264823 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY .OF SAINT PAZTL Council �6�,;�� CANARY -I�jEPARTMENT BLUE� -MAYOR File NO. I 0 d n�nce Ordinance N�. �7�b� • r Presented•By - �. � �` ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordinance approving the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Settlement between the City of Saint Paul and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local No. 320. WHEREAS, The Council, pursuant to the provi.sions of Section 12. 09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended 1973, reeognizes the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local No. 320 as exclusive representative for those classes of positions within the City of Saint Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. 74-PR-196-A for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all personnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Settlement between the City of St. Paul and the exclusive representatives hereinabove referenced; and WHEREAS, The City through designated representatives and the exclusive representatives have met in good faith and have negotiated the terms and conditions of employment for the period January 1, 1974 through December 31, 1974, for such personnel, as are set forth in the Memorandum of Settle- ment between the City of Saint Paul and exclusive representatives; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Collective Bargaining Agreement dated as of the effective date of this Ordinance, between the City of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local No. 320 on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Settlement on behalf of the City. - 1 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY - Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap roved by Cit A rney � � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �� WHITE - CITV CLERK ,� � CANARY-D�EPA TMENT COIlIICll � �,�j���„�°� BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �� � Ordin�znce Ordinance N 0. '��1� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. That all of the terms and conditions set forth in said Memorandum of Settlement shall take force and effect retroactively to January 5, 1974, except as otherwi se provided in said Settlement, in accordance with the expressed intent and agreement of the Council con- tained in Council Files No. 262768 and No. 262851. Section 3. That any other Ordinance, rule or regulation i.n force when said Settlement takes effect, inconsistent with any provision of the terms and conditions of said Settlement is hereby repealed. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Approved: J irman Civil Service Commissio COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �� Hozza In Favor z�� � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date .�N ?3 �. Form Ap roved y City ttor � Certified P e Coun Secretary By ` _ � B �----_., AP A d by a �for Subm' ' n to Council _ _�_--�ate,..- ,._.. . _ ,._ .. _ By _ PueLls�ro FE8 1� � ` 1. � MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT �� � n., � . '�` ���y�� THIS� MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT by and between the City of Saint Paul and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees UnioiY; Local 320, on behalf of the Blue Collar Supervisory Bargaining Unit. In full settlement of 1974 negotiations, the parties have agreed upon Appendixes A through c , which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood that this settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the City Council and Civil Seryice.Comrnission, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed the.ir signatures this �day of December, 1974. . . . � ' 1Vlinnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union, Local 320 City of Saint Paul: � C�it .' � City ab�or egotiator � ' • � APPENDIX A . • . �� -���� . LABOR AGREEMENT BET WEEN - CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � AND MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES UNION LOCAL NO. 320 ARTICLE I: PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT - � This AGREEMENT is entered into as of January 1, 1974, between the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter called the EMPLOYER, and the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Unioa: Local No. 320, hereinafter called the UNION� 1. 1 As sure sound and mutually beneficial working and � economic relationships between the parties hereto; 1. 