264818 WH17E - CITY CLERK '�i t �� ���
`� � . ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
_ RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby adopts the following rules of procedure for the
conduct of the bus iness of the Council :
� .
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler � Against BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date -
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � ��s'
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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Ru1e.- 1. Parl ia�€-ntar��,iut�horit3�...,_.'�R;e r���s bt p$.rlia-, - :
mentary pr�ctice embraced in ftobert ' � �t:l.iles of OTder �shall
govern the council o�` any question ory poiri� of orde� not
' eor�tained :in �hese Ri�Ies of Frocei�t�r�, -
, ' . Rule<'i. Adoption tif R�ule_s. Adoption of` t�is reaolu- -
ti:on shall constitute adoption of th�se r�les, �thich sha11 -
remain in effect unle�s suspended or amended as grc?vid�d
herein. -
Rule 3: Sus�ension of� Rules . Except when designa.ted ; '
herein by asterisk as a re-statement of ci�Yier appli�ab�e
. law, �ny rule may be suspended by the unanimot�;��: vo te o�
_ . . � . . 7' � . . . . . .
the members present. Rules relating to the priori,ty of
bu�riness or to business procedure may be �suspend�ed by the �
presiding oYficer request�ng ge�eral consen�r provided'��
that if auch consent eannot be obtained, suspension may a - � -
, : : ;;
oecur by majority vote of the members :of t�� council. :
> -
R,ule 4. Amendments to Rule�s,t Proposed amendmente ' � �� �
to these rules may be made by a council tnembe.r giv'ing -
, notice to the secretary of the cour�cil seven. 4'�):; days , _, t;;
. ��
prior �o the subm�ssion of- an am�endi�.g; �esolu'tiori, _ whi;ch '` �- �:<
notice shall contain the specifics of the p�ogQe,ed aa�end- .. "
_ _ ��
ment and the r�asons therefor. � :
.. -: . :.;� �_ ;::
* Sule 5`. ' -Or�xanizational Meetin� �r�d Off�.�rs. At' - :� -' �
t k�
the first �eeting af�er taking offic�ey ar as $,Qb� there�- �
. _,
after as praeticable, the co�zncil shall elect Yron� ,i'tg -. � ' ~ �
. . . . . �.,f�. 3.�- . ':.�' ;.. . .:..:. "
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members a president and a vice-president . At the same
time , the council shall elect a secretary of the council
who shall not be a member of the coun.cil , or it may desig-
• na�e the city clerk or other officer or em�loyee to act as
secretary. The officers of the council and the secretary
of the council shall serve at the pleasure of the council .
* Rule 6. Business Meetin�s. The council shall hold
regular and special meetings in accordance with the pro-
visions of the Saint Paul City Cha rter.
� Rule 7. uorum. A majority of the council shall
constitute a quorum, but a smaller number may adjourii,
from time to time and compel the attendanee of absent
members under such terms and penalties as the council
may prescribe .
� Rule 8. Attendance at Meetin�s. Unless excused, all
members of the council shall take their respective seats
at the hour designated for convening the council for all
regular or special meetings. No member shall leave the
council meeting while in session withaut permission of
the presiding officer. No member shall be excused from
attendance at a council meeting except by .majority vote
� of the members present.
Rule 9. Convenin� the Council . The presiding officer
� shall take the chair at the hour .c�esignated ,�and shal.� call
the counci], to order and instruct the secretary to call
the roll . If neither the president nor the vice-president is
� . . . ������
present , the eouncil shall be called to order by the secre-
tary, and the first order of business shall be the election
of a presiding officer for the particular meeting.
Rule 10. Order of Business . The order of business
shall be as follows :
(a) Roll call . - .
