264845 WHITE - CITY CLERK [���[l�� CANARV-DEPARTMENT CO1111C11 N V BLUE �- MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �, � 0 r�lin�nce Ordinance N 0. /����T Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date M ora i nanc� amsndi a9 Ocd i�anc.� No. 13�7:, a�pprowd J�uary 31 , 1967, p�rtainin� to Nc► Rarking 3ones. TH� Cf�IMIC 1 L � THE C tTY �F SA!NT PI!I� 00ES OR8JA1 M s S�ctia� 1. That Ordia�c�c� Nc'. 13554�► apprmwd .irnuary 31, 1�7, ts ��r�by an�d�d by addta� the fm11�►iny to S�cttc� l, th�r�f: S T R�1 TO �E� O1� Nudwn Rd. Fiandrau St. McK�►igbt Rd. btb Old Nudsoa Rd. R'la�draci St. �irmingt�aat St. South S�cti� 2. Tl�is �rdi�anc� shall �ot bs pri�t�d as part of th� Saint �aul Ls�islatiw Gc�ds but shall be incerparat�al t1w��ia by ref�r�c�. Section 3. This �r�tnanc� sioali taka �ff�ct sar b� i� fo�c� .w�y � , �975. Yeas COUIVCILME Na s Requested by Department of: .,.� Y Christensen PliIiLIC 1�fprks • R. H. Rii�tt 1' '` Hozza In Favor Levine /�� Rcedler // Against BY Sylvester —11— Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Dat�� �AN Z 8 �� Form Approved by City ttorne Certified Pas Council ecretary BY �� e By ��. Approv by Mayo • Date Approved by ayor ubmi on to ou cil By By � �� � 819�5 . _ � �ITY a, 264845 ti�` °L r e ~ � - �ti ..-� �� "' ,,Q � ..• CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capi+al of Mi�nesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Ciiy Haq & Court Housa 55102 D�cmmbar 12. 197� Hor�rabl• Lawr�nce D. Cohan Mayor of S t. Paei 1 347 �ity Hali B�ILDI1� Dear 1laymr C��hen: Attached is an ordiaa�cs wMich w�ouid autl+orize r�taining +ma�y of the �xiati�g p+�rki�g regerlation: which wsre estabi isl�d at varic�s tia�s undor TCU's, as wsll aa awttarizing the installaticn of sc�no additional parking restrictions. 1'!� pu�psa for t�s ordina�ce is to satisfy Muaicipal State Ai�l rmquireaNnts. Since th� roadw�ay will be constructed at a 3b foc>t width, th� utilizati� of Mu�ici'sl Stats Ai� Fuads rsq�iroa t{�st parki�� b� bann•d on oea s i�la af the rosdway. Tl�s fac t tt�t wa wi sh t� '�c�h i b i t parking o� both sldss of ths roaiway along a r�elatlwly ic�g ssction of it ls rum to the fact that traffic v�lu�s ara+ relatively heavy a�d tt�ce are s nuaibsr of hsavi ly used driv�rays becaua� of parkir�g lots serviag busineases a�d ip►art�aats. W�st of Flandrau St. wh•ra ws srw propost�g oniy s oa� sire roatrictie►n the lsr�d usa is ala�st �cclusiwly singi• faisily rmsidsntial . Ths resida'ts �ar• edvissd duri�g 'ublic 1nfa�aiation Asetin9s tbat a oM sidr parki�9 restrictioa Ncwld ba n�cessary. Wi should poi�t vut that at tha pre:�nt tia�s �arking �oss not occur o� •i ths� s i dm of 01 d liadson R�. botwesn McK�i 9ht R�I. �d abcx�t Fi�drau St. In aadition, p�rkir�g i� prohtbitsd slo�g the north side of Oid Hudson Rd. betrrsen Flaqdrau St. a�r Kama�d St. Mest of K�nnard St. to Birmipqhain St. ao parking r�stricticu�s exist. It r+ouid be our inteat to �ost puki�g restrictions outiined i�a the ord 1 nar+ce fo i i cw+i ng tt�e comp 1 et i on of the pav i r�g pro,j sct du r i ng th• 1975 co�struction season. Tb� reason for sub�aitti�g the �rdi�c� at this tiwe is that ths MigMMSy D�parta�e�t I�ss i�dicated before approving ths pro,jact they vrsnt assuraacs fr� tiM City �h�t t�s . Tha cost of provi�ing tbs necsssary sigping shall bm charg�d against P-0613 (�Id Nudson Rc�ad Paving ProJectj. Ycwrs very rw 1 y, � t Daniel J. D aford Dir�ctor of Public Works RHR:kjb At tacluasnt 11'proved: � � Frank p. Ni� t i City Adiai�i� r or • . ls� - l�q 2nd t(��i 3ird /�ZI Adopted �� Yeas Nays CHRISTENSEN HOZZA 26Q845 � v ROEDLER SYLVESTER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HUNT)