsequendy aequires Ute ri_ht to iue the Systzm, a��ze> to be boimd by the tzrnti of diis license and agrecs to pay an�� applicabl; fezs plas applicable taxe;. (b) All title to, oicnzrship of and a',l prnp�iztary• richts (includine, but not limited to, p3rent rights, copyri�hts, trade secrzts or other intzliectuai propertq ri�hts) in arzd to the sofn�are, other than die limired rights e�pressly gcanrd to Cuitomer herein, shafl remain �'z>tzd in 1\illi�ms or it> third party supplie�s. (c) \on�'ith;t2ndin_ an}' o[her p:u�'ision oCthis A^rezment, failure by Customer, its xgetiti or cantra:rors to comply ��'ith Ihe tzrms of t}�„ Sectio� 9 shall be cleenu T It11C2f18I �fY0CI1 Of fI11$ A �rezment, entidin� �t'dliams to immediately terminate diis Agrzement and all of Ciutomer's rights and p:i��ilzgzs �cith re>pect to the licz�uzd soth��are �td t0 obttin injuncli�'e and other rrlizf neccssap• to pro[ect \\'illixm� from am' p�tc�IIial danta_e re�ulting from such breach. 10) RISIC Ol' LOSS, 7'I'ILL A\ll SECl1R17'1' T\1'rI2LS7'. Cusromer tisumzs tiiz risk of los> to the System from the date o� Deli�'e�y�, lintil the Cash Price is p�id'in full Cusmmer ��ill maintain zdequate insurance again>t tire, theft or other lo>s For the Sy�stem's ful i�uurable � aluc �vith A'illiartu named ai loss payee in an 2ntount equal to the unpaid bolante oF thz C�sh Pricz. Title in the Equipnrent �ci�— pa;s o� ftdf pa}'menc of die Cash Price plus all ta�es. Cu>!omer �cill be responsibte for an;' pervnal propert� ta�ei asizssei on a�ic po; cion � ihe S��stzm. R`illiami rc>:nes and Cusrortic�' grartU 11'illiams a s:curity interest in thz S��item in thz amount of the �mpaid balance e` tn C'ash Price. A copy of thic Agrezmen[ may be filzd on \1'illia�ns' bzhalf at aap tim: after signaturc by Cus!omer zs 1 financing s;ntemen[ t perte:t \\'illiims' seturit}' in[erc>!. It requesctd b} �1'illi�ms, Cu>romer u�ill e�ecute a standard form finz�cin;,_* statement (L:CC-1). Up� pa�ment in fui�. \Cilliam; �� ill p;omp:lc file to rcmo��e sucrt intzrest. 1f an Order Form 5pzcitie5 zn Lpgrede Io an E�istin� S}'s:em. title 2� o��.nership te am eqiiipn��ent roplacei d�.inne irstalia,ion e`the Upgrade shall bz t�an:F�rred to 2nd lest i�t \1'tlliam; I f) I\STAI,L.A7'70� ��D SER\'ICES. (aj Cusroa�er a_+'ze> to pennit and arran�e full 2cceis to tiie Premises n:ce;sary fo: �\"d(ianu to pertorm the srr��iczs s_; forth in t! Acreemen[ and « make a��ailable 2 rea<onable �muunt of se.u;z spxe �ciif� loc�> for so;a�e b� 1\'illiam; ol'tBz S�'stem o: repair paru n;czscsrti�. {h) Cw:omz; «iIl pro�ide: (i) zecrss, z=.;:mea,� a�d consznn r.eczss�n� ro i�stall o: se;ciee th: 5};:em; (ii) �zce>s�r} flopr plz sp�ce for the S}s[e; � aa: 8CC25<iL�I2 «irin� (oca;iom f2� of n,he;ro, a�c'. ocn,; zm�i�oam:r.:a; haza:d� pe; gocrnment rcgula:ions; � dec!icat:d elzctric s��:::a. circui�s, po«er 2nd ii.la:zd ��round: (ic) c,itable opt;atin�� e��iroar:<nt (inciudin_ iso!a.ed �round. conditio:Zing, humidit}. h.:: t 2nd _e:i:rh}") p�� r,iwuf2cR�rzr's spzcifica:ions u�hi:�^ 5 �7.�IhC.^.i1J;i5 t': (I) f12 �t:pCIQ:'(I !O CIlil0:112f bV `� III1— upon reques:; . nd (��) r.=.:e�ca}'. condui[. holes zr.d u irz��a�'s. Customer shall hold «�i(liam> harmless fron: 2np and al! liabili:; for injur` �cirts, cunduiis. pipes, maia,. se���ers or Mi�er similar propzrc}' tna[ i< not accura:el�' dttailzd o; a.coun[zd f��r in Cuitomer supplied ptinti conditions ac ehe Premisr> alter routine installacion and \Cdliams �cas not a��arz of such conditions at the timr an Order Forni ua> eteci� Pe�_e : of 7 OrSar Agreeinznc - (0'1? CO ` Customer shafl bz billed for any additional expense relzted thereto at �l'iifiams' then current time and materiat charge>. �4'ipiams �ril{ remove all litter generared durin� the u•ork and �ci11 ensure thaz the installation area is restored to the condition that existed prior to instal{ation but �s'ill not be responsible for remo�•ing oid phones or cabling. (c) Customer rzpresents and t��arrants that the Premises and conditions to be encountered by �Yilliams at thz Premise> znd in arza; ���herz u�ork is to 6e pzrfornied sha[I; (i) bz in comp]iance �cith al1 ypp�fcable federal, state and local la���s, rule; and re�ulations; (ii) be safe and non-hazudow; and (iii) not contain, przsent, o, e.�pose 11'illiams repre>entaticzs to hazardow materials o; hazardou; sub;tance;, In the e��ent of brzach of the foregoing, in addition to aIl otfier remedie;, R'(�1(ams may immediatet}� suspend u�o;k until Custome; hzs p;o� corrzazd such condition(s) a, Customzr's expense, in the ecent Customer cannot or doe; no: corrzet such condition{s), ic �c��� bz 2� 1�'illiams' option as to u�hether to recommence perEormance or terminate the Ordcr Form uith respect to such Premise;. Any tzrn�ina?io by \1'illizms b;�awe of its opinion dist an unsafe encironinental condition e�ist, u�ill not bz dezmcd a breadi o( this ARrezmznt o, a dzFault «nder it and no liability fo; such dzcision �ei{{ attach. . _ ��1 linleis otherts'ise statrd or tfte Order Porm or an attachmznt thzreto, 1Yi({(�nls chall pr, form t6e installation of the in accordaacz �cith the manufacture specifications 2nd the cost for such installation shall be includzd in thz Caih Pricz of the S}stcm. Inual{a,ion of the Spstzm �cili be perFormzd durin� the normal ���orkin� houcs o(5:00 a.m: $:00 p.m., \9onda}� throu�h Frida}•, site ]ocal time, czc{uding 11`iliiams' holidays, eacep, u•�ien otfiertvise mutuatly a�reed b�• the parties in writin�. Anl' delzy�nr dou�ntidie rzsulcin� from Cusromer act or omission s}�ali be the re>ponsibilih• oFCiistomer and shall be bilfed at \Villiams' then currznCcharzes, - ` ��) If an Order Form specifz� an Up�rade to an Existin, Sy;tem �chicli i; not [hen 6eing maintained b}' R'iSli2mg under a current ��rzemea[. �1"illiams ma}• re<�uir: tha! thz Esistin� SL•>r�, b� b:uu,�ht inro coiupliance t��itl; tf:z manufacturer's spzciFication, bc;ore installin� the Up�rade. .�us[aner �ciN pay �1'iiliami 2t 1Villiam5' then current char�e for anq �4 perfurmed or ma[zri=.is pro�iAed in bringing thz Ezi>tin� System into compliance. 1?) LI�1iTED�I'ARR:1\T]', (?) FOR SYSTEDIS I\STALLED Bl' �NILLIA!�{S, FOR THE 7LR\f, IP AN1", AS SFT FORTH O\ THE APPLICABLE ORDER FO;t\t (T}i[ '�1t'ARRA\TI" PERIOD"), THE R'ARI:A\7}• AS SET FORl'II IN THF. ORDER FORi\9 SH:1LL AppL1•. SO\4E D PRO\%fDL LI:�fITED \\�pRRA\"I'I[S DIRcCT[,1' ?O THE CUSTO\4ER. 11'ILLi.q�1S SHALI_ Ii:�\'E iC0 I_IABII_iT}' OY RFSPOVSIBILITY FOR A?�1' R':�3�RAKT1' PRO�'1DED BI' Tf{E D1qNUFACTIIRER D1REC7Ll" TO THE CUSTO>1LR. (b) For Sqstzms installed bv �Z'9��hms, Customcr's SOLL A\D ElCLUSl�'E P.E!�TED1' {or breach of anp u�yrr2nq• providzd by 1l'illianu on titz applicabie Ordzr Form is limited to R`illiam;' performancr as s:t forth in Sec[ion 13(a) znd (b) belou and p;rformancz o( a�arranty service durin� the \�'arranty Period ��•ill not estend or restart the �Yarranty Period. If, hotvecer, it is dztermined that such remedv Cails of its e;s'rntial purposz, thzn 1l'illiam;' entire liabilit�� for such breach i; 1'rmited to payment bq R']�liams of Customer's actual dama�z; in nn amount not to excacd; (() fo, i;ems co�•ered bp 13(z) 6elo«�, the pitrchase price for th; Equiptnent rel�tzd to tnz claim o, u fo, items co� ered b} 13(b) belo�r, the price paid fo: thz serricz> related to the claim. �� (�) POR S1'Sf[�1S rOT I\STALLED f3}� ��'fLL1AA4S, FOR 7HE 7F:RAI, IF A\}', AS SET FORTH O� THE APPI_iC:�BLE ORDER FOiZ\t ("DEi.I�'�ILEU \t'ARF:A\T}' PLRIpiJ"�, �y)LLG1\q5 11'ARRA\'TS 7H.4T THE S\'STE;,1 l�'[LL BE FRE[ FR0�1 DEF7=C7'S I\ hLATL'R(ALS. ��'ILLI:��(S DOES \OT E\7'END A�}� ���ARRA\TT 70 DC OR LRRORS i1 I\STALLA'IIO\ I31' CUSTO]tER OR A THIRD PARTY. IF �VARRr1\7}' R�ORK IS t�'ECESSARI', lt'(L[.[AA1S �VILL ACCEPT RETUR\ ib(ALFU\CTfO\[NG CO�IPO\E\TS OF 7HG Sl'STE:11 FOR REPAIR OR R n PROCEDGRES S51' FOR7'H 3\ SEC7t0\ � �� - A\CE A'[TH_THE CUSTO� =, 1LL(A�IS R'ILL REPAiR THE S1'S7E�f I\ PLACE AT - "ILLIA�(S' CURRG�T CHARGES. (d) For S}stems not installcd b}� R'illiams. C�c:o�rer's SOLE A\p I:\CI.1�St�'L RL:�II;UY for b;each o(any� u�a, p,ocidzd b} 11'illia�;�s on the applicable Orcler Pornt is limited to \1'i1{iam;' perfo;mnncr a> set forth in S^ction; 12(c) �id 13(c). \Ci(Ifams' IiaSili.c shall reasz a, the end oFdie Deli��ercd \1'nrrznt}� Pcriod inciudine liabifit}' for mamifacturin� de(ects not discocerzd u�ithin [he D:Iti�'ered �C2rr2nh� 'rriod � >) 1'fll; �1':�I:R_�\7 }� y}Zpti�IDEll P>} rj�IS SLC770\ I? IS I\' (.IEC OI' :�tL OTSIEI2 EXPRESS �l:qRR4\T1tiS. TIIIS GR[:L�IE\T S=\CL(.DIiS :�I,L I�IPLIID �1'_�RR:1\'17ES, I�'CL['QI\G, UBT 10T L1:lIITLD 7p, 7fIE A':1Rf2:1\T1rS OF ILKCFI:1\L-�B1I.IT}' _��D PITNESS S'OK :� p,�I2TICULA2 PL: RPOSL�,_R"ILLI:L�IS-DI5CL:tiSIS A\'1" �1'ARR:1\71' TO RF1'E\T ti\:1L'TIIORI%ED L OF OR I\TRLSdO\ I\TO TfI� 51`S"fEpl i\CLi'DI\G TOLL FRAL�D. � I� th: S}s!em does not opzracz in accordanrt �citl� tfie ���arrann�. �(a�c. ,; s;, fo; ti: e� t'ie tiP�� R'il!iam;. Order Fcnt. Custemzr ntust immedi2:eh` i R:4RP..4\11'PERIODSER�'ICG. D�.irins th: �1'arrant�� Period, if �carranty u'o, j; necessan� oa a Spse:m in;tallzd b}� R"iliiams undrr z�'oice Ordzr Form, 1l'illiam> �, at its option: (i) repair tne Sysrert� in placz or (ii) accept re[um of componrnU for rzpair or repl�cem;at. S«cfi repair o: rzplacemeat, udin� both parU and labor. u ill b: a[ �Cilliams' expea;e. Repair and repiacement p_rts ma}' bz nzu or te.�nditioned to br tne fur.ccional 'C A� f2201?!1t - I O� I�i W Pa�;r S of 7 ' o�-'�� equivalent of ne«t Any part> replaced b}' ��'illiams �ril! become the �ropert}� of �Villiams. \\'illiams �cill re>pond rzmotely or on-site 2> necessarq to requests to perfo;m ser.�ice for a sen�ice affectin� oatagr of the S}'stzm resulein� in the faiture of hvenry percent (20%0) or more of all stations and�or trunks or thz faihire of the attendant console ("Emer�enty Sen�ice") ���ichin t���o (2) hours of receipt of notice from Cusromx requestin� such senice without re�ard to time of day or day of the �ceek. Alt otber outages are dassified as non-emeroency. \\"illiams ���ill respond to requesU to per(orm non-emergzncy sen�ice �citnin t«�enty-fou, (24) houn of the receipt of t6e rzquest, except �chen thz request for such szrcice is made on or the da}• bzfore a�eeekend da}� or a R'il(iams holida}', in �cfiicn case ��'illiams n'iil rz;pond by the nest bu;iness da�. \1'i(liams «�ill perform Sercice call> mad� bz}�ond t\"illi�ms' normal u'orkin� iiours tor nomemergencp sercice upon CUS[Ofitc'C Cc` quz>t at tt'illiams' then current charet. (b) During thc \1'arranq' Period, for ��rork performed pursua�t to a Dztz Ord:r Fomt, 1\'illiam> «ill rz>pond remotel}' o; on-siee a; dzemzd nzer>i�ry b}' 1Yilliarns ro Customer rz.�ue>t> to correet 2 dzftee in R'illiami' v.orkman>hip for tiie D�ta S}'stem �ci[hin t«�znp'-four (2-}) hour, of ehe rcceip[ of the rqucst, e�cept �chzn thz rzquesc for such s:;cice i> made on or t}�� �;y'.�:fore a���ezkend or a\Cilliam> holida�', in �chich cas� \1`illixms tcill respond b}' thz nest buiiness day. (c) During tne Delicered \Van�anty Period, if uarranty .vork is neczssa:�' for a Syscem orderzd i�ndr a t'aice Order Form but not in>talled by \1'illiams, R'illiams �eill pro�•ide � depot parti re.urn Sen�icz for th: componenis of ttie Sy�ste�rt cocered bt• ihe manuCactv�er's �ca�rant;• indudin� shipping. receicin�� and trackin; of orders. Custome� ackno�cizdges that ih; en:tallztion, rep3ir, or modification of the S�srem b}• penon$ �vho zrz not manufacturer certified technicians may �'oid ine manufacturzr'S �rarrant}• of the parU�and ma}• rzsult in a dtnial of so£n�'are support serrices from the manufacturer. The espre;> ��'ai�•er of \Yiliiams' labor �earrant}� i> at the reque;t of C!rstomer. \\'illisms ��91! pr6�•idz labor as neeAzc] at 11'illiami' thzn currnt thar�e> for szrcice and \laintenance of the System at Customzr's request. (d) Lipon the espiration of the \Carrant�• Period, R'ilfiams shall provide \faintenance on Syitemc in.talled by 11'illiam> in accordance �ci[h ihe follo�cin,� Sections 1'�-17 at \\'illianu' then current charoe> tinle,s either Cu�eomer or «'i�liams no[ifiz; tne othzr in ��'ritin� at least fort}'-fi�'e (4�) days be(orc Ihe end of the Narrantp I'eriod tha[ it dec(incs such renz�eal for the follo�cing }�ear. (e) If an O:dzr Porm sp:cifizi an lipgra, e to an E�istia� System, thzn for p!z+poses of Sectiuns S(c), li(d), 14, 1>, 1G, and 17 of this A�,reement, ` is interpreted to ntean `the L.�istin� Systrm as up�raded by the S}•stzm' ]4) \IAI\1'L\ANCE013T,7GA1'10\S. (1) Upon the espiracion ot' ihz �1'arnnp� Period on . partiailar S}'s:em in zccord2nez �cith Section 13(d) abo�'z, or upon the e�ecution of an Orde� Torm For b�taintenance, Nilliams �cill pro��ide A�Iai�tznance in acco;d3ncz �cith if�e terms and contiitions of tfii> Section and the applicable s:n�icz plan attzchment oudinin� the maintenance obii�ations o` t1'illiams znd Custome� ('`Ser��ice Plaa") (�o_zthzr, "\laintenance"j. Punuant ro this A<,recmznt, tVilliams sh�ll respond to Sy�stern fzilure;, eiehzr ort-site or rentote!)', a; necr;�ar}'. per the conditions 5�2CI(12C{ under thz Seraice Pla�i chosen. n4aintenance sercice fo: Equipment shall consist of fumi>hin� all parts end labor necessarq to maintain the S}stem in good op:ratir�� condition in accordance �cich thz manufacturer's specifica[ions. Repair and rzplaczment parts may bz ne�v or reconditioned ro bz the fui�ctia�al equi��alent oP ne'�v. Tta;ntrnance sercice for soft�varz v:iU includz pro�•ision of all msintenance rzlzases and patchz; ���hich are is>ued at no cost by the manufachirer to correct problzms ��'hich Customzr ha> encoimtzrtd in the performance oF the sofn��arc. S:n'ice c211s msd° be�'ond the hour;�set fo;ti� in ihe Sercice Plan shall he p:�formed bq R'i(liams upon {'ustwner's reques! at �\'illiami' then current cnarges. (b) If \1'illiams i; rzquestcd ro oftcr \faineznanct at sitz> �vhere th: S}�iecrti u�a> not sold and i�utallcd bp R"illiams, \Cillianu ma} requir� chai the S}'stem be brought up [o manid:3cturr's specifications beforz p:tfonning �ny �iaintznance undr this A�rezmznt. Cuitomer �cill p�q 11'illiams at �t'illiam:' thzn curreat ch�rce.i for an}' �l'ork p:rformzd or ma[crial> ptus procided in brineine the Syscem into conforrnance.� In the interim. �1'iUiains i�'ill procide maintenance sen'iczi a[ such sitc on a time and matzrial baiis at �\'illiams' then current, char��e;. ' f j) 11:11XTF\:\\CL "1'I:R\I; SEK\'ICF r1:L'. Unles, statzd other��i:: on thz Order Form. R'i(liam> shatl p, �l�intrn�nce on ti�c System: in;talled b; \\"illiam; fo; a terri oF one (I) �'ea� (thc "Iniiia� Trnn") from tne d�;e on v:hi:h s«ch serrice b:,�an (the .. Commencement D: te") At tliz end ol tfie ini:ial Term, tiie 2grtem_i! fo:� \t^i'tcna:�ee sh�ll be a�itvmatically rrneticed in succr;,i�e annual rer�c«21 perieds at \i"illiam:' [n:� cwran. cha�'�,e. «�le;s eithar Cv;tome� o: \�'dL+^m; notitici tnz o;he� pa;[}' in ��.riting at Izasc fore.�-fi��� (��) d1��; be`ore tne end of the rrr,e�.�: al temz thae i[ de.line; such rcne�ral fur ne foll. u ing yea.. At am' tim;. �h: par:ics mzp mutu111}� agree to t:; m+nat� �taint�•na�ce uitn re>pect to a particolv cumponen� �; pareicula� gzos=.�hic lo.ations of a S}see;n co�zred under a p:,reicula� Ordzr Fotm. 16) SLR�'ICE I'I:L' :1UJi'ST�IE\TS. �todifications n;a}� bz adder. to D[�intenancz by �vri�cen a�rzement o,` [he parti:s; suc}� a,rzemzn'. s'�alf .et fortn t}�: additionzl i!e,-,�3 ef Equipmrn: 2nd coft�c�re. c��::vity. dzscrip;ion, seria! n:mther ard yart numyer znd tn� n:rz;sar.