2 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes concerning this AGREEMENT�s interpretation and/or application; and. 1. 3 Place in written form the parties� agreement upon terms - and conditions of employment for the durection of this - AGREEMENT� The EMPLOYER and the UNION through this AGREEMENT, shall continue . their dedication to the highest quality public service to the residents of the City of Saint Paul. Both parties recognize this AGREEMENT as a pledge of this dedication. � � _� - _ .- - -- . _ _ _ �__ _ _..-----_.---- - - --- - - -. _ _ _ _ . - =- - - . .� , ' ' • A.PPENDIX B ' ` � ���g�'� , . ARTICLE ZI: RECOG�:ITION 2.1 The Et7PL0YLR recognizes the UNION as the exclusive representative� . under the Public bnployment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as �' amended,� for all personnel in the following bargaining unit: All manual maintenance supervisors in the classifications of ' Assistant Supervisor of Custodians, Bridge Foreman, Building _ Maintenance Supervisor-Fire Department, Duilding t7aintenance Supervisor-Libraries, Building Maintenance Supervisor-Parks and Recreation, Chief Meter Repairman, Dispatcher I, District . � Foreman, Equipment N;aintenance Forem�n, Field Supervisor, Fireman-P�Tech�.nic Foreman, Foreman-Water Departr�ent, Forestry Foreman, Greenskeeper, Ma,intenance Foreman-Water Department, Mechanic Foreman-Nunicipal Garage, Mechanic Foreman-Water Department, Park Fereman, Public Zdorks Foreman I,. Public Works ' Foreman II, Public Works Foreman III, Sanitation 'Foreman, Sewer . Foreman I, Sewer Fcreman II, Stage Technician, SupErvising � Gardener, Supervisor of Custcdians, Supervisor of Floriculture,• • Supervisor of Garbage Collection, Supervisor of Lime Recovery � Plant, Supervisor of Pumping, Supervisor of School Ground , Maintenance, Traffic b7aintenance r^orem�.n I, Traffic f��.intenance Foreman II, Water Servicer.lan Foreman, Z�Tater-Shed Foreman I, � Water-Shed Forer�n II, and Zoo Foreman who are eiiiployed for a � more than four�een (14) hours per week and more than one . ' hundred (100) work days per year by the City of St.� Paul- or who are urider. the control of the City of St. Paul in the , � setting of terms ar�d conditions of employment, excludin� all other employees. - -- - ..___ .. _ - 2.3 The II'•1PLOYER shall n�t enter into any a�reemeni,s covering terms and conditions of employment with the employees of the bar�aining unit under the jurisdiction of this AGREII�IIIVT either individually or collectively which in .any way conflicts with the terms and � conditiozis of this AGREEM��;NT, except througYi the certified repre- ' sentative. 2.5 All existin� Civi_1 Service Rules sliall apply except those -- �uperceded Uy tlii� AGR�E'Nff�:NT. . � � APPENDIX C 2. a . � `����,�� In the cvent the �MPLOYER a�td tllc iJNIO� are unable to agrce as �to the inclusion� or exclusiori of a new or modified job � class, the issue sliall be submitted to the Bureau of • Mediation Sexvices for determination. �It is understood � • � . '• that this provision shall refer to the Bureau of Mediation Services only such issues � as it has jurisdiction over by law. " • - , . . . . , . � � � � � . � APPENDIX D . . . . - . 'c`' .����s�� . Y 2.4 . . . Neither the UNION nor the E;,iFLOYER shall discriminate against any employee because of UNIOIv' membership or nonmeT�bers}iip, or , because of his race, color , sex, religion, national origin, or political opinion or af�iliations . � . .. .: . .. :�:.. . . . - . � . � � : . •.r: •, , � APPENDIX E . . � � . 9 "' . . . � . . ������.�3 , . �RTICLE N: ��LOYER SECUiZT_TY The UP7ION agrees that durin� the �life of this AGREr'�r it will not � cause, encoura�e, participate in or support any strike, slow-down ��.- � or other interruption of or interference �rith the norrnal functions �of the II•1PLOY�. . � . . . ' a. ti � �. .. .. .i.� ..� ...�.• � .. • �'.L... . a.......� .�w.��.�... . . ......_ .. . .t�._� _ ' ..�.��.. ....,.�.A. �... ._i..i.`...... . .__._._...f�.._. ... . • �• ' • • • ' � .' � APPENDIX F � � • ? ' � � : �. ' ���4g<� . , � . . ., . . . . : 1iRTICLE V: �;PLOYLR AUTHCRZTY ' • . . � . • 5.1 The �I?PLOYER retains the sole� right to operate and ma.nage all '' manpower, facilities and equip�.ent in aceordance with applicable . laws and regulatioris of appropriate au�horities. � 5.2 Any terms and cond.itions of employment not specifically estab— � lished or modified by this AGI�,:.7':•�NT shall remain.solely within the discretion of the E"i��LOYER to nodify, establish, or eliminate. . � , � . . • . � � , � . � ti . ' � . , . . . . _...