01-766�� ,. yl WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a public hearing on August 24, 2000, after having provided notice to affected property owners. By its resolution no. 4064, adopted September 21, 2000, the Commission, denied the application based upon the following findings and conciusions: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legislative Code § 73.06 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on September 27, 2000, where alt interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, Mr. David Thom, in HPC file no. 4064, made application to the Heritage Preservation Cotnmission (hereinafter the "Commission") for a building permit to replace a rear second story deck at property commonly lrnown as 410 Eichenwald Street which is located within the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservatlon District and is legally described as noted in the referenced HPC file; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes, and resolution of the Commission, does hereby; 23 WHEREAS, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 73.06, Mr. Thom duly filed an 24 appeal from the determination made by the Commission and requested a hearing before the City 25 Councii for the purposes of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ORIGINAL Council File # Fy ` _ ` ( ( Green Sheet # 1 C� OS � s Committee: Date 1. The proposed deck and stairway does not conform to the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District design review guidelines. The deck would be incompatible with the historic character and architectural integrity of the structure and the district. It would appear as a large attachment or appendage to the house rather than a deck that is integrated into the design of the building. The deck would be conspicuous and visible from the street. 2. The fact that the proposed deck addition would be a reversible alteration does not make the deck proposal acceptable given finding #1 above. RESOLVE, to reverse the Commission's decisaon in this matter. The Council finds that the Commission erred in its findings based upon the following finding: 1 ���� 2 1. The�ir� �1$c.es an existing deck. 3 2. The proposed deck can be removed in the futuze with no architectural problems for the existing structure. 3. The structure is not identified as a contributing structure in the historic dish 4. This non-contributing structure is not pivotal to the historic district. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 C� 1-`l f� fo ANA BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of David Thom be and is hereby granted; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council secretary shall mail a copy of this resolution to David Thom, the Zoning Administrator, and to the Commission. Requested by Department of: By: J", Approved by Mayor: Date �� � ��/ By: 7 � By: Form Approv d by City Attorney � �2(L+/�o��� B ���✓G�� ?- 2Y-o2 Approve Mayor for Submission to Council sy: � Adopted by Council: Date � �OQ \ Adoption Certified by Counci Secre ry aooi I GREEN SHEET � 1-7�� No 1 �: :; � ? 5 Councilmember Kathy Lanhy 6-8670 oarMU�raw[c,o¢ ancauci_ iT BE ON COUNGIIAGENOA BY @ATEI Suspension for 7/25/Ol �*�" wre�wrt an�naawr ❑anawc rtouuxa � ww�cw.auxcFaort ❑ rwxeu�mm�aro ❑ wvoaw�e�+mr� ❑ TOTAL # OF SlGNATIlRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution approving appeal of David Thom from a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission. PUWNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TOTAL AfitOUM OF TRANSAGTIDN f �UNCIN6 SOURCE tlas aec p�OMUm euerwoilcea wtlera wmact rorurie aepartmenn YES NO Fms Mis Pe�apUfmm rr been a cRy empbyee9 YES NO Dces Mic Y�rm P�sse� a sldM not m1mai�YPoeaessed bY anY current citY emWoYce9 YE3 NO' Is tlils pe1eaNfitm a fergEted wntlOYt YES NO (CIRCIE ON� YES NO ACiNT'NUMBER INANCtAi INFORAIPTION (FXPLAfN) OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIROMvSENTAL PROTECTION RobertKessler,Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm CoTem¢n, Mayor September 8, 2000 LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 St. Peter Sbeet Smr� ^ - �"nxuota 55102-ISlO � � � � ► C� q1a� 1� Ms. Nancy Andezson Assistant Secretary to the City Council 310 City Hail Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 0 � -���n �� Telephone: 657-266-9090 Fncsimile: 651-266-9I24 � ����� ��C4'!� S�`���� ZUU U� �� Z,� I I would like to request that a public hearing before the City Council be scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2000 for the following appeal of a Heritage Preservation Commission decision: Appellants: HPC File: Purpose: Address: David Thom #4064 Appeal a Heritage Preservation Commission decision to deny approval of a building permit to replace rear second story deck 410 Eichenwald Street The Heritage Preservation Commission held a public hearing on this matter and voted 5- 2 on August 24, 2Q00 to deny the requested permit. This City Council public hearing does not require published notice. Please call me at 266-9014 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� Tom Riddering Building Code Official c: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director James Bellus, HPC Chair Peter Warner, Assastant City Attorney David Thom ✓ ��—�—�rc� �1�-� '}�i�? tf��, d : 3��a � L _� r .