01-780Council File # � � � �� RESOLUTION Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date WxmEns , The Mayar pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation $624,758 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 18 19 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 � 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 42 43 �§ 45 46 WxEREas , Council File 277510, dated October 1,1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and 8 9 WxEREAS , SAC revenues in excess of expenses were ieceived in 1999 and 2000; and 10 WHEREAS , Councal File 281141, dated November 10,1983, did establish that Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) revenue in excess of expenses should be used for sewer construcrion projects; and 11 WHEREns , Addirional spending authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund where 1z consfruMion payments will be propexly disbursed; and 13 14 WxERFas , This net 1999 and 2000 SAC revenue was closed to retained earnings on December 31, 2000; and 15 16 WHEREAS , The Department of Public Works has Sewer Availability Charge Credits to finance sewer rehabilitation projects 1 � in the Capital Improvement Program Budget; and WxEREAS , Contracts have been awarded to do this rehabilitafion work in various areas of the City; and WxEREAS , This resolution is intended to transfer the SAC funding to the 2000 and 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation projects in the CIP budget; and WHEREas , The Mayor recommends that the foRowing additions be made to the 2001 budget; and Sewer Utility Entemrise Fund Financin� 260 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 9925 Use of Retained Earnings All othei Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget $1,072,603 $624,758 $1,697,361 $43,39§,104 � $43.394104 $44,466,707 $624,758 $45,091,465 Snending Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget 260 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 22217-0565 Transfex to Capital Projects Fund $1,594,259 $624,758 $2,219,047 All other Spending the Same 2 872 41S �0 $42,872,418 Total Spending Plan $44,466,707 $624,758 $45,091,465 Now, therefore, be it ReSOLVED , That the City Council adopts the above addirions to the 2001 budget. Green Sheet # 102885 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA as :: " +^ �:. �-w'!� ��J:c� • t`:s�Gu� �£„tii� 3�.7:pY0$S�A?G� Page 1 of 2 i:�ci�,��t G :acc>:vc� :nis :��ues� aa �.'_ase} v✓c'`� (2, 7�f asda�.;a.�s�erec�a �T� ��--� C���z�s� � �� �, a,� wE;�aL;jrn�e:.�x€^.°.�� _,,.« � ii � o�-�so 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 S3 84 85 86 87 47 48 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and 49 advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $624,758 is available for appropriarion in the 2000- 50 2001 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the 51 Improvement Budgets, in the following particulars: Cavital Imvxovement BudQets Financin¢ Plan 2006 Sewez Rehabilitation Progrnm C00-2T684 SSF SAC Total Financing Plan Spendin¢ Plan 2000 Sewer Rehabilitation Program C00-2T684 Constnicrion Total Spending Plan FinancinG Plan 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation Program CO1-2T685 SSF SAC Total Financing Plan Snendin�Plan 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation Program CO1-2T6S5 Constmction Total Spending Plan Current Budget Change $6,322,429.53 $0.00 0.00 $200,000.00 $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 Ciu'rent Budget Change $6,322,429.53 $200,�00.�0 $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 Current Budget Change $5,624,000.00 $0.00 0.00 $424,758.00 $5,624,000.00 $429,758.00 CurrentBudget Change $5,624,000.00 $424,758.00 $5,624,000.00 $424,758.00 $6,048,758.00 $6,04S,75S.00 88 89 Page 2 of 2 90 enanav a e� os ro� o eman Harris Lantry ei er Yeas Nays A Z ✓ � ✓ ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council: Date � a.�p ` Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �___ �� �.,,�o�...� Approved By Mayor: Date �� ! u�'/ By� �^�G��`1--���55�l6=�� Requested by Department of: Pub ' W ks g RP Approval Recommended by Office of Financial Services Director: By: ��C�LA i�l, �� Form Approved by City Attorney: BY= `.