�_.�.,..:.,..--= --- - = .. � . _ : . APY'�IDIX�__ _ .- . ---.�. f � � . _: . � , • ' � • '� - ' � ����% . ,� .� r� . . � • � � Ax�rzc�E vz tnr�oN s�c�Y�t , . 6.1 The F�ployer shall deduct i�om the Y�a�es of employees Vrho authorize V/ \ J • - such- a deduction in writirig a.n anount necessary to cover m�nthly . . Union dues. Such monies shall be rer�itted as directed by the Union. � � � 6.3 The �nployer shall make space ava.ilable on the employee bulletin board for the ostin of Unio P � n notice(s� and announcement(s). . 6 fj 6.� The Union aor�es to inde�nnif�r and hold the Eaployer harmless a�ainst !'� +any e.nd �11 clwi�s, suits, orders, or jud�nents brougk�t or issued ag�.inst the ��nloyer �s a result of any action taken or not taken . a by the Enployer,under the provisions .of this Article. ' ' � 6.5 The gnployer a�rees �hat on the IInplo3rer's premises and without � . �oss oP pay the Union stewards sh�,17. be allowed to post officisl Union notices of the design�,ted representatives; transmit com�auni- cations �.uthorized by the Union cr its officers under the term� of . this contr�.ct; consul.t w�th �;he hlnployer, his represent��ive, Union � officers or the Unioii represent�.tive concerning the enforcement of . ar�y provisions o£ this A�reement, so lon� as such action does not � interfere with regular F�nployee duties and is reasonable and necessary. � C.6 Stekards are authorized to perforrm and disch�.z��e the duties and � responsibilities zahich are a.ssigned to them under the terms of 0� this A�reement and any su lementr�,r a � . PP • y �,rc.ements. The Dnployer � �• agrees thut there ahall be no re�tr�.int, interference, cocrcion or d�acrimi.nt�tion n�n.in�t a atc�iard because of the performance of such � duties. ' • � � APPENDIX H , � ' . ''����'�� 4 � J� 6.2 � The. Union may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as stewards and alternates and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choices and of changes in the positions of stewards and/or alternates. �. It is further understood that the number and locations of stewards shall be limited and confined to numbers and locations as are necessary and reasonable to administer the provisions of this agreement. � � . , . APPENDIX I . . . ,���tc��� K . � . � , �� � Any present or future eMployee �,rho is not a Union membcr 3a shall be required to contribute a fair share fee for services _ rendered by the Union. Upon notification by the � ,, Union, the Employer shall check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and transmit the same �to the Union. In no instance shall the required contribution � exceed a pro-rata share of the specific expznses incurred � . � for services rendered by the representative in relation- ship to negotiations and administration of. grietrance _ procedures. This provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically provided by biinneso�ta law, and as otherwise legal . It is also understood that' the Union � _ agrees to indemnify and hold �he Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits , orders or judg;�ents brought or � ' issued against the City as a result of any action taken or - not taken by the City under the provisions of this section. � . �• • ' • - ' . APPENDIX J [ � � A � t - . . � � �G� . . � ; ,����.�_ ARTICLE VII Et��'LOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE . .: . � . 3 Q ?.1 Definition of a Griev�nce . ' . ._ ,. . . . . � � A grfevance is defined as a dispute or disa�reement as to the inter- • pretation or Application of the specific terms and cond.itions of this ,. . Agreemen�. . . _ � 7.2 Union Representatives The IInployer will recognize Representa�ives designated .by the Union as the grievance representatives of the, baxgaining.unit having the . . � duties and respdnsibilities established by this Article. - Z'he Union sball notify the L�n.ployer in writing of the na.mes of such Union ' Representatives and oF their successors �when so designated as pro- � vided by 6,2 of this Agreement. � _ � � 7.3 Processin� of a Grievance ' . � It is recognized'and accepted by the Union and the Dnployer that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the �ob � . duties and responsibilities of the �nployees and sha11 therefore be accomplished during normal worl:ing hours only when cor.sistent z•�ith such Dnployee duties and responsibilit3es. The a��rieved IInployee Qnd a Union Representative shall be allowed a, reasonable amount of . time without loss of pa.y when a �rievance is i.nvestigated and presented � to the L�r►ployer during norraal working hours provided that the Anployee . and the Union Representative have notified and received the approval � of the desi�nated supervisor who has deterrnined that such absence is reasonn.ble and would not be detrimental to the work pro�rams oY the � Dnployer. � � � . w. . , - � ' . . . � . � '• � '� • . � ' , ` ' ' � 9 " , � � � � �.