- .� _, ;. .,�.-'i .,_ ;i'�� � � � �� �-��� ��� _ 7 �� �-�..,-��, S fi -� �a o � �a� �J �.1 ��-��� _� o� � G�e ������- �� � �a � ��,�P ��s � �' cG � � ��c'- � � �- ; ��� � �y ����� �, ,�,� � C�, � �' t � �� C( '� {�j/ � ��. ����� J �,� ! ,�� Y� � � j � � i �.� � ��.1�� �� �� -��c�� �� �..� �",� ��� ��� ��� �>�������' � . — �-����—� { 7� �� CITY OF 5AINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION CQNINIISSION RESOLUTION FTI,E NUMBER 4064 DATE 21 September 2000 o �_��� WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservarion Commission (HPC) is authorized by Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to review permit applications for exterior alterations, new construcrion ar demolition on or within designated Heritage Preservatson Sites or Heritage Preservation Districts; and WT3EREA5, Da�id Thom has applied for a building permit to replace a rear second story deck at 41Q Eichenwald Street, located within the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District; and WHEREAS, the existing structure ott the site is the Charles Chase House, a two-story, Italianate style, clapboard sided structure conshucted in 1880 and is characterized as pivotal to the chazacter of the district; and WHEREAS, the following citation in the City's Legislative Code concerning HPC review of building permits for additions or alterations: Chapter 73, Heritage Preservation Commission; Section 73.06, Review of pernuts; Paragraph (i), Factors to be considered: Before approving any permit application required under paragraph (d) of this section to be approved by the heritage preservarion commission, the commission shall make findings based on the program for the preservation and architectural conh�ol for the heritage preservation site in regard to the following: (1) In the case of a proposed alterafion or addifion to an existing building, that such alTeration or addition will not materially impair the azchitecturai ar historic value of the building, and shall make written findings considering the existang structures and e�sting exterior appearance, building height, building width, depth or other dimensions, roof style, type of building materials, ornamentation, paving and setback. WHEREAS, relevant portions of the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District design review guidelines for additions or alterations Chat pertain to the proposed building include the following; IV. Sec. 74.87. CTenerai principles. (1) All work should be of a character and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. N. Sec. 74.87. (4) New add'ations or alterations to structures shouid be constructed in such a manner that if such addirions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the form and integrity of the original structure would be unimpaired. . HPC Resolution re: 410 Eichenwald Street / File #4064 21 September 2000 IV. Sec. 74.87. {5) The impact of alterations or additions on individual buildings as well as on the surrounding streetscape will be considered; major alterations to buildings wluch occupy a �orner lot or are otherwise prominently sited should be avoided. N. Sec. 74.87. (6) iVew construction should be compatihle with the historic and azchitectural character of the disirict. a� ��� IV. Sec. 74.88. Restoration and rehabilitation. (6) Decks. Decks should be consmicted only at the rear of the building or where most inconspicuous. Railings, steps and other deck details should be comparible with the arciutectural character of the building. IV. Sec. 74.88. (7) Firestairs. The detailing of firestairs should be compatible with the period and style of the building. Firestairs should be located as inconspicuously as possible. WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, based apon the evidence presented at its August 24, 2000 pubiic heating on said pernut applicafion, made the following findings of fact concerning the replacement of the an existing, reaz second story deck: The proposed deck and stairway does not conform to the Dayton's Biuff Heritage Preservation Distdct design review guidelines. 'The deck would be incompatible with the historic character and architectural integrity of the shucture and the district. It wouid appear as a large attachment or appendage to Che house rather than a deck that is integrated into the design of the b¢iiding. The deck would be conspicuous and visible from the street. 