01-775c�. a�-�1R5 Green Sheet # 110020 Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA a0 COmmittee: Ddte 1 WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS) - 2 Mississippi Nationai River and Recreation Area (MNRRA) has awarded a$12,500.00 Resource 3 Protection and Enhancement Grant to the City of Saint Paul for the installation of ornamental 4 fencing along Mississippi River Boulevazd in the Desnoyer Pazk neighborhood, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required to provide a match in the amount of $12,500.00, and WI3EREAS, the Desnoyer Park Improvement Association has received STAR funds for the required project match and further, has requested that the city manage and implement the project through its Division of Parks and Recreafion, and 10 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation is willing and able to provide said 11 project design, construction management and unplementation services upon amendment of the 12 2Q01 Capital Improvement Budget, 13 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 14 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement 15 Budget Committee, that $25,OOQ.QO is auailabie for appropriation in the 2001 Capital 16 Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, 17 is hereby further amended as follows: � S'�. �s� �.��� � ��� �'�Ct�� $�rk�ds�l��+�# Eu�'g2t G'as�it(� it���ei°�� �}� r�qti�t �ti td3ts) �'� y�,.:�,�,�� :�,a..�dY��3l�Mt�t3� ����� '<. `y�/��j��j���� p� �, �/ /}�� �J� � s�'y�"I" �"-"°� /r0_� SYf6sA.e� '� _ : �' '"�^ �=k� �.�,. .,, Page 1 of 2 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 FINANCING PLAN MT2B - Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence COl-3M040 U.S. Dept. of Interior, NPS - MNRRA Neighborhood STAR Program P7-930-90306-0565-77519 SPENDING PLAN MRB - Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence COl-3M040 Design & Construction CURRENT BUDGET � � �1� � � CHANGE + $12,500.00 + $12,500.00 $25,000.00 + $25,000.00 $25,000.00 AMENDED BUDGET 01•��`� $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper City officials aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as may be necessary to accept and 'unplement the project. by: of Parks � Adopted by Counail: Date �\ }�a` i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sY '�� a- 1--� \ � Approved by Mayor: Date:��r By. � Approval Recommended bI/(Financial Serv Dip7ector: J / BY °V lM1L� ElU Form Approved by City rney � By: t c.c�_ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Page 2 of 2 � �EPARTMENT(OFFCEIGOUNdL Parks and Recreation CONTAGT PERSON AN� PHONE DATE {NITIATED 07-02-01 John Wirka, 266-6411 sicN NUMBER FO HOIRING MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA"fE) OPDER July 18, 2001 TOTAL i OF SIGNAWIiE PAGES � GREEN SHEET INITIAVDAiE 7 OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR� Z CITYATTORNEY 3 FlNANCIALSERVICESDiP. 4 MAYOR IOR ASSISTANi) NO. 110020 �1�11� INITIAI./DATE F J aTV couNai 6 CfTY CLEBK 7 FINANCIALSERV)ACCTCa, O PARKS AND RECREATION CLIP ALL LOCA710N5 FOR SIGNANR� ACTION AEQUESTED: Approvat ofi a City Council Reso{ution amending the 2001 Capital Improvement Budget to inciude funding for the Mississippi River Soulevard -.Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence Project. � PECOMMENDATIONS: ApP�ove IA) or Reject IW PL4NNING COMMISSION A CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A STAFF PERSONAL SEHVICE CONi11ACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Mas tNS person(fitm aver worketl unde� a conhac[ for ihis tleparcmenf? VES NO 2. Has this person/fi�m ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/tirm possess a sWll mt normally possessetl by any current city employee? VES NO 4. ls this persoMfirtn a targeied v¢ndw? VES NO Ezplain all yes answera on seDarMe sheet antl attach to green sheet. INITIATING PR06LEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, What, WFen, Where, Why): � ' The National Park Service has awarded a Resource Protectio� and Enhancement Grant to the City for installation of ornamental fencing atong Mississippi River Boutevard in the Desnoyer Park neighborhood. The Desnoyer Park � Improvement Association has received STAR funding to match the NPS grant, and the Division of Parks and Recreat4on wi{I implement the project. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . National Park Service grant approved. Project costs will be reimbursed. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED No grant. Project delayed. TOTAI AM�UC[T OF TRANSACTfON S Z CO5TfREVENUE BUDGETED (CIftCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE STAR, National Park Service ACfIVfIYNUMeER C01-3M040 FINANCfAL INFORMATfON: (EXPLAIN) GIDIVIWPIGrantsiMNRRAIDesnoyerU-2-Of green C�nc� F�esearch Ganter o � -'t'15 D�BR PARI� IMPR�1�i9T A890CIATIQR ofa Dou�ae Peine, C:hair ZZZO �astar Center 101 Ea.t fii€th Stx+eet St. Faul, Minuewta 55101 phono 651-1.24-7587 fan 652-?29a0Z34 June 28, 2fl01 Ms, Michell wansan Gity of 3 . Paui 1900 Ci Hali Annex 25 Wes Fourth Street SL. uS, Mt3 55302 Re; Missiasfppi Riner bluffs protectian De&r Ms. SWansoA: it is the uncierstanding of the Desnoyer Park Improvement Rssaciatian that the 512,�{f0.b0 =equested from Councllmember 8enanav for the i�ississippi Rive�e Bluffs PratECtio� program wiil ba imp2emented bp the 5t. Faul Divisian af Parks and Recreatian. Sincerely, pouglas Peine Cha3r, Deanoyer Park ac: Jay Benanav Jo Wirka ebeaaa Stenberg ,3ack Maloney Impzavement Association • Q'Iso �f.► �rx � 2JZ•13j1 IM �a� . •i•i °i1;' JAY BENANAV Councilmember CITY OF SAII�TT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 310 C1I'Y HALL 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1615 PHONE: (651) 266-8640 FAX: (651) 266-8574 June 28, 2001 Douglas Peine, Chair Desnoyer Park Improvement Association 2220 Firstar Center 101 East Fifth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Peine, O 1— �1'1 This letter formalizes a decision made in March of this year to select the Desnoyer Park Improvement Association as a recipient of a g�ant in the amount of $12,500.00 through the City's Sales TaY Revitalization (5TAR) Neighborhood Program, for the Mississippi River Bluffs Protection project. Approved as part af #he City budget, the Neighborhood Investment Program prov3des funds to be used for capital or operating prograuis throughout Saint Paul. The Desnoyer Park Improvement Program serves an important mIe as a cooperating agency working with the Division of Pazks and Recreation to implement this project. As the agency facilitating this improvement project, the Division of Parks and Recreation will wc�rk with the STAR staff to allocate the funds for this project. The Division of Parks and 8ecreation must also proviiie STAR staff with the required evidence of a one-to-one match of STAR dollazs from other sources. For this project, matching funds have been secured by the Division of Pazks and Recrearion from the National Park Service. I believe tliat the planned improvements #o the Mississippi River bluff will preserve #his importaut naturai resource anc€ will improve #he Desnoyer Park neighborhood. This prc�j�t is a fiiting use for STAR Program money. If you have any questions or additiona3 assistance from my office is desired, please contact me at 651- 266-864d. , ,�., - Ward 4 s�� Pnnted on Recyded Paper o � -'1'tS cc: Rebecca Stenberg, Parks and Recreation John Wirka, Pazks and Recreation c�. a�-�1R5 Green Sheet # 110020 Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA a0 COmmittee: Ddte 1 WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS) - 2 Mississippi Nationai River and Recreation Area (MNRRA) has awarded a$12,500.00 Resource 3 Protection and Enhancement Grant to the City of Saint Paul for the installation of ornamental 4 fencing along Mississippi River Boulevazd in the Desnoyer Pazk neighborhood, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required to provide a match in the amount of $12,500.00, and WI3EREAS, the Desnoyer Park Improvement Association has received STAR funds for the required project match and further, has requested that the city manage and implement the project through its Division of Parks and Recreafion, and 10 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation is willing and able to provide said 11 project design, construction management and unplementation services upon amendment of the 12 2Q01 Capital Improvement Budget, 13 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 14 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement 15 Budget Committee, that $25,OOQ.QO is auailabie for appropriation in the 2001 Capital 16 Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, 17 is hereby further amended as follows: � S'�. �s� �.��� � ��� �'�Ct�� $�rk�ds�l��+�# Eu�'g2t G'as�it(� it���ei°�� �}� r�qti�t �ti td3ts) �'� y�,.:�,�,�� :�,a..