����%:� . ARTICLE VII Et�'LOYEE RIQ-iTS - GRIEVANCE PROC�DURE (Continued�. � ' . 7.4 Procedure : � , . � Grievances, as defined Section � �Y 7,1, sha.11 be resolved in , conformance with the follo�,ring procedure: ' . ,; Step l. An �ployee claiming a violation concerning the interprets,- • tion or application of this Agreeraent sha11� within twenty-one� (21� calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present � such grievance to the �nployee's supervisor as �designated by �the . �- - . • � . . - - � J . Finployer. �ie �ployer-designated representative will. discuss and give s.n answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten .(10) calendar days after receipt. � A grievance not resolved in Step �I �nd appealed to � Step 2 sha11 be placed in tariting setting forth the n�ture of the � grievance, the facts on which .i� is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement,all.egedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the � . Dnployer-desi�nated representative�s final snswer in �utep 1. Ar�y grievance not appealed in ti�riting to Step 2 by the Union within ten • (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. St_ ep 2. If appealed, the =written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the L�nployer-designated Step 2 representative. . • � x'he Ilnployer-desi�nated representative shall give the� Union the �nployer's Step 2 �.ns�•�er in tirriting within ten (10� calendar days . � _ after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 taithin ten (10) calendax days followa.n� the IInployer-de�i�nated representative's final Step 2 _ � answer. At�y �rieve.nce not uppealed in writing to Step 3 by the Un3.on within ten (10) culendar days sl�a.l.l be considered w�.ived. � � • -: • • . . . , ' ' , � � � ���g%`� . . . .. ARTICLE VIT Et�iPLOYFE RICHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) �. - � St--�• If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the _ �. . Union and discussed with the F�nployer-desi�nated Step 3 representa�ive. � . 7rie �np�oyer-desi�nated representative sha11 give the Union the ' ,, �mployer's ans��rer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after Y , receipt of such Step 3 �rievance.� A grievance not resolved 3n Step 3 , may be appealed to Step �+ wi.thin ten (10� ctal.endar days following the ; IInployer-designated representative's final answer in Step 3� Any j . � � ' grievance not appealed in writing to Step 1� by the Union t•rithin ten , (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. - . � Step �. A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and- appes.]_ed to S�ep �+ by � the Union shall be subaiitted to'arbitration subject .to the provisions 1 � - . j oP the Public E�ployment Labor Relations Act of. 1971�as amended. 2he � selection of an �rbitrator shall be made in accordance Vrith the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Griev�nces" as established by the Public � � . �mployment Relations Board. . - . 7.5 Arbitrator's Authority � A. The arbitra�or shall have no rig�t to amend, modif�r� nullif�r� . ignore� add to, or subtract f�om the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and deci.de only the . � specffic issue(s) submitted� in �rriting by the �ployer �,nd the j � , Union� and shall h�ve no authority to malce a decision on any � . other issue not so submitted. � � � B. The arb3.trator sha11 be .without p�;•�er to mr�,ke decisions contrary � to, or incon;is�:ent with, or modi in or v�, � . � 8 rying in any�way the . � . application of laws, rules, or re�u]_atioiis h�.vin� the force and � � . � -� i � � . .'�. . . � � � . • • � _ . , � . . • ' ��G�C.`1�`� ' ARTICLE VII EI�TA1'�E RI(�iTS _ �RIEVqNC� pROCIDURE {Cont�nued) . � ePfect of la�,r. The arbitrator�s decision shal.l be submitted in - :, �rriting within thirty (30) days �ollowing close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the paxties, ��hichever be Iater, � ,, unless the parties egree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the F�ployer and the Union and shall be based � � Solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the �facts of the' grievance � presented. .