(b) Approval of the journal
(c) Official communications from the mayor
(d) Public hearings
(e ) Ordinance readings
(f) Committee reports
(g) New business
(h) Communieations and announcements
( i� pre�entations by eitizens
(j ) Adjournment
Rule 11. Powers and Duties of President . The presi-
dent shall possess the powers and perform the duties prescribed
as follows :
(a) To appoint the membership of all standing and
special committees and their respective chairmen.
- (b) Exeept as otherwise provided, to designate council
� representatives to other bodies with the con.sent
of the council.
(c ) To have �eneral direction over the legislative
chamber of the council and to assign seats and
offices for the use of the mem bers , public officials
and news media.
(d) To preserve order and decorum and in the case of
� � disturbance or disorderly conduct in the chamber
or adjacent lobbies to order removed any person
. ' , .. ,
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whose conduct is deemed ob,jectionable ; to order
the chamber cleared whenever deemed nece��sary;
to require the appropriate law enforcement o�ficers
to be present to assist in preserving order .
(e ) To decide all questions of order, subject to "
appeal to the council by any member, and to speak
to points of order in priority to the other members. �
(f) To serve ex-officio as chairman o� the Rules and •
Policy Committee.
(g) To appoint a chairman. of a Committee ' of the Who1e .
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LE�IS TIV��PR4CEDUIZE _ � - - `�� ,
Ru�� 12=: � Qon��}c;� ,ofr<�&u,�ihe'��:= .� �°` _
(a) All members of the couneil , iricluding, t�e pre- , .
; �, ; s�. , ; - a ; ,
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' s.�.�di,n 'af�i�'�r,-. "sh�l.� � in �°the busine;s;s co�t-� � ;
` g •. - ,� ..�� ..,�":.
ducted, �;res
trict their��iscussion to commsnts ` .
�r - �: ._ , .
g�r�aine ta �he .i�isinesg ib��e��re the eot�n�c�:l. � , 5:
E -
(b)� Any ruling �of the- pre�sid�ng off-ieer may be `��� .
appeaied by any member �:�td, upon re�ue-st t��. � � :
any member, a roll eall vote shail be taken , _
thereon. The vote of at`� least a" majority o� � -
the members presex�,�:sha13' �.be re�uire d ,.to �- , :.
. �, �
_. , , �: .
_ ,,,. �..
-overrule the x'esidi�
p ' _ g� ���icer. : -
; .rc �.
(c) Unly one citizen s�all be he�rd a�- o�e time �
, befo�e the couhc3�1, and those gppearin� `and, �
- ;.
� waiting oppo.rtun��ty to ,be Y��ard on any matter =
_ _ _ : -,_ �,.
shall remain seated.. until t3�1e person speaking . ` �
_ �..� �'
. : _ ,
shali have finished his argu�ent' or sta�e�►ent ;s
. _ f
and has seated hims.elf�:- �` Each pe�son apPear- � ``� '
= ��;.:
. . • �� . . � -
ing before the�_acouncil before cou��encing his�=s; -
. _ , � , .._ ,. _.
_ �..r ,
- _argument or stat�ment sii�.11 t�ke a poaition. .. . .^`= � ' ��'
, ;� ..
at the foot Qf th� counei�. table,, sha11 sta�e� f
: . , _n.. ,
his name , address and th8 .-aubjec�t matter to ,_ • " `� - *��
be discussed an.d_ shall ca�ft�nue, iXt such po= -
� - - sitian unt�l he shall have. concl:ucYed I�is �: . �`- ��
,r �..
argument or state�ent. , _ �
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Rule 13. Proceedin�s and Motions.
(a) Roll �all Votes . All votes upo�. final adoptions
ahall be by roll call vote . All ordinances , mo-
tions- and` rest�lut�.o�ns,_shall be a�dopted in accordance
with the requirements of the charter. Such vo tes
shall initially �ie Y taken �n -a�phabetical order
and rotated mo.nthly thexea�ter ;� ex�ept that the
presid"ing oYficer-.sna11 vo�.e� last. A roll call
vote shall not be interrupted, but a member may,
prior to tk�e calling of the roll, make comment or
explain his vote .