�i5w �j . ��i.G��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY' � �� Amended Budget $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 $6,522,429.53 Amended Budget $6522.429.53 $6,522,429.53 Amended Budget $5,624,000.00 24 758.00 $6,048,758.00 Amended Budget PU�S�IC fXJNTALT PERSON S PHONE Joe Muelier, 266-6149, Fd Wam, 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) )ATEINIiIATED I GREEN SHEET 6/28/2001 DEPARTMEPIrDIRECTOR No. 102885 Mn Y�o���� a � -� ASSIGN � �i ❑ CITY ATtORNEY QTY CLERK NUMBERFOR HOUi1NG ❑ FINANCIALSERVICESDIR � FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG ❑ 7 � � MAVOR(ORASSISTAN'n �b�^a9er ❑$¢v�¢r U61rty Manaae� �IZ+I IV � ❑ Deoanmeirt AcvwuMant �(./�b 19 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION REQUESTED Approve Resolution transferring excess Sewer Availabiliry Chazge (SAC) revenues from unreserved retained earnings to the 2000 and 2001 Capital Projects Funds (C00-2T684 and COl-2T685) for sewer rehabilitation construction. O RECOMMENDATION$ Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNWG COMMISSION CIB COMMII7E@ GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A SewerlMliryStaH MUST ANSWEq THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1 HasfiispersoNfirtneverworketluntleremnVacHOtNistleparlment� VES NO 2 Has ihis persorvYirtn ever been a cily employee� YES NO 3. Dces fiis perso�rtn p�sess a sluil no[ nortnally possessetl by any curreM cey employee? YES NO 4 Is Ihis persorvYirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sapara[e sheet antl ameh to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV) Since the 2001 Budget was adopted, additional spending needs have azisen. This proposal is in accordance with Counci] File 281141, adopted November 10, 1983, which states that SAC revenues in excess of SAC expenses should be used for sewer construction projects. SAC revenues have exceeded actual SAC related spending by $387,432 and $237,326 for 1999 and 2000 respectively. Funding is needed for additional costs related to existing sewer rehabilitation projects to be completed in 2001. The Taylor/Young Rehabilitation Project was designed as a sewer lining project, but upon commencement of work the City's convactor discovered approximately 1,600 feet of collapsed sanitary sewer. Sewer replacement instead of sewer lining greatly increases the cost of rehabilitation projects because the street surface must be removed, and then any damaged or removed sheet and curb mus! be replaced. The increased cost for the Taylor/Young Project is $200,000. The balance of SAC funds being transferred to Capital Projects on this resolution ($424,758) will be held in the Sewer Rehabilitation Projects activity for similar situations that may atise during the summer construction season. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) receipts will be abie to be used for sewer consvuction in accordance with CiTy Council direction. The transfer of remaining SAC cash can be accomplished within the 2001 CiTy Council adogted-budget. --' ' ' DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED' None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEb. i , c � The identified sewer projects will either not be constructed or will be deferred. � W� �+ � 2001 FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXP W N) fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 624,758 COS7/FiEVENUE BUDGETED (C�RCtE ONE) yES No FUNDING SOURCE 260-22209-9910 ACTIVITY NUMBER 260-22217, C00-2T684 COl-2TE$$ Council File # � � � �� RESOLUTION Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date WxmEns , The Mayar pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation $624,758 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 18 19 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 � 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 42 43 �§ 45 46 WxEREas , Council File 277510, dated October 1,1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and 8 9 WxEREAS , SAC revenues in excess of expenses were ieceived in 1999 and 2000; and 10 WHEREAS , Councal File 281141, dated November 10,1983, did establish that Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) revenue in excess of expenses should be used for sewer construcrion projects; and 11 WHEREns , Addirional spending authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund where 1z consfruMion payments will be propexly disbursed; and 13 14 WxERFas , This net 1999 and 2000 SAC revenue was closed to retained earnings on December 31, 2000; and 15 16 WHEREAS , The Department of Public Works has Sewer Availability Charge Credits to finance sewer rehabilitation projects 1 � in the Capital Improvement Program Budget; and WxEREAS , Contracts have been awarded to do this rehabilitafion work in various areas of the City; and WxEREAS , This resolution is intended to transfer the SAC funding to the 2000 and 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation projects in the CIP budget; and WHEREas , The Mayor recommends that the