�dY��3l�Mt�t3� ����� '<. `y�/��j��j���� p� �, �/ /}�� �J� � s�'y�"I" �"-"°� /r0_� SYf6sA.e� '� _ : �' '"�^ �=k� �.�,. .,, Page 1 of 2 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 FINANCING PLAN MT2B - Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence COl-3M040 U.S. Dept. of Interior, NPS - MNRRA Neighborhood STAR Program P7-930-90306-0565-77519 SPENDING PLAN MRB - Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence COl-3M040 Design & Construction CURRENT BUDGET � � �1� � � CHANGE + $12,500.00 + $12,500.00 $25,000.00 + $25,000.00 $25,000.00 AMENDED BUDGET 01•��`� $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper City officials aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as may be necessary to accept and 'unplement the project. by: of Parks � Adopted by Counail: Date �\ }�a` i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sY '�� a- 1--� \ � Approved by Mayor: Date:��r By. � Approval Recommended bI/(Financial Serv Dip7ector: J / BY °V lM1L� ElU Form Approved by City rney � By: t c.c�_ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Page 2 of 2 � �EPARTMENT(OFFCEIGOUNdL Parks and Recreation CONTAGT PERSON AN� PHONE DATE {NITIATED 07-02-01 John Wirka, 266-6411 sicN NUMBER FO HOIRING MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA"fE) OPDER July 18, 2001 TOTAL i OF SIGNAWIiE PAGES � GREEN SHEET INITIAVDAiE 7 OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR� Z CITYATTORNEY 3 FlNANCIALSERVICESDiP. 4 MAYOR IOR ASSISTANi) NO. 110020 �1�11� INITIAI./DATE F J aTV couNai 6 CfTY CLEBK 7 FINANCIALSERV)ACCTCa, O PARKS AND RECREATION CLIP ALL LOCA710N5 FOR SIGNANR� ACTION AEQUESTED: Approvat ofi a City Council Reso{ution amending the 2001 Capital Improvement Budget to inciude funding for the Mississippi River Soulevard -.Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence Project. � PECOMMENDATIONS: ApP�ove IA) or Reject IW PL4NNING COMMISSION A CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A STAFF PERSONAL SEHVICE CONi11ACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Mas tNS person(fitm aver worketl unde� a conhac[ for ihis tleparcmenf? VES NO 2. Has this person/fi�m ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/tirm possess a sWll mt normally possessetl by any current city employee? VES NO 4. ls this persoMfirtn a targeied v¢ndw? VES NO Ezplain all yes answera on seDarMe sheet antl attach to green sheet. INITIATING PR06LEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, What, WFen, Where, Why): � ' The National Park Service has awarded a Resource Protectio� and Enhancement Grant to the City for installation of ornamental fencing atong Mississippi River Boutevard in the Desnoyer Park neighborhood. The Desnoyer Park � Improvement Association has received STAR funding to match the NPS grant, and the Division of Parks and Recreat4on wi{I implement the project. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . National Park Service grant approved. Project costs will be reimbursed. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED No grant. Project delayed. TOTAI AM�UC[T OF TRANSACTfON S Z CO5TfREVENUE BUDGETED (CIftCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE STAR, National Park Service ACfIVfIYNUMeER C01-3M040 FINANCfAL INFORMATfON: (EXPLAIN) GIDIVIWPIGrantsiMNRRAIDesnoyerU-2-Of green C�nc� F�esearch Ganter o � -'t'15 D�BR PARI� IMPR�1�i9T A890CIATIQR ofa Dou�ae Peine, C:hair ZZZO �astar Center 101 Ea.t fii€th Stx+eet St. Faul, Minuewta 55101 phono 651-1.24-7587 fan 652-?29a0Z34 June 28, 2fl01 Ms, Michell wansan Gity of 3 . Paui 1900 Ci Hali Annex 25 Wes Fourth Street SL. uS, Mt3 55302 Re; Missiasfppi Riner bluffs protectian De&r Ms. SWansoA: it is the uncierstanding of the Desnoyer Park Improvement Rssaciatian that the 512,�{f0.b0 =equested from Councllmember 8enanav for the i�ississippi Rive�e Bluffs PratECtio� program wiil ba imp2emented bp the 5t. Faul Divisian af Parks and Recreatian. Sincerely, pouglas Peine Cha3r, Deanoyer Park ac: Jay Benanav Jo Wirka ebeaaa Stenberg ,3ack Maloney Impzavement Association • Q'Iso �f.