(b) Motions During Debate . An.y council mem ber shall
have the right to bring any motion before the
council _without a second. After a motion is made
by a councilman, the presiding officer shall re-
state such motion and it shall be in the possession
of the council, but it may be withdrawn at any
time before amendment or action taken thereon. by
the councilman rec�uest�ng the motion. All motions
and amendments thereto shall be entered at large
upon the minutes and the vote thereon., whether
they be adopted or rejected. •
(c ) Precedence . - When a question is under debate � no
motion shall be considered except one of the fol-
lowing, which motions shall take precedence in the
order stated and said motion sha11 be carried by
a majority of those present :
(1) To adjourn or recess
(2) To_ lay on the table .
(3) For the previous question
(4) To postpone to a time certain
(5) To refer to a committee
(6)_ To amend
. . _ �t����.� �
� -7- _
(7) To postpone indefinitely
When a queation is under consideration, .a moti�a
to amend and a motion to ' amend that amendn�ent
sha11 be in order until �he disposition o� the
previous mation. .
(d) Previous Question: .
(1) The previous question shall be put .in thf.s -
form: "Shall the main question now "be��'pt�t?" � :
It may be ordered by the aff.irmative vote of
five members of the cduneil and its effect
� shall be to put an end to aIl debete and �_
bring the council to a dir-.eet vote ,qpon
amendments, if. any, and then upon the~main
� (2) If the �questf`o� li+efore �tie couneil eontains -
se�er�l po2r�t�y a;ny m�nbe.:r�., npon request, _
. . . : ..
. .
� 1. r s � - ��..�� �
may ha ve i�t divided and `�' `separate vote taken "'°`
�:`. -on. eae�.'po-�i3.�. �
�. � . . ,_ �. : F���. . +. :- .
. . M t.� � � . 3 ".'� �"1;. �� ' ' ,
(e � M`o�ti an to� t�dir�urri: � � motion r to adjourn ox �ecess
shall be in order excepts
. ` ,. (1) When a member is spea�ing,
(2} 'k€hile the s'ame ,item �f business is pending
during Wh.ieh $uch a previous motion is defeated,� �' ,
- or
.- �3) During a rA�l]:: es�ll . .
A motion to re cess shall take pre cedence over a
. motion to adjourn.
Rule 14. Stages of Co�sid,e�ation.
(a) Initiation of :Resolutions and Ordi�.ance�,.
: (1) An ordinance or resolution is initiated when
the original and four copies are submitted to
,�����V . � �,
-8- � - .
. .
the secretary of the council in pi�oper fc�rm.
befoxe 12 ,00 o '"elock noon of the ,.day be�are �.
x�.' ° � ' the l�s� b�s.,�n;��sa da�t`;.p�eceding, the meetirtg
_ , a� which it is intended to be eor�gid�red;
� . .� {.� �ti5 . .. p y .; eC�� ' ! '!'1. . ... � _ . . . . . •. '
� — .� 2. � f .:t � .. � i - t� . . . .
(2) ���. �esolu�ti.� •q�x� c��.��i�e shall _ be ini`�iated �
:.. �;,b,�'�,:�nYa.A�� m � b�r o� th�. enu�cil signing t�.e �
. ;..
' - ..� . .�; -. ��' ,., 3!��, ;
�. -` _ � ��r�i{gir�a�,"3�:c3Q��'{,d,>whi��''-��a�� also be sigried by .
the appropri�te administrative officials ,and, -
___ .
aPProved as. �o- form -1�x the city ,attorney :�n : '
accordance wi�th the Administrative Code. �
(b) Introduction of �e�olut�ons an� Ordirianoes. .
(1) Every propose�- ordinance shal l be read i�;n. kti� . ;
. . . .. . :�;e ,. . . . � . .��rW . .