� � C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator�s_ services and proceed- . . , ings shall be borne equ�lly by the �nployer a.nd the Union provided that each paxty shall be responsible f�r .conpensating its oz�m . . ' r�epresent:tives and witnesses. If either p�.rty desires a verbatim � record of the proceedings, it may ceuse such a recoxd to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a � verbatim recoxd of the proceedings the cost sha11 be shared � • . equaZly. � � � � � . ?.6 Waiver " ...�...�.... If a grievance is not pres�nted within the ti.me limits set for�h . above� it shall be considered "t�raived". If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the spe��fied time '!init or ar�y agxeed �extension thereof, it sha11 be considered. setzled on the , basis of the �nployer�s last anst•rer. If the �nployer does not answer a arievance or an appea7. thereof t��ithin the specified time limits� the Union may elect to treat the gxievance as denied at that . . step and ixnn�diately appeal the arzcvunce to the ne�:t step. The time � limit in euch step may be extended by mutual written agrecment of the � IInploycr und the Uniou in eacli si;ep. . . • � -, :. . � • APPENDIX K . , .,. �� . . � � . � � Q/-� . . ' . , , .�����,�.� - ARTICLE VIXI SAVINGS CLAUSE " �.'. . J o � . 8.1 This Agree�ent is sub�ect to the la�rs oP the United States, the . _. J � State of tfiinnesota. In the cvent any provision of this Agreement • sha7.1 be held to be contrary to laVr by a court:of competent juris- ,, d.iction f�om whose final �ud�nent or decree no appeal has been taken ' � within the time provided; such provisions shall be voided. � A�1 other provisions shall continue 'in f1a1.1 force and effect. The � vo�ded provision may be renegoti�.ted at �the written request oY _ .. either party� All other provisions of this Agreement .shall continue in flill force and effect. � � .� . � . � � APPENDIX L , . ARTICLE IX : SENIORITY ���L4`�Q�� 9. 1 Seniority, for the purposes of this Agreemenf, shall be defined as follows: . (a� "City Seniority" - The length of continuous, regular and probationary ser- vice w�ith the employer from the last date of employment �in any and all �. class titles. (b) "Class Seniority" - The length of continuous, regular and probationary service with the employer from the date an employee was first certified and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further understood that class seniority is confined to the curxent class assignment held by an employee. �. � 9. 2 Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns, or is discharged. 9. 3 Seniority shall not accumulate during an wnpaid leave of absence, except when such leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30). calendar days; is, granted because of illness or injury; is granted to allow an employee to accept an appointment to the unclassified service of the employer; or is granted to take an elected or appointed full-time position with the Union. 9. 4 (a� In the event it is determined by the employer that it is necessary to reduce the work force, employees will be laid off by class title within each division based on inverse length of "Class Seniority". Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after one . year of layoff. � . (b) It is further understood that a laid off employee shall have the right to � placement in any lower-paid class title, provided said employee has been previously certified and appointed in said lower-paid class title and further provided that a vacancy exists in said lower-paid class title. In such cases, the employee shall first be placed on a reinstatement register and shall ' # 'jTi . � � � ���g-�3 , have "Class Seniority" based on the date originally certified and appointed to said class. Employees may also apply for positions in a lower class � but may, nevertheless, return to original class as provided in. paragraph (a) above. . . . � . 9. 5 To the extent possible, vacation periods shall be assigried on the basis of "City • Seniority", within each class, by division. It is, however, understood that vacation assignments shall be subject to the ability of the employer to maintain operations. . �� .� _ - 9. 6 Promotions shall be handled in accordance with current Civii Service Rules and practices. . � 9. 7 The EMPLOYER shall post a seniority list at least once. every six (6) months. ' ti � " • , APPENDIX M A�.tTIC.LE X: DISCIPLINE " 10. 