► �rx � 2JZ•13j1 IM �a� . •i•i °i1;' JAY BENANAV Councilmember CITY OF SAII�TT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 310 C1I'Y HALL 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1615 PHONE: (651) 266-8640 FAX: (651) 266-8574 June 28, 2001 Douglas Peine, Chair Desnoyer Park Improvement Association 2220 Firstar Center 101 East Fifth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Peine, O 1— �1'1 This letter formalizes a decision made in March of this year to select the Desnoyer Park Improvement Association as a recipient of a g�ant in the amount of $12,500.00 through the City's Sales TaY Revitalization (5TAR) Neighborhood Program, for the Mississippi River Bluffs Protection project. Approved as part af #he City budget, the Neighborhood Investment Program prov3des funds to be used for capital or operating prograuis throughout Saint Paul. The Desnoyer Park Improvement Program serves an important mIe as a cooperating agency working with the Division of Pazks and Recreation to implement this project. As the agency facilitating this improvement project, the Division of Parks and Recreation will wc�rk with the STAR staff to allocate the funds for this project. The Division of Parks and 8ecreation must also proviiie STAR staff with the required evidence of a one-to-one match of STAR dollazs from other sources. For this project, matching funds have been secured by the Division of Pazks and Recrearion from the National Park Service. I believe tliat the planned improvements #o the Mississippi River bluff will preserve #his importaut naturai resource anc€ will improve #he Desnoyer Park neighborhood. This prc�j�t is a fiiting use for STAR Program money. If you have any questions or additiona3 assistance from my office is desired, please contact me at 651- 266-864d. , ,�., - Ward 4 s�� Pnnted on Recyded Paper o � -'1'tS cc: Rebecca Stenberg, Parks and Recreation John Wirka, Pazks and Recreation c�. a�-�1R5 Green Sheet # 110020 Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA a0 COmmittee: Ddte 1 WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS) - 2 Mississippi Nationai River and Recreation Area (MNRRA) has awarded a$12,500.00 Resource 3 Protection and Enhancement Grant to the City of Saint Paul for the installation of ornamental 4 fencing along Mississippi River Boulevazd in the Desnoyer Pazk neighborhood, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required to provide a match in the amount of $12,500.00, and WI3EREAS, the Desnoyer Park Improvement Association has received STAR funds for the required project match and further, has requested that the city manage and implement the project through its Division of Parks and Recreafion, and 10 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation is willing and able to provide said 11 project design, construction management and unplementation services upon amendment of the 12 2Q01 Capital Improvement Budget, 13 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 14 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement 15 Budget Committee, that $25,OOQ.QO is auailabie for appropriation in the 2001 Capital 16 Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, 17 is hereby further amended as follows: � S'�. �s� �.��� � ��� �'�Ct�� $�rk�ds�l��+�# Eu�'g2t G'as�it(� it���ei°�� �}� r�qti�t �ti td3ts) �'� y�,.:�,�,�� :�,a..�dY��3l�Mt�t3� ����� '<. `y�/��j��j���� p� �, �/ /}�� �J� � s�'y�"I" �"-"°� /r0_� SYf6sA.e� '� _ : �' '"�^ �=k� �.�,. .,, Page 1 of 2 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 FINANCING PLAN MT2B - Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence COl-3M040 U.S. Dept. of Interior, NPS - MNRRA Neighborhood STAR Program P7-930-90306-0565-77519 SPENDING PLAN MRB - Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence COl-3M040 Design & Construction CURRENT BUDGET � � �1� � � CHANGE + $12,500.00 + $12,500.00 $25,000.00 + $25,000.00 $25,000.00 AMENDED BUDGET 01•��`� $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper City officials aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as may be necessary to accept and 'unplement the project. by: of Parks � Adopted by Counail: Date �\ }�a` i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sY '�� a- 1--� \ � Approved by Mayor: Date:��r By. � Approval Recommended bI/(Financial Serv Dip7ector: J / BY °V lM1L� ElU Form Approved by City rney � By: t c.c�_ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Page 2 of 2 � �EPARTMENT(OFFCEIGOUNdL Parks and Recreation CONTAGT PERSON AN� PHONE DATE {NITIATED 07-02-01 John Wirka, 266-6411 sicN NUMBER FO HOIRING MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA"fE) OPDER July 18, 2001 TOTAL i OF SIGNAWIiE PAGES � GREEN SHEET INITIAVDAiE 7 OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR� Z CITYATTORNEY 3 FlNANCIALSERVICESDiP. 