2. The fact that the proposed deck addition would be a reversible alteration does not make the deck proposal acceptable given finding #1 above. Decisions of the Heritage Preservation Commission are fmal, subject to appeai to the City Council within 14 days by anyone affected by the decision. This resoiutiou does not obviate the need for meeting applicable building and zoning cade requirements, and does not constitute approval for tax credits. �� ,. yl WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a public hearing on August 24, 2000, after having provided notice to affected property owners. By its resolution no. 4064, adopted September 21, 2000, the Commission, denied the application based upon the following findings and conciusions: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legislative Code § 73.06 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on September 27, 2000, where alt interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, Mr. David Thom, in HPC file no. 4064, made application to the Heritage Preservation Cotnmission (hereinafter the "Commission") for a building permit to replace a rear second story deck at property commonly lrnown as 410 Eichenwald Street which is located within the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservatlon District and is legally described as noted in the referenced HPC file; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes, and resolution of the Commission, does hereby; 23 WHEREAS, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 73.06, Mr. Thom duly filed an 24 appeal from the determination made by the Commission and requested a hearing before the City 25 Councii for the purposes of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ORIGINAL Council File # Fy ` _ ` ( ( Green Sheet # 1 C� OS � s Committee: Date 1. The proposed deck and stairway does not conform to the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District design review guidelines. The deck would be incompatible with the historic character and architectural integrity of the structure and the district. It would appear as a large attachment or appendage to the house rather than a deck that is integrated into the design of the building. The deck would be conspicuous and visible from the street. 2. The fact that the proposed deck addition would be a reversible alteration does not make the deck proposal acceptable given finding #1 above. RESOLVE, to reverse the Commission's decisaon in this matter. The Council finds that the Commission erred in its findings based upon the following finding: 1 ���� 2 1. The�ir� �1$c.es an existing deck. 3 2. The proposed deck can be removed in the futuze with no architectural problems for the existing structure. 3. The structure is not identified as a contributing structure in the historic dish 4. This non-contributing structure is not pivotal to the historic district. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 C� 1-`l f� fo ANA BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of David Thom be and is hereby granted; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council secretary shall mail a copy of this resolution to David Thom, the Zoning Administrator, and to the Commission. Requested by Department of: By: J", Approved by Mayor: Date �� � ��/ By: 7 � By: Form Approv d by City Attorney � �2(L+/�o��� B ���✓G�� ?- 2Y-o2 Approve Mayor for Submission to Council sy: � Adopted by Council: Date � �OQ \ Adoption Certified by Counci Secre ry aooi I GREEN SHEET � 1-7�� No 1 �: :; � ? 5 Councilmember Kathy Lanhy 6-8670 oarMU�raw[c,o¢ ancauci_ iT BE ON COUNGIIAGENOA BY @ATEI Suspension for 7/25/Ol �*�" wre�wrt an�naawr ❑anawc rtouuxa � ww�cw.auxcFaort ❑ rwxeu�mm�aro ❑ wvoaw�e�+mr� ❑ TOTAL # OF SlGNATIlRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution approving appeal of David Thom from a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission. PUWNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TOTAL AfitOUM OF TRANSAGTIDN f �UNCIN6 SOURCE tlas aec p�OMUm euerwoilcea wtlera wmact rorurie aepartmenn YES NO Fms Mis Pe�apUfmm rr been a cRy empbyee9 YES NO Dces Mic Y�rm P�sse� a sldM not m1mai�YPoeaessed bY anY current citY emWoYce9 YE3 NO' Is tlils pe1eaNfitm a fergEted wntlOYt YES NO (CIRCIE ON� YES NO ACiNT'NUMBER INANCtAi INFORAIPTION (FXPLAfN) OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIROMvSENTAL PROTECTION RobertKessler,Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm CoTem¢n, Mayor September 8, 2000 LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 St. Peter Sbeet Smr� ^ - �"nxuota 55102-ISlO � � � � ► C� q1a� 1� Ms. Nancy Andezson Assistant Secretary to the City Council 310 City Hail Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 0 � -���n �� Telephone: 657-266-9090 Fncsimile: 651-266-9I24 � ����� ��C4'!� S�`���� ZUU U� �� Z,� I I would like to request that a public hearing before the City Council be scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2000 for the following appeal of a Heritage Preservation Commission decision: Appellants: HPC File: Purpose: Address: David Thom #4064 Appeal a Heritage Preservation Commission decision to deny approval of a building permit to replace rear second story deck 410 Eichenwald Street The Heritage Preservation Commission held a public hearing on this matter and voted 5- 2 on August 24, 2Q00 to deny the requested permit. This City Council public hearing does not require published notice. Please call me at 266-9014 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� Tom Riddering Building Code Official c: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director James Bellus, HPC Chair Peter Warner, Assastant City Attorney David Thom ✓ ��—�—�rc� �1�-� '}�i�? tf��, d : 3��a � L _� r .