1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only, � Discipline will be in the form of: a) Oral reprimand; b) Written reprimand; ` c) Suspension; � d) Reduction; �' e) Discharge. 10. 2 Suspensions, reductions and discharges will be in written form. 10. 3 Employees and the Union will receive copies of written reprimands � and notices of suspension and discharge. . . 10. 4 Employees may examine all information in their Employer personnel files that concerns work evaluations, commendations and/or Disciplinary actions. Files may be examined at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the Employer. � 10. 5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary suspension without pay. During said period, the employee and/or Union may ' request, and shall be entitled to a meeting with the Employ�r repre- sentative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5) day period, the Employer may affirm the suspension and discharge in accordance with Civil Service Rules or may modify, or withdraw same. 10. 6 An Employee to be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplin- ary action shall have the right to request that a Union representative be present. � , 10. 7 Grievances relating to this Article shall be processed in accordance with existing Civil Service procedures, except that oral and written reprimands shall be taken up in Step 3 of the grievance procedure under Article VII. � � . '. � • ', , ' � AYPENDIX N . � � , � . . - f� . . . s • � �?�L ,�� •, . . � . � � .L,�N . . , � � AR�ICLE XI CONSTITUTIOPIAL PROTECTION � � 11.1 E�oployees sha11 have the rights granted. to a11 citizens by the -• :! � � United States and Minnesota State Constitutions. ' �. . - . .. . � � . . � ` . . . � ' . � � t�YY.r.1VL1R V • `?������ � ' . ARTICLE XII : OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS �. 4t .•.: 12. 1 Employees (with the exception of those covered in Section 12. 2 hereof) shall be � paid one and one-half (1?) times the regular rate of pay for.work performed in excess of the regular work day and/or the forty (40) hour work week. 12. 2 Section 12. 1 hereof shall not be applicable to employees holding the following ��: � � , administrative positions: Bui�ding Maintenance Supervisor - Libraries; Build- . ing Maintenance Supervisor - Parks and Recreation; Field Supervi.sor; Public . " Works Foreman ITI; Sewer Foreman II; � Supervisor of Custodians; Supervisor .' of Floriculture; Supervisor of Garbage Collection; Supervisor of Pumping; ' Supervisor of Lime Recovery Plant. Employees in the atiove classifications � ' � : shall be paid straight time for work performed in excess. �of the :regular work � - day and/or the forty (40) hour work week. . . � . - - ' . . � � 12. 3 An employee who is called back to work following the completion of his regular � work day shall be guaranteed four �41 hours pay at hi�s regular straight time rate. � 12. 4 Major holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the following: New Year�s Day; Memorial Day; L-idependence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day. Minor holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the following: Washingtonts and Lincolnis Birthday, Christopher Columbus Day, Veteranst Day. An employee working a major holiday as defined herein shall receive time and one-half (1Z) his regular rate of pay for all work perform�d on such holiday, and an employee working a minor holiday as defined . herein shall receive straight time for such holiday work, it being understood that all payments for holiday work shall be in addition to regular holiday pay. 12. 5 A.n employee shall have the option of either taki.ng compensatory time off or overtime payment in cash. It is, however, further understood that this Section shall not be applicable to those employees covered by the overtime provisions i 'i of the Fair Labor Standards Act. - I ' � � �.�L'�c1)L�'� ' • • iZ,4 A r��L-'ht differential of five percent (5%) shall be provided to employees who ' �v.ot k night shifts as defined herein. A night shift will be considered to be a _ zeg�ilarly assigned shift beginning earlier than b a.m. , or ending later than 6 p� m. , provided that at least five (5) hours of said shift are worked between the ��ours of 6 p.m, and 6 a. m. It is further understood that in case of regularly assi;�ned shifts beginning earlier than b a.m. or ending later than 6 p. m. which invulve less than five (5) hours of work, an employee shall be eligible for the nig�rt differential only for the hours actually worked during night shift hours. � . . -, � L1Y1�1.1VJJ1.1 Y _ ' • , � , � � ARTICLE XIII : UNIFOR MS . � ' • �'.