4 MAYOR IOR ASSISTANi) NO. 110020 �1�11� INITIAI./DATE F J aTV couNai 6 CfTY CLEBK 7 FINANCIALSERV)ACCTCa, O PARKS AND RECREATION CLIP ALL LOCA710N5 FOR SIGNANR� ACTION AEQUESTED: Approvat ofi a City Council Reso{ution amending the 2001 Capital Improvement Budget to inciude funding for the Mississippi River Soulevard -.Desnoyer Park Ornamental Fence Project. � PECOMMENDATIONS: ApP�ove IA) or Reject IW PL4NNING COMMISSION A CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A STAFF PERSONAL SEHVICE CONi11ACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Mas tNS person(fitm aver worketl unde� a conhac[ for ihis tleparcmenf? VES NO 2. Has this person/fi�m ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/tirm possess a sWll mt normally possessetl by any current city employee? VES NO 4. ls this persoMfirtn a targeied v¢ndw? VES NO Ezplain all yes answera on seDarMe sheet antl attach to green sheet. INITIATING PR06LEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, What, WFen, Where, Why): � ' The National Park Service has awarded a Resource Protectio� and Enhancement Grant to the City for installation of ornamental fencing atong Mississippi River Boutevard in the Desnoyer Park neighborhood. The Desnoyer Park � Improvement Association has received STAR funding to match the NPS grant, and the Division of Parks and Recreat4on wi{I implement the project. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . National Park Service grant approved. Project costs will be reimbursed. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED No grant. Project delayed. TOTAI AM�UC[T OF TRANSACTfON S Z CO5TfREVENUE BUDGETED (CIftCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE STAR, National Park Service ACfIVfIYNUMeER C01-3M040 FINANCfAL INFORMATfON: (EXPLAIN) GIDIVIWPIGrantsiMNRRAIDesnoyerU-2-Of green C�nc� F�esearch Ganter o � -'t'15 D�BR PARI� IMPR�1�i9T A890CIATIQR ofa Dou�ae Peine, C:hair ZZZO �astar Center 101 Ea.t fii€th Stx+eet St. Faul, Minuewta 55101 phono 651-1.24-7587 fan 652-?29a0Z34 June 28, 2fl01 Ms, Michell wansan Gity of 3 . Paui 1900 Ci Hali Annex 25 Wes Fourth Street SL. uS, Mt3 55302 Re; Missiasfppi Riner bluffs protectian De&r Ms. SWansoA: it is the uncierstanding of the Desnoyer Park Improvement Rssaciatian that the 512,�{f0.b0 =equested from Councllmember 8enanav for the i�ississippi Rive�e Bluffs PratECtio� program wiil ba imp2emented bp the 5t. Faul Divisian af Parks and Recreatian. Sincerely, pouglas Peine Cha3r, Deanoyer Park ac: Jay Benanav Jo Wirka ebeaaa Stenberg ,3ack Maloney Impzavement Association • Q'Iso �f.► �rx � 2JZ•13j1 IM �a� . •i•i °i1;' JAY BENANAV Councilmember CITY OF SAII�TT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 310 C1I'Y HALL 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1615 PHONE: (651) 266-8640 FAX: (651) 266-8574 June 28, 2001 Douglas Peine, Chair Desnoyer Park Improvement Association 2220 Firstar Center 101 East Fifth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Peine, O 1— �1'1 This letter formalizes a decision made in March of this year to select the Desnoyer Park Improvement Association as a recipient of a g�ant in the amount of $12,500.00 through the City's Sales TaY Revitalization (5TAR) Neighborhood Program, for the Mississippi River Bluffs Protection project. Approved as part af #he City budget, the Neighborhood Investment Program prov3des funds to be used for capital or operating prograuis throughout Saint Paul. The Desnoyer Park Improvement Program serves an important mIe as a cooperating agency working with the Division of Pazks and Recreation to implement this project. As the agency facilitating this improvement project, the Division of Parks and Recreation will wc�rk with the STAR staff to allocate the funds for this project. The Division of Parks and 8ecreation must also proviiie STAR staff with the required evidence of a one-to-one match of STAR dollazs from other sources. For this project, matching funds have been secured by the Division of Pazks and Recrearion from the National Park Service. I believe tliat the planned improvements #o the Mississippi River bluff will preserve #his importaut naturai resource anc€ will improve #he Desnoyer Park neighborhood. This prc�j�t is a fiiting use for STAR Program money. If you have any questions or additiona3 assistance from my office is desired, please contact me at 651- 266-864d. , ,�., - Ward 4 s�� Pnnted on Recyded Paper o � -'1'tS cc: Rebecca Stenberg, Parks and Recreation John Wirka, Pazks and Recreation