� zdustm;nt to tne S:��i=e Fee. ba>e: on R'illiam;' t^en curran: c8ar__•::. ll"illia�rs u�il! i^c l::(I: \IJC�i�iC.'.IiO!Ii P2f tbrmed b}' a p':`} , 1' � a ether tiizn RiI(iams onl�' if Cu:.om:r's n��o�:i�ie�. Sy>:znt is certifizd e: Ci;s:o:ner's e�p�r.se to bc i� acc,irdlr,cz �citli m=.m.itacturer'c a:anda,<Iz for <er��icz�and r�ai ;.z�;aa:e. Ary \LdiL.zdons p;, - torr:�ed b; 11'ille:+.> req�.�i;e z s:p>ra:e .�*xemenc such as tFe \\'i;lia:ns CSO Customrr herzby� a:�'noulect_rs tiiee �todificz�iors. includin� sofr«are up«, perforn•,ed or s�.ipplied bp unauchorized dis:riburon ma� resul� ii � denial oFsof[l�'a; e>upp.rt se,cicr< from tne minufacturzr of ti�z S}�s�em. Dlsintenanez sercice for \tedifications shall be subjec ro th: te;mc and condition; ot this Acroemer.[ z,d b: cu:erminow ��:i;h tne tzrn: e� \ta;n.rn�nce for thc S}item i�ielt. O;Ser Acre:menc -!0'12;00 Page � oF i 17) �YAR1L4n7'Y ANll D]A7\17>t�AhCI's I:7�CLUSIO\S. ' . (a) \1'arrant�� period Ser�•ice and DIain[enance pro�'ided under [Lis Aereemrrtt exclude repairs or repincements necessitated bti�: (i) Foree nIajeure conditions, as defined in this Aareenten[ or an�' othei cause not attribut:�ble to �l'iliiams (not includine a defect in the St'stem); (ii) Customer'S Failure_ko follotic applicable operation, maintenance, or emironmentat requirements described in any o{ the manufacturei's manunls or product bulletins, \�'iliiams manuals, and other materials pro�ided to Customer� (iii) Customer's addifions, niterations, modifications,�enLancements or repairs to, or disassembl�� of, tlte Scstent {itse(f or usfno a third parh�) vvithout ��'illiams' �sritten consent; (ir) mishandling, aUuse, minaes or damaae [o [he Spstem bp Customer or a diird psrt�; (�') relocation of the Si'stem �riHwut ��'itliams' �}�ri[ten consent (otLer tLan tdephone instruments relocated in accordance u'ith the mnnuF.icturer's specitications); (ci) failures or chanoes required resulting from tf�e loca! exchanae company, intere�chnnge c:irrier, tLe po�rer compan�� or other transmission pro��iders; (cii) failures or damage mrisine from da[e dependent oper:�tions, enlendar-related data and the processing of such data, or in connection �}itL prociding enlendar-related data to and acceptino calendar-related data from other s} (� electrica! �sork esternal to tlre S��stem; (i�) such ser��ice �i-hich is impracticnl to \l"illiams'sercice representati��es to render because of alterations to tlie equipment or its connection bp mechanic:il or elecirical meniis to other de��ices; or alterations to operatina scstems; (x) s��stems engineerine sercices, pronramnting, ancl aperations procedures of any surh, or (si) srrvice calVs �rhid� result in "no trouble } in [he S}�stem. I(�np esduded cause occurs, 11'illiams ma��, at its option: (a) perform repairs at Custorner's request at �l'iUiams' Ihen current cblroes, or (b) cancel its Dlaintenance obligxtions for the mpplicable Spstrm. (b) R"Len ��'illiams drtermines that n Sy'stem component rin no longer be effec[i}�ely� maintainrd for.ans reason, includine but not limited to, usaec, ci»�ironmrntal conditions, or lack o( readih� arlilablc pnrts, \1'illinms shall in(orm C�stomer ttia[ thc contponent must bc refm$is{�ed or replaced. TLese sctions, �rhrn required, shn11 Uc perFa'med at the option of 11'iiliarns ti,i[h the Customer's sinned approv:il, a; \1'iffinms' tlien currezrt sercice rates aad costs of parts. ShouIS1 tLe Customer elrct not to harc refurbishment �cork per nhen required, �1'illiams sh.ill immediatclt� cancel Dlaintenance coceraoe under this Aoeeemeut for tLat specific piece of equijfinent. Dlaintenance nPcer such cancellatimi sLall be pro��ided only on a tinm and material b;asis at �l'illiams' then currentcharges. � . 18) 1\Drtli\IFICAT30S. � . (a) L•ach part}• shzll indzcnnif�• thz othcr onl}' u'itn rzspzct to any tiiird party claim 211z�in� bociil}� iqi��q•; includin� dtath, or damade [o t�ngib!e pr�put�' tn the e�tznt such injucy' or dama�e i> ca���icd bc tiic neefi�ence of the indcmnif}'ine party. pro��idzd that cuch dauu is report�d prompdp in t�:ritiq� to tlie indemnifping party. � (b) Solzl�� as to Systems parchased from and installed by� 1Villiams under a�'oi;z O�dzr Form, 1�'illianu shall dz�end xnd ind:mnify Ci�>tomer a�ainst any claims or suiG broveht z�ainst Customer based upon a claim of infringemznt of any United Sta:e> cop}'righe. h�ademark or patrnt arisin� out of thz use oE the Systcai. A condition prrczdent to 11'illiams' obli�ation stated abo��e shall be tnat Cus;amer shafi ha�•e fvll}• compliztl v: idi th� requirzmenti of this Aeree;�iznt �cith rzipect to rzt�r'ion of, assi�mmznt of, and%or sublicease nE tiiz rieht to use the seft�ca;e. ll'ifliams shal! paq cucc; and damaRe, in an�� such suit, p;o.•ided \1'illianu is notified prornpdy� in uritin� of the suit, Cu>tomer gices �1'illiam> or the equipmznt suppfier tfte solz right to d:fer,<l eni seule enp s�ait and Qiito:nzr, a? l�'illiam's' requcsL ii acaS{a51z to coop_r. [z and assist in thz defen;e. This indzmnit}' does not estend to: (i) any suit o; procezding �chich is baszd upon 2. claim wcrcin� any combinatiun of equipment .^.nd�o; soFnear� in �t fiidi e�e S}ste��; i; so!cl_: , n elenunt a�d such elemznt doz; no; form a basi; fo: thz cizim; or (ii) an}� item furnishcd by Cuseomer. indudine. but no� limired to, S}�s:emi or an}� por[ions tnereof in,tnlled b;� z ��endor oti�e, ll'il(iams. Shoufd thr S}�s[rm Uecome subjzet to z claim of infri;i� ement of a Unitz<! States cop}�right, trad:mark o: patent, �Villi2nu mac, at it, e.�pznse and option: (i) procarc for Custom:r thz rig�tt [o cu:i[inue uninterrup:ed. Customer's u>e of thz affected Equipment and'or �ofn���re; or (ii) rplace or modik'y the samc so that i[ become; non-inFringim_: o: (iii) rrfund ro Cuitom:r the dzp, ��afue oPthe affecCed items as cz�rie�l on the books of Custonter for tax puq�o;es, on the date of any injue7ction, if applicable, in �ehich ca,e Cus!mier shall rzturn the affec[ed itenu to lCilliarn;. In no ecent shall 1�'illiams' liabilic}' und:r thic su6section IS{b) escceci tho - � . Thi; ind<mni[}� shall, not a� c ._ ,� a ze e� ttem; manuCactured a� Custome�'s reque>t ro Customer's proi �.�chon speciFications or out of use of the aCte:ted items in , m�nner o, for a pur��o>e no: cuntemplated b}' tnii A^ree�v,nL C'iutum:r's SOI.f. �\U t:\CLCSR'I:I:I:VI:UI" a,�ain.:t \Cillianli u'ith re�•a to such a cop}'right. vadzmark or patent inGin�entent claim> shall be a; s:. Furth abo�e. � 19} DFtAliL1'. � (2) If an}� uiatzrial brea.h of [tlii :'���C2c`IS12tl� CJR tinuzs 11ilCJCC2i(2 t� mure tEian n�enty (20) d�cs a;'ter ��ritt,�i no;ict tiom tne ,�_ �cie�ed parn� de>cribine thz b;each. thz .��,ri���ed pirt�� sha'I b; en�ided te decfa, a dzfaak undc, tiiis A°C2c`Rl2liC 2R t p:inuz zn}� aad all rernedie: z�.aifable a, la�a o: eq�iit}' z.�crp� a; specifl:alf}� Iin;itrJ ckc«here ir, dii; :1�rezir�rn!. In addieien. iF Cu>r.er.e, is thr a�grieced part}. Custome; ma}� nupencl i�s p,��ment obligatioa relatin�_ w tnr b:ea:h ur.[il \l�illiam>' b;each i> eo, and if ll'iliiami i> the z^_gri:�ed part., \Cilliams ma}� s:upend pzrFormanez ofit; obli�_ations untii Customzr's b;za�n_i;�co�rectesl._, .. .�.. � . ��- (h) If Custmner reftwe; to pem;ii \�: iVfian;: to pzrfo: m i:; oSliga:ioo; i:::c'::: �nis A_ree�:ie: � er , a: U:.'.cr Fc: r.: }::rz:��3er. cr tcrr;inate> o; ra.els ehi� Agceement o; a�}� O:der Form hzreun.:er. 1�: i0iams. i:i . iaiti�,n to t �: remci!ie3 p:acic�ed f�o: in ttui A°_reem:ili o: .^..ai{aSle a; l, «: a in e�jui,��. shali be eatitled to recsin all monie; p�id bg Ci:7co r.cr 2nc� recocr :d: i:i�::�! c�onit;. if re:es:asy�. to co��e; ali re:uena5f: cu;ts inairrzd b}• �1'illiartu in p, for and an}� a:tual pertb:r,ian,z undar ti;ii �\��rze;aent, inctuding. bat noi limiced w, cea�missions ou�ec(. labor espendzi, shippin�. handlin�. stora,r co>ts nnd rzsto:kin� f r;. � Or1tr A_retmznc -(0: l?�00 Pa��t 6 of / a�-zr� 20) 1`ORCE AIAJEUl2L. �l'illiams shall not be liable for any zdjustments or suspension oPperformance, failurz of pe�formance o: zny dama�es uiehout limitation rzsultin�_ from aa}' oF the follo�eing. strike� or labor dispute>, ��'ork stoppagcs, 5re, esplosions, oatcr, tnz ele�nenL-, 2cts of God (includin�. uithout limitation, earinquales, rains, flood� or li�hming), acts of civil or militarp autho, or p�b!ic enem}•, P:rFormanee or a}'ailabilit}' of suppliers, subwn[ractors, po�cer company, communications s°r��iezs or net�oork facilitiz> o,hzr tnan \1'illiam;, including but not limited tn ihe ]ocal e�chan�e compan}� or other carrier, imauthorized usz of the S}•stzm, or otner czuse; be��oad 1l'illiams' control �chether o, not similar to thz foreeoinR. 3!) \ItSCELL�lEOUS. (;�) 11'illiams re>cn�es the ri�ht to subcontra. an}� and zl! oPtne �cor'� ro be pzrfunned by� i! under ihi; Agreement. (I>) Thi; A�cczm;rt i; noc assig�iablz by Cu>tomer n'ithout ihz p; io; uri[ten con>ent o( \\'illiami. An}' 2ttempt to a>sign an�� of tfie rights, du.iz; or oS!i�a:ions im<!zr [itis A�reement �cithout such consent ��'ill, at \Cilliams' opcion, be deea�ed �'oid or 2 matz, de(2vlt or 2.cep;zd in tl'iNian:i' soic discreEion. TLis A�rtement shall be bindin� upon and chall inure ro thz bznefi[ of thz partie; hzrcco 2. d tneir respechce succe;sun 2nd permitted a55i�n>. (c) "the �cai�'er b}• eithz; part;' oE an}' defaule �cill no; operate ai a��aicer o` a,t; sub>equznt deC2tdt. (d) Tlie r.o:t- precailin� psrh� triA pay all oP tlie p;e�'ailing party�'s cos[i o; e�pen>es. induding re2sonable 2tromey's and colizction fzri, in:ur�ea in enl'otcino thi; A,rcemeni. (c) \\'illiams' obli�ations under this Agreemz�tt �re coniin�ent upon 1 credit repo�t satis(actory ro\l'illianu. (� ]f ara}' court Fold+an}� portion of this Fgrezment unenforczable, the remaining Izn_uage sBall not be aCfectei. (o) The ri�hG z�td obli;a[ions of the partie> a> szt forth hercin may only bc zlrered by a�i�riltzn amendment or modification executed b�• an auti�orizrd repres:nta!i��e of both psrtie>, referrncin� this Agcecment, and erpressl}• statinR the intention to modify such ri<�ht> and obli�ztions. Ko course oPdealin� o: us_�e of vade by or b:t�aern the psreies shall be deemzd to constitute any modifica!ion or amzndment of the tzrms of this A�rezm�nt. (1�) \o 2ction, reeardlzssoF form, arisin� out of this Agrezment may be brou�ht b}' either party more than hco (2) }'ezr> af[er ihe cauie oF 2etior. lias a;cnied. {i) 7his Aerecment i; decmed made and GOVER\LD F31' THL LAR' Or 7'HE Si'A"t G OF OhLAHO>9A e�cz�>: fo: i�s rule> reg�rdin� the conilict of ]a��'s. (j) Customzc's si�•nahu'e on a facsimile Vansmission of an Ordar Form or 2ny amencLncnt o, attad�inent thzrero, �chrn sent from Customer's oftice to \\'illiams, iva)' be rzlizd upon by ��'illiams in lizu of an inked signature ancf shall bc bindro� on Custome� and satisCy xnq apP�icablz Statu[c of Frauds. \\'illiams' copy ofsucR fac>imil: tran>mission shall serre <i the orioin:�l oF. n}� s��ch ducumcn:. (k) This A;;reement ma)' be e�ecutzcl contemporaneously in one or more ca�nc:rpsrt>, each oF ti:hich shzll be denned e:� origia�l, bue 111 of ��hich together shall co�utitute one ^.nd th: same i�uvument. (p Cu>tumer a�rees that ncither it nor ao}' of its zlfiliz,zs ���il! selicit � nq of the R'illiams emplo)•ees p:'o�'idin� serciczi pursuant to thi� AgrecmenC tcith oFfe�s of ectvplugment durin� ti�e term o( tiii� A�reeinent 2nd fo� a period of one (1) ycar aftei e�piration of this A_�rezmenc. (nQ tn thz c��ent of zrt}� contlic! b:.n'een the tenns . nd condition> of uiis Agreeinent, an Ord::r Fo;m, R'illiams' form attacfimenu, and an}' other actachm^nt, iridudin� Cuitome;'s request for propoial o; similzr docume7l, this Agrerinen. shall contruL (n) ?Ii1S AGI2CF:�UF:�'I SCPi�:RSt:nF.S .U.L !`h10�: O�: CO�7'eVt•OR:1>LOCS 1'ItO�'05:��5, CO�IUC>IC:\l10>S A�U �CGOI I:� I�10\S, 60'I'II OK�U. A\D R Ittl��t C\', .l�"I7 CO�SI'll L"I�F:S "I 1l1: I:� I'll:}: ACIiLF:UE�T ttl":1�� F.F:\ \1�ILIJ �>1S A�U CCS"f0>If.R \�I'I II 3iI:SCEC1 '10 Ol: urr.s ri.:�ctu G �UF.R T([(S :�GR6:C.V1:\7'. :1S)' H61'P.};St:l'T:1UO�S, \t'AP.R�\�'ilt:S OIt S'CaI t:\tF:\'IS �1.4DE 1:7', l C\II'1.01'I:C, SILESFI:I:SO\ OR AGI:�T Ot" \1�ILLL4\U :\�'D \OT F:AYKEJS2:U I�'l ll1�:�CREC�IG\'f .1FF: �O'1 131\DI�G LPO� ���ILI.i�\�15. , Cis'ro>it�e:�c�:,o���.t:ucfs�rn�rrruasr.F::�o�ru�sACet:c>�r�i,r��s�iecen•uu.t�nr.t:in:��r:u.nv.��un�.t.uocc>ir:�niaert.iar.� u i� n, ��ur:E:,in�us ri,:��n is tsoc�'u nsrrs'tt:r,>is. �\'IL1.iA\] ICA7'1 O�S SOLl''I[O\S, L 1;R: St. yaiil Policc � Fire 33�' t�`A AS[: Tll'LE: n.a�r� : � �� � d�d�� � Ordtr Aeroammt - l0' 12i00 f3l': ��n��� William K. Finne 7'1TLti: CAIEF OF POLICE D:�T'L: ,s'" Assistant City Attorney BY: Director, Office of Financial Serv3ces BY: Mayor, City of St. Paul or, Human Yae: 7 oP 7 tment a�-1�► E. Sl'S7'E\7 OI2 UYGI29DE PURCIi9SG, ��'ARIL4NTP PEI2I011 (�IarR O\i }' one /» �f thc f llo���in 1• ❑ For a pzriod of one (1) pezr from Cutover, tVilliams «�arrants thzt tfie System �ci(( be free from defects in materials xnd ��o;kmanship and �vill operzte in accordance �s�ith manufacturer's specifications. ❑ The �1Ya; Period for an Up�radz to an Existina System, shzll ertd at the expiraUOa o(the 1Yarrant}� Pzriod or annual blainteixqcz tzrm fo: [he Existin� S} or, if no such R'zaznt}• Period or A9aintenance term eaists, ninety (90) da}•s after Curo�•er. ❑(For drop ship orders only) For a pzriod oEninety� (90) days from the date of Dzli�•en, Nilliams na:ranu tn2t the S}'stem �cil! be frze from defzcts in matzrials. F. b7AI\1'E\A\CE TF_R:�I; Commencemznt Date: 7'ennination Date: (if other ihan a oae (1)}�earle;m from Co�zi�rtencz�nent Date abo��e) ❑ A marked box indicate, that a Cutorer outside �Villiams' normal �eorkin� hours, as set included in the Cash Pricz. \\'1 I,I.i 73}'; rA�1E: TITLE: DATE: IU\ICA1'IO\S SOLUTIO\S, LI.0 �� C I�A\4E: D:\7 E: ��� �� � Y '`��,�%��V �X.� �l . 5 William K. Finne CHIEF OF POLICE I 1(d) of the Order A�reemznt, is Or�et A�tzemea� - 10/12/00 pd�z p �;'2 LrJribi! A fo Uie O�dcr A SADIPLE I'DICE ORDER FORr11 FOR ORDER AGREE\1E\'T BETR'EE\ f+KD ��'lLLIA\4S CO\i>1[I�ICATIO\S SOLL7TI0\S, LLC (OR THEiR PREDECESSORS) DATGD DATE OF ORDFR FOR�1: CUSTO\.fER ORDER \U\SBER (to bz pro��idzd U} �1'illiams upon ezecution): Customer Purchaiz Order I�umber (to bz provided by Customer upon execution, if used): ' A. Ia� !� I'remises :lddress: PRICC (e�cludes applicable ta�es): Fas Billine AdcLrss: St'stem, Cash Pricc: S CASFI PRICE PA7'�\4E\T 1'EFti\qS: For the purcl�ase o; S��;tems includin� instnllation from �1'illiams diat have a Cash Price ereatzc than or equal eo 520,000, Cw�omzr sl�:tll pt}' 2?"/0 oFCastt Pricz on si"nin� of tl�e applic�b]e Oider Fo�m, GO°.b of Casl� Pri:e on Uie date of Deli��ei}• and I S olti�z Cash 1'iice on the date of Cutoczr. Ior thz purd�a>e of Systzm, includine irutallation fiont �l'iltiam; and all other parc}�ases inciuding stutal{ation from �Cilliams that ha��e a Ca;h Price of les; than S2QOOQ Customer shafl p1}• SO;o of Casl� Price on si�nins of this Order Form actid thz b�lance on tl�e datz of Qitoccr. Tor Itic parchase of S}stzms �eithout initlllation from ��'illiams Ciutomcr sl�all pav SU°io of Ca�fl Pcice on si�nino of dti; Ordzr Fornt and ihe balance on the date of Deli��ery. ❑ A tnarked bo� i:�dicates that ttte S}�sczai bziii� purchued and installed pursuant to thi; Orde, Fonn constitu[es an llp�radz to an L�istin� Systcm. ` ❑ A marked bu.