foRowing additions be made to the 2001 budget; and Sewer Utility Entemrise Fund Financin� 260 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 9925 Use of Retained Earnings All othei Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget $1,072,603 $624,758 $1,697,361 $43,39§,104 � $43.394104 $44,466,707 $624,758 $45,091,465 Snending Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget 260 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 22217-0565 Transfex to Capital Projects Fund $1,594,259 $624,758 $2,219,047 All other Spending the Same 2 872 41S �0 $42,872,418 Total Spending Plan $44,466,707 $624,758 $45,091,465 Now, therefore, be it ReSOLVED , That the City Council adopts the above addirions to the 2001 budget. Green Sheet # 102885 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA as :: " +^ �:. �-w'!� ��J:c� • t`:s�Gu� �£„tii� 3�.7:pY0$S�A?G� Page 1 of 2 i:�ci�,��t G :acc>:vc� :nis :��ues� aa �.'_ase} v✓c'`� (2, 7�f asda�.;a.�s�erec�a �T� ��--� C���z�s� � �� �, a,� wE;�aL;jrn�e:.�x€^.°.�� _,,.« � ii � o�-�so 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 S3 84 85 86 87 47 48 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and 49 advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $624,758 is available for appropriarion in the 2000- 50 2001 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the 51 Improvement Budgets, in the following particulars: Cavital Imvxovement BudQets Financin¢ Plan 2006 Sewez Rehabilitation Progrnm C00-2T684 SSF SAC Total Financing Plan Spendin¢ Plan 2000 Sewer Rehabilitation Program C00-2T684 Constnicrion Total Spending Plan FinancinG Plan 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation Program CO1-2T685 SSF SAC Total Financing Plan Snendin�Plan 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation Program CO1-2T6S5 Constmction Total Spending Plan Current Budget Change $6,322,429.53 $0.00 0.00 $200,000.00 $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 Ciu'rent Budget Change $6,322,429.53 $200,�00.�0 $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 Current Budget Change $5,624,000.00 $0.00 0.00 $424,758.00 $5,624,000.00 $429,758.00 CurrentBudget Change $5,624,000.00 $424,758.00 $5,624,000.00 $424,758.00 $6,048,758.00 $6,04S,75S.00 88 89 Page 2 of 2 90 enanav a e� os ro� o eman Harris Lantry ei er Yeas Nays A Z ✓ � ✓ ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council: Date � a.�p ` Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �___ �� �.,,�o�...� Approved By Mayor: Date �� ! u�'/ By� �^�G��`1--���55�l6=�� Requested by Department of: Pub ' W ks g RP Approval Recommended by Office of Financial Services Director: By: ��C�LA i�l, �� Form Approved by City Attorney: BY= `.�i5w �j . ��i.G��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY' � �� Amended Budget $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 $6,522,429.53 Amended Budget $6522.429.53 $6,522,429.53 Amended Budget $5,624,000.00 24 758.00 $6,048,758.00 Amended Budget PU�S�IC fXJNTALT PERSON S PHONE Joe Muelier, 266-6149, Fd Wam, 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) )ATEINIiIATED I GREEN SHEET 6/28/2001 DEPARTMEPIrDIRECTOR No. 102885 Mn Y�o���� a � -� ASSIGN � �i ❑ CITY ATtORNEY QTY CLERK NUMBERFOR HOUi1NG ❑ FINANCIALSERVICESDIR � FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG ❑ 7 � � MAVOR(ORASSISTAN'n �b�^a9er ❑$¢v�¢r U61rty Manaae� �IZ+I IV � ❑ Deoanmeirt AcvwuMant �(./�b 19 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION REQUESTED Approve Resolution transferring excess Sewer Availabiliry Chazge (SAC) revenues from unreserved retained earnings to the 2000 and 2001 Capital Projects Funds (C00-2T684 and COl-2T685) for sewer rehabilitation construction. O RECOMMENDATION$ Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNWG COMMISSION CIB COMMII7E@ GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A SewerlMliryStaH MUST ANSWEq THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1 HasfiispersoNfirtneverworketluntleremnVacHOtNistleparlment� VES NO 2 Has ihis persorvYirtn ever been a cily employee� YES NO 3. Dces fiis perso�rtn p�sess a sluil no[ nortnally possessetl by any curreM cey employee? YES NO 4 Is Ihis persorvYirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sapara[e sheet antl ameh to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV) Since the 2001 Budget was adopted, additional spending needs have azisen. This proposal is in accordance with Counci] File 281141, adopted November 10, 1983, which states that SAC revenues in excess of SAC expenses should be used for sewer construction projects. SAC revenues have exceeded actual SAC related