�L��:'��� . , , I3. 1 The EMPLOYER agrees that if any employee is required to wear any kind of uniform or safety equipment as a condition of continued employment, such uniform and/or equipment shall be furnished and maintained by the EMPLOYER, free of charge, at the standard required by the EMPLOYER. It is, however, �further understood that the EMPLOYER�S obligation to provide uniforms and/or � safety equipment shall be confined to present practices and/or requirements of la.� . 13. 2 Any uniform or safety equipment provided pursuant to this Article, damaged in . the line of duty, shall be replaced by the EMPLOYER, provided that said damage � is not attributable to the negligence or other improper act of the employee. . � � . � • . APPENDIX Q . . ' ' . c?��'�;'°J ARTICLE III. Maintenance of Standards �`�y �� � ` ' ' The City agrees that all conditions of employment relating to wages, hours of work, overtime differentials, va.cations and general working conditions shall be maintained at not less than the highest minimum standard as set � ,forth in the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul (Ordinance No. 3250) and Ordinance No. 6446 at the time of the signing of this Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvement are made elsewhere in this Agreement. � ' l 4 : . � � , • ' • APPENDIX S � • . � � . . � . . �� . , ���+�n � � � , . ' � " _�< �',.;� XV . , ARTICLE �C�'i�: TER'�'I OF AGRE��'lENT • , :.. :. . . This AGREII�•�]T shall be in f1.111 fbrce and effect from January 1, 197�, to December 31, 1974, and shall automatically be renewed from year to year thereafter unless either party shall notify the.other in writing by June 1, prior to the anniversary date that it desires to modify or terminate this AGREII•ST�IT. � . ' . �n witness thereof, the parties have caused this AGRF.��1T to be . . � executed this day of , 19 . ` CITY OF SAIi�1T PAUL� - � - � ; MINIJESOTA TE.n;��Tr.RS� PV3LIi, r'LI�TD . . LAW EI�'FORC��JT �•�PLOl'Ti.ES UI3ION . Loc�, i�o. 320 . pb . opeiu ��12 � . � _ � . � �. y . ^�� � � , ?his��rdisasce a�proYes � ��u[� �t 3ettle�aat tie�ireen fi.b� �t,r mt itt. Pa�l a�l t.1�e ltLa���a� leaa�s'tera l�li�- and Lr►x �utmrae�t bp7.��eea �ia� L�cal � �. 324. !'�is mar�ai.�iag �tit is aade ap of t�e �ityi+� "�lv� Collar" s�perris�s�r ezpl�es. �is asree�eeaet i� !or the �ear l+�'#. — — — — — ---_ — — — — — — — — -� — — — — - — — -� Do not detach this memorandum from the ordinance so that this informat'rc�n will be avatf�ble to_tt}� City CounciL , � � � ���q��t:���.� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI Dece�ber 2�+, 1974 To: FIon. Lawrence D. 6ohen, I�ayor 347 City Hall / From: Frank D. Marzitelli +%` City Administrator � 365 City Hall Subject: Ordinarice approving a l�moranduffi of Settlement between City of St. Paul and Nir�esota Teamsters P�blic and Law Enforcement Eerployees �Jnion Local �to. 320 Por the year 1974. We respectfla.l.ly request that the attached ordinance be submitted to the City Council. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � a�, k � � " a _' 'a , ,�, ; k ," f �-�u 4 � . � -r. €= y,{ °,� �,,, ,� � k,. "e" .: „a$'`., � . 'T " �+' `.:�S� y�,y;^., �.i �uf.�+, �' ._ , La : t�r�'PT &�`� is-..��,��� . :.,�" �..�' � � .� `7 , � �-i�y,z ae �JyW," :1. `� Ls' . ,_ t !�t 9 +�... "R _.ya�4� ,� kv�}� . $ � x': i., c t' ,� �' �'� � � ^ . : ._� � .i� ':y �': •e ..a Y �R < �4� ,�� '" :k ,� "`,eedys� fi��' i" , : ".''� ` � � '-�'Y �"� . .4 y�,. t �'. y,d&` a `�e" 4Q'�., f if'�x ': � Yr� � ks.�, � ��.�k�` ,+"."k.�� a ..�' " � �..k �y.� A,�'• +�wx• .� � �:�if+F� ,y�';�,� ;e. �.. aa. f� �� .Y .:• . �_ t , �'�'.� .Y, 7 . y ;�;y� ': r � �- 'S> >. ''r�" c Y �'. �, '�: �*6� �5d F 1 .3,oF� N��. -,� � ' �,�' �y'- ¢ �.. �lu,, �* � �a . -4�- � t ��' � � �i � �.�' a `�� ^�'. �x,.� t�- . 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Pd : _. $-:!� .,..� '��.�'`., ,''�''n .-..#. �^'._ . ,-L_ _ . �''..�:k`A.�nI�?:'?tS., .+'d�.n'A� . ._ ._� ,St ., . . :. . � APPENDIX R � �A!RTICLE XIV. Economic Im rovements , � p . ���g�� � , A, All salaries and hourly rates in the bargaining unit shall be increased by eight . (8) percent effective January 5, I974. B, The following Fringe Improvements shall be provided effective January 5, 1974: 1. An improvement in the vacation schedule .in the following categories: '' (a) For those employees with at least fifteen (15) years, but less than twenty-five (25) yearst service, add one day paid vacation to present schedule. (b) For those employees with iwenty-five (25) years or more of service, add two dayst paid vacation to present schedule. . � � . 