� full at the meeting at which it is pres.�n�t�'c�, ,
, _ grovided tha�.; full . r.eadi�ng_ may be .w-�i�e�i if'�; _
a copy of '�e ordinance- ;is supplie�d each
member of the council. pri:o�r to its -i��tro� �
duct�on:. Every proposed ord:in�nee .���il be ' i'' j
read again •}�y title �t twa separate meetirigs
� _ ' held not less than a�'�veek after tk�e .mee.ting
,- at which it is first pre�ented. Af�er a <.
. proposed' ordinance 'is- complete in :the form
:ir� which it is �o be finally: passed, it
� ° � � shall rem�i� -:on file in the off.ice o� the
� city clerk for at leas� �orie week be�ore final - � �:
adopt ion. : : '. �
(2)� Every resolution sh�11 be presented in writing. , - `
. and read : �� full befoxe.._ � vote is taken_ un- .
les� the reading of t�e resolution is � cii.g;pensed : -
, �
with by unanimous cor�sent. Resolution.s shall -
` become e�Yective upa�,; Pagsag�-, aPPro�al, and .
pub�.icati�n once in. t�e official n.ew�paper.. '
(c ) Withdrawal . Any counciiman� introducing -an. _
, , ,�.
- , :.-:
� . . - � � � . �..3. . . . ' � � ... .
. �' . . ..' � . . <.: . . � .P_ � ...� �. -.. '
ordinance or resolution may, at any time prior to
the vote for final adoption, withdraw said reso-
lution or ordinan.ce on his or her own motion.
(�) Committee Reports .
. (1) Every ordinance or resolution shall at first
reading be referred by the presiding officer
to the appropriate council committee unless
the ordinance or re soluti on .
a) has already been reported out by a com-
mittee ,
� b) formalizes a council action required to
be taken after public hearing, such as
license transfer, appeal , permit or re-
zoning, or '
c ) is determined by ix�nanimous consent of
the members present to be a routine matter
without opposition or need for further
(2) Whenever a committee acts to return a reso-
, lution or ordinance to ,the council , the chair-
man shall so inform the secretary, s�ating in
writing whether the committee recommends
adoption or denial or reports without recom-
mendation. The clerk shall then place the
proposal upon the agenda of the council under
the orde.r of business "committee reports"
in the order of receipt of notification of �
committee action.
(3) An ordinance or resolution may be recalled
at any time from committee by an affirmative
- vote of five members of the council.
` (e ), Pu}alic Hearin�s . Whenever a resolution or ordinance
is such that by law a hearing must be held before
, _
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. . . . . ... R.�. . _ . . �' . ' . . . . . � . �
t�ie er�.tire council, the c;�.ty �.c�erk sk�all adver- : 4 °.. ; ,`
, , . , ,
,- - <, _ , ; _ � :.� < :;'_
tise o�.ee� ii`i tY�e :,oif�c�.el 'n�w�paper t�e date� of` � �` �
. ;. . hearin� ae.t. by ._th� pr�s.�,.da:ng of�icer, and the : � ; � ° ,: '
,. �
= � , � � . ` <
;� �s�ecret�ry Y�Y��.11 p.lace t��:�mat`�er on 'the ' agen�d.$ . � � Y
for that ,��eting under th;e orde� o�"'bqsiness `:�:��`
,, . . _
"public hearings" in : th'e arder of introduct~ion. ' '
(f) Cor�sideration for Fin�l Ad�optior�, . T�Then the , �r�e,,-
-� . siding oi'Y�ce�- h�� stat�d t'l�e� �.que gt�a�. on fi.�al �' ,
. ... . .
. adoption, �e'"shaY1 f'irst` recognize -�.e chairman '' -. �� R.. �
' - vf the comqn.it,tee `to wh�:eh' the resplution or or.flin+- �.�: : '
� ance was �re�erred,' ` if s�rc� .�eso1W���on or �r.d�.ancµe } �
r,. : , . ,-, r, :.., .n,
. ; was refe�rt�ti to a comm�,�Gt'ee, and._,t�ien the cotrnciZ- "
man introducing the reaol.-ut��n or ord�.�a�nce, if � , �
` there be �'ne:r A�'�er tl�o�s.e have a�p:v�en or decl ine d��,� . _; �.