spending by $387,432 and $237,326 for 1999 and 2000 respectively. Funding is needed for additional costs related to existing sewer rehabilitation projects to be completed in 2001. The Taylor/Young Rehabilitation Project was designed as a sewer lining project, but upon commencement of work the City's convactor discovered approximately 1,600 feet of collapsed sanitary sewer. Sewer replacement instead of sewer lining greatly increases the cost of rehabilitation projects because the street surface must be removed, and then any damaged or removed sheet and curb mus! be replaced. The increased cost for the Taylor/Young Project is $200,000. The balance of SAC funds being transferred to Capital Projects on this resolution ($424,758) will be held in the Sewer Rehabilitation Projects activity for similar situations that may atise during the summer construction season. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) receipts will be abie to be used for sewer consvuction in accordance with CiTy Council direction. The transfer of remaining SAC cash can be accomplished within the 2001 CiTy Council adogted-budget. --' ' ' DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED' None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEb. i , c � The identified sewer projects will either not be constructed or will be deferred. � W� �+ � 2001 FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXP W N) fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 624,758 COS7/FiEVENUE BUDGETED (C�RCtE ONE) yES No FUNDING SOURCE 260-22209-9910 ACTIVITY NUMBER 260-22217, C00-2T684 COl-2TE$$ Council File # � � � �� RESOLUTION Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date WxmEns , The Mayar pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation $624,758 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 18 19 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 � 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 42 43 �§ 45 46 WxEREas , Council File 277510, dated October 1,1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and 8 9 WxEREAS , SAC revenues in excess of expenses were ieceived in 1999 and 2000; and 10 WHEREAS , Councal File 281141, dated November 10,1983, did establish that Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) revenue in excess of expenses should be used for sewer construcrion projects; and 11 WHEREns , Addirional spending authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund where 1z consfruMion payments will be propexly disbursed; and 13 14 WxERFas , This net 1999 and 2000 SAC revenue was closed to retained earnings on December 31, 2000; and 15 16 WHEREAS , The Department of Public Works has Sewer Availability Charge Credits to finance sewer rehabilitation projects 1 � in the Capital Improvement Program Budget; and WxEREAS , Contracts have been awarded to do this rehabilitafion work in various areas of the City; and WxEREAS , This resolution is intended to transfer the SAC funding to the 2000 and 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation projects in the CIP budget; and WHEREas , The Mayor recommends that the foRowing additions be made to the 2001 budget; and Sewer Utility Entemrise Fund Financin� 260 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 9925 Use of Retained Earnings All othei Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget $1,072,603 $624,758 $1,697,361 $43,39§,104 � $43.394104 $44,466,707 $624,758 $45,091,465 Snending Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget 260 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 22217-0565 Transfex to Capital Projects Fund $1,594,259 $624,758 $2,219,047 All other Spending the Same 2 872 41S �0 $42,872,418 Total Spending Plan $44,466,707 $624,758 $45,091,465 Now, therefore, be it ReSOLVED , That the City Council adopts the above addirions to the 2001 budget. Green Sheet # 102885 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA as :: " +^ �:. �-w'!� ��J:c� • t`:s�Gu� �£„tii� 3�.7:pY0$S�A?G� Page 1 of 2 i:�ci�,��t G :acc>:vc� :nis :��ues� aa �.'_ase} v✓c'`� (2, 7�f asda�.;a.�s�erec�a �T� ��--� C���z�s� � �� �, a,� wE;�aL;jrn�e:.�x€^.°.�� _,,.« � ii � o�-�so 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 S3 84 85 86 87 47 48 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and 49 advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $624,758 is available for appropriarion in the 2000- 50 2001 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the 51 Improvement Budgets, in the following particulars: Cavital Imvxovement BudQets Financin¢ Plan 2006 Sewez Rehabilitation Progrnm C00-2T684 SSF SAC Total Financing Plan Spendin¢ Plan 2000 Sewer Rehabilitation Program C00-2T684 Constnicrion Total Spending Plan FinancinG Plan 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation Program CO1-2T685 SSF SAC Total Financing Plan Snendin�Plan 2001 Sewer Rehabilitation Program CO1-2T6S5 Constmction Total Spending Plan Current Budget Change $6,322,429.53 $0.00 0.00 $200,000.00 $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 Ciu'rent Budget Change $6,322,429.53 $200,�00.