- .� _, ;. .,�.-'i .,_ ;i'�� � � � �� �-��� ��� _ 7 �� �-�..,-��, S fi -� �a o � �a� �J �.1 ��-��� _� o� � G�e ������- �� � �a � ��,�P ��s � �' cG � � ��c'- � � �- ; ��� � �y ����� �, ,�,� � C�, � �' t � �� C( '� {�j/ � ��. ����� J �,� ! ,�� Y� � � j � � i �.� � ��.1�� �� �� -��c�� �� �..� �",� ��� ��� ��� �>�������' � . — �-����—� { 7� �� CITY OF 5AINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION CQNINIISSION RESOLUTION FTI,E NUMBER 4064 DATE 21 September 2000 o �_��� WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservarion Commission (HPC) is authorized by Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to review permit applications for exterior alterations, new construcrion ar demolition on or within designated Heritage Preservatson Sites or Heritage Preservation Districts; and WT3EREA5, Da�id Thom has applied for a building permit to replace a rear second story deck at 41Q Eichenwald Street, located within the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District; and WHEREAS, the existing structure ott the site is the Charles Chase House, a two-story, Italianate style, clapboard sided structure conshucted in 1880 and is characterized as pivotal to the chazacter of the district; and WHEREAS, the following citation in the City's Legislative Code concerning HPC review of building permits for additions or alterations: Chapter 73, Heritage Preservation Commission; Section 73.06, Review of pernuts; Paragraph (i), Factors to be considered: Before approving any permit application required under paragraph (d) of this section to be approved by the heritage preservarion commission, the commission shall make findings based on the program for the preservation and architectural conh�ol for the heritage preservation site in regard to the following: (1) In the case of a proposed alterafion or addifion to an existing building, that such alTeration or addition will not materially impair the azchitecturai ar historic value of the building, and shall make written findings considering the existang structures and e�sting exterior appearance, building height, building width, depth or other dimensions, roof style, type of building materials, ornamentation, paving and setback. WHEREAS, relevant portions of the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District design review guidelines for additions or alterations Chat pertain to the proposed building include the following; IV. Sec. 74.87. CTenerai principles. (1) All work should be of a character and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. N. Sec. 74.87. (4) New add'ations or alterations to structures shouid be constructed in such a manner that if such addirions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the form and integrity of the original structure would be unimpaired. . HPC Resolution re: 410 Eichenwald Street / File #4064 21 September 2000 IV. Sec. 74.87. {5) The impact of alterations or additions on individual buildings as well as on the surrounding streetscape will be considered; major alterations to buildings wluch occupy a �orner lot or are otherwise prominently sited should be avoided. N. Sec. 74.87. (6) iVew construction should be compatihle with the historic and azchitectural character of the disirict. a� ��� IV. Sec. 74.88. Restoration and rehabilitation. (6) Decks. Decks should be consmicted only at the rear of the building or where most inconspicuous. Railings, steps and other deck details should be comparible with the arciutectural character of the building. IV. Sec. 74.88. (7) Firestairs. The detailing of firestairs should be compatible with the period and style of the building. Firestairs should be located as inconspicuously as possible. WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, based apon the evidence presented at its August 24, 2000 pubiic heating on said pernut applicafion, made the following findings of fact concerning the replacement of the an existing, reaz second story deck: The proposed deck and stairway does not conform to the Dayton's Biuff Heritage Preservation Distdct design review guidelines. 'The deck would be incompatible with the historic character and architectural integrity of the shucture and the district. It wouid appear as a large attachment or appendage to Che house rather than a deck that is integrated into the design of the b¢iiding. The deck would be conspicuous and visible from the street. 