_ : ,.
�to ' speak, any councilman �ay be rec��i�ed- �f.or �
. = . .. : �
deb�;te or ather matter �2�ciperl� .in ror�e�,.' Memb�rs .� -�.: >
,. :� .: , ::,.
,_ . , - ,.�, ,.
of the ,��b,lic may then �get� to tl�e� matter:: If - _
•the 'cQmmitt�e �as x`ecoinmended th�.t the� resolut�ion
- = . : : m ... . : �
or ordinanee b-e amended,. the chairivan= of t�e- corn- `} �
.< , ' � mittee shali move the amendment , a�.d the a�end�- : , -'
' ment sY�a1I ��'� di*gposed of before furthe.r, deba�te ' �
. : �
•. .
� occurs , except as '�o the amendment. . .� � �,
(g) Amendments , Unless waived by tYte presiding �jaffi- �-; , ...
,. . . ,
cer, n� .aimendmer�'� to an� ordinagee s�hal� be in - . �
order unles's. �:n writing a�d ca�fe�s pre�Ented to .' ,.. .
, �:
the presid�.ng; offie,er and� s�,cretary. • Any ame�ed-..' ' ' `
ment shall be�'read in fuil unl,e�ss waiv�ed _by "�1�e - � =
. �;
counc i1. .
- .
: - (h� �i.econsideration. When .a_question, haa been voted_ _ .
_ ,_ �.
_ �t�pon it shall be in order �gt�r' any membex who _ .
. , . � _ : _ , .
` voted on the. . prevailing side� to mo�ve a .r�con-: . , _ ;�
siderati.on at the,� same or the ne�t fo,l�lowing � . ' ` '
regular council meeting oecWrring thereafter.
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�G��e.. Addi�t'ion�"�:�y, th�e_ secretary shall. `�a,use to be recorded `.`
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.. . _ . ,
� 4� - ,whioh r`��o�rdi�gAs��i�; :�o� be cop.sidered as the official
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. ' � 3 � .. . � . . . � . . ' ..
desi�ring ;to ma�ke. ;apPea,�ax�ee be�ore-.the coancil>�may do so �
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. �ti�all place the.�matte� on; the �-cotln.cil 'age:i�ttla as an order �
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CANAR7' -"U�P RC MENT � COUI1C11 �0 � ��
� � ' Council Resolution
. . -
Pr'esented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED� That Council Resolutions C. F. 259047
and C. F. 260023 and all other resolutions heretofore enacted
which are inconsistent with any provision of this resolution,
to the extent of such inconsistencies, be and the same are
hereby repealed.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Christensen �
Hozza In Favor
Levine �
Rcedler B
Sylvester Against Y
President Hunt �R �
Adopted by Co cil: Date
oEC �, � Form Approved by City Attorney
Certif' Pa s by Cou ecretary BY �C���T)n.. . o _ ,
Appro�d by Mayor:� Date �Q N Z �,J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By � �` � ,� By
�uausw� ��N i i i975
� �
. � - i`v
° ��'��'� �
�:: ��:�t��n:..
December 26, 1974 R. SCOTT DAVIES
ut� Z � t9�4
Gouncir Presidertt
R+aby Hu�tt
To the Honorable Council
of the City of Saint Paul :
Enclosed please find copy of a resolution setting
forth the proposed Rules of Procedure for the
Council as agreed upon by the ad hoc rules com—
mittee . Theae rules will take force and be in
effect upon publication of the adopted resolution.
Respectfully submitted,
/` ^o�K� �
City Attorney
cc : Mayor Cohen
City Clerk
City Hail, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121