�0 $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 Current Budget Change $5,624,000.00 $0.00 0.00 $424,758.00 $5,624,000.00 $429,758.00 CurrentBudget Change $5,624,000.00 $424,758.00 $5,624,000.00 $424,758.00 $6,048,758.00 $6,04S,75S.00 88 89 Page 2 of 2 90 enanav a e� os ro� o eman Harris Lantry ei er Yeas Nays A Z ✓ � ✓ ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council: Date � a.�p ` Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �___ �� �.,,�o�...� Approved By Mayor: Date �� ! u�'/ By� �^�G��`1--���55�l6=�� Requested by Department of: Pub ' W ks g RP Approval Recommended by Office of Financial Services Director: By: ��C�LA i�l, �� Form Approved by City Attorney: BY= `.�i5w �j . ��i.G��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY' � �� Amended Budget $6,322,429.53 $200,000.00 $6,522,429.53 Amended Budget $6522.429.53 $6,522,429.53 Amended Budget $5,624,000.00 24 758.00 $6,048,758.00 Amended Budget PU�S�IC fXJNTALT PERSON S PHONE Joe Muelier, 266-6149, Fd Wam, 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) )ATEINIiIATED I GREEN SHEET 6/28/2001 DEPARTMEPIrDIRECTOR No. 102885 Mn Y�o���� a � -� ASSIGN � �i ❑ CITY ATtORNEY QTY CLERK NUMBERFOR HOUi1NG ❑ FINANCIALSERVICESDIR � FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG ❑ 7 � � MAVOR(ORASSISTAN'n �b�^a9er ❑$¢v�¢r U61rty Manaae� �IZ+I IV � ❑ Deoanmeirt AcvwuMant �(./�b 19 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION REQUESTED Approve Resolution transferring excess Sewer Availabiliry Chazge (SAC) revenues from unreserved retained earnings to the 2000 and 2001 Capital Projects Funds (C00-2T684 and COl-2T685) for sewer rehabilitation construction. O RECOMMENDATION$ Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNWG COMMISSION CIB COMMII7E@ GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A SewerlMliryStaH MUST ANSWEq THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1 HasfiispersoNfirtneverworketluntleremnVacHOtNistleparlment� VES NO 2 Has ihis persorvYirtn ever been a cily employee� YES NO 3. Dces fiis perso�rtn p�sess a sluil no[ nortnally possessetl by any curreM cey employee? YES NO 4 Is Ihis persorvYirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sapara[e sheet antl ameh to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV) Since the 2001 Budget was adopted, additional spending needs have azisen. This proposal is in accordance with Counci] File 281141, adopted November 10, 1983, which states that SAC revenues in excess of SAC expenses should be used for sewer construction projects. SAC revenues have exceeded actual SAC related spending by $387,432 and $237,326 for 1999 and 2000 respectively. Funding is needed for additional costs related to existing sewer rehabilitation projects to be completed in 2001. The Taylor/Young Rehabilitation Project was designed as a sewer lining project, but upon commencement of work the City's convactor discovered approximately 1,600 feet of collapsed sanitary sewer. Sewer replacement instead of sewer lining greatly increases the cost of rehabilitation projects because the street surface must be removed, and then any damaged or removed sheet and curb mus! be replaced. The increased cost for the Taylor/Young Project is $200,000. The balance of SAC funds being transferred to Capital Projects on this resolution ($424,758) will be held in the Sewer Rehabilitation Projects activity for similar situations that may atise during the summer construction season. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) receipts will be abie to be used for sewer consvuction in accordance with CiTy Council direction. The transfer of remaining SAC cash can be accomplished within the 2001 CiTy Council adogted-budget. --' ' ' DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED' None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEb. i , c � The identified sewer projects will either not be constructed or will be deferred. � W� �+ � 2001 FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXP W N) fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 624,758 COS7/FiEVENUE BUDGETED (C�RCtE ONE) yES No FUNDING SOURCE 260-22209-9910 ACTIVITY NUMBER 260-22217, C00-2T684 COl-2TE$$