� indicate; that initailstion i> KOT includ;d for the Systzm b:in� purchased pur,uant to tnis O:dz; Form. (i.e., d;op sFip) Dfaintznancc, $;n'icz Fer 5 C. AT1'ACIDII;\'TS: ,- ----- c ie u e - \'oic<) _. S}stem In(o, - m2tion - �tain(znance Only'o�dt,s (attach Schedulz 2 to thz \'oice O;dzr Form) -- Alternale S�r��ice Plan � __ Additionai Senice; __ O,h:r(Specif�: � __ Scopz of 1�'crk _ 6u�ine>sCommimication\qamezr(BCDI�:\ddendum _ \Sanufaciurer's Soft�aare Lieen>: (Sp:ciE}: -- - D. S1�STF�I OR L"PGRADL PL'RCHaSE, \]ILESTO\F D:1TI:S: Lz>t da.r to male ch�ngz; to conFgura[ioa: ' ' S,hed�.ikd D.lictn date for Equipment S.heduizd Cutocr; da:e: )rder A� rezment -! 0' 1?- 00 \ort:I, O:tel, etc.) Paez 1 of2 L.ilribit 6 to the O+'der A��+'rement SArIPL� pntn Orrler Fonrr FOR OKDER AGREE�IEIT BET�VEE\ C0�4�4�:K[CATIO\S SOLUTIO\S, LLC (OR DATE OF ORDER FOR�i: CU5T0\1ER ORDER KU�SBER (to be p;ocided b} \�'illiams upon execution): Customer Purehase O�der I�umber (ro bz pro��ided bp Cuitonxr upon execution, if ic>zd): r1. Fac Premiscs Address: 13illin� Address: Fa�: )3. ]'P.ICI_ (escludes applicaUle taaes): S}�s[cm, Cnsli Pricc: S a � -'��'1 �1'ILLtA\iS CASH PRICL FA1T1F\T TER�4S: Thz Equipment Tocal ponion of the Ca>h Pricz indicaced on the ateached Schediile 1 is due and pa}'able to R'illianu upon Deli�'ery. The remaining portion of the Cash Pricz is due nnd psyabiz to \�'illianu upon Acceptance. � A'I'1�ACI1>1F_NTS: (��'here 2pplicable) Fquipment and Sofn�are (attaeh Schedule l- Data) S?�stem Information — Dlainte��ance Onl�' orders (atta.h Schedule 2 ro th� Data Ordzr Form). Data Scr�'ice Plan Additional Servicz> Odxr(Specify: ) Scope of \\'ork D4anufneturer's SoFncare Licen>e ��'hen not procided direcd}' from Manufacturzr (Spzcif}': _(i.e. t�ortel, O�tel, ete.)) ❑ A markecf bo� indicate> thar �nstalla�ion i; \OT incl��ded for ti�e S}srem bein� purchaszd purivant to this Ordzr Form. (i.e„ drop ship) p. \\71.L1.-\\1S' Li\IIT'LD R'OI2I:�\I:1\SIIIP �ti:ARRA\7']": �l'1LLL��iS ��'ARR:1\TS THAT 11S'I ALLATIO\ OF Ti]k: S1'STE�I PGRFOR�IED U\DER TH(S AG2EE\1E\T F31' \1'II.LIA\1S SH:1LL E3E DO\G I\ A GOOD A\D 1\`ORIi�1.4\L[E�E �tA\\E[t A�D BE FREE FR0�1 \1.4TER]AL DEFEC7S FOR A PERIOD OF SUC}{ �� ARRr1\ Cl' SFp I.LD E CORR[CTIO\ OF TFIE DLFEOi 1 B1' R[L (AA%1S t�lT \i Ii. I 1\iS' LXPL\SE r0R BRLACH l. \1 \I\Ti:\:�\CIi "II'.12�I: (.-ipp(icabk (u {;'ilCarr A/ainrernncd Onir Ordtrs. Dares mr d��endrn( on srs�en: Cido�rr.) Con�ancnce�ncnt Datr. 1�ermina;icn I)a;e: (it o.hcr ❑:� n�srl.r� ho� indicatc> tha; e inductzd in thz Ca ��� Pri<e. 117LL1:1US CO>I>IC�IG�7�IO�S S g }': \:��IE: TITLE: D.aTE: ,-�'��, S.LLC I�i CCSTO>1ER: B1': \A\SF: �— T1TLE: D.�T E: William K r'�'� CHIEF OF POLICE ____.r— � Pagc t of 1 Sainpla D.iL� Oidcr Form - Gr:irr Agrremant IO I? GO ( l))'ca; term flvm Commenczmen: Da!e a5oce) o•.rt:idz l\'illi�mi norm=l ��orking hour> ti set iotth in Section I l(d) o` [he O:d�r A"reznlene i=_ � a 4 _�r� ��� SERVICE PLAN ATTACHW9ENT �omm��;��;o��so��;o�: �ERVICE OPTION: TELECOM �ERIES 2Q00 PLAN� ll'iliiams �omnnmic�tions Solutions. Lt.0 ("��'iLlianu") St. Paul Police fi Pire ("Customer") CUSTO�IL'I2 r: 10339642 �cr�i.c Yi:ia.Atiaclitnnit !o Q Sz�rricc A�rctmcn! Or�j Order l�onu (�:,« rkor„) datr[] T_cn_ua;v I?.'Oill I, 7'1:LLC0\1 S3:RIES 2000 PLA?�S (Check tlie appropriatc'I'clecom Sec�ics 2000 ]'lan). Sce bclo�.�� lor e�planatiuni of Alami Dtonitorin� �cith Remote Dia�nostic>, Adcanecd Reportin�. Traffl: Sna(y, SoureeBoo:. � 'I'elecom 2�OD Premium Plan 0 8mcr�aneyoutagc calls — 2-hour rcipunsc timc, 24 x 1, including \1'illiam>' holida}'s. a Routine cen'ice e,ill.s—?-i-tiour re;ponse tin�c, A�londa}� - frid.t��, S:GO a.m. — 5:00 p.m., siee local timz, e�dudin� \1'iiliami' holidacs. o On-sitz fia;d«arc nnc[ softu�are roptnccmcnt a Parts nnd laSor a Alarm Dionitorin, u idi Remotc Dia�no>lic> (?-F-hour co� cm� c) o Ad�'anctd Repotting a TraRic Studp (� da}'s, 12 hours study)— annunllp e Sourccl3od•: ♦ Eicalation management until problzm resolucion - 7'clecau 2000 ]'lus Plan a [mcc,enc�� outaoc calls — 2-hour responsc time, 24 a 7, includiitg «'iltiains' holid�}'s. e Routine>en�icecall;-2=4-huurresponsetimz,Dtonday- Frida}•, S:OO..m. — S:GO p.m., sitz local timc, exdudin, \1'illi�m>' holidap>. . � . O;rsitc hard�carc znd sofnrarc replatrn�cnt r Part: and I.tbo; a �Varn: \lonitorin� ��idi Remote Di:l,no;[its (2-1-huur co��cr,i��•) � _ e Ecc�dation mana�scment witil problem resolution ❑ Tclecom 2000 Pro Plan r F.r,icrgan:}outac'ccall:—?-huurre5pon:ctimt,Alond:iy I"rid,i}�, &'0�1 a.m�—?:OU p.�n., sitc locnl [intc. e�cludin� \1'illi.im>' hohdaci. 4 R011hlll' SCI'�'ICC C1II i—?�-hour respon>e tunz, Nionda}' - �riday, 5:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m., sitc bcal time, c�duding 11'itii�nu' holid.ic:. e On-site h:vd�caro. nd soCt�cnre replacement e P.vt> and labor ' n Escalation mana,cmcn� until n;oblcnt resolutioo � Norstar 2000 Pro Plan e Emcrgcn�y outao� call: — 2-huiv respon>: timc, plond��� - R�iday. S:UO a m. — S:OU p.nt, si[e facal timr, csctudm� 1l'iilianu' holida�>. 0 Routinc scn�icc calls —2d-hoiv rzspontc timc, blonday - Friday, S:00 a.nt — 5:00 p.m., site bca? tr.:e. c�c(uctine \�'i!liem:' holid.lys. t On-sitc }��rd�oare and wft��arc replaczment o Purt; �nd labor 4 Escalstiun managcinent until prohlzm resolution � I�'orstnr 2000 PIus Plnii o Entcrecncy ocrtagc coll.i —?-hour rr>ponst timq 2Y a 7, includine \l'illia;n>' holida}'S. r Rnutine scn icc c.dl> —?-4-ho�v rciponsc timc. ?1ond,ly _ frid.iq, S:00 a.m. — 5.00 p.m., site loral time. e<dudin_ 11'illian» holida�i. r On-sitc hardaaro nnd sofn�arc replaccmcnt n rarts and taboi � c E.icalation m:vtaecmcnt unti! probicm rc>olu,ion :11.vn� Jloni[orin� nit6 Remote Di��nos[ics (��here npplicnble) -��ill pro,ide taenty.four (?�) ha.0 Ala�n \tonito, ��ith Ranute D:11no>tic< pstot ntcd en �oi:c alanns. Thi< senict �cill indadt detzctin� faul;: � ia an al�mi ixcip: and reini�te dia�snosis 2nd roplir «hen no:,iM:. Adranccd Rcporting (++hv applicssblr) -��ill procidc Customcr rcal time ci�abilitc to �ic�� its dctailcd 2!ann e�en; d�ta, in.ludin� iournit r,o,:s. �i� thc \�:orld 1Cide ��'eb t::ine ctandard bronser interfaccs. Joun���l enuici nra tiic no[cs input b}� \\'illiams' xl�nn en�incen th;; t}pi:al!� i�i:luda diagno>tic re;ulti nnd ticket intbmiation. This data i; fiLe;<d 2nd arr•mrzad t��: tii� Cu:to:nar to cur,�z, th: precise i;;;bnna:ion o:i thz n�ailabititc oF Cwtomer's ��etuork sen�ices. Thz joum�l n:�:e> >ho�a cri;iral a;ann hi;�on. \Cilliams � moni;o: all C u;to.nar'; sica< as idan�ified in thi> A=�reen;ent Thc alami ecene dtta inelude>. t \mabe, • Sc�crin Ic�c( by sicc �cicfi nodc numbcr. o Tl�� da�, a�;�i tinu tnc al.imi ��.0 fint rceciccd. o Alarm ccd: suuunan. etc. Tzlt�am 200f� �cn i�c> - I I%2000 Pa_c 1 of 2 Addtional A{ami Reports: �4odem i�o-Clicck-Repott, [acc;,i�r Alann Report, lnci Dctai(ed and Summary Repott>. Traffic Studc (irhere applicable) - remotely poll> the Systzm e�•ery hovr to obtain the tno>t rzcent traftic infonnation. h providz; Customer consultatice report that analyzes System perfonnance, trunkin� adequac}', and con;ole pedormance for the $y;tem. Customrr rcczicz; pe��; traflic time;, bu;;� at[zmpU, spezd of response, and nn»cers. 7hi; sen�ice pro�•ide; an o��eroiza• of the tnftic daea stor�d in the holdin� registeri: It detennines if the S}'�tem is configurzd correcd}• such a; in[rmal n�n��ork trafflc, Irunks, szn�iccs, attendant mnsole5, etc. It idantitic> potential con�cition proS!em; and off�n solution> for futur: grotcth. Cwtontcr i; al;o p, ���ith industn� sWndard reconunendation; on the gnde oFscn�iez nece;sary� accordind to the traffic processed by thc S}�stem. SourceBook (n�here npplicable) - 11'illiams' Sou, i; . mana�ement tool Ihat contains a11 tlic iafornyacien ncee;>ap� to detinz and : op�rzte Cwtumer'> convnunicxtion> s}s[em. Thi; cen�ite fomi�G the systrm da[a and tran;lztzi it into graphical and tect repoai. The gureczl cate,or�e; of du repoR; include group;, tcmpiaics, sp:ed dial, porNSCt t}pe, route;, cla>s of s�n�ice, intercom gruup>, call pickup, sta[ion, sp;tcin speed dial, eqaipmcnt map;, directo;ic; and frau<I preve�uion recommtndatinns. . TI. OTII�R TERDIS AnD CO�\'llITIOIS. 1. The mnfioii�, Iion pf the Sys!em co��cred by this Scn A�rcement is dcxribcd in Exhibit A. a[tssched hzrcto: 2. If the attach�4t [�hibie A i.; a sv:i[ch-only o; nontdr Key Sy>tem Unit; { ihen tim System co�•ercd 6}- Afaintenanee shall con;i,t of tho;� compuncnt> re;iding in tfic canmon a;td peripheral cq❑ipmcnt cabincts and a;sociaccd ���icin� fro;n tfio;c caUinzts up ro, but no; indutling. thc Atain D'u f'rame. At Cuiwmcr', rcquc;t R'illianu «�ill perfium rcpair or rapfaccmeut sen�icc� at ll'iltiam; then carccat char�_es on other pottion; oF the S}stein, such as tcicphunC instrumer,[5. �ciring ineludine distribution &ames, and other telecommunications equipment (o,ated ouGide dic common and peripheni equipment cabincU. 3. A; set fonii in the aboee mnrkcd Tzlzcom Seriec 2pi)0 Plaa, rnutine �I�intrnance shall bz perfiulned by ll'illianu bch.ecn �:00 A.Rt. aid =:OU P.At.. �tonditi• tLrou, }: Frida�•, site loca�l time, exrluding lVillimn;' hulida}s. If 1': illiam; i; imaylr to rmo[ely corrtct a nmlfunction, l\'illia�ns shall dispa,ch a tz.hnician to tii� Prcini,c. ��idiin t«�en!y-ti+erl24) houn of Cwtn;ner'; reque>t t��r btaintrnnn:e, cxczp: uhcn <ucfi ractue;t is r.;ade o:�. or thc dac be;u:e, a��eekaid da, or a hol ii�d�' pS>«l'f(I bl' ���IIII,Iitl>, Ip WIIICIi C?SC 1[CCI1pICl]❑ «�ifl be clispatclizd by W'illiain;' next business d�y�. . 4. Undzr the Telecom 20fj0 Pramium Plln, tiie Telrcuin 2000 Plus Plan, , nd the Nor>tar 200U Plu; p��o, ifan Em<rgencq outage esiici and ll'illism; is wiahla to rentutel}' corrt�;t thc ntalFunc[ion, ��'illianu shall di3purh a tc�hnicien tu th� Premisc; within t���o (2) houn of Cu>[omcr's rcquc<t fb: �]ain[en�nce t� i[hou[ rceard W Ihc time of da}� or tiie dac of [he a�eCk. Undrf Ihe Tt i���,,, z000 r« ei an and the Korst.v 2000 Pro Plan, if an Fmcrgcnc�� outa,r c�isG and ll'illiam; i; unahk tu remocdy correct thc malfunc[ion, ��'illiam; shall di>p.itrh a[rtlinieian [o tii: Premi<�s «�i!6in tv:ii (2) houn oFCtuto:ner� requci[ tor �laintanenec durin� t[te }toun of S:00 A.M1t. and ?:UO P.\1., \londa} through f'rilac. site 1ixa1 timc. eecludin, R'illianu' holid�e>. S. Cus[umer, af it> c�pan;c, shall pro� ide a modem o, o[her rea�om acce>; ck��ice. a; specihed b}' U'itlianu, to allorv 1l'illianu tu rcino[zly. l'UiftC[ It11IFUf1tU0(li Oi th� S}�;tem. Proeided tiiat Cu;romer ha; crn;iplied ���ith the requiremznt, oF dit p:eccdino sen,enec, \�'illiam> ��itl pruvid: n�cnry-four (2-{) houn perilay, x�cn (7 day�s �. . = . _�_.— nnd non-cin •r. � ) per �occ� minotc ni i' ` : ' �n i icanun aF Emcrgrncy. n ' ' �s—�---=-p^"'"�*�e����� v[onng ocs no[ npply� [o Norstar Re}' Sy,[rnt Unin,) (. 1\'illianic >1i:li p�rfi�rin prc�'rn!iic niain[cnanac �rith rc;p:c[ to titc Syscrm ii5 a.cp:d�ncc nit}i and at su�h [i�nts ai sp:citicd in thc manuf,ictur�•r'S speritications Ih:rrti+�: 7cl�ront ?000 Sm�icr: - I I/2U00 . Pa�c 2 ot'2 ��� ���� �IE�'�V��tKS � n4 .�r� SOFI'Y1'ARE LICEI�TSE I�;OP,TEL I�'ET4�'ORKS INC. {"\ORTEL") TELECOMMUIICATIO\S PRODUCTS THIS LEGAL DOCUDSENT IS A LICENSE AGREE�4ENT ("License") SETtG�£N YOU, THE END-USER ("CUSTO�'fER") A?�D I�OP.TEL. F�1' ACQUIRIIG A SYSTE\4, A?� UPGRADE TO At� EXISTIhG SYSTE\i OR SOFTLI'AP.E PRODUC'I'S FRO\1 I�ORTEL OR A I�ORTEL DISTP�IBUTOP., YOU, THE CUSTOJ4ER, AGREE TO SE BOUI�D BY THE TEP.\45 OFTHIS LICEI�SE. Sub}4t to the ternt> hereinaftcr set focth, NOP.TEL gran`s to GUSTO\tE2 and/or its rzpresenta[ires, i�•ith a "nced to ].no�.;' a personal, non-esdusice licence (1) to use L4e licensed soft�.are, p:oprietary to I�ORTGL or its suppliers and (2) to use tlie associated dcx�muntation. CU57�0\f[R is granted no tit]e or pmner5hip right5, in or tu Uic licensed soft�vare, in lvholr or in parp and CU5�01tEP. ackno«Iedoes that tiNe to and all mp}•righis, pa�ents; trade secrets and/or any' o[her intellectual pt�perty� righFs to and in all sud� ]icensed s�Et���are and assaiated dxmnentafion art and shatl remain thc property of NOP.TEI, and/or \OCiTEL's suppliers. The right lo usc licensed sofnrare nta}' be restricted b}" a nicasurc of usigc of appttca[ions b,sed upon numbcr of lines, numFrr o: ports, mintber o( [erniinal numbers assigned, number of usen, or «mc similar m���surr. Enpaiision beyond ti�e spe�ified usa��• lecel may require papenent of an increment�l tharo2 or anoUur litense fea � NOR7EL considers lhe li:ensed soft�carz to con!ain "trade secrets" of \ORTEL and/�r its suppliers. Suih "[rade setreti' indude, �cithout hmitation there[o, the specific design, struc[ur2 and logic of uidicidual licensed sofn��are programs, tiieir internctions u'ith other puctions of hce�ttied soEhcare, both imm�i9 and e>temnl, and thc progranmiin� tachniques empto}�ed lltzrein. In order to nwintain the °trada se.ref' status of the infurmnHon cnntained �citliln the licensed softnart, the licen5ei4 Sofbraie is beino dcliccmd to CUSTO>tEF in otject codc fonu oiily�. NOPTEL or anr of its suppliers hulding an}� intellatual propert� riglits io anc li:cnsed so`n�'are, and/or any� third party o«'ning an} intellectual yropect�� ri�ht> in sofucare hom �.hich th�• ticensa9 so(c�care �.as d�ci��ed, art intanded third part� bonefiiiaries o; this l.ix�tie \ll t,rant> of ri�,llts W us� in[ellectual p[operfc inte;ided [o i accomE>lishe.l by diis Li rnse n:e cxplicitl}' <tat�d. \" otl:er �r.ini> ot cuch ri�hti s1�.ill be uiftrred or shall arise b}' intpLca5on. NSlO\IER �.'arrant> to KOR�EL that CUSTO\IER is not purdwsi�i� thc ri�lib grantcd by' [his Licensc in anticipation of resclLng [hosc riglit>. CUSTO\(Ef:shail: • lii�ld [in• I�ccnsrd scf[�.arc in confidance for ih�' btnaht of \OGTEL, n�l/oc \02TE1's s�ippL�ri u�ing no I���� � denr« of care tiian i! trrs to E ib o;,n ma>; ccnfi.i_n,ial and caluohla intormation: and • KcaE+ a currcnt roiu:d o; tio-� l�tiatiun oF caci� toPF o[ Lansed .�;: h. a; e�ii :d-; bc i c, a n.i • Install and uce e.ch cepy o; licensed softv:a,e on!c on a sino e CpU ... . tin;e (t,�r tliis }�u[�+oi2, 5in�12 CPl sh.i!I indude <ccb_;ns �ci:i� r,dun�l; n' procrssinb units); aad 5oftn�are Liiense Nortel Neh.orks [nc Products Af[is to each copy' of license3 v�(h+ar made by' it, in th� same fonn and ]xatiea, a reprodut[io:i pf the coF)'righl notices, trademarks, and all o,her proprie.arp Itben3> and/or lo�os of i�OP.TEL and/or \Oi:TECs suPr ti��s• � FF�'�'ng on th�• original cop�' o= such licens^d so:twa�e deL��ered to CUSTO>18R; and rctain the Same �rithout alteration oa all otioinal topic>; and Issue instructions t. ezth of itc authorized employte+, aoents, and/or representatices w«�twm licensed softuare is <4is:lose3, ndcisino tlunt o` the confidential nature of such licensed soEhcue and to procide lhem ���ith a swnmary oE lhe requiremznts of [iiis Licersr, artd P.etian the licen>ed sofctivam and all copics Lvnu�h an Authori>a3 Di>trib;aor to nORTEL at such Nme as NSTO1fE� chex�se< to perma;untly� cease �aing i[, NSTO\lER shall not: • Usc licensed sofncare (i) for an}' purpose other fltan CU57011E2's rn�n intmia busin:ss p« rpuses v,d ( ii) other than as procide.l b�� this Licciuc; or • Aifo�c any'on, ollia than NSTO\tE2's emplo;'ecs, agents and/o: represen[aF.