2. The fact that the proposed deck addition would be a reversible alteration does not make the deck proposal acceptable given finding #1 above. Decisions of the Heritage Preservation Commission are fmal, subject to appeai to the City Council within 14 days by anyone affected by the decision. This resoiutiou does not obviate the need for meeting applicable building and zoning cade requirements, and does not constitute approval for tax credits. �� ,. yl WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a public hearing on August 24, 2000, after having provided notice to affected property owners. By its resolution no. 4064, adopted September 21, 2000, the Commission, denied the application based upon the following findings and conciusions: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legislative Code § 73.06 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on September 27, 2000, where alt interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, Mr. David Thom, in HPC file no. 4064, made application to the Heritage Preservation Cotnmission (hereinafter the "Commission") for a building permit to replace a rear second story deck at property commonly lrnown as 410 Eichenwald Street which is located within the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservatlon District and is legally described as noted in the referenced HPC file; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes, and resolution of the Commission, does hereby; 23 WHEREAS, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 73.06, Mr. Thom duly filed an 24 appeal from the determination made by the Commission and requested a hearing before the City 25 Councii for the purposes of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ORIGINAL Council File # Fy ` _ ` ( ( Green Sheet # 1 C� OS � s Committee: Date 1. The proposed deck and stairway does not conform to the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District design review guidelines. The deck would be incompatible with the historic character and architectural integrity of the structure and the district. It would appear as a large attachment or appendage to the house rather than a deck that is integrated into the design of the building. The deck would be conspicuous and visible from the street. 2. The fact that the proposed deck addition would be a reversible alteration does not make the deck proposal acceptable given finding #1 above. RESOLVE, to reverse the Commission's decisaon in this matter. The Council finds that the Commission erred in its findings based upon the following finding: 1 ���� 2 1. The�ir� �1$c.es an existing deck. 3 2. The proposed deck can be removed in the futuze with no architectural problems for the existing structure. 3. The structure is not identified as a contributing structure in the historic dish 4. This non-contributing structure is not pivotal to the historic district. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 C� 1-`l f� fo ANA BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of David Thom be and is hereby granted; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council secretary shall mail a copy of this resolution to David Thom, the Zoning Administrator, and to the Commission. Requested by Department of: By: J", Approved by Mayor: Date �� � ��/ By: 7 � By: Form Approv d by City Attorney � �2(L+/�o��� B ���✓G�� ?- 2Y-o2 Approve Mayor for Submission to Council sy: � Adopted by Council: Date � �OQ \ Adoption Certified by Counci Secre ry aooi I GREEN SHEET � 1-7�� No 1 �: :; � ? 5 Councilmember Kathy Lanhy 6-8670 oarMU�raw[c,o¢ ancauci_ iT BE ON COUNGIIAGENOA BY @ATEI Suspension for 7/25/Ol �*�" wre�wrt an�naawr ❑anawc rtouuxa � ww�cw.auxcFaort ❑ rwxeu�mm�aro ❑ wvoaw�e�+mr� ❑ TOTAL # OF SlGNATIlRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution approving appeal of David Thom from a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission. PUWNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TOTAL AfitOUM OF TRANSAGTIDN f �UNCIN6 SOURCE tlas aec p�OMUm euerwoilcea wtlera wmact rorurie aepartmenn YES NO Fms Mis Pe�apUfmm rr been a cRy empbyee9 YES NO Dces Mic Y�rm P�sse� a sldM not m1mai�YPoeaessed bY anY current citY emWoYce9 YE3 NO' Is tlils pe1eaNfitm a fergEted wntlOYt YES NO (CIRCIE ON� YES NO ACiNT'NUMBER INANCtAi INFORAIPTION (FXPLAfN) OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIROMvSENTAL PROTECTION RobertKessler,Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm CoTem¢n, Mayor September 8, 2000 LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 St. Peter Sbeet Smr� ^ - �"nxuota 55102-ISlO � � � � ► C� q1a� 1� Ms. Nancy Andezson Assistant Secretary to the City Council 310 City Hail Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 0 � -���n �� Telephone: 657-266-9090 Fncsimile: 651-266-9I24 � ����� ��C4'!� S�`���� ZUU U� �� Z,� I I would like to request that a public hearing before the City Council be scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2000 for the following appeal of a Heritage Preservation Commission decision: Appellants: HPC File: Purpose: Address: David Thom #4064 Appeal a Heritage Preservation Commission decision to deny approval of a building permit to replace rear second story deck 410 Eichenwald Street The Heritage Preservation Commission held a public hearing on this matter and voted 5- 2 on August 24, 2Q00 to deny the requested permit. This City Council public hearing does not require published notice. Please call me at 266-9014 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� Tom Riddering Building Code Official c: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director James Bellus, HPC Chair Peter Warner, Assastant City Attorney David Thom ✓ ��—�—�rc� �1�-� '}�i�? tf��, d : 3��a � L _� r .