2. Modify the sick leave conversion to vacation policy, to allow eligibility for � �onversion when 180 days have been accumulated. (Replaces present 200-day requirement. ) . � � . 3. Add $1, 000. 00 to severance pay allowance, effective Januar.y 5, 1974. (Severance allowance will now become $4, 000. 00). It is understood that this improvement will be implemented to the extent permitted by law. 4. Provide paid health insurance (same as for active employees except for life � insurance) for those who retire prior to age 65, to be coritinued to age 65. This provision shall be applicable to any employee who retired on or after July 1, 1973, except that prior to January 1, 1974, the City will not be � responsible for premiums: C. Mileage shall be improved, upon approval of the Memorandum of Settlement, as � follows: 1. Staridard mileage aliowance shall be increased to thirteen cents (13�? per mile; and 2. The alternative arrangement shall consist of $2, 50 per day plus six-and one- half cents (6?�) per mile, for those days that the employer requires an � employee to have his car available. � K 1 . � � { , , . ° � � � „ Civil Service Commission Director of Personnel � f s " AVL Thomas D. Gleason Mrs. Ruth D,.Schwarzwalder,Chairman g ! � � � Mr. Harry H. Gaston `'�V�L S + ` E OFFICE Mr.A. R. (Dick)Zangs � � � Assistant Director Bernard P.Wright e � �tx � � azaas ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 dannaz�+ 8, 1975 Mrs. Ruby FIunt President, St. Pav1 City Council and I�anorable Members of the Co�cil Dear I+�rs. Hunt and Council Members: There is an ordinance scheduled Por second reading on Ja.nuary 9, which approves the Memorandc�m of Settlement between �he City of St. Paul ar�d Minnesota Teamsters Public and La,w �Porcement E�ployees Union Local 320. In preparing Article XIY Economie Lnproveme�t, which is Appeadix R of the Labor Agreetnent, the additional paid Floating Hol3day wa.s iaadvertently lePt out. This was a.n item which was negotiated and a.greed upon bg both parties. Theref'ore, �re are requesting that the attached Appendix R be substituted for the Appendix R that is currently part of the agree�ment. Thank y�u. Very truly yours, T�Dl�A1S D. GLEASON Direc�or of Personnel �j ,, /� v � B ' �k� ,l�G%�� �� ��� ' :JAN�S C. LOMBARDI ;�'� Personnel Assistant 7 rr�.. �.� ����. � � +��yqdAit�� ' 9��} 9 { ro a � n � �' C� �,. B �����AGEMtN�4� NPfkiBER , ' APPENDIX R ARTICLE XIV. Econamic Improvements A. All salaries and hourly rates in the bargaining unit shall be increased by eight (8) percent effective January 5, 1974. B. Add one (1) paid floating holiday. C, The following Fringe Improvements shall be provided effective January 5, I974: I. An improvement in the vacation schedule in the following categories: (a) For those employees with at least fifteen (15) years, but less than twenty-five (25) yearsT service, add one day paid vacation to present . schedule. (bj For those employees with twenty-five (25) years or more of service, add two dayst paid vacation to present schedule. 2. Modify the sick leave conversion to vacation policy, to allow eligibility for conversion when 180 days have been accumulated. (Replaces present 200-day requirement. ) 3, Add $1, 000. 00 to severance pay allowance, effective January 5, 1974. (Severance allowance will now become $4, 000. 00), It is understood that this improvement will be implemented to the extent permitted by law. 4. Provide paid health insurance (same as for active employees except for life insurance� for those who retire prior to age 65, to be continued to age 65. This provision shall be applicable to any employee who retired on or after July 1, 1973, except that prior to January 1, 1974, the City will not be responsible for premiums. D• Mileage shall be improved, upon approval of the Memorandum of Settlement, as f ollow s: 1. Standa.rd mileage allowance shall be increased to thirteen cents (13�) per mile; and 2. The alternative arrangement shall consist of $2. 50 per day plus six-and one- half cents (6z�) per mile, for those days that the employer requires an employee to have his car available. . • l�t' 2nd � I q T 3rd Adopted � I ��_ Yeas Nays CHI�ISTENSEN HOZZA � /� Qr�� ROEDLER �/ ����-7��'-r SYLVESTER TEDESCO PRES IDENT (H[J�TT)