�'es lcith a"nezd tu }.no�c" to hace ph}'sical aceess to licensed soR«�are, or - •\taAe . ny copies of licensed softu'are eaceF�t such t�mited nwuber of object eodc t�pies in inachuie readable fomi o;d}', as riac l�� reasonably' nse>s�r�: for esecution or archical purposes on!y'; or •,\Lt,le an�' modifiiatio;u, enhar.ccments, adrtationq or ta:;s'.a:;ons lo or o; I:ic;sed sofuca;c, e�cep[ as mac rosulc front thoce CUSTO>IER in:aadiuns �•:ith 8iz licensad"sofh.are a>scxia:ad }rith r,ormal use and e>plainad in [he a55ociaNd ducumentatinn; o: • Attem}ti [u rccers�� enoineer, disasse�nble, re�'et5e Iranslate, dccompilc, or in a:ty othcr manncr deiode hcensed <oEt«are, in order to �lerice th: sn,ir.e code fo; m or fur anc other reason; o: •\falc tuH or pa; ti.:: copits of anc docun�entation nr o:h�r sinti!ar print_d o: r,i.xhint-rradible matter procided �.i;ii l�:cnvd soEhca:e unitss t2e s�mc hzy hcen supplitd in a lorm b}' \O,^,TEL in;tnd�.d for pariod:c rep:Jductioa ot parti.il copics; or • Ezport or re-e�co;t l;r��s._d s and�n: a>s�xin,ad doiva�2:;ta:iun f:o:s ti,a fiit� sta;e; o; ti�c Umted Sta;d and ti:'' D'u o; Colunibia. • \U7e: \ohci:hs:.md;;i� [i;a aboce restrtFOn>, if CC`57C»(E� It,:> Iti�n:e�} Gta lia`;ti�d cof!n'a.t u^dtr. "Site liien<2' option a> set [�:�2 ir. CCSTO`.IER's purthi�; zgrecment, Cl:STO\[E� is � .;!i�.�.',zad to ma., a I�,:ni:,d nc;nb.; oE copies ot t'�c hxnsed sJF:w�arr and dxuai�nta:ion W s•�ppurt additional ustcs as spsi5ed �iCCISTO\fE� s purchaca r.n;eer.unt. �'crsion 6.10 Septrmhrr 02,1999 Paoz 1 of 2 ClJ5T0\tER nu��, ssi�n coIlhli��tly its riyhts undrr this Licensc tp an}' subseyuent on'ner of the associated hard�.•are, but not othencise, subji�t [o the pa��ment of the then current limnse fee fo: nen� taers, if an}'. t\'o su.h assignment shall be ��alid until CUSTO�[ER (1) has delegated a1I of its nbligaHo�u tm�9e� this License tu the assi�iee; and (?) has obtained from the assignee an ivu i��rit[�n assumption of al[ suih obligakio�u; and (3) has procided [�ORTEL a copy� of such ass�o�nment, de]egation and assumpti�n; and {-F) has transferzzd physicat pussession of al! Iicznsed softa and al! associated documentaBpn to thc assianze and destroy'f�i all archical copies. Ltcept as procided, neither Ihis License nur anc rights acquired bc CUSTO\[ER Nvouoh this I.icensc are assionabl,. Ant� attempted assig�vnent of rights and/or transfer oE license�9 so;hcire not sp�:ifially� altu�red shal! be �"oid and condusicel}" presumed a material breadi of this I.icensc. If I�'pRTEl, (i) daims a �naterial Ureaih of this License. �nd (ii) procides �eritten nutice of such elainud mattria] breach to CUST01fEC and (iii) obsetees that such claimed �na[erial breach mmains uncorrecte3 and/or umnitioated more than thire}• (30) da}�s folloicing CUSt�O\fEF's rteipt of mritten notiie spct;ifcino in reasonable detail the nature of the claimed material breadi, then CUSTO\fE2�ac}.e�oxied�rs that this Licen;a mac be i�ctiurdiatel�' tertninatcd by� NORTEL and CUSTO\fE2 further acknoi�1edges that any� wdz terrttinition shatl bt xithcuR prejudice to any� o:her rigiits and remedies tiia[ \OP.TEL may� hace at la�c pc u� equih'. EXPP.ESS LIptITED �4AP.RANT3E5 FOF AA*1' ITL\4 OF LICENSLD SOFTt1'r1RS, IF AA'Y, l�'ILL BE SOLELY "3'HOSE GRAN7ED DII:LC7 TO CU57'OJIER G]' DISTP.IGUI'OP.. 01�H[2 'fHAi� AS SE'I' FORTF-I THGP.Lt\, THIS LICENSE DOES KOT CO\EE[: A\7' �1'ARRA\TYTO CUSTO\IER FROJ1 OR FiYKOP.TEL. TIIL• LICENSL•D SOFS"1CAP.E IS PP.OVIDLD 13Y �ORTiL �' "AS IS" qNp �1RTHOUT Y1'ARRANIy OF AIv'Y I�r�D OR 7VATURE-, {VRITI'E\ OR ORAL, EXPRESS OR INPLIED, INCLUDING (4YIY'HOUT LIbIITATION) THE IJ'IPLIED WARRANTtES OF ME AA*D OF FITI�ESS FOR A PARTICULAP. PURPOSE. TIi15 LIbSITATfO\ OF tiYARP.AI�TIES LI'AS A D1ATE2IAL FACTOR I\' THG ESTABLISH�SEKT OF THE LICENSE F£E CHARGED FOR EACH SPECIFIC ITE�S OF SOFS'S9AP.E LICENSED. IN 7�0 EVE�T }�LL I�;ORTEL A1D/OP. 1�ORTEL'S SUPPLIEP.S AT�D THEIP, DIREC70R5, OFFICEPS, EnSPL01'EES OP. AGE\'TS BE LIABLE TO OP. THP�OUGH CUSTO\SER FOR T\CIDENTAL, TNDIRECT, SPECIAL, COISEQUEKTIAL, PUI�ITIYE, OR FXLDIPLART DAi14AGES OF ANY.IiL\D, In*CLUDING L05T PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSI\'ESS OP BUSli\ESS INFORDfATION, - SUSIn'ESS I\TERRUPTION, OR OTHER ECONOA4IC DADIAGE, AND PURTHER I\CLUD3\G IP:JUP.Y 7'O PROPERTI', AS A P.ESULT OF USE OP. I\AFiILITl' TO' USE THE LICE\SED SOFI'L�'ARE OR 13REACI-i OF AN1' ���ARP.Ai�IY OR OTHE2 TER�q OF THIS LICE\SE, REGARDLESS OF �4�'HETH[[: NORTEL A\D/OR I�ORTEL'S SUPPLIERS LI'ERL ADVJSED, HAD O7HEP. REA50\ 7'O KN01V, OI: IK FACT KNES�' OF TFiE 3'OSSIFiILi"IY THEP.EOF. THE RIGI�I'$ Ai1D OBLIGATIOVS ARISTA`G U\DEP. 7'HIS LICENSL Sf{ALL SE CO\STRUED I`d ACCORDANCF ll'I7I�1 77;F LA�I' OF THE S7'A'fE OF DELA4SARE. CUSTOMER HEREBI' AGREES TO ADHERE TO THE TERMS A2�'D CO2�'DITIO\TS OF TF SOFTL�'AP.E LICENSE AGREEMEl\TT: CUSTO\fER SIG?�ATURL: PP.I \ TED I� A&�IE: C0�4PA\T'I�AD7E: S[. Paul Policc fi pirz l�A!11E: «�illiams Conununication; Sohi DATE: FeUru. r}• li 2001 TL b51 LLC TLI2E ON FILE - iofnvare License \orEel Nehrorks Inc. Products Radford L. I:ell}- �'P, CoiiEracts and Distribution nlanagemetit Nortel i�Tetcti Inc. PaQe 2 of 2 Vcrsion 6.10 September 02,1999 �Ill/c�PrtS G�u.c,tiuraxs_ Williams Communications Solutions, LlC Customer Name: Site Address: City, State Zip Silling Address: City, State Zip Contact Name: Contact Phone Number: Customer � Project � . System Type: Contract Service Dates: Contract Term: Sales Person Name: Ports WILCARETELECOM PLUS Service Features: Emergency-2hotirs, 24X7 Routine - 24 hours, 8-5 M-F Software Maintenance Hard ware fdaintenance Alarm PAonitoring lNith Remote Diagnosfics pdiscellaneous: Williams' provided CSUs/DSUs WilCare Base System Package Price ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT T-1, PR(, DTI nn�r�d�a� rna�i o �-��') Exhibit A-Mainfenance Pricing Version: 1.0 St Paul Police & Fire 100 Easi 7 ith Street St Paul, MN 55101 100 East 11th Street St Paut, MN 55101 Noward Hormann 651-292-3599 10339642 0 Opt 61 C 3l2012001 tnrough 3 Richard Thome 652 Unit Qry Card 2 Port 28 3l26/2004 51,760.48 Extended Unit Monfhly List Price/mo Price S50.00 5100.00 5375.00 5375.00 tAodem;/SEB F,II Printers and Terminals Carrier RemotelRPE Sub "iotal: Additional Equipment Rernote Services f•11 Traf�ic Studies Sub Total: Remote Services 2/13!0 S 10.03 AM Pl�odem 1 S10.00 510.00 Each 1 510.00 590.00 Ezch 9 S20.00 520.00 S515.00 5 Days — 12 Hours Per Study 1 S29.17 S29.17 5544.17 1 of 3 :� �illiam's �—�.--�.w, WilCare Pricing Summary Description WifCare Base System Package Price Tot21 Additional Equipment' WilCare Monthly List Price: Anulti-y2ar Agre2menf Discount Executive Discount Total Discount SubTotal: Discounted Monthly WilCare Price Total WilCare Remote Services Note: non- d�scountable Total: Monthly WilCar� Price , Total: Annual Wi(Care Price Oiscount % 8.00% 9.00% 17.00% o t -'l�l Exhibit A-Maintenance Pricing Version: 1.0 Discount SubToYals -5184.12 -�207.13 7ofals 51,780.�8 S515.00 S2,301.48 -5391.25 S'1,990.23 529.17 51, 93240 523,?72.78 2/13I01 3 of 10:03 APA �> C� Council File # p \ � �g � Green Sheet # 111801 Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA a� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with Williams Communications, which includes an indemnification clause, to provide remote 3 monitoring and onsite service for the Police and Fire department telephone system. A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on £ile and on record in the Of�ce of FSnancial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Adopted by Council: Date: Adoptio�rtified by Council Secl�tary: B9� � � _ {�._ �.,__-__�-__/'� Approved by Ma oy r Date: �' �y � By: Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council: sy. � Requested by Department of: �y����:j TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7/9101 1 GREEN SHEET wrtwwaTe � c �aixAITORNEY �• L.�� ❑FINANCIAL SERVIGES DIR _ �NAYOftN�EAS5�5T^n�Y •- No. 111801 INITIAVDATE - i ����� ❑Cf(YCLERI( �CWLSERVIACCI'G �nureAn W(SM6 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) mres iequested on the attached council resolution authorizing the St. Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into a three yeaz maintenance nent renewal, wlrich iacludes an indemnificaYion clanse, with Williams Communications. The original agreement is being routed gxeen sheet#1I1800. .I IUIV APPtOVE (A) Of K¢J2Gt (K) PERSONAL SERVIGE GONTRAGTS MUST AHSWER THE FOLW WiNG qUEJ�IONJ: 1 HasthispersonlfimieverworkedunderaconVadforthisdepaM1ment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO , CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a atyemployee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfi,m possess a skill I»t normalty possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet iaxns Conummicarions has provided system mzintenance and repau for the Police and Fire telephone system since installation in 1997. agceement would continue the delivery of these crirical services for the next tkuee years. (Tlus ageement contains an nnification clause). 24/7 remote system monitoring and onsite service as required for the telephone system and assceiated IF NOT APPROVED �/ af 24 hour system monitoring and an uncertam response ta service autages. � •� ��� � °� ZYit/ TRANSACTION $ see attaChed Copy of agteetn COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Special Fund (436) ACTIVIN NUMBER 436-34911-0219 INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) �� Cammun 1cat;on; Solvtiuns This Order k��zzmznt ("Agreement') is eR�zctiae tnis �,1 \ICATIO�S SOLUTIO\S L a�-��1 ORDER AGR�G:lI�1T Li , day of February� , 2001. (thz "Effecti�'e Datz') b}' and bencezn �1'ILLIAA7S CO\f: U: - . ., � 2500 Post Oak Boulecard, Howcon, Tesas 770�6, z D:Iau'arz limited liability / a compeny, {"1�'illianu''�) a�d Sc Pud Police ar'-.�.:F��x / '�fi 73'r:'/% - (indicate ���he��Poration, iimited liabilic}' cortipan}�, putn�rship, or solr propneror>hip). �vith iii prin.ipal pf=ce of business locztzd ze o, under the la��s of . (°Customcr"). Through tnis 100 L-ast I lt`, St2zc St. Paul \t\ SjIUI A<,rccm�nt, Custonier tnar place a sin,le order or nul[iple ordea for telecommunicatio�s, internchcorkine, and'or com�zrged equipmznt (••Equipmerit ') aitd�or installation and maintenanez sec.'ices for a sin�le lo.aeion or mulciple locations and \\'illiams ma}• at its option accept such ordzr(s) znd ins[all and /or maintain the equip�irent. 1) AGRLG�II:\T. R'illiams znd Cu;tomer expressl}• a�rze that the tzrms and conditions contained in ihis Agrerniznt shall go�•em all aspzcu of a Customer's ordzr For Equipment and a>sociated soft�varz (to�ether, `Systeni') andlor main[znance Sercices describzd in Section t-0 herein (' i�laintenance"). The spzcific> of a Cusromer's order shall be listed on the applicable �'oice Ordzr Form or Data Otder Form (hereinaftz� collecti��ely rePerred to 1s "Ordr Form"). All Order Forms sfiall be sub>tantially in the fo; m of thz attzch:d sample Order i'ormi: L�hibit A-\'oice Ord�r Form and Eshibit B- D: ta Order Porm. For orde:rs im'oh'ing midtiple loc2tioni and'or multiple S��stems, the partie;' ri�=ht; and obli�atio�u hercin shall apply to each indiridual locztion aiid�or S}�stzm independrntl�' 2nd the obli�ation to pa}' shall not be contingtnt upon the acceptance of all locahons or 111 Systzms. 1'his A�rzzment allocates the risk o( the S�'stzm's operation bet�cecn \l'illiam> a+id th: C'�utomec, an allocation thatasreca nized by Uodi parties and is rzFlected in thz Cash Pricz and Szn�ice Fee. ?) AGR1iG\1r�1' T62\l. The term of this A�rezment (the "A�rezmznt Terni') shall be fa �}�ea:{s) from the date fir>t ���ritten abo��e. \l'�th resPcct ro the sale, deli�'ery, instaflation, and maintenanez of any S}�stem desccibed on an O;der Form, for �ihich 11'illiams' obii�atirntt u'il� caceed thz tzrni of this Agrzemznt, boeh «'illiams' and CuStomu's obli4aeions and rights regardin� such Systzm shali continue and surcice the e�piration of this A�rezment, procided that thz tzrms and conditions of this A�reement shzll contm« z to deFne the rights and obli�ations of the partie> «•ith rzspzct to such Systzm. ;) PR�CG A�D 2'aY�IEM1T TGR_IIS. (a) The price of a System, induding price of Ec�uipment, soft�aare licznsin� fzz, instaltation (when ordered by Customer) and �rarrantq, but e.�dudin_ .��)• applicablz Nfaintcnance, shipping. or ta�es, (the "Cash Pric�') and ihe applicable p�ymrnt tzrm> shall bz set forth on thz applicable Order Form. The price of any applicable btaintznance shall be szt forth o� thz applicable O:der Fornt ('`Service Fez"). Any Ser�•ice Fee i; duz annually in advanez. Shipping char�es, if any, are due ufien im�oiced. Customer shall br rzsponsible for payina all applicable tn�e, on all ctizrgz��fzes on the milestone date> set fo,th on the applicable Order Form. \\'hen applicablz. the do�on yayntent 1nd z $12112CI OR ier Form nmst be retumed to thz R'illiams account managzr. "D:liver�" occurs ��'hen \�'illiams tender> equipment for delicery to the Cuitoiner site (the "Premises"). "Cidovcr' occurs ��'hen the equipmzn: is connected to Uie nehcork, aeQ��atzd 2nd functioning to provide blsic sercice, e�ecptin� minor ��ariance; in performancz of the Sysrem «�hich do not materially impair ba>ic ser�'icz. Thz xnticipated mileston� dates, if any, ��'il1 bz cet fortn on the applicable Ordzr Form. (b) Al! chargz>, ocher than the C'ash Price; authorizzd by this p�reement or the applicable Order I�orm or sub=equent authorization of Cu�tomzr including applicable tares, «'ill be incoiczd accordin� lo R'ilfiam;' standa:d practice �chen incurrod and uilf be due and pa7'ablz thirt}' (?U) ��3}'s Erom in�'oice date. AII pa}'ments of Caih Price or any� otner charaes i�'ill bz subject to a I�tr pa}'mznt sen ice chsrgc of one . nd one h�lf pere;it ( I'i �-o) Pcr tct�nth (or a: liniire� b}' applicablr la�c) on pa}'mcnti in 2rrears for mo, [han thirty (=0) da}'s after the milc>!one d�tc a in��oicz datz. as requirzd. Cusro;re� shall idencify ics salz: and ui: ta� sta[iu in du . pplica ``i�� `bil lalid i2 ��1uir; e�empt status, it shall, upon tne e�ecutior of this Agreentent and on an xnnual ba>ii thereafter. Er e�cmp:ion cer[ilicatei for ecer}' sta!e in ��hich it clainu sucf� statiu. F2iL•irz ro procid: such certifiratei ��i11 ca�.isz \�'illiams ro im'oicz Custo:nei as ta�a5lz. ❑ TAl-E�F>IP7� � TA\A8L[ _+j : �CCt:Pl:4\CE. »'hen the installation o.`a Spsezm has bezn per�o;mzd and co;npl;red by \1'iilia�n>. «'iL'iam> ��ill te;t t4r S}stem accordim� to the msnufacnve;'s diagnostic a�d rzr.diness t,st specifi:ztiors in preparation for Cutocer. 11'hz�� chz S}'?te�n i> curover and hss opzraezd in accordsnce «�itn manufacturer's speci��ca.iom ar,d a�reed upoa configuration for a p:nod of fou"�een ( l�) cal:adar days, it ���iIL E�2 Cl22R12i acezp[ed b}� Ciu'.omer ("�lccep:ance") unless Ceestomer h.