264813 WH17E - CITY CLERK ����� PINK ..� FINANCE TT COIIIICll� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIlL File NO. � BtUE -MAVOR � � . c 'l Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Health and Welfare Insurance Advisory Committee was established by the City Council under Council File 262269; and WHEREAS, The above described ordinance allowed for eleven (11) members to be appointed to the Health and Welfare Insurance Committee by the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul with the approval of the City Council; and WHEREAS, Eleven (11) members were appointed to said Committee on a basis of staggered terms for said members; and WHEREAS, The term for the members Clemens Schleck, Donald A. Reeve and Richard Wheeler will expire as of December 31, 1974; and WHEREAS, The Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the provisions o� the City Charter has nominated the following persons to the Health and Welfare Insurance Committee to serve three (3) year terms t-o replace the terms that will be vacated by the above named members . Clemens Schleck Donald A. Reeve Richard Wheeler Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul consents to and approves that the following persons be appointed to the Health and Welfare Insurance Committee for three year terms to commence January 1, 1975 : COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza _� In Favor Levine Rcedler _� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Appµ'o�+ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ( r Certified P sed y Counci ecretary� BY ( B Approved by Mayor: Date Approve .by ayor or u i s' o cil BY BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK � PINK -� FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ���^+/, CANARV - DEPARTMENT Fll@ NO. �� -�v�� BLUE -MAVOR � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. Clemens Schleck Donald A. Reeve Richard Wheeler COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza � In Favor Levine J Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt DEC 31 1974 Form Apg�+ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � I Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By C Appro by Mayo Date �7J Approv d b Mayor r iss' to C unc By By PUBLISHED i 4 1 �97 �� ����"� � w � m w a a ,, l�r °'.h�� ',ti�'� ffi A ffi 3:§$ Civil Service Commission �AUL Director of Personnel ' ' Thomas D. Gleason Mrs. Ruth D.Schwarzwalder,Chairman � k E � �• Mr. Harry H.Gasion CIVIL S �' E OFFICE Mr.A.R. (Dick)Zangs + _ �: Assistant Director " � Bernard P.Wright R.� M 8.�c�� B k!!"8 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 December 18, 1974 Hon. I.�awrence D. Cohen May�or, City of Saint Paul 347 city Ha11 Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear 5ir: In compliance with your request, we have prepared a Council Resolution appoi�tin� members to serve on the Health and Welfaxe Insurance Advisory Commi3.ttee. We trust you will f'ind this resolution in order. V�ry tra]�y yours, r � � � J C. IPi JCD�lj .,Ri1 F+gff.� iw� K +.,��} { v z a n �- n � �C? y �J ZF, y �;' �AA'RG£iA��� ts9E'&i�Eit � ,iy�'�I�.� � @ C R k A r� yy ' � $ 9.� A.. � �'�`�e�.;..::7 Civil Service Commission � s � AUL Director of Personnel Mrs. Ruth D.Schwarzwalder,Chairman Thomas D. Gleason r a a e m, Mr. Harry H.Gaston �,'�V�L S �' E OFFICE Mr.A. R. (Dick)2angs � r r Assistant Director N^� Bernard P.Wright � x e +s a � � ra� �� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Deces�aber 12, 197� Hon. Laxrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of Saint Pa,ul 3�+7 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is to remind you that the folloxing megnbers of the Aealth and Welfare Insurance Advisory Co�ommittee have completed their one-year term as of November 30, 197�+. Cl�mens Schleck Donald A. Reeve Richaxd Wheeler Ea.ch of these m�mbers indicated to me that, at your pleasure, they would be happy to serve another term on this committee. Would you please advise me of your �.ppointments to the co�nittee? vu'Y r�,Y YouTS s C� . 0 C. DEVLIN �rA��t{t�}�" �� ��'�; �! D Z L � �� tP �.- ��� ''�, F� K�? �'�R'AGE�#�' �§EWBER