- .� _, ;. .,�.-'i .,_ ;i'�� � � � �� �-��� ��� _ 7 �� �-�..,-��, S fi -� �a o � �a� �J �.1 ��-��� _� o� � G�e ������- �� � �a � ��,�P ��s � �' cG � � ��c'- � � �- ; ��� � �y ����� �, ,�,� � C�, � �' t � �� C( '� {�j/ � ��. ����� J �,� ! ,�� Y� � � j � � i �.� � ��.1�� �� �� -��c�� �� �..� �",� ��� ��� ��� �>�������' � . — �-����—� { 7� �� CITY OF 5AINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION CQNINIISSION RESOLUTION FTI,E NUMBER 4064 DATE 21 September 2000 o �_��� WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservarion Commission (HPC) is authorized by Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to review permit applications for exterior alterations, new construcrion ar demolition on or within designated Heritage Preservatson Sites or Heritage Preservation Districts; and WT3EREA5, Da�id Thom has applied for a building permit to replace a rear second story deck at 41Q Eichenwald Street, located within the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District; and WHEREAS, the existing structure ott the site is the Charles Chase House, a two-story, Italianate style, clapboard sided structure conshucted in 1880 and is characterized as pivotal to the chazacter of the district; and WHEREAS, the following citation in the City's Legislative Code concerning HPC review of building permits for additions or alterations: Chapter 73, Heritage Preservation Commission; Section 73.06, Review of pernuts; Paragraph (i), Factors to be considered: Before approving any permit application required under paragraph (d) of this section to be approved by the heritage preservarion commission, the commission shall make findings based on the program for the preservation and architectural conh�ol for the heritage preservation site in regard to the following: (1) In the case of a proposed alterafion or addifion to an existing building, that such alTeration or addition will not materially impair the azchitecturai ar historic value of the building, and shall make written findings considering the existang structures and e�sting exterior appearance, building height, building width, depth or other dimensions, roof style, type of building materials, ornamentation, paving and setback. WHEREAS, relevant portions of the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District design review guidelines for additions or alterations Chat pertain to the proposed building include the following; IV. Sec. 74.87. CTenerai principles. (1) All work should be of a character and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. N. Sec. 74.87. (4) New add'ations or alterations to structures shouid be constructed in such a manner that if such addirions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the form and integrity of the original structure would be unimpaired. . HPC Resolution re: 410 Eichenwald Street / File #4064 21 September 2000 IV. Sec. 74.87. {5) The impact of alterations or additions on individual buildings as well as on the surrounding streetscape will be considered; major alterations to buildings wluch occupy a �orner lot or are otherwise prominently sited should be avoided. N. Sec. 74.87. (6) iVew construction should be compatihle with the historic and azchitectural character of the disirict. a� ��� IV. Sec. 74.88. Restoration and rehabilitation. (6) Decks. Decks should be consmicted only at the rear of the building or where most inconspicuous. Railings, steps and other deck details should be comparible with the arciutectural character of the building. IV. Sec. 74.88. (7) Firestairs. The detailing of firestairs should be compatible with the period and style of the building. Firestairs should be located as inconspicuously as possible. WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, based apon the evidence presented at its August 24, 2000 pubiic heating on said pernut applicafion, made the following findings of fact concerning the replacement of the an existing, reaz second story deck: The proposed deck and stairway does not conform to the Dayton's Biuff Heritage Preservation Distdct design review guidelines. 'The deck would be incompatible with the historic character and architectural integrity of the shucture and the district. It wouid appear as a large attachment or appendage to Che house rather than a deck that is integrated into the design of the b¢iiding. The deck would be conspicuous and visible from the street. 2. The fact that the proposed deck addition would be a reversible alteration does not make the deck proposal acceptable given finding #1 above. Decisions of the Heritage Preservation Commission are fmal, subject to appeai to the City Council within 14 days by anyone affected by the decision. This resoiutiou does not obviate the need for meeting applicable building and zoning cade requirements, and does not constitute approval for tax credits.