=.s proi�ided 1\'illiam� «�i:n r: rit[en notice «�i!hir. ehat timz period szttin� fo;tn dzficizncizs in op�ration. It" Cectumer has p:o�'ided sucn nocicz. \\'illi�m; «'ill correct the liited dzFici:aties zc �chich tim: Ctutontz� shali pro;nptl}� certify in v.riting it> zcezptancz oPtne S} `z�Certifwa�!e o° D i�zr e�dtA:czpsanezP«iil be e, \;,ed epc r pccep 2 ,. ef D of eacl and Arceptaace. For toSs ���i!h mulcip!z ph�sa> a sep P^��� Pd�`2 I P� � Ordar Agrzemen! - IO'1?l� � .5) OF2DL321\G Pk 7he purchase and sale of 2ny Lquipment or the pro��ision of Maintenance s;n•ices shall be subject to the folio�cin� orderin� procedures: (a) �\'hene��er Customer desires to place a new ordzr for a System or Maintenance, Customer and t\'illiam; «�ii( each sign 2n app�icable Order Form and include anq relevant information with the necessary attachmenG such as System configuration znd applicab]e pricino. Each properl�• ezecuted Ordzr Form and iG attachnient(s) shall become a part of this Agrezment and be incorporated hzrein as if attached hereto. (b) O;der Fo, n�i11 bz used b}� 1Pilliami to procide pricr and Equipment and'or Maintenance information. Customer m¢st indicxtz bzlo�c tichethcr a Custome; gcnerated purehase order is required for a(! tran;action> �cith 11'illiams. Custome, und:ntands 2nd zgrces that by indieatin� "}'e;' beioic, Ciuromer is obli�ated to issue a purchase order autherizine the execueion of thz appli,�b�� O;dz; Form or other orderia� dxument a; de;cribzd in Sections 6 and I G belou�, � yE$ o.o ��) �� ithin ihirty (30) da��s of CustomePs receipe of thz Order Form, Customzr shal! notifj• 11'illia:ns u�hethzr Cttitomer accepts A'illiam;' o(fer to seil Customer the applicable Systzm or htaintenance by si�ning the Ordzr Form tcidi its applfcabiz attachmenU and returning it to 11'illiams. If the Order Form is not si�ned and retumed u�ithin thirty (30) da}•s of its receipt b}� Cu>tomer, 1�'(�Iiams' offcr autom3tical(}� expire;. (�1) It� Ciuromzr i;sues z purchase order or'similar �tocuenent to tViiliams in accordance u•it}� Section 4(b) zbo�•e, 11'j��i��»� may acczpt the purcha;e ordzr from Cu�tomer, fiotce��er, IT IS E3:PR6SSLY AGREED THAT AK1' TER�SS AnD CO\ll1TI0\S O\' SUCH A FORM �YHICH ARL CO\TRARl' TO THE TER\tS OF THIS AGREE�IE\'T, OR R'H(CH ADD 7'FR\4$ OR COVDITIO\`S BE}'p\*n THOSE CO\TE!�1PLAT�D I\ THIS AGRLEAIEKT OR ITS ATI'ACH\1E\TS, R'ILL BE \ULL,. \'OID, �\D OF KO EFFECT. FURTF(ER\tORL, AN ORDFR FOR\4 �CILL ACCO\iPANI' ORDE-RS PL.ACED UNDER A PURCILASE ORDER A\D ALL TERY(S A\D COXD[1f0\S CO\'TAI\Ep 0\ TFIE ORDER I'OR\4 SHALL BE DEEt�16D INCORPORATED I\TO A�1' PUP�CEiASE ORDER 1SSUED B}' CUS7'O\tER. (e) If thz S}•stzm bein� purcha;ed on a\'oice O, Form constitutes an up�rad: (•'Up�rzde') to an existin� s}•s[em ("Esi;tin� S}•stem"), tnen the approPriaiz boa in Szctioti F3 of the \'oice prder Form shall b; marked. {t) For nz��� Spstem and IJpgrade purchases, a scope of �rork shall be atta:hed to the applica6le Ordzr Fo:m se[tinR forth the specific tzchnical require¢ients, and �rhen lpplicahtz, in� ma�ufacturar's specifications ("Scopz of R'ork'). 7hz Scope of ll'ork sha(I noc act as an �mendmznt ro tne tzmti and conditions contemplatzd in this A�reement or the applicable Ordzr Fortn. In the e��ent of 2 conflict b:ncezn the Scope of R'ork and this A�reemznt, this A�rzeneznt shall control. GJ CFI.4\GES. (1) Any mo��e;, adds, changes, or deietions that adjust [he stadon, port or router count as �cell as upo� R211. e�i��r���ent, and nz�e peripheral de�•iczs ("i\lodifications") to [hz Sys!em shall bz madc b}� a�critten agreement of the parties on thz applicable \l'illiam>' form. Such form t�iay incli�de: �1'iliiam;' Job Chan�e Ordzr ("JCO") befo�z Cute��er znd ll'ili(ams' Cus[omer Sercice O:dzr ("CSO") zf[er Cutover. 'fhe tzrms oP thii A�rzement, including �n}• limited Sysrem �carrant}- as stated on the applicablz Order Fo;m, �c(�� 2PP�y to an}� such �critten ' a;rezmznt for an addition or delzcion and eqtiipmznt purciiased or softo�are licensed tfiereunder. Such uarrant}' v: i11 tarminate not later (han tfie 11'arrann- pr; io� szt forti� in this Anrzentzat fu: the ori�inal Syster� o: the tncn current 2nnual term for \qain:enance of tha; $vstem, q❑ 2uthorized rzprz>entati��e of eacfi party mirct si�n z JCO or CSO 6:fure �Villiams �ci3l schzdule any addition:.l u�erk or ordrr additional equipment or sofnca; z. A restockin�� fze R731' I7 char�zd for an}� retumed componznt that has been deii�•ered to the Premues; su:h ke �vi11 be im�oiced as an addi�ional charge. In the e��ent Cwtomer cancels or terminatu an Ordzr Form or any art the � rcco� er aIi rea,onablz costs incurred b� 1Ciqiams in the re z' �' � z to' the S strm (inrL��;,. « per ormance under the Order Form. '(he Czs#� Pricz oF �L- - �-�+le�torm'dsCp'pro�ress pay�ment�), Deliccry and Cuto�-er ma}� be subject tu adjustment in the e��ent of an�� mutually . erecablz addition or dzle[ion. (b) If \1'illianu c(eli� additional EquipmenC softn�arr or \laintznanez. or procide: [ime and nuterials tn2intenauz er other incid<ntal c;; ��icz; relatinq to thz S}'stznt, die tzrmi of this Agreement u�ill �ocem. �) CL:11?IS, QL'I�12Il:S :1\"D RlTC12NS. R'ith te�p:ct ro purch=se< on zn O:der Fo;m fo: Eq�:ipn::n; v.i,hout i;:>:=_lla;ien. no claimi tcitn rega;d to shortaezs. discrepancie:. or dama� tu componenti of' Equipment « bz acezpted b� R�IIII3R75 llRI2Si Cu;tomzr notitizs R'illi��tu ii aritm� ���i.niu ten ({U) ��orking days oF Deli�'en. R'tlli?nu sh111 hace no liabilit} u�ith re;?:ct to dam. ec er sho;ta�e; caused b} the z;u or omissioni o` [n: Ca>tornec or oFa pa, ochzr tnan t�'iltiam;. Ir a daim is �alidly mad: ur.der tni; S:ctiu� uhich niay en[ide tne Ruto; ie, to re[urn 2n Equipmen[ component, R'illiam; shz,i not be bo:tnd W accept such rzturn or e�cn=_ngz cu�ipor,e, ; unle;; the Cui[om;r coatpli:s ctricdy� r:1th \Cillizrtt�' rrturn procedurzs a; sz[ for�h ir this S;ction. «�hich mao bz moditi,c by� 1l'illiams f:em tin:z to timz on ��ritr.:n r,.:i,e. I�i order ro re;u, a co a Retu:n b1z, :1!i8ioriza,ion ( numoe; r.nu[ firs, be eb:_ir,e ��'illi:nu z-d m�s: z� ��ea; or. z'f '� ' o r ' d frem 2e _ s�.iap;�;_ IaScl; o� componencc to be rztt:rned. Componz«U miut be rtca;ae,'�. in trte sa:ne ca;di[ion 2s o: iein�ll� del;cered. ocdinzrp uea: an: t: �r e•.cep:cd, zad in ori�in�! bo::'ezrtor. �) LDSITaT10\ OF I.IABILIT]'. �) I\ \O E\"E\T SHALL �l'ILLLa\IS A\D ITS SliPPL[ERS OR S(.BCO\TRACTORS BE LIr1E3LE FOR: (i) A\Y I\DIRECT, \CiDE\TAL SPrCIAL, OR E\E\tPL•\Rl' D:�\(AGES; (ii) CO\S@QUE\TIAL D.4�fAGES; I\CLUDIXG. BUT \OT LU[ITED 70, )cdar A�lrtzmen[ - 10' l2; 00 P'igt 2 oF 7 . � o�-�r� C0�1�tERC1AL LOSS OF A�1' I�l\D \VHICH I\CLUDES LOSS OF BUSI\'ESS, PROFITS, RLVE�UE OR SA\'1\GS, AND LOSS OF D:'1TA OR ME-SS9GES, OR (iii) A?�T DAVIAGES OF A�l' Ki\'D RESULTI\G FROyi t1�AUTHORIZ£D USE OF OR ]1TRUSIO\ I\TO THE S1 STE�4, I\CLUDI\G "I OLL FRAUD. TIiIS PROVISIO\ APPLIES 7O ALL CLAI\1S �t'f{L-THER B.4SED UPOV BREACH OF \�'ARRA�TY, BRL-ACH OF CO\TRACT, I�EGLlGF\CE, STR[CT LIAB[LiTY I\ TORT OR A\Y OTHER LEGAL THEOR�', A�D �1'HETHER ��7LLIA\1S OR ITS SUPPL[ERS OR 11'S SUBCO\TRACTORS HA\'E BEEti ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILiTY OF SUCH D.4DIAGE OR LOSS. (b) If d�e S}•�tzm or zny componznt tnzreof seeppxts �'oice o�'er IP protocol (telephom• oeer tran>missioi control prorocol'intzrnet protocol), the Customer may e�perience certain compromises in perPormancz, reliability and security, ecen ���hen the Sys[em performs as �aarrantzd. Thzse cortp:omisz> nta)' become more 2cu[e if Customzr fails to follo�c \\'illiam>' or the manufacturer's recommzndations for confi�ura�ion, opzracion and use o( the S)�stem. CUSTO\tER ACK\0\1ZEDGES 7 IT IS A�l'ARL OF THESE R1SI:S AKD THAT I'( }{ DcTLR�7i\ED THEI" r\RE ACCEPT.ABLE FOR ITS APPLICA"([0\ OF TfiE S1"STE�d A\D CUST011ER 1\'ILL lOT ASSLRT A\1" CLAIV AGAIXST \\'[LLI:1\1S FOR SUCkI CO\IPRO\IISLS. CUSTO�IER ALSO ACK\O��'LEDGES TH.AT CUSTO\1ER IS SOLELI" RESPOISIBLE FOR (1) E\SURI\G THAT ITS n671�'ORF:S A\D SI"STE�4S ARE AUEQUATELY SECURL� AG:11\S7 U\AU7HORiZED I\TRUSIO\, A�D (2) BACKI\G UP ITS DATA AND F1LI:S. (c) \\'illSams shalf be liable for any ph}'sical damage it cawes ro the System. "this fiabilit}' is limitzd to repair of the Spstem or coenponznt thereof, or if che System or component cannot bz repaired, replacement �cith a comparable S}'stem or component, arid is othzncise limitzd a> set forth in Section S(a) and (b) aboce, )) SOP7'll'ARI�LICI:\SL. (a) Cectain manu(ac_turen require that their o«�n sofe�care licenie(s) be attached m tt�is A�recment, the 2ppliczble Order Forni or incliided �rith Ihe equipnie�it. To the eatent such licen�z is attached or induded �cith tne eqwpment, it shafl bz attaciied to the applicable Ordzr Form and incorpu�ated therein or gi�'en to Customzr upon ins[alln[ion oP the System. lt no such licensz is attached or procidtd, then \1'illiams grant> Ciutomer a nun-esdusire license tor thr weful ]ife oP tne S}'stem to uiz thz softo•aro (includino rzlated documcntation) solzly to maintain and o, erate the S}s[em, pro��idzd Custocnzr: (i) <loes not allo�s an}• aspect of the soft�care to be di>closed to a third party �eithout \\'illianu'' ��'ritten consenc and make; rea>onable efforti to eniurc thst iti ei�iployee> arc a��'a;e oP this obli�atio�; (ii) usz> ihz S��stem solzl}' fx Cusromer's internal biuiness purposes; (iii} does no[ copy an}� part of tiie so(n��are u�ithout 1Villiams' consent znd does no[ attempt to derelop any source code from the sofncarz; and (i�') returns to 1Nilliams or era>zs oc des!roys an�� softi+'are on any medi2 bein� r��cycied or discnrded �nd so certitie> to �ti'iltiam>. Ciuto;ner ntay only transfer the ri�ht to usc thz sofnr.^.re to any� end ucer avho subsequendy aequires Ute ri_ht to iue the Systzm, a��ze> to be boimd by the tzrnti of diis license and agrecs to pay an�� applicabl; fezs plas applicable taxe;. (b) All title to, oicnzrship of and a',l prnp�iztary• richts (includine, but not limited to, p3rent rights, copyri�hts, trade secrzts or other intzliectuai propertq ri�hts) in arzd to the sofn�are, other than die limired rights e�pressly gcanrd to Cuitomer herein, shafl remain �'z>tzd in 1\illi�ms or it> third party supplie�s. (c) \on�'ith;t2ndin_ an}' o[her p:u�'ision oCthis A^rezment, failure by Customer, its xgetiti or cantra:rors to comply ��'ith Ihe tzrms of t}�„ Sectio� 9 shall be cleenu T It11C2f18I �fY0CI1 Of fI11$ A �rezment, entidin� �t'dliams to immediately terminate diis Agrzement and all of Ciutomer's rights and p:i��ilzgzs �cith re>pect to the licz�uzd soth��are �td t0 obttin injuncli�'e and other rrlizf neccssap• to pro[ect \\'illixm� from am' p�tc�IIial danta_e re�ulting from such breach. 10) RISIC Ol' LOSS, 7'I'ILL A\ll SECl1R17'1' T\1'rI2LS7'. Cusromer tisumzs tiiz risk of los> to the System from the date o� Deli�'e�y�, lintil the Cash Price is p�id'in full Cusmmer ��ill maintain zdequate insurance again>t tire, theft or other lo>s For the Sy�stem's ful i�uurable � aluc �vith A'illiartu named ai loss payee in an 2ntount equal to the unpaid bolante oF thz C�sh Pricz. Title in the Equipnrent �ci�— pa;s o� ftdf pa}'menc of die Cash Price plus all ta�es. Cu>!omer �cill be responsibte for an;' pervnal propert� ta�ei asizssei on a�ic po; cion � ihe S��stzm. R`illiami rc>:nes and Cusrortic�' grartU 11'illiams a s:curity interest in thz S��item in thz amount of the �mpaid balance e` tn C'ash Price. A copy of thic Agrezmen[ may be filzd on \1'illia�ns' bzhalf at aap tim: after signaturc by Cus!omer zs 1 financing s;ntemen[ t perte:t \\'illiims' seturit}' in[erc>!. It requesctd b} �1'illi�ms, Cu>romer u�ill e�ecute a standard form finz�cin;,_* statement (L:CC-1). Up� pa�ment in fui�. \Cilliam; �� ill p;omp:lc file to rcmo��e sucrt intzrest. 1f an Order Form 5pzcitie5 zn Lpgrede Io an E�istin� S}'s:em. title 2� o��.nership te am eqiiipn��ent roplacei d�.inne irstalia,ion e`the Upgrade shall bz t�an:F�rred to 2nd lest i�t \1'tlliam; I f) I\STAI,L.A7'70� ��D SER\'ICES. (aj Cusroa�er a_+'ze> to pennit and arran�e full 2cceis to tiie Premises n:ce;sary fo: �\"d(ianu to pertorm the srr��iczs s_; forth in t! Acreemen[ and « make a��ailable 2 rea<onable �muunt of se.u;z spxe �ciif� loc�> for so;a�e b� 1\'illiam; ol'tBz S�'stem o: repair paru n;czscsrti�. {h) Cw:omz; «iIl pro�ide: (i) zecrss, z=.;:mea,� a�d consznn r.eczss�n� ro i�stall o: se;ciee th: 5};:em; (ii) �zce>s�r} flopr plz sp�ce for the S}s[e; � aa: 8CC25<iL�I2 «irin� (oca;iom f2� of n,he;ro, a�c'. ocn,; zm�i�oam:r.:a; haza:d� pe; gocrnment rcgula:ions; � dec!icat:d elzctric s��:::a. circui�s, po«er 2nd ii.la:zd ��round: (ic) c,itable opt;atin�� e��iroar:<nt (inciudin_ iso!a.ed �round. conditio:Zing, humidit}. h.:: t 2nd _e:i:rh}") p�� r,iwuf2cR�rzr's spzcifica:ions u�hi:�^ 5 �7.�IhC.^.i1J;i5 t': (I) f12 �t:pCIQ:'(I !O CIlil0:112f bV `� III1— upon reques:; . nd (��) r.=.:e�ca}'. condui[. holes zr.d u irz��a�'s. Customer shall hold «�i(liam> harmless fron: 2np and al! liabili:; for injur` �cirts, cunduiis. pipes, maia,. se���ers or Mi�er similar propzrc}' tna[ i< not accura:el�' dttailzd o; a.coun[zd f��r in Cuitomer supplied ptinti conditions ac ehe Premisr> alter routine installacion and \Cdliams �cas not a��arz of such conditions at the timr an Order Forni ua> eteci� Pe�_e : of 7 OrSar Agreeinznc - (0'1? CO ` Customer shafl bz billed for any additional expense relzted thereto at �l'iifiams' then current time and materiat charge>. �4'ipiams �ril{ remove all litter generared durin� the u•ork and �ci11 ensure thaz the installation area is restored to the condition that existed prior to instal{ation but �s'ill not be responsible for remo�•ing oid phones or cabling. (c) Customer rzpresents and t��arrants that the Premises and conditions to be encountered by �Yilliams at thz Premise> znd in arza; ���herz u�ork is to 6e pzrfornied sha[I; (i) bz in comp]iance �cith al1 ypp�fcable federal, state and local la���s, rule; and re�ulations; (ii) be safe and non-hazudow; and (iii) not contain, przsent, o, e.�pose 11'illiams repre>entaticzs to hazardow materials o; hazardou; sub;tance;, In the e��ent of brzach of the foregoing, in addition to aIl otfier remedie;, R'(�1(ams may immediatet}� suspend u�o;k until Custome; hzs p;o� corrzazd such condition(s) a, Customzr's expense, in the ecent Customer cannot or doe; no: corrzet such condition{s), ic �c��� bz 2� 1�'illiams' option as to u�hether to recommence perEormance or terminate the Ordcr Form uith respect to such Premise;. Any tzrn�ina?io by \1'illizms b;�awe of its opinion dist an unsafe encironinental condition e�ist, u�ill not bz dezmcd a breadi o( this ARrezmznt o, a dzFault «nder it and no liability fo; such dzcision �ei{{ attach. . _ ��1 linleis otherts'ise statrd or tfte Order Porm or an attachmznt thzreto, 1Yi({(�nls chall pr, form t6e installation of the in accordaacz �cith the manufacture specifications 2nd the cost for such installation shall be includzd in thz Caih Pricz of the S}stcm. Inual{a,ion of the Spstzm �cili be perFormzd durin� the normal ���orkin� houcs o(5:00 a.m: $:00 p.m., \9onda}� throu�h Frida}•, site ]ocal time, czc{uding 11`iliiams' holidays, eacep, u•�ien otfiertvise mutuatly a�reed b�• the parties in writin�. Anl' delzy�nr dou�ntidie rzsulcin� from Cusromer act or omission s}�ali be the re>ponsibilih• oFCiistomer and shall be bilfed at \Villiams' then currznCcharzes, - ` ��) If an Order Form specifz� an Up�rade to an Existin, Sy;tem �chicli i; not [hen 6eing maintained b}' R'iSli2mg under a current ��rzemea[. �1"illiams ma}• re<�uir: tha! thz Esistin� SL•>r�, b� b:uu,�ht inro coiupliance t��itl; tf:z manufacturer's spzciFication, bc;ore installin� the Up�rade. .�us[aner �ciN pay �1'iiliami 2t 1Villiam5' then current char�e for anq �4 perfurmed or ma[zri=.is pro�iAed in bringing thz Ezi>tin� System into compliance. 1?) LI�1iTED�I'ARR:1\T]', (?) FOR SYSTEDIS I\STALLED Bl' �NILLIA!�{S, FOR THE 7LR\f, IP AN1", AS SFT FORTH O\ THE APPLICABLE ORDER FO;t\t (T}i[ '�1t'ARRA\TI" PERIOD"), THE R'ARI:A\7}• AS SET FORl'II IN THF. ORDER FORi\9 SH:1LL AppL1•. SO\4E D PRO\%fDL LI:�fITED \\�pRRA\"I'I[S DIRcCT[,1' ?O THE CUSTO\4ER. 11'ILLi.q�1S SHALI_ Ii:�\'E iC0 I_IABII_iT}' OY RFSPOVSIBILITY FOR A?�1' R':�3�RAKT1' PRO�'1DED BI' Tf{E D1qNUFACTIIRER D1REC7Ll" TO THE CUSTO>1LR. (b) For Sqstzms installed bv �Z'9��hms, Customcr's SOLL A\D ElCLUSl�'E P.E!�TED1' {or breach of anp u�yrr2nq• providzd by 1l'illianu on titz applicabie Ordzr Form is limited to R`illiam;' performancr as s:t forth in Sec[ion 13(a) znd (b) belou and p;rformancz o( a�arranty service durin� the \�'arranty Period ��•ill not estend or restart the �Yarranty Period. If, hotvecer, it is dztermined that such remedv Cails of its e;s'rntial purposz, thzn 1l'illiam;' entire liabilit�� for such breach i; 1'rmited to payment bq R']�liams of Customer's actual dama�z; in nn amount not to excacd; (() fo, i;ems co�•ered bp 13(z) 6elo«�, the pitrchase price for th; Equiptnent rel�tzd to tnz claim o, u fo, items co� ered b} 13(b) belo�r, the price paid fo: thz serricz> related to the claim. �� (�) POR S1'Sf[�1S rOT I\STALLED f3}� ��'fLL1AA4S, FOR 7HE 7F:RAI, IF A\}', AS SET FORTH O� THE APPI_iC:�BLE ORDER FOiZ\t ("DEi.I�'�ILEU \t'ARF:A\T}' PLRIpiJ"�, �y)LLG1\q5 11'ARRA\'TS 7H.4T THE S\'STE;,1 l�'[LL BE FRE[ FR0�1 DEF7=C7'S I\ hLATL'R(ALS. ��'ILLI:��(S DOES \OT E\7'END A�}� ���ARRA\TT 70 DC OR LRRORS i1 I\STALLA'IIO\ I31' CUSTO]tER OR A THIRD PARTY. IF �VARRr1\7}' R�ORK IS t�'ECESSARI', lt'(L[.[AA1S �VILL ACCEPT RETUR\ ib(ALFU\CTfO\[NG CO�IPO\E\TS OF 7HG Sl'STE:11 FOR REPAIR OR R n PROCEDGRES S51' FOR7'H 3\ SEC7t0\ � �� - A\CE A'[TH_THE CUSTO� =, 1LL(A�IS R'ILL REPAiR THE S1'S7E�f I\ PLACE AT - "ILLIA�(S' CURRG�T CHARGES. (d) For S}stems not installcd b}� R'illiams. C�c:o�rer's SOLE A\p I:\CI.1�St�'L RL:�II;UY for b;each o(any� u�a, p,ocidzd b} 11'illia�;�s on the applicable Orcler Pornt is limited to \1'i1{iam;' perfo;mnncr a> set forth in S^ction; 12(c) �id 13(c). \Ci(Ifams' IiaSili.c shall reasz a, the end oFdie Deli��ercd \1'nrrznt}� Pcriod inciudine liabifit}' for mamifacturin� de(ects not discocerzd u�ithin [he D:Iti�'ered �C2rr2nh� 'rriod � >) 1'fll; �1':�I:R_�\7 }� y}Zpti�IDEll P>} rj�IS SLC770\ I? IS I\' (.IEC OI' :�tL OTSIEI2 EXPRESS �l:qRR4\T1tiS. TIIIS GR[:L�IE\T S=\CL(.DIiS :�I,L I�IPLIID �1'_�RR:1\'17ES, I�'CL['QI\G, UBT 10T L1:lIITLD 7p, 7fIE A':1Rf2:1\T1rS OF ILKCFI:1\L-�B1I.IT}' _��D PITNESS S'OK :� p,�I2TICULA2 PL: RPOSL�,_R"ILLI:L�IS-DI5CL:tiSIS A\'1" �1'ARR:1\71' TO RF1'E\T ti\:1L'TIIORI%ED L OF OR I\TRLSdO\ I\TO TfI� 51`S"fEpl i\CLi'DI\G TOLL FRAL�D. � I� th: S}s!em does not opzracz in accordanrt �citl� tfie ���arrann�. �(a�c. ,; s;, fo; ti: e� t'ie tiP�� R'il!iam;. Order Fcnt. Custemzr ntust immedi2:eh` i R:4RP..4\11'PERIODSER�'ICG. D�.irins th: �1'arrant�� Period, if �carranty u'o, j; necessan� oa a Spse:m in;tallzd b}� R"iliiams undrr z�'oice Ordzr Form, 1l'illiam> �, at its option: (i) repair tne Sysrert� in placz or (ii) accept re[um of componrnU for rzpair or repl�cem;at. S«cfi repair o: rzplacemeat, udin� both parU and labor. u ill b: a[ �Cilliams' expea;e. Repair and repiacement p_rts ma}' bz nzu or te.�nditioned to br tne fur.ccional 'C A� f2201?!1t - I O� I�i W Pa�;r S of 7 ' o�-'�� equivalent of ne«t Any part> replaced b}' ��'illiams �ril! become the �ropert}� of �Villiams. \\'illiams �cill re>pond rzmotely or on-site 2> necessarq to requests to perfo;m ser.�ice for a sen�ice affectin� oatagr of the S}'stzm resulein� in the faiture of hvenry percent (20%0) or more of all stations and�or trunks or thz faihire of the attendant console ("Emer�enty Sen�ice") ���ichin t���o (2) hours of receipt of notice from Cusromx requestin� such senice without re�ard to time of day or day of the �ceek. Alt otber outages are dassified as non-emeroency. \\"illiams ���ill respond to requesU to per(orm non-emergzncy sen�ice �citnin t«�enty-fou, (24) houn of the receipt of t6e rzquest, except �chen thz request for such szrcice is made on or the da}• bzfore a�eeekend da}� or a R'il(iams holida}', in �cfiicn case ��'illiams n'iil rz;pond by the nest bu;iness da�. \1'i(liams «�ill perform Sercice call> mad� bz}�ond t\"illi�ms' normal u'orkin� iiours tor nomemergencp sercice upon CUS[Ofitc'C Cc` quz>t at tt'illiams' then current charet. (b) During thc \1'arranq' Period, for ��rork performed pursua�t to a Dztz Ord:r Fomt, 1\'illiam> «ill rz>pond remotel}' o; on-siee a; dzemzd nzer>i�ry b}' 1Yilliarns ro Customer rz.�ue>t> to correet 2 dzftee in R'illiami' v.orkman>hip for tiie D�ta S}'stem �ci[hin t«�znp'-four (2-}) hour, of ehe rcceip[ of the rqucst, e�cept �chzn thz rzquesc for such s:;cice i> made on or t}�� �;y'.�:fore a���ezkend or a\Cilliam> holida�', in �chich cas� \1`illixms tcill respond b}' thz nest buiiness day. (c) During tne Delicered \Van�anty Period, if uarranty .vork is neczssa:�' for a Syscem orderzd i�ndr a t'aice Order Form but not in>talled by \1'illiams, R'illiams �eill pro�•ide � depot parti re.urn Sen�icz for th: componenis of ttie Sy�ste�rt cocered bt• ihe manuCactv�er's �ca�rant;• indudin� shipping. receicin�� and trackin; of orders. Custome� ackno�cizdges that ih; en:tallztion, rep3ir, or modification of the S�srem b}• penon$ �vho zrz not manufacturer certified technicians may �'oid ine manufacturzr'S �rarrant}• of the parU�and ma}• rzsult in a dtnial of so£n�'are support serrices from the manufacturer. The espre;> ��'ai�•er of \Yiliiams' labor �earrant}� i> at the reque;t of C!rstomer. \\'illisms ��91! pr6�•idz labor as neeAzc] at 11'illiami' thzn currnt thar�e> for szrcice and \laintenance of the System at Customzr's request. (d) Lipon the espiration of the \Carrant�• Period, R'ilfiams shall provide \faintenance on Syitemc in.talled by 11'illiam> in accordance �ci[h ihe follo�cin,� Sections 1'�-17 at \\'illianu' then current charoe> tinle,s either Cu�eomer or «'i�liams no[ifiz; tne othzr in ��'ritin� at least fort}'-fi�'e (4�) days be(orc Ihe end of the Narrantp I'eriod tha[ it dec(incs such renz�eal for the follo�cing }�ear. (e) If an O:dzr Porm sp:cifizi an lipgra, e to an E�istia� System, thzn for p!z+poses of Sectiuns S(c), li(d), 14, 1>, 1G, and 17 of this A�,reement, ` is interpreted to ntean `the L.�istin� Systrm as up�raded by the S}•stzm' ]4) \IAI\1'L\ANCE013T,7GA1'10\S. (1) Upon the espiracion ot' ihz �1'arnnp� Period on . partiailar S}'s:em in zccord2nez �cith Section 13(d) abo�'z, or upon the e�ecution of an Orde� Torm For b�taintenance, Nilliams �cill pro��ide A�Iai�tznance in acco;d3ncz �cith if�e terms and contiitions of tfii> Section and the applicable s:n�icz plan attzchment oudinin� the maintenance obii�ations o` t1'illiams znd Custome� ('`Ser��ice Plaa") (�o_zthzr, "\laintenance"j. Punuant ro this A<,recmznt, tVilliams sh�ll respond to Sy�stern fzilure;, eiehzr ort-site or rentote!)', a; necr;�ar}'. per the conditions 5�2CI(12C{ under thz Seraice Pla�i chosen. n4aintenance sercice fo: Equipment shall consist of fumi>hin� all parts end labor necessarq to maintain the S}stem in good op:ratir�� condition in accordance �cich thz manufacturer's specifica[ions. Repair and rzplaczment parts may bz ne�v or reconditioned ro bz the fui�ctia�al equi��alent oP ne'�v. Tta;ntrnance sercice for soft�varz v:iU includz pro�•ision of all msintenance rzlzases and patchz; ���hich are is>ued at no cost by the manufachirer to correct problzms ��'hich Customzr ha> encoimtzrtd in the performance oF the sofn��arc. S:n'ice c211s msd° be�'ond the hour;�set fo;ti� in ihe Sercice Plan shall he p:�formed bq R'i(liams upon {'ustwner's reques! at �\'illiami' then current cnarges. (b) If \1'illiams i; rzquestcd ro oftcr \faineznanct at sitz> �vhere th: S}�iecrti u�a> not sold and i�utallcd bp R"illiams, \Cillianu ma} requir� chai the S}'stem be brought up [o manid:3cturr's specifications beforz p:tfonning �ny �iaintznance undr this A�rezmznt. Cuitomer �cill p�q 11'illiams at �t'illiam:' thzn curreat ch�rce.i for an}' �l'ork p:rformzd or ma[crial> ptus procided in brineine the Syscem into conforrnance.� In the interim. �1'iUiains i�'ill procide maintenance sen'iczi a[ such sitc on a time and matzrial baiis at �\'illiams' then current, char��e;. ' f j) 11:11XTF\:\\CL "1'I:R\I; SEK\'ICF r1:L'. Unles, statzd other��i:: on thz Order Form. R'i(liam> shatl p, �l�intrn�nce on ti�c System: in;talled b; \\"illiam; fo; a terri oF one (I) �'ea� (thc "Iniiia� Trnn") from tne d�;e on v:hi:h s«ch serrice b:,�an (the .. Commencement D: te") At tliz end ol tfie ini:ial Term, tiie 2grtem_i! fo:� \t^i'tcna:�ee sh�ll be a�itvmatically rrneticed in succr;,i�e annual rer�c«21 perieds at \i"illiam:' [n:� cwran. cha�'�,e. «�le;s eithar Cv;tome� o: \�'dL+^m; notitici tnz o;he� pa;[}' in ��.riting at Izasc fore.�-fi��� (��) d1��; be`ore tne end of the rrr,e�.�: al temz thae i[ de.line; such rcne�ral fur ne foll. u ing yea.. At am' tim;. �h: par:ics mzp mutu111}� agree to t:; m+nat� �taint�•na�ce uitn re>pect to a particolv cumponen� �; pareicula� gzos=.�hic lo.ations of a S}see;n co�zred under a p:,reicula� Ordzr Fotm. 16) SLR�'ICE I'I:L' :1UJi'ST�IE\TS. �todifications n;a}� bz adder. to D[�intenancz by �vri�cen a�rzement o,` [he parti:s; suc}� a,rzemzn'. s'�alf .et fortn t}�: additionzl i!e,-,�3 ef Equipmrn: 2nd coft�c�re. c��::vity. dzscrip;ion, seria! n:mther ard yart numyer znd tn� n:rz;sar.� zdustm;nt to tne S:��i=e Fee. ba>e: on R'illiam;' t^en curran: c8ar__•::. ll"illia�rs u�il! i^c l::(I: \IJC�i�iC.'.IiO!Ii P2f tbrmed b}' a p':`} , 1' � a ether tiizn RiI(iams onl�' if Cu:.om:r's n��o�:i�ie�. Sy>:znt is certifizd e: Ci;s:o:ner's e�p�r.se to bc i� acc,irdlr,cz �citli m=.m.itacturer'c a:anda,<Iz for <er��icz�and r�ai ;.z�;aa:e. Ary \LdiL.zdons p;, - torr:�ed b; 11'ille:+.> req�.�i;e z s:p>ra:e .�*xemenc such as tFe \\'i;lia:ns CSO Customrr herzby� a:�'noulect_rs tiiee �todificz�iors. includin� sofr«are up«, perforn•,ed or s�.ipplied bp unauchorized dis:riburon ma� resul� ii � denial oFsof[l�'a; e>upp.rt se,cicr< from tne minufacturzr of ti�z S}�s�em. Dlsintenanez sercice for \tedifications shall be subjec ro th: te;mc and condition; ot this Acroemer.[ z,d b: cu:erminow ��:i;h tne tzrn: e� \ta;n.rn�nce for thc S}item i�ielt. O;Ser Acre:menc -!0'12;00 Page � oF i 17) �YAR1L4n7'Y ANll D]A7\17>t�AhCI's I:7�CLUSIO\S. ' . (a) \1'arrant�� period Ser�•ice and DIain[enance pro�'ided under [Lis Aereemrrtt exclude repairs or repincements necessitated bti�: (i) Foree nIajeure conditions, as defined in this Aareenten[ or an�' othei cause not attribut:�ble to �l'iliiams (not includine a defect in the St'stem); (ii) Customer'S Failure_ko follotic applicable operation, maintenance, or emironmentat requirements described in any o{ the manufacturei's manunls or product bulletins, \�'iliiams manuals, and other materials pro�ided to Customer� (iii) Customer's addifions, niterations, modifications,�enLancements or repairs to, or disassembl�� of, tlte Scstent {itse(f or usfno a third parh�) vvithout ��'illiams' �sritten consent; (ir) mishandling, aUuse, minaes or damaae [o [he Spstem bp Customer or a diird psrt�; (�') relocation of the Si'stem �riHwut ��'itliams' �}�ri[ten consent (otLer tLan tdephone instruments relocated in accordance u'ith the mnnuF.icturer's specitications); (ci) failures or chanoes required resulting from tf�e loca! exchanae company, intere�chnnge c:irrier, tLe po�rer compan�� or other transmission pro��iders; (cii) failures or damage mrisine from da[e dependent oper:�tions, enlendar-related data and the processing of such data, or in connection �}itL prociding enlendar-related data to and acceptino calendar-related data from other s} (� electrica! �sork esternal to tlre S��stem; (i�) such ser��ice �i-hich is impracticnl to \l"illiams'sercice representati��es to render because of alterations to tlie equipment or its connection bp mechanic:il or elecirical meniis to other de��ices; or alterations to operatina scstems; (x) s��stems engineerine sercices, pronramnting, ancl aperations procedures of any surh, or (si) srrvice calVs �rhid� result in "no trouble } in [he S}�stem. I(�np esduded cause occurs, 11'illiams ma��, at its option: (a) perform repairs at Custorner's request at �l'iUiams' Ihen current cblroes, or (b) cancel its Dlaintenance obligxtions for the mpplicable Spstrm. (b) R"Len ��'illiams drtermines that n Sy'stem component rin no longer be effec[i}�ely� maintainrd for.ans reason, includine but not limited to, usaec, ci»�ironmrntal conditions, or lack o( readih� arlilablc pnrts, \1'illinms shall in(orm C�stomer ttia[ thc contponent must bc refm$is{�ed or replaced. TLese sctions, �rhrn required, shn11 Uc perFa'med at the option of 11'iiliarns ti,i[h the Customer's sinned approv:il, a; \1'iffinms' tlien currezrt sercice rates aad costs of parts. ShouIS1 tLe Customer elrct not to harc refurbishment �cork per nhen required, �1'illiams sh.ill immediatclt� cancel Dlaintenance coceraoe under this Aoeeemeut for tLat specific piece of equijfinent. Dlaintenance nPcer such cancellatimi sLall be pro��ided only on a tinm and material b;asis at �l'illiams' then currentcharges. � . 18) 1\Drtli\IFICAT30S. � . (a) L•ach part}• shzll indzcnnif�• thz othcr onl}' u'itn rzspzct to any tiiird party claim 211z�in� bociil}� iqi��q•; includin� dtath, or damade [o t�ngib!e pr�put�' tn the e�tznt such injucy' or dama�e i> ca���icd bc tiic neefi�ence of the indcmnif}'ine party. pro��idzd that cuch dauu is report�d prompdp in t�:ritiq� to tlie indemnifping party. � (b) Solzl�� as to Systems parchased from and installed by� 1Villiams under a�'oi;z O�dzr Form, 1�'illianu shall dz�end xnd ind:mnify Ci�>tomer a�ainst any claims or suiG broveht z�ainst Customer based upon a claim of infringemznt of any United Sta:e> cop}'righe. h�ademark or patrnt arisin� out of thz use oE the Systcai. A condition prrczdent to 11'illiams' obli�ation stated abo��e shall be tnat Cus;amer shafi ha�•e fvll}• compliztl v: idi th� requirzmenti of this Aeree;�iznt �cith rzipect to rzt�r'ion of, assi�mmznt of, and%or sublicease nE tiiz rieht to use the seft�ca;e. ll'ifliams shal! paq cucc; and damaRe, in an�� such suit, p;o.•ided \1'illianu is notified prornpdy� in uritin� of the suit, Cu>tomer gices �1'illiam> or the equipmznt suppfier tfte solz right to d:fer,<l eni seule enp s�ait and Qiito:nzr, a? l�'illiam's' requcsL ii acaS{a51z to coop_r. [z and assist in thz defen;e. This indzmnit}' does not estend to: (i) any suit o; procezding �chich is baszd upon 2. claim wcrcin� any combinatiun of equipment .^.nd�o; soFnear� in �t fiidi e�e S}ste��; i; so!cl_: , n elenunt a�d such elemznt doz; no; form a basi; fo: thz cizim; or (ii) an}� item furnishcd by Cuseomer. indudine. but no� limired to, S}�s:emi or an}� por[ions tnereof in,tnlled b;� z ��endor oti�e, ll'il(iams. Shoufd thr S}�s[rm Uecome subjzet to z claim of infri;i� ement of a Unitz<! States cop}�right, trad:mark o: patent, �Villi2nu mac, at it, e.�pznse and option: (i) procarc for Custom:r thz rig�tt [o cu:i[inue uninterrup:ed. Customer's u>e of thz affected Equipment and'or �ofn���re; or (ii) rplace or modik'y the samc so that i[ become; non-inFringim_: o: (iii) rrfund ro Cuitom:r the dzp, ��afue oPthe affecCed items as cz�rie�l on the books of Custonter for tax puq�o;es, on the date of any injue7ction, if applicable, in �ehich ca,e Cus!mier shall rzturn the affec[ed itenu to lCilliarn;. In no ecent shall 1�'illiams' liabilic}' und:r thic su6section IS{b) escceci tho - � . Thi; ind<mni[}� shall, not a� c ._ ,� a ze e� ttem; manuCactured a� Custome�'s reque>t ro Customer's proi �.�chon speciFications or out of use of the aCte:ted items in , m�nner o, for a pur��o>e no: cuntemplated b}' tnii A^ree�v,nL C'iutum:r's SOI.f. �\U t:\CLCSR'I:I:I:VI:UI" a,�ain.:t \Cillianli u'ith re�•a to such a cop}'right. vadzmark or patent inGin�entent claim> shall be a; s:. Furth abo�e. � 19} DFtAliL1'. � (2) If an}� uiatzrial brea.h of [tlii :'���C2c`IS12tl� CJR tinuzs 11ilCJCC2i(2 t� mure tEian n�enty (20) d�cs a;'ter ��ritt,�i no;ict tiom tne ,�_ �cie�ed parn� de>cribine thz b;each. thz .��,ri���ed pirt�� sha'I b; en�ided te decfa, a dzfaak undc, tiiis A°C2c`Rl2liC 2R t p:inuz zn}� aad all rernedie: z�.aifable a, la�a o: eq�iit}' z.�crp� a; specifl:alf}� Iin;itrJ ckc«here ir, dii; :1�rezir�rn!. In addieien. iF Cu>r.er.e, is thr a�grieced part}. Custome; ma}� nupencl i�s p,��ment obligatioa relatin�_ w tnr b:ea:h ur.[il \l�illiam>' b;each i> eo, and if ll'iliiami i> the z^_gri:�ed part., \Cilliams ma}� s:upend pzrFormanez ofit; obli�_ations untii Customzr's b;za�n_i;�co�rectesl._, .. .�.. � . ��- (h) If Custmner reftwe; to pem;ii \�: iVfian;: to pzrfo: m i:; oSliga:ioo; i:::c'::: �nis A_ree�:ie: � er , a: U:.'.cr Fc: r.: }::rz:��3er. cr tcrr;inate> o; ra.els ehi� Agceement o; a�}� O:der Form hzreun.:er. 1�: i0iams. i:i . iaiti�,n to t �: remci!ie3 p:acic�ed f�o: in ttui A°_reem:ili o: .^..ai{aSle a; l, «: a in e�jui,��. shali be eatitled to recsin all monie; p�id bg Ci:7co r.cr 2nc� recocr :d: i:i�::�! c�onit;. if re:es:asy�. to co��e; ali re:uena5f: cu;ts inairrzd b}• �1'illiartu in p, for and an}� a:tual pertb:r,ian,z undar ti;ii �\��rze;aent, inctuding. bat noi limiced w, cea�missions ou�ec(. labor espendzi, shippin�. handlin�. stora,r co>ts nnd rzsto:kin� f r;. � Or1tr A_retmznc -(0: l?�00 Pa��t 6 of / a�-zr� 20) 1`ORCE AIAJEUl2L. �l'illiams shall not be liable for any zdjustments or suspension oPperformance, failurz of pe�formance o: zny dama�es uiehout limitation rzsultin�_ from aa}' oF the follo�eing. strike� or labor dispute>, ��'ork stoppagcs, 5re, esplosions, oatcr, tnz ele�nenL-, 2cts of God (includin�. uithout limitation, earinquales, rains, flood� or li�hming), acts of civil or militarp autho, or p�b!ic enem}•, P:rFormanee or a}'ailabilit}' of suppliers, subwn[ractors, po�cer company, communications s°r��iezs or net�oork facilitiz> o,hzr tnan \1'illiam;, including but not limited tn ihe ]ocal e�chan�e compan}� or other carrier, imauthorized usz of the S}•stzm, or otner czuse; be��oad 1l'illiams' control �chether o, not similar to thz foreeoinR. 3!) \ItSCELL�lEOUS. (;�) 11'illiams re>cn�es the ri�ht to subcontra. an}� and zl! oPtne �cor'� ro be pzrfunned by� i! under ihi; Agreement. (I>) Thi; A�cczm;rt i; noc assig�iablz by Cu>tomer n'ithout ihz p; io; uri[ten con>ent o( \\'illiami. An}' 2ttempt to a>sign an�� of tfie rights, du.iz; or oS!i�a:ions im<!zr [itis A�reement �cithout such consent ��'ill, at \Cilliams' opcion, be deea�ed �'oid or 2 matz, de(2vlt or 2.cep;zd in tl'iNian:i' soic discreEion. TLis A�rtement shall be bindin� upon and chall inure ro thz bznefi[ of thz partie; hzrcco 2. d tneir respechce succe;sun 2nd permitted a55i�n>. (c) "the �cai�'er b}• eithz; part;' oE an}' defaule �cill no; operate ai a��aicer o` a,t; sub>equznt deC2tdt. (d) Tlie r.o:t- precailin� psrh� triA pay all oP tlie p;e�'ailing party�'s cos[i o; e�pen>es. induding re2sonable 2tromey's and colizction fzri, in:ur�ea in enl'otcino thi; A,rcemeni. (c) \\'illiams' obli�ations under this Agreemz�tt �re coniin�ent upon 1 credit repo�t satis(actory ro\l'illianu. (� ]f ara}' court Fold+an}� portion of this Fgrezment unenforczable, the remaining Izn_uage sBall not be aCfectei. (o) The ri�hG z�td obli;a[ions of the partie> a> szt forth hercin may only bc zlrered by a�i�riltzn amendment or modification executed b�• an auti�orizrd repres:nta!i��e of both psrtie>, referrncin� this Agcecment, and erpressl}• statinR the intention to modify such ri<�ht> and obli�ztions. Ko course oPdealin� o: us_�e of vade by or b:t�aern the psreies shall be deemzd to constitute any modifica!ion or amzndment of the tzrms of this A�rezm�nt. (1�) \o 2ction, reeardlzssoF form, arisin� out of this Agrezment may be brou�ht b}' either party more than hco (2) }'ezr> af[er ihe cauie oF 2etior. lias a;cnied. {i) 7his Aerecment i; decmed made and GOVER\LD F31' THL LAR' Or 7'HE Si'A"t G OF OhLAHO>9A e�cz�>: fo: i�s rule> reg�rdin� the conilict of ]a��'s. (j) Customzc's si�•nahu'e on a facsimile Vansmission of an Ordar Form or 2ny amencLncnt o, attad�inent thzrero, �chrn sent from Customer's oftice to \\'illiams, iva)' be rzlizd upon by ��'illiams in lizu of an inked signature ancf shall bc bindro� on Custome� and satisCy xnq apP�icablz Statu[c of Frauds. \\'illiams' copy ofsucR fac>imil: tran>mission shall serre <i the orioin:�l oF. n}� s��ch ducumcn:. (k) This A;;reement ma)' be e�ecutzcl contemporaneously in one or more ca�nc:rpsrt>, each oF ti:hich shzll be denned e:� origia�l, bue 111 of ��hich together shall co�utitute one ^.nd th: same i�uvument. (p Cu>tumer a�rees that ncither it nor ao}' of its zlfiliz,zs ���il! selicit � nq of the R'illiams emplo)•ees p:'o�'idin� serciczi pursuant to thi� AgrecmenC tcith oFfe�s of ectvplugment durin� ti�e term o( tiii� A�reeinent 2nd fo� a period of one (1) ycar aftei e�piration of this A_�rezmenc. (nQ tn thz c��ent of zrt}� contlic! b:.n'een the tenns . nd condition> of uiis Agreeinent, an Ord::r Fo;m, R'illiams' form attacfimenu, and an}' other actachm^nt, iridudin� Cuitome;'s request for propoial o; similzr docume7l, this Agrerinen. shall contruL (n) ?Ii1S AGI2CF:�UF:�'I SCPi�:RSt:nF.S .U.L !`h10�: O�: CO�7'eVt•OR:1>LOCS 1'ItO�'05:��5, CO�IUC>IC:\l10>S A�U �CGOI I:� I�10\S, 60'I'II OK�U. A\D R Ittl��t C\', .l�"I7 CO�SI'll L"I�F:S "I 1l1: I:� I'll:}: ACIiLF:UE�T ttl":1�� F.F:\ \1�ILIJ �>1S A�U CCS"f0>If.R \�I'I II 3iI:SCEC1 '10 Ol: urr.s ri.:�ctu G �UF.R T([(S :�GR6:C.V1:\7'. :1S)' H61'P.};St:l'T:1UO�S, \t'AP.R�\�'ilt:S OIt S'CaI t:\tF:\'IS �1.4DE 1:7', l C\II'1.01'I:C, SILESFI:I:SO\ OR AGI:�T Ot" \1�ILLL4\U :\�'D \OT F:AYKEJS2:U I�'l ll1�:�CREC�IG\'f .1FF: �O'1 131\DI�G LPO� ���ILI.i�\�15. , Cis'ro>it�e:�c�:,o���.t:ucfs�rn�rrruasr.F::�o�ru�sACet:c>�r�i,r��s�iecen•uu.t�nr.t:in:��r:u.nv.��un�.t.uocc>ir:�niaert.iar.� u i� n, ��ur:E:,in�us ri,:��n is tsoc�'u nsrrs'tt:r,>is. �\'IL1.iA\] ICA7'1 O�S SOLl''I[O\S, L 1;R: St. yaiil Policc � Fire 33�' t�`A AS[: Tll'LE: n.a�r� : � �� � d�d�� � Ordtr Aeroammt - l0' 12i00 f3l': ��n��� William K. Finne 7'1TLti: CAIEF OF POLICE D:�T'L: ,s'" Assistant City Attorney BY: Director, Office of Financial Serv3ces BY: Mayor, City of St. Paul or, Human Yae: 7 oP 7 tment a�-1�► E. Sl'S7'E\7 OI2 UYGI29DE PURCIi9SG, ��'ARIL4NTP PEI2I011 (�IarR O\i }' one /» �f thc f llo���in 1• ❑ For a pzriod of one (1) pezr from Cutover, tVilliams «�arrants thzt tfie System �ci(( be free from defects in materials xnd ��o;kmanship and �vill operzte in accordance �s�ith manufacturer's specifications. ❑ The �1Ya; Period for an Up�radz to an Existina System, shzll ertd at the expiraUOa o(the 1Yarrant}� Pzriod or annual blainteixqcz tzrm fo: [he Existin� S} or, if no such R'zaznt}• Period or A9aintenance term eaists, ninety (90) da}•s after Curo�•er. ❑(For drop ship orders only) For a pzriod oEninety� (90) days from the date of Dzli�•en, Nilliams na:ranu tn2t the S}'stem �cil! be frze from defzcts in matzrials. F. b7AI\1'E\A\CE TF_R:�I; Commencemznt Date: 7'ennination Date: (if other ihan a oae (1)}�earle;m from Co�zi�rtencz�nent Date abo��e) ❑ A marked box indicate, that a Cutorer outside �Villiams' normal �eorkin� hours, as set included in the Cash Pricz. \\'1 I,I.i 73}'; rA�1E: TITLE: DATE: IU\ICA1'IO\S SOLUTIO\S, LI.0 �� C I�A\4E: D:\7 E: ��� �� � Y '`��,�%��V �X.� �l . 5 William K. Finne CHIEF OF POLICE I 1(d) of the Order A�reemznt, is Or�et A�tzemea� - 10/12/00 pd�z p �;'2 LrJribi! A fo Uie O�dcr A SADIPLE I'DICE ORDER FORr11 FOR ORDER AGREE\1E\'T BETR'EE\ f+KD ��'lLLIA\4S CO\i>1[I�ICATIO\S SOLL7TI0\S, LLC (OR THEiR PREDECESSORS) DATGD DATE OF ORDFR FOR�1: CUSTO\.fER ORDER \U\SBER (to bz pro��idzd U} �1'illiams upon ezecution): Customer Purchaiz Order I�umber (to bz provided by Customer upon execution, if used): ' A. Ia� !� I'remises :lddress: PRICC (e�cludes applicable ta�es): Fas Billine AdcLrss: St'stem, Cash Pricc: S CASFI PRICE PA7'�\4E\T 1'EFti\qS: For the purcl�ase o; S��;tems includin� instnllation from �1'illiams diat have a Cash Price ereatzc than or equal eo 520,000, Cw�omzr sl�:tll pt}' 2?"/0 oFCastt Pricz on si"nin� of tl�e applic�b]e Oider Fo�m, GO°.b of Casl� Pri:e on Uie date of Deli��ei}• and I S olti�z Cash 1'iice on the date of Cutoczr. Ior thz purd�a>e of Systzm, includine irutallation fiont �l'iltiam; and all other parc}�ases inciuding stutal{ation from �Cilliams that ha��e a Ca;h Price of les; than S2QOOQ Customer shafl p1}• SO;o of Casl� Price on si�nins of this Order Form actid thz b�lance on tl�e datz of Qitoccr. Tor Itic parchase of S}stzms �eithout initlllation from ��'illiams Ciutomcr sl�all pav SU°io of Ca�fl Pcice on si�nino of dti; Ordzr Fornt and ihe balance on the date of Deli��ery. ❑ A tnarked bo� i:�dicates that ttte S}�sczai bziii� purchued and installed pursuant to thi; Orde, Fonn constitu[es an llp�radz to an L�istin� Systcm. ` ❑ A marked bu.� indicate; that initailstion i> KOT includ;d for the Systzm b:in� purchased pur,uant to tnis O:dz; Form. (i.e., d;op sFip) Dfaintznancc, $;n'icz Fer 5 C. AT1'ACIDII;\'TS: ,- ----- c ie u e - \'oic<) _. S}stem In(o, - m2tion - �tain(znance Only'o�dt,s (attach Schedulz 2 to thz \'oice O;dzr Form) -- Alternale S�r��ice Plan � __ Additionai Senice; __ O,h:r(Specif�: � __ Scopz of 1�'crk _ 6u�ine>sCommimication\qamezr(BCDI�:\ddendum _ \Sanufaciurer's Soft�aare Lieen>: (Sp:ciE}: -- - D. S1�STF�I OR L"PGRADL PL'RCHaSE, \]ILESTO\F D:1TI:S: Lz>t da.r to male ch�ngz; to conFgura[ioa: ' ' S,hed�.ikd D.lictn date for Equipment S.heduizd Cutocr; da:e: )rder A� rezment -! 0' 1?- 00 \ort:I, O:tel, etc.) Paez 1 of2 L.ilribit 6 to the O+'der A��+'rement SArIPL� pntn Orrler Fonrr FOR OKDER AGREE�IEIT BET�VEE\ C0�4�4�:K[CATIO\S SOLUTIO\S, LLC (OR DATE OF ORDER FOR�i: CU5T0\1ER ORDER KU�SBER (to be p;ocided b} \�'illiams upon execution): Customer Purehase O�der I�umber (ro bz pro��ided bp Cuitonxr upon execution, if ic>zd): r1. Fac Premiscs Address: 13illin� Address: Fa�: )3. ]'P.ICI_ (escludes applicaUle taaes): S}�s[cm, Cnsli Pricc: S a � -'��'1 �1'ILLtA\iS CASH PRICL FA1T1F\T TER�4S: Thz Equipment Tocal ponion of the Ca>h Pricz indicaced on the ateached Schediile 1 is due and pa}'able to R'illianu upon Deli�'ery. The remaining portion of the Cash Pricz is due nnd psyabiz to \�'illianu upon Acceptance. � A'I'1�ACI1>1F_NTS: (��'here 2pplicable) Fquipment and Sofn�are (attaeh Schedule l- Data) S?�stem Information — Dlainte��ance Onl�' orders (atta.h Schedule 2 ro th� Data Ordzr Form). Data Scr�'ice Plan Additional Servicz> Odxr(Specify: ) Scope of \\'ork D4anufneturer's SoFncare Licen>e ��'hen not procided direcd}' from Manufacturzr (Spzcif}': _(i.e. t�ortel, O�tel, ete.)) ❑ A markecf bo� indicate> thar �nstalla�ion i; \OT incl��ded for ti�e S}srem bein� purchaszd purivant to this Ordzr Form. (i.e„ drop ship) p. \\71.L1.-\\1S' Li\IIT'LD R'OI2I:�\I:1\SIIIP �ti:ARRA\7']": �l'1LLL��iS ��'ARR:1\TS THAT 11S'I ALLATIO\ OF Ti]k: S1'STE�I PGRFOR�IED U\DER TH(S AG2EE\1E\T F31' \1'II.LIA\1S SH:1LL E3E DO\G I\ A GOOD A\D 1\`ORIi�1.4\L[E�E �tA\\E[t A�D BE FREE FR0�1 \1.4TER]AL DEFEC7S FOR A PERIOD OF SUC}{ �� ARRr1\ Cl' SFp I.LD E CORR[CTIO\ OF TFIE DLFEOi 1 B1' R[L (AA%1S t�lT \i Ii. I 1\iS' LXPL\SE r0R BRLACH l. \1 \I\Ti:\:�\CIi "II'.12�I: (.-ipp(icabk (u {;'ilCarr A/ainrernncd Onir Ordtrs. Dares mr d��endrn( on srs�en: Cido�rr.) Con�ancnce�ncnt Datr. 1�ermina;icn I)a;e: (it o.hcr ❑:� n�srl.r� ho� indicatc> tha; e inductzd in thz Ca ��� Pri<e. 117LL1:1US CO>I>IC�IG�7�IO�S S g }': \:��IE: TITLE: D.aTE: ,-�'��, S.LLC I�i CCSTO>1ER: B1': \A\SF: �— T1TLE: D.�T E: William K r'�'� CHIEF OF POLICE ____.r— � Pagc t of 1 Sainpla D.iL� Oidcr Form - Gr:irr Agrremant IO I? GO ( l))'ca; term flvm Commenczmen: Da!e a5oce) o•.rt:idz l\'illi�mi norm=l ��orking hour> ti set iotth in Section I l(d) o` [he O:d�r A"reznlene i=_ � a 4 _�r� ��� SERVICE PLAN ATTACHW9ENT �omm��;��;o��so��;o�: �ERVICE OPTION: TELECOM �ERIES 2Q00 PLAN� ll'iliiams �omnnmic�tions Solutions. Lt.0 ("��'iLlianu") St. Paul Police fi Pire ("Customer") CUSTO�IL'I2 r: 10339642 �cr�i.c Yi:ia.Atiaclitnnit !o Q Sz�rricc A�rctmcn! Or�j Order l�onu (�:,« rkor„) datr[] T_cn_ua;v I?.'Oill I, 7'1:LLC0\1 S3:RIES 2000 PLA?�S (Check tlie appropriatc'I'clecom Sec�ics 2000 ]'lan). Sce bclo�.�� lor e�planatiuni of Alami Dtonitorin� �cith Remote Dia�nostic>, Adcanecd Reportin�. Traffl: Sna(y, SoureeBoo:. � 'I'elecom 2�OD Premium Plan 0 8mcr�aneyoutagc calls — 2-hour rcipunsc timc, 24 x 1, including \1'illiam>' holida}'s. a Routine cen'ice e,ill.s—?-i-tiour re;ponse tin�c, A�londa}� - frid.t��, S:GO a.m. — 5:00 p.m., siee local timz, e�dudin� \1'iiliami' holidacs. o On-sitz fia;d«arc nnc[ softu�are roptnccmcnt a Parts nnd laSor a Alarm Dionitorin, u idi Remotc Dia�no>lic> (?-F-hour co� cm� c) o Ad�'anctd Repotting a TraRic Studp (� da}'s, 12 hours study)— annunllp e Sourccl3od•: ♦ Eicalation management until problzm resolucion - 7'clecau 2000 ]'lus Plan a [mcc,enc�� outaoc calls — 2-hour responsc time, 24 a 7, includiitg «'iltiains' holid�}'s. e Routine>en�icecall;-2=4-huurresponsetimz,Dtonday- Frida}•, S:OO..m. — S:GO p.m., sitz local timc, exdudin, \1'illi�m>' holidap>. . � . O;rsitc hard�carc znd sofnrarc replatrn�cnt r Part: and I.tbo; a �Varn: \lonitorin� ��idi Remote Di:l,no;[its (2-1-huur co��cr,i��•) � _ e Ecc�dation mana�scment witil problem resolution ❑ Tclecom 2000 Pro Plan r F.r,icrgan:}outac'ccall:—?-huurre5pon:ctimt,Alond:iy I"rid,i}�, &'0�1 a.m�—?:OU p.�n., sitc locnl [intc. e�cludin� \1'illi.im>' hohdaci. 4 R011hlll' SCI'�'ICC C1II i—?�-hour respon>e tunz, Nionda}' - �riday, 5:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m., sitc bcal time, c�duding 11'itii�nu' holid.ic:. e On-site h:vd�caro. nd soCt�cnre replacement e P.vt> and labor ' n Escalation mana,cmcn� until n;oblcnt resolutioo � Norstar 2000 Pro Plan e Emcrgcn�y outao� call: — 2-huiv respon>: timc, plond��� R�iday. S:UO a m. — S:OU p.nt, si[e facal timr, csctudm� 1l'iilianu' holida�>. 0 Routinc scn�icc calls —2d-hoiv rzspontc timc, blonday - Friday, S:00 a.nt — 5:00 p.m., site bca? tr.:e. c�c(uctine \�'i!liem:' holid.lys. t On-sitc }��rd�oare and wft��arc replaczment o Purt; �nd labor 4 Escalstiun managcinent until prohlzm resolution � I�'orstnr 2000 PIus Plnii o Entcrecncy ocrtagc coll.i —?-hour rr>ponst timq 2Y a 7, includine \l'illia;n>' holida}'S. r Rnutine scn icc c.dl> —?-4-ho�v rciponsc timc. ?1ond,ly _ frid.iq, S:00 a.m. — 5.00 p.m., site loral time. e<dudin_ 11'illian» holida�i. r On-sitc hardaaro nnd sofn�arc replaccmcnt n rarts and taboi � c E.icalation m:vtaecmcnt unti! probicm rc>olu,ion :11.vn� Jloni[orin� nit6 Remote Di��nos[ics (��here npplicnble) -��ill pro,ide taenty.four (?�) ha.0 Ala�n \tonito, ��ith Ranute D:11no>tic< pstot ntcd en �oi:c alanns. Thi< senict �cill indadt detzctin� faul;: � ia an al�mi ixcip: and reini�te dia�snosis 2nd roplir «hen no:,iM:. Adranccd Rcporting (++hv applicssblr) -��ill procidc Customcr rcal time ci�abilitc to �ic�� its dctailcd 2!ann e�en; d�ta, in.ludin� iournit r,o,:s. �i� thc \�:orld 1Cide ��'eb t::ine ctandard bronser interfaccs. Joun���l enuici nra tiic no[cs input b}� \\'illiams' xl�nn en�incen th;; t}pi:al!� i�i:luda diagno>tic re;ulti nnd ticket intbmiation. This data i; fiLe;<d 2nd arr•mrzad t��: tii� Cu:to:nar to cur,�z, th: precise i;;;bnna:ion o:i thz n�ailabititc oF Cwtomer's ��etuork sen�ices. Thz joum�l n:�:e> >ho�a cri;iral a;ann hi;�on. \Cilliams � moni;o: all C u;to.nar'; sica< as idan�ified in thi> A=�reen;ent Thc alami ecene dtta inelude>. t \mabe, • Sc�crin Ic�c( by sicc �cicfi nodc numbcr. o Tl�� da�, a�;�i tinu tnc al.imi ��.0 fint rceciccd. o Alarm ccd: suuunan. etc. Tzlt�am 200f� �cn i�c> - I I%2000 Pa_c 1 of 2 Addtional A{ami Reports: �4odem i�o-Clicck-Repott, [acc;,i�r Alann Report, lnci Dctai(ed and Summary Repott>. Traffic Studc (irhere applicable) - remotely poll> the Systzm e�•ery hovr to obtain the tno>t rzcent traftic infonnation. h providz; Customer consultatice report that analyzes System perfonnance, trunkin� adequac}', and con;ole pedormance for the $y;tem. Customrr rcczicz; pe��; traflic time;, bu;;� at[zmpU, spezd of response, and nn»cers. 7hi; sen�ice pro�•ide; an o��eroiza• of the tnftic daea stor�d in the holdin� registeri: It detennines if the S}'�tem is configurzd correcd}• such a; in[rmal n�n��ork trafflc, Irunks, szn�iccs, attendant mnsole5, etc. It idantitic> potential con�cition proS!em; and off�n solution> for futur: grotcth. Cwtontcr i; al;o p, ���ith industn� sWndard reconunendation; on the gnde oFscn�iez nece;sary� accordind to the traffic processed by thc S}�stem. SourceBook (n�here npplicable) - 11'illiams' Sou, i; . mana�ement tool Ihat contains a11 tlic iafornyacien ncee;>ap� to detinz and : op�rzte Cwtumer'> convnunicxtion> s}s[em. Thi; cen�ite fomi�G the systrm da[a and tran;lztzi it into graphical and tect repoai. The gureczl cate,or�e; of du repoR; include group;, tcmpiaics, sp:ed dial, porNSCt t}pe, route;, cla>s of s�n�ice, intercom gruup>, call pickup, sta[ion, sp;tcin speed dial, eqaipmcnt map;, directo;ic; and frau<I preve�uion recommtndatinns. . TI. OTII�R TERDIS AnD CO�\'llITIOIS. 1. The mnfioii�, Iion pf the Sys!em co��cred by this Scn A�rcement is dcxribcd in Exhibit A. a[tssched hzrcto: 2. If the attach�4t [�hibie A i.; a sv:i[ch-only o; nontdr Key Sy>tem Unit; { ihen tim System co�•ercd 6}- Afaintenanee shall con;i,t of tho;� compuncnt> re;iding in tfic canmon a;td peripheral cq❑ipmcnt cabincts and a;sociaccd ���icin� fro;n tfio;c caUinzts up ro, but no; indutling. thc Atain D'u f'rame. At Cuiwmcr', rcquc;t R'illianu «�ill perfium rcpair or rapfaccmeut sen�icc� at ll'iltiam; then carccat char�_es on other pottion; oF the S}stein, such as tcicphunC instrumer,[5. �ciring ineludine distribution &ames, and other telecommunications equipment (o,ated ouGide dic common and peripheni equipment cabincU. 3. A; set fonii in the aboee mnrkcd Tzlzcom Seriec 2pi)0 Plaa, rnutine �I�intrnance shall bz perfiulned by ll'illianu bch.ecn �:00 A.Rt. aid =:OU P.At.. �tonditi• tLrou, }: Frida�•, site loca�l time, exrluding lVillimn;' hulida}s. If 1': illiam; i; imaylr to rmo[ely corrtct a nmlfunction, l\'illia�ns shall dispa,ch a tz.hnician to tii� Prcini,c. ��idiin t«�en!y-ti+erl24) houn of Cwtn;ner'; reque>t t��r btaintrnnn:e, cxczp: uhcn <ucfi ractue;t is r.;ade o:�. or thc dac be;u:e, a��eekaid da, or a hol ii�d�' pS>«l'f(I bl' ���IIII,Iitl>, Ip WIIICIi C?SC 1[CCI1pICl]❑ «�ifl be clispatclizd by W'illiain;' next business d�y�. . 4. Undzr the Telecom 20fj0 Pramium Plln, tiie Telrcuin 2000 Plus Plan, , nd the Nor>tar 200U Plu; p��o, ifan Em<rgencq outage esiici and ll'illism; is wiahla to rentutel}' corrt�;t thc ntalFunc[ion, ��'illianu shall di3purh a tc�hnicien tu th� Premisc; within t���o (2) houn of Cu>[omcr's rcquc<t fb: �]ain[en�nce t� i[hou[ rceard W Ihc time of da}� or tiie dac of [he a�eCk. Undrf Ihe Tt i���,,, z000 r« ei an and the Korst.v 2000 Pro Plan, if an Fmcrgcnc�� outa,r c�isG and ll'illiam; i; unahk tu remocdy correct thc malfunc[ion, ��'illiam; shall di>p.itrh a[rtlinieian [o tii: Premi<�s «�i!6in tv:ii (2) houn oFCtuto:ner� requci[ tor �laintanenec durin� t[te }toun of S:00 A.M1t. and ?:UO P.\1., \londa} through f'rilac. site 1ixa1 timc. eecludin, R'illianu' holid�e>. S. Cus[umer, af it> c�pan;c, shall pro� ide a modem o, o[her rea�om acce>; ck��ice. a; specihed b}' U'itlianu, to allorv 1l'illianu tu rcino[zly. l'UiftC[ It11IFUf1tU0(li Oi th� S}�;tem. Proeided tiiat Cu;romer ha; crn;iplied ���ith the requiremznt, oF dit p:eccdino sen,enec, \�'illiam> ��itl pruvid: n�cnry-four (2-{) houn perilay, x�cn (7 day�s �. . = . _�_.— nnd non-cin •r. � ) per �occ� minotc ni i' ` : ' �n i icanun aF Emcrgrncy. n ' ' �s—�---=-p^"'"�*�e����� v[onng ocs no[ npply� [o Norstar Re}' Sy,[rnt Unin,) (. 1\'illianic >1i:li p�rfi�rin prc�'rn!iic niain[cnanac �rith rc;p:c[ to titc Syscrm ii5 a.cp:d�ncc nit}i and at su�h [i�nts ai sp:citicd in thc manuf,ictur�•r'S speritications Ih:rrti+�: 7cl�ront ?000 Sm�icr: - I I/2U00 . Pa�c 2 ot'2 ��� ���� �IE�'�V��tKS � n4 .�r� SOFI'Y1'ARE LICEI�TSE I�;OP,TEL I�'ET4�'ORKS INC. {"\ORTEL") TELECOMMUIICATIO\S PRODUCTS THIS LEGAL DOCUDSENT IS A LICENSE AGREE�4ENT ("License") SETtG�£N YOU, THE END-USER ("CUSTO�'fER") A?�D I�OP.TEL. F�1' ACQUIRIIG A SYSTE\4, A?� UPGRADE TO At� EXISTIhG SYSTE\i OR SOFTLI'AP.E PRODUC'I'S FRO\1 I�ORTEL OR A I�ORTEL DISTP�IBUTOP., YOU, THE CUSTOJ4ER, AGREE TO SE BOUI�D BY THE TEP.\45 OFTHIS LICEI�SE. Sub}4t to the ternt> hereinaftcr set focth, NOP.TEL gran`s to GUSTO\tE2 and/or its rzpresenta[ires, i�•ith a "nced to ].no�.;' a personal, non-esdusice licence (1) to use L4e licensed soft�.are, p:oprietary to I�ORTGL or its suppliers and (2) to use tlie associated dcx�muntation. CU57�0\f[R is granted no tit]e or pmner5hip right5, in or tu Uic licensed soft�vare, in lvholr or in parp and CU5�01tEP. ackno«Iedoes that tiNe to and all mp}•righis, pa�ents; trade secrets and/or any' o[her intellectual pt�perty� righFs to and in all sud� ]icensed s�Et���are and assaiated dxmnentafion art and shatl remain thc property of NOP.TEI, and/or \OCiTEL's suppliers. The right lo usc licensed sofnrare nta}' be restricted b}" a nicasurc of usigc of appttca[ions b,sed upon numbcr of lines, numFrr o: ports, mintber o( [erniinal numbers assigned, number of usen, or «mc similar m���surr. Enpaiision beyond ti�e spe�ified usa��• lecel may require papenent of an increment�l tharo2 or anoUur litense fea � NOR7EL considers lhe li:ensed soft�carz to con!ain "trade secrets" of \ORTEL and/�r its suppliers. Suih "[rade setreti' indude, �cithout hmitation there[o, the specific design, struc[ur2 and logic of uidicidual licensed sofn��are programs, tiieir internctions u'ith other puctions of hce�ttied soEhcare, both imm�i9 and e>temnl, and thc progranmiin� tachniques empto}�ed lltzrein. In order to nwintain the °trada se.ref' status of the infurmnHon cnntained �citliln the licensed softnart, the licen5ei4 Sofbraie is beino dcliccmd to CUSTO>tEF in otject codc fonu oiily�. NOPTEL or anr of its suppliers hulding an}� intellatual propert� riglits io anc li:cnsed so`n�'are, and/or any� third party o«'ning an} intellectual yropect�� ri�ht> in sofucare hom �.hich th�• ticensa9 so(c�care �.as d�ci��ed, art intanded third part� bonefiiiaries o; this l.ix�tie \ll t,rant> of ri�,llts W us� in[ellectual p[operfc inte;ided [o i accomE>lishe.l by diis Li rnse n:e cxplicitl}' <tat�d. \" otl:er �r.ini> ot cuch ri�hti s1�.ill be uiftrred or shall arise b}' intpLca5on. NSlO\IER �.'arrant> to KOR�EL that CUSTO\IER is not purdwsi�i� thc ri�lib grantcd by' [his Licensc in anticipation of resclLng [hosc riglit>. CUSTO\(Ef:shail: • lii�ld [in• I�ccnsrd scf[�.arc in confidance for ih�' btnaht of \OGTEL, n�l/oc \02TE1's s�ippL�ri u�ing no I���� � denr« of care tiian i! trrs to E ib o;,n ma>; ccnfi.i_n,ial and caluohla intormation: and • KcaE+ a currcnt roiu:d o; tio-� l�tiatiun oF caci� toPF o[ Lansed .�;: h. a; e�ii :d-; bc i c, a n.i • Install and uce e.ch cepy o; licensed softv:a,e on!c on a sino e CpU ... . tin;e (t,�r tliis }�u[�+oi2, 5in�12 CPl sh.i!I indude <ccb_;ns �ci:i� r,dun�l; n' procrssinb units); aad 5oftn�are Liiense Nortel Neh.orks [nc Products Af[is to each copy' of license3 v�(h+ar made by' it, in th� same fonn and ]xatiea, a reprodut[io:i pf the coF)'righl notices, trademarks, and all o,her proprie.arp Itben3> and/or lo�os of i�OP.TEL and/or \Oi:TECs suPr ti��s• � FF�'�'ng on th�• original cop�' o= such licens^d so:twa�e deL��ered to CUSTO>18R; and rctain the Same �rithout alteration oa all otioinal topic>; and Issue instructions t. ezth of itc authorized employte+, aoents, and/or representatices w«�twm licensed softuare is <4is:lose3, ndcisino tlunt o` the confidential nature of such licensed soEhcue and to procide lhem ���ith a swnmary oE lhe requiremznts of [iiis Licersr, artd P.etian the licen>ed sofctivam and all copics Lvnu�h an Authori>a3 Di>trib;aor to nORTEL at such Nme as NSTO1fE� chex�se< to perma;untly� cease �aing i[, NSTO\lER shall not: • Usc licensed sofncare (i) for an}' purpose other fltan CU57011E2's rn�n intmia busin:ss p« rpuses v,d ( ii) other than as procide.l b�� this Licciuc; or • Aifo�c any'on, ollia than NSTO\tE2's emplo;'ecs, agents and/o: represen[aF.�'es lcith a"nezd tu }.no�c" to hace ph}'sical aceess to licensed soR«�are, or - •\taAe . ny copies of licensed softu'are eaceF�t such t�mited nwuber of object eodc t�pies in inachuie readable fomi o;d}', as riac l�� reasonably' nse>s�r�: for esecution or archical purposes on!y'; or •,\Lt,le an�' modifiiatio;u, enhar.ccments, adrtationq or ta:;s'.a:;ons lo or o; I:ic;sed sofuca;c, e�cep[ as mac rosulc front thoce CUSTO>IER in:aadiuns �•:ith 8iz licensad"sofh.are a>scxia:ad }rith r,ormal use and e>plainad in [he a55ociaNd ducumentatinn; o: • Attem}ti [u rccers�� enoineer, disasse�nble, re�'et5e Iranslate, dccompilc, or in a:ty othcr manncr deiode hcensed <oEt«are, in order to �lerice th: sn,ir.e code fo; m or fur anc other reason; o: •\falc tuH or pa; ti.:: copits of anc docun�entation nr o:h�r sinti!ar print_d o: r,i.xhint-rradible matter procided �.i;ii l�:cnvd soEhca:e unitss t2e s�mc hzy hcen supplitd in a lorm b}' \O,^,TEL in;tnd�.d for pariod:c rep:Jductioa ot parti.il copics; or • Ezport or re-e�co;t l;r��s._d s and�n: a>s�xin,ad doiva�2:;ta:iun f:o:s ti,a fiit� sta;e; o; ti�c Umted Sta;d and ti:'' D'u o; Colunibia. • \U7e: \ohci:hs:.md;;i� [i;a aboce restrtFOn>, if CC`57C»(E� It,:> Iti�n:e�} Gta lia`;ti�d cof!n'a.t u^dtr. "Site liien<2' option a> set [�:�2 ir. CCSTO`.IER's purthi�; zgrecment, Cl:STO\[E� is � .;!i�.�.',zad to ma., a I�,:ni:,d nc;nb.; oE copies ot t'�c hxnsed sJF:w�arr and dxuai�nta:ion W s•�ppurt additional ustcs as spsi5ed �iCCISTO\fE� s purchaca r.n;eer.unt. �'crsion 6.10 Septrmhrr 02,1999 Paoz 1 of 2 ClJ5T0\tER nu��, ssi�n coIlhli��tly its riyhts undrr this Licensc tp an}' subseyuent on'ner of the associated hard�.•are, but not othencise, subji�t [o the pa��ment of the then current limnse fee fo: nen� taers, if an}'. t\'o su.h assignment shall be ��alid until CUSTO�[ER (1) has delegated a1I of its nbligaHo�u tm�9e� this License tu the assi�iee; and (?) has obtained from the assignee an ivu i��rit[�n assumption of al[ suih obligakio�u; and (3) has procided [�ORTEL a copy� of such ass�o�nment, de]egation and assumpti�n; and {-F) has transferzzd physicat pussession of al! Iicznsed softa and al! associated documentaBpn to thc assianze and destroy'f�i all archical copies. Ltcept as procided, neither Ihis License nur anc rights acquired bc CUSTO\[ER Nvouoh this I.icensc are assionabl,. Ant� attempted assig�vnent of rights and/or transfer oE license�9 so;hcire not sp�:ifially� altu�red shal! be �"oid and condusicel}" presumed a material breadi of this I.icensc. If I�'pRTEl, (i) daims a �naterial Ureaih of this License. �nd (ii) procides �eritten nutice of such elainud mattria] breach to CUST01fEC and (iii) obsetees that such claimed �na[erial breach mmains uncorrecte3 and/or umnitioated more than thire}• (30) da}�s folloicing CUSt�O\fEF's rteipt of mritten notiie spct;ifcino in reasonable detail the nature of the claimed material breadi, then CUSTO\fE2�ac}.e�oxied�rs that this Licen;a mac be i�ctiurdiatel�' tertninatcd by� NORTEL and CUSTO\fE2 further acknoi�1edges that any� wdz terrttinition shatl bt xithcuR prejudice to any� o:her rigiits and remedies tiia[ \OP.TEL may� hace at la�c pc u� equih'. EXPP.ESS LIptITED �4AP.RANT3E5 FOF AA*1' ITL\4 OF LICENSLD SOFTt1'r1RS, IF AA'Y, l�'ILL BE SOLELY "3'HOSE GRAN7ED DII:LC7 TO CU57'OJIER G]' DISTP.IGUI'OP.. 01�H[2 'fHAi� AS SE'I' FORTF-I THGP.Lt\, THIS LICENSE DOES KOT CO\EE[: A\7' �1'ARRA\TYTO CUSTO\IER FROJ1 OR FiYKOP.TEL. TIIL• LICENSL•D SOFS"1CAP.E IS PP.OVIDLD 13Y �ORTiL �' "AS IS" qNp �1RTHOUT Y1'ARRANIy OF AIv'Y I�r�D OR 7VATURE-, {VRITI'E\ OR ORAL, EXPRESS OR INPLIED, INCLUDING (4YIY'HOUT LIbIITATION) THE IJ'IPLIED WARRANTtES OF ME AA*D OF FITI�ESS FOR A PARTICULAP. PURPOSE. TIi15 LIbSITATfO\ OF tiYARP.AI�TIES LI'AS A D1ATE2IAL FACTOR I\' THG ESTABLISH�SEKT OF THE LICENSE F£E CHARGED FOR EACH SPECIFIC ITE�S OF SOFS'S9AP.E LICENSED. IN 7�0 EVE�T }�LL I�;ORTEL A1D/OP. 1�ORTEL'S SUPPLIEP.S AT�D THEIP, DIREC70R5, OFFICEPS, EnSPL01'EES OP. AGE\'TS BE LIABLE TO OP. THP�OUGH CUSTO\SER FOR T\CIDENTAL, TNDIRECT, SPECIAL, COISEQUEKTIAL, PUI�ITIYE, OR FXLDIPLART DAi14AGES OF ANY.IiL\D, In*CLUDING L05T PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSI\'ESS OP BUSli\ESS INFORDfATION, - SUSIn'ESS I\TERRUPTION, OR OTHER ECONOA4IC DADIAGE, AND PURTHER I\CLUD3\G IP:JUP.Y 7'O PROPERTI', AS A P.ESULT OF USE OP. I\AFiILITl' TO' USE THE LICE\SED SOFI'L�'ARE OR 13REACI-i OF AN1' ���ARP.Ai�IY OR OTHE2 TER�q OF THIS LICE\SE, REGARDLESS OF �4�'HETH[[: NORTEL A\D/OR I�ORTEL'S SUPPLIERS LI'ERL ADVJSED, HAD O7HEP. REA50\ 7'O KN01V, OI: IK FACT KNES�' OF TFiE 3'OSSIFiILi"IY THEP.EOF. THE RIGI�I'$ Ai1D OBLIGATIOVS ARISTA`G U\DEP. 7'HIS LICENSL Sf{ALL SE CO\STRUED I`d ACCORDANCF ll'I7I�1 77;F LA�I' OF THE S7'A'fE OF DELA4SARE. CUSTOMER HEREBI' AGREES TO ADHERE TO THE TERMS A2�'D CO2�'DITIO\TS OF TF SOFTL�'AP.E LICENSE AGREEMEl\TT: CUSTO\fER SIG?�ATURL: PP.I \ TED I� A&�IE: C0�4PA\T'I�AD7E: S[. Paul Policc fi pirz l�A!11E: «�illiams Conununication; Sohi DATE: FeUru. r}• li 2001 TL b51 LLC TLI2E ON FILE - iofnvare License \orEel Nehrorks Inc. Products Radford L. I:ell}- �'P, CoiiEracts and Distribution nlanagemetit Nortel i�Tetcti Inc. PaQe 2 of 2 Vcrsion 6.10 September 02,1999 �Ill/c�PrtS G�u.c,tiuraxs_ Williams Communications Solutions, LlC Customer Name: Site Address: City, State Zip Silling Address: City, State Zip Contact Name: Contact Phone Number: Customer � Project � . System Type: Contract Service Dates: Contract Term: Sales Person Name: Ports WILCARETELECOM PLUS Service Features: Emergency-2hotirs, 24X7 Routine - 24 hours, 8-5 M-F Software Maintenance Hard ware fdaintenance Alarm PAonitoring lNith Remote Diagnosfics pdiscellaneous: Williams' provided CSUs/DSUs WilCare Base System Package Price ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT T-1, PR(, DTI nn�r�d�a� rna�i o �-��') Exhibit A-Mainfenance Pricing Version: 1.0 St Paul Police & Fire 100 Easi 7 ith Street St Paul, MN 55101 100 East 11th Street St Paut, MN 55101 Noward Hormann 651-292-3599 10339642 0 Opt 61 C 3l2012001 tnrough 3 Richard Thome 652 Unit Qry Card 2 Port 28 3l26/2004 51,760.48 Extended Unit Monfhly List Price/mo Price S50.00 5100.00 5375.00 5375.00 tAodem;/SEB F,II Printers and Terminals Carrier RemotelRPE Sub "iotal: Additional Equipment Rernote Services f•11 Traf�ic Studies Sub Total: Remote Services 2/13!0 S 10.03 AM Pl�odem 1 S10.00 510.00 Each 1 510.00 590.00 Ezch 9 S20.00 520.00 S515.00 5 Days — 12 Hours Per Study 1 S29.17 S29.17 5544.17 1 of 3 :� �illiam's �—�.--�.w, WilCare Pricing Summary Description WifCare Base System Package Price Tot21 Additional Equipment' WilCare Monthly List Price: Anulti-y2ar Agre2menf Discount Executive Discount Total Discount SubTotal: Discounted Monthly WilCare Price Total WilCare Remote Services Note: non- d�scountable Total: Monthly WilCar� Price , Total: Annual Wi(Care Price Oiscount % 8.00% 9.00% 17.00% o t -'l�l Exhibit A-Maintenance Pricing Version: 1.0 Discount SubToYals -5184.12 -�207.13 7ofals 51,780.�8 S515.00 S2,301.48 -5391.25 S'1,990.23 529.17 51, 93240